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S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Printable Version

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RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - BWIII - 03-05-2019

Yo welcome to my apartment here in Anaheim completely paid for by the least that's what I was told as I never pay any rent here. It's pretty damn small because you can't rent shit here. 3rd floor with a few windows, except those windows just face other buildings so not much of a view either. I do got a balcony but it's barely big enough to fit two people on so I got the grill facing the door so I stand inside and use the grill sitting outside....pretty nifty and convenient and if it happens to be any kind of cold, let's face it it's Cali so it's not, but if it were I wouldn't get cold. On the counter I got one of them jager dispenser things, always flowing. Then we got this water fountain thing right next to it that I rigged up to flow vodka 24/7 because you know how I do. Gotta always have them drinks flowing. Back in the back is my bedroom, a queen size, I know what you're thinking how'd I get that in here, well it's basically the only thing in the room. The AC don't work though so that's nice, just keep the windows open and smell that sweet Cali air, just don't inhale too deeply....or do if you know what I mean. Mostly though I just chill on the sectional and roll some blunts and drink some drinks.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - notorioustig - 03-05-2019

Since moving up to the SHL in S45, Tig Murphy has been living in the basement of friend and teammate Nour Harrak. Since Nour is a star and has lots of money, the house is pretty sweet - three storeys, eight bedrooms, TVs everywhere, every game console under the sun, and stupidly fast internet he bribed a government contractor to set up for them. The pool is great, and Murphy enjoys bringing his friends over for weekend hangouts while Nour accomplishes more grown up tasks. Murphy has learned a lot about nutrition from living with Nour, as it's become obvious that pizza and beer is a viable diet for high-performance athletes as both of these studs are pulling it off. Murphy does do a lot around the house as repayment, including being possibly the tidiest house guest known to man. He's so clean that you'd never know he was there, which is actually the point - Murphy has never told Nour that he's crashing at his place and is constantly hiding the evidence.


RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Raven - 03-05-2019

Quote:Task: in 150 words or more, give SHL Cribs a tour of your place! Where is it? How big is it? what's in it? does it have amenities or special features? how about the cars?? and of course most importantly.. what's in your fridge!

Yo SHL Cribs welcome to my crib!

Let me show you the thing that I am the most proud of in my house. This basement here, is a full on man cave. Fully equiped with a working bar, featuring a beer tap, hard liquor taps, a fridge filled with all kinds of sodas, beers and other hard drinks. A game area, with a pool table, fusball table, air hockey table and multiple arcade machines. If we walk through this door here we enter the bowling ally with 4 bowling lanes and if we make a left here we find ourselfs in a private little library area, where I can sit back relax and read a good book. Outside is a big old pool where I love to spend tons of time in during the summer months. Well that's all the awesome stuff in my cirbs. As you can see there is never a dull moment in the Havran house.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - HoltzFan10 - 03-05-2019

Benjamin Blue now lives in a suburb of Tampa Bay, in a regular house about 10 minutes from the city. It has 2 floors and a basement, and a storage “attic”. Now, Blue is not a normal human being (is he even a human?????), so his house isn’t as normal as it looks from the outside. Inside, as you enter through the front door, you go into a small hallway with a closet for shoes and of the sorts. If you open the door from that hallway, you see the living room, which is one of the only 3 rooms.. It has a 70’s disco ball and an arrangement of various instruments like violin, cello, piano, but you will never see a viola. You can usually find blue practicing his instruments 40 hours a day, but when he’s not practicing he’s either playing EHM/FHM on his PC, which is in the big room in the basement. Upstairs he has a humble bedroom with a regular queen sized bed, and his hockey equipment.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - slothfacekilla - 03-05-2019

150 words or more (oh god what have I done), give SHL Cribs a tour of your place!  Where is it? How big is it? what's in it? does it have amenities or special features? how about the cars?? and of course most importantly.. what's in your fridge!

Hello there to my favorite SHL'ers, welcome to my Halifax crib!  After being drafted last season I spent the early weeks of my Raider career living in a hotel near the rink.  Being a bit shy and not knowing anybody, I expected to stay in the hotel for my entire time in Halifax.  But luckily when I was named a S45 assistant captain, team captain Dominic Montogomery insisted that I move in with him and our other assistant Perry Morgan, and we've been living it up in our bachelor pad ever since.

We settled into a fairly modest 3 bedroom, 3 bath place about twenty minutes away from the arena.  I mentioned to Dom and Perry that we should definitely upgrade to something lavish this season, but after my contract from New Orleans came through I decided I needed to save all the cash I could.  We do have a large kitchen at least, which seemed to be a must for Perry and Dom.  I think Perry just wanted to make sure there was plenty of space around his weird ass SodaStream monstrosity that he won't let anybody else touch.  Seriously, Perry is REALLY protective of that thing.  Any time Dom or I poke fun at Perry for using it he drags it into his room and slams his door, I have no idea what he's doing with it and frankly I don't want to know.   You can get better soda down at the corner store, but don't tell Perry that.  And now that I think about it, I've never seen him actually USE the damn thing....why the hell is this taking up counter space?  ANYWAYS.  I love our kitchen because of the huge fridge.  As you can see on my shelves I only have the essentials: 

[Image: h4CCABA71]

Ignore Dom and Perry's crap at the bottom, I don't even know what that is.

Moving on to our living room, this is probably where I spend most of my time.  The couches are perfect for me to pass out on after a long night out or to bunker down on to play video games to unwind.  It isn't the biggest room, but we have some Raiders over now and then to hang out.  Last week Troy stopped by and managed to forget half a bottle of Jack Daniels when he left, good luck getting that back Troy.  Speaking of which, this little dude next to the couch is also named Troy:

[Image: ink9683_copy.jpg]
Named by Dom, like Troy it is prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside.  Dom somehow managed to sneak the cactus into the bachelor pad, as we each got ONE decoration to bring without it being veto-ed by the other two....and somehow Dom got TWO.  It must be nice to be the captain...  You can see his magical second veto proof decoration over there by the dining table:

[Image: ?resize_to=width&src=https%3A%2F%2Fartsy...quality=80]

I've taken this thing down and hidden it so many times, but I think Dom installed a tracking beacon in it just so he could keep hanging it.  Luckily I never eat at the table so I don't have to think about that thing too much.  Most of the time I'm either eating on one of the couches while watching TV, or eating in my room...speaking of which let's go check out my room.

I have to keep the door closed so that my little buddy doesn't tear up the bachelor pad while I'm not home.  Okay Rupert you can come out now!

[Image: Fh4F9IY.gif?format=1000w]

Don't mind Rupes, once he gets to know you he's super friendly.  Please don't tell too many people about him, we aren't allowed to have pets in this building, but somehow I've managed to keep him a secret from our land lord for over a year.  Rupert was MY one item (get it Dom, ONE item) for the bachelor pad and I think mines the best of the three (well four) to be honest.  Perry and Dom do seem to be quite jealous of Rupert as they have been known to call him the "r" word a lot (robot, pretty disgusting of them but I love the guys). If I drop any food or spill my beer Rupert is always quick to eat or drink the mess up, basically the perfect pet.  It can be quite a chore to get Dom and Perry to help out with Rupes though, usually if I get home from practice later than them I have to yell at them for not letting Rupert out to get exercise.  Seriously, if Rupert doesn't get out enough during the day he'll keep me up all night.

And over here is where the magic happens (pointing to the bed).  And by magic I just mean it is pretty magical if I make it there instead of passing out on the floor.  *God I'm so lonely* Otherwise I try to keep my room fairly minimalistic: a small desk with my gaming PC in the corner, a mini fridge in the opposite side, and finally this is where I keep my newly bought wakeboard I purchased after offseason boating with Dom, Perry, and Troy in Michigan:

I pretty much only wear the warm-up clothes I've been given by Halifax and New Orleans (seriously what was up with that Specter contract) so I don't need too much room.  I can't say I'm looking forward to moving out, even with the small bedroom.  I'm going to miss living with Dom and Perry, and I'm definitely sad we will be split up.  This is my first time with roommates and it couldn't be any better.

Alright everybody, thanks for stopping by.  Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go move Perry's SodaStream two inches to the left and throw that damned dog artwork on the roof.  Watch the beer bottles on the way out!

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Rabidsponge21 - 03-05-2019

Despite having quite the funds to back him up to buy a larger house Schroder has kept his life rather modest. His property is one of decent size but his house is nothing MASSIVE by modern day standards. A 4 Bedroom house which is situated in British Columbia, Canada, he spends as much time as possible at his home residence when possible. Having spent his Junior career there, he immediately fell in love with the country, province and climate. His house's most impressive features are easily his kitchen and man cave. Being an avid gamer, he has a stellar computer set up, and mixed with his love for cooking sets up a 1-2 punch for the most prominent parts of his crib. The yard is spacious and surrounded by trees, letting him relax in the mornings to the smell of ever greens and birds singing as he enjoys his coffee. Whats in his fridge? An aray of fresh veggies and local herbs to compliment any meal he has. (168 Words)

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Jenny - 03-05-2019

Olivier lives in an apartment with Leopold Lockhart on the outskirts of Anchorage, and though it's not overly large, its main feature is the huge windows looking out onto the trees with mountains in the distance. They've got the requisite big TV and nice couch - Olivier would love to talk to you about his digital movie collection. The apartment is surprisingly clean for a couple of teen boys and the fridge well-stocked. Both Leo and Olivier cook, but the cookbooks on a shelf were gifts to Olivier from his family.

Most of the many hair products in the bathroom belong to Olivier as well, and he barely has enough closet and dresser space in his bedroom for all his clothes, though he makes it work with his expert folding skills. His bedspread is a green gradient, and the bed is always neatly made. There's a watercolour painting of the Festival of Lights in Lyon hanging above the bed and a French translation of a Brandon Sanderson book on the nightstand.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - micool132 - 03-05-2019

[Image: 3760971-0259204992-Mordh.jpg]

Nathan Explosion's house is the famous Mordhaus. This gigantic building is home to him and his other bandmates. The service staff/soldiers/slaves also known as The Gears are making sure the most brutal of bands never misses anything. There is even a dungeaon for ambitious fans trying to steal a copy of their latest album. Talking of producing music, the in-house studio allows the band to record all of the bands hits. Lately, Explosion's taste for hockey made him replace the Karate Room for an Ice hockey rink. He later regretted the move when he learned fights were part of the hockey game and could use some Karate Training as well as a rink. The recent succes of the Dethklok's frontman brought in some fans to watch him practice on his lonely rink, some say there was more people in attendance than at the latest St-Louis Scarecrows game. Lastly, the house also has a gigantic kitchen, an helipad and a clown torture room, just in case.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Troy_McClure03 - 03-05-2019

Hello everyone and welcome to my house!!

We enter this 600 square feet abode into the common area! To the right you will see the toilet / shower area, please do not use it. To the left you will see my couch, it is all brand new furnishings and everything. Please feel free to sot down and slam doors or do whatever you want.

I'M most proud of my space saving bunk bed / desk combo. You will notice the ladderway has plastic to prevent visitors from climbing up. I do not show guest in my bedroom, sorry. But yes, I do have buzz lightyear sheets, and yes they are amazing! Anyway, I'd invite you to sit down and watch TV but as you can see it is a fake TV.

You must leave now, as IKEA is closing and I gotta hide until the final sweep so they do not discover me. Thanks for stopping by grab some meatballs on the way out!

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - ej27 - 03-05-2019

Leo Lockhart lives in a generic apartment with a generic roommate. Just kidding, the apartment is generic as fuck, but Cloutier is pretty chill most of the time. He spends a lot of time in the bathroom, but that's fine as long as Leo gets first shower--can't have Clouts using all the hot water while he's in there deep conditioning his hair or whatever.

Anyway, the place is fine. The best feature is for sure the huge windows with the view of the mountains. The kitchen is nothing fancy, but between Leo and Clouts, they have a lot of fancy appliances and their fridge is surprisingly well stocked for a couple of teenagers.

Leo's room is pretty big, plenty of room for his hats. His favorite possession is for sure the king-size bed he bought after he was drafted by the Pride. He doesn't have a TV in his room because he only ever watches shit on the bus or when Clouts makes him watch one of his pretentious movies in the living room. He doesn't have a lot of books or anything, either because he mostly uses his kindle for reading. He's got a few framed pictures of his family and a signed and framed Landvik jersey that he hasn't hung on the wall yet.

So yeah, it's not much, but it's not a billet house either, so Leo's pretty thrilled about it.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - hewasajazzman - 03-05-2019

ya know, just because i got that SHL money doesn’t mean i can afford some crazy huge house with a 17 car garage, 6 bathrooms, and basketball court or whatever. i mean christ... i go to the gym once a week and for some reason that shit costs me a million dollars. so i got myself a nice two bedroom, one bathroom ranch style house over in western mass. i’ve lived in the area most my life so why not? only a couple hour drive to Manhattan anyway. it’s all about what you do with your space. the bedroom i dont use is a sweet music studio where i can pretend i know what the hell i’m doin’. the rest of the house is pretty much just like any... until you go to the basement. got the bar setup with a pool table and some darts. hard to leave the place sometimes. i can tell you whats in that fridge down there: beer. any kind you want. from PBR to Treehouse and everything inbetween.

178 words

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - Paq - 03-05-2019

Hey gang it's Xavier Paquette here to show you around my crib. So let's get to it. We'll start off here in the parlour where I have many fine books and a lovely rustic fireplace, as you can see. Moving on into the kitchen you'll see this space is very recently renovated. I like to cook and I like good meals cooked for me, so everything is top of the line. And you already know I keep the fridge stocked, we got every kind of drink in here, some dank snacks, you know what it is. Alright so the next room here is where the magic happens if you know what I'm saying. This is my sex dungeon. I'm pretty big into some weird freaky shit so this is just kinda where I express myself sexually and it- oh that's too much detail? Ummmm can we cut here? I thought this stuff was normal?

PBE/NSFL: speculadora

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - sharksisback - 03-05-2019

What's up, it's ya boi Troy Reynolds here to show you around my sweet house. First of all, take your fucking shoes off when you enter my house. Sophia didn't clean this place up just to have you track whatever shit you brought in from the outside world onto her carpets. This is a nice two bedroom home. I'm really glad it has two bedrooms because that became useful when Sophia got pissed off about the hookers. It's a decent sized home, not too big, not too small. And before you ask, no we do not host parties here because parties are overrated. If I wanted to go see some dopey ass teenagers smoke pot, I'd go back to Manitowoc and find some dumbass high schoolers. I don't need that shit in my house. That's stuff you reserve for doing at your friend's house. And it's legal here so bite me, critics. What's in my house? Me and Sophia and our cat. Look at our cat and fucking worship her beauty.
[Image: 295212_3839391670148_668524905_n.jpg]
SHE'S FUCKING ADORABLE AND YOU WILL LOVE MY CAT OR I WILL KILL YOU. Anyways, I would lead you to our master bedroom but it's currently undergoing cleanup due to an accident on the bed. And then on the floor. Then in the shower. It was an eventful night okay. I drive a simple man's car, a nice 2019 Nissan Sentra. It gets some nice gas mileage and quite frankly I'm not a narcissist who buys a fuckin Lambo or some shit. I love our environment so I'm trying to cut down on emissions while not filling the pockets of that cock Elon Musk. And in my fridge, I've got some Coors Light. That's Coors Light because Bud Light don't pay me nothin. And we've got your usual snacks like bacon, some frozen pizza in the freezer and some leftover funtime brownies. That's my house, now get the fuck out of here.

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - MrPrime - 03-06-2019

Hello everyone and welcome to What's In My Fridge! I mean SHL Cribs! The show where SHL players open up their door for you all to see what's inside their fridge!

This week we go to Montreal in beautiful Longueuil near the Montreal Canadiens' training center where lives Sebastien Primeau goalie for the Minnesota Chiefs!

Let's be real here all you care about is to see what's in his fridge correct? Who cares if he has a hockey-oriented man cave in the basement including a small rink to practice shots at? Does anyone cares about his room where he has several hockey memorabilia including his own jerseys up from the days where he played in the Q to the Detroit Falcons and the Minnesota Chiefs? There is a replica of the Challenge Cup and Corcoran Award in there too! His room smells like 6 million dollars although it reeks of modesty here and there although the geek in him is ever present in a room with a wall filled with various video games.

But you all only want to know about the fridge right?
He has the type of fridge that has a camera to look inside, it was a gift he didn't buy it himself. Inside is a Keto diet lover's paradise with loads of fat products, delicious vegetables, cheeses, meats and more!

You want to know what else is in his fridge? You'll have to get invited for dinner!

Word count: 241

RE: S46 PT #2 - SHL Cribs - ErM - 03-06-2019

My place is obviously in Edmonton it is of adequate size. It does not have any special features or amenities, as it is a typical modest Canadian home. I do have a central heating system as well as a small woodstove. The single bedroom and bathroom are more than suitable for a professional hockey player like Tor Tuck. Since it is a small apartment I do not have a garage nor do I own a vehicle. I have put all of my money into some low fee mutual funds so I can enjoy a comfortable retirement at the end of my career.

Now onto my fridge, in it I have regular food stuff that you would find. Obviously I have two shelves full of the essentials, one is all cheese curds and poutine and the other is a vat of Edmonton’s best maple syrup. Aside from that, I have a few gallons of milk, some eggs, and various moose meat cuts to keep my protein intake up.