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S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - Printable Version

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S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - ej27 - 09-29-2019

PT 1 - Traditions, Myths, and Legends

Congratulations, you just got drafted!  Your first order of business?  Learn a little more about your new team.  Every team has its own culture.  Tell us a little bit about your team's weird traditions, myths, or legends.  

Written option: Write about one or more of your new team's traditions, myths, or legends.  Must include 150 words and a quote from one veteran member of your team's locker room.

Graphic option: Make a graphic depicting a tradition/myth/legend from your team in whatever creative format you can come up with. Must include a quote from one veteran member of your team's locker room.

4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the options, not both.)

Only S50 SMJHL Rookies (S51 SHL Rookies) are eligible for this PT.

Do NOT claim TPE for this task until a post has been made in the claim thread.

Sunday 10/6 @10PM ET

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - UnderSpider - 09-30-2019

Not a lot of people know this one.

I must say it was the biggest supprise seeing the general manager handing me a firearm.

- A gun? I ask not knowing what was happening.
- Its a tradition rookie and its not just a gun. Its a genuine american glock. Each and every single of us have one.
- Are we at war? I ask sheeply.
- Nah Blue. Welcome to the Anchorage Armada where everyone of us is ready to defend this team to the last breath.

I could only accept the gift. 
The weapon was dazzling new, the work of the master forgers of Anchorage I have learned later.
The mastercraft was made with the team logo engraved next to a single quote : Forever Remember The Armada

- You have no excuse to forget us now, Blue.
- I would never.
- Ha! That is what what I like to hear and now about the last games...

[Image: 1dvO2CV.png]

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - bluesfan55 - 09-30-2019

Anchorage has a tradition of the legendary discount code WANG20. On the mysterious website (or any other website for that matter), you can use the code WANG20 for 20% off your purchase. And on, you can buy anything you want to. A new stick? You got it. Chocolates for the lady in your life? Hell yeah, brother. Even some (il)legal drugs or sex toys? has got you covered for all of that. When reached for comment, Armada defenseman Augustus Wang, the namesake of the code, had this to say. "Using promo code WANG20 on SHLKUSH.COM gives you 20% off the finest goods and services that money can buy. Whether that's some of that good stuff or a little R&R from a friend, we have you're looking for. Remember to use promo code WANG20 at checkout to save 20% on your first order." Wang runs the site too, I forgot to mention that. So, use code WANG20 today. Who knows, maybe you'll get a sexy ass new pair of skates for cheap?

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - NJBadApple - 09-30-2019

[Image: PT1.png]

Despite repeated efforts from the member-at-large to cover up the respect, I'm going to recognize one of Kelowna's greatest players of all time. Alex Light was a product of the S30 SMJHL Draft, drafted at an incredible 33rd overall.. yes, a 5th rounder. This man not only went on to become an SHL mainstay, but before all of that he made himself his own name throughout the Knight's franchise. 150 games later, Alex Light amassed 132 points and a +44, good for top 10 in the history of the entire team. His 484 shots also rank inside the top ten, while his 121 hits and 32 power play points also showcase his ability to capitalize when the opportunity arises. Alex Light not only proved to be one of the greatest draft steals of all time, he grew into Head GM of the Knights and still has his presence felt in the Kelowna locker room to this day.

Words: 157

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - mxman991 - 09-30-2019

I've rushed for a fraternity before, I mean I didn't end up even going to college, but I rushed. Wait what was the point of that? Oh yeah, I've rushed and done some odd things, but the tradition of having to lick your hockey stick was an odd one. I mean I understand that the idea of tasting victory, but I am pretty sure they were just messing with me. Come to think of it I didn't even see Bjornoson or Abel do it... Damn it! Well, I guess it is a tradition now right? No way that I don't do that to the next draft class when they come to Halifax. Anyways, I did get some good advice from Atlas at least about what this team stands for, he told me that "Raiders are enduring, and Raiders protect their own". When I look at the city of Halifax enduring on the coast and how the people stand for each other it makes me proud to be part of the organization.

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - iOBESE - 09-30-2019

When looking at Kelowna Knights you would think that there must be some sort of legend of myth about the team, you know, something like King Arthur's legend or any thing. And if the team have any tradition it has to be to do something with chivalry, like maybe inducting all the new players into the team with a sword or anything like that. In the reality it has nothing to do with Knight related at all. Being interested what is the thing for the team that travels year through year as usually all the players have their own pre-game rituals or some superstitious beliefs, I asked around but no one seemed to know, at least not yet. Then luckily for me, an alumni of the Kelowna Knights paid us a visit and I had a chance to ask him the question and the answer was very interesting. Apparently, based on what I was told, there is a tradition that every seasons, before the season starts, the teams captain has to make waffles for the whole team. This tradition started 20 seasons ago, when the captain at that time was gifted a waffle maker and instructed by GM's to make waffles for the team.

Im yet to get my waffles...

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - sailingdrumstick - 09-30-2019

Atlas Rush "Matt Kholin who now plays for Tampa. He was an alleged murderer"

Matt Kholin

Matt Kholin

Matt Kholin

Here's a little tidbit of info for you: Matt Kholin Murders.

That's right. You heard it here. He murders, and he gets away with it. In the age of social media, our phones being followed and everything else being tracked....he was able to get away with it.

Now what does this have to do with our locker room you ask? 

Rallying point. 

As you know, the raiders are a young team with a lot of rookies. The odds are stacked against us, we know it, the world knows it. But do you know who else the odds were stacked against? Matt Kholin. He was not supposed to get away with this. He was supposed to be found out and charged to the fullest extent of the law. But alas, he roams free.

Before a game, after licking our sticks to remind ourselves that we can taste victory. We all gather in a big circle, and remind ourselves that even in a world where everyone says you should fail, you can succeed. We can succeed. The hockey world says we are subpar at best, but if Matt Kholin can get away with murder, we can win this game and prove ourselves as a true force in this league. It turns into a rallying cry where we are all yelling and getting the adrenaline pumping to get out there and show the team and everyone in the stands that we will defy the odds and beat this shift up.

Matt Kholin murders, and the Halifax Raiders win games.

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - Zoone16 - 10-01-2019

Lets take a dive into a few unknown traditions within the Knights locker room, as revealed to us by former Knights captain and soon to be retiree, Alex Light:

“Well, first, everyone knows about the waffle maker that the captain of the team has to wield. I think Cory Knouse broke the original one and had to buy a replacement. Might have been my fault as we were winning so much in the 2 seasons I was holding on to it”. @ckroyal92

“Second, and lesser known tradition, our meeting room has a round table. That’s right. The Knights have a round table. More of an ‘O’ as the center was useless otherwise. Ever seen 20 players, plus staff, coaches etc. sit around a round table? Yup. It’s massive.”

“Third tradition is the MVP of the game when we win gets to wear a Knight’s helmet as they talk to the media. Although I think that Vasily [Horvat] dented it back in S32 or S33 after he decided to see how resistant to his punches it was. I think JJ [Langabeer] had a minor concussion from that. I remember him struggling to get his big head out of it after those punches.” @Slowpoke

(200 words)

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - Jearim - 10-01-2019

Getting drafted by Vancouver was a thrill. A great place to be. The first time i walked into the arena with managment they gave us rookies the walk around and showed us a bunch of stuff before orientation. However at Orientation they spoke about Whale eating. They said it so in passing i think the other rookies didn't even notice. It was the following day that we got to meet the roster players and have them take us out on the town. That's when it happened. After supper we went to the Shop called "Flubber for your Blubber". Once we walked in all we saw was chunks of white fat hanging. It was there that Björn Leppänen handed me a piece of that white fat. He said "to be a Whale hunter you must eat a part of a whale. It is the only way to know your enemy that you are hunting." For a minute there i thought we were a hockey team by day and whale hunters by night. It appears the tradition started the last season Vancouver won a cup. It's their team tradition now, which has me wondering about staying.

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - adamantium - 10-01-2019

"The tyre hazing wasn't supposed to turn out like that... we had to take him to the hospital for internal bleeding." - Nikolai Evans

"Yeah, there are certainly some traditions in Halifax I wasn't ready for. In Medicine Hat, the rookies just participated in a bag skate, but they had something very different planned for me out East... I remember a bunch of the vets and some alumni from the team calling out the rookies to a big hill, very tall and very long. With a bunch of tyres in hand, lined up three at a time. No one had told me that there was tyre hazing at Halifax, but we were put into them and rolled down the hill--at the bottom a few alumni were set up to help slow the tires from going too far and too fast... I got into my tyre and at the bottom was Nikolai Evans--I'd been watching him play forever so that felt very exciting--and started rolling. The thing they don't tell you about rolling in a tyre is that you get very sick very fast. I'm small, so I figured I wouldn't gain much speed but I still hurtled down the hill at a great speed and the one thing I noticed as I rolled past was Nikolai's back turned away from my tyre, and so I kept rolling. About five hundred feet later, the tyre fell over and I crawled out and started throwing up a little blood... I can only assume this was Nikolai's attempt to ruin my draft stock. [Laughs]." - Julien Villeneuve, on a Halifax radio show.

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - Mook - 10-01-2019

[Image: parms.jpg]

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - HyperboleJoe - 10-01-2019

The Halifax Raiders have a long history with hauntings in the arena. The most face is the case of Tops Bundy, a young man from Halifax who rose to prominence for his silky mitts, cheery dangles, and judicial use of the cross bar when scoring goals against much more experienced competition. It's said that Bundy was out lighting up some neighborhood boys when he fell through some weak ice on the pond. The boys attempted to assist, but could do nothing to help him. It was presumed Tops sank to the bottom, however, his body was never discovered. The Raiders put their stadium up right on top of the old pond where Tops Bundy drowned. It's been said by those who care for the arena, that late at night you can hear the PING! of pucks going bar down.

Not one to be frightened of ghosts, Jimmy Slothface said, "More like Bottoms Bundy am I right"?

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - LairdButler - 10-02-2019

So I just got drafted to the Anchorage Armada out of the blue. No seriously, had no idea these guys were even scoping me out. But now that I'm here, they seem like a good bunch of guys that I wouldn't mind taking a few hits for, so I think it's time I introduced them to an old Hanson family tradition. Doughnuts!!!! I know what you're thinking and you're damn right. Stan Hanson, the toughest S.O.B. to ever skate out of Badger, MN, loves the Doughnuts! I mean come on, I was named after my Dad's favorite Hockey God, Stan Mikita, who also made some tasty Doughnuts. How could I not love them? Much like Stan, this Stan also plans on opening a chain of tasty doughnut shops when he retires. So get ready Armada, cause in the morning Stan's making doughnuts!

That's legit - EJ(Disclaimer: quote taken out of context from Discord)

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - KC15 - 10-02-2019

PBE Affiliation

RE: S50 SMJHL PT 1: Traditions, Myths, and Legends - traphag - 10-03-2019

"Just touch it," Ivan Maximus said to me. "It's good luck."

"No way," I said. "It smells terrible."

"It's tradition," he said. "You want us to win, right? Don't mess with tradition."

Yes, I wanted to win. Even though it was a preseason game, it was going to be my first in an Anaheim Outlaws uniform and I didn't want to let anybody down. But the piece of cheese sitting in front of me smelled like ammonia, and I couldn't help but think that someone was trying to poison me. Well, there's a lot of crap you have to do as a rookie, I thought. Might as well get it over with.

So I touched the cheese. Camembert is what I think he called it; some French name, anyway. It was unexpectedly soft and gooey, and it stuck to my finger. Ew.

"OK, now eat it," Ivan said.


"It's a lot better than it smells, I promise."

Well, they wouldn't want me to eat it if it's really poison; they wouldn't want to be down a defenseman. So I gave it a taste and, well, it was actually kind of good. Really good, actually. Like Brie, but better.

"What, do they not have good cheese like this in your part of Russia?" Ivan said. "Here's what you have to know about cheese: the smellier, the better. Now let's get out there and win the game."