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S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Printable Version

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S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - hotdog - 03-23-2020

Luckily for all of us, the S in SHL stands for "Simulation," which means our virtual league can continue unimpeded by global crisis. But let's pretend for a second that a global pandemic was sweeping through the SHL universe as well, the league was suspended, and quarantine and shelter-in-place orders were announced.

Written task (150 words min.): How would your player handle a quarantine-at-home situation? Focus on any aspect you would like, including: what would your player do to fill the time? Would they be feeling lonely, picking up new hobbies, sexting old exes, helping out those in need? Would they be able to stay in game shape for when the season eventually begins?

Graphic task: Show us an image of what your player is doing at home while they're sheltering at home (a new hobby, a home workout, whatever you want).

Note for all: This is a serious situation, so please be respectful in your response. The ability to quarantine at home is a luxury, and one not available to those who are out of work and still forced to pay rent or medical costs, those who are without stable housing or access to affordable medical care in the first place, or those immediately affected by the virus. If you are fortunate enough to be able to safely and comfortably quarantine at home, please consider offering time/money/resources to organizations that are working 24/7 to help out those who are not. (here's a list of examples and here's another list and here's a third list and here's a notable standout and here's another notable standout)

Alternate task: I know many people use the SHL as a distraction from whatever is going on in the real world on a day-to-day basis and I assume this number is drastically higher at a time like this. I chose this prompt to be topical, but if thinking about this situation stresses you out and the last thing you want to do is have to think about it during your SHL time, feel free to instead write 150+ words or make a graphic about your player's offseason training regimen and what your player is doing to get ready and in shape for the S53 season.

You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This PT will close Sunday, March 29th at 11:59pm ET.

Welfare claims from either PBE or NSFL are accepted! (if you’re claiming welfare and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.)

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - The__Y-man__100 - 03-23-2020

Boris took quarantine as a time to reconnect with his roots. He started growing his garden again, full of potatoes and garlic (all the Slavic essentials). Boris also now had a reason to get drunk every day as it was brought to his attention that alcohol kills the corona virus... Boris also needed some companionship in this lonely isolated time, so he bought himself a heard of goats to help mow the grass and fertilize his new garden. When general manager @hotdog pulled up to Boris' home to inform him the pre season is about to begin and it was time to report to camp, Boris wasn't sure he could give up the new "livin off the land" lifestyle. It did not matter that Boris was under contract, he was ready to retire and be a farmer, until the unthinkable happened. Hotdog challenged Boris to a drinking contest and if he won Boris would have to return to camp. To this day Boris doesn't know how he lost (Hotdog provided his own vodka... Boris was really drunk but maybe Hotdog had a water bottle instead), but it is what it is, time to go win a cup with New England

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Lime - 03-23-2020

Steve would of course be very bored while being quarantined. The Hair is quite the social animal, even though most of his friends are little kids. There's nothing weird about that. So it is unusual for him to need to find things to do on his own. He could probably spend a decent chunk of time perfecting his hair every day, but nobody would ever get to see it. So he'd probably just listen to sweet 80s songs and watch sick 80s movies all day. Things like Terminator, Big Trouble in Little China, and Risky Business are all Steve approved classics. Maybe he'd whack a puck around in the garage too if he was really feeling like bringing work home. Steve was always more of a baseball guy growing up you see? Hockey is just what he's good at. But the whole time he would be worried about the health of his scoops troop.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Nokazoa - 03-23-2020

[Image: jpb_yoga.png]
JPB does yoga

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Nhamlet - 03-23-2020

With this big quarantine going on, it would be a good opportunity in extending a helping hand and probably giving those around me a place to reach out to if they needed assistance with anything. Something as simple as being able to buy groceries for others for those who can't like those elderly, immunocompromised would be a small but helpful thing. As well to fill out the time, it might be a good opportunity to work on finishing any school or other things that they might not have been able to catch up on in the middle of the busy season. Things like working on learning another language, working on learning an instrument, there are a whole bunch of things to do.

But honestly the most likely thing is try to figure out what kind of games to play and Netflix to binge on for 90% of the time. I hear that Stranger Things is worth watching past Season 2 so that might be something to do.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - DeletedAtUserRequest - 03-23-2020

[Image: UlcwD8W.png] [Image: Uw6V1KN.png]

With a world in quarantine, Mike Izzy is focusing on ways in which the #Throat-Izzy foundation can adapt to the issues in play. One of the ideas being thrown around is taking additional measures to keep there patients safe.. such as the mandatory cleaning of hands before and after a surgery. Another idea being considered is prioritizing those most in need by canceling all elective throat surgeries.. the foundation can also send ‘how to’ emails for those that want to try and do there own procedures at home. Both ideas show the type of foresight and innovation that has made the #Throat-Izzy foundation a staple within the Whitby community since season 37.

In the same house Mike Izzy’s son #A-Rye, a freshman in high school now has the time to focus on his own charity where the goal is to end hunger by sending almost every other person in the world a rice cake. This is bono shit right here... #A-Rye at such a tender age has made the decision to swing for the fences! So far the 2nd generation Izzy has raised enough money to mail a rice cake to 1/5th of his home town.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Zomp - 03-23-2020

I have picked up painting as a hobby since quarantine began, here is my latest masterpiece.
[Image: RVCaLXk.jpg]

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - JamesT - 03-23-2020

Written task (150 words min.): How would your player handle a quarantine-at-home situation? Focus on any aspect you would like, including: what would your player do to fill the time? Would they be feeling lonely, picking up new hobbies, sexting old exes, helping out those in need? Would they be able to stay in game shape for when the season eventually begins?

I would've never thought that a global pandemic virus would ever occur in my lifetime, but it has been one week since the SHL has temporarily put a pause on the season. It is tough not seeing my teammates at practice everyday and playing hockey games, but our health and safety has to come first.

This past week has been a good reflection on how much I love hockey because it is the game that I grew up and am making a living off of. I along with numerous other SHL players and teams have decided to donate money to those affected by the pause for the SHL by helping pay the arena workers.

I have been practicing stick handling and shooting in my apartment with a makeshift net by using my bed as a target. If it wasn't for the internet and instant messaging I think I would go insane because with resources like those I have been able to stay in touch with friends and family. 

Let us hope that this global virus gets resolved soon and we can get back to our regular routine and lives!

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - gurbs - 03-23-2020

Crazy time we are in right now, this quarantine has been a real eye opener for me. It has made me realize how much we take for granted in our everyday lives. I have just been using this time to regroup and retool. I am fortunate enough to be healthy and able to stay at home without any worry. At times like this, my heart goes out all those having to work and still continue to grind while the world is on pause. Special thank you to the doctors, truckers, grocery store works, health officials, and whoever else has to be working during this time. My heart goes out to you guys and I will be praying for your health and well-being. As for everyone else, PLEASE STAY INSIDE! We have to fight this virus as a team, and right now, the whole world is playing for the same team.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - ImShiny - 03-23-2020

Vent would currently be staying at his home in self-quarantine. He knows its important that he stay home even if he feels fine. To pass the time Vent would start playing more video games and begin streaming. Vent would play games like apex legends, planetside 2, and borderlands 3. Vent would invite his Manhattan teammates to play like Barret McCarthy and Andrej Doskocil. The trio has played games together over the seasons and they just enjoy each other's company online. No matter if they are winning or losing they are able to make it a fun time for everyone.

Writing would also be a hobby Vent begins up again. Just writing stories and whatever he thinks of. Some of the stories would be fiction and others would be nonfiction. Whatever came to his mind he would write and just go off on random adventures in his own head.

PS: I hope everyone is staying safe and is doing alright during these scary times.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Leafs4ever - 03-23-2020

The population is being attacked by an airborne virus and the only way we can combat it is to stay inside and quarantine ourselves. It's just a fight in our country, it's a fight all over the world and everyone needs to do their part. As athletes, we're in a situation where we're around tons of people, so naturally the commissioner had to suspend our season.

Every player has had to self quarantine and for older players like me, that's not exactly ideal. At our age we need to keep training and practising so we don't tighten up all over our body. Luckily I've got a home gym so I'm keeping my training up as much as possible. I'm mostly keeping up with my cardio because when we do return to the ice, conditioning is going to be the toughest to get back.

The situation sucks, but we need to do our part to stop the spread. If we don't, this virus will keep spreading and we'll suffer a fate way worse than staying inside.

(175 words)

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Katth - 03-23-2020

As someone who has lost a relative to covid-19 this weekend I know that it's of upmost importance to take up the advice of the local goverment and stay at home as much as possible and when you do have to go out to take all necessary precautions. We have to be considerated of the elderly and the people who's health would suffer greatly when they would contract covid-19. I've seen first hand what it does to people. They can feel fine in the afternoon and die overnight.

At home I try to do things what I normally do when I were to stay home. Do some chores in and around the house (luckily I life on a farm outside the city, so I have plenty of space), I workout a lot (have to stay fit some way) and I watch a lot of Netflix. I've taken on some online cooking lessons, because my cooking is aweful. So maybe that improves a little.


RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Mutedfaith - 03-23-2020

Being forced to stay indoors in this home quarantine situation, Cal Labovitch has dusted off his XBox and Nintendo Switch. Whenever he's not in his in-house mini-gym working out to improve his stamina and physique, or aiming a puck at his rebounder passing aid to keep the fire in his hands; he can be found playing the new Animal Crossing game with his Minnesota GM. He has also set up a teamwide, online SHL20 tournament for the Falcons so they can keep in touch and stay competitive. And to keep them all from unnecessarily leaving their house and putting themselves and everyone they’re in contact with at risk.

Meanwhile, the Falcons organization does a pretty good job of providing all the food he needs to stick to his dietary schedule. No ordering in pizza's, or eating spam from the can for this guy. Both the Falcons and Chiefs will need him to stay in shape and be ready to hit the ice again as soon as the situation improves.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - KenitohMenara - 03-23-2020

With the current global pandemic going on outside, Santtu would stay in his house in Anchorage until his quarantine order ended. Even if he felt fine and like he would be able to run outside again or just hang out with Anchorage friends or team-mates, he would not be a reason that the disease spreads. While it would be lonely for him, Santtu does have a great support network around him to get him through these times. He talks to his family every day via skype and other apps and his neighbors have stepped to help him with shopping. The newly drafted rookies have also been kind to Santtu, making sure he has someone to talk to nearby, wishing him well and other small things that mean the world to him.

He spends his hours at home still training for the season. He bought himself a rowing machine and couple other fitness machines to keep himself going during this time. Santtu can put on some music or some game film and just take the day as it comes. He knows that soon the season will come, he will be healthy and the Armada will need him to step up, which he fully intends on doing.

RE: S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home - Kalakar - 03-23-2020

Simmer claim