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SHL Survivor S1E06: The Merge! - Printable Version

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SHL Survivor S1E06: The Merge! - Yagoyi - 03-03-2022

Wow it's finally back!

Disclaimer: All results in this series are randomly generated. It is my job as the writer to create logical, entertaining storylines based on the results.

[Image: Survivor_China_Official_Logo.jpg]
Previously on Survivor: Ryuuji Minamino voted out in a 3-2 vote.

Xiongmao Events

Camp is awkward as Ethan once again finds himself on the bottom. 

Mitchell asks him why he didn't vote with them. Ethan promptly responds saying "I don't owe you shit."

Burlok celebrates with his new allies Mitchell and Yxskaft. They go hunting for coconuts together.

Fei Long Events

Kaarlo has decided he wants to work with Cal and Svenson. He tells them that they are next on the chopping block.

Rhys is oblivious to this, and believes he is still Kaarlo's #1 ally.

Kaarlo, Rhys, Joseph, and Kyle discuss who to target between Cal and Svenson. Kyle suggests that Cal is the "brains" of the duo.

The Twist

Come on in guys! 

Kyle: "Ain't no way we are merging. We just swapped..."





You have reached the merge! 

Your new tribe name is Hae Da Fung, with black buffs.

A new idol has also been hidden, so good luck!

Hae Da Fung Events

Rhys and Kaarlo meet back up with Mitchell and Yxskaft. They confirm their allegiance to eachother.

Kaarlo is lying. He is no longer loyal to this alliance.

Joseph and Kyle are panicking as they no longer have the numbers. They ask Rhys and Kaarlo if the deal is still on, and they both say yes.

Kaarlo is once again lying, and it is unclear who Rhys is loyal to.

Kaarlo meets with Cal and Svenson. They discuss recruiting an original-Xiongmao member to take out Joseph or Kyle.

Burlok and Ethan bond over being the outcasts of the tribe.

Immunity Challenge

The final ten must each sit on an unsteady water-filled barrel over a swamp for as long as possible as the water slowly drains out.
If they fall off or touch the structure holding the barrel, which is shaped like a dragon, they're out. Last one left wins.

Survivors Ready!... GO!




Yxskaft immediately falls off!


Mitchell loses his balance but hangs on!


Ethan falls off!


A temptation is brought out...

A plate of cookies and a glass of a milk will be offered to the next person who voluntarily jumps off.

Burlok jumps off! He wins the milk & cookies!


Rhys falls off! "I should've taken the damn cookies."


Mitchell wobbles again but hangs on!


Yxskaft wobbles but hangs on!


Kaarlo falls off! 6 Remain


Cal Falls off! 5 Remain


Joseph falls off! 4 remain


Kyle wobbles but hangs on!


Yxskaft falls off! We're down to Mitchell, Svenson, and Kyle!


Svenson wobbles but hangs on!
Kyle falls!
Mitchell is trying to hang on...
And he falls! Svenson wins individual immunity!
He will have a guaranteed spot in the final 9. 
Hae Da Fung Events
Joseph and Kyle socialize with Ethan. They think about voting together. Kyle is locked onto voting Cal.
Joseph and Kyle approach Rhys about adding Ethan. Rhys is very skeptical and tells them not to trust Ethan. 
Mitchell, Yxskaft, Rhys, and Kaarlo discuss the vote. Kaarlo suggests voting Joseph or Kyle. The other 3 immediately shut down the idea.
Mitchell, Rhys, and Yxskaft would rather target Ethan.
Mitchell passes the memo to Burlok.
Kaarlo once again feels neglected, so he goes to Svenson and Cal to discuss the vote. 
Svenson approaches Burlok with an offer. Burlok has been content with content with Mitchell and Yxskaft, so he declines it.
Kaarlo approaches Burlok saying that he is in a final-4 alliance with Mitchell, Yxskaft, and Rhys. He says they are just using Burlok. Burlok doesn't know who to trust.
Tribal Council 
Alright, it is time to vote. Joseph, you're up.
If anybody has a hidden immunity idol, and you would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
Alright, I will read the votes. 
First vote, Ethan.
Cal. That's 2 votes each.
Kyle. That's 2 votes Kyle, 2 votes Cal, 2 votes Ethan, 3 votes left...
Ethan. That's 3 votes Ethan, 3 votes Kyle, 3 votes Cal, 1 vote left...
7th person voted out of SHL Survivor, and the first member of our jury...
Please bring me your torch.
Kyle, the tribe has spoken.

RE: SHL Survivor S1E06: The Merge! - Yagoyi - 03-03-2022

Proof of result:

[Image: e5d03e00dac68ad2d25e408fd2992e33.png]