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S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Printable Version

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S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Zerg - 06-26-2023

This season, tell me about your player's life outside of hockey!

Your task: Tell me how your player responds when approached by fans outside of team events!

25 words minimum!

You will receive 1 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This PT will close Monday, July 3rd at 11:59pm PST. Posts submitted/edited after the deadline will receive 0 TPE.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. Graders reserve the right to determine what is malicious. You will not be warned.

This PT is for SHL players and send downs only; it is not for SMJHL Rookies.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Zerg - 06-26-2023

When fans approach Grzegorz, they are usually asking him to stop trying to weld an anti-tank rifle to his rented golf cart, or to ask him why he tried to order fried puck from Olive Garden. He responds with his normal oblivious cheer.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - JamesT - 06-26-2023

Ben Jammin always takes the time to take pictures with fans or sign syndicate merchandise when asked, he has yet to experience a negative fan experience in the town of Chicago. 

(31 words)

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - steveoiscool - 06-26-2023

Sven loves interacting with the fans. Part of being the best Sven is convincing everyone else that you are the best Sven, and the best way to do that is through fan interaction.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - ValorX77 - 06-26-2023

Videl Valor is so beloved by her fans, to the point that she has to have a security team protect her. But she has a great experience with her fans too, as she often does sign autographs and team merch.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - liebolda - 06-26-2023

Adam Liebold really enjoys interacting with fans. He likes to vouleneer at the local hospitals and visit the sick kids and talk to them about hockey and say hi!

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - _Blitz_ - 06-26-2023

Oliver Castillon hasn't been recognized outside of fan events too much yet. For the most part, he's happy to sign things or take pictures as long as people are polite and don't make a huge thing out of it. He's got his own stories about bothering SHL stars for an autograph in the grocery store and stuff as a kid, and knows what it means for people to be able to interact with him in small ways like that.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - ZootTX - 06-26-2023

Miguel Hefeweizen tries to be friendly and approachable to all the fans. No problem signing any pictures, jerseys, etc or posing for pictures, although sometimes it's a distraction if he's eating out.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Dextaria - 06-26-2023

Ryosuke Sato is always happy to interact with the fans outside, signing autographs and taking pictures, with the only exception being if it is in the morning (Sato is not a morning person) or if he is spending time with his family and the fans are not respecting his personal time.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - DarkCanuck29 - 06-26-2023

Duncan Mackenzie always responds to his fans with as much of his time as he can manage. Without the fans, he is just a weird dude who plays hockey. With the fans, he is a star!

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Carpy48 - 06-26-2023

Shaggy usually doesn't mind when fans recognize him and he's always happy to sign autographs and take pictures with them. After all the fans are important to the team, especially in such a small market.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - Froste39 - 06-26-2023

Dominik never gets tired of signing shirts, cards, pets, boobs, you name it. He really enjoys the publicity and love he gets from the passionate fans and likes to give something back. After all the fans are what makes the players and game this great.

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - EmoLeBron - 06-26-2023

Mit enjoys they interaction for about 20 minutes .. then by the 50th autograph and the cramp in his hand beings to take over and if he hears one more “I’m your biggest fan blah blah blah” he may flip… but he loves it I swear!

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - bjkman - 06-26-2023

Normally that doesn't happen since I go right to the team bus in the stadium garage after the game... win or lose, it's just how I run, I don't like talking wins fans after the game. If I see fans outside of game day I love taking pictures and hanging out.

51 Words

RE: S71 mPT#5: The Reason We're Here - RashfordU - 06-26-2023

Mikko prefers to smile for a quick selfie then send the fan on their way, Its a privilege to play in the top sim league in the world and thus he tries his best to make sure the fans are happy