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A Satirical Look at the SMJHL - Part #1 - Printable Version

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- Inf1d3l - 06-19-2017

(My first article posted, so I guess that's a double cash thingy?)

A Satirical Look at the SMJHL – Cloud McCarthy

Part #1 – The Vancouver Whalers

Let me start by saying this. Whalers? Really? Are we in the 17th century again? And why don’t they have a player named Ahab? I guess the championship this year will be that white whale they can’t quite get and drives them mad.

Whalers I suppose still do exist, in Japan. And most of them do it illegally under the guise of science. Talking about illegal, the number of penalty minutes that Shoyu Kikkoman has. Look, he’s named after a soy sauce, he’s probably fried, so I guess we need to give him a break. But come on, they guy should be in jail, not on the ice, he’s a thug, a cold hearted murderer. Ok, maybe that’s too far, the kid makes a good stir fry so I’ll cut him some slack. Angelo Odjick on the other hand…

Let’s look some more at the Whalers though, I keep getting side tracked here. They have a guy named Spitfire? Really? Are you a cousin of The Weekend? Or Portugal the Man? Madonna maybe? And let’s see. Oh, Bobby Bouchard is here too. I thought you were the Waterboy? Wrong sport, is it not?

Lindqvist is one of their forwards. Or is it goalie? I get the names confused sometimes. And then there’s Sophia Bennett, a woman breaking the ice barrier. According to my lawyers, I have nothing but nice things to say about her.

Looking at the numbers, the Whalers have obviously found the pockets of whoever it takes to win games, and everyone should remember that cheaters never prosper. They do, however, like their fake, bloated stats and their gloating. Almost as much as they hate losing. I’d like to see those income numbers to see where the money is going, but no other team needs to release those, just the team we know is padding the official’s pockets.

So far, the Whalers have played the Raiders a bunch of times, and they have to play them more than anyone else in the league this year. I mean, come on, the Raiders are an incredible team, excellent, amazing. Raiders still exist too by the way. Maybe not in the sense that they once did, but people still raid the cookie jar, and use Raid to kill bugs. Nobody goes Whaling in someone else’s fish tank, or goes Whaling at the grocery store. Therefore, I see the Raiders, and the rest of the league, wiping out the fake, imaginary Whalers this season.

(All of the stats, opinions, and thoughts about teams and their players are completely fake, and are meant as satire and nothing more.)

(425 words before the ending disclaimer)

- Loco - 06-19-2017

Whalers? More like bad-at-hockey-ers

- DannyMethane - 06-19-2017

Go get 'em Tiger!

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 06-19-2017

Poor Vancouver lol... win a few games....and get eggs thrown at the window!

- DrunkenTeddy - 06-19-2017

What did I just read?

I didn't even get mentioned :'( How the mighty have fallen...

- Camo - 06-19-2017

This is awesome

Also #bringwhaleoilback

- rowser - 06-19-2017

goat Ilike

- Evok - 06-19-2017

raiders > Whalers

- WinGretzky - 06-20-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Evok@Jun 19 2017, 07:13 PM
raiders >  Whalers

- Whikadoodle - 06-20-2017

We didn't pay anyone, we came together in the spirit of Whalermania

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>

- QuantumCowboy - 06-20-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Evok@Jun 19 2017, 05:13 PM
raiders >&nbsp; Whalers

- flatman25 - 06-22-2017

Sometimes even I forget whether I'm a forward or goalie... Huh

- adamantium - 06-22-2017

Quote:Originally posted by Inf1d3l@Jun 19 2017, 04:59 PM
And then there’s Sophia Bennett, a woman breaking the ice barrier. According to my lawyers, I have nothing but nice things to say about her.
Holy shit :lol:

RE: A Satirical Look at the SMJHL - Part #1 - Snoopdogg - 03-14-2020

A......thats it....loved it man.