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S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Printable Version

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S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - ej27 - 02-22-2019

Training camp marks your first days on the ice with your new team. But it's not all work and no play. It's the perfect opportunity to get to know your new teammates, and it's the perfect opportunity for the vets to prank the new kids. Did you escape unscathed?


Written option: Recount an amusing story from training camp. Must include 150 words.
Graphics option: Create a graphic version of your team's week long training camp schedule.

4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the options, not both.)

Only S46 SMJHL Rookies (S47 SHL Rookies) are eligible for this PT.

Do NOT claim TPE for this task until a post has been made in the claim thread.

Saturday March 2nd, 10am CST Extended to Sunday March 3rd at 10am CST due to site outage.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - blix900 - 02-23-2019

Esa Parmberg is way too good for rookie training camp. The man, and I say man because he is no boy, weighs nearly twice my weight and I'm a normal adult male. It's just not fair... He skates like the wind, shoots harder than anyone, and throws crisp passes like a pro. Come to think of it, he shouldn't even be in the SMJHL. I ate a lot of parms over the week though. Never thought that would become my favorite food.

It pays to have a coach who's behind you. By now everyone has heard about my meeting with our GM and I had some legitimate concerns about my ice time going forward. Coach has cleared things up and I'm no longer worried after the completion of training camp. I'm really looking forward to the preseason starting up and then getting after it in the regular season. Should be some great rivalries out there this year.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Randominoe - 02-23-2019

When Detroit's S46 entire draft class arrived in the Michigan city for training camp, the overall instruction aim was evident from the beginning and it was a defensive one. The coaching staff had us all run shielding drills for the all 5 day long sessions. They informed us that an essential part of the SMJHL style of game was the defensive aspect and in order to succeed at this level our positioning and stick work would need to be top quality. It all went smoothly until Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz was pulled aside on day 2 to work on his puck movement for the day which was very much needed if you ask me. I was proven correct when directly after our break for lunch, PB was working on his saucer pass while Wibbly was working on defending them when one of PB's pucks came up too high and caught McButternutz in the throat. In the blink of an eye, the gloves were off and the two monsters were going at each other. It took 4 players pulling at each guy in order to break it up and Wibbly certainly came out on the bottom and it seemingly has turned him completely off of fighting and has surprisingly improved his defending skills. Now that everyone has moved on and eyes have shifted towards the preseason. Hopefully, all of the rookies on this team can turn their anger towards the 9 other SMJHL teams and each one can succeed in their own way this coming season.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - XLeafer - 02-23-2019

Obviously it is a big moment for Austin Roenick to be in the juniors because he has played in smaller leagues and it has been a blast for him. Junior is different and in a completely new city. Lethbridge is somewhere in Alberta and pretty much in the same province as Calgary and Edmonton but apparently its bigger. Roenick obviously explores the city and has a lot of fun with his new teammates.

When it was training camp, obviously Roenick decided to improve his puck handling skills, defense and of course shooting. When Roenick went into the arena, he did not have a pass key so he was stuck outside and he could not go in. This is what happens when you are new to a team. He was like an idiot asking for help and not knowing what to do until Thomas comes in and saves the day. What a story.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Steelhead77 - 02-23-2019

It's been amazing since being drafted by Halifax, what a great group of people there. When I arrived for training camp though I was told all rookies were subject to rookie hazing, even 7'0" 350 pound Esa Parmborg, I could not get out of it. I was soon led into a room by veterans Troy Reynolds and Perry Morgan, they were holding my elbows because that's as high as they could reach. Once in the room I saw none other than Jimmy Slothface standing in front of a stool with hair clippers in his hand, the kind they use in the military for buzz cuts. My first thought was no way this little guy can reach my head, not even with me sitting on a stool. Quickly Jimmy Slothface commaned me to sit on the floor, I thought about throwing all 3 of them around the room like rag dolls and shaving their heads myself but I decided to be a team player and accept my rookie hazing. I sat on the floor and Jimmy Slothface when to work....

Here's the result:

[Image: hair-cuts-main.jpg]

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - SDCore - 02-23-2019

Getting to Anaheim was a trip. Plane delayed due to weather. I thought they didn't have weather in Southern California. A good young Irishman should never be late due to rain, it was embarrassing. To make it worse I get to camp and find out my equipment didn't arrive, great. I end up borrowing some stuff from what they call "extras". A size small pant, a size large shin guards, a pink helmet, and best of all a mesh jersey. Good thing I always travel with my skates and sticks with me at all times, I knew I shouldn't have trusted the post getting my gear to town. Other than this the skate went okay, got jeered at by the boys, everyone seems cool though. Got a fellow Irish on the team, though he acts like a ninja a lot and I heard he may have stolen a horse recently? Who knows. Oh and here is the kicker, I get off the ice and back to my locker and gets what's set up in my stall... My equipment, this was all some elaborate rookie prank. Good one boys. Can't wait to see what's in store for me next time.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Carpy48 - 02-23-2019

My first problem was how to even get to training camp. It was my first time in Lethbridge, let alone the first time in a new country and nobody had told me that every little village had multiple ice rinks. After oversleeping due to my jet lag and then quickly drinking and consequently spilling the hotel’s hot, disgusting coffee on my white shirt (mental note: never drink that $%@& again – or never wear white shirts), I tried to find my way to the arena. All I had was a time, but not where to meet. After asking several random people that seemed to have problems understanding me, I finally found the correct place. I took a deep breath and hoped for no further complications. I made it there just in time and was happy to see a coffee station.
At training camp the team was split up into different groups and our group – the goalies – was obviously the smallest. It consisted of my goalie partner Patrice Nadeau and I. I didn’t know what to think of him, yet. Patrice had only been drafted a year prior to me, but didn’t wait long to tell me about his success in the team’s inaugural season – 2 goals and 4 assists. I kept it to myself that I had also 2 assists in the Showcase Tournament alone – just like him back then - and pretended to be impressed, even though I wasn't. I knew if I wanted to take his job as a starter sooner than later, I had to become the highest scoring goalie on the team. How difficult could it be? Since we were pretty much left alone during day one of training camp, we spent the rest of the day trying to score on each other. This was – again – not exactly what I had expected of this camp.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Fordyford - 02-23-2019

I arrived in Anchorage fresh off a plane. I didn't know much about the team, and I was freezing my bollocks off, so that's fun. When I touched down, I was told my first practice is in an hour. I arrived at the stadium, where I was told I'd be lining up with Sins. I said "Who?" and was told "Johnny Sins". Now my immediate reaction was why is a porn star playing hockey in Anchorage, surely he could be doing something better.

Well, there I was training for my first season, and would you see what happened, instant chemistry with me and Sins. Two stars using their sticks to have fun and cause lots of fans pleasure, that's what we are. And there's something very exciting about that, isn't there. Well, needless to say we won all of our scrims during training camp, because we're gods. That is all.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - SecondSucks22 - 02-23-2019

My first experience in Van City was trying to find a place to live, its stupid expensive out there. Once all that was sorted out it was off to the first practice with the new team. The guys here are amazing, like super accommodating and welcoming. Our Goalie was away at the World Junior Championship and won silver for Team Canada, which I had just recently been asked to join so we hit it off immediately. Truthfully I think the long schedule of the world Junior championship took its toll on him, because he came back to camp thinking one of our prospects was Swedish and that the rest of us had various drug habits and talking about out mother's, but I digress. Either way the rest of the team, especially our manager Luke have been super helpful when it comes to knowing what to focus on in training, but I think were all just looking forward to the start of preseason to really get this thing rolling.

Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers Whalers

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - hotdog - 02-23-2019

In all my experience coming up through the ranks of the Norwegian junior leagues, I've been the team prankster. Not a malicious prankster, but a savvy one. Anything for a laugh. Being drafted to the SMJHL, I'm willing to admit this is a whole new level. I'm no longer the #1 hotshot in the room, the top of the food chain. In fact, I'm at the bottom. I recognize that. For me to step in and be the prankster would establish myself as even more of a target than I already am - unthinkable during a time in which I hope to ingratiate myself with my new teammates. I realize they may try to get me. 

I thought having to move to Alaska was the ultimate prank. Haha lol guys, moving to Alaska good one you got me. 

[Image: anchorage-skyline-photo.jpg]

Turns out Anchorage is fuckin beautiful so the joke's on me in that it's not a joke.

My experience on my past teams translates to extremely high awareness and I've been vigilant in my defense in these first few days. I'm a big NBA fan so I know their classic rookie prank - popcorn in the car. I'm subverting that one by taking public transit to the rink. I can't get pantsed if I'm already walking around the locker room naked. I'm always getting ahead of it - I should be good, right? Well, mostly. One day, I came to the rink and my rookie equipment was waiting for me at my locker, still boxed up. I was stoked. I eagerly walked up and grabbed that shit and started to open it, only to realize the boxes weren't exactly in mint condition. Someone had gotten there first. Opened up my box of should-be brand new gloves and found rubber ones. Unboxed my stick and found a stick. I was so excited to get that new equipment and get out there on the ice, and there I was with rubber gloves and a fuckin twig.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - Shadowz1797 - 02-23-2019

While a rookie, Jaguar Johnson of the Halifax Raiders still has been able to maintain his reputation as an intimidating figure off the ice. He has been known to sit quietly by his locker, watching as his fellow rookie teammates get ice water poured on them, have to buy their teammates dinner, and other hazing activities, as he just sits in silence. It's not that he wouldn't want to partake in the team bonding activities, but just that he has always had a tough-guy reputation that precedes him. Actually, on his first day of Raiders orientation and training camp, one veteran teammate who was unfortunate enough to have never heard of Jaguar Johnson tried to pull a prank on him, telling him the wrong address for their team meeting. Luckily, Johnson has the tracking skills of a Jaguar, and was able to find the team despite going to the wrong rendezvous point originally. What happened next? Well, let's just say his would-be prankster teammate had trouble seeing anything but stars for a week after that incident.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - LB. - 02-23-2019

Jules first few days as a Lion were the weirdest in his career. He was really happy to be drafted by the team, but after a few moments he understood who he was playing with. Not only Monkey D. Luffy is his teammate, he is his captain. For those who don't know, Jules beat Monkey up in the quarterfinals of the World Juniors Championship. Latvia was eliminated, but at least Jules retained some of his pride. That pride, which he had to swallow coming to Lethbridge. It was not a warm welcome, Luffy litterally had Jules eating hot potatoes without kefir, which for a naturalised Latvian, was a nightmare. Jules is a French/Monegasque mix, he's only ready to drink wine and eat shrimp, what the hell are these potatoes. Anyway, Jules is ready to show why he is worthy to be a major part of the Lions and prove all the GM's wrong.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - FourFour - 02-23-2019

While a rookie with the Colorado Raptors, Akashi has been quite intimidated by the big boys on the team. Its been a difficult time for him as he was drafted quite late, in a class in which he believed he was one of the better defense-man in the draft class. He walked into the dressing room and attempted to say hi to a few players; none of which knew whom he was, and likewise, Akashi did not know who they were either. He sat down at an empty stall, which had "SixNine" over the top of it, as he sat down the bench gave out and he went straight into the floor. Colorado has a low budget for fixing these type of things, so he was forced to sit on the garbage can and get changed. Hopefully this season will go much better than his first encounter in training camp, as the Raptors are poised to be a team to beat.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - TheFlash - 02-23-2019

Smjhl Training Camp PT 1 (4tpe)
Jason Kruger  

This week at training camp has been a wild one, as Raptors rookies prepare for their first season in the SMJHL, and embark on their journey to SHL glory. The rookie class, hailed by some to be one of the best in recent memory, was impressive for the Raps. Rookies have been worked extra hard by coaches, as they get up to speed on the happenings in Colorado. 

First round pick (14th overall) selection Julio Tokolosh, said it’s the weirdest and most difficult camp he’s attended yet, “Some of the vets have been downright odd. Scarn was running around dressed as Gritty for the majority of the first two days”.

“Just trying to lighten the mood”, said Scarn. “These young guys, they come in here and get a good shock to their system, and I bought this Gritty costume for $20 bucks and a case of Bud Light”. 

Jake Peralta, 3rd round pick, is still getting used to the game. “A month ago I was a cop in Brooklyn, now I’m thrown in here and forced to actually work. It’s a real shame”. 

All in all, the rookies welcome their new roles, and look forward to the new season. Tune in next week for an exciting update on how week #1 of regular season action goes for these young studs and their veteran companions.

RE: S46 SMJHL PT 1: Training Days - TheFlash - 02-23-2019

Double post