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Jon 41 play off interview (double media playoffs)

In this media we will be mainly focusing on 2 things with each of these players. For Urs Schneider it is his draft and for Jon Forty One it is his playoffs!

The Reporter: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are fortunate enough to be in the presence of two great players in their fields of sport! Introducing Jon Forty One and Urs Schneider. Jon Forty One is a star center for the Baltimore Platoon in the Simulation Hockey League. Urs Schneider is an up and coming superstar short stop hopeful for the Anchorage Wheelers in the Minors of the Pro Baseball Experience leagues. We are grateful to be able to welcome these two wonderful players at such different parts of their careers and their own lives. It is a crossover episode ladies and gentleman!

In comes a seemingly very happy young man by the name of Urs Schneider. He seems to be more jolly and happy than he usually is. There seems to be a massive spring in his step in the way he is carrying himself in front of the camera. You can sense that Urs Schneider is extremely excited about the upcoming draft and is looking forward to the excitement that is the Pro Baseball League Draft Night. Urs Schneider takes a seat to the left of the interviewer and starts to grin in preparation for the upcoming questions.

The Reporter:
Where do you think Urs Schenider will go?

Jon Forty One: He will go wherever he bloody well gets drafted too…Jesus Christ are we really back to having to answer dumb as hell questions... Does anyone actually care about this…Like at all?!

Urs Schneider: Ohh come now Jon Forty One. These questions are not that bad! The people just really want to know more about who we are. I think that we as athlete’s should sometimes give back to our fans and you know… That means answering some questions here and there. It is all about the fans you know… They are the reasons we are here, or at least they are my main source of inspiration in what I do.

Jon Forty-One: Listen here you little rookie shit. I have been going on way too many seasons to listen to a rose tinted glass wearing plumber tell me to brighten up after all the shit I have had to go through! I am your reality check for what is in store. If you let your league eat you up, it will!

Also here is a real question: How do you tolerate Jose Forty Three so easily? The dude is an arrogant idiot and he could not even spell that correctly even if he tried…Most of the other cultists with a brain can’t stand him for too long and that is coming from me!

Urs Schneider: I think we may not see eye to eye on everything, but I do not necessarily believe that the league will “eat me up” as you say. I think it just pays to be a little bit more kind in situations like these. What about the kids, you know? They look up to us. It does not hurt to be kind. Just because I enjoy giving back to the fans, does not mean that I do not give 100% out on the field. I just know when to turn that competitive drive off. But like I said, we may not see eye to eye and I guess that is more due to our different paths into our sports.

Also speaking about Jose Forty Three, I think he is an interesting individual to say the least. I do not think it is fair to call him an idiot and to be honest I am surprised you even know about him! He may come off as arrogant at times, but I genuinely do feel that he has some love and care inside of him. Also I can tolerate him easily, because I respect him a lot. He is someone I look up to in the Pro Baseball Experience. In his own way, he sort of took me under his wing, I guess…

Maybe I do not know him well enough I guess… Wait a second… Did you say “other cultists”? Uhh… I am not going to lie, I know Jose Forty Three mentioned the cult stuff but I did not really pay much attention to it. I assumed it was just some sort of joke… Are you guys all in a cult? Is that even safe?

Jon Forty One: Met Mr. Forty Three? Well the cult meets up a lot of the time. Whenever the sport cultists have a big season or win something the cult has got together or progress reports based on what we have been chosen to do. Other more…hands on people need to complete, manipulate destroy, etc

He was annoying from the second he makes he dumb and loud entrance and has been a little shit from day 1. I have no idea why our deity ever picked him up to represent us in his crappy sport.

You know what… I am not touching this one… Uhh this sounds a bit too scientific to me. We should probably quickly move on to the next question quick please.

The Reporter: How high do you think Urs Schneider will go?

Jon Forty One: Hmm…Let me see. Let me get a real good look at him. Weird gloves, weird face, stylish hat but dumb name…He will either be a top 10 pick and a complete bust for his team or undrafted to low down pick trash that will have to go through the exactly pains I had to bravely endure to prove I am a hall of famer in the making.

Urs Schneider: Well you are not wrong about my stylish hat to be fair hahaha! Uh I do not really know too much about how high or low I will go. Like I have always said, I would just like to be drafted. If I do not get drafted then I guess I will be like Jon Forty One. He is right though and I guess this would be our first time agreeing on something! In all honesty, just being drafted is more than enough for me, but if I had to probably guess, I would assume I would be going around the 11th to 15th pick range? I just have a feeling that I might go there… it also helps that 11 is my favourite number haha… I have heard about Jon Forty One’s career and honestly, I respect his hustle. So if i was to be undrafted, then I guess it is just a platform for me to show the world and the Pro Baseball Experience how good I can really be.

The Reporter: How well do you think Urs Schenider would do for Switzerland in the IIHF event?

Jon Forty One: Oh bloody hell fire! He is swiss?! Well, they made mistakes seasons ago not letting me transfer to them when I was about Urs Schneider’s age and starting so I imagine they would mess it up as well and pick an inactive like they did me ages ago. That cost them a Forward of the Season Award winner and someone who has been farming medals for like over a decade I assume.

But I am sure he would love playing for them and whatever the minor league country goes by or is connected with.

Urs Schneider: Oh… You got turned down for the Swiss team in the IIHF event? I’m surprised to be honest, you seem like an absolutely solid player. I will be honest, I have not been keeping up with my country in that many sports. I tend to follow Switzerland in Football as that is my favourite sport to watch other than Baseball. I would love to be given a chance to represent my home country in any way I can to be perfectly honest. I do not think I would do a great job in hockey, because I can not tell my puck from my hockey stick! It would be nice to represent my country in baseball though. I think I could do them a solid job at short stop or wherever is needed! I wonder actually… Maybe I should bring this up with the commissioner and head office… It would be cool to have a sort of international kind of event during an offseason from time to time… They may already have one, but I am yet to hear about it as of yet.

The Reporter: How do you think Jon Forty One’s Baltimore Platoon will do in this seasons play-offs?

Jon Forty One: I mean…We finished 1st overall to win the regular season which I always love accomplishing. Might not happen a lot but I like doing it. Now it is just to make sure we win the champions cup. I think I like the sound of retiring on top but that is just a wish going forward more than anything.

I think we are in a very good spot going forwards and I would love to say we are favourites or going to go very deep but you just never know what in the hell will happen game by game. Period by period. So I guess we will see but I am hoping for something positive or deep in terms of runs. The shitty Platoon fans deserve something nice.

Urs Schneider: Well even though I do not know much about hockey, I have been keeping up with the Hockey Simulation League. I love competition, so I like to watch a lot of different sports. I did hear that the Baltimore Platoon won out in their regular season. So I guess they have a lot of hype surrounding them. I would put them down to win the whole thing to be honest. We all know how playoffs go though, but now that I have met Jon Forty One, I will be quietly supporting the Baltimore Platoon from afar. Like Jon Forty One said so uh… eloquently… The Baltimore Platoon fans deserve something nice and they have something to look forward to with this group of people.

The Reporter: How long do you plan on going in both of your careers?

Jon Forty One: Oh man. An actual good question for once. Took you long enough for just one. Sadly, my answer is quite a weak one for me. I genuinely have no idea how long I will go.

I want the Hall of Fame nod. I have good points, great seasons under my belt and nominations so I think I could make a good claim for it since I was never boosted by being on Hamilton or Buffalo for even a season so I think I could genuinely be pretty well off doing another 1 or 2 seasons after this one. But I really do not know. I can easily see my amazing Baltimore Platoon not having room for me cause I am just getting on and I would have to find a new home in that instance and I just have zero idea on who would want me.

I would be happy to be depth like I am on the Platoon for a solid squad where I could possible look decent or help a weak team and be a veteran that tries to help the younger talent. The aim of that game would be points for Hall of Fame.

But I am not giving that any true attention until this play off tournament is done. I want to win with Baltimore for being respectful to me and I am confident we can in fact win it all.

Urs Schneider: Oh wow… I guess it is just a little bit early to be asking me something like this, no? I am just kidding haha! Honestly I just want to keep going on for as long as the teams still want me to be there. I guess I just want to be wherever I am loved and where I feel like I can play a role in the team. I have not really thought about any personal awards or anything of that calibre. I just want to be recognised as one of the best on whatever team I am on. I feel like I am the type of guy who can just fit in with the fans, so I just want to be loved at whichever team I go to. But yeah, I have a lot to look forward to, I guess… I am only in my first proper season you know, so we have a long road ahead and I hope you guys are along for the ride. That would be very nice to have you guys cheering me on.

I hope you manage to get in to the hall of Fame Forty Three. You have applied yourself to your craft and worked so hard for it. So if any of the Hall of Fame people are seeing this interview… Get to it, you know this man deserves Hall of Fame, so let us nip this in the bud

The Reporter: How do you think the Anchorage Wheelers season will pan out for this coming season?

Jon Forty One: The Anchorage who? The fuck is a Wheeler? I mean. It is a waaaay better name than the Anchorage Armada and Vancouver Whalers but low hanging fruit a side I have no idea how the Wheelers nor the Armada or Whalers will do in the minor league of Sim Hockey League.

I have no real clue what has happened in the minors since I left like 15 ish seasons ago. Or around that long. It does not really matter but I wish the best of luck to the best minor league team in the minor league playoffs.

The Quebec City Citadelles. They have some amazing players such as: Alex Kidd, one of the most wholesome users in the SIm Hockey League after he did a media report about me.That kid is a gem and the Manhattan Ragers can Rage on.

However the play off Most Valuable Player will be the one and only Kit Katcher! I can’t wait to see the other teams cry when Kit pops off.

Urs Schneider: Aw come on man… The Anchorage Wheelers are my team! Literally, your cult mate Jose Forty Three used to be on that team… I mean I hope that our season will go great. I have had a year to settle in, so now I hope to be able to press on and be able to show the minor teams in the Pro Baseball Experience exactly why the Anchorage Wheelers picked me up on waivers. Uh honestly if Kit Katcher manages to get Most Valuable Player in this upcoming season, then more power to them. They would have deserved it! I do not really know who would be up for Most Valuable Player for the minors, but I do hope that it happens to be one of my team mates on the Anchorage Wheelers! That would suggest that we are having a decent or even great season haha. Again, we will have to see what happens, but I am super duper excited for the new season.

I do not want to get too ahead of myself though. We will take the season one game at a time and hopefully be able to show out during the season. The Anchorage Wheelers fans deserve it and I hope to be able to be part of the team that brings the good times back to the Anchorage Wheelers fans and to this lovely city.

The Reporter: Urs Schneider, do you have a preference for when you get called up to the majors in the Pro Baseball Experience? Does this preference change depending on the team which drafts you?

Urs Schneider: Uh, honestly I kind of do… I gave my word to the head office at the Anchorage Wheelers that I would try and make sure that I spend at least another two seasons down in the minors. I owe the Anchorage Wheelers that much at least. So I hope that whichever team ends up drafting me or picking me up as a free agent will respect my decision and word to the Anchorage Wheelers. I really do want to be able to bring back the good times to the head office and the fans. I do not really think that this would change depending on which team drafts me. I also assume that the team that drafts me will also want me to stay down for a little bit in order for me to hone my skills.

I think it would be a little bit unfair for me to go back on my word with the Anchorage Wheelers if I am honest. They mean so much to me, so I just want to make sure that we keep a very positive relationship for the duration of my career and for the rest of my life to be honest.

The Reporter: This question is for both of you, what position do you think Jon forty One would be able to play in the Pro Baseball Experience?

Jon Forty One: I would never play that sport. I would probably grab the bat and beat the shit out of the officials, the opposition, the fans, the coaches, my teammates, you, Urs Schenider, etc. Honestly I do not discriminate, I hate equally! I do not know how many times I have to say this to you people but right now my only focus is the next match in the playoffs and to make sure we are winning it, making the finals and winning it all.

Nothing truly else matters to me in the upcoming days. We all want that ring.

Urs Schneider: I uh… I guess it is sort of a positive that he hates everyone equally? At least he hates discrimination! I also do not really know how I feel about you wanting to hurt me, considering we have had a pretty lovely chat so far… but uhh yeah maybe I can change your mind about me in the future. I think Jon Forty One would be a solid Designated Hitter for any team. I mean you heard it here yourself… He likes to hit things, so I assume he’ll be the sort of big guy on campus sort of dude and hit absolute dingers all over the park.

The Reporter: Now let us follow that up with the inverse, what position do you think Urs Schneider would be able to play in the Simulation Hockey League?

Jon Forty One: He would exclusively play 4th line in any none goalie position. HA HA HA HA HA! Oh my god I crack myself up! Woooo! Man that is the best and sickest burn I have had on anyone in a while. Oh man I needed that laugh. Thank you.

Urs Schneider: Uhh I mean uhh you are welcome I guess? I think I would probably play on the 2nd line as a center I guess? I do not think I am that good at hockey, so there is no way I would be able to be a starter in the Simulation Hockey League. That would be a bit much. I do think that I have pretty good vision and can make some passes, but yeah I am not too sure… Maybe I might be hyping myself up a lot more in my head haha. I mean on second thought… Maybe Jon Forty One is right. I do not even know the rules of hockey, so I would probably just be chilling on the bench as a 4th line player… I do not mind that though, I would rather focus my time on baseball and in the Pro Baseball experience

The Reporter: How have your past teams that you have been on, helped you to become the player that you are today?

Jon Forty One: I have said a lot about my teams in the past. Halifax Raiders are now dead and to be honest I have been gone from minors so long I do not know who replaced them or how they are doing. But I wish them the best of luck in the playoffs as well. I do not want to talk about the disloyal Whalers team so no point bringing them up and Minnesota shaped me up well to thrive in this league I feel. I knew I was right about them from the start and moving was the correct decision. Under the new management I have faith they can improve and go on deep runs in future play off tournaments or I would like to believe that.

The Blizzard are a team I actually watch on television when it is possible. Maybe highlights. You have no idea how badly I would love to play my old team in the finals. They treated me with nothing but respect and I love them for that. They have been nothing but great and eventually let me shine as well

I can’t really complain and I hope they go very deep in the play offs. It will be a hard path for them to go that far but that will not stop me hoping for that situation to happen. It would be a good final for sure. The final is probably Texas vs Buffalo or something like that boring shit but one could hope for something more interesting.

Urs Schneider: Uhh I guess I am not as well traveled as Jon Forty One… I have only been on one team and that is my Anchorage Wheelers. I have learnt so so much being on that team and everyone I have met have been so helpful. I have learnt so many different styles of batting and how to be an effective presence in the batting order. Yeah I do not end up hitting a lot of home runs, but I can still manage to get on base and bat in some runs as well… The coaches have helped me refine my game and I think throughout the season you could see that. I have definitely become better at batting as the season was drawing to an end and I hope that I can improve in my batting skills. I think my fielding ability is something that puts me above the other people on my team. I focused on fielding a lot in my youth, so I would like to think that it has had a positive impact on my skills. I think I ended with a Zone Efficiency Rating of +8.1 or something like that, so it has not been too bad if I do say so myself.

The Reporter: Could you tell me a little bit about your major highlight or achievement in your respective field of sport in the past?

Jon Forty One: I have won an award, got nominated, led most assists in the league, won 1st in the regular season, made finals, won a ring in minors ages back, etc. I have done quite a bit honestly but I have been going quite a while. I just want the nod from the Hall of Fame and maybe a ring in this playoffs cause like I have said earlier. I dunno how much longer I have in me.

The body and mind is willing and able still but it will be either the end of this play off tournament, next season or in a miracle the season after. But yeah, this season's play offs first.

…What the fuck are you looking at Urs?!

Urs Schneider: uhh i am not looking at anything in particular. Just like… I am in awe of how much you have done in your career. Congratulations! I have not won anything at all as of yet, but my major highlight has to be hitting a walk off homerun against the Puerto Rico Ranas. This was just after my friend Jose Forty Three was traded to the Puerto Rico Ranas from the Anchorage Wheelers. Yeah so for me it is not really anything that big I guess, but it was my first walk off home run, so it just means a lot to me. It was also the first game that my family and girlfriend came to see… so it was just a lovely moment to be honest. I really felt loved that day and I will never forget that feeling that the fans and my family allowed me to be part of.

Jon Forty One: Okay…Good. You survive this question. Keep it up. I will compliment you and say that you are way more tolerable than bloody Jose Forty Three at least.

The Reporter: Would you ever consider stepping up to become a captain or team leader for either of your teams?

Jon Forty One: I always wanted to secretly become the captain or alternate for the Edmonton Blizzard team. It just never happened sadly and I was not going to force it. Baltimore Platoon I joined quite late into my career so I won’t get it. I may not even have a spot next season but fingers crossed.

Maybe in the next life I can be a minor league captain again and it goes well for us.

Urs Schneider: Honestly, I have been told that I could be a face of a franchise because of the way I behave… but honestly I have not really put too much attention to that. I just prefer to be a locker room presence in the team. I do not really need to have any official title or anything. I will try to keep the locker room motivated and just keep doing what I do. I am the type of dude who would be willing to talk to anyone about any issues that they might be struggling with or if they need any advice in general. I just want my teammates to know that they can come to me for anything if they need.

The Reporter: Do you have any piece of advice for any up and coming players trying to make their way in the Pro Baseball Experience or the Simulation Hockey League

Jon Forty One: Oh! I have a lot of great advice for everyone in every sim league imaginable! Just give up. Abandon your dreams! You do not want this in your life and you should find other means to do with your life.

Urs Schneider: Well my advice is the exact opposite of Jon Forty One’s. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to and keep working hard. Try to be focused on the job at hand. You can genuinely do anything that you set your mind to. Also just remember, whatever you end up doing… Treat others well. There is no point in getting to this point and treating others very poorly… We have a platform so we should call out things that we see around us which involves other people being mistreated. Spread love and positivity in your work. If you stop loving what you are doing, then maybe getting into the sport is not for you. You should not force yourself to be in the sport if you do not love it. You will end up hating your time and experience within the league and end up burning out very fast. So yeah, that was a bit of a rant… but just believe in yourselves okay? Because you may not have anyone else believe in you, so your own self believe is the most important thing you can have. Use it to motivate you.

The Reporter: What does getting drafted mean to you, Urs Schneider? In the same vein, what did it mean to you when you first got drafted, Jon Forty One?

Jon Forty One: It means literally nothing to me and I will not care where he goes in the draft. My draft just pissed me off cause I was accidentally taken cause the general managers was useless and picked way worse players than me. But I proved I was way better than most if not all in my draft class so that is something I guess. I hope in another life the next draft goes a lot smoother for me and I can commit to them 100%. However, till then it is all about this play offs situation!

Urs Schneider: Honestly, it means the world to me. It is just a large culmination of things that I have been doing since I was young. It was all building up to this moment. Honestly even thinking about it has me shaking. I am so anxious haha. You know… it is just something that I have put my mind to for years and to finally be able to reach that goal… It is such an amazing feeling. I am so damn grateful for all the effort my friends and family have put into me and my career man. I remember being driven all around Switzerland by my dad whilst he was working, just so that we could make it to try outs or to games. I owe these people everything and that is why I am trying to give back to these people throughout my career. I am already sending money back to my family and friends back home, because this success is as much as mine as it is their own success.

I can see our time is running out here, so I would like to take the opportunity to send love back home… Grazie a tutti, Danke viel mal. Merci tout le monde. I hope I can keep making you guys proud and thank you for dealing with me and all my stuff!

With love with care, it has been your Anchorage Wheeler, Urs Schneider

The Reporter: And there we have it! All the time we have for now ladies and gentlemen! We have learned more about the Draftee in the Pro Baseball Experience known as Urs Schneider and the playoff chances of Jon Forty One! I hope you all enjoyed the interview and we will hear more from these 2 in the future! Until that time it is good bye from Urs Schneider and good bye from Jon Forty One!

[5188 words. X2 media as its about play-offs!]

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