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Minnesota S70 regular season recap



Opening game: Manhattan Rage (3-4 Loss)


We took an early two goal lead, with goals by Brennan Kennedy III and Julian Flörsch, and the first points for rookies Hải Nam Hoàng and Alexi Piastri. But despite a third goal by Rinky McDangle (With another assist for Hải Nam Hoàng) to put us back to 3-2 in the third period we narrowly lost this game. Enes Gündoğan starting the season with a 0.905 save%. Overall a good collective effort, we just had some bad luck in finishing.


Game 2: San Francisco Pride (3-8 Loss)


Quite the opposite from game 1. At least Hải Nam Hoàng got his first goal as a Monarch.


Game 3: Edmonton Blizzard (5-4 OT Win)


First win of the regular season! Goals by Brennan Kennedy III, Dominik Froste and Brendan Laroux (2!) kept us in the driver seat until the equalizer was scored in the third period. Meta Knight finished it for us in OT, assisted by Alexi Piastri.

Nevek Kove with the two assists in this game, meaning all of our rookies have points!


Game 4: Edmonton Blizzard (4-8 loss)


Unfortunately, an early lead through goals by Alexi Piastri and Adrik Baranov wasnt enough to win this game. EDM tied it later in the first, and again after Julian Flörsch put us up by one once more. A bad 2nd and 3rd period saw us lose the game, despite a goal by Rinky McDangle in the 3rd period.


Game 5: Manhattan Rage (3-7 loss)


Similar story to last game, an early goal by Alexi Piastri puts us in the lead, and we go to the first break on a tie after Brennan Kennedy III scores our second. Despite a third period goal by Hải Nam Hoàng we dont go home with a win.


Game 6: Philadelphia Forge (1-2 SO Loss)


We played a good game against a strong opponent. Took the lead early in the third (goal by Dan Baltisberger) but couldn't hold on to it. Enes Gündoğan had an almost perfect night, stopping 47 shots for a 0.980 sv%.


Game 7: San Francisco Pride (2-6 loss)

We forgot to wake up for P1. And we got absolutely goalied by FHM. Hải Nam Hoàng and Dominik Froste scored for us in the second, and if it werent for the 3 unanswered goals against in P1 we wouldve narrowly lost it by one goal.


Game 8: Chicago Syndicate (0-3 loss)


Despite decent goalie work by Enes Gündoğan stopping 25 of 28 shots we were unable to win this because we failed to score ourselves.


Game 9: New Orleans Specters (4-0 Win)


Shut out against NOLA! 37 saves by Enes Gündoğan, and goals scored by Janis Lux, Brennan Kennedy III and Meta Knight (2x) make our first regulation win of the season a big one.


Game 10: New Orleans Specters (7-1 Win)


And we follow that up with another win against the same team! 27 saves on 28 shots for Enes Gündoğan this game, giving up one against a former teammate in the third. A hattrick from Alexi Piastri and goals by Brendan Laroux Adrik Baranov Rinky McDangle and Hải Nam Hoàng gave us a very comfortable win over a team most people ranked higher than us. Dominik Froste had 5 assists in this game!


Game 11: Baltimore Platoon (5-4 win)


Three wins in a row! Despite a tough 2nd period we tie it up and retake the lead in the third. Adrik Baranov and Meta Knight got our two goals on the board in the first period, and Collin Gibbles kept us close in the second. Rinky McDangle tied it back up in the third, and Hải Nam Hoàng got the game winning goal with only 50 seconds left to play. Dominik Froste and Alexi Piastri both with 3 apples this game!


Game 12: New Orleans Specters (3-4 OT Loss)


Game three of the day against NOLA, and no win this time. But at least we get a point out of it, for taking it to OT. Enes Gündoğan had a good game, stopping 39 of 43 shots (0.910 sv%). But goals from Alexi Piastri Brendan Laroux and Rinky McDangle werent enough for the win.


Game 13: Toronto North Star (7-1 Win)


First period didnt look great, and we went to the first break trailing by one goal. We settled that in the second and third tho, with goals by Rinky McDangle Hải Nam Hoàng Janis Lux Julian Flörsch Brendan Laroux Conner Tanner and Dominik Froste . Meta Knight and Conner Tanner both had three assists. Enes Gündoğan saved 30 of 31, for a 0.970 sv%.

Game 14: Buffalo Stampede (5-2 Win)


47 saves on 49 shots by Enes Gündoğan in what looked more like a shooting gallery than anything else hot us the win. Hải Nam Hoàng with two goals, and Alexi Piastri, Rinky McDangle and Janis Lux scpring one each. Assists were evenly spresd amongst different players, tho Dan Baltisberger contributed two.


Game 15: Los Angeles Panthers (7-4 Win)


Another day of good saves for Enes Gündoğan as he stopped 38 of 42 shots by LAP. Dominik Froste and Alexi Piastri put us in the lead early. LAP had a strong second period, but Brendan Laroux made sure we went into the third with a tied game. Alexi Piastri, Pleyel and Brennan Kennedy III locked the win for us. And after LAP managed to get their 4th goal, Alexi Piastri put the cherry on a good performance by completing his hattrick.


Game 16: Tampa Bay Barracuda (6-5 OT Win)


Goals by Hải Nam Hoàng, Janis Lux, Alexi Piastri, Dominik Froste and Alexi Piastri again weren't enough for a win in regulation, but luckily Janis Lux's second of the game ended OT in our advantage. We out-shot TBB by 5-0 in OT. Apart from his two goals, Alexi Piastri also had an assist. Meta Knight had 3 points as well, recording three assists in the game.


Game 17: San Francisco Pride (2-7 Loss)


A few good games behind us, and we started strong against SFP as well. After P1, we were leading 2-1, goals scored by Brendan Laroux and Meta Knight. Unfortunately it all went downhill from there, as SFP scored three unanswered goals in both the 2nd and 3rd period.


Game 18: New Orleans Specters (1-7 Loss)


What couldve been a chance to pick up after losing last game turned into a nightmare. Despite scoring the opening goal (Janis Lux, assisted by Collin Gibbles and Brendan Laroux), we went on to lose 1-7.


Game 19: New Orleans Specters (3-6 Loss)


A very eventful first 12 minutes of the games, where we scored twice (Alexi Piastri and Dan Baltisberger) but got scored on 4 times turned out to be our doom in this game. We managed to peg one back and close the gap to 3-4 in the second period (goal by Dominik Froste), but a goal against right before the second break and an ENG killed our hopes of a comeback.


Game 20: Winnipeg Aurora (2-9 Loss)


It took seven unanswered WPG goals before we were able to hit them back. Goals by Meta Knight and Rinky McDangle in the second period at least ensured we didn't go home with a shutout against.


Game 21: San Francisco Pride (4-2 Win)


We needed some good news after these last two games. And in a pretty even (43-45 shots in our advantage) game, a strong showing from Enes Gündoğan (41 saves on 43 shots, for a 0.950 SV%) and goals by Rinky McDangle, Brennan Kennedy III, Janis Lux and Dan Baltisberger secured our win.


Game 22: Baltimore Platoon (5-2 Win)


First period goals by Dan Baltisberger and Brennan Kennedy III put us in the lead, and we didnt give it away. We BAP tried to close the gap and came back to a 1 goal difference twice in P2, but Alexi Piastri and Pleyel got us back to a 2 goal before Dominik Froste scored our fifth. Enes Gündoğan did well too, with a 0.940 sv%.


Game 23: New England Wolfpack (3-5 Loss)


We lost it on the PK today, with NEW scoring 3 PP goals. Brendan Laroux kept us in the game in the 1st period, bringing ua back to 1-2 after two early power play goals for NEW. We had a really strong P2, with 25 shots for, and goals by Pleyel and Dominik Froste. After two periods, we were leading 3-2. Unfortunately we let them score the GTG on another PP. And NEW pushed on and scored two more later in the third. Backup goalie in net today, stopping 45/50 shots.


Game 24: New England Wolfpack (0-1 Loss)


The chance to get right back at NEW. We kept it even closer than last time, but weren't able to score ourselves. So a lone P3 goal by NEW sealed the game for them. Enes Gündoğan stopped 27 of 28 today.


Game 25: Texas Renegades (4-6 loss)


In a game we should really be winning, we started strong. A hattrick by Rinky McDangle in the first period put us in the lead. However it took to long for us to score a 4th, and we let HAM take the advantage. Janis Lux was able to close the gap to 2 late in P3, but there was not enough time for a comeback.


Game 26: Hamilton Steelhawks (6-5 win)


A game with a lot of shots, as Enes Gündoğan face 51 and stopped 46 (0.900 sv%). Brennan Kennedy III, Meta Knight and a rare goal by Nevek Kove put us up 3-1 after the first period. Another goal by Meta Knight and one by Alexi Piastri kept us in the lead in P2. Julian Flörsch made sure the HAM comeback attempt in P3 was disrupted, bringing us to 6 before they could score their 5th


Game 27: Montreal Patriotes (1-4 Loss)


We were very much outshot in this game. Our backup goalie did well, stopping 44 of 47 shots, but despite an effort late in P3 we were not able to keep up with Montreal. Our goal was scored by Dan Baltisberger, assisted by Rinky McDangle and Dominik Froste


Game 28: Texas Renegades (1-4 Loss)


I'm not sure what it is, but something about TEX playing style does not suit us well. Enes Gündoğan stopped 46 of the 50 shots he faced. Alexi Piastri Converted an assist by Dominik Froste and Nevek Kove into the 1-2 early in the third period, but TEX brought the gap back to 2 shortly after.


Game 29: Chicago Syndicate (3-7 loss)


Alexi Piastri scored the only goal of the first period, and we tied the 3rd period through goals by Rinky McDangle and Hải Nam Hoàng. We let Chicago score 5 unanswered goals in P2 though, with both goalies sharing in the misery.


Game 30: Seattle Argonauts (1-5 Loss)


Janis Lux scored our only goal of the game early in the 2nd period, assisted by Rinky McDangle and Dan Baltisberger. But we didn't stand much of a chance today, as we only got 14 shots on net, compared to SEA's 44.


Game 31: New Orleans Specters (5-6 OTL)


We managed to come back from a two goal deficit twice this game. First at the start of P2, when Meta Knight and Dominik Froste pulled us back into the game by scoring twice within a minute and a half. And a second time around the second break, through goals by Janis Lux and Brendan Laroux. Alexi Piastri scored our fifth goal to once again even the game for us. Unfortunately we couldnt take a lead in OT either, and saw NOLA score once more. Good game for the PP units, as we converted on 2 of 3 powerplays.


Game 32: Buffalo Stampede (4-3 Win)


Despite being outshot 59 - 25, we were efficient enough to get the win. Not in the last place because of the magnificent goalie work by Enes Gündoğan, who stopped 56 shots for a .950 sv%. The game really started in the second period, when Hải Nam Hoàng put us at 1-0. Two goals by BUF turned the tables in their favour, but before P2 was over, Rinky McDangle and Alexi Piastri had putten us back into a one goal lead. Dominik Froste widened the gap to 2 goals in the third, and despite scoring once more, BUF couldn't get enough pucks past Enes Gündoğan to capitalize on their massive amount of shots.


Game 33: Chicago Syndicate (2-6 loss)


Once again we took the lead in P1 against Chicago, and gave it all away in the second. Our goals were scored by Janis Lux and Dan Baltisberger.


Game 34: Winnipeg Aurora (6-2 win)


We started the game strong, and never let go. Hải Nam Hoàng and Dominik Froste opened the score for us in P1, and by the time WPG could get a goal past CorcoranTwitch, Alexi Piastri and Hải Nam Hoàng had already brought our score up to 4. Conner Tanner scored our fifth, before Hải Nam Hoàng completed the hattrick with a second to go in the 2nd period.


Game 35: Texas Renegades (3-4 Loss)


Despite a decent game by Enes Gündoğan (.900 sv%), stopping 34 of 38 shots by TEX, we narrowly lost. All of our goals were scored in the first period, by Janis Lux , Brennan Kennedy III and Rinky McDangle. Hải Nam Hoàng had an assist on all three Monarchs goals.


Game 36: Calgary Dragons (3-2 Win)


Close game! Where a good second period with goals by Janis Lux and Hải Nam Hoàng put us up 2-0, great goalie work by Enes Gündoğan (0.940 sv%) and a GWG for Alexi Piastri halfway through the 3rd period were enough for a victory.


Game 37: Edmonton Blizzard (1-8 loss)


In a game where we were heavily outshot, and only managed to play a close 2nd period, Alexi Piastri saved us from being shut out.


Game 38: Winnipeg Aurora (4-1 Win)


Goals by Dominik Froste and Julian Flörsch in the 1st, and Brendan Laroux and Alexi Piastri in the 3rd period tipped the scales in our favour, as CorcoranTwitch only had to let one puck in.


Game 39: Calgary Dragons (1-3 loss)


A completely different game than the one earlier, as we were outshot 50-20. Enes Gündoğan kept us in the game until the end, stopping 47 of 49 shots faced. Dominik Froste pulled us back to a one goal deficit halfway through P3, but an emptynetter sealed our fate.


Game 40: Atlanta Inferno (4-1 Win)


Another game where we were heavily outshot (46 - 16), but our we proved to be very efficient at finishing today. Meta Knight and Alexi Piastri opened the score in the 2nd period, and after ATL came back to 2-1 in the third Brennan Kennedy III brought the gap back to two. Rinky McDangle had the last say in the game with an empty net goal. Other key players were Nevek Kove (2 assists) and Enes Gündoğan stopping 45 shots for a 0.980 sv%.


Game 41: Philadelphia Forge (2-5 loss)


Goals by Julian Flörsch and Janis Lux werent enough for a win in what otherwise looked like a pretty even game. A shorthanded goal by PHI halfway through the game seems to have tipped the scales in their favour.


Game 42: Los Angeles Panthers (5-2 Win)


A good start to the sim day, as we outshoot LAP in a game where special teams flourished. LAP scored the first on a power play, but before the end of the first period a shorthanded goal by Rinky McDangle and a power play goal by Alexi Piastri put us in the lead. Janis Lux and Nevek Kove build our lead in the 2nd, before another power play goal, this tine by Dominik Froste, completes our score. We were 2/2 on the PP this game. And looked solid in D too, with Enes Gündoğan having a good day in net stopping 29 of 31 (0.940 sv%)


Game 43: New Orleans Specters (3-4 Loss)


A close game against NOLA, where we managed to tie it up twice through goals by Pleyel and Alexi Piastri. A goal by Meta Knight even put us in the lead early in the 3rd period, but a goal in the last minute of the game crushed our hopes of winning this one.


Game 44: Chicago Syndicate (4-5 SOL)


Another close game against a strong opponent. Enes Gündoğan had a good game, stopping 43 of 47 shots for a 0.920 sv%. Goals by Hải Nam Hoàng, Meta Knight and Alexi Piastri in the first, and an early second period goal by Nevek Kove gave us a three goal lead. Unfortunately we couldn't hang on to it in the 3rd period, and they went into OT with the momentum. We managed to hang on throughout OT, but lost it in the shoot out lottery.


Game 45: Chicago Syndicate (3-6 loss)


Despite taking a two goal lead in the first three minutes of the game, this game was a lot less close than the last one. Our goals were scored by Janis Lux, Rinky McDangle and Dominik Froste.


Game 46: Tampa Bay Barracuda (7-4 Win)


Once again, we took an early lead, with goals by Pleyel, Dominik Froste and Julian Flörsch. This time we managed to hold on to it. Pleyel and Dominik Froste each scored another goal in the 2nd period, and Janis Lux and Kennedy III finished it. Both Rinky McDangle and Meta Knight had 2 assists in this game.


Game 47: Los Angeles Panthers (4-5 loss)


A close second and third period were not enough to get rid of the 0-2 lead LAP took in the first. Brendan Laroux, Alexi Piastri, Dominik Froste and Meta Knight scored our four goals.


Game 48: Montreal Patriotes (2-7 loss)


A game with a lot of penalties. Which lead to a lot of special team scoring. We took the lead in the first half of the first period through a goal by Rinky McDangle. After an equalizer late in the 1st, we immediately took the lead back through a powerplay goal by Julian Flörsch. Unfortunately they managed to put pressure on us, and score two more times before the first buzzer. With their first of the two being shorthanded. The rest of the game saw them score 4 more, including 2 more powerplay goals, and a shorthanded goal.


Game 49: Winnipeg Aurora (1-9 Loss)


Brennan Kennedy III tried to keep us in the game in P1, and brought us back to 1-1. But we weren't close to making any kind of effort to winning today.


Game 50: Seattle Argonauts (3-7 loss)


We ony managed 14 shots today, and still scored three. All of our goals were scored in P1. by Meta Knight, Dan Baltisberger and Brendan Laroux. Enes Gündoğan was called in to replace our starter CorcoranTwitch in the 14th minute, when we were facing a 2-4 deficit. In the remaining 2.5 periods, he stopped 31 of 34 shots, and got a 0.910 sv%.


Game 51: Winnipeg Aurora (1-7 Loss)


We got absolutely smacked on the PP today, as WPG scored 4 PP goals and a shorthanded. Our goal was on the powerplay as well, scored by Meta Knight, and assisted by Dominik Froste


Game 52: Texas Renegades (7-4 Win)


Enes Gündoğan had a good game, saving 41 of 45 (0.910 sv%) We had a strong start to the game, taking a 3-0 lead through goals by Julian Flörsch, Alexi Piastri and Pleyel, before TEX managed to do something. 2 goals by TEX and another for us by Kennedy III saw us going into the first break with a 4.2 lead. TEX managed to get back to 4-4, before we ended the game on a strong note and scored another three. Meta Knight and 2 more goals by Kennedy III got us the win, and Brennan Kennedy III the hattrick. Rookies Brendan Laroux and Hải Nam Hoàng had a good game as well, with a lot of assists.


Game 53: Edmonton Blizzard (5-6 Loss)


Despite very efficient shooting (5 goals on only 24 shots) and decent goaltending (allowing only 6 on 51 shots) we fell just short of winning this game. Monarchs goals were scored by Dominik Froste Meta Knight Hải Nam Hoàng Tanner and Julian Flörsch


Game 54: Chicago Syndicate (2-7 loss)


Bad game by backup goalie Corcorantwitch, but great last period from Enes Gündoğan, stopping all 12 shots he faced. Unfortunately a good third period (which we won 1-0, goal scored by Julian Flörsch) was not enough to make it a close game. Our other goal was scored in the first period by Hải Nam Hoàng.


Game 55: Texas Renegades (7-3 Win)


In a game where we outshot TEX by 44 to 23, a high scoring 2nd period was the key element to winning. Hải Nam Hoàng scored the opening goal, but TEX tied it back up before the end of the first period. After being behind by one early in the second, goals by Alexi Piastri Meta Knight Janis Lux and Adrik Baranov in the 2nd period tilted the game in our favour. Dominik Froste and Kennedy III gave us something to cheer for in the third period as well.


Game 56: Seatle Argonauts (2-5 loss)


A bad start by CorcoranTwitch, who let in 3 goals on 6 shots in the first 5 minutes. Enes Gündoğan took over, and only allowed 2 more in the rest of the game for a 0.930 sv%. Alexi Piastri and Dominik Froste scored the goals for Minny.


Game 57: Hamilton Steelhawks (2-3 loss)


A close game, where both goalies had a good showing. Enes Gündoğan stopped 32 of 35 shots, for a 0.910 sv. Goals by Dominik Froste and Alexi Piastri were not enough for us to beat the Steelhawks today.


Game 58: Texas Renegades (5-1 Win)


We outshot TEX 53 to 24, and were never in any danger this game. Enes Gündoğan only let one goal in, which was good for a 0.960 sv%. Alexi Piastri, Meta Knight, Collin Gibbles, Dominik Froste and Janis Lux scored our goals. Meta Knight and Dominik Froste were both good for a couple of assists as well.


Game 59: Toronto North Stars (6-4 win)


We outshot TOR by slightly less than we did TEX last game (52-29). We were cruising in the first 2 periods, but almost let TOR get too close in the third. Alexi Piastri, Dan Baltisberger and Meta Knight put us in the lead. TOR scored three quick goals to tie the game early in the third, but Pleyel restored our lead. They promptly managed to tie it again but a GWG by Nevek Kove and and empty netter by Kennedy III secured our win.


Game 60: Atlanta Inferno (2-10 loss)


7 unanswered goals by ATL in the first period made this a game to forget real quick. The second period was a glimmer of hope, as we scored twice through Hải Nam Hoàng and Dominik Froste, but the third period was for ATL again.


Game 61: Winnipeg Aurora (1-8 loss)


We were outshot by 19 to 65. Hải Nam Hoàng and Rinky McDangle assisted in our lone goal by Dan Baltisberger in the third period.


Game 62: Seattle Argonauts (4-2 win)


A fairly even game, in which good goaltending by Enes Gündoğan (0.930 sv%) and goals by Hải Nam Hoàng Dominik Froste Meta Knight and Rinky McDangle made the difference for us.


Game 63: Calgary Dragons (2-7 loss)


A game in which we struggled to get the puck in faceoffs, and conceded 3 power play goals on 9 attempts. Brendan Laroux tried to keep us in pace with the Dragons by bringing us back to 1-2 almost halfway through the first, but we were not strong enough to take the next steps. Oldtimer Collin Gibbles scored our second goal.


Game 64: Los Angeles Panthers (3-4 Loss)


A high shooting game, where we outshot LAP 53 to 38. A bit of luck wouldve been nice, as Enes Gündoğan kept us on our feet with a 0.900 sv%. But unfortunately LAP was more efficient and scored the winning goal with 19 seconds to play. Our goals were scored Dan Baltisberger Dominik Froste and Kennedy III.


Game 65: Winnipeg Aurora (3-6 loss)


A terrible start of the game, as CorcoranTwitch let 4 in on the first 12 shots. Enes Gündoğan took over after 15 minutes, and stopped 41 of the remaining 44 shots (0.930 sv%). Dominik Froste Rinky McDangle and Alexi Piastri scored our goals.


Game 66: Calgary Dragons (2-4 loss)


Last game of the regular season, in which Enes Gündoğan showed the form we like to see in the POs. He stopped 41 of 45 shots, for a 0.910 sv%. Adrik Baranov opened the scoring this game, netting a shorthanded goal. After that, CGY took over. And unfortunately Alexi Piastri bringing us back to 2-3 with two minutes to go was quickly shut down by CGY's 4th goal.


Recap per player
Hải Nam Hoàng – Youngest player on the team, ready to move up to the SHL a season earlier than most others. Hải showed calling him up was definitely no mistake as he scored 21 goals and gave 25 assists for a combined 46 points.

Brennan Kennedy III – Brennan Kennedy III may not be seen as the talent his predecessors (Brennan Kennedy and Brennan Kennedy Jr) were, but he nevertheless had a decent rookie season on Minnesota’s 3rd forward line. His 35 points are on par with older players like Pleyel.

Brendan Laroux – Rookie defenseman Brendan Laroux played his rookie season on the blue line with fellow rookie Nevek Kove. Laroux was the scorer of the two, netting 13 goals and 21 assists and recording just under 100 hits (95).

Alexi Piastri – Piastri had an absolute dream of a rookie season. Leading the team in points (88), goals (36) and assists (52), the young forward really took the Monarchs by the hand and continued the dominant play we saw from him in the SMJHL. He has over a point per game in 5-on-5 hockey points, and leads the team in hits (138) as well. With this record, it’s hard to argue for anyone else taking the Rookie of the Year award in S70.

Nevek Kove – Rookie Defenseman Nevek Kove played alongside Brendan Laroux during their rookie season. Kove was the defensive powerhouse, blocking 269 shots (good for a 5th place in the league). From a defensive point of view, Kove definitely had a stunning rookie season! The -8 plus/minus among most others in the team being in the double digits proves their defensive value.

Meta Knight – 69 points, nice. 48 assists and 21 goals for our first line center. Meta Knight was an important piece on our power play, shown by his 11 PP goals and 12 PP assists.

Dominik Froste – Dominik continues to be an important player for the Monarchs, despite his young age. In only his second SHL season, he was responsible for a fair shares of the Monarchs goals and assists. He scored 27, only outscored by Piastri, and had 43 apples in the season.

Julian Flörsch – Julian Flörsch is on the ice a lot for 5-on-5 and power plays. Not so much for shorthanded plays, as he’s one of he key players in causing these situations. His 60 PIMS put him 7th in the league. From his 35 points, 15 come from power play situations.

Dan Baltisberger – Young Swiss forward Dan Baltisberger has some trouble getting his pucks in the net, but makes up for it in assists. Despite a 5.5 shooting percentage, he collected 34 points, and all but one of hem come from 5-on-5 hockey.

Joshua CorcoranTwitch – Backup goalie by day, also backup goalie by night. CorcoranTwitch did what we pay him for, start in like 13 games and win three.

Enes Gündoğan – Gündoğan is a reliable goalie, with decent stats for someone facing a fuckton of shots. He got our sole shutout of the season, and as the defenders in front of him develop he’ll be able to prove his worth in more close games.

Ignaz Pleyel – For a depth forward, Pleyel is involved in plenty of action. Not the greatest goal scorer of all time, but definitely knows how to give an assist.

Conner Tanner – One of our key defenseman, Tanner had another season of blocks all around the ice. His 226 blocks are good enough for 8th spot in the league.

Rinky McDangle – One of our more experienced players, who once again did not fail to contribute. A +/- of -10, which is the highest among Monarchs forwards shows his importance. He scored 5 shorthanded goals this season, 6th highest in the league.

Janis Lux – Janis Lux is a very reliable forward, picking up his points left and right. He managed to collect 44 this season, keeping pace with a lot of the younger guys around him.

Adrik Baranov – Baranov has been with us forever, and is still a reliable piece in our defensive lineup. At a -4 plus/minus and 22 points, Baranov isn’t know for giving away goals.

Collin Gibbles – Our very own oldtimer, Collin Gibbles is a gem. He keeps throwing his old body in from of pucks, blocking 126 shots this season. He may not be a top point scorer, but he can always find his way to the fans hearts.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

 [Image: mutedfaith.gif]
Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

This is incredible. Keep up the good work.

Piastri for RotY! Monarchs

[Image: uktCsuX.png]


[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

OmG hOw MaNy WoRdS iS tHaT?

[Image: byTaUkC.png]

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