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Jarrow Learns About Team Switzerland [20% Bonus]

Jarrow Learns About Team Switzerland

A lot of so called "experts" like to tell you to weigh your options before making any kind of commitment. That "educating" and "learning" about the choices that lay ahead is the prudent way to address the issue. Well Spack Jarrow doesn't have time for all that bullshit. Full sails ahead regardless of the consequences! That's the way to navigate life. That's his motto.

...and with that Spack Jarrow became a citizen of the great nation of Switzerland. All it took was brother Bloos extending an olive branch and giving Jarrow a ticket on ship Swiss. Nothing more needed to be said. It was meant to be.

[Image: 5fY7uq0.png]

Now that things have settled and a week has past, it is time that Jarrow starts to research the consequences of his decision. How exactly does the team look? What kind of ship has he chained himself to?


1) 2087 TPE - S51 - Mitchell van der Heijden - Active (last played S60)
2) 1810 TPE - S47 - Slap McShotty - Active (last played S60)
3) 1230 TPE - S57 - Anton Mihailov - Active (last played S60)
4) 1219 TPE - S57 - Luukas Lilja - Active (last played S60)
5) 796 TPE - S59 - Marco Barengrub - Active (last played n/a)
6) 257 TPE - S62 - Aldo Huber - Active (last played n/a)
7) 155 TPE - S63 - Nicola Schümperli - Active (last played n/a)
x) 1290 TPE - S53 - Rocco Berni - In-Active (last played S58)
x) 983 TPE - S50 - Luca Veccelli - Retired (last played S60)
x) 369 TPE - S58 - Leon Schweingruber - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 230 TPE - S52 - Riley Kuse - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 179 TPE - S61 - Pavlov Dogsyuk - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 168 TPE - S60 - Kerbal Rais - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S52 - Hans Kuhn - In-Active (last played n/a)
Center depth for the current season looks great. On the first line you have Mitchell van der Heijden who finished second in points in the SHL this season with 87. Behind him on the 2nd line you have McShotty who finished with a respectable 67 points. Then the bottom 6 you Mihailov (38 points) and Lilja (34 points) who both had strong seasons. Barengrub is likely looking to getting his first shot in the IIHF with the retirement of Luca Veccelli last season.

The future is looking great for this club down center ice. Barengrub (37 points in the SMJHL) is a future star ready to get some IIHF experience. If Aldo Huber and Nicola Schümperli can maintain their activity and get their TPE up, the Switzerland center position is looking solid for the future.

Left Wing
1) 1242 TPE - S53 - Frederick Wanesly - Active (last played S60)
2) 723 TPE - S59 - Cormac Pónaire - Active (last played S60)
3) 362 TPE - S61 - Jalal ad-Din Afinogenov - Active (last played n/a)
4) 285 TPE - S62 - Spack Jarrow - Active (last played n/a)
x) 1530 TPE - S47 - Lallo Selman - In-Active (last played S58)
x) 1309 TPE - S48 - Nick Connolly - In-Active (last played S60)
x) 1010 TPE - S47 - Nicolaj Muller - In-Active (last played S59)
x) 670 TPE - S58 - Yan Dolff - In-Active (last played S59)
x) 270 TPE - S58 - Ruedi Huber - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 238 TPE - S61 - petra sabor - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 173 TPE - S54 - Adriano Ippolito - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 155 TPE - S56 - Ptoughneigh Bnugnuart - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 155 TPE - S56 - Elias Bieri - In-Active (last played n/a)
Lets be honest. Left wing is looking bad. That is definitely not a knock on the players, it is an indication of a hole or two in the line-up. That hole of lack of LW depth between S49 and S52 is really hurting them now. The team does not have a 1st line winger that will be at the TPE level that other countries will be at. Which then cascades all the way down the line-up. It looks like for the next couple of seasons, the left wingers will be asked to be playing against much higher level of competition.

Wansely had a solid 40 point season which is good production from what you would hope would be your 2nd/3rd line but with the retirements of Lallo Selman, Nick Connolly, and Nicolaj Muller in the last 3 seasons, left wing has nobody else from the SHL to play.

The addition of Cormac Pónaire is huge (61 points in the SMJHL) to the team but he is playing in the SMJHL and isn't quite at the SHL level yet. Although he has experience at the IIHF level last season, the loss of Connolly is going to put further pressure on this young star.

With the problem of depth Jalal ad-Din Afinogenov transferred to Switzerland with hopes of seeing international ice-time. He may want to be careful what he wishes for because much like Pónaire, he is going to be relied to play against some tough competition. Only a season 61 create, he is going to get experience quickly.

That leaves Mr. Jarrow himself left. From the looks of the club, he will be getting playing time sooner rather than later. Although he is close to playing because of necessity, likely one more season before he is thrown into the battle that others before him are facing. He had better not miss any training!

This season is looking like it is going to be tough on the left wing and maybe next as well but there is a great young core that can fill in the missing pieces left by the older members who have retired. It's just going to take some patience.

Right Wing
1) 2178 TPE - S52 - Cal Labovitch - Active (last played S60)
2) 2032 TPE - S49 - Elijah Jones - Active (last played S60)
3) 1623 TPE - S54 - Justin Keahi - Active (last played S60)
4) 160 TPE - S63 - Ivan Lacksamus - Active (last played n/a)
5) n/a TPE - S56 - Gerome Eyeginla - Active (last played n/a)
x) 586 TPE - S56 - Thomas Rose - In-Active (last played S58)
x) 272 TPE - S59 - Julian Kazarine - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 198 TPE - S62 - Wayne Glensky - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 155 TPE - S61 - Dobby Yogsmen - In-Active (last played n/a)
Right wing is a really strong top 3 with no depth. You have Cal Labovitch who finished 1st in goals with 42 and 12th in points this season in the SHL with 72. The duo of van der Heijden and Labovitch will be a treat to watch and will need to be to make up for the lack of winger depth. Right behind Labovitch on right wing is Elijah Jones who finishing 14th in points with 71.

Justin Keahi had 34 points and might need to play 2nd line minutes should Jones/Labovitch swap sides to help out the hole on the left and load up 1 line. Beyond that, there is not much help.

The Swiss team will need to recruit some help for the right side future. They'll be hoping that Ivan Lacksamus is an active and productive member. The opportunity is there for him if he wants it or any other unassigned winger who hasn't chosen an allegiance to any country yet.

1) 1940 TPE - S53 - William Hartmann - Active (last played S60)
2) 1788 TPE - S50 - Ursin Zimmermann - Active (last played S60)
3) 1785 TPE - S49 - FR Finn-Rhys - Active (last played S60)
4) 1678 TPE - S46 - Mathias Seger - Active (last played S60)
5) 1653 TPE - S54 - Elias Kierkegaard - Active (last played S60)
6) 1232 TPE - S57 - Arsene Leclerc - Active (last played S60)
7) 888 TPE - S58 - Narboza Manyhands - Active (last played S60)
8) 679 TPE - S60 - Marcel Beck - Active (last played n/a)
9) 592 TPE - S59 - Sabarro Torretta - Active (last played n/a)
10) 481 TPE - S61 - Jannik Nordstern - Active (last played n/a)
x) 484 TPE - S51 - Danila Zhernov - In-Active (last played S52)
x) 388 TPE - S52 - Bryce Turner - In-Active (last played S52)
x) 196 TPE - S53 - Jack Von Arx - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 161 TPE - S57 - Brian Vrieze - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S51 - Viska Weber - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S52 - Lucy Retriever - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S53 - Martin Nemo - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S54 - Milli Vanilli - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) n/a TPE - S56 - Jerry Wang - In-Active (last played n/a)
The core is a really good defensive group of players. The offensive side is lacking perhaps a bit for this team as there isn't really a defenseman who finished much more than .6ppg in the SHL. William Hartmann is the highest rated defenseman and will be relied on heavily. He finished with 34 points. Zimmerman had a solid 31 points while FR Finn-Rhys finished with 32. Mathias Seger had 25 points and as the oldest player on the team, likely looking at the final season or two of IIHF play with some quality depth starting to line up on the bench.

Elias Kierkegaard had the most points out of any Swiss defender this season with 37 and will be an important piece this season. He also played 23 minutes a game so he is use to high minutes. Young defensive star Arsene Leclerc finished with 33 points despite only having 1200 TPE. He will need to step up to fill any void that Seger leaves when that time comes.

Narboza Manyhands only played 16 minutes a game this season and finished with 10 points. Lots of potential and should start to give the older guys some competition for their roster spot.

The future is very good with this group as there are several high potential players waiting in the wings. Marcel Beck (22 points in the SMJHL) is likely one more season away but has gobs of potential. Now with the season Sabarro Torretta had, 51 points (3rd most points for a defenseman), there is a lot of excitement to see what he can do at the national level. Then to top it all off Jannik Nordstern, who had 36 points in the SMJHL this season, is another defender who has a ton of potential.

Definitely don't need to do much tinkering to the defensive side of things I don't think. The current group is very strong and the new players look to be the perfect fit for the future in 2 or 3 seasons time.

1) 1536 TPE - S55 - Nicolae Antonescu - Active (last played S60)
2) 285 TPE - S62 - Rebecca Montagne - Active (last played n/a)
x) 1826 TPE - S50 - Markus Tegernako - Retired (last played S60)
x) 391 TPE - S59 - Benjamin Blue-II - In-Active (last played n/a)
x) 155 TPE - S61 - Julius Parker - In-Active (last played n/a)
This is where the biggest change has happened on the team since last season. With the retirement of Markus Tegernako, the Swiss team will be turning the reigns over to Nicolae Antonescu who has been patiently waiting for this opportunity. They finished with the 3rd best save percentage in the SHL at .923% on a struggling team. The hopes of a nation is a lot of pressure to put on a player but Antonescu is ready for that challenge.

Rebecca Mongtagne is one of the leagues most promising young goaltenders and was a huge addition to the team when she transferred to the Swiss team. Her rookie season was marred in controversy over not getting enough playing time. Even so far as having #FreeMongtagne trending on twitter by the fans. Joining the Swiss will propel her immediately into the backup role and should give the desired additional playing time.


So there we have it. Shallow on wing, especially right wing but a lot of high potential players who will be hitting their stride in a couple of seasons. If you put more faith in re-creates (understandably) then the team is really looking strong in the future with the vast majority of younger players being at least their 2nd player.

From a Spack Jarrow point of view? This looks like a team that needs a Spack Jarrow which is perfect because Spack Jarrow needs a team like this.

Once again proving the point that overthinking a decision isn't needed. Just go where the winds are blowing you and it will work out.

Thank you bloos and Segi and to all of Jarrow's new teammates (although he hasn't actually been chosen for any IIHF team yet). Looking forward to seeing us grow as a team!

GO  Switzerland GO!

[ 2,203 words ]

[Image: yyo9APg.gif]


Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, and tweedledunn for sigs


Much luck Spack

Dominik Tretyak
Anchorage Armada
Magnitogorsk, RUS

[Image: PP492HY.gif]

Go Switzerland! The flag is a big plus too.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)



[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs


[Image: ZLoVQGU.png]
[Image: M02LOrx.png]

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10-05-2021, 08:44 AMTha_Lux Wrote: Much luck  Spack

You too Dom!

[Image: yyo9APg.gif]


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