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The Blizzard Comment on Milestones and Their Start to the Season
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2019, 06:25 PM by caltroit_red_flames.)

The Blizzard Comment on Milestones and Their Start to the Season

With the season underway and the Blizzard rebounding, it seemed like a good time to take a look at the leaders of the team and ask them some questions about how they think it's going so far and if they're excited about some upcoming milestones. Connor Tanner, Joseph Lombardi, Teddy Cuddles, Tor Tuck, Brady McIntyre and Cory Knouse are being leaned on heavily this season and so far they've been up to the task.

Cory Knouse @ckroyal92

We had a chance to talk with Cory Knouse in the locker room as the fellas were getting ready for practice. Coach @Leafs4ever had just finished up talking about the practice plan, pretty standard. Some warm up drills for the tendies, tipping drills, breakout drills, 3 on 2's and power play drills. Before stepping onto the ice Cory stopped in the hallway.

Interview Thanks for chatting with us Cory.
Knouse: No problem, happy to do it.

Interview How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?
Knouse: We're off to a great start this season. Teddy's picking up right where he left off last season, dominating defenses left & right, Mack's been huge in an elevated role, our defense is solid as usual & Tommy's bounced back in a big way after a down year last year.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?
Knouse: I could give you the cliche answer that it's champions or bust as that's what we all strive for, but realistically we've taken a small step back from our S45 cup winning squad. Ideally, what we'd like to happen is to win our division or least earn a top 3 spot so we don't have to play in the wild card round again.

Interview What would you consider a failure for this season as a team  (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?
Knouse: That's an easy one. What I'd consider failure would be missing the playoffs. With the squad we've assembled, that simply cannot happen.

Interview What are your personal goals this season?
Knouse: I just want to do my part to help the team win really, but if I had to put a number on it, I'd like to be at least close to a point per game again.
Currently you sit exactly 2 points behind Jackson Rogers-Tanaka for 6th most point scored by a Blizzard player for all time. How do you feel about being so close to climbing another step up the ladder and do you see yourself being able to make it into the top 3 with at least 464 points before you hang up the skates?

Interview Currently you sit exactly 2 points behind Jackson Rogers-Tanaka for 6th most point scored by a Blizzard player for all time. How do you feel about being so close to climbing another step up the ladder and do you see yourself being able to make it into the top 3 with at least 464 points before you hand up the skates?
Knouse: As a former Kelowna Knight myself, JRT was almost a folk hero. I'd just started juniors when he was playing in his last season in the SHL, so I heard all the stories about what a legend he was. The fact that I'm right behind him is almost surreal. Now, for the second part of your question. The points aren't coming quite as easily as they once did, but I think there's a real chance I could crack the top 3 within the next 2 seasons & I know I've got enough left in the tank to keep going a few seasons past that before I give it up.

Interview Good luck in practice Cory, thanks.
Knouse: Thanks.

Teddy Cuddles @cpetrella

Teddy Cuddles got to step off the ice a little early. You get to enjoy the little perks when you're leading the squad in both points and hits I suppose. He may be on the tail end of his career, but I don't see him slowing down whatsoever. The guy is a snipeforcer out there, and he always looks reluctant to get off the ice. You tell every day that this guy loves hockey.

Interview Hey Teddy, you have time for a quick interview?

Cuddles: For sure!

Interview Thanks Teddy! How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?

Cuddles: The start of the season has been absolutely fantastic for us, I think that goes without saying. A lot of people expected us to be a fringe team this season but we all knew that we had it is run to run the table. This team, especially our defense is way too strong, along with a strong goalie in Tuck. We've had a tremendous amount of growth from guys like Mack and Pepperoni, and the FA addition of Lombardi helps bolster our top 6. I expected this and I'm honestly surprised more people didn't.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Cuddles: I want to at least make the finals. I really think that we have another run in us. We can beat anyone.

Interview What would you consider a failure for this season as a team  (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Cuddles: Missing the playoffs would be a huge failure this season, especially with the hot start we've had. Our core is getting up there and we need to be able to get it done now.

Interview What are your personal goals this season?

Cuddles: I want to be a top scorer again like I was last year and hopefully win a major award. The Dar has always been a huge goal for me and I think I have a shot at it this year.

Interview In game 4 of this season against the Minnesota Chiefs you scored your 344th point in a Blizzard uniform to officially surpass Ivan Koroviev for 10th position on the list of all time points scored by a Blizzard player. How does it feel to see yourself climbing the list of all time greats to have worn an Edmonton uniform?

Cuddles: It means so much to me. It means more to me than anything really. The Blizzard Franchise is my home and I would want to be nowhere but the city of Edmonton. To be up in the ranks with guys like Koro, McDonald, and hopefully eventually Smith and Keenan, is a huge honor. It's what I play for right now, to be an all time great for this team. I want to have my name and number raised up into the rafters after my career is over.

Interview The players ahead of you are the following, which includes only one non-retired player in Cory Knouse. Based on the names and points scored, how far do you see yourself climbing the list?
1.) Theo Kane - 735 points
2.) Nikolous Scholz - 702 points
3.) Lucas Smith - 464 points
4.) Kyle Keenan - 453 points
5.) Mark Longford - 450 points
6.) Jackson Rogers-Tanaka - 409 points
7.) Cory Knouse - 407 points
8.) Teodors Cukurs - 384 points
9.) Jay McDonald - 366 points
10.) Teddy Cuddles - 351 points

Cuddles: I can see myself getting 3rd behind Scholz and Kane. If Knouse goes a lot farther, I'll settle for fourth, but he's getting older now so I'm not sure on how long he's planning to go from here. I'm not gonna be able to touch Kane and Scholz. Those guys are absolute legends and were so good for so ling. Playing with both of them in my career is a huge honor and I have the upmost respect for them. To be #3 behind them would be a huge honor.

Interview Thanks talking with us Teddy, good luck tonight!

Joseph Lombardi @bluesfan55

This offseason Joseph Lombardi decided to join the Blizzard in Edmonton and he's been a huge addition to the team. The team has been lacking a little on offense after losing Fletcher, Kurczewski, Czerkawski and Smyth last season so his high octane game has been a welcome change of pace. After getting out of the showers Lombardi took some questions from reporters.

Interview How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?

Lombardi: Absolutely elated. I knew we were going to have a great season coming into it with the talent we have, but to start this well was a great surprise. I have full confidence in the guys to keep it going, and this season should be a fun one.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Lombardi: To make the second round at least. I have never won a playoff series, and I seem to have bad luck in the playoffs, so winning just one series would be amazing to me. I can see us winning the Cup, but I want to keep it realistic for now.

Interview What would you consider a failure for this season as a team  (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Lombardi: Missing the playoffs. We are too good not to miss. A team with the amount of talent we have shouldn't miss out.

Interview What are your personal goals this season?

Lombardi: To finally average a point per game. I got really close last year (48 points), and if I keep up my play I think I can. The other goal is to win a playoff series. I've lost every SHL playoff series I've played in, whether it be with San Francisco, Minnesota, Toronto, or Seattle. To get one would be great.

Interview At 296 points you sit just 4 points away from breaking the 300 points. How does it feel to be so close to such a huge milestone in your career?

Lombardi: It feels awesome! I'm not stopping there, though. I want to get to at least 400 before I retire. I want to be known as a scorer who could score wherever he played.

Interview You made the decision this past offseason to test free agency and ended up with the Blizzard. What caused you to leave your previous organization and how did Edmonton management persuade you to join the Blizzard?

Lombardi: Toronto was planning to rebuild, and while I loved my time with the organization and had some great teammates, I wanted to play on a team with Cup-level talent. I knew a lot of guys on the Blizzard beforehand (Cuddles, Tuck, and I were teammates in the J, Brady was a Crow too, Chip was in the same draft class as me, and I was teammates with Ensio in Seattle) and I'd always wanted to play with top guys like Tanner and Tommy Tuck, so it was almost a no-brainer. A couple of other teams were really close to getting me, but I ultimately felt Edmonton was the right fit. The chance to possibly play for a Cup was too good not to pass on.

Interview Thanks Joe.

Lombardi: No problem. Any other questions? (Other reporters asked more questions, but nothing we felt were worth reporting on).

Tor Tuck @ErM

If you had to choose a household name on the Blizzard right now I think three people come to mind: Teddy Cuddles, Cory Knouse, and the leader of the defense Tor Tuck. Tuck has been a stalwart defenseman for several seasons now and we've been extremely lucky to have him here. He's our Ryan Jester. Before the game tonight got to talk with him and another player before warmups.

Interview How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?

Tuck: Our start to the season is exactly how we believed we were capable of the last several seasons. It would be ideal to keep up this type of performance and carry it all the way to the playoffs.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Tuck: Anything short of a Challenge Cup with our roster would be considered a failure. It is definitely another championship or bust.

Interview What are your personal goals this season?

Tuck: I would like to get back in the top tier of defenders before age really starts to take its toll on me as a player, but I have achieved everything I wanted to on an individual level and am just going for team success now. Let me hoist that Challenge Cup again before I retire.

Interview Some offensive defensemen spend their careers as a purely offensive player with silky mitts and a precise shot. You on the other hand are known around the league for your high impact game where you take hard shots and lay big hits. You've just surpassed Marks Longford in hits to become the player with the 4th most hits in Edmonton Blizzard history with a total of 1041. Is this a special moment to you in your career?

Tuck: Cementing myself in Edmonton team history is something that is always special to me. Since I came into the league I have focused on being a good teammate and helping those around me succeed and my team get wins. I am happy to get my hands dirty if that is what it takes to lay down the law on behalf of the Blizzard.

Interview Laraque Obama (1077), Teddy Cuddles (1324) and Theo Kane (1724) sit in your way now on that list, do you see yourself breaking into the top 3?

Tuck: I definitely see myself breaking into the top 3. Getting passed Laraque Obama is going to be something that I will definitely achieve in my career. Teddy Cuddles and Theo Kane are two all-time great Edmonton players and passing those two would be quite the task, and not one I see myself accomplishing.

Interview Were you always known as a big hitter, or did that part of your game evolve as you stepped into the SHL from juniors?

Tuck: I really do not think I was known for anything when I was in the juniors. However, early in on my career checking was not considered one of my weaknesses and I was always willing to get into it on the ice. I think over time I have evolved into being more effective and smarter with my hits, but it has always been something that I have had in my pocket.

Connor Tanner was waiting his turn right next to him.

Connor Tanner @Keygan

Interview How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?

Tanner: I feel as though the start of this season is more indicative of our talent than last season showed, we barely made our way into playoffs last season, this season I fully expect another president trophy caliber team like we had in ‘44 and ‘45, we are a lot better than we showed last season and with the addition of Lombardi we really shored up our top 6 forwards.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Tanner: A success for this season would be obviously a Challenge Cup, but apart from than that a President’s trophy and Division win would indicate a successful season. It’s hard to win a cup.

Interview What would you consider a failure for this season as a team  (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

Tanner: A failure this season would be anything less than a division win I think, especially with the hot start to the season.

Interview You've had an extremely hot start to your season. You currently lead all defensemen in points 10 in only 7 games for a total of 1.43 points per game. The last two seasons you've finished the regular season with 0.72 points per game. What did you attribute your increase in offensive output to?

Tanner: I fully attribute that to having a capable passer across from me in McIntyre, for a long time I’ve been stuck with (Tor) Tuck, and it hasn’t allowed me to show off my ability as a scorer.

Brady McIntyre Me

Interview How do you feel about the Blizzard's start to the season so far?

McIntyre: It's been awesome. Starting the season with a winning streak is always great, you immediately get a leg up on the rest of the league and the confidence boost makes you feel like you're ready for the playoffs from the get go. This has been one of our best starts since I've been in Edmonton.

Interview What would you consider a success for this season as a team (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

McIntyre: Winning the Challenge Cup. It's been my goal every season that I've been in Edmonton, and I don't think it's been a lofty goal a single time. We just need to execute.

Interview What would you consider a failure for this season as a team  (ie Challenge Cup, Challenge Cup Finals, Playoffs)?

McIntyre: Anything but a Challenge Cup is a disappointment, but not making the playoffs would a catastrophic failure. We're a contending team, our start to the season has proven that, I can't imagine sitting out the post season after this.

Interview You're still on the 2nd defensive pair despite being rated as one of the top 10 best players in the league, how do you feel about that?

McIntyre: To be honest it flat out sucks. I know I'm good enough for the top pair on any other team, but I also know that Tor Tuck has paid his dues and deserves the top pair. I'm a part of the Blizzard until the day I hang up the skates, hopefully even after that. So yeah I wish I could be getting more minutes, but it is what it is. I'll never say anything bad about the bench boss or my teammates for it.

[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

Great article bro I learned a lot! Can't believe bloos has never won a playoff series! We going to fix that this year!

[Image: dVy6XWn.jpg]
[Image: 9POiosr.png]
First SHL goal on first SHL shot in first SHL game.


04-26-2019, 07:57 PMMack Wrote: Great article bro I learned a lot! Can't believe bloos has never won a playoff series! We going to fix that this year!
yeah because all of the previous GMs that have taken me to a playoff series are scrubs (jk)
for real tho I got bad playoff luck

[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

What a fun article. Lots of good vibes in Edmonton right now Smile
Kane and I are waiting for you fellas in the top 3 Blizzard

Thanks for the sig ragnar!
[Image: scholz.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

04-26-2019, 08:13 PMbluesfan55 Wrote:
04-26-2019, 07:57 PMMack Wrote: Great article bro I learned a lot! Can't believe bloos has never won a playoff series! We going to fix that this year!
yeah because all of the previous GMs that have taken me to a playoff series are scrubs (jk)
for real tho I got bad playoff luck

Ur Matt duchene

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

04-27-2019, 12:54 PMSlashACM Wrote:
04-26-2019, 08:13 PMbluesfan55 Wrote: yeah because all of the previous GMs that have taken me to a playoff series are scrubs (jk)
for real tho I got bad playoff luck

Ur Matt duchene


[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

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