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S53 Detroit Falcons Captains

2472 Words, Ready for Grading
Detroit Falcons Captaincy Announcement
We are now getting closer and closer to beginning S53 of SMJHL. The Falcons have been training intensely in preparation for the upcoming season, with hopes to retain the Laurifer Trophy, and dreams of reaching the Four Star Cup Finals. Team cohesion is at an all-time high, with the squad looking as fierce as ever. Therefore, now was the perfect time to vote for our S53 captains. The Detroit General Manager, Tiggie Smalls, informed the team of his captaincy plans. His exact words were, “I’ve decided we’re gonna go big. Five letters. Because fuck it. Why not?” With that in mind, here are your FIVE Detroit Falcons captains for S53 of the SMJHL.
Honorable Mention: Kaarlo Kekkonen (@dankoa)
Kaarlo Kekkonen was the highest-voted for the captain position, but he will NOT be the main captain for the Detroit Falcons in S53. This was a surprise to the squad, as he displays leadership through experience both on and off the ice. However, Tig informed the team that “[Kaarlo] gave up the captaincy to support the youth movement or something.”

Last season was a special season for Kaarlo, where he blew away the competition in his third season with the Falcons. Kekkonen finished #1 in goals (29 goals), #7 in assists (33 assists), #1 in shots (234 shots), #1 in left wing points (62 points), #1 in points per 20 minutes (1.19 points/20), #7 in plus/minus (+19), #6 in game winning goals (4 game winners), #9 in penalty shots (2 penalty shot goals), and finished #1 in the league in points (62 points). 

He does more on the ice than simply just score goals and provide assists to his teammates. His experience and confidence really provide a boost to his line, as well as the rest of the team. Kaarlo is incredibly vocal on the ice; throughout games and practices you can always hear commands and praise being belted from the Finnish player. Another important asset of his is Kekkonen’s versatility. He has the offensive abilities of a dangler or perimeter shooter, the physical attributes of a speedy or counterattacking forward, plus the defensive capabilities of a two-way forward, or up and down winger. Kekkonen certainly has the talent and skills to lead by example.

Off the ice, Kaarlo is just as much as a leader. He is always in contact with his teammates, talking to players of all social groups. He is the kind of person you can bring any issue to, and he will find a way to resolve it. All the Falcons look up to and respect the Finn, understanding that he is an important figure in the team. At the same time, he can be just as casual as any other guy. He can be laid back and talk about TV or movies, or games, or Coronavirus. Kekkonen perfectly exemplifies how a captain should be: leader on the ice, leader off the ice. This season’s captains will do well to follow in Kaarlo’s foosteps. Without further ado…
Head Captain: Cal Labovitch (@Mutedfaith)
Congratulations, Cal! He was the highest voted player out of the remaining team members, giving him the spot of head captain for the Detroit Falcons in S53. Labovitch is now an experienced, intelligent player on this Detroit team and is very deserving of the head captaincy.

Last season was terrific for Cal. Across the SMJHL, he had 19 goals, was #5 in assists (35 assists), #1 in right wing points (54 points), #5 in points per 20 minutes (1.10 points per 20), #8 in plus/minus (+18), #10 in power play goals (8 goals) #8 in game winning goals (4 game winners), #5 in game tying goals (3 goals), 1 hattrick, and 1 fight won. Overall, he was #3 in the entire league in points (54 points), and only one point behind second place. 

On the ice, Labovitch is very similar to Kaarlo Kekkonen in the sense that he is an experienced player who can lead by example and vocally. He can command the other players to work harder, motivate them and keep their heads up, or praise them when everyone is playing well. Labovitch may be from Switzerland, but his English has improved drastically in the last few years, allowing him to communicate with everyone comfortably. Word has it that now Cal actually knows five or more languages.

Off the ice, Cal sets a great example for his teammates. This past season, he was the SMJHL Intern. He is an intelligent player, but he is also an intelligent person. As I mentioned, he is experienced, meaning he always makes good choices. From his exercise regimes, to his diet, to his social habits, Labovitch is a role model.

Tig: "Cal stepped onto this team when we were at our lowest point in several seasons and has devoted himself to raising the bar both on and off the ice. He's become an indispensable part of our locker room and from early in his rookie season, showed that he was ready to carry the load as a superstar player as well. He's got the fiery motivation you need in a vocal leader with the calm and collected demeanour you need in a lead-by-example type. We're honoured to name him the next captain of the Detroit Falcons."
Home Alternate Captains: Magnus Liljestrom (@roastpuff) and Jmac NCheese (@JMacNCheese)
Congratulations, Magnus and Jmac! These two players were the next highest-voted for the captain positions, so they take up the positions of home alternate captains for the Detroit Falcons in S53. Magnus and Jmac provide commitment and passion for the team.

Magnus Liljestrom
Last season, as a rookie, Magnus had a good season. As for individual leaders, he finished #10 in penalty minutes with 62 minutes. For personal statistics, he ended up with 17 points (4 goals and 13 assists), a very good plus/minus of +9, 86 hits, and 47 shots blocked. What he didn’t show in individual statistics, he made up for with his presence on the ice.

During games and practices, Magnus exuded a confidence that most rookies just have not acquired. He plays and talks as if he is a seasoned veteran who has been playing for years. Now, Liljestrom is not all talk. He backs it up with a solid defensive shift every time he’s on the ice, whether it is in a game, practice, or scrimmage. He knows his role, and never overextends by trying to be an offensive hero. Magnus is a leader from the back, and is perfect captain material because of it.

Off the ice, Magnus has shades of Cal Labovitch. They are both intelligent players who try to apply themselves in multiple facets. Magnus Liljestrom was the other SMJHL HO Intern for S52. In addition to his smarts, he can have a lot of fun. He can get along with the older folks, but as a young player, he can be laid back. Magnus can be seen playing video games quite frequently, however there is news that his PC has broken, leaving him and the team devastated.

Tig: "Liljestrom was someone we knew was going to be a star player early on and we were obviously enamoured with his character as well, leading to us selecting him 2nd overall in last season's draft. He's done nothing but prove us right and then some, and we feel it's a natural progression to reward his hard work and vocal presence in the locker room with a role as one of our alternates."

Jmac NCheese
Jmac had a bountiful second season for the Detroit Falcons. He scored 17 goals and assisted 28 goals for a total of 45 points at #22 in the league, he was #5 in the league for right wing points (45 points), #2 in the league for points per 20 minutes (1.19 points per 20), plus/minus of +6, just 8 penalty minutes, 34 hits, 161 shots, and 1 hat trick.

On the ice, Jmac NCheese is a stellar player, and an even better example for others. He is the pure definition of hard work and strong work ethic. He fights for every puck, never gives up, and is always extremely focused. As a pass-first player, Jmac is constantly looking out for his team, providing the right pass when a teammate has a better chance. Even as a sophomore, in S52 of the SMJHL, he would be invaluable on the ice, leading the team from the front. Jmac was a second line player with a first line attitude. 

Off the ice, Jmac is exactly the same. There might not be anyone else in the league who puts in the effort into training quite like Jmac NCheese. He goes every day, morning and night, lifting weights, running, whatever he needs to be at the top of his game. He may not be as “out there” as Fred, or the perfectionist that is Labovitch, but Jmac is a dedicated soul that bleeds Falcon red greater than anyone else. 

Tig: "Ncheese is the definition of a locker room glue guy, he's a constant positive influence on everyone around him. Part of our S51 draft class, he rose to the challenge of becoming a young leader when we welcomed our gigantic S52 rookie group into the fold, and he's continued to display those qualities day in and day out while becoming an elite player in his own right. He's more than earned the right to wear a letter for this franchise.
Away Alternate Captains: Edward Williams (@Aephino) and Frederick Wanesly (@Mediocre_Fred)
Congratulations, Fred and Ed! These two players were the next highest-voted for the captain positions, so they take up the positions of away alternate captains for the Detroit Falcons in S53. Edward and Fredward bring energy and commitment to the team. 

Edward Williams
Last season was filled with Edward Williams’ name in the headlines. Even as a rookie, he was one of the leading players in the league for much of the season. In the end, he finished with 14 goals and 18 assists, totaling 32 points, leading the rookies in points, #2 in the league for shot percentage at 19.72%, 44 hits, 10 power play points, 1 penalty kill goal, 1 game tying goal, and 3 game winning goals. 

On the ice, Edward Williams is a powerhouse of a power forward, but he doesn’t always act like it. He is an intelligent player, who always works with his team to achieve a common goal and do whatever it takes to win games. For a lot of the time, that means to bully the opponent, but Edward’s awareness of the game allows him to dictate the flow of the play through the forward line very effectively. That being said, his incredible strength allows for him to rattle the opponents from time to time with simply a bone-crushing hit into the boards. 

Off the ice, Williams is the kind of guy who can just get along with everybody. Former coaches have called him the “Switzerland” of people; he is very neutral and tries to be on everyone’s best side. Even though he was drafted to the Falcons as a good friend of Fred Wanesly’s, Williams has done his best to befriend the rest of the team, to improve team chemistry as much as possible. He is fun-loving, but is also laid back like Magnus, so he can stay out of the spotlight. Except when he is being called a spy by the media.

Tig: "Williams has an incredible ability to keep things light in the dressing room and is a constant source of positive energy. We were a young team last season and despite our 1st place finish, there were some down times and losing streaks. He was one of the loudest voices keeping everyone upbeat as we managed to put together a stretch run that helped bond this group together, all while putting together a (hopefully) rookie of the year campaign together. Becoming an alternate captain is the next step in him becoming a key cog in a future Detroit championship."

Frederick Wanesly
Fred had a solid first season for the Detroit Falcons, yet struggled with ice time for portions of the season. As a rookie, he did well to break into the second line for pieces of the season. He finished with 16 points (6 goals and 10 assists), only 14 penalty minutes, 29 hits, 54 shots, 2 power play points, and a game tying goal, all while averaging under 10 minutes per game!

On the ice he brings energy and passion that fuels the team. He never stops skating when he’s out there, always giving 110%. His bright bursts of speed brings pace to the forward line that causes defenders havoc, while brightening the teammates around him. Fred even displays the same level of enthusiasm on the bench, being the biggest cheerleader for the team. Even if he was stuck down on the fourth line for a game, Wanesly would root for and yell at his teammates to give them energy all night long. This allows the team to be incredibly resilient, for even when the Falcons are down by two or three goals, Fred can supply the energy that the team needs to bounce back. He ensures that we fight until the very last second.

Off the ice is where Fred really shines as a captain. He is the fun-loving guy that every team craves for. He leads all the Detroit team bonding activities, bringing the team bowling, mini-golfing, sailing, axe throwing, you name it! As long as it supplies fun, Fred is there. He brings the team together, keeping morale high throughout the whole season. Even though he’s a rookie, just about the entire team will go along with his antics. Legend has it that he once pranked the entire Detroit team by replacing their water bottles with pickle juice! Luckily, the team laughed it off. Perhaps they have a prank waiting for Fred in return for S53?

Tig: "Wanesly, like his good pal Williams, is a master of helping the team keep an even keel. His professional approach to preparation rubbed off on his teammates, and he plays every single practice and game the same way. His consistent voice in the locker room and great sense of humour always helped the group fight off doubts and move forward to the next challenge. An alternate captaincy is well-deserved and a sign that even when he was not rewarded on the scoresheet, his impact was great."
Those are the S53 Detroit Falcons captains! Congratulations again to all the players, and good luck to the team going into the S53 SMJHL season. Detroit is shaping up to be a team challenging for the Laurifer Trophy and Four Star Cup for the foreseeable future, so keep an eye out for them! Stay classy, SMJHL.

[Image: cNHA4sa.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2020, 10:07 PM by Mediocre_Fred.)

Quote:helping the team keep an even keel
I see what you did there.

[Image: Fred.png]
[Image: PeZ8eh1.png] [Image: r2pSvNf.png]

Hey!!! Congrats Cal and JMac!!

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

this deserves a skree Falcons

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]


[Image: crtigger.gif]
[Image: murphy.png]

Congrats, Cal and JMac. You guys are awesome, and it's well-deserved. Magnus, you're good too, but came in too late to be in the best class, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


03-22-2020, 10:05 PMGeekusoid Wrote: Hey!!! Congrats Cal and JMac!!

Thanks buddy!!!

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]

03-22-2020, 10:47 PMCapt_Blitzkrieg Wrote: Congrats, Cal and JMac. You guys are awesome, and it's well-deserved. Magnus, you're good too, but came in too late to be in the best class, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thank ya friend!

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]

03-22-2020, 10:09 PMdankoa Wrote: this deserves a skree Falcons

SKREEEEEEE!!!!! Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]

03-22-2020, 10:47 PMCapt_Blitzkrieg Wrote: Congrats, Cal and JMac. You guys are awesome, and it's well-deserved. Magnus, you're good too, but came in too late to be in the best class, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bit too soon to say, isn't it?

Also, thank you for the honors, Falcons! Falcons

[Image: image.png]

Honoured to wear the C for this flock of Falcons this season.



@Capt_Blitzkrieg & @Geekusoid thanks! Looking forward to meet you guys out on the ice again.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

 [Image: mutedfaith.gif]
Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

This is gonna be a big year!  Falcons Falcons Falcons

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=665ea534&is=665d53b4&hm=80...8cd6be61d&]

Skreeee Falcons

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]


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