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Northern Sports Interview - Conner Hutton and Axel Foley
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2020, 02:12 AM by overdoo.)

Hello everyone, once again it is Jonathan Cameron here with Northern Sports, and we are back together with Conner Hutton after the 7 game series against the St. Louis Scarecrows. However, we also have the chance to talk to his defense partner this year, Axel Foley, so thanks to Axel for joining us today for an interview. Once again, we had a few questions from everyone that we will put aside until the end, both for Axel and Conner.

Jonathan Cameron: So I'm sure there is one thing on your guys' minds right now, and it is the win over the Scarecrows. As a team, how do you guys think you were able to overcome being down 3-2 in the series, especially heading to St. Louis?

Conner Hutton: It was tough, that is for sure. We had troubles with the Scarecrows earlier in the season, but we had figured them out towards the end, so for me in the very least I was expecting that we would have some control in the series. I think we played well and we knew that, but kept getting screwed on the chances that we gave them. Heading to St. Louis there for game 6 was tough. I think it was sort of a wake-up call for us, and luckily enough once we pushed it to overtime I was able to hit Captain Wagner with a pass for a breakaway, and he put it in for us to give us game 7. No way we were losing today after that, we knew what we had to do to beat St. Louis and we were able to do that, and aside from their quick goal to start, it showed. Now, we're mostly just focused on Newfoundland.

JC: And Foley, you seemed to do particularly well offensively, at least in the beginning of that series. There were times in that series where you two as a pair had shut down the Scarecrows yourselves. Should we expect to see a more offensive game going forward?

AF: That’s tough to answer. I was playing well to start the series on both ends of the ice, but we were 2-2 in the games I got a point, and at the end of the day team success is more important. However that doesn’t mean I’m going to change my game away from scoring, I’m just going to be sure I have Eller’s back out there before trying to get them past the other team, and if I have an opportunity to score I’ll take it. But forcing things is where we start giving up the puck and breakaways against which are hard on a goalie. In game 5 he bailed us out a lot of times but we couldn’t capitalize, so we definitely need to support him for more performances like that, while the offense works for its namesake.

JC: Now, you know I have to ask you guys, is there any progress on that rumored band from the start of the season? 

AF: Haha, I’m not entirely sure what all we can say about our progress with the band. I can definitely say there is a band. How professional it will end up being or if there’s any labels behind it? Well, you know the saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire… but I don’t want to dive in further than that. I’d rather save big news for the offseason.

CH: Yeah, I'm gonna say there'll be something else at another time, we still have a lot of inner workings that need to be dealt with first, so nothing big to announce here right now. However, within the locker room we've been looking for another member, just don't have much luck yet. 

JC: Well, it has been quite obvious that you guys have grown and played well throughout the season, do you think part of that stems from the fact you are both Canadian? Especially considering the proximity of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

AF: Being from rival provinces definitely plays a part in our progress. You know, I definitely don't want to let him preform better than me and get to claim that Saskatchewan is better, and the same goes for him. But on the other hand we have a lot of memories of places nearby we've both been to. I think every Western Canadian has been out to Invermere and Banff. If not that, Stampede is always a hot topic for out-of-towners like us and Calgarian's alike. So having that bond of shared experience and Canadian patriotism is important for our growth, but that competitive angle really brings the best out of us.

CH: Yeah, I've got to agree with that, I think as much as I'm self-motivated, we've created a sort of a friendly rivalry that keeps us working hard. Personally, I think he is a little ahead of me at the moment but we'll see how it turns out once we are in the SHL. Otherwise, I have some family from Alberta, so I'm somewhat familiar with parts of it, around Edmonton, Calgary, and Lethbridge. Of course I represent Saskatchewan, but I consider select spots of Alberta my home as well. In the end we're teammates, and that stuff doesn't matter too much. We've got guys from everywhere that I like just as much in the locker room.

JC: And while we are one the topic, you guys were recently named to the Canadian World Juniors roster, how does that feel?

CH: I ended up hearing about it after one of our losses against St. Louis, so it was pretty bittersweet at the time. Hard to celebrate, but at the same time I was very happy to be able to make the team this year. Obviously it is something every kid growing up in Canada dreams of doing, so it means a lot to me. Going in with Foley here is going to be fun, as well as Wolfe and Eller. Once we are there, I just hope we are able to play our game to show everybody what we have, and if we're able to do that as a pair with Eller backing us up, it'll be even better. 

JC: What about you, Foley?

AF: Getting named to the World Juniors roster... man, it's hard to put into words just how much it means to me. Growing up it was always a dream for me to play in front of my nation with the maple leaf on my chest, and now I get the chance to do so. Getting in there with Hutts is even more exciting since I get to share my first international experience with someone who is as inexperienced as me. Of course the pressure is on, but to compete at such a high level and to be recognized for it... it's exciting.

JC: So with the draft coming up, New England recently made a trade involving a few of Manhattan's picks. Let's say that for the sake of the question you both are first round picks, Are you guys looking at those teams in hopes of getting drafted together? Or are there any destinations that have stood out to either of you personally?

AF: It’s tough. It’s a shared dream of ours to end up on the same team and keep playing together, but at this point it’s a pipe dream to get drafted together--at least to me. I know we’ve focused a lot on the playoffs but with our regular season performance, Hutts and I feel like we’re top picks coming up, which makes it harder for a team to pull off grabbing both of us. I’d love to keep developing with him but I think only one team has the draft capital and team needs for two great d-man unfortunately.. Realistically a team like Tampa Bay could do that. They have a ton of early picks, a couple of buds in the locker room are drafted there, and they seem like a great fit. Plus we’d probably be coming onto the team just as they’re getting out of this rebuild. As for myself, of course Tampa Bay looks exciting. I’m not always a fan of hot weather but again, teammates are there and I got a beach bod. New Orleans is another team I like the thought of. They got a killer goalie and some guys up in management have connections there. Outside of those two, New England and Los Angeles are also really enticing. The Wolfpack have Eller and Yxskaft up there next season, and captain Wags is going to LA. Anywhere that will have connections for me in the locker room would be nice, get my foot in the door.

CH: Like Axel said, would be great if it could happen, but we were drafted close together in the recent draft and I don't think either of us have lost a step. I'm not here expecting it to happen, or getting my hopes up, but again it would be nice. We have a couple eyars coming up together in Carolina, as well as Team Canada, so I'm very sure our chemistry would carry over, it is just that it happens so rarely that I can't see us going to the same team together after the draft. As for other teams, not yet. I've had a few check-in but I'm much more focused on the Kraken right now, everything else, including the SHL, can wait. I'd love to join a team with one of my current teammates on it, Like Knight in Tampa Bay, Eller, Yxskaft, and Hanson in New England, Wagner in Los Angeles, Vitecek in Chicago.. but it isn't a dealbreaker at all for me. 

JC: Well that's all I had for you guys, so I'd like to personally wish you guys good luck going into round 2 against the Newfoundland Berserkers, and extend those wishes to draft day. If you wouldn't mind, my audio guy here has some questions from the fans, I'm going to go get a burger.

"Conner, being an offensive type of player, was this season good for you, or did you want more?"
- Kyle Wells from Twitter

CH: In terms of points, I think I was capable of more, I'm not going to lie. Don't think I'd redo the season again though. I was able to develop very well defensively both due to the training staff and coaching in Carolina, but some help from Foley. I think even though my mind will always be towards the offensive part of the game, it's good for me to be able to control the play in my own end as well. It'll be worth it for my future career, and will probably help in our upcoming playoff series. 

"Hey Axel and Conner, I was just wondering which game you guys were more nervous for, your first regular season or first playoff game?"
- Ruby Gallant from Twitter

AF: Ooooh that's a tough one. I'd have to say my first playoff game. First regular season game, easy, I'm coming in halfway through the season, and we have no expectations. But then we make the playoffs, and we're up against the juggernaut Detroit Falcons. I had one assist my entire J career up to that point, how am I supposed to compete!? It was stressful.

CH: Yeah I think I'll go with my first playoff game. I'd much prefer to remember my first regular season game, but I was pretty shaky to start this series out and it had probably shown a little bit. I really had to rely on some of my teammates here again, until I was able to steady myself and play how I know I can. We had a lot of pressure on us to start, whether that was from fans or ourselves, whereas to start the regular season I didn't feel that as much. The fans seemed to be a little more focused on Foley, being selected a little bit ahead of me, so that helped. 

"This one is mostly for Foley, is there any pregame ritual or superstition you have to do before games?"
- Riley Fraser from Twitter

AF: Ha, I got a few pregame rituals. First off, once I'm in the room I grab my sock tape and just toss it up about fifty times. I try and get the spin just right to where it's flatly horizontal the entire way up. Reminds me of the puck and works the hand-eye. Once I start getting ready I'm very particular on the order of operations there. First off, I do both shin pads at the same time before putting on the socks. Tape those babies up before the pants are on, then I can put my skates on. People who put skates on before pants kinda disgust me, not gonna lie. After that it's fairly typical, shoulder pads, elbow pads--well actually I never do them up I kinda just put them on, I don't want them too tight on my guns or I play bad. Oh yeah, the neck guard! I'm a little superstitious about that. I always put it on, but if it doesn't feel right, I take it off. If I don't it messes with my mojo and I focus on that instead of the game. But if it feels right I know I'm in a good head space and I'm ready for the game. Other than that? Well I always eat a bowl of spaghetti for lunch on game days, but other than all that I'm not superstitious or anything.

"Audio Guy": I'm ah, not too sure how he usually finishes things. I'll just cut it off here and let you two go.

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