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S46 PT #1 - SHL! True Hollywood Story

Most hockey fans know the names Mia Landvik and Mikko Linna - the two are elite SHL players with long careers and multiple Challenge Cups under their belts. But if you didn't follow their careers closely from the beginning, the news of their engagement in S39 might have come as a surprise to you - after all, their accolades don't come from playing on the same SHL team. But their love story started in Kelowna, near the end of their time wearing Knights jerseys, and its early years contain enough ups and downs to be a veritable Hollywood romantic comedy.

Fans who did follow Landvik and Linna might recall a game early in S32 where the two got five for fighting each other. It came as a shock at the time, and both refused to answer any questions about it until right after their engagement, when journalists dug the story back up. "I was trying to prove a point about our relationship, and I did it in the stupidest way possible," Landvik said in a featured interview the two gave at that time. "It's embarrassing to look back on 7 years later. When you're that young, you think everything is the end of the world, and you mistake speed bumps that you could just drive over for mountains."

13 years after calling their relationship official mid-S33, Landvik and Linna have made the "speed bumps" of being division rivals who spend months of every year apart - made worse when Linna was traded out of the eastern conference to Calgary three seasons before his eventual retirement - look like smooth sailing. They're now happily married and living in Sweden with their adopted twin girls. Roll credits, tbh.

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While a lot of the bigger names are going to grab the headlines and attention of the masses, one name continues to stand out: Isaac Kaiser, how he managed to go from a draft bust to one of the more premier penalty killing centers in the SHL in the matter of mere seasons.

Despite his off-ice antics that landed him in serious hot water from time to time, Kaiser was one of the more unnoticed characters of the legendary S31 SHL Draft. And while yes, he wasn't as flashy nor as productive as some of his draftmates, Kaiser was still one of the few underdogs worth rooting for in the SHL. From being a typical 4th liner, to finding his niche at center in Hamilton, to helping to lead the Portland Admirals into a new era as the San Francisco Pride, and before topping his career off with an astonishing playoff performance, Kaiser has seen the entire SHL essentially, through thick and thin.

It's not the best of stories to tell, but it's a very heartwarming one.

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username: speculadora

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The story full of the most intrigue and mystique to me is that of Lunga Gumba and his home country The Land of Gumba. Mr. Gumba's communication methods are odd, so odd in fact that I suspect that The Land of Gumba is a complete farce and he may not actually be of this world. The sudden moments of clarity in his communication, followed by the sudden disaster of attempted imitation of a human being has caused much suspicion to circulate amongst the league. There is something more to this player, and him and his "The Land of Gumba" brethren may not want us to know. Following him with a camera for some time to shoot an episode is a surefire way to expose something Mr. Gumba does not want us to know. What is Mr. Gumba hiding? What really makes him OOGLY BOOGLY? How many discords is he actually banned from? Tune in to find out.

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  Knights Usa Stampede Patriotes Inferno Argonauts Aurora Renegades Stampede   
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2019, 11:53 PM by Wawazat.)

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SHL True Hollywood Story.

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I don't get that channel..sumbitch.
So seeking the advice of someone I trust(ed)and who would never steer me wrong. (until this bs thing came up.)
I went to Bojo and asked...
" Hey, I need a 1 Season Wonder for that perfect SHL Hollywood True Story thing for this PT.?"
Without a moments hesitation he fired back with ...."Dani Forsberg"
So I being a FNG ..took this sage advice as gospel and set about researching this 1 Season Wonder.
Well after a quick check of the Bojo box ( it's a tool for those that don't know that allows the user to research a player by name.) I found I had been mislead ...smh....ain't that a bitch.
Even though Dani suffered early in his career playing for the now defunct Prince George Firebirds (it's a known fact that the Firebirds arena was built over an abandoned 1950's chemical weapons test site.)
He played 4 seasons in Prince George and scored 25 goals in S35 and S36.
(It's an established fact that with this type of exposure to radioactivity and toxic chemicals produces a euphoric effect so that might help explain the rapid progress he made.)
Forsberg was able to survive and then moved on to his SHL drafted team Calgary in S37 ..It was a sad episode filled with unchecked Chicken Parm exposure which put a massive strain on his circulatory system and after achieving Challenge Cup glory in S40. It was followed by a quick playoff exit in S41 and seemed as though Dani Forsberg was soon to be another forgotten SHL name.
In S42 Forsberg moved on to the West Kendall Platoon and thru a dedicated diet plan and a new found training regime of DDP Yoga it seemed that Dani Forsberg was reenergized . He achieved career highs in goals in each of his 4 seasons in Platoon colors. And his name inscribed on the Challenge Cup for the second time in S43.
In S44 Dani and West Kendall again made it to the Challenge Cup finals with Forsberg setting personal playoff highs with 10 goals and 10 assists, unfornately West Kendall was unable to repeat as Winnipeg took the Cup in Six games.
Today Dani occupys a locker in the Platoon dressing room deeply troubled by glow in the dark radioactive sweats and the degenerative Chicken Parm twitch. He has his good days and his bad days as regression has almost robbed him of the giant talent he was once considered. The last chapter is still to be written..Will it end with Dani raising that Challenge Cup again ..OR ..Will Dani be just another lost soul trancing out at a Lightning in a Bottle festival in the California desert.
This has been ..
Dani SHL True Hollywood Story.

"Dani ...hey Dani did you see what I wrote?"

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“Our third award is one that is dear to my heart as a SHL goaltender… The Peter Larson Award for the Top Goalie! This is voted by the GMs and considers both the round robin and medal rounds. The S56 Winner of the Peter Larson Award is….…
C.K. Supernaw! “

Battleborn Usa


The story I really want to hear is the Story of Former Kelowna Knight Barney Stinson, the legend himself. I want to hear about one of the biggest rivalry between two players who barely knew each other but lighted up when Barney Stinson claimed he was better than bojo. Bojo was a solid guy and had everything going for himself and was confident enough to ignore the hate but Stinson just had to claim #betterthanbojo everytime. It sparked a movement inside casual players like me. I felt hey, me too I can be #betterthanbojo without having to back it up if I insisted enough. Barney Stinson went out to be a top tier defenseman and a remarcaple teamate. Bojo on his side developed usefull tools for the website and some video game. Was there any bigger rivalry in the league between my retirement and coming back? I doubt it.

I don't know what happened to both these guys after I retired. Rumors say they still wonder who's really better than who. The only thing I know, is that my story is at least #betterthanbojo.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
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Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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There are a lot of story lines Hollywood could develop into movies and most of them could end up winning the Oscars, but I want to talk about a player in particular that I've had the pleasure to share a locker room with. That player is none than Troy Reynolds. A 6th rounder in the S45 SMJHL draft, Reynolds quickly rose through the ranks to become an important figure in the Halifax locker room. If I weren't burning through my cash so quickly, I'd hire a camera crew to follow my teammate to uncover what happens when the Halifax Gazette isn't writing about him. I mean, think about it, the man has gone through so much in the span of a single season, there must be more secrets left to uncover about his start in the SMJHL. I would also sign a multi-year deal to follow him to Toronto where he is bound to make the news once he's there full time. There is definitely more great news yet to be written about Troy Reynolds.

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Hopefully I am not completely misunderstanding the PT.. but here it goes. My first player was part of the S20 draft class, which was the greatest SHL draft in the history of the league. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. I found the league through a reddit post in /r/hockey. At the time, I was living in South Korea teaching English and going through the worst hell I’ve ever experienced. I’ll spare the details of just how shitty… but it was two years that almost killed me. SHL offered a community as well as an outlet to distract myself from all of that. My player, Barney Stinson, in my head was a mixture between Paul Bisonette and a less rapey Patrick Kane. SHL allowed me to indulge my sports fantasies while meeting a bunch of great friends. My social involvement has been a bit dicey the past few years as I’ve now moved back to the USA and have been working my ass off trying to get my wife over here. After 3 years of working and saving this year should finally the year unless that Orange fuck in the white house fucks it up. Either way… go Steelhawks.

Words: 200

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Stinson:Player Page


Alex Andani is an intriguing case for a Hollywood expose.

A former top pick in both the SMJHL and SHL, his career showed promise from Season 40 up until around Season 44 with the New England Wolfpack when he suddenly stopped paying attention in practice and during games. It was almost as if he wasn't all there anymore. Bad penalties, an increase in confrontations on and off the ice, lack of scoring - all of it right after signing a lucrative contract with New England. Rumor has it that Andani developed a taste for the Boston nightlife and the subsequent lack of sleep that comes with partying all night, almost every night. Management couldn't get through to him, the coaches couldn't get through to him, and now he's in New Orleans - arguably a bigger party town than Boston. Will he let the spirit of Mardi Gras dominate his every waking moment, or will he return to form?

160 words

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Sig Credit: Suavemente, rum_ham, Turd Ferguson

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Alesiter Cain started off his SHL career with the St Louis Scarecrows in season 42. He played back up to the back up in net. He spent most games in the press box watching and learning from some really solid goalies. Cain became one of the most hated players in the league in his sophomore season. 3 days after being named an Alternate Captain on the Scarecrows he would find himself suspended and striped of his A. The once immature goalie took his suspension and learned from it, slowly becoming one of the most liked players in the league. Cain would find himself in the starter job where he would go on to win two Four Star Cups, back to back, with the Scarecrows. Now that his time in the SMJHL is over, Cain looks towards his new home in New Orleans where he is already off to a great pre-season. His story is still being told and will continue to be told as long as he plays the great game of hockey.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

The story of Mikke Laukkanen is known by Wolfpack fans the world over. Winningest goalie in franchise history, he finally hung up the skates last season and retired. He now lives in Kelowna with his partner and three dogs. But what many fans don't know is how close Laukkanen came to not making it to the SHL at all.

Laukkanen's rookie season was rocky at best. He played only six games, and was plagued with both injury and self doubt. At the end of the season, he didn't even stay for media day, returning home to his native Finland without a single interview. He spent the offseason avoiding the ice at all costs, until he was coaxed out to play some street hockey with his childhood best friend and newest member of the Kelowna Knights, Mikael Talo. Talo encouraged him to strap on the pads once again, to get back into playing condition, to return to Kelowna for his sophomore season, and to answer a phonecall from Rainbow Dash, the then-GM of the New England Wolfpack, the team that took a chance on Laukkanen at the SHL draft.

Laukkanen would go on to have an MVP nominated season with Kelowna, before winning three cups in his first four seasons with New England, as well as the coveted rookie of the year trophy in S31, posting a record of 22-6-2. As of S46, Laukkanen holds the record for most games played in England, and has more wins than any other Wolfpack goalie has played games. He retired 83 wins short of the All Time SHL record held by Jakub Aittokalio, but almost retired without any wins at all. It's a real success story, unlike almost no other.

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I would love to see a movie made about one of the most infamous members in recent league history; Gareth Rush. You want a dramatic, scandalous story? Well here it is. For those of you that weren't around just two short seasons ago, Gareth Rush posted multiple articles championing his own greatness, but when he fell short of round 1 on draft night, he attacked GMs, including the Colorado GMs who had drafted him. He was infuriated that Cassius Darrow had gone ahead of him, and refused to sign with Colorado. He posted multiple articles lamenting his draft night slide, all written with a faux Irish dialect, and clashed with veteran SHLers in the comments of his threads. He was flipped to St. Louis shortly for a non-reddit 4th, which in such years is practically nothing, and shortly after, he was suspended for a week for using intellectually discriminate slurs. SHLers enjoyed antagonizing the man and stirring the pot, leading to HO controversially banning some members who were downrepping Rush on all his posts. Rush returned and received a permanent ban for death threats and harassment if I do recall, which lead to him DDOSing the site repeatedly and Teddy having to install DDOS protection. What a legend, in the worst kind of way.


"Mad" Max Rockatansky has a ready made hollywood story. So ready made that you could probably get a trilogy starring Mel Gibson followed by a 4th movie recasting the main role as Tom Hardy directed by famed "Happy Feet" director George Miller.

To say Max led a difficult life before finding solace in the game of hockey would be an understatement. He was born and grew up in the roughest part of Victoria, Australia. His parents weren't around and his only strong relationships were with his best friends Goose and Jessie. Due to his upbringing Max learned how to keep his mouth shut, he was quiet and rarely spoke to any great extent. You see Max was born good, but his due to his upbringing he could feel himself falling apart as he rotted.

Finally, his only reasons to remain were gone. His friends Jessie and Goose were murdered by a biker gang. Rather than die himself Max found his way onto a boat which just happened to be heading to Canada. Long story short Max found hockey where he could put his skills to use. He is fiercely loyal to his teammates, ready to defend them in need be, but also ready to score some sick snipes throughout his career.

When we log into Facebook, on the internet, or surfing through the Wal-Mart check out aisles, we see it. Brad Pitt is shagging Jennifer Anniston again and I'm pretty sure Kate Middleton thinks the hot new one Harry married is a bitch. You learn things walking down the Wal-Mart check out tills. For the SHL, we need to bring that vibe into the community and what better place to start it with than the !SHL Lowdown. On this weeks episode, we're going to look at a few players in the past and see what they're up to nowadays. No kids of the past, this is not a knock off of MTV Cribs, but I mean, sure. Here we go!

Magnus Jakobsen - HoF - SHL - Well, a previous player of the agency who is writing this piece. It's only fitting that we touch on some of the past, some of the present and possibly some of the future. For the past, Magnus Jakobsen was a strong player, who once was highly ranked throughout the league and dominated the scoring races. Of course, in the middle of his career, he suffered some unfortunate set backs all thanks to his agency and since then, he wasn't really the same. The hit, hit hard, but he's been able to recover - knowing mistakes are made, his career was still strong and he ended the best he could. He currently got his realtor licence and is practicing that on the side. He resides in California and likes to spend his time on the beach and golfing.

Hiro Fujikawa - SMJHL - Anaheim Outlaws - We've seen the old of the agency. Now how about we see some fresh blood? Hiro Fujikawa is currently coming over from the nation with the white flag and red circle in the middle. Yeah, Japan. Tokyo Drift, dad. Coming over, he's pretty new to things here but fortunately has some fellow folk like himself who can help ease the pain. Additionally, they're staying at manager @Dangles13 house and is quickly bringing them into the life. "If you fucking like to eat KFC, McDonalds and Pork Chops, this guys place is the one for you. We miss rice", Hiro Fujikawa was heard mumbling behind the camera in Japanese (we googled translated that shit).

Esa Anrikkenannennanbnen - Soon to be HoFer - He spends his time in a chicken farm hot tub. Life is great. Life is good. I am god.

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Petr Mikulak is not a long tenured player, only in his second SMJHL season, but he is definitely a storied player and one who deserves at least three short films and 10-20 biographies. As a young child he often played anywhere in the line up, honestly he was just desperate for playing time. He idolised his older brother and eventually it was his brother that encouraged him to pursue a career in the SHL. In the SMJHL draft he was very surprised to be taken 37th overall, he was expecting to end up as perhaps a 50-60th pick. His GM told him that he was taken because of his good performances in the World Junior Championship where he was part of a Czech squad that took gold. Vancouver was very kind and welcoming to him and really made him feel at home in a place where he was so far away from where he was born and where he grew up. Fast forward to the end of the season, Vancouver had been eliminated in the semi-finals and Petr had to prepare for the SHL draft this time he wasn't expecting to go 50-60th he was confident he had cemented his position from last time as a 35-45th pick. That wasn't how it ended up for him though, he had slid into the laps of the West Kendal Platoon, a team that hadn't even reached out to scout him, but after a few talks it was clear he was a valuable asset to them and is happy to start thinking about his life and spot on the team in the future.

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