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Bohne still needs money. Free agency destination edition.
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2020, 02:59 PM by wumaduce.)

In today's episode of I need money, so I need to write a media article that I really recommend nobody reads say I will follow up on my pending free agency post from a couple of days ago with one of those types of posts that most people don't like reading anyway. This is, of course, one of the most original posts - a free agency ranking post.

Unlike a lot of people who take the time to write these and they take the team's brand into consideration, I will be doing the strictly by looking at rosters and the management. And maybe I'll take the brand or location into consideration.

So with that said, we'll start with the teams that are a solid no from me.

First up, we have the Calgary Dragons. After looking at the roster, there is zero chance they would have any interest in my slacker of a player. Currently they are all over the 1000 tpe mark - while I have barely cracked the 650 tpe mark. Even if they did decide to show any interest in my player, I would have to respectfully bow out of any conversations that they would decide to start. I can't see myself ever being on a team with Mike Izzy. That alone makes Calgary a team that I would have to instantly rule out, even if their roster had space for me. He may be one of the most liked people on this forum, but I don't have a very favorable view of him. Other than that, they have a great roster with some people who I've thoroughly enjoyed conversations with over the years. Sorry Calgary, I know you're as torn up as I am over this decision, but that's just the way it is.

The second team that I wouldn't want to play for would be Hamilton. They've got a good group of guys on their roster, but I'm not too fond of the general manager there. Then you have the whole time breaking the Sim stuff. Again, there's some people on the team I like, but the negatives outweigh the positives.

That's about it for teams I wouldn't play for. I guess there is one other team that will eventually get added to the list, but I'm not sure which team it is. There is a player who was cut by his team due to his homophobic and racist comments which have caused problems in the league. Any team that signs Ruutu is also going to be put on this list of teams I would have to give a hard no. It's bad enough he is going to remain in the league, but any team that willingly signs him after his recent statements is a team that I would have a problem being a part of.

I guess the next segment of this list should be fringe teams. These will be teams that I just don't really know many people on, or the management.

The first team on the fringe list is going to be Tampa. I really don't know anyone on that roster. I don't even know if many of the people on the roster are active. I do think it would be an interesting place to be, given the young roster. The whole league knows the trouble they've had this year, but I feel like with new management coming to the helm it could change things around there. If I do hit free agency, I'd definitely be willing to hear from them depending on who the new GM is. It'd be weird being part of a rebuilding team, though.

That brings us to our next entry on my list of increasing words, Toronto. Toronto drafted me, and they thought I'd be a big part in bringing the locker room back to life. When I was there, it was really only a couple of us (me, Carpy, ml, and Mika). It was different than the active discord servers I was used to, and I think it kind of wore on me. I ended up getting traded to Manhattan from there. I don't know if ml would approach me if I did hit free agency, but I would definitely hear him out if he did. I owe him an apology for how my time there ended, at the very least.

Edmonton is the next fringe team. I know some guys there, not many. I would probably be an upgrade to their defense, as they have a guy around my tpe who isn't active. My only concern is I've had some not so great interactions with Keygan, but that was long ago and something I could easily look past. Not really a whole lot to say about Edmonton, I guess.

We'll go ahead and put the Chicago Syndicate next on the list. Another team I know a few people, and would be glad to share another locker room with them again, but a lot of people I don't know. I also don't really know the management staff all that well. I can't picture them being too interested in me, as their defensive core is a pretty solid group that has a much higher tpe average than anything I'd bring to the table.

Moving ahead to the next team on the list - did I mention there's really no numerical ranking system here? This is just picking a random fringe team and looking at their management and roster - would be the Winnipeg Jets. This is a team I would have loved to have been drafted by back when Flappy and Troy were around. These days I'm not super familiar with lots of the people on the team, but it doesn't look like they'd really want a defensemen of my lackluster caliber.

Next up on our ever growing list, let's call the Los Angeles Panthers to the floor! Here's a team with some guys I know pretty well, and have been around on other teams. Their roster looks pretty solid, though, and I can't see them making a run at me. Probably the one thing that makes them a fringe team, and not a team I'd be searching out, is McZ. I was around him in team Germany, and in his current state (based solely on his posts on the forums recently), he's another guy I would rather not share a locker room with I think. I won't disqualify a team that has him, like I did with Ruutu, but he's definitely not a selling point.

We're shipping up to Bos... Er, Baltimore, next. Fun fact, did you know West Kendall is in Florida? I learned that when they relocated to Baltimore. Smart move, and long overdue, to relocate the team finally. Big props to JR for that one. This is a team I would have really enjoyed playing for, especially the chance to pair up with my good friend Leppy again. my biggest issue with the team is that they still currently have Carbine on their roster. I've had my fair share of interactions with Carbine over the years, and I'd rather not be anywhere near him and Jcf in today's world. Given that they've both recreated, I'd say Baltimore would definitely move up to the teams I would be interested in if I knew those two weren't around the locker room any more.

I knew I should have done these teams in order that they're listed on the site. I'm pretty sure that covers all my fringe teams. Next up will be the teams I would be happy to hear from, and discuss things. Things in this case would be contract length, money, plans for my player. These teams I'd probably even offer to put a team option in my contract, so if I'm inactive they're able to drop me without having to try to trade away dead weight.

I'm just gonna go according to the team list on the site here. This is 2 days in the making, and I'd be bummed to miss any teams at this point. Just a little side note for you guys who have made it to this point.

New England Wolfpack, it's your time to shine. I know some of the guys on the roster, some better than others. One of the biggest things this team has going for them is that Ace is the one who recruited me to the shl. In almost 3 years, I've still never been on his team. I'm also a big fan of how the team handled the recent Ruutu drama, and how quick they were to cut him. They have a fairly solid defense, though, so I don't even know if I'd Crack their roster at this point.

From there, we're going to take a trip south. Let's hear it for the New Orleans Specters! Here's another roster that I'm pretty familiar with, and I know some of them pretty well. I've worked with Joe when I was on the banking team (you current bankers have no idea how easy it is these days, holy hell that reddit draft and being the only banker for the J was rough - especially doing it all on mobile!) and I actually thought he was going to draft me this time around. While it'd be cool to be drafted there, I don't see them having much interest in me due to their defense being in pretty solid shape right now.

Now, prepare yourself for a socially distant and mask wearing flight to visit the San (Diego) Francisco Pride. Here's a team I've got a pretty good connection with a few people. I don't really know the management team well, but there's a pretty strong Colorado connection with some of the guys. Again, though, I don't see myself having a serious shot at their roster. I'd definitely love to hear from them, though.

The next portion of my list area teams I'm excited to talk to, if they reach out. I might even reach out to them, even.

Buffalo Stampede is going to be the first entry in this list. Here's another team I probably have zero chance of signing with, but damn if I wouldn't be happy to hear from them. There's quite a few people on the team I'd love to be around again, and I consider some of them to he good friends. Plus they have Tomen. That's an automatic plus right there.

Minnesota Chiefs - you knew you were going to be ranked pretty high on my list, I hope. I was Co there not so long ago, and I'm so happy to see one of the guys I helped draft end up as the GM there. They're a team on the upswing amid a rebuild. I could probably Crack their roster, too.

Texas Renegades are the next team I'd be happy to hear from. This is the team that started it all for me. I even considered some of them to be as close as family back in the day. A few of them even got me a Renegades stein, and got my baby a custom made Renegades onesie when he was born. That was the wholesome era. I ended up going inactive and gave Dan permission to trade me (and he sent me to Seattle. What the hell Dan?). I would love to go back home to where it all started, but I doubt they'll reach out to me. Things have felt on the colder side ever since that trade happened, and I've barely spoken a word to Dan since then.

This brings me to the last team on my list... The Manhattan Rage. I've felt at home since I was traded here. While I've expressed my desire to remain with the team, I know that they have to do what's best for the team moving forward. I know we have some solid prospects who are ready to come up, and I can't ask to stay and stand in their way. Plus, with free agency looming for some big time names, I can't ask the team to invest money in me that they could use to bolster their chances of winning another Cup. Even if I do hit free agency, I'll always be grateful to them for trading for me, and I'll always be able to say that I was with them for one hell of a Cup run. Jay, Luke, everyone on Manhattan - thank you for everything.


So there you have it.. I need money, so I decided that I'd write one of these stupid free agency ranking posts. I guess I didn't really rank the teams in any numerical order, and I really doubt I actually hear from any teams if I do hit free agency. I mean, there's always some sliver of a chance that Manhattan decides to re-sign me before free agency officially opens. To be completely honest, I don't see it happening. That does make me kind of sad, since this team has been so quick to embrace me and has felt like home, but this is a business. If I do move on, I move on. This whole list could be a waste of time, as it's entirely possible no one wants to bother trying to sign a free agent who has proven he goes inactive on every player he's made, and who can barely make it into an shl lineup. I guess we'll see what happens.

[Image: FJPVyys.png]

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Bohne still needs money. Free agency destination edition. - by wumaduce - 06-27-2020, 02:17 PM

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