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S49 Championship Week

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)
Being one of the players in the finals (an important one at that, me and Guy have been out recording adverts for a good week, pretty crazy), I actually had to be at both of the homestands. But that doesn't mean you ever turn down a chance at the Commissioner of the SHL's credit card for a couple of weeks. I managed to bag the whole team pretty great seats right AT the ice, in between all the glassy bits. It was cool being so close to the action, but we had to keep getting up because there wasn't room for all of us. Oh well, swings and roundabouts I suppose. After each game I paid for a penthouse suite for the entire team and coaching staff. Honestly it was a bit... cosy... to say the least. Those suites are big but that many people in one of them? Yeah maybe not the best way I could've treated everyone.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)
The camera watches from a far at two hockey players skating around a table at centre ice. The camera cuts and reveals that the hockey players are the all-British 2nd pair of the New England Wolfpack, Perry Morgan and Guy Zheng. They're passing two mugs between each other. They flick them both up onto the table, which are branded with GB IIHF logos. The mugs land perfectly on their bases in front of a kettle next to a box of PG Tips. Zheng reaches out and throws a teabag at Morgan and drops one at his own stick.  They begin stick handling the teabags and passing them between each other before flicking one into each mug. Morgan reaches out with his stick and picks up the kettle with the blade. He fills up with mugs and the camera cuts to a shot of the box of PG Tips with Morgan and Zheng practicing with a real puck in the distant background. The slogan "Keeping our players warm, with Team GB" is voiced over.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)
I tell you what, making the finals of the Challenge Cup has been an exhilarating experience. First ever SHL playoffs appearance and we go this far? Crazy. The fame has really been rolling in more ways than one. Just last week I recorded an advert for Yorkshire Tea, but today my agent tells me that some of the younger players are modelling themselves off of me on the ice? Jesus I barely know how to skate kid don't do that, for your own good. I will say, if there's one thing to take from me to improve your game, it's to always have a team-first mindset. Coach wants you to practice and get good at another position? You do it (unless it's as a goalie then fuck that). Team getting tight on the cap? Take a lower contract. Team needs help devising plays or just anything? You stay over all night and help them. Help your team be the best they can be and you'll find yourself shooting up in the eyes of scouts everywhere.

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

A: Anders Christiansen is an absolute lock here. He was an S48 nominee for the most improved player award and solidified that with a decent regular season. With the power of foresight and also procrastination, we learn that he was the most valuable of the 3 of Wolfpack's players, putting up 12 points over 15 games in the playoffs.

F - Rafe Ulrich - Rafe is one of my favourite guys in this team. He's a pleasure to hang out with off the ice and on it he always shows insane skill, belongs on an overall fantasy team nevermind this finals one.
F - Anders Christiansen - Anders is one of the quieter ones in the team, but my god does he put work in day in day out to make sure he can be the best he can be. This always shows on the ice which is why he makes it
F - Dick Clapper - Dick had one thing on his mind this season and one thing only,  that was of course Clapping. He spent just 6 minutes in the box this season. Does he even know there's 11 other guys on the ice around him? I can confidently say that every single one of his assists were missed shots.
D - Guy Zheng - One of the first people I met in the world of North American hockey, even though we both went through the British system! We've been training buddies ever since and we know each other like clockwork, so my second D pick is...
D - Perry Morgan - Is it superfiscial to choose myself? Maybe a bit. But Guy and I are like siamese twins on the ice, we can read each other perfectly and to split that up would be criminal.

C: Leitner will always have the advantage. He seems to request a trade every other day but then will go out and make a 50 shot shutout or something ridiculous to that extent. The man is a machine but I wouldn't want anyone else catching my mistakes. because lord knows I make a few.

D: Przemyslaw Brzeszczyczkiewicz. Does this need 50 words to explain? It does? Fuck okay. On the ice we've resorted to shouting out "PB," because while blowing a raspberry in an attempt to say his name is always fun, it's kinda difficult to do when you're 5 minutes deep and trapped in the opponent's zone because SOMEONE keeps icing the puck. Anyway, yes. Very good name.

E: Is a salami not just a spicy hot dog? I feel like it is. In either case, I'd rather take the hot dog here. And I don't mean the food item, I mean @hotdog. Every wednesday and second sunday, we all gather round as a team and take a piece of him as sacrifice to the hockey gods.

Task 12

PM Sent

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(This post was last modified: 09-19-2019, 10:57 PM by Briedaqueduc.)

Task 1
I would gladly take Game 3 in Edmonton. I don't like travelling so much, and Edmonton isn't that far from Kelowna. It's only a couple hours of flight away, and I still have things to do here in Kelowna, I can't allow myself to be out for too long. I would also choose Game 3 and 4 because I would have the opportunity of seeing one of the two team get sweep, if that ever happens. I would do that much besides the game to be honest. I don't need a massive hotel that costs 500 bucks a night. All I want is a cozy room where I can sleep in peace. I guess the only kind of expensive thing I would do is go to restaurants. Since it's a special occasion, I won't follow any diet; I'll eat as much as I want, whatever I want, and at whatever hour. I want to have fun, so there's no way I'll restrict myself.
163 words
Task 3
I would consider myself a really defensive defenseman. My job is not to score points, but to prevent the other team from scoring them. I have to keep in mind my role. It's isn't to be scoring a whole bunch, so I don't expect to see myself on the scoresheet every game. But if the entire team stick to doing their job, the team has better chances to do well. To be a good defensive defenseman, you also have to be disciplined. To defend well, you have to know the limits of what you can and can't do on the ice. If you just try too hard, you're just going to be accumulating penalty minutes, which can hurt your team quite a lot. Finally, being strong mentally is really what can keep you alive. If you don't let the enemy team get under your skin, you will play much better. You won't do stupid things and you will be able to keep on playing.
164 words.
Task 5
Sorry, it's really terrible...
[Image: id8ZVAF.png?1]
Task 9
**Doing this one without having in mind the result**
A. I would say Noah Konn. One could say that he isn't really that big of a player, considering he only got 36 points this season, but I think his season stats aren't really representative, since he got traded during the season, so he had to adapt to his new team. I believe he will show what he can do in the finals. 62 words
B. F- Rafe Ulrich  Wolfpack
   F- Tony Pepperoni  Blizzard
   F- Manuel Gotze  Wolfpack
   D- Tigole Bitties  Wolfpack
   D- Tor Tuck  Blizzard
These are the players I believe are the best from the playoffs. Rafe Ulrich and Tony Pepperoni are really good offensively, both leading their team in points in the regular season. Manuel Gotze is a really good two-way player, with an impressive total of 163 hits in the regular season. Tigole Bitties and Tor Tuck are both absolute tanks in defense. 61 words
C. Statistically, I think Johannes Leitner is the better goalie in this case. He ended the season with a save percentage of 0.926, compared to Tommy Tuck's 0.897. Leitner also has the best goals against average, with 2.18, compared to 3.27 for Tuck. Finally, Leitner simply has more wins than Tuck in the regular season. 54 words
D. I'm going to be different and go with Karlstraße Scholz. As far as I'm aware, he's the only one to rock the eszett and I like it. When you know how to pronounce that letter(which isn't a b, it's more of a s kind of thing if I remember correctly), it makes the whole name fun to pronounce. His first name is super creative, he's not just a boring Karl, he's KarlStreet (Straße is street I believe? Don't kill me Germans please). Overall, I just like the way it sounds and the creativity here. 94 words
E. I honestly like both, but I would currently choose the hotdog. It's much cheaper, you can make a hotdog with it and add a bunch of condiments to go with it. When I think hotdog, I think of those pool parties with hotdogs grilling on the barbecue. When I think of pepperoni, I just think of school lunches. 58 words.
Task 12
Message sent.

[Image: BriePK.gif]
|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

[Image: unknown.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE 
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Ohhh baby, I'm glad the commish only offered for the first 4 games because that's all it took! Tony Pepperoni chose to donate his all expenses paid trip to little Timmy from the Children's hospital. Turns out the only thing that can cure little Timmy's disease is the genuine tears of fully grown north-eastern United States adults (it's a rare disease). Tony decided to take him to a place where they'd have that on tap! Game 1 was enough to get little Timmy back in shape, but game 2 basically gave that kid super powers! I really do have to give it to the New England Wolfpack for making games out of the first two in the series. If New England fans hadn't gotten invested, their tears might not have been nearly as sweet. After game 2 the Blizzard hung out with their new super human friend and took in the sites of Boston. Oh and Tony had that little guy fill up his bags of IV with free booze during games 2 (He didn't need it anymore). The Blizzard were drinking on Eggy's tab all night! [187 words]

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

Tony Pepperoni took his game to a new level in S49 and kids around the globe better take note. First, Tony was mostly know for sniping home goals and taking control of the game. During this season Pepperoni decided he wanted to more than just score goals, he wanted to win. Pepperoni decided he had a group of players around him who could benefit from an elite playmaker. Pepperoni worked all year on improving his passing ability. His shooting may have taken a hit, but it wasn't obvious on the scoresheet. Pepperoni put up career highs in goals and assists! Pepperoni fans had been trying so long to mimic his shot, but now they're going to have to master the Pepperoni pass. Maybe back in the day, Pepperoni would throw a pizza up the middle, but those days are gone. When it comes down to it, Pepperoni wants his game to be like his pizza, and too him the most important part is the sauce. [165 words]

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

A) I believe Terrance Nova will or did have the biggest impact on the series. He is playing big minutes with the Blizzard and he's been a key piece for them all season, not just someone who was picked up around the trade deadline. He has playoff experience and can help bring that to some of the younger players on the Blizzard. [61 words]

B) F - Tony Pepperoni, F - Teddy Cuddles, F - Hercules Rockefeller, D - Tor Tuck, D - Brady McIntryre. One, I'm a homer. All Blizzard players make up the list and I do not apologize for it. 2nd, I'm choosing myself because I'm an egomaniac. Cuddles is an obvious choice. He does everything on the ice. Hercules Rockefeller has a sweet name so I can't leave him out. Brady and Tor are like one of those can't have one without the other situations. [79 words]

C) I guess I can say I had "foresight" but Tommy "Going to win game 3 with a shutout" Tuck is going to clearly be the better goalie in this series. Tuck has done it before, he's arguably had the best season a goalie has ever had. This is all Tommy has left to live for so this is where Tommy is going to take over. Leitner is a fresh face and everything is new. The pressure will get to him. [80 words]

D) Gotta love Hercules Rockefeller. Everyone knows Max Power, but it takes a real fan to be into the lesser known names like Rockefeller or Handsome B. Wonderful. The Simpsons is (was) a great show that basically raised me when my parents couldn't. Now that I'm thinking about it I should probably go back and watch some of the earlier seasons! [60 words]

E) I don't know if this will get me in trouble... but it's really no contest for me. I do not like Salami whatsoever. I'll take a hotdog (as long as it's in a bun with the proper condiments) every day of the week! Summer barbeques with salami? No, you have hot dogs because summer is good, barbeques are good and hot dogs are good. [64 words]

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

My boy Hercules is going to be upset with me, but if it's just the series MVP and not the playoff MVP I'm going to have to go with the Tommy Tuck. Tommy was instrumental in our win over New England, let alone our sweep. Game 1 we probably should have lost, but Tommy kept us in that game and gave us the first win of the series. We took over in game 2, but Tuck was still solid on the back-end allowing us to pick up the 2nd win and a decisive advantage in the series. Game 3 was a blowout, but it was a shutout blowout, so Tommy still gets all the credit in the world for that. Finally, Tommy topped it all off with 4th straight win (7th straight in the playoffs) and the Blizzard were able to lift up the cup at home. He was above .900 every game of the series and always gave the Blizzard a chance to win. [166 words]

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.


[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

Task 1:

If I were given the choice, I'd much rather be the guest for the couple of games in the Albertan capital than in New England. Canadian hockey fans are a much friendlier bunch to interact with and enjoy some time off with than New England sports fans, who are just a little crazy for my liking. I'd definitely try and spend as much time as possible at West Edmonton Mall, maybe try and do some publicity events at the skating rink in the middle of the mall or generally just enjoy some free time at the aquarium or amusement park. Man, that mall is fucking dope. Anyway, since Eggy is paying, I'd be all over the finest Edmonton cuisine when I'm away from the rink, such as Burger Baron and I assume a suite of Boston Pizzas like every other major Canadian city. And of course, I'd be sure to explore the all new Rogers Place which is a fancy new arena.

Task 12: PM sent

Task 3:

One thing that I think I do extremely well is use my skating and passing ability with a defensive mindset. By using my skating to break up plays and force turnovers before the puck reaches the defensive zone, I prevent instances where the team has to defend. As well, when I receive the puck in the defensive end, I'm able to identify options in soft ice very quickly which means that the pass receiver will have time to make a play with the puck rather than having a grenade tossed at them. Generally, I try to make smart, short passes and get the puck moving the right way as fast as possible rather than trying higher skill plays most of the time as it helps us avoid spending time in our end. In general, I've learned how to effectively balance skating with the puck and distributing it and learning when to utilize each skill is important for your defenders.

Task 10:

I think Brady McIntyre was really the driving force behind the Edmonton Blizzard victory in this year's playoffs. In addition to soaking up the hardest minutes the opposition had to offer and providing solid defensive play throughout the course of the playoffs (and season overall), he also provided a significant offensive spark during crucial moments in the series. His two-way dominance while playing close to half the game provided a foundation that allowed the rest of the Blizzard to go the rest of the distance and secure the Challenge Cup. I would have zero question in naming him MVP of the series, and I don't think they could have come close without him.

Task 9:

I think the addition of TJ Bayley was an important addition for the Blizzard. He comes with a wealth of playoff experience and more importantly championship experience from his time with the Buffalo Stampede. Having guys who know what it takes is crucial in the playoffs and he was able to lead by example and help secure the cup, including some big games in the finals.

Forwards: Tony Pepperoni (Edmonton), Hercules Rockefeller (Edmonton), Gordie Boomhover (New England)
Defense: Tigole Bitties (New England), Brady McIntyre (Edmonton)
Goalie: Tommy Tuck (Edmonton)

Pepperoni has emerged as a dominant force for Edmonton, while Rockefeller is a veteran who had an incredible playoff run. Boomhover was far and away the offensive leader for New England. Bitties and Mcintyre are easy choices as dominant defenders on their respective teams. Leitner had a great season but Tommy Tuck is an experienced star goaltender and had a better playoff run.

C: As mentioned in the last answer, Leitner had an insane regular season and is a fairly young goaltender. His counterpart, Tommy Tuck, is a veteran of many playoff runs and has a lot of experience in big moments. I think that in the end, this is what allowed Tuck to have a better playoff than Leitner, who struggled to keep up his torrid regular season (especially in the final). Experience won out in the end, but now that Leitner has had a taste I wouldn't be surprised to see him put up an encore with much better statistical results.

D: Przemyslaw Brzeszczyczkiewicz, and it's not close. Just, like.... how do you pronounce that shit? We may never know. Look at all the letters! Have you ever seen some of those letters in that order before? Of course not. Why would you have? Luckily I know the man behind the name and he has a personality as big as his name.

E: I'm definitely in the mood for a sandwich, which is why I think I'd much rather eat a @hotdog. I'm definitely a big ketchup guy so a hotdog is always an appealing option, just because I really do love a good sandwich from time to time. I know that you can make a salami sandwich but I'm not a huge salami guy personally, so I think I'll stick with hotdogs if I'm having a sandwich.

[Image: crtigger.gif]
[Image: murphy.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Mikulak wasn't sure what to make of a Challenge Cup Finals VIP Guest Invitation. At first he had thought that he had accidentally received mail intended for someone else. However, after opening the letter he had discovered it addressed to himself, inviting him to attend games 1 and 2 in Boston or games 3 and 4 in Edmonton. The choice was a very easy one for Mikulak, Edmonton was the home of one of his great Czech team mate and friend Brady McIntyre and the weather reminded him of the years he had spent in Vancouver as a junior league player and that one time in S46 when he put up the 2nd most points in the league and was a defensive monster, most people wouldn't actually know this, however, since he did not win any awards. This choice would be an excellent decision for Mikulak as he got to see his friend lift the cup after a 4 game sweep of the New England Wolfpack. In fact he was even invited to the after party where he totally vibed with Mr Teddy Cuddles.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

The commercial starts on a dark ice rink with an edmonton blizzard player on the ice. The player is seen do intense training exercises and ripping slap shots. Suddenly the lights flash on revealing the blizzard player to be none other than Teddy Cuddles, this newly created brightness also reveals a cheering crowds and not a puck that Mr. Cuddles is stick handling but a box of Trojan brand condoms. Cuddles then shoots some boxes of small and medium sized condoms into the hands of fans in the stands, who are shocked and surprised that not only did they just got free condoms shot at them but that Mr Teddy Cuddles actually knew their condom sizes. the Trojan logo appears with a lineup of the different sized condoms, Cuddles skates through the logo and picks up the box of Magnums and the commercial fades to darkness to remind us of the bleak existence of life.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

As and SHLer Mikulak has done very little to make a name for himself outside of West Kendall and the Czech Republic. If players were to take one thing from his game it would first have to be his incredible positioning. As a defensive forward and sniper Mikulak is great at finding the spots he needs to be, whether it be the defensive or offensive zone. Another great thing to emulate is Mikulak's great work ethic, he works just as hard off the ice as he does on the ice, and he certainly isn't afraid to get down and dirty when it is required, and he doesn't give up even when he doesn't have the flashiest stats. Thirdly, Mikulak knows how to respect his team mates and build chemistry with them. When paired with a great passing centre you will see Mikulak truly shine as he finds his way into the perfect spots for one timers and wide open nets, but remember that chemistry goes both ways so make sure you pass too and let your centre get a goal from time to time.

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

Petr Mikulak always seems to show up against the Manhattan Rage. Maybe it is because they are a divisional rival, or maybe the fact that the Rage are teeming with Czech players that Mikulak is familiar with. Another might be bitterness about not being drafted by them. A little known fact is that talks between the Rage and Mikulak were extremely friendly, however it seems the relationship between the two has soured since then. We can only speculate what happened between them, but we can certainly state that Mikulak had slipped in the projections due to fear that he could not adapt to the North American style of hockey and would likely soon head back to the Czech Leagues, and we could certainly imagine the Rage being one of the teams that he slipped on the draft board of. Quite possibly however, these extra showings in Rage match-ups could just be Mikulak's way of showing that he is a proud member of the Platoon.

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [EDMONTON BLIZZARD], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

Teddy Cuddles deserves series MVP because he is really good, he had 6 points in the finals and that was with him conserving his goal scoring chakra until the final game of the series. his ability to naruto run directly into his oponents drastically increased the blizzard's odds of winning the Challenge cup, until of course they were 100%. While other people on the team were prevent goals from being scored or scoring goals themselvs cuddles found himself in the locker room with 12 hookers and 3 kilos of cocaine. and let me tell you that man literally dangled with piss in his hockey pants, perhaps a little shit and cum too.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

Sended Smile

1. Written, 3 TPE 
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

I'm going to have a wicked pisser time in New England.  I was born and raised on stuffed quahogs and Sam Adams, baby.  I'm gonna go to my old Shaw's and get a fleet of lobsters to hold races with the boys.  After cleaning up a chunk of change (house always wins), I'm gonna boil those suckers and have a good old fashioned clam bake.

I'll take the boys down to Water Wizz and lay claim to Hurricane Hill.  We'll route the tourists set up our cabana at the summit.  Prospects will make supply runs to Billy's Bait Shop while we soak up the rays.

Of course we'll stay at the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River.  I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to spook the team.  Hopefully the hosts don't think it's rude that we skip breakfast to hit the Dunks.

Oh yeah, and maybe I'll watch some hockey at the Garden.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

My 30 second commercial script is centered around the one and only Teddy Cuddles @"cpetrella"  .  This commercial would really play up that he is an American hero even while playing for a Canadian team.  We're talking fireworks, we're talking American flags, we're talking apple pie.

At an outdoor ice rink in front of Mount Rushmore, Cuddles skates up wearing an American flag like a cape.  Slow motion, Chariots of Fire playing, fireworks shooting from each side of the rink as he passes each stanchion.  He winds up for a massive clapper, sparks fly while the stick drags, he makes contact with the... apple pie.

The goal is actually a mouth, he hits the apple pie into a kid's mouth.  

What is it advertising?  Uh... the Halliburton brand hockey sticks.  Each shot is a shot for the red white and blue with Halliburton brand hockey sticks.  Now comes in kiddie sizes for the young bucks of the USA.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

Slip McScruff style hockey is about responsible team-oriented behavior.  If someone hits your buddy, you hit them back.  If someone thinks about hitting your buddy, you hit them first.  You're striving to be the best penalty killer, so spend your time in the box studying your teammates.

You don't try to score, that's not what you're there for.  You shut it down and dish it out.  Don't be greedy, a couple goals in a season is pushing it.  Your mom always told you that you were in the way, but now it's a good thing.  Just get in the way and eat your vegetables.

As for specific traits, it's about being humble.  You have to strive to be the most humble player on the ice.  Take pride in how humble you can be out there.  If you get a big head, people will expect you to do stuff.  You're out there to make people NOT do stuff.

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

That would have to be the Specters.  Granted, I'm not an offensive player, but I put up a few points against them in our series.  Troy and I managed to stay + in the series but they barely edged us out by 4 goals over 5 games.

I think it's the mental games.  I know a lot of the folks on that squad from my time on the Crows and with the USA team.  I was the captain of the Crows back in S45 and have been in management for team USA since S44, so I really know the heart and head of these skaters.  There's a bit of a chirp fest whenever we face off and that gives my hits a little more mustard.

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

E. (for an insurance point against the casual member special)
I would rather eat a hotdog right now, because in Seattle we know how to make a hotdog groovy.  We put cream cheese and onions on that bad boy.  It's also midnight so the right now is important.  If this was noon, I would probably keep it tame with some discreet salami.  That wouldn't turn any heads at the workplace.

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

I always knew [TEAM] had it in them to win the Challenge Cup in S[SEASON].  I think it's a pretty easy piece to jerk off Hercules Rockefeller as the series MVP.  4 Goals, 4 Assists, +4 in the 4 game sweep, points in every game.  He earned a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st star in that order, missing the honors only in the first game of the series.  Rockefeller had more points than the Wolfpack had goals.

Brady McIntyre gave him a run for his money with 3 Goals, 3 Assists, +2, points in 3 games.  Where he fell slightly behind in scoring, he made up for it with 5 Hits, and 10 Shots Blocked.  Being active on both sides of the game, you have to figure McIntyre was a big reason why the Blizzard outscored the Wolfpack 20 to 7.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

PM Sent

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2019, 08:16 AM by Katth.)

Task 1
I'm going to go to game 1 and 2 in Boston because of my homie @gordieboom and his New England Wolfpack buddies. I've never been to Boston either and Edmonton is kind of a sad place to visit and I'm there so often already. The city of Boston has so much more to offer and has at least some history. Whilst I'm there I'm gonna go hit up some Irish pubs and give it up for Boston! Get those beers flowing. I also heard that the Dropkick Murphys are also in town, so I've bought some tickets to see their show with some of my friends. It's been a while since I saw them play live. The day after I'll visit some nice expensive restaurant and see if I can run up Eggys tab some more. Get the most expensive steak on the menu and order all the sides they have.

Task 2
As you are aware during the season 49 Challenge Cup Finals the Dropkick Murphy's are playing a series of concerts in Boston. Not that they need the boost in ticket sales with a commercial, but the band is a big fan of the New England Wolfpack and they want to create a special ad for tv and radio with the Wolfpack to make the audience aware of the fact that they are playing the finals. 

The setting is in the Wolfpack arena, a bar and some of Bostons finest places. Recognizable by any Boston resident. The players and the band are being filmed from close range while they are singing "Give it up for Boston". Each player on the Wolfpack roster sings the whole song and in the end it will be edited so that it looks like each player is singing a word from the song in a different location. The final shot will be the Wolfpack and the band on the ice saying: "We are giving it up for Boston, will you?".

Task 4
For the past few seasons the Calgary Dragons seemed to do really well versus the Edmonton Blizzard. Beat them a couple times in wild card playoff series and swept them during the regular season outscoring them by a ton. Yet it didn't seem to matter when we met them this season in the playoffs. Edmonton had their gameplan ready and everything we did didnt seem to make any impact. You don't want to be beaten by your rival and you sure as hell dont want them to win the cup, but we weren't able to stop them and unfortunately the New England Wolfpack were no match either.


Johannes Leitner had an amazing regular season with the New England Wolfpack. He and Kata Vilde battled for best goalie in the league. While Kata Vilde took the President's Trophy, I think Leitner is a lock for best goalie in the league. So it's safe to say that he has the edge in this series.

Best name on either team is Dick Clapper obviously. I am just a bit biased though as he used to be my team mate in Kelowna. But honestly it could be the best name in the entire league. "Goal scored by Clapper, Dick Clapper". That does sound funny am I right?

As I am currently on holiday in Sicily Italy, I am going for the salami. I mean it's not really a debate anyway. A hotdog can be good at times, but it doesn't come close to some good salami. I would go for the spicy variant too. That's killer on a good pizza diavola. 

Task 10
Not only in this series, but in their entire playoff run Hercules Rockefeller has been a beast. Leading Edmonton in points during the playoffs and scoring 4 goals and also having 4 assists in this Challenge Cup Finals series against New England Wolfpack makes him my MVP. He was a dominant player on the ice the entire time he was out there and a huge threat to the New England defense. Other players on the Edmonton roster should get an honorable mention though. Tor Tuck was also amazing this series and what about Finn Rhys? Scored 2 assists in a single game as a call up from the minors.

Task 12
Message send.

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2019, 04:52 AM by Muerto.)

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

I head to Edmonton to watch the Blizzard play in the new Rogers Arena in downtown Edmonton. The weather's still pretty nice as it hasn't gotten to winter yet so it's pretty fun to hang out downtown and go for a Scooter ride around the River Valley trails. I stay at the Fairmont Hotel MacDonald because it's luxurious and has a fantastic Brunch! Mmmm waffles and crepes and mimosas! For sure I visit the spa and get a massage to get super relaxed! I also head over to West Edmonton Mall to play in the Water park, do some mini-golf, buy some cool threads and shoes, and then gamble at the casino til the wee hours! The games are great as Edmonton completes the sweep and the city goes nuts! We head down to Whyte Ave after the game and party with thousands of people just having a great time! The smell of delicious legal weed fills the air and the energy is super positive! Before I go I visit a legal cannabis shop and put an ounce of MK Ultra on Eggy's tab!

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

Ok listen up kids and I will tell you why Goku Muerto is a player to emulate. Here's the facts - he can skate and he can stickhandle. That's it. That's all that matters in hockey. If you can't skate, why even bother playing. He's got that sweet, smooth stride, quick acceleration, low center of gravity, the ability to make quick lateral direction changes - he can transition from defense to offense seamlessly and blow by defenders like they are standing still. And that's just half of it. When he has the puck in his possession, he is able to deftly deke and stickhandle his way through traffic, shifting from backhand to forehand and back again faster than your eyes can follow. He will hold possession even as you try to check him, he's got the strength to fend off attackers, and the quickness to leave you looking silly. Speed and precision beats raw power! Be like Goku!

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

The Edmonton Blizzard definitely relied on contributions from the entire team to win the Challenge Cup, but one player stood out more than the rest and that player is goaltender Tommy Tuck. He was able to outduel his counterpart from New England in game 1 despite the team being badly outshot, The he slammed the door shut the next 2 games, letting in only 1 goal in game 2 and securing the shutout in a 7-0 blowout in game 3. In game 4 he kept his team in it through the first 20 minutes in which he faced a barrage of shots, giving the team the opportunity to come back in the third period and capture the Cup in a sweep! It is veteran nerves and calmness which gives his team the confidence that he will always be up to the task and the skaters never need to panic! Tuck for Razov! Woo!

Task 12 - PM Sent

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

Have you or a loved one had water splash back up on you while you were taking a poop?

Do you have a McDoodle brand toilet manufactured between the years 2037 and 2050?

You could be entitled to compensation in a class action lawsuit against McDoodle Inc. (a subsidiary company of Brand Izzy) for creating toilet bowls resulting in high frequencies of splash back on the human animal anus, and other genital skin areas depending on your physical composition.

To speak with our team, please convert your magnetic cranial signal to HzTongueQQr= (911)-420-6969 or come in person to our law offices in North East New Mexico City, California, China.

*Jason Visser appears on screen*

Hi, I have to poop.

*Jason Visser sits on toilet with the seat up*

Ohhhh nooooo

*Camera zooms on Jason Visser sitting with his knees to his chest as his light khaki jean ass presses in the water.*

DAMNIT! NOT AGAIN!!!! You better call now and take down that McDoodle.


3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

There are no traits that can be emulated that won't lead to turning into a mutant with skin that's beginning to fall off your toes, and turn green. If someone wanted to become like the Visshound they'd need to eat a lot of eggs, and the babies of birds, and squirrel sometimes if the moon says to. It's very important to listen to the moon, if it's time to go and eat then you gotta make sure that the moon said so, if you're following something from inside you in really any sense then you're off track. It's just down to building up a very strong ability to ignore thoughts, and feelings while just trying to find the right frequency to hear the moon. If you've not ever heard the moon than you'll have to start with walking naked in crowded places in the daytime, and raiding homeless camps at night in paintball clothes. That's how you do it
[159 words]

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

I definitely know the answer to this, I haven't opened game links in a while so idk. It's probably not the Irish. I don't know how I would even know this kind of information really in any more of a specific way than that, but maybe my guy does good against Detroit in the SMJHL in fake sims. I could probably do pretty good against any SMJHL team let's be real, that's how you measure a players abilities in the real world. If you want to understand how skilled my guy is, then line them up against all the junior teams, and I'm probably like top 25 in that league in scoring. That's high potential, no doubt a hockey player with skill we're talking about here.

[126 words]

9. A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?

Terrance Nova definitely is going to lead the Blizzard all the way through to win a cup, and not lose in the finals. They're pretty damn good at hockey, they were perhaps the biggest name moved in the last off-season, no surprise they went hard for Edmonton all year and deep into the post-season.
[54 words]

B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.

F Logan Crosby Blizzard
F Max Hansen Wolfpack
F Boris Poroshenko Wolfpack
D Hugh Manatee Wolfpack
D Gilmore Tuttle Blizzard

Here we have an elite fantasy team in the making that'd likely be able to win any group in the upcoming fantasy season. Crosby you gotta add cause they're pretty good at hockey, and Hansen never has used birth control. The other players I took because they also don't use birth control, or play hockey too poorly to have been named on an SHL roster.
[65 words]

C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?

The advantage will always go to the team that has home ice, but that's only if the moon is turned off. If they have the moon turned on, even low power then it's backwards, and the away team will have the advantage in net, but that's besides the point. New England clearly had the advantage in goal all year long, they're a lock to win in the finals I think.
[70 words]

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

The name of my favorite player who's name I like is uhhhhhh Tenoy Pepproni you'd be friggin dumb to answer any other name, and maybe even potentially a terrorist that needs to be subjected to pizza parties at chucky cheese without any tokens, and there's also no balloons in the building to look at so you're just sad. Tony Pepporoni for sure. Except for Willy Mack actually I pick Willy Mack cause M and W are kind of the same, but not and are both letters that start the names...
[50+ words]

E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

I would eat the hot dog first, then the salami, but if we're only able to eat one I don't want either because I have created the scenario in my head, and visualized the flavors of the dog then salami, and if I can't try and match reality to my imagination then I won't even show up, fuck that.
[59 words]

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

Willy Mack would have to be my choice for the most valuable player in the SHL finals. What a great finals it was for season 49, you know. Mack was bringing it in all of the games for the Edmonton Blizzard, he had a solid number of goals, some decent amount of assists, and played big minutes for sure. One of the greatest players of all time, came in and got it done big time. Easily the mvp because of how solid his all around game is, as well as their hairline being pretty damn good. There's a lot of intagibles in there for Mack.
[105 words]

12. Sent

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

I would personally go to Game 4 in Edmonton. The hometown crowd would be cheering on their Blizzard really hard and hoping for another Challenge Cup win since S45 which would be the 8th win in franchise history and therefore surpassing the Calgary Dragons as the SHL franchise with the most Cups in history. As for how to run up Eggy's tab I'd just buy a bunch of Blizzard jerseys and buy a big amount of beverages and snacks to truly run up the tab. I'd also buy a signed McDavid jersey as well as a Leon Draisaitl jersey gotta show the other hockey team in town the Oilers some love. I'd also go the a CFL game and watch the Eskimo. Throw in a visit at a night club and buying a bunch of overpriced champagne to piss off Eggy even more and buying a decent amount of coke to really get hyped up.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

Alexander Selich is a special kind of player from a semi known hockey family with the last name Selich. His older brother was a SHL player and even a #2 overall draftee that hods the record for being the youngest player to score 60+ points in a season after the inflation era. His father started his GM career as the Federation Head of Germany netting "Die Mannschaft" 1 gold medal as well as 2 Silver medals in his 4 years. Nowadays his father Otto Selich is more known as the Buffalo Stampede Co-GM and Coach.
Alex Selich is a winger that is still quite good in the faceoff circle and being the ultimate team player not caring about his individual success. He is also quite the interesting case with his 6'10" 280 lbs frame and not playing that much of a physical came and being more focused on his offensive skills as well as being defensively sound. His big reach makes it hard to defend him.

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

I don't really know if that also applies to the regular season but in the S48 Cup run by the Stampede performed really well against the Tampa Bay Barracuda and even scoring an hattrick against them. In total Alex Selich was able to score 7 out of his 16 playoff points against the Barracuda with 4 goals and 3 assists in 7 games which was by far his best series in that cup run but then again 5 of his points were in just 1 single game against the Barracuda which Buffalo won with 6 to 0 so who knows it might just have been a fluke that day for Alex.

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?

Personally I think Anders Christiansen will have the biggest because he is the Wolfpacks first line Center which is usually a huge role for a team. So he should have some good impact in the faceoff circle and be the main person to set up Noah Konn as well as Rafe Ulrich for goals. Kalju would be my second choice since he will play on the first defensive pair and net some serious ice time next to Bitties.

B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.


Tuck is the easy choice as he is the best goalie in the finals. Bitties and McIntyre are both huge point scorers as a defender as well as being the premier hitter of their line. Götze is also the player on his line getting all the hits same applies to Cuddles who is like Götze also a shoot first player. In my opinion Christiansen will get a tad more hit than Rockefeller or Pepperoni on EDM so that's why I picked him.

C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?

In my opinion Leitner was just very lucky in this regular season and benefitted from a New England team that displayed some insane chemistry in the regular season but I think that will become less of a factor once they face better teams in the playoffs so my pick is Tommy Tuck who has displayed multiple seasons of great play in net but isn't prone to being also a bit of a wildcard at times.

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

This obviously goes to the New England great Dick Clapper.. who doesn't love this name a gud ol Dick Clapper would give most people a happy day and the sound of it is just satisfying Wink Another player name that is quite up there is Tony Pepperoni. Pepperoni are very nice to have on your pizza.

E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

I personally would go for a hotdog unless it would be a salami pizza. I just need something that fills my stomach a tiny bit more than just a salami so in that case it would be a nice hotdog with ketchup and mustard to satisfy my hunger if we are talking salami pizza though that would definitely get my vote here.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?


[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

1. Written, 3 TPE 
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Although this is a super hard decision, as I spent a career with both teams, Niklas Wikstrom is going to Boston for Game 1. A local hero who played a part in the franchises first challenge cup, Wikstrom will be there to cheer on the Wolfpack and talk with the Boston Faithful. The key aspect of my visit will be a designated shrimp cocktail server. Everywhere I go in the city, from the hotel, to the train (I am a man of the people) to inside the stadium, I am hiring a server to hand feed me close to cocktail shrimp throughout the duration of my stay. This person will need to be trained in the finest establishments and have experience catering cocktail shrimps to the world elite. No one but the best will do, and I am prepared to spend all of the Leagues money for this important cause.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)


A crowded arena cheers for their New England Wolfpack as TIGOLE BITTIES carries the puck into the offensive zone. GORDIE BOOMCHECK taps his stick to the ice to call for the pass


Bitties nods and slides the puck over to Gordie for a one-timer, where he whiffs the puck into the crowd.

The puck hits CHILD, who begins to sob.

MIKE IZZY: (O. C.): Looks like someone needs a little pick me up.

Mike Izzy enters the frame.

Izzy: Hi I'm Mike Izzy, former Challenge Cup champ and longtime member of the Calgary Dragons. If you are experiencing physical trauma, I've got just the product for you: the Izzy Dog MD! This is the same processed meat you've come to love, stuffed with enough painkillers and muscle relaxers to take down a horse. Don't let the pain dog you down, bite back with the Izzy Dog MD!

@Mike Izzy

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

While I have no idea why anyone would wish to model their game after known heartthrob and convicted jaywalker Ricky Spanish, I have a few tips for all the young hockey players out there. The first one is that you are the only one who can make it happen. If you are experiencing a problem with motivation or your own personal experience, then you need better linemates. Take a page out of Spanish's book for once and knock back a couple beers, throw a few punches, and get back on the horse. Don't let the pain of your hands get in the way of your dreams. Laugh a little. Trust the process. You'll do great kid. Remember, you can park here in the middle of the day in June and this is what it looks like out of my office window, or you can just go ahead and give up. Either way, I will be the first to admit I've been trying to get a hold of you for a while and I hope you are having a great time.

Ricky Spanish stumbles off the stage, obviously high on ketamine.

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

I always seem to play well against Anaheim. I dont know if it is their defense, goaltending, or my pre game ritual of going to Disneyland before every away game, but I seem to find chemistry and have myself a game each and every time I take the ice against the Outlaws. Outlaws are kind of the same thing as renegades, so maybe I just feel at home when I play the SMJHL team that most emulates my future SHL squad. Or maybe it's because I just have a knack for scoring in that west coast air.

Task 1 (3 tpe)

I’m definitely planning on making the trip to Boston and making ol Eggy put me up at the Fairmont Copley Plaza. Not only is it in a historic part of Boston, they also have a hotel dog which means endless fun! First few stops are definitely going to be checking out the history of the city which will likely take a ton of time due to the terrible street design of Boston. That place is like a maze of poor city planning.

Afterwards I would be sure to find the finest steakhouse in the city where I can find some Kobe or Waygu beef and ask them to cook it well done and serve it with ketchup. Is that the way I like my steak? No, not really, but it will be the best addition to my 21 year old whiskey and coke.

After all of this, I guess that I’ll go to the game and show up sometime during the second period, drunk as a skunk so that I may embarrass the commissioner in a very public fashion.

Task 3 (3 tpe)

Tenacity is a huge piece of this. Whether it is on the ice or investigating the newest HO scandal, I have an endless work ethic to get what I want. On the ice, this puts me in the corners fighting with people bigger and stronger than me, but doing everything that I can to get that puck and get it somewhere in the net. If they truly want to be with me, they will also need to be relentless with their off ice research. There are crazy things afoot in the SHL and we must work together as a team to get to the bottom of the corruption that is happening in the league office.

Above all though, a player looking to model after me needs to be a team player. I’ve changed my playstyle to better suit my team by logging tons of hours on the rink practicing for what they need to me to do. Work for the betterment of your team, the league, and work hard for the fans. All of that is much more important than individual accolades.

Task 4 (3 TPE)

I always really bring it for games against our chief rivals the Los Angeles Panthers. This year alone, I had 8 points in our 6 games which included a few multi point games and my first career hat tricks. The battle of California is always an important one and it’s definitely a match the team circles on the calendar and the fans get very excited for. They’re important games in the division as we try to push our way to the top after a very disappointing finish outside of the playoffs this year.

The frequency of the games and the amount they mean to us makes all those goals and assists feel that much sweeter when they go in as these games are always rough and passionate with scrums after every whistle.

Task 9 (5 TPE)

A. I feel like Anders Christiansen will have the biggest impact on this series. This player was an impact player all season long and has past all-star appearances to his name to boost up his resume. Coming off a near point per game season, he looks to continue that into the finals and help push his team towards a cup. He is a player with all the ability to do this as he excels at setting others up, and New England has some great scorers to pull the trigger on his passes.

B. Rafe Ulrich, Manuel Gotze, Teddy Cuddles, Tigole Bitties, Brady McIntyre are going to have to be my choices for fantasy. This is a wildly good squad, all of whom are among the best in their league at their positions. The potential for fantasy points is very high with the caliber and capability of all of these guys to run up the score, lay the body, and just be the difference makers on the ice. I think that this lineup could be competitive with all-star lineups league wide and would be one of the best to pick.

C. I think you have to give the advantage to Tommy Tuck. While he may have slightly lower stats through the season, the guy has so much playoff experience and I suspect that he will show up to play when it really counts. Not to take away from Leitner’s season, but he just isn’t at the same point of poise in his career that Tommy Tuck has been exuding for years.

D. Hercules Rockefeller is a classic and frankly I think it is underrated in this league. Harkening back to some classic Simpsons and misspelled (just as Homer had done in his applications for a new name) it brings out the ridiculousness, but not in such an overt way that many of the other choices might have.

E. I’m going to have to choose to go with some salami. While on it’s own it may not be quite as good as a nice hotdog, the applications and uses of salami have so much more to offer than a hotdog. Hotdogs work best as a standalone dish, which may not be the best tact for some playoff food. Salami on the other hand is a true team player and goes great with many things.

Task 12 (3 TPE)


Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

[Image: ecaJZ6D.jpg]
[Image: flowseidon.gif]
[Image: PRedauw.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2019, 09:50 PM by xDParK.)

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

I’m going to Edmonton for sure because that’s where my best buddy Ofer is from. I don’t even care about the game at all I’m just excited to meet Ofer. I’m going to take him to his first Titty bar and show him a good time. I’ll make sure he gets some as well because he deserves it, he’s a great guy in my opinion. Well also go to the best korean bbq spot in Edmonton so I can show off my korean to him a bit. Well try some galbi and some topoggi with some soju on the side. All expenses paid so well make sure to rack up a nice big bill. Thanks eggy!

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

My player kind of has all around traits. He’s pretty much top notch at everything. I take pride in my defensive abilities like my ability to poke check and make big hits at a young age. Most young players in the league can’t hit at all. They choose hitting as a weakness but it’s neutral for me so I have the ability to get my hitting around 75 which is pretty good compared to the average shl defender. Young players will love my all around game. My offensive game is even better being one of the best young offensive dmen in the league. Just look st my stats in the iihf. One of the best Pp shots in the league gets me to be one of the young goal scorers in the entire look. Young players admire the big point shot and look to model their game overall around Chico’s great all around game. Expect Chico to be the best dman in the league

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (100+ words)

I think Hercules Rockefeller is the mvp of the series. Maybe he wasn’t the best player but he is the heart and soul of the team. His leadership really guides the team as he’s been in the league longer than anyone here, dating way back until 2008 I believe. He contributes on the score sheet as well being a good two way forward making hits, making passes and scoring goals. He definitely gets my vote for the overall well balanced package he provides to the cup winning blizzard organization. Players should look up to him and model their game like him if they wish to become an mvp type player like l4e. Well done on an amazing season

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results.
Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
Terrance Nova in my opinion. He may be getting older but he's a proven superstar in this league and I expect him to go back to his old ways and carry the Blizzard like he carried the Chiefs. If he can find chemistry on the top line like he did with Bobby Watson then watch out NEW. He will absolutely tear it up if he can find that chemistry once again.
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
Hercules Rockeller, Terrance Nova, Noah Konn, Kalju, Tony Pepperoni. I think this team could compete with even the best fantasy teams including all teams. Some of the top forwards in the SHL and top defenseman are on this lineup so I see no reason why it couldn't compete. Superstars galore in this lineup I espect a lot of goals, hits, and shots blocked from these players.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
Tommy Tuck is a proven veteran who has struggled recently, but he's past the Dragons finally so I see no reason why he shouldn't dominate this matchup. He's one of the best and now that he's finally past his nemesis the Calgary Dragons he has an easy road to the cup. Expect him to have so much confidence after beating the Dragons finally.
D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)
Tony Pepperoni is probably the obvious choice that most people are going with but I'll go with Hercules Rockeller, the name just sounds so manly and godlike. I'd be scared to go up against anyone with this name in real life, one of the best sim league names I've ever seen in my 10 years of sim leaguing.
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?
hotdog for sure, salami is barely a food and needs a lot to go with it to fill me up. But a couple hotdogs and i'm good to go. Not really sure how to make this into a 50 word answer so I'll just say I love hotdogs, but what's even better is just a sausage on a piece of bread with ketchup and mustard. Aussie style hotdog


SHL Head Commissioner S12ish-S27ish
GM Dragons S8 & S9 (Won cups both years)
2x GM Of The Year
5 Time Cup Winner
League MVP

Past Players
[Image: HOF2.png] D - Aidan Richan - [Image: HOF2.png] (S5 11th Overall) Dragons
[Image: HOF2.png] C - Chico Salmon - [Image: HOF2.png] (S17 1st overall)  Renegades

Current Player
D - Chico Smeb (S46)

SMJHL - Drafted 65th Overall by Raptors
SHL - Drafted 23rd Overall by Dragons
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2019, 07:41 PM by bbjygm.)

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Of course I'm going to Boston for the New England Wolfpack home games! I'm going there because it just so happens that I am a big fan of the New England Wolfpack, especially their third-line center Slap McShotty! He's a hunk. When I get there, I'm buying a large house and putting it in my expense report for reimbursement from HO. All expenses paid MEANS all expenses paid. Then, I'm going on a bar binge around town and the next day renting a lamborghini to put in my garage with all my books. There's a lot of money in the "pretending to make lots of money" market, and I intend to continue racking up my bank account. Lastly, I'm going to the Edmonton hotel and continuously pulling fire alarms, flipping the breakers to their rooms, pissing in their complementary water jugs on the way to their rooms, and doing whatever I can to disrupt their rest for the finals games.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

This Sunday night when the former SHL Champs New England Wolfpack defends its long-past title, in the SHL Challenge Cup Suupperrrrrr Slammmmmmmmmm! Right now you can earn this awesome pay-per-view event, for just $59.99!

Say goodbye to anyone standing in the New England Wolfpack's way when they takes on 6 men in a steel cage chutes in ladders match. At SHL Challenge Cup Superrrrr Slammmmm! Order now and take ten dollars off for the lowly price of just $49.99!

Who is champ? That question will be answered this Sunday night when the New England Wolfpack defends the 20 season's removed Challenge Cup in SHL Challenge Cup Superrrr Slammmm! Watch New England Wolfpack as they take on the Edmonton Blizzard in a spit-swapping makeout-match in SHL Challenge Cup Superslammmm!

I'm watching you. Excuse me?! That's exactly what the Blizzard told the Wolfpack but will they be able to take the cup from the mightiest champions in SHL history? At this weekend SHL Challenge Cup Supperr Slammmmmmmm! New England Wolfpack in a triple double match - ladders - chainsaws - explosions - fireballs - popcorn!

Tune in Sunday because a former decorated team of the Simulated Hockey League needs your support.

And their name is the New England Wolfpack! They're gonna get in the rink and put skates to asses this weekend at SHL Challenge Cup Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppperrrrrrrrr Slammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm available right now in the low price of only $39.99!

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

To be quite honest, I never made a name for myself. My parents did that. Ba-dum tsss. With all these keeds looking up to me, I would be extra careful to not display qualities that normal, functioning adults should display. Or at least I won't publicly get caught doing such behaviors. My playstyle is pretty physical, so as a recommendation to those who want to emulate that playstyle I'd suggest that younger kids start bulking up on steroids. The younger the better, you gotta get on those hormones as soon as possible for the most gains. It's like compounding interest, but for your muscles. I think the specific traits that I possess that kids should emulate are my bullying in the faceoff circle, using violence to solve verbal disputes on the ice, and my @hotdog-eating abilities. Heh. At least, I'm pretty sure those are all traits that kids should emulate, no?

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

A. Of course I think the three players that New England brought in will have the biggest impact on the series. This is because the New England Wolfpack is superior in every way, including decision-making and team morale/performance. Also, Terrance Nova has a cool name so I think the announcers blaring his name around the stadium will be good morale for the Blizzard.

B. For my ideal SHL Fantasy Team, I'd choose:
F - Rafe Ulrich (3118)
F - Teddy Cuddles (2890)
F - Tony Pepperoni (2924)
D - Tigole Bitties (3090)
D - Tor Tuck (3122)
G - New England Wolfpack (3503)
I picked this team purely based on their S49 performance. This combination of players from these two teams would net the most points out of the entirety of both rosters.

D. My favorite player name is @Lunatyck's player's name, Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz. It's very long, wildly inappropriate, and shows his royal blood status (vodka) since it's a name passed down his royal family for generations (or so I assume, I don't speak whatever language that is or know any history at all). Also, he's a left winger, which is the longest position name, as well. Everything about him is long.

E. I would probably want to eat a hotdog. In my opinion Salami is much saltier than hotdog, especially when you're talking about the salty meat fluids. Like most people I enjoy some salt every now and then, but when it comes to stress relief I'd take a hotdog's saltiness over Salami's any day of the week.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

Answers submitted.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2019, 12:06 PM by Jiggly_333.)


1. Written, 3 TPE
Rocky has no clue why she’s been selected for this. She really doesn’t truly care about anyone else in the league except for herself. When it comes to the way she plays, she doesn’t really need to do much studying into her opponent. She knows what she’s going to do and the opponent probably knows what she’s going to do, it’s up to them to try to stop her. So Rocky isn’t going to be spending all of Eggy’s money at the games. In fact, she’s going to go to Boston, but not spend a single minute at the games. Instead, she’s going to do a bunch of history tours because those are cool. Like, history is fun, guys. Boston is a great place for that and since canonically this is taking place during the summer she’ll be able to check out a lot more of the stuff than she would in the winter. Like, the USS Constitution is pretty cool. Then there’s old churches and stuff. Some other historical markers. Yeah. History.

3. Written, 3 TPE
In order to play like Raquel Castillo Gutierrez, you need to have strong arms and a stronger mind. Rocky’s stated playing style is a sniper. Her goal on the ice is to be the one scoring all the goals for her team. It doesn’t mean that she freezes anyone else out of the game, she just prefers to be the one to score and not anyone else. Take lots of shots. Like, the most shots out of everyone. Take all of the shots. Do shots before and after the games. It’s all about SHOTS. Even when it comes to your knowledge of defense, you gotta get in front of the opponents’ shots. Everything in your life now depends on shots and your life is now a meaningless meandering from shot to shot. You are addicted and will never find true happiness because of this addiction. Your family will leave you, you will find no friends who will take this journey with you. You are now alone with your shots. Are you happy now?

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. None of them will have a bigger impact than the goalie. The goalie is the one keeping all the shots out. I don’t see those guys doing all the work to keep a clean sheet! Okay, maybe they do do the work, but still!!! None of the 6 mean anything, it’s all about the goalies.
C. Remember that one time where I was talking about goalies? Yeah, well, I didn’t mean it. I really know nothing about hockey, man. Like, I guess it’ll be a battle of the goalies. They’re both good apparently according to what you’re saying. I won’t be watching so whatever. I guess I’ll go Tuck?
D. I think you want me to answer about the SHL Final, but the SMJHL Finals have a player on the Kelowna Knights named “Big Fudge” and I don’t think anyone can compete with that. I guess Teddy Cuddles is cute, but Big Fudge is just amazing. That boi LARGE! And he fudge.
E. Gonna have to go with a Portillo’s hot dog cause it’s good. Also, I try to avoid red meat when I can and I’m pretty sure salami is pork or ham or whatever and I try to just stick to beef when I eat red meat. So, Portillo’s hot dogs.

10. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
We’re talking SMJHL Finals again because I like talking about myself and this gives me a chance to talk about myself because not only was I in the SMJHL Finals and performed well in the SMJHL Finals, but I also lost the SMJHL Finals! How fun is that?! But just look at the massive impact she has on the team. 11 assists through the whole playoffs to total up to 16 points, a first star in that one game in the finals. Please, I just want an award, dude. Like, I’ve been through a lot in my career and it’s only been like, two seasons. Being Jiggly is rough.

[Image: KouSaotomeUndraftedSigSmol.png]
Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

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