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S70 PT #1: The Antagonist

There are a lot of people who don't like Lias for a lot of reasons, but a lot of it goes back to the fact that when Lias was first getting started in his career, he was kind of a little shithead. He had a vast overestimation of his own abilities and all of the ego to go with it, and it took a couple seasons of him being thoroughly mediocre in the SMJHL before he started to develop some humility. But there's one reporter, Tront Cromm of the Las Vegas Independent News, who seems determined to maintain that Lias is a pretentious upstart, giving himself too much credit, occupying space and time on the ice that would be better used on other players. With Lias hitting his stride and coming into his own a bit this season centering Winnipeg's first line, Tront Cromm has had no shortage of fodder for his rhetorical cannon, and has been blasting away at Lias's reputation, implying that he is selfish, he's not a team player, he's certainly not leadership material, and he should show a little humility and take a smaller role on the team. Lias tries to ignore it, but it gets to him sometimes, and he tries to take that resentment and turn it into fuel to help him play better instead.

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Simmer pass

Alright, let me tell you the story of Billy Herrington's first goal, eh? He was a rookie for the Detroit Falcons of the SMJHL, and they were up against the Anchorage Armada. The game was tied 2-2 in the second period, and Billy was just itching to get his name on the scoresheet. Then, it happened. His teammate passed him the puck in the neutral zone, and Billy took off like a bat outta hell, dodging two Armada defenders like they were pylons. He made a sweet move on the goalie with a quick deke, and bam! He lit the lamp and got his first goal. The crowd went wild, and Billy's teammates swarmed him in celebration. He was pumped, feeling that rush of adrenaline that only a hockey player can get. And you know what, he'll never forget that moment. He'll be telling that story in bars for decades to come. Billy always knew he had it in him, but that first goal was the result of years of hard work and dedication. It was a dream come true, and it motivated him to keep pushing himself to be the best hockey player he could be. And hey, if you ever get the chance to talk to him, ask him about that goal. He'll be happy to share the story with ya!

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

It took awhile for Wednesday Addams to get her first goal for the Vancouver Whalers. Coming off an eventful summer, one could conclude that she wasn't quite there mentally. But if you know Wednesday, you know that's nonsense. Her mental game is top-notch, she's always locked in and ready to play. From her first shift Wednesday was dominant. She would immediately disposess any opposing player of the puck. She was fast enough to skate around defenders. But she could not finish. Her shots would hit the goalie's chest, bounce off the post, or get miraculously blocked by a defender. Because she wasn't getting any success from shooting the puck, she turned her focus to passing to teammates. Jeff Lewis was a major benefactor of this, becoming the team's leading scorer. But then, in a game against Detroit, Wednesday would make a pass-attempt from the right faceoff dot. Aiming to set Jeff Lewis up for a one-timer, her pass went off a defender's skate. The puck rocketed into the top left corner, and Wednesday had her first goal. She celebrated as you'd expect, with a stoic face, waiting for the game to get started again.

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(This post was last modified: 04-02-2023, 04:27 PM by Jumbobone19.)

Oh there is definitely someone who does not really like me. I would almost say he probably hates me. It is our backup goalie, Rusty Remao. I never sugarcoat anything when talking to him. When he sucks, I tell him. I tell him he needs to do better. Work harder. I tell him when he needs to have made a save. I just dont see him putting in the work that I would like from a teammate. I expect everyone to be giving their all and try to be getting better. I also dont take it easy on him in practice. I see every chance as a way to show him what working hard can do. So maybe I embarrass him a little but oh well. I guess you can say my intentions are good but execution and compassion is not there. My motivation is making the team better. So I dont care about feelings here. Remao has been pretty vocal about my criticism so I know he doesnt care for me.

-172 words

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

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player prompt
Even though Aaron Wilson did raise his stock after a breakout season in his final year in juniors, winning the 4 star and playoffs mvp along the way, he still wasn't exactly a highly touted prospect and a second round pick. Fortunately he was drafted by Steelhawks, a team with a depleted prospect pool that was just entering a rebuild, so Wilson was given every opportunity to succeed and improve as a hockey player. As a matter of fact, Wilson spent his entire rookie year (and the next few seasons) riding shotgun with Hamilton legend and SHL hall of famer Robert Phelps, who was still in his prime at the time. And the first goal is kind of a funny story, because it was assisted on by the best and the worst players on Hamilton's roster. Phelps got a primary assist, and the secondary assist went to Baron O'Beefdip, a 155 tpe roster filler who wasn't supposed to get any ice time but did somehow.

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Creative Prompt

I am not quite sure why he doesn't really like me, but there is one of my teammates who isn't a fan of me at all. Never did anything to him, never treated him wrong and never said anything towards him, but he just doesn't like me. When he joined the team, he got the standard rookie ritual stuff everyone gets, but I didn't really participate back then as I had private stuff I had to handle. So we didn't really start off with a prank like the rest of the team did with him, we just never started off at all. So maybe that is the problem, as I wasn't part of the initial ritual when he joined back then. Well, I am not the most talkative player out there in the locker room, so I never really tried to start a conversation with him. Well, now it is what it is and it will stay the same for the rest of our lives.

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pt pass

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Creative prompt

My equipment manager hates me, truly hates me. I have suited up for games to realize I have busted laces, loose blades on my skates, a helmet that doesn’t fit, unwashed jerseys, a dirty locker, and a host of other problems that have caused my game to suffer. I remember one game, against Maine, I was on a breakaway about to score and I collapsed on the ice because my skate literally fell apart. I slid right into the goal as the puck escaped my stick. I have confronted him about this on several occasions and he usually spins it around on me. He’s like the janitor from Scrubs and I’m JD. He’s just out to get me and wants to see me fail at every step. I’m not sure what to do at this juncture but it’s really hampering my game. I’ve given him gifts and offered him all kinds of favors and tickets and he’s having none of it.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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(This post was last modified: 04-02-2023, 06:45 PM by Count Chocula. Edited 1 time in total.)

Creative Prompt: I'm pretty sure our head coach hates me. I know there was a lot of internal debate when I was drafted to this organization, especially at 1st overall. The GM knew what I was capable of and thought I'd be a good fit. However ever since joining the team our coach has repeatedly made comments about my performance and says I have a discipline problem. Coach Sburb has repeatedly tried to convince me that my never back down aggressive attitude is not good for the team. He has said if my desire to skate matched my desire to fight, I might be a decent hockey player. He's even tried convinced my SHL club GM that I have an attitude problem. Now my agent has gotten involved trying to convince the Blizzard not to trade my rights away. All these old stuck up boomers want me to fit into the box every other player is in, but that ain't me. They hate that I am my own man and they can't control me.


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Berserkers Wolfpack France

I am pretty sure I tend to go unnoticed in the locker room and just some old guy who shows up and is always there, lurking in the background, blending in to the walls like active camouflage, similar to how dementors in the hit book series - film adaptation Harry Potter blend in to the blackness of night, so difficult to see, but yet forever present as you can feel them, with the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight, and the temperature around you dropping so low, your breath so visible as you breath out. That is like me in the locker room, not that im negative or anything, just that im always present and no longer a super star, im washed, so people are not asking me for my opinions or thoughts like i am a superstar. Any way after all that rambling I would say that the teams beat reporter hates me basically and I do not know why, I just never get asked for an interview anymore.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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CREATIVE PROMPT / STORY MODE - Professional hockey isn't a bed of roses and not everyone you have to work with is going to love you. This year, who's that guy?

Written Task: Tell me about that one character in your org - a coach, an AGM, a scout, the color announcer, it could be anyone - who just doesn't like your player. Does he hate your game? Is it just a personality clash? Why? (150+ words)

After the day in hell at DuBølkLand, the "theme park" created by Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk in his backyard, pretty much everyone on the team hates him. If there's one person who hates him more than anyone else, it's general manager and former player Gunnar Soderberg. The reason for this is very simple:

Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk owes him a dollar

Now, this seems like a ludicrous situation to many people: "why does a dollar matter for wealthy people like them?" It's not about the dollar, but the pride behind it. Soderberg was nice enough to loan that dollar to DuBølk to get a Spongebob popsicle from a vendor outside the stadium, who had promised to pay him back. He has not payed him back, and continually hates him to this day. It's a mystery whether or not they will ever reconcile, but this feud has been picked up by multiple news outlets, including the ever thought provoking FHN network.

(156 words)

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Alright so there's this guy and he runs the score card for the team and he absolutely hates John Brown? How do I know this? Because he refuses to put John Brown on the score card. It's absolutely bananas. No matter what John Brown does he never ends up on the score card and John Brown blames the guy who keeps the score card for this. Clearly there is some sort of absurd bias against John Brown, that makes this person the antagonist of John Brown currently. That even ignores that John Brown won an award for being the best defensive defenseman because likes defense that much, and everybody knows that defense wins championships so therefore John Brown is the best and this person is the worst. That is the most annoying person in the organization according to John Brown and that is the story he's sticking to. If only he got the credit he deserved

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Hugh Manius is generally a well-loved individual in the Colorado Raptors organization. He is known to do extend meet and greets with the fans, abundant volunteer work around the greater Denver community and is known as a really happy guy at the local dispensary. Although there is one member of the extended Raptors Family that absolutely can not stand the Hugh Man and that person is little Petey Ruggsy son of Colorado Raptors General Manager @Ruggsy . Petey has been active in his dislike for Hugh, and has been known to bad mouth, slur and disparage Manius, both public and privately. Where the Ruggsy family was at an award ceremony apparently Hugh caught the eye of Petey’s sister and daughter of @Ruggsy one mikayla demaiter.

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Hugh was puzzled by this but he knows he looks pretty good in a t shirt.

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~Words 140

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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

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