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S58 Championship Week

Quote:15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
3 TPE from Milestones

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

One of the most surprising parts of the season was Los Angeles’s success while having a good number of call ups and older players. Going into the season, I didn’t expect too much to come from the rookies and younger players as they are still developing. Yet, they surprised me and were holding down the fort pretty well for being on the lower end TPE wise. We had a signing of TURG. He did have some trouble catching his footing but, he really brought that something into the locker room and helped out the team. He eventually caught his footing and was great defensively and offensively. My favorite call up was Grape Fruit. He was just called up from the Kraken which it was sad to see him go. Yet,  he was an exciting player to watch and root for. I’m proud of the Panthers and their season. It was amazing.
2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

This one is quite easy. I’d take being immune from penalties/offsides/icing. In Carolina we have a certain face puncher named Gino Lombardo. If he can’t take penalties for fighting but the other player can then we’d also have him on the ice. He’d be able to bash people’s face in without consequence. While he gives the other team’s players concussions, we’ll be scoring goals while they have less than 7 skaters. The other team will be tired and slow from always being on the ice and being beaten by Gino. The goalies would be tired from always making saves, it would just be ultimate destruction.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I could easily say my Carolina Kraken out of Bias. I could rant on and on about how we were better than we seemed on paper but, I won't, because no bias is needed here. Kelowna on paper is the best team in the SMJHL. They’ve had some amazing drafting this past year and they’ve been lucky with call ups. They’ve been one of the best teams in the J for the past few seasons. They have great GMs who care about the league, their players, and their locker room. I’m proud to go up against amazing people like them.

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD
16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

When I joined @”overdoo” signed me and then my journey started. Since that happened I've met some kind, funny, and just overall amazing people. @”ACapitalChicago” has really taken on a big brother role for me. He’s taught me about the league, pushed me to be better, competed with me about certain things I can’t disclose. He’s an amazing person, friend, and coworker. @”sve7en” opened up the world of GMing and FHM. He’s taken up a coach and mentor role for me. He taught me about FHM’s tactics and all sorts of things. I could make a media about it so I won’t go into too much detail. He’s been so supportive and helpful. I’ll only do a few because it's too much to read.
8. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship t-shirt for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup t-shirt for the SMJHL is ok as well.) Hey maybe if your design is good enough it'll make it to the merch store!
[Image: ZoomImage.php?src=5486172_f&x=275&y=300&...mark=false]

GM of Canada in the WJC S56

S56 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for Canada

[Image: ddIlIkT.png][Image: qzGJBye.png]

[Image: GMGumba.gif]
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 06:28 PM by Sivart.)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

As I am still in the minors, I don’t think there is much I personally could do. That said, the Texas Renegades had a great season and did come up just short of the proverbial promised land. I’ll be the first to admit that I could be a better cheerleader on the sidelines, rooting for the team, but other than that I’ll have to just work on earning and improving, so when it is finally my time to come up I can contribute and help make a difference. I am capped after my first season, and about to be capped again at the 425 mark. Now comes the push to become better than replacement level. Not sure what that mark is at right now in the SHL, but I gather from a few conversations that it is pretty high. I’ve only just banked enough to reach over 500 TPE, in two seasons. So earning about 175-200 TPE per season, I should be there eventually. In the meantime, I’ll focus on winning for my minors team the Colorado Raptors. This is a great group that also came up short, losing to the Citadelles after besting the Anaheim Outlaws. We will regroup for next season and aim for the cup again!
209 words
+3 TPE

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?

While Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in terms of points earned through winning games, Buffalo only allowed 2.03 goals per game while Hamilton gave up 2.56 – just over a .5 goals that Hamilton is expected to give up over Buffalo. If Buffalo focuses on the defensive side of their game and takes advantage of opportunities that present themselves, they should have a good shot during this series.
68 words
+1 TPE

b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?

As a defencive focused defenceman, my answer will not come as a shock – defence wins championships. Offence requires a lot to go right to create opportunities that you can capitalize on. You can have the best scorer in the world, but if you run into a team that doesn’t allow them to get comfortable, they might as well sit on the bench. Defence you can control game in and game out, throughout the entire game. It’s built around fundamentals and positioning that requires almost no luck, just consistent execution.
90 words
+1 TPE

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

Both are pretty nice, but the edge goes to Buffalo here. Growing up between the two cities in southern Ontario, locations are both pretty shit to be blunt, but both have a certain charm and areas that you can happily gravitate to. But in terms of logo, colours and typeface, I love what the Stampede have done with their brand. The flat logo with stencil of the buffalo looks fierce yet subtle, and the skinny block typeface is unique and clean.
81 words
+1 TPE

d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

Well you said feel free to mix and match, so here we go. We are running a 3 forward, 1 defence 4-on-4 for overtime, with 2 elite centres Bobby Sharp and Michael Scarn taking turns up the middle and on the wing depending on the situation. The 3rd forward will be Monkey D. Luffy, able to score or facilitate as needed. Backing up them up is the defenceman Hugh Jazz, as he has the highest defencive game rating (other than Augustus Wang, who would make a good alternate if required).
90 words
+1 TPE

15. S58 Milestones:
+3 TPE

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit

I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Lord Jumbo and Birdman.
I have met a bunch of great people around here, but I’d like to make note of my SMJHL general managers that have done a great job with our group since I’ve joined their active and friendly locker room. I gather this is nothing new, as there are scores of alumni around still and actively engaged. Personally, I can get swamped by work and won’t be as active, but I feel welcome every single time I pop in – especially during the playoffs. They put in a ton of work with the sim to ensure we are as optimized as we can be as a team and they are getting the most out of each and every player. Without a doubt these two have made my experience here that much better and I look forward to playing for a cup with them. Hopefully we will have a shot in the next couple of seasons to bring it back to Colorado!
174 words
+3 TPE

PBE Affiliation:
+3 TPE


[Image: regsivart.gif]
[Image: SyiOY8U.png] [Image: rwqM7d3.png]


Milestones +3 TPE

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

Well there are a bunch of users that I love here. @drector mentioned me in his CW and he is an awesome guy who is on my team in PBE and ISFL. @Evok is always one of my favorite people. I heard @goilers recreated here recently and she is one of the nicest people I have ever met! @slothfacekilla is an awesome dude and I always love talking to him. @TomHanks is a pretty cool guy and we have been close for a while now! I am sure I am forgetting a bunch of people.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

Oh you definitely have to choose the option to be immune. You could get away with so many shenanigans. Yeah sure they get 6 skaters but you can just foul them constantly. You could fight them or knock them out and then play with a huge advantage. This is easily the best option and there is no way you would ever lose a game that way. I mean you can also just let someone be at the other end of the ice constantly for example too. And yeah, I guess I would just injure the other team, that seems a bit shitty but it works. I think you win this way.

[Image: AwDqhTW.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

That I played as well as I did. When the skipper came to me at the start of the season and said I'd be splitting time with a new goalie, I was a little skeptical. Just coming off my first full season as a starter, blew chunks pretty hard thanks to a good amount of inexperience, so I was looking forward to a new season after an offseason of growth. So, they come to me and say they're gonna give this rookie a good share of starts. Not the majority, mind you, but a bigger chunk than I got my first season. I thought, well, okay, that's fine, but I probably won't do as well as I'd like. In hindsight, fewer games probably helped me look better. I'm happy we performed as well as we did as a team, as well. Coming from dead last to 2nd in the division is a huge jump and everyone showed how hard they worked in the offseason. Hopefully we can recreate that same jump and just dominate the coming season.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?
There is only one right answer, and it's immunity to penalties. Like, wow, they have an extra skater, big deal we can just hack them down all game with literally zero repercussions. Probably says a lot about me that the first thought I had when I read this question was "nice so we can basically murder them on the ice and get away with it". Any other answer is just honestly wrong. Plain wrong. You're telling me you'd rather have one extra skater than the ability to crosscheck as hard as you want and get away with it? You can bully the goalie as much and as hard as you want and zero consequences! Fuck and extra skater, lemme kill em.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?
Definitely Hugo Gronroos. I mean, have you seen how well he stays hydrated? On top of having INSANE stats without even setting foot in the league. A crisp, clean, lock for Hall Of Fame and he hasn't even set foot in the league. Although, things could change. As I said, he hasn't even played a minute in an SHL rink, so there's always the chance that he doesn't keep up this brisk Hall of Fame pace and just fizzles out before he has the chance, but I mean, come on. It's in his blood. There's just no shot he doesn't continue to crush it. If anything, he's only going to turn the heat up and dominate EVEN harder now, in my opinion. No doubt in my mind, if Hugo Gronroos continues his pace for ten more seasons, he's a hard lock for the Hall of Fame. Take that check to the bank.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?
I think I've got to do better in the locker room. I think I played well enough in our run, and maybe it's just one of those things where your best isn't as good as their best and there's not much you *can* do differently, but it can't hurt to try and be the leader I really should be at this stage. Going into my fourth season and I'm kind of just the silent veteran right now, I don't say much or rock any boats and maybe that has to change. Maybe I need to be the leader I know I can be, and the one this squad deserves. Aside from that, I just need to hit the treadmill, hit the pool, stay fit, stay prepared for anything. Honestly, as a keeper, trying to figure out what you need to do better and working on that is a little hard. There's only so much reflex training that can be done, right? It's not like, as a defenseman you can just say "I need to be faster" or "I need to be stronger". The best I can do is have someone come with me to the rink and fire shots at me for hours, which while productive, doesn't *feel* like I'm doing all I can to improve.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
Obviously NL. We played really well during the season, being third overall in the standings I believe. We go out in the second round, and it's like, you know, we can do much better than that. We're that capable. Especially given who we lost to. I mean no disrespect, but with all the data we have on the season, there's no reason we shouldn't just wipe the floor with those boats, and that's frustrating. When you know you can roll someone and they roll you instead. It's humbling and infuriating. We've just got to channel that into positive improvement now.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
Honestly, international play is just a vacation to me, I don't put much thought into it, and there's not much investment given I'm usually loaned off to another squad for the games so I've got no national pride or anything going on. I predict whoever did well last tournament, will do well this tournament. That's usually how these things go. It's hard to improve as a national squad since growth is always pretty much locked to how well your homegrown prospects come up. There's some limited transfers between nations, but it's organic growth or none at all for the most part. Maybe the UK can show up and do something in the WJC. That's who I'm with this tournament, and they seem solid so we'll do our best to bring some hardware to an underrepresented region. I think I got third with Sweden a bit ago, so maybe we can do as well as that. That'd be nice, I think.

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD

[Image: bXyuiQK.png?2]
Alucard,Apr 14 2016, 03:33 PM Wrote:May the harvest be with you, young spud.
enigmatic,Aug 26 2016, 10:05 AM Wrote:Jedi could have 1 TPE and still improve any team [Image: ashamed0001.gif]
[Image: uyTKBKH.png]
[Image: jSQTZY7.png]

First ever Norwegian IIHF Goal!!
2. Team Norway , Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka 1 (Isabella Esparza-Osvaldson, Aleksander Andrezjeck) at 5:50

Special Thanks to Count Chocula for the Hugo G sig <3

15. Claim 3

[Image: 60354_s.gif  ]
[Image: 1yZYUXK.gif]
Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2021, 10:19 PM by Cobbenstein.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

This season was an interesting season with multiple story lines and moments of note, but I think that none of them hold up quite as well as the playoff newcomers Baltimore Platoon finally ending the drought and surprising a lot of people by making it to the postseason. Baltimore has more or less been in the cellar of the Simulation Hockey League for a long time and after a big rebuild and a massive youth movement they finally made it back. They showed the league as a whole that they were actually ahead in the rebuild and that they will be a force to be reckoned with going forward. With a very young and exciting core Baltimore will look to do battle with other up and coming teams in the future such as the Tampa Bay Barracuda. This season is like a preview for the rest of the league as to what the Platoon will be doing in the future.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

In a situation where one team gets to play with 6 players on the ice and the other team is playing immune to icing, penalties, and offsides there are a number of factors that contribute to which team is benefitting more. I believe that Buffalo would benefit more from having 6 players on the ice. Buffalo plays a shot heavy possession style of hockey that would be even more oppressive to play against with an additional body on the ice. Even if Hamilton is allowed to ignore penalties, icing, and offsides they still have to get control of the puck for most of those factors to matter. Now being immune to penalties may make it easier to separate Buffalo players from the puck, but I personally think that their style of play would still thrive too much from the extra man for the advantages given to Hamilton.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?

If I had to select one player to be a lock for the hall of fame at the end of their career, I would say Buffalo goaltender Elizabeth Doyle is a sure fire lock. She has consistently been a top goaltender and a staple to the Stampede dynasty for the entire length of her career. On top of dominant on ice performances she has been dominant off the ice in her quest to obtain as much hardware for the trophy case as possible. If you can think of an award that a goaltender could possibly win you can assume she has at least one in her trophy case already and will potentially be adding an MVP trophy a little later this off season. Outside of Doyle, there is a player on the Platoon that I think deserve some recognition to be at least considered for the hall of fame. That player is Nat Emerson. He has been a stalwart, gritty, hardworking defenseman that has largely not been talked about during his impressive career. With the switch to forward for next season he can only add to his legacy in the final years of his career as he pushed for a cup with a young and talented Platoon roster. 

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

With the Baltimore Platoon being eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, Patrick Shepherd is stuck at home watching the finals. To help Baltimore contend next season and into the future, Patrick has doubled down on his training for next season. The first taste of playoff hockey really lit the fire under him to make sure Baltimore is there every season going forward. Patrick is personally working out and skating more than ever to make sure that he is strong both on and off the puck physically. He is also studying even more tape and working with newly converted winger Nat Emerson to make sure that he can read the defensive zone and be in the right place all the time. Patrick also stayed in Baltimore this offseason to make sure he can continue to develop chemistry with his linemates for next season. Patrick along with this young core should hopefully continue to develop and be stronger as a team next year.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The best Simulation Hockey League team to miss the finals this season was the Toronto North Stars. The North Stars had a very good season that showed them to be dominant in stretches and they showed that they could contend with any other team in the Simulation Hockey League and hold their own. They were mere seconds off of making the finals after an improbable comeback in the conference finals against Buffalo. They were eliminated in heart breaking fashion when Buffalo tied the game in the final seconds before winning the game in overtime to eliminate the North Stars. That alone should show you how good of a roster they were in that they almost upset the league standard final between Buffalo and Hamilton.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

In this season's IIHF tournament I do not think that there will be much change in the usual things that people expect in the IIHF. I think that you will see the usual suspects at the top. Canada, the United States, Sweden, and Russia will all be in the running to win it all. There are a few outlier teams that may be dangerous though which would include Great Britain, Ireland, and Japan. All three of those countries will have a chance at upsetting the normal balance in the IIHF. Ireland could possibly be the surprise team of the tournament with a newly expanding young roster and hopefully some much needed improvement over last season's results. With improved goaltending and a newly revamped defensive core the Irish will be looking to turn some heads, but they are a young roster overall so it is possible that this season will still be a growing pain stricken campaign for the squad.

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif][Image: cobb.png?ex=663d5bb2&is=663c0a32&hm=7637...ae0e53216&][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif]
Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)

15. (3 TPE Task)(3 Total)

16. (3)(6)
This is where I would copy/paste my message to Carolina's management channel after I had sent it, but I no longer have access on account of leaving it for bias reason lmao. So I'll simply reiterate that Fuzz, Smatt, Sloth, Overdoo, Sve7en, Trella, Gumba, TDZ, and Dwight, are doing a fantastic job. They truly nail everything they do, and should feel incredibly proud of themselves. As an alumni, that's a damn good group leading it.

12. a.b.c.d. (4)(10)

a. Hamilton did in fact finish above Buffalo this season when it came to the standings, not just 13 points but also probably multiple other stats as well. One thing Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite that fact is to completely ignore that. Why? Because that's the regular season and not playoffs, which is a whole different beast. Those points may have come from facing completely different teams, those are not the teams they are facing right now.

b. Hamilton was 3rd in Goals For this season compared to Buffalo's Goals Against, and while this may beg the question of which is better, the best defense or the best offense, personally I think they cannot truly be compared against each other. These statistics cannot be taken in singular instances without looking at context as a whole. See, each of these is compiled in a broad context of the teams they faced and the roles each team used their players in, and this single instance will not dictate whether best offense is better than best defense or vice versa.

c. Of the two brandings I do prefer the Hamilton Steelhawks. I think this branding is a unique take on things that are almost popular but not quite, which gives an incredibly unique perspective on steel and blue, as well as the town Hamilton itself. I think that the branding is sleek without being overly boring and fits the concept of steel well, so they deserve major props for this.

d. In a fantasy sense I would send out Bobby Sharp, Michael Scarn, Monkey D. Luffy and Theo Morgan, because these are the top four point getters in the regular season according to the index. Oh what's that you say, regular season should not matter? I wonder who may have said that they sound incredibly stupid and completely unqualified to answer this question, to which I say I AGREE.

6. (3) (13)

4. (3)(16)
I will admit I am no perfect earner, I am lagging quite a bit behind compared to the rest of this incredibly impressive class. However, I am trying my best to keep up with this incredibly amazing class. So instead I will play to my strengths where they lie within a team environment of building community and helping the rest of the team find success. I think that helping myself keeping to earn at a steady pace will help showcase that it is possible for the rest of us no matter what to keep being productive. In addition I hope that I can keep doing things around the Dragons locker room to help the team become closer and help develop bonds to drive us to all be better. Team work makes the dream work and all that jazz so being on top of things can inspire to keep earning every single member of the roster. It is what I am best at after all.

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 01:58 AM by raymond3000.)

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?
Tony Pepperoni is likely a lock for the Hall of Fame. In terms of hardware, he has an MVP and a number of all-star teams which is more than most. What really stands out though is his longevity, as Pepperoni is consistently one of Edmonton's top players and is seemingly always manages to score over a point per game. He's over a point per game for his entire career, and if he can keep his scoring up, he'll be able to climb high up the all time points list. Another player who remarkably is a lock is Elizabeth Doyle of the Buffalo Stampede. Despite being a S51 draftee, Doyle has already won almost everything there is to win, with Jesster, Razov, McBride, and Honcho trophies on her resume. The only thing left for her to win is an MVP, and while that will be extremely difficult to pull off as a goalie playing for the Stampede, I won't bet against Doyle somehow winning one in the coming seasons.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) or Graphic, 3 TPE
These are two very storied franchises, what is each team's all-time top 3 forwards, top 2 defensemen, and top goalie? Why did you choose them? For graphics people, make a graphic showing both team's starting lineups and some key stats.
Hamilton Steelhawks
F - Joe McKeil
F - Robert Phelps
F - Aaron Wilson
D - Ben Dover
D - Taylor McDavid
G - Jakob Tanner

McKeil and Phelps are two of the greatest offensive players of all time and both have over 900 career points. Wilson, while less of a pure point scorer, is the ultimate support player and will complement those two well. On defense, Ben Dover was a shot-blocking machine while McDavid was a true two-way force. Honestly, I'm not sure if McDavid even player defense for the Steelhawks, but I just wanted to have an all-Hallsy defense pair. In goal, Tanner backstopped the Hawks to multiple cups and is one the best playoff goalies of all time.

Buffalo Stampede
F - Viktor Marius
F - Monkey D. Luffy
F - Hippo Passamus
D - Alexis Metzler
D - Charles Walker
G - Elizabeth Doyle

Incredibly, all the players on the Stampede's all time team played their entire careers in Buffalo, which really highlights the great culture they've built up over the years. Marius and Passamus are two elite power forwards, while Luffy is as pure a goal scorer as there is in today's SHL. On defense, the legendary Metzler-Walker pair is reunited. In goal, Doyle is well on her way to being the best goalie in SHL history.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.
[Image: 0pDj0cf.png]

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
Buffalo made their move at the trade deadline by acquiring Dick Clapper from the New England Wolfpack. This trade gave them another 2K forward to go head to head against Hamilton's elite forward group of Wilson, Morgan, Scarn and Jones. Unfortunately, Buffalo wasn't able to put up much of a fight in the finals, but without that trade, Buffalo might not have gotten past Toronto or even made the playoffs.

14. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.
[Image: Z9jCZ1k.png]

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

[Image: 17307_s.gif]

StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Next season, I will do my best to cheer for my teammates harder than I did this year. This season, I simply didn't cheer hard enough for them and it is something I will need to work on for next season in order for us to have a better season. Seriously though, the team needs to get better defensively in the worst way. New Orleans allowed the most goals against by FAR. I will have to keep max earning in order to make a difference when I am able to come up and contribute defensively. We definitely had issues on the forecheck, too, but being tidy in our own zone will help a lot. It won't be next season, but I'll keep grinding away to make sure that I'm at a point where I can make an impact on the blue line for the Specters sooner rather than later. If I keep earning at my current pace, I should be ready to come up after the next season; however it will likely take a bit more after that to be able to keep up against the top tier talent.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This season, I expect another great performance from the powerhouse that is Team Great Britain. On the other hand, I also expect the United States and the Canadians to perform well. I'd also like to think that Team Norway will surprise some people and hopefully be able to compete into the medal stages of the tournament. But for all I know, Team Latvia will be amazing and flip their two and ten record from last year to come in first and rival Team Canada and Team Great Britain. I highly doubt things will change too much this year, as the federations do not appear to have shaken up too much. However, you never truly know who is going to come out playing hot and making the right moves to end up on top. It's a safe bet that these teams I've listed, save for Latvia, will likely end up in the top five as they have the best teams at the moment.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) or Graphic, 3 TPE
These are two very storied franchises, what is each team's all-time top 3 forwards, top 2 defensemen, and top goalie? Why did you choose them? For graphics people, make a graphic showing both team's starting lineups and some key stats.

As far as I'm concerned, the teams that these two powerhouses are fielding currently are their best all time. I haven't been around nearly long enough to tell you otherwise, so I will go with the following team for the Hamilton Steelhawks:

Elijah Jones - Michael Scarn - Aaron Wilson / Samuel Michaud - Hugh Jazz

Likewise, my team of choice for the Buffalo Stampede would be:

Hippo Passamus - Bobby Sharp - Monkey D. Luffy / Alexander Selich - Nicholas Owens

I recognize several of these names from my fantasy draft this past season, even managing to snag a few of them for my team. It's clear that these two teams are extremely strong, having been very good sides for the past several years. These names have mostly been relevant since I joined the league and continue their reign as top of the league even still. Most of these players probably have a shot at the hall of fame eventually, if they keep up their performance playing alongside such great teammates.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

a. Keep up the defensive strength. With some of the fewest goals against, Buffalo's best chances relied in keeping Hamilton out of the net. If they were able to do that, they likely could have been victorious against what may be considered a better team. Combine this with being a bit sharper on the forecheck, and Buffalo had a great chance against Hamilton.
b. As we've seen this season, the great offense came out on top. This isn't always the case, nor what I would have necessarily expected. I am a big proponent of winning from the back; if you can prevent your opponent from scoring, you should be winning games. Especially when you have a powerful offense like Buffalo. Unfortunately, they were unable to pull through and lost to the even strong offense in Hamilton.
c. This is an almost impossible question as both of these brandings are very, very good. The clean lines of Buffalo come together for a beautiful minimalist design that does everything it needs to do in a very simple way. Hamilton's branding is some additional shading which brings some additional depth and makes it a bit more dynamic. I have to go for Hamilton simply due to colors.
d. Bobby Sharp, Monkey D. Luffy, Alexander Selich, and Elizabeth Doyle - These four players are some of the best in their role. The skaters are the top point getters for their positions, and Doyle has the best save percentage between these teams and a solid goal against average. It looks like some of the best fantasy players are Buffalo folks, so maybe this will bite me knowing what we know now. Still, I think they can get it done.

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
+3 from 5 Milestones earned

+16 TPE

[Image: MittschiffsSHL.gif]
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 08:14 PM by overdoo.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

ISFL Affiliate

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough storylines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

I would choose to take the ability to be immune to all penalties, offsides, and icing. Yes, 6 skaters would be cool, but so would literally breaking the ankles with a wicked two-hander. You got a guy on your team who likes fighting? Just let him at it. Good any rush at all? Crank the goalie from the side. Puck can't be stopped if there is no one there to stop it. Plus, is 6 skaters really an advantage when 3 of them are laying on the ice hurt? Sure, it is not in the spirit of the game at all, but it is such an easy abuse of the system. That isn't even including all the plays you could pull off with no offsides or icing, even if they don't work they put 6 skaters to the test, and really handicap their ability to attack with their "advantage". (149 words)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Well, let's be real. A rebuild cannot happen in 3 seasons. However, there is much room for improvement heading into next season. We should be getting at least a little bit of help from call-ups right away, but from the seasons forward I think the Specters will be a completely different team. So to be honest, there isn't much Hutton can do to make the Specters a scary team again next season. However, it is the intangibles that really matter right now. Keeping his work ethic and attitude to the level he has carried it for a few seasons now is important, and obviously, he, Odelein III, and Johnson have a strong presence in the locker room that needs to be kept up. Making NOLA a fun place to be for the rookies, while giving them a helping hand is crucial to their development heading into the later seasons. The line of thinking that statistically we may not improve, but as a team, we will, is the best way to go into next season, and possibly even the following one after that. (182 words)

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup-related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?

I really don't think they need to get a leg up. Test, test, test. The Great Lakes division is always hell, every team in there is fantastic, and the games are always tight so I don't think much stock should go into regular-season point totals. While 13 is significant, it doesn't matter now as both are in the finals. Buffalo has a solid defense and a great goalie to back that up, if those two positions play as planned I think they take the win. If Hamilton is able to beat that, they got it. (95 words)

b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age-old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?

I personally would always pick the defense. Having a good defense usually results in the team controlling the pace of the game, among other things. Being able to dominate your own end, if you're ever in it, is something that is quite underrated. I think Buffalo will succeed if their defense plays as hyped, and if it doesn't Doyle has the ability to steal games. (65 words)

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

The Hamilton Steelhawks. I'm a sucker for the blue teams, purple, pink.. :eyes: Whatever on that side of the color spectrum, really. The logo looks alright, it's cool, not bad, not outstanding either though. Neither is Buffalo's if you ask me. I'd also have to take the name "Steelhawks" over "Stampede", I think it is better for branding, and definitely sounds intimidating enough, even though Stampede is great for that as well. I would take Buffalo over Hamilton, but Hamilton is a pretty decent spot for a team regardless. (89 words)

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Milestones Claim (2TPE)

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as an mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

Alright well during the mPT I was shown up so I guess I have a lot of people to mention.

@FuzzSHL and @sve7en - Fuzz, you were and still are a huge reason I ever thought about or considered GM'ing in the league. You obviously built Carolina from the ground up, and that S54 team was one of the biggest reasons I stuck around and got as into the league as I have. Four Star or not, that was a very fun team and I'm super happy you found yourself in the role you wanted in the bigger league. Sve7en, your passion for the league is such a great thing, you've made this place a better place for so many users and continue to do so. Got a lot of credit to give to you that you're probably tired of hearing, so I'll stop that for now. Apparently, you are not tired of hearing about it. Too bad this task doesn't have a word cap. Think it is pretty obvious you're one of the guys I look up to most on the site. Even before I joined a team, it was you and I believe @notorioustig who were the two that got me into scouting to begin with. Tig giving me the push to let y'all know I wanted to try all that out, even when Detroit didn't grab me in the draft, but you took your time teaching me everything you could. I think I remember you doing my predictions for me when I first joined because I was just absolutely lost, or when you took time to teach me techniques on PS, how to test sim, how to do a single damn GM task for once in my life. It wasn't like you had much time available either, but you made sure I understood without any criticism of some surely dumb questions and ideas. Fuck, before you even drafted me, you made sure to check up on me once or twice even though I was surely awkward and confused as all hell. All that doesn't even touch what you have done for the league. HTT, one of the best podcasts on the site whether you want it to be or not, I know it got me to make my first pod. It's many users' source of news and even part of some schedules. I loved listening in at home when I was doing my physics homework for the week. As a captain, Co-GM, GM, you've made the Kraken the best it could be, and I know you're sure as hell making Fuzz and Trella proud. Plus anything else, Events team, SHN, and whatever else you're secretly a part of behind the scenes; you've had so much of an impact on the league I wouldn't be surprised if you retired now and were still talked about for another 20 seasons. 

Hopefully, that was enough to hold you for this week  Heart

@Mazatt - You're part of what made that S54 team so great, really just my whole short juniors' stay. I know we were both excited to be drafted together as a pair but being able to have someone to always go to rant or talk or whatever I decide to do... It's been great. Been fun being able to grow in the league together even if it has been on different teams, you don't know how much of a difference you've made for me.

@trella - Of course, you were there with Fuzz in starting Carolina up and making them what they are today. You've done insane with Tampa Bay so far, and are overall just a genuinely cool guy and awesome part of the Nug.

@ACapitalChicago, @slothfacekilla, @TheDangaZone,  @hockeyiscool, @Ace, @peej2189, @Fitted2106 - All of y'all have been huge for Carolina, whether that was through being an alumni, or part of management. ACap, thanks for putting up with my dumb rulebook questions, hypotheticals, and what have you. Also from saving me from tampering probably around 5 times now. And the absolute heavy amount of questions you have dropped on my podcasts/pressers over the past almost year. Sloth and TDZ, thanks for being overall really cool people, and always being there to support us or our guys if we need it.

And who would I be to forget about all our Kraken members right now... I'm just too lazy to tag y'all.

@JKortesi81 and @Nictox - Thanks for getting me as involved in the Specters as you have. It's made it so much more fun to be around and gonna be a hell of a lot of fun when we get back in gear.

3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 16TPE total

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

This one is pretty easy I think, although the extra man would help a lot and I think would be ideal even with the other team having no icings/offsides since you can just leave the extra man in your own zone to protect cherry-picking. The fact that one team can't be penalized just tips the scale too much since you could literally just Todd Bertuzzi every player on the other team until they have no players left with no worry for retaliation or penalties and carry the puck up and down the ice inside your glove and score with it. Not being penalized is just too broken in sports to choose the extra man.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?

I know this says player but the most obvious answer is a GM so i'm just going to write about that instead. Esa is retiring this year and as a GM he's a clear first-ballot candidate and probably the most clear-cut candidate in the history of the SHL. Six cups, most cups ever from a single GM and missing the play-offs only twice in his entire tenure, and never missing in back-to-back years. The Dragons have remained a top team across generations since Esa took over and are the most competitive franchise in SHL history when you consider the entire history of the org. I think the switch to FHM hurt the Dragons more than most teams and think they'd likely have another cup or two if we hadn't switched. It's going to be sad when Esa does finally step down and doubt we'll see another GM with as much success as he had going forward.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

I'd love to have a late-career bounce-back year where I return to my former production levels and help the team bounce back but I think that's somewhat unrealistic. I feel really bad about my players production last year, I pretty much produced half as many points as I usually do and we ended up missing the play-offs by two points. If I had even produced 5 more points we probably end up making the play-offs. So right now my goal for next season is to try working on a bunch of different aspects of my game in practice and see which one helps the most, then put all my time into training that part of my game. I think a 50 point pace is probably unrealistic but I'd love to be able to put up 40 again, it's also possible I change my play and convert into more of a defensive d-man.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Sadly this answer is obvious. Chicago was 2 points back of the play-offs and coming off a Challenge Cup victory in the previous season. This Chicago team would've made the playoffs in 95% of SHL seasons so it's just so unfortunate that the team lost a cup window year because they play in the most competitive division in the history of the SHL, this iteration of the Syndicate was also the best Syndicate roster Corsi wise in their history and that includes last years cup winning team. It's one of the major downsides to FHM but hopefully, it's fixed by the time we make the switch to the next version.

12. Written, 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

a. Buffalo just needs to out tryhard HAM. The teams that put more time into FHM can get a major advantage especially when going up against another roster whose similar on paper. I think the key to this series is whichever franchise is willing to put more time into the sim will end up winning in the end.
b. I think both teams are evenly matched when it comes to offense/defense. I think Buffalo's defense probably has the slight advantage but I think at the end of the day this series will come down to which goalie can outplay the other goalie for the most games in this series. Whoever gets the more consistent performances out of their netminder will win.
c. Buffalo's branding. For whatever reason, I can't get Hamiltons old nickname of the Steelcocks out of my head. I'm actually surprised nobody ever did a mock-up meme image for it since it was a pretty common chirp. I just prefer the Stampede's colors and logo and think they work really well together. If Hamilton rebranded to Gorlabs old idea of the Hotdogs I'd automatically give them the edge though.

Bobby Sharp - Michael Scarn - Monkey D Luffy - Theo Morgan

I know these are four forwards, if you told me to pick another player i'd pick a defenceman but these 4 forwards are among the top players year in and year out and some of them even have chemistry playing together when they played for other teams. I think having these four in game 7 OT would give your team an insane chance of winning the game even if you aren't playing a defender.

15. Milestones, 2 tpe
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD


[Image: 57879_s.gif]
[Image: 37742_s.gif]
[Image: jov7Yk9.png]

SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 09:54 AM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Well, i'll be sure to actually update my player instead of finishing the season with like 100 banked TPE lmfao. Our defensive core is crazy though so i'm not sure it would've done much. My play took a huge step back, just look at my fucking milestones, 1. 1 milestone at 1800 TPE, laughable really, but it is what it is. I will just skate my fastest, pass the smoothest, shoot the hardest and hit as furiously as i can. To start this season i'll be a good amount over 1900 tpe, i'm not quiet sure what i will put my banked TPE into yet but i'm sure i'll get some good guidance from my team, seeing how when i went my own way this season i had a bad season. I really want my player to hit more and block more shots, so hopefully that is what i'll be doing come season 60!

Quote:5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Obviously Chicago. And it hurts even more to see that we didn't even make it into the playoffs because of dumb shit like divisions, smh. Give us back only conferences instead of protecting the weaker teams in weaker divisions. The fans wants to watch the best hockey available right? Then why cuck better teams with the division bullshit. Chicago is arguably the best team in the entire league and we are being held down by the oppressive leadership of the SHL. Is it because we have a huge core of asian people? Much like how asian people have a harder time to get into the best american schools due to affirmative action.

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Well, of course i'd have to go with Japan as usual, how could i not? The sunrise land will win the gold for sure, 100%. Anything other than that is a massive failure ofcourse. We're descendants of the samurai and much like Oda Nobunaga, we will win or die trying.(Preferably we win unlike he did) We have a great team as always, I'm predicting Monkey D Luffy to have another great season like he always has. Hopefully i do well myself too on the back-end, but that's for the future to decide. PB in net will get all the help she can from us defenseman seeing how she's the "weak link" of the team TPE wise, but TPE doesn't mean shit when you're as good looking as us. All the other teams should just stay home. We're in a pandemic after all. We really should talk to whoever is hosting these games that they should be stopped.

Quote:7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) or Graphic, 3 TPE
These are two very storied franchises, what is each team's all-time top 3 forwards, top 2 defensemen, and top goalie? Why did you choose them? For graphics people, make a graphic showing both team's starting lineups and some key stats.

Well, Top Goalies is pretty straight forward lmao. Elizabeth Doyle is a superwoman that i love more than life itself, so obvious choice for Buffalo. As for Hamilton, i'd probably go with Jakob Tanner, for performance reasons, lots of trophies for that man.

As for forwards, I'd go with a Morgan - Wilson - Jones set-up. They all prove season after season that they're hot stuff. Morgan is a literal monster.
For Buffalo i'd say Clapper - Monkey D. Luffy - Sharp. A lot of strong forwards to pick from but i'd choose these, but i'd pick these 3 for performance reasons.

Defensemen goes last, Hamilton i would take Hugh Jazz and Samuel Michaud. Both has built up a good reputation for themselves and still has a lot in the tank.
For Buffalo i'd go with Alexander Selich and Augustus Wang. Selich has been around what feels like forever and is always performing, and Wang is great.

Oh, you think i picked a lot of current players? Well you know what they say, the game always gets more competitive so obviously the players get better too.[Image: 768499609269436446.gif?v=1]

Quote:12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

I'd send out the following players.

F - Theo Morgan. For obvious reasons, He knows how to score.
C - Monkey D. Luffy. He's always at the top of the points sheet, also he can bend and stretch very far which i can only imagine would be great in this situation.
D - Alexander Selich. So much experience, nothing can beat that in the finals, also very good, and has been forever.
D - Samuel Michaud. Knows how to win, great in every aspect, both offensively and defensively

Quote:15. Milestones, 1 TPE

1 milestone

Quote:16. Written, 3 TPE

Whenever these comes around i always think of my friends in both Chicago and Newfoundland. I won't even try to mention anyone outside of those teams because i would forget someone. Blessed forever be @formx



[Image: 41373_s.gif]
[Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: 7WSfxIG.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 07:46 PM by Boomcheck.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

This is my own thinking but I do think it was a shock, and something that will be looked into as the future looms. Cole Carter, son of legendary back to back Dar winner Cameron Carter II, was drafted but UNSIGNED! Not something that I had witnessed before but it revealed to me that the league is in a dire situation where it cannot fit others in. Also the fact that the team that had drafted him, Chicago, struggled to even get to the play offs where they had taken home a title the season before. It is definitely baffling and I reckon FHM has its' own fair share of randomness that effects others. The fact they had such a tough out does make me wonder if there is something we are missing, or if they just merely lacked the talent though the same guys that tore the league apart before simmered down a bit.

155 words

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?

I will talk about YOURS TRULY, although I have retired two seasons back I don't see myself getting much of a buzz when you look at others. Never the MVP, but I was considered at that level in the SMJHL and as for power forwards I closed out STHS strong with back to back Dar trophies. My run in FHM has been hit or miss, but I held well enough though the change had shot my motivation to fight off regression. The issue of the sim change really shafted me given that I had entered the section of my career that would have been 'cruise control' and my numbers took a nose dive while all those before me got to enjoy a graceful aging process. I recall in the old bojo box that CC2 was the youngest for what his hit total was and given that I eventually broke the single season's hit record I think I had a real shot at making waves, and if you look at my numbers as I started to age I think it was on lock for me to be the #1 hitter too. Cuddles is in, let CC2 in too.

199 Words

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

I made the SMJHL finals so not quite sure I would be sitting at home, but it was a difficult road since I didn't have a major role until later on in the year. A few things here, I was drafted and not signed as it seem my team has no room so I signed a deal with a SMJHL team for LESS than the SHL minimum. Given the results our out we took a beating, unable to score in the finals and honestly there will be a new look Cole Carter with offensive skill and ability with blistering speed. I have done a lot of extra work and getting further ahead, and I should be an offensive wizard. I want to ooze ability and game breaking scoring, so that is what I have in store. All offense. I feel this will better assist with the team and I can be that killer on the second line, or that is the goal. We won't score 4 goals in 5 games again.

171 Words

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

Two interesting choices but I do wonder if only one would make the most sense. Do you have guys with extraordinary stamina? It becomes a question of mental fortitude and grit, in which case a team may actually choose to go that route but there is the thought of the lack of penalties, offsides and icings. I would go for the latter to include all sorts of guys that could go fight, brawl and attack one another for our entertainment.They name of the game is getting everyone in rough and fighting hard, so it is what it is. I think it will give a lot more entertainment, even with the cherry picking but I think it can be handled through harsh enforcement. Let the gloves go!

126 Words

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

JODAN. god bless all of the yung boats and the old ones. It has been great to see this franchise rise from the ashes of the Firebirds and take a form of its' own. A lot of coaches, management and players really did wonders for me and I am grateful to have a place to go to every now and then.

[Image: tuxpi-com-1618108119.jpg]

2. (2TP)
For me this was a pretty easy choice and I would like our team to have the power of being immune to penalties, offsides and icing. Of course, playing with 6 players is a big benefit for covering the ice, but these 6 players can still make mistakes which are easy to use in your favour if you have the benefit of refs closing their eyes and ears during every bodycheck, poke-check, stick lift. Going on fast breaks is super easy considering that you can't get caught offside or get an icing call while the other team still has to follow the rules. It could turn into an awful game filled with injuries tho and nobody loves to sit out a season after a wild bodycheck. Either way this would be a pretty entertaining game for the fans and maybe this idea should be left for the all-star game not in an all out battle for the cup. [158 words]

4. (3TP)
This was ZZs first season on a trully professional stage and a great lesson of what she needs to do more and in which parts of the game she still has so much growth to have. The rookie year went pretty great individually at times, but in general it was a disappointment for the team. Yes, the end of the season showed that Aurora has a lot of potential to be even better and better in the next few seasons considering the growth of their younger players and the visdom of veterans. Individually one thing that Zelma wants to upgrade in her game to help the team reach their full potential is defensive game. It might sound weird for a purely attacking player to say that she wants to work on her defensive game, but great defense can win a championship while great offense still needs to think about their own net at some point because you can't always outscore someone. Also looking at the main tasks on the ice scoring and creating more open space for teammates is something that she still needs to evolve. The next season looks bright and Aurora will be looking to crush into those top spots in the league. [205 words]

6. (3TP)
There is no doubt, that the team I will be rooting for is Team Latvia. Good old rebuild phase is slowly reaching its end and that only means that we can start to see a bit more from the Latvians during SHL and SMJHL off-season. Great additions from the minors and some players that have went up to the SHL will try to make their mark and push Team Latvia into the old Pesky Lats days. Combined with national team players that are alrady showing good results with their SHL teams. Of course this is the IIHF tourney where I finally want to see some good games from Zelma Zuntnere as well. It has been a while and maybe I have also been on and off the site for her to reach her full potential, but IIHF has always been the tourney where my "creations" have shined the brightest (remembering the iconic Latvian defender Isaac Cormier-Hale). If we are talking about players to watch for Team Latvia than definitely it is Nat Emerson, the great defender with a shooters touch. And also the pairing of center Boris Poroshenko and right winger Calogero Crudelli. When these players get hot the team will be able to get more than 2 wins through the tournament. [212 words]

8. (3 TP)
[Image: lUaGYsp.png]

15. Milestones
I get nothnig so that sucks :D
Sad link

16. (3TP)
I don't really have one or a bunch of players I would like to specifically thank, but I want to thank us all for being able to keep this forum open not only for us to create our dream players, but also for us to speak about the issues in our lives, to find new friends that are there not only online, but in real life as well. Thank you for creating a community that is open to everyone no matter the gender, age, sexuality, race, religion and so on. We have had our ups and downs (as everyone has), but in the end this page has grown and we with it together. Thank you, everyone! Lets keep going!

[Image: 32882_s.gif]

Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

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