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It is clear that the MVP will likely be Greyson Cooper of the Quebec City. They are running away with the goal scoring title and are likely to break the single season record for goals in the SMJHL. I don't think I can add much to what has already been pointed out by the other posters.

I will add that goalies are getting overlooked a bit here and I would like to add the Quebec City goalie into the conversation. Nor Dekes, the goalie for Quebec City, stands out amongst the competition. With a 33-5-3 record, they sit comfortably as the win leader for goalies. Their goals against average is 2nd best (excluding goalies with less than 12 games played) at 2.23 and they have the best save percentage at .918 (amongst goalies with more than 12 games played) with a league leading 5 shutouts.

And finally to add to the two Quebec City players, I would choose Lev Lebedev from the Vancouver Whalers who is currently 3rd in goals with 27 and 3rd in points with 57. The goal total puts him ahead of Robert Black who is 2nd in points but still a viable candidate. Honourable mention to Kappa Kappa who is also in the conversation.

[ 212 words ]

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I'd like to propose a QCC sweep for the MVP top 3 contenders with Greyson Cooper, Kappa Kappa, and Stan Din'desque. Citadelles

1. Greyson Cooper - what really needs to be said here? Cooper has had an insane season and proven himself a beast of a forward. Currently on his way to break some records, the LW has 41G 29A for a whopping 70PTS. As it stands, if the captain of the Citadelles is not rewarded MVP, I'll be very interested in hearing the committee's reasoning.
2. Kappa Kappa - truly the best offensive dman in the league. Kappa places 3rd in assists with 39A, trailing those tied for 1st by 3, and only 1 goal behind the top scoring dmen at 13G. He has excellent game ratings, above his fellow dmen in the league, and his contributions for Quebec cannot be overstated.
3. Stan Din'desque - I think Stan's been flying under the radar so I'd like to shine the spotlight on him. You couldn't ask for a more solid center. Just a look at his game ratings show the influence he has on the game, and having him as a 2nd line forward with Burrow and Hopkins has been crucial in QCC's fantastic season. Hockey isn't a 1-man sport - you need all your players to do well, and Din'desque exemplifies that.

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gay heghog

Theoretically  you could play devil's advocate and make a somewhat decent argument that Greyson Cooper doesn't deserve MVP. I know that sounds ridiculous but if we look at the advanced metrics (which I admit are far less important or valuable in Ice Hockey as oppose to say Baseball.) Cooper is not a  runaway winner here.  He's got a 1,1120 Corsi compared to a 1,322 for Alfred Yankovic. Of course that comes with it's own caveat in the sense that Corsi is more indictive of team or line success since it's judged on how many shots the team generates with that player on the ice. It's also worth noting that his teammate Big Boss  has a higher Corsi (1,112) and the same amount of GF/60 and GA/60  as well as a higher SF/60 at 47.2 compared to 46.8.

I honestly don't think is a good argument.  Advanced hockey analytics aren't nearly as advanced as advanced analytics in Baseball and  this is  really just an attempt to try to argue that someone other then Cooper should win MVP.

Quote:179 Words

Obviously the clearcut choice is QCC forward Greyson Cooper. His numbers are insane and the team has been great all season.  He'll probably win.  

But I want to remind you this award is not merely who has the most points in the league, or even who is the best player on the best team. It is a question of who has been the most VALUABLE to their team. And if you want to answer that questions honestly, I think you have to say the answer is Anchorage Armada Rookie Goalie Dominik Tretyak.

Since joining the league just 14 games ago, Dominik has almost single handedly turned the season around for the Armada.  In those 14 games he has posted a 10-4 record, a ridiculous 1.86 GAA, had 2 shutouts, and 0.912 Save Percentage.  

Before joining, Anchorage had played 35 games and only had 32 points, or 1.09 points per game. They also had gone 1-8 (with their only win coming in a shootout) in the previous 9 games.  But following his signing, the Armada have won 1.43 points per game which is tied with QCC for the best in the league during that stretch!

I know it might seem a little out of the ordinary, but when 1 player single-handedly turns around the fortunes of a team, they must be considered the most valuable player in the league!

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As this is my first season in the SMJHL, I'm still getting to know the teams and players all around me. To determine who amongst my teammates or rivals are the best isn't an easy decision but there are definitely some players that have made a name for themselves this season.

1. Greyson Cooper - It is no doubt that Greyson Cooper has made a statement this season. With 41 Goals and 29 Assists for a total of 70 pints at this point of the season is amazing. Greyson is ahead of the pack by 12 points and still has plenty of time to get even more ahead. Greyson obviously has the skill and swagger to carry his team to any kind of victory and to be the most valuable player of the SMJHL.

2. Robert Black - It's not always goals that put you to the top. You always need a guy that can get the puck to the goal scorers. Robert Black is that kind of player and he is currently leading the SMJHL in assists. With a whopping 11 point lead in assists over the current 2nd ranked player, Robert Black is defining themselves as the leagues best in dishing out the ol rubber cheese.

3. Adelie de Pengu - Often overlooked are the players that don't score the goals but make other sacrifices to help their team get the win. Adelie de Pengu is one of those players. With 157 blocks, Adelie has put their body on the line more than anyone else in the SMJHL. All of those bruises must count for something. Maybe a statement for the most valuable player in the SMJHL.

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We shall follow the herd mentality because great minds think alike... (and fools seldom differ)

1. Greyson Cooper - I mean come on, 41 goals and 70 points. He is 12 points ahead of his closest rival. Yes, he's playing on a bit of a stacked team but it's hard to argue with that kind of production out of a rookie and he's part of the reason they are stacked.

2. Lord Skrolk - Breaking from the mold, I will go with this beast of a goalie and .916 save percentage who is standing tall for the Kelowna Knights in the middle of a rebuild and dragging them into playoff contention when it wasn't even expected.

3. Jay O'Neil - He's pulling a CF% 62.4 and FF% of 63.4 and holds a +/- of 15 which is incredible considering he has to defend while his team mate Jeff Larsson is on the ice. It's an incredible feat what he can pull off while carrying that anchor.

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As far as I'm concerned this years MVP award is a race for second. Greyson Cooper has absolutely exploded this season - posting 42 goals in 49 games, leading the Quebec City Citadelles to the top of the standings. Adding to that insane goal clip is 29 assists for a whopping 71 points - 11 goals, and 12 points ahead of second place on the leaderboards. The MVP title is his to lose.

Coming in at second is Kappa Kappa, the defender (also) from Quebec City is leading the league in points (53), goals (14), assists (39) and plus/minus (41) among defenders. His attributes to the scoresheet can't be overlooked, averaging over 21:00 a night while contributing to the powerplay and penalty kill. Kappa Kappa is a Swiss Army Knife type of player and excelling in every situation that Evok and Faelex have put him in. 

Third in my rankings would be Lev Lebedev of the Vancouver Whalers, also leading his team by example and nipping at the heels of Quebec City - Lev has posted 27 goals which is good for third in the league and 30 assists which puts him one point behind second place and in a great position to surpass Robert Black of the Newfoundland Berserkers. He isn't afraid to get in front of pucks with 35 blocked shots, or to use his size in the corners - helping out with 42 hits.

Off the board pick, Nor Dekes (again) of the Quebec City Citadelles. Nor Dekes is leading the league in the wins column with 33, which is six more than the next best net minder - five of which are shut outs, which is also a league leading stat. He has 33.07 goals saved above expected and a .918 save percentage, which is good for second in both categories. All of this while starting in all but seven games for the Citadelles, 41 games started is good for second in the league. The only thing keeping him off the top three is how spectacular Quebec City's defense has been in front of him.

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(This post was last modified: 09-22-2021, 10:59 PM by shan3p.)

The three current front runners for the The Ideen Fallah Trophy for MVP are Greyson Cooper Citadelles , Kappa Kappa Citadelles , and Rinky McDangle Raptors .

Greyson Cooper - Obviously is the current frontrunner to win the trophy. He has just been smashing the goals standings, being 15 goals ahead of the next leader. He shots constantly, leading the league in shots, and this has paid off with a ridiculous amount of goals. It will be almost next impossible for anyone else to win the trophy off him, as his only knock is how good his team has been around him. 

Kappa Kappa - Speaking of team around him, Kappa Kappa is a defensemen who leads the league in +/-, top 3 in assists, and is top 5 in points. This is obviously helped by him playing with Cooper, but the two feed off each other and I think this is why he deserves to be in the conversation.

Rinky McDangle - A great player for sure, but I just dont see how he can beat out either of the options above him. It will depend on how much the award commitee thinks he carries him team, as he is the only player for the  Raptors in the top 10, but the  Citadelles  have 3.

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The MVP race is really a two man race at this point. Quebec has been quite lucky to roster both Greyson Cooper and Kappa Kappa. But in actuality, it's Cooper's award to lose. He leads the entire league in multiple categories, and has been putting up mind-boggling numbers throughout the whole season. With about a quarter of the season to go, Cooper is only two goals back from being the all time leader in goals, as well as only needing a few points to claim the all time points record as well. Kappa has had a fantastic season, don't get me wrong - but Cooper has been transcendent. He could probably sit out the rest of the season and still be a lock for this award, in all honesty - he has been that spectacular on the ice. Not only that, but he has led his team to the best record in the league with a +99 goal differential. If anyone but Cooper wins the MVP award, the end times are upon us.

175 words.

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Cheers to tweedledunn and supertardis101 for the awesome signatures!


The first player, and realistically, the only player, in contention for the SMJHL MVP spot this season, is Greyson Cooper. 77 points, which is 13 more points than anyone else. 45 goals, which is a hilarious 15 more than anyone else. He's got 242 shots on goal, which is 19 more than anyone else. He's also got a shooting percentage of 18.6%, which is higher than anyone else in the league above either 30 points OR 70 shots on goal, which is by itself absolutely terrifying. Only one other forward in the league has a higher +/-, and that player is almost certainly his own linemate. There's got to be a few other nominees, of course. Kappa Kappa has had an outstanding season for QCC as well as an offensive defenceman, with 59 points in 53 games and the highest +/- in the league, and the other two slots are naturally going to go to Robert Black and Lev Lebedev. But any MVP votes for these three are going to be pity votes compared to Cooper.

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I always feel like forwards get too much attention with these kinds of discussions so I'll pick the player from each position who I think has had the best season so far.

For forwards, it has to be Greyson Cooper. It's an easy choice because he's the runaway points and goals leader. While Quebec has been a phenomenal team this year, scoring 45 goals in 53 games is a spectacular achievement regardless of who you play with.

On defense I'll go a bit off the board with Melvin Majestik-Moose. I really wanted to highlight someone who has excelled more at the defensive aspects of the game, and I think this player has done that on an underperforming team. Majestik-Moose is near the top of the league in both blocks and hits, with 140 and 114, respectively. They also average almost 23 minutes of icetime per game, spending time on both special teams. They're also pretty good for possession as they have 29 takeaways with only 17 giveaways. Lastly, the cool name should give an extra few points, surely.

In the crease I'll go back to Quebec with Nor Dekes. I mean talk about cool names, how fitting is it that this player plays for Quebec? League leader for wins and shutouts, second in save percentage, and an impressive 2.31 GAA, I think Nor Dekes deserves to be a part of the discussion.

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1. Greyson Cooper - Quebec City Citadels: 45 Goals, 77 Points, 32 +/-, 242 Shots, 18.60 Shot %, 17 Power Play Goals

Greyson Cooper is the undisputed leader for the Ideen Fallah Trophy, so far. He leads the league in goals, points, shots and power play goals. He is a key constructor as to why QCC is the top team in the league.

2. Kappa Kappa - Quebec City Citadels: 15 Goals, 44 Assists, 59 Points, 43 +/-, 180 Shots, 4 Power Play Goals

Kappa Kappa is an intriguing pick for second best. They lead all defensemen in assists, points,  and +/-, while also being second in goals. League wise, Kappa ranks third in assists, fifth in points, and leads in +/-. These are very impressive stats for a defensemen.

3. Nor Dekes - Quebec City Citadels: 37 Wins, 6 Losses, 3 OTL, 2.31 GAA, .917 Save %, 5 Shutouts

I have to give some goalie love for the third spot. Nor Dekes has been the most outstanding goalie so far, and I don’t think it’s really close. They lead the league with wins and shutouts, plus rank in the top five in losses, GAA, GSAA, and save %. This is all while being second in the league in games played.

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