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S42 Interested Prospects Thread

1. How did you hear about the site?
Someone from another sim league told me about it

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Locker room

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
2-3 seasons or until I get called up

5. Favourite NHL team?
Colorado Avalanche

6. Waffles or Pancakes?

7. Do you have any pets?

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
I fly planes and play some PS4

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
I don't think so

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
ask me anything

1. How did you hear about the site?
Reddit, S35

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Locker Room, for sure.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
The longer the better.

5. Favourite NHL team?
Dallas Stars

6. Waffles or Pancakes?
Waffles. Especially blueberry waffles.

7. Do you have any pets?
I do. One cat, one dog. Their names are Tucker and Caroline, respectively.

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Writing, gaming, lutherie (guitar building).

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
No, but I'm always down for some new music.

10. Anything else you'd like us to know?
Narwhal tusks are actually just their left canine tooth.

1. How did you hear about the site? Reddit post on r/hockey

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open). 8-9

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room? Both, but a good locker room helps a lot with development and learning

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)? I'd like to develop a fair amount before moving on but I'm new so I'm not exactly sure what timelines look like

5. Favourite NHL team? Edmonton

6. Waffles or Pancakes? Pancakes

7. Do you have any pets? Not yet

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)? Gaming, 

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON? I do not

10. Anything else you'd like us to know? Bees are dying at an alarming rate

[Image: crtigger.gif]
[Image: murphy.png]

1. How did you hear about the site?
Reddit forever ago

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Championships but when you can't win you might as well have fun doing it

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
2-4 seasons Wink

5. Favourite NHL team?
The Leafs!

6. Waffles or Pancakes?

7. Do you have any pets?
Yup a cat!

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
I play dodgeball and D&D cause I'm cool like that

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
As a former Whaler, this relationship might have a rocky foundation, but I won't look through my post history if you don't.

1. How did you hear about the site? 
I've come along with the recent reddit horde.

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
I'm unable to work so I'm home and online pretty much all day every day. (probably a 9-10)

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
I think it's important to have a balance of both. However I enjoy interacting with others so I'd give the edge to building locker room relationships. Winning ain't too bad either, though.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
Probably 2-3 depending on my development.

5. Favourite NHL team?
Penguins and knights.

6. Waffles or Pancakes?
Waffles, ez. 

7. Do you have any pets?
I've got one dog left, an elderly chihuahua. I used to train service dogs, so I had tons of dogs coming in and out every day. No longer though!

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Used to train dogs, video games(overwatch mostly), linguistics/language learning, drawing, taxidermy, marvel and airsoft.

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?

10. Anything else you’d like us to know? 
Obviously, I'm a fan of the logo/theme Wink

1. How did you hear about the site? I saw a post on HF Boards about 6 years ago

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open). At one time it was 20. For the past year its been 0. Today it's been 10.

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room? winning.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)? however long it takes.

5. Favourite NHL team? capitals since 1995

6. Waffles or Pancakes? waffles. I like texture

7. Do you have any pets? yes.

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)? I play Rainbow six siege on ps4

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON? no

10. Anything else you’d like us to know? nope.

[Image: 0QGickG.png]

Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

1. How did you hear about the site?
I heard about this site from the recruitment thread posted in /r/hockey on Reddit.

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
I would likely be around a 7 but that is always subject to change. I would always have a window dedicated to this site, but how frequent it would be checked might infrequently.

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
I would prefer to have a tight knit locker, though winning championships is still a priority.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
2-3 years

5. Favourite NHL team?
Calgary Flames

6. Waffles or Pancakes?
Waffles all the way. Can't beat syrup slots.

7. Do you have any pets?
I got a dog and a cat.

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Gaming and music, mainly.

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?

10. Anything else you'd like us to know?

1. How did you hear about the site?
I saw it on reddit

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
You can't win any championships without a close-knit locker room. So definitely the locker room.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
No idea, I've never done this before and I can't foresee what's in store. But I heard most people stay for 2-3 seasons so I probably will end up doing that.

5. Favourite NHL team?
Sabres and Pens

6. Waffles or Pancakes?

7. Do you have any pets?
Two dogs, German Shepherd and a Corgi

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
I play Eastside Hockey Manager, I have school

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
No, should I?

10. Anything else you'd like us to know?
Not sure, the fact that I'm 15 might be important. This is also my first time in any sim league.

[Image: Yxj0Dhu.png] [Image: rEUdjqj.png]
Sweden Jonatan Bäck | Defense Sweden

1. How did you hear about the site?

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
9. I'm usually plugged in

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Close-knit locker rooms win championships. Fact.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
Probably 4 since I'm a goalie which is just fine

5. Favourite NHL team?
Capitals, not a band-wagoner

6. Waffles or Pancakes?

7. Do you have any pets?
I got a Weim

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Gaming, music, tv, work, kids, soccer

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
No idea what that is

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
I'm not AssPancakes so that's a plus

[Image: v1uynGf.png]


Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

1. How did you hear about the site?
From Reddit
2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
I don't believe you can do the first one without the second one.
4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
5. Favourite NHL team?
Don't really have one (used to be Colorado when I was a kid because Peter Forsberg) now I mostly follow players from Frölunda HC in the leauge.
6. Waffles or Pancakes?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
I livestream videogames and talkshows. I ride Mountainbikes with my mom :p
9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
10. Anything else you'd like us to know?
Rasmus Dahlin is underrated!



1. How did you hear about the site?

It was from a reddit recruitment post a few years back

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).


3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?

Close-knit locker rooms develop into the teams that win championships. I think it's the most important building block

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?

2-3 season

5. Favourite NHL team?

New Jersey Devils

6. Waffles or Pancakes?


7. Do you have any pets?

No, but I get to dog sit sometimes

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?

Love video games. Anything from WoW to NHL is right up my alley. I'm also a big lacrosse and football fan and grew up playing competitive sports up until the junior/university level.

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?

I'm actually going to be seeing them at a festival tonight

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?

The apostrophe in the code messed up.

1. How did you hear about the site?
2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site opens).
3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
I want play in the show, but make an immediate impact
5. Favourite NHL team?
6. Waffles or Pancakes?
7. Do you have any pets?
I have a Sheppard/husky
8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
outdoors, food, gaming (chel,civ,aoe,europa)
9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
10. Anything else you'd like us to know?
I like to party

1. How did you hear about the site?
Through NSFL and PBE

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
Probably an 8

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Both. Close-knit locker room can lead to winning.

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
As long as it takes to succeed.

5. Favourite NHL team?

6. Waffles or Pancakes?
It really depends on my mood and where the Waffles/Pancakes are from

7. Do you have any pets?
one Cat

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Gaming, sports, guitar

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
Never heard of them

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
Greatest Goalie of All Time Right Here.

1. How did you hear about the site?
I'm in NSFL and saw it there.

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).
based on your scale a 9

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
LR for sure

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
going to play it by ear honestly

5. Favourite NHL team?
None, going to be the team we get whenever that happens

6. Waffles or Pancakes?

7. Do you have any pets?
None at the moment :(....really want a doggo tho.

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Hockey really isn't even one of them to be honest, very casual there. Big into football, baseball, soccer, and gaming.

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
I don't even know what that means.

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2018, 05:08 PM by Moosecop.)

1. How did you hear about the site?
People from PBE and NSFL

2. Rate your expected activity level from 1 to 10 (where 1 is logging on never, 5 is logging on at least weekly, and 10 is always having the site open).

3. What is more important to you, winning championships or building a close-knit locker room?
Locker room 100%

4. How long do you plan to stay in juniors (2-4 seasons)?
Until my player is ready

5. Favourite NHL team?

6. Waffles or Pancakes?
Waffles. Pancakes are too filling

7. Do you have any pets?
2 miniature schnauzers

8. What are your hobbies/interests outside of hockey (gaming, other sports, music, card games etc.)?
Gaming, watching sports, D&D

9. Do you listen to BROCKHAMPTON?
Keep a gold chain on my neck.

10. Anything else you’d like us to know?
What happened ^^

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