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S50 Championship Week

Quote:2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

Can I vote neither? Honestly, let's take a look at this. Tampa Bay is a divisional rival who I have argued many times are undeserving of this spot. They are also a franchise who's only cup win came in S17 after defeating Jakub Aittokallio and the Edmonton Blizzard in 7 games. I was very upset, and I still hold a grudge. Meanwhile, there is an obvious and known rivalry between Edmonton and Calgary. Being that I have such a connection with Edmonton, it's guaranteed that would come into play here and I just cannot root for Calgary in any way. So I'm more on #TeamAsteroid hoping to end this miserable existence. I doubt it, but I'm going to hate the result no matter what happens.

Quote:Word Count: 125

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Are there any changes to the playoff format you'd like to see implemented? More wild cards? Move to a single-elimination to bring about even more chaos? 999-game series to minimize chaos? Be creative!

I mean, I've benefitted twice before from the wild card system having made it in as the 5 seed before. However, I would do away with the system. It's rewarding teams that for all intents and purposes are not that good and not that deserving of it. Meanwhile, giving them hope that they're really accomplished and there. If we have to keep it, why make the teams that earned higher spots wait so long to start playing? Make it a one gamer, maybe three games if you really need it to be a series, but don't make the good teams wait it out for two teams who barely scratched and clawed their way in to play. It doesn't benefit anybody and is just a lull in the schedule. So either abolish or limit the wild card as soon as possible to maintain higher activity for the playoff teams who earned that spot easier and quicker.

Quote:Word Count: 155

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Due to some controversial calls during the playoffs, the league is looking at updating the current rules(icing, offside, etc) What new rule or change to a room would you implement to better the game?

I think this is an obvious one -- let's go mass chaos with a multi-puck. Throughout the game, there will be random periods of time that a multipuck is applied and you receive three pucks on the ice at one time. Now strategize around that! Do you give one up in hopes of forcing the other team to take players the other way? Or even do you try to give up all three to start to force the other team to juggle and make them make a mistake? It shouldn't be hard to get a fast break out of that, and instinct could come into play and make them forfeit their position in fear of giving up a rush. It would be interesting to see played out and would make for some exciting hockey games!

The only other acceptable answer to me is that once per game the other team gets the hot dog cannon fully loaded and is able to fire at will for a 90 second period. We'll see how teams handle getting pelted with hot dogs!

Quote:Word Count: 178

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Who's the best player that you have witnessed in the SHL never to make it to the Challenge Cup finals? Or what player that hasn't made it to the finals is most deserving and why? Were they close? Was theirs a story of hearbreak? Is there still hope in the future? (150+ words)

Realistically, I could name quite a few players on this. So I'm going to take whoever is the first person I can think of. The first to come to mind is the legend who kept the Las Vegas Kings alive but just wasn't enough to carry them into playoffs and Cup Finals. Jason Due is arguably the Bobby Orr of the SHL. He was the first defenseman to win the Ron Mexico Trophy as the MVP. He was the first defenseman, and I think may be the only one ever to top 70 points with his 77 points in S11. He topped 60 in S10, and otherwise led the league in scoring in S14 with 59 points as a defenseman in an absolutely horrible team. The unlucky part for Due being that he joined the team in S6 after being drafted in S5. The team made the Finals in S5, but never made it past Calgary in the following seasons and ultimately only made the playoffs in his first 3 seasons before failing to make it to the postseason again. Due was the best defenseman of his generation, and only Chris Partlow and Alonzo Garbanzo have been able to be within the same breath of his ability. The fact he was never on a team good enough is a travesty, and unfortunately will never be amended.

Quote:Word Count: 227

Quote:8. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
Which player from Calgary or Tampa Bay would you bet on to win a regular season individual award in a future season? What player and what award? What makes you think they'll live up to their potential and take home the hardware?

It would be an absolute travesty and a failure for Anastasia O'Koivu to never win a Turd Ferguson Trophy. @Pris has dedicated her life to the goon mentality and lifestyle. Bulking up, getting ripped, and fucking dudes up is all she's about. There is no way she doesn't manage it once. It would also be cool, and somewhat plausible for her to win the Bojo Biscuit Award once. However, it's the Turd that she's going to be holding the most in her career. I'll even go out on a limb and say she wins it multiple times, upwards of five times is my bet! If I'm wrong, I'll like eat a shoe or something.

Quote:Word Count: 114

Quote:15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
A. As defined by draft class, who is the oldest player in this series?
B. What is the name of the Calgary Dragons' Arena?
C. Name 3 previous names of the Tampa Bay Barracuda franchise
D. From these two teams, which player had the most PIMs in the S50 regular season? (Look, I'll even give you a link to the index right below this code box. When I posted the link directly, it auto-corrected the colon + slash into a partial frown face; it looks funny and the link still works so i'm leaving it)

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S50 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

PM sent.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Tampa or Games 3 and 4 in Calgary? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (This is the same prompt as last year but we've got different cities! be creative! Don't re-use what was written last season)

This one is really tough. I don't have any connection with either city really. So it's more about "do I want to visit a cold place or a warm place", but since Tampa was the team that kicked my team out of the playoffs, it really makes the choice easier: Calgary. I'm more of a winter/cold weather fan anyway and watching games 3 and 4 is more interesting, because we already know how the first two ended. Since I don't know the city at all, I would likely do some kind of short city tour to get a first impression. You can't just go to a new place and only see the arena where the games are played. Of course I'll pick the nicest hotel possible, need to take advantage of the situation that it’s free. On top of that I'll also try to find out if I know anyone in the city or on the team and ask them for recommendations about where to eat or have drinks. (169 words)

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Who's the best player that you have witnessed in the SHL never to make it to the Challenge Cup finals? Or what player that hasn't made it to the finals is most deserving and why? Were they close? Was theirs a story of hearbreak? Is there still hope in the future? (150+ words)

This is probably the easiest prompt this time. I'm sure there are several players that could qualify as the best in the SHL, but the first one I think of is Mikhail Lokitonov a.k.a. my teammate in Toronto (and GM). Loki is one of the greatest players currently in the league and regularly one of the top scorers, loyal to the North Stars as a team, won many individual awards, but has never really made it very far in the postseason. In fact this season we made it further than he's ever gotten in his SHL career. Sadly our season ended in the second round. It's a small success, but at the same time it doesn't mean anything yet. There is a lot of hope with this team and since I'm part of it, I hope that we can manage to win the Challenge Cup before Loki retires - which inevitably will happen sooner than later. (156 words)

Quote:7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
As competition ramps up for the playoffs, players (both those still in and those eliminated) work extra hard to improve areas of their game that are lacking. What one area of your game do you really needs to focus on improving and how will this benefit the team?

As part of the 'eliminated' group, I have more time than others to work on my skills. I honestly can't think of just one area that needs improving, because I believe you should always focus on all areas of your game equally. As a goalie of course you have certain focus areas (known as strengths), which I'm trying to improve, but you can't forget about all the smaller details either. Anything I improve will help my team in the end, so I plan to keep a certain balance in the different skills. Since currently our team's weakness is defense (and that is no secret - just look at all the shots against I've had this past season), I will try to find ways to see the puck better, have quicker reactions and just be more agile overall. Luckily I can't say that I have a major weakness that stands out. While my official weakness is skating, I've been working on it over the past weeks as well. (167 words)

Quote:8. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
Which player from Calgary or Tampa Bay would you bet on to win a regular season individual award in a future season? What player and what award? What makes you think they'll live up to their potential and take home the hardware?

I'll go with one of my fellow S47 players Gunnar Söderberg. He's already been one of the best players from our draft class since the very beginning, throughout the time in the SMJHL and hasn't stopped improving since joining the SHL either. Look where it took him? To the finals. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if he won an individual award sooner or later. It might still take a bit of time (and some other players to retire first), but Gunnar could win the Sergei Karpotsev Trophy. The only person to prevent him from getting there might be yet another S47 player on his own team, who's just as good (Austin Roenick). (112 words)

Quote:12. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.
B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

I'll be boring and simply look at their stats through the playoffs. We all know that Blue was one of the better goalies in the regular season, but the playoffs are a whole different story. Both of them were (obviously) very good, otherwise they wouldn't be here, but Vilde looks like the much better goalie based on the numbers. Only one loss in 13 games and an insane 0.931 SV% with 2.00 GAA (both have one shutout, so I'll ignore that). That's my pick. (84 words)

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

I could go with funny/odd names here, because there are some on either team, but I'll probably pick Maui from Tampa. Why? It's just Maui, nothing else. It clearly stands out, because most people have at least a first name and a last name, but this person doesn't. It makes you think about it and that's what is interesting about it. (61 words)

Quote:15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
Message sent.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
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Stars Lions Berserkers
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[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
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TASK 1 (150+ Words, 3 TPE)
VIP status again! Woo! The comish must like me, I think I might check my house for bugs and cameras...
Anyways, I choose to go to the very first game in Tampa Bay. Not because I like Tampa Bay better than Calgary, but because I was already down in Florida with some other Specters golfing our post season blues away. Plus, I have never spectated a game from this arena, so I thought it would be cool to see it from the VIP box. The first thing you notice when you enter the arena is that every single concession stand is selling Bud Light and fried fish. I am not a Bud Light guy, but fuck it, it is all free. First order I placed was for all of section 202 to receive two drinks, except for the children of course. I ordered Hot Chocolates for all the kids in attendance, even though I had to out source it to the closest coffee shop. The game was over and I realized I did not watch a single second of it, due to me hand delivering all the hot chocolates to the children, who I could here asking for New Orleans Specter jersey's for their birthdays. That is how you win lifetime fans.  [212]

Task 2 (100+ Words, 2 TPE)

I am personally rooting for the Dragons. As young lad watching hockey I was always rooting for them. They had my favorite player of all time on their roster, Joe Kurczewski, and have been a power house team for as long as I can remember. Even though Joe has moved on and I get to personally play alongside him, I have a lot of respect for Calgary. Anyone good enough to sweep my team are good enough to win the cup. Good luck to Tampa Bay, the young core is really good and should put up a hell of a fight. (101)

Task 7 (150+ Words, 3TPE)
Being eliminated from the playoffs is getting old. I have done everything I can to be the best player I can be. While there is always something that needs to be improved, I feel like offensively I am where I need to be. The only big thing I can think of to improve is my checking game. Whether it be taking the body more or just stick checking in general. I do not take a lot of penalties and I aim to keep playing that way. As I am writing this, I realize what aspect of my game I really do need to improve on. My penalty shot skills. Hell, I would love to be the best penalty shot guy in the league, even in league history. I should really aim to be that guy. The other aspect I can think of is just being a better leader. Not by showing what I can do on the ice, but how I can inspire others to be better. I do my best to learn from everyone I see around the league. [180]

Task 12 (50+ Words Each, 1 TPE Each)
A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?
Mike Izzy one hundred percent. Izzy is having a hell of a playoff run. As of this, he has 23 points in 11 games. Like fuck that is good. He finished the regular season just over a point per game too which helps out. Soderberg is right there with him and will give him a run for his money, but Izzy is Izzy.

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?
Kata VIlde and Benjamin Blue are both really good tendies and it is hard to choose one over the other. I think I would have to side with Vilde though. They both have experience and skill to play the game well, but Vilde seems to just go that extra step to be the better of the two.

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?
It will be a mix of scoring. I think we are going to see a lot of fluke like goals and a lot of well set up plays that end with the puck behind either goalie. I like high scoring games a lot more, but when a goalie faces 40+ shots and barely lets any in, I get just as excited.

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

To be honest, I do not think any names stands out to me as good. I mean it is interesting to see Shooter McGavin play against Shooter McGavin II, but I do not think their names are clever. Maui is pretty okay? I just do not think I can have a favorite name on either of these teams because none really standout to me. :shrug:

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A
tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

I would have to choose a tray of cookies from c00kies. I mean they would have to be good right? If your name is c00kies and you make shit cookies, maybe you shouldn't be called c00kies. With that logic, these better be the best damn cookies I have ever had and if they are I will order a monthly supply every single month.

PM Sent (3TPE)

[Image: Niktox.gif]
Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Quote:2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

I have no dog in this fight, so it's hard for me to pick either team to win. I have a few people on either team I like so it's hard to decide just one. I'll likely take the middle of the road and say I just hope for a good series. I feel like both teams played a bit over their ability to reach this point so it's nice to see, and each team has strengths and weaknesses. I think it comes down to goaltending so if you held a gun to my head I think Blue for Tampa gives them a slight edge in this series but it's anyone's game!

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Are there any changes to the playoff format you'd like to see implemented? More wild cards? Move to a single-elimination to bring about even more chaos? 999-game series to minimize chaos? Be creative!

I think the divisions could be broken up, not by location but by a random pool. Travel doesn't really affect the teams in any way for a simulation league so I don't feel there is a reason to use that as the determining factor on the divisional breakdown. Does that affect much in the long run? Not really but it could be fun to see a situation where teams like Calgary, Manhattan, and Los Angeles are in the same division. However I don't think too much divisional mix up is a good thing so there would need to be a balance of some sort struck.
Beyond that I also believe that having the wild card rounds be a best of 5 games series, rather than 7, would be a more interesting match-up and also shorten the overall length of the season by a day or two depending on the length of both wild card matchups.

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Alternate Reality: Physicists and other smarties believe that this reality is just one of infinite realities existing alongside this one in parallel. Take us over to one of those realities in which everything is the same but these S50 playoffs have unfolded differently. What happened in this reality's playoffs and who's in the Challenge Cup over there?

It's amazing. The new SHL format of relegation has really heated things up. Long gone are the days of the SMJHL, players get drafted directly onto one of the 30 SHL teams from the start and play to push their team into the top. However there are two separate tiers of teams, the Legends tier, made up of the top 15 teams, and the Marquee tier, the lower 15 teams. At the end of every regular season to bottom three teams in the Legends tier are relegated down to the Marquee tier, while the top three teams in the Marquee tier move up to the Legends tier. This make the playoffs for both tiers more fun and exciting, and there are no divisions, teams must fight for the 8 playoff spots in each tier each season, and any team can go from first in the Legends to last in the Marquee in just a few seasons!

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Who's the best player that you have witnessed in the SHL never to make it to the Challenge Cup finals? Or what player that hasn't made it to the finals is most deserving and why? Were they close? Was theirs a story of heartbreak? Is there still hope in the future? (150+ words)

For me this is a toss up, I can think of two players right now that deserve a place in the Challenge Cup Finals but have yet to play there. First is Luke Thomason. He's an incredibly built center/winger hybrid build with the ability to reall hit the opponent hard and play both sides of the ice in a fashion not seen often. He's an amazing person and player and it's sad to not see him get that far yet.
Secondly is Alex Winters, drafted to a struggling Manhattan team that is now built to win, but sadly hasn't taken that last step onto the top tier quite yet. He's a well build winger who plays well in any situation and deserves to see the finals more than most. His dedication to his team, his country, and the site in general is amazing and he would be a great representative to stand out!

Quote:13. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.
A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

A. Despite how these playoffs may end up by the end of the last game, Mike Izzy will likely have the more dominating performance on the ice. He may not score as much in the end but his physical style will have him tossing around Tampa players like it's going out of style and see him win the board battles all series long!

B. Benjamin Blue is somehow performing in an excellent fashion, and he seems to come into these finals the favorite in many regards in net. However versus a red hot Calgary squad, he'll likely need some help from his defensemen if he plans to prove he's the better goaltender in the end.

C. The goalies coming in are both playing well, but based on the quality of the forwards alone, the series will likely be higher scoring. I doubt any game has less than 8 total goals scored and the previously solid goaltenders will likely be broken by the quality chances given up in front of them.

D. Rainbow Dash is easily the best name on any roster, hands down, let's be honest! She may be one less impact scoring players but, like her teammate Mike Izzy, she hits. A lot. And Hard. Her physical style makes anyone think twice about making fun of her name, and her ability to win any and all of the physical battles makes her the clear choice. And the visual of the name is just cute!

E.I'm not sure which I would be least disappointed with, because they all sound pretty terrible. However of all the things that could suck out of these, it's hard to mess up cookies. If you go with something simple like chocolate chip cookies or even just sugar cookies with a good frosting on top you're all set.


1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
I would rather eat shards of glass than see any team that isn't my own in the finals. I am a competitor. I want to win, and I hate to lose. Meaning that if a team beats me in the playoffs, then I am going to be a big sore loser and not be happy for anyone else. So once my team was eliminated I said "nah" and stopped watching. So if I was invited to a game as a VIP I would just sell the tickets to someone for charity or something. I don't even know who is in the finals this year, plus I don't want to know. No way. Maybe because the person asking this question doesn't know what it means to win big and be a competitor, but that is just how the majority of winners feel. We don't like to see others win.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
I would like to see a Championship Series where the top two teams from each conference play one another and we see which of the two teams is worthy of the finals. Make the regular season mean a lot more and people will be clamoring for those top two spots in each conference. None of this crap where most of the teams make the finals. I want to see some real drama during the season, and considering how long it is it would be great to see that. Plus, you shorten the playoffs considerably and then you get a shorter off-time for the guys who don't make the playoffs. In the end it is a win win for everyone, and it could really shake up how things are done in the league. Maybe we get more trades, more buyers and sellers because of where they are in the playoffs, and none of this "once you get in anything can happen" crap with the lower seeded teams. Would be great.

8. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
Mike Izzy would be the best bet to win an award in the future, of course. Want to know why? Because we have the future playoff MVP award coming up, and with him leading the pack in scoring, there is almost a 100% chance that he will win it all. Plus with his scoring, he could win a scoring title in the regular season very soon. Potentially in S51, because he is in his prime. Nothing beats a good goal scorer, if you ask me. Maybe soon I will be in that group, but I am not in the finals so I am not the one to talk about. This is a Mike Izzy topic.

A. I think it is obvious Mike Izzy will be the more dominant player. Look at how many goals the guy has scored in these playoffs. I am a player who knows what it means to score a lot of goals (I score all of them), so when I see his play I know he will be dominant like we have never seen before.

B. Kata Vilde has the best save percentage which means he will have the best playoffs. It is kind of obvious that the better goaltender is the one who has the best save percentage, and if Vilde is able to keep up that save percentage (which he will) then that means he will be the better of the two.

C. It will be a high scoring series because of Mike Izzy. The guy can score. Nobody can score like he can. I expect that he will score 50% of the Calgary Dragons goals and there will be 5+ goal games for each team on each game. There will be so much back and forth scoring that we will wonder if we have to change the rules to keep it from happening again.

D. My favorite name is Shooter McGavin. I thought Happy Gilmore was a great movie, and that is a name I recognize. The other names are kind of good but they aren't all that great. Maybe Maui is a good name for Tampa Bay, but it isn't really that great compared to the funny Shooter McGavin reference, so I will go with that.

E. I would want a tray of cookies from c00kies, because I love cookies. I enjoy baking cookies all the time, and with the holidays right around the corner I would love to acquire some cookies that I didn't bake myself. I will have to wait until there is a break in the action, because once I eat too many cookies I will gain weight and need to work out to get back into game shape.

15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)

(This post was last modified: 11-14-2019, 07:01 PM by NONAME.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Tampa or Games 3 and 4 in Calgary? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (This is the same prompt as last year but we've got different cities! be creative! Don't re-use what was written last season)

I am going to Tampa Bay baby, fuck Calgary. I ain't about that horse riding cowboy lifestyle, much rather the beautiful weather and women of Florida. Those freaks all were voting for Scheer for heaven's sake. Something clearly isn't right in their water so I can't be drinking that stuff. When I arrive in Tampa it's going to be a top notch vacation. Going to be staying back in the nicest hotel with a jacuzzi in my bedroom, order some room service, probably some high quality steak and just sit back and relax. I'll have to experience the nightlife out there as well. No point in visiting a new city and not experiencing the nightlife, it's the defining part of a good and bad city for a young player like me. Of course, I can only attend if my series with the Carolina Kraken finishes up in time. I am trying to win a championship myself right now.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

I'm personally cheering fo the Tampa Bay Barracuda for a few reasons. #1, they have the nicer looking jeresys. Calgary's are so basic and lame. The Dragon theme was cool when I was 10 bud. #2 Fuck Calgary for reasons mentioned above. The only reason I'd be cheering for Calgary is probably Izzy as he is one of the players I personally look up to, dude is a legend and a guarteneed hall of famer no doubt. Did I mention how nice the Tampa Bay jerseys are? Just a shit ton of different shades of blue and I'm all for it.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Alternate Reality: Physicists and other smarties believe that this reality is just one of infinite realities existing alongside this one in parallel. Take us over to one of those realities in which everything is the same but these S50 playoffs have unfolded differently. What happened in this reality's playoffs and who's in the Challenge Cup over there?

In this other reality that we shall call the "real reality" the San Francisco Pride dominated every team in the playoffs and brought out the brooms in every series. In fact, they started to even play with broom sticks to try and even the playing field yet it didn't work. They would continue to score goal after goal. They historic league records throughout the playoffs like it was nothing. They even started to play without a goaltender for shits and giggles. They would obviously go on and win the Challenge Cup and the league then folded as no one wanted to play the San Francisco Pride ever again. Somewhere somehow our realities got mixed up and we are actually in the "fake reality" now as the Pride didn't win. I'm going to say Calgary did some voodoo to try and win. Seems like the most logical explanation to me amirite?

13. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.
A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

A. As much as I want to say former teammate Gunnar Soderberg, I'm going to lean with the future hall of famer, Mike Izzy. The reason for this is just simply based off his total training hours (TPE) and his long resume of dominating the league. There's no reason to believe he won't continue his dominance.

B. I'm going to give the edge to Benjamin Blue in this battle of the goaltenders because he had a more dominate year which will hopefully continue to carry over to the finals and give them the edge. He posted a .919% in the regular season which is considerably better than Kata Vilde's .904%.

C. I believe this will be a rather low scoring series with a lot of the games ending with 1 goal differentials. Both teams possess high end goalies and I'm expecting them to be lights out. With the scores all being so close I also do expect the series to be very tight and even with the possibility of a game 7.

D. I personally am a fan of names that sound cool and realistic rather than the funny route that some guys take. There are a few names that stand out to me like Emiko Specter, Flacko Lagerfield, and Ostap Maksimov, however, the winner for me is Nickolas Klaus. The name just flows really well together.

E. Nothing gets me more hot and bothered than a nice set of feet pics. Especially when they paint the nails in Colorado Raptors theme, so easily have to go with JSS feet pics. Jokes but on a more serious note, chicken parm is fire and I ain't turning that down.

15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
A. As defined by draft class, who is the oldest player in this series?
B. What is the name of the Calgary Dragons' Arena?
C. Name 3 previous names of the Tampa Bay Barracuda franchise
D. From these two teams, which player had the most PIMs in the S50 regular season? (Look, I'll even give you a link to the index right below this code box. When I posted the link directly, it auto-corrected the colon + slash into a partial frown face; it looks funny and the link still works so i'm leaving it)

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S50 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.


Falcons Canada
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 02:16 PM by Jenny.)

15 - sent (3 TPE)

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

I am personally rooting for the Tampa Bay Barracuda to win the Challenge Cup for.... obvious reasons. It would be very cool for Olivier to get a cup under his belt, especially with this particular crew and especially when his career is still on the upswing. We're young but we're fierce and we're hungry and we're gonna crush this shit. chomp chomp water dog. Plus, Calgary already has so many cups, they don't need another one. The people of Tampa Bay deserve this success for their city; Calgary is boring and cold and full of conservatives. Also, it's my birthday today, and I deserve this. FISH NOISES.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
As competition ramps up for the playoffs, players (both those still in and those eliminated) work extra hard to improve areas of their game that are lacking. What one area of your game do you really needs to focus on improving and how will this benefit the team?

I'm not going to lie, Olivier's performance in the playoffs so far has been. rather subpar. Playing over 23 average minutes per game and only having four points is just embarrassing. Soderberg had the same number of shots on goal through the first 12 games, but he's leading the team with 18 points, because he knows what the fuck he's doing and can actually put the puck in the net, something Olivier seems to have forgotten how to do. Oliver is at least defensively responsible, so he's got that going for him, but he's supposed to be a fucking sniper. Get your shit together, Cloutier. If there's one area he needs to improve upon, it's scoring actual goals while playing the actual game, which will help his team because the more goals they score, the more likely they are to win. That's how hockey works. You score the most goals. God.

13. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?

Gunnar Soderberg is definitely going to have a more dominant finals than Mike Izzy, on account of how he is a god and is going to drag the Tampa Bay Barracuda to holding the Challenge Cup with a combo of sheer willpower and pictures of his cute dog. chomp chomp water dog.

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

Benjamin Blue is a better goaltender than Kata Vilde on account of how Benjamin Blue is super fun and has varied skills and is on the Tampa Bay Barracuda, which is the team I am on and thus want to win. I actually don't know who Kata Vilde is, even, so.

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?

I think this series will be high-scoring, because Tampa Bay won the first game by scoring six goals, which is wild, and I think it won't be competitive at all, because I have my broom out and I'm ready to sweep some dragons right the fuck off the ice. Bye, losers.

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

I'll be honest here, I think the Dragons have a better squad of names overall, but I can't pick a Dragon for this task, so my favourite player name is Maui. It's simple, clean, no pesky second name; it evokes thoughts of Hawaii weather and also Moana, which is a dope film.

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

I would choose an hour long stick and puck session with Jepox. I think it would be fun and that Jepox would only mock me a little bit for not being as good with a stick as he is, and then we could complain about how sore we are after a lot and it would be some primo bonding.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Are there any changes to the playoff format you'd like to see implemented? More wild cards? Move to a single-elimination to bring about even more chaos? 999-game series to minimize chaos? Be creative!

I think the playoffs would be more exciting if we played a full regulation game but after each game, the number of players allowed on the ice is decreased by one, so game 2 is 4v4, game 3 is 3v3, game 4 is 2v2, game 5 is 1v1, and if the series has to go to games six and seven, the goalies just try and score on each other from either end of the ice. The forwards and defencemen can take a shift in net, but they have to wear full goalie gear. Can you imagine how many goals would be scored in those early game? rip to the goalies but the fans in the stands would be lit as fuck. And then the goalie faceoffs. The meme potential. They obviously will have to faceoff at center ice and then book it back to their nets if they lose the faceoff. Prime entertainment.

[Image: thistidalwave.gif]

Player | Updates

1. Written, 3 TPE

This is a tougher one than last season. On the surface it seems like it would be easy, but Florida looks to be a weird place, man. Despite that, I think games 1 and 2 in Tampa Bay is where I would go. Calgary has that whole “Canada is better than the US” thing going for it, but Tampa has hot chicks with less clothes. They also are pretty well known for their party scene, so it would be a lot of fan to down there and get lit. I’d rent an exotic car for the weekend… something will gull wings. I’d hit up the clubs and do table service clearly. Sure, this is all basic “rich dude” shit, but there is a reason that’s why rich people do this shit… because it’s fun. Then of course, just to make sure I have a comfortable place to crash… I’d get a suite at some foofy boutique hotel with a big ass bathtub in the bathroom.

Words: 165

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)

In this series I have to root for the Barracuda. While it will be a painful slap in the face to down close we were, after losing to the Barracuda in the semi-finals we could probably take a bit of solace in the fact that we lost to the eventual champions. I have yet to make it to a finals with either of my players, so I am pretty bummed about it… this was a good season. Perhaps the Barracuda will sweep the series, and then we can claim to be the REAL #2 team this season. I am fully aware that this is a pretty selfish reason, but what do you epect?
Words: 113

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)

Honestly, the playoffs as is are fine, and I don’t think we should change them for the Challenge Cup. That being said, I think there are some fun ideas for an off season or something. The first one, would be a tournament of 9 period games. Each game is single elimination, but the game is LONG. This would obviously put emphasis on stamina, but it would be interesting to see where players breakdown as they exhaust themselves. Another idea I really like would be a tournament where taking a penalty, any penalty, is an automatic game misconduct. It would be interesting to see how teams fare as they lose players for the remainder of the game. I think another interesting twist on this idea would be to triple the cost of discipline and give everyone the ability to reallocate their TPE. Do you give yourself the competitive advantage with skills, but risk taking a penalty? Play it safe at the cost of skill? Attempt to find a balance?
Words: 168

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)

This is going to be hard to reach the minimum word count, but in my “alternate reality”, clearly the Hamilton Steelhawks are the Challenge Cup champions. I have never made it to a Challenge Cup Finals, let alone won a cup. My first player, Barney Stinson, played in 2 Four Star Cups, but never won. That would be the peak of his career. Stinson made it to the Hall of Fame as one of the best defenders of all time, but never even sniffed the Cup. Kryyst is following the same path. Luckily I’ve gotten much closer than ever, with this season being the closest. So hopefully soon… he will hoist that damn cup. I don’t care if we win in game 7. I don’t care if we sweep. I don’t even care if we lose the first 3, then win the last 4 with game 7 going into quintuple overtime. As long as I win the cup, that would be epic.

Words: 162

10. Graphic, 2 TPE

[Image: UNLPFan.png]

15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE


[Image: WuRZxKN.png]
Player Twitter
Kryyst: Player Page | Update Page
Stinson:Player Page

(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 04:27 PM by JRed94.)


Task 1 (156 words) 3 TPE

With the generous option from the commissioner, it seemed almost to good to be true for Jack Kennedy. All he had to do was pick between Calgary and Tampa Bay (a no brainer, really) and show up. Obviously, he went with Tampa Bay over Calgary with the intention to catch rays and babes by the pool whenever he was not at the rink or doing promotional work for the Simulation Hockey League. With the playoffs opening in Tampa Bay, it would surely be a party. Staying at the nicest five star hotel in Tampa Bay is not cheap, especially with the addition of all those room service and snack bar fees. After game two of the series Kennedy went out in down town Tampa Bay. First for steaks, then for lots of drinks. Finally to end the night, Kennedy took it upon himself to take out all of his new friends for greasy burgers and fries.

Task 4 (156 words) 3 TPE

In this parallel reality, Hell has truly frozen over for a many number of reasons. The first reason being, some how, some way, the Chicago Syndicate make it in to the playoffs (replacing Calgary). In this crazy reality, the Chicago Syndicate go on a fairy tale run. They first knock off the Los Angeles Panthers in seven games. Next they take out the San Francisco Pride in seven games. In the conference finals, they outlasted the New Orleans Specters in a war of a series. Overtime settled all seven games. Lastly, the Chicago Syndicate went on the win the Challenge Cup in (you guessed it) seven games. In a feat of massive unlikliness, the likes of which will never be repeated again, the Chicago Syndicate played every game necessary to win the ultimate prize.  Going 16/28 over the miracle stretch, the Syndicate were barely above .500. But in the end it doesn't even matter.

Task 6 (190 words) 3 TPE

After experiencing a fair amount of success in the Simulation Junior Hockey League, Jack Kennedy became accustomed to making deep runs all the way in to the early Summer. Upon making the jump to the Simulation Hockey League, those playoff opportunities have basically all but dried up. Making the playoffs only once in his pro career, Jack Kennedy is over due to make it back to the Challenge Cup finals. He just needs to get there; however, the future is not looking to bright over in Chicago. Time will tell, and Jack Kennedy does still have several season left to go before hanging them up for good, so he could get his chance to hoist the holliest trophy in the wide world of sports. Ideally, Kennedy would get his kick at the can with Chicago Syndicate, the only pro team the scoring forward has ever stepped on the ice for. On the flip side, Chicago may decide to trade the forward to a contender one of these years, as he is the type of player that could bolster a roster already destined for the post season.

Task 7 (172 words) 3 TPE
With the season fifty playoffs amounting to less than a pipe dream, to the Chicago Syndicate, at this point, Jack Kennedy is still staying motivated and is still working as hard as ever. Jack Kennedy understand that the playoffs are not in the cards for his team this year, but with the International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship Tournament right around the bend, he is working on some of his games short comings so that he can best represent Canada and do everything in his power to finally get him that gold medal. Working on strength and endurance, Jack Kennedy would like nothing more than to have that gold medal hanging up next to the one he won as a World Junior Champion. By beefing up in the gym, Jack Kennedy hopes to be able to hang on to the puck better, as he has seen some film off himself getting knocked off the puck too easily. The endurance factor is especially important on the big ice of the international world stage.

Task 13 Topic C (66 words) 1TPE

I expect this match up to be close and relativity low scoring, due to the fact that Calgary Dragons and Tampa Bay Barracudas both boast all star net minders in Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue. With the scales equally balanced in net expect lots of over time and maybe a wild bounce or two to settle this series up.

Task 15 Casual Member Special  3 TPE
PM sent

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Tampa or Games 3 and 4 in Calgary? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (This is the same prompt as last year but we've got different cities! be creative! Don't re-use what was written last season)

Well, personally I think it’s going to be a bit nicer going to Tampa. Considering Andrej resides in Manhattan now, it’s roughly the same distance to get there, so who would choose the Canadian winter over much nicer and more enjoyable weather that the winter Florida probably has? Besides that, obviously doing some fine wine-ning and dine-ning across the city with some friends, potentionally even those I have on the teams if they need a little time before the games themselves to reset and have a bit of relax, one never knows, and hey, Tampa isn’t a smallest of cities, so clearly there has to be something fun to do in the godforsaken place right? I have 0 idea, never been there, but it should be close to water so maybe having a little bit of a boat party on something there would be pretty nice, so that’s an option.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

To be fair I don’t really have a logical reason why to root for Tampa. I am playing for their divisional rival, so logically I should want to get the cup to the Calgary Dragons, but then again comes the natural dislike to the teams that had prolonged success and Dragon have definitely had a good run over the last few season, so in my eyes, Tampa just would have been much nicer cup winner than Calgary simply because Calgary had enough fun themselves already, so why not. Obviously, I know people on both sides, so I can’t really help myself there so I think I will go with the sort of „underdog“ narative. Because it’s more fun than domination and dynasties, at least for me.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Are there any changes to the playoff format you'd like to see implemented? More wild cards? Move to a single-elimination to bring about even more chaos? 999-game series to minimize chaos? Be creative!

I think that currently used playoff format has a little bit of a weakness with the fact that most of the teams in them have to wait a whole another round of games to get into the action just waiting for wild cards, which is kind of annoying. However, with the current number of teams in the league, I think we are allowing just the correct ammount of teams into playoffs, and I can’t come up with anything more logical than what we use now, unless we would shorten the play-in rounds to best-of-fives just to get through it a little quicker and not actually delay the teams that are more of a contender for the cup. I think if we would want to go with a bigger dig through and come up with something a bit sleeker, it would only really happen if we allowed only 8 teams into the playoffs (then we could play intra-division, then intra-conference, then finals, for example). Either way, unfortunately, both have drawbacks and we have ultimately decided to go with the one we like more.

13. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.
A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

A: I think the answer is given. Izzy has been a superstar of this league for so long we almost forgot his rookie season, and while Soderberg has had a great season, Izzy isn’t one to play with toddlers too fondly and will give him a taste of an actual elite player instead of the baby shit the other teams threw at him.

B: The rule of Tampa Bay is as following: Their goaltending shall be fantastic one season, and underperform the next one. This switcheroo shall continue until the end of their days. And this season is exactly the one in which Blue is supposed to be at his strongest. Obviously, Vilde is a great player, but you can’t fuck with profecies.

C: I expect relatively modest to low number of goals just on the back of good goalies, and Tampa probably having to rely on Blue to bail them out because their youngins won’t be able to get too many goals behind a much more mature roster of the Dragons, but besides that point I think it’s going to be at least a close-ish series, even if I have 0 idea who actually wins it.

D: While there are some fun contenders on both rosters, I think that I can’t really go for anyone else but Rainbow Dash. What balls do the parents have to name their child this and then make it accept the name, and even promote it to one of the more premier players of a massive international ice hockey league? A+ parenting, like C- naming skills but again A for the creativity right there.

E: So, obviously I am going to pick food here so we can just rule out JSS and Jepox straight away. Now, do I want something sweet or some good meat? There is a question out there as to how good c00kies does his cookies, and what they are with. I assume that we are not having any raisin bullshit going on, but quality is important and also I think there is way more to fuck up on the cookies than on a chicken parm, so I think the safer bet is to just ask Esa to throw me one.

15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
A. As defined by draft class, who is the oldest player in this series?
B. What is the name of the Calgary Dragons' Arena?
C. Name 3 previous names of the Tampa Bay Barracuda franchise
D. From these two teams, which player had the most PIMs in the S50 regular season? (Look, I'll even give you a link to the index right below this code box. When I posted the link directly, it auto-corrected the colon + slash into a partial frown face; it looks funny and the link still works so i'm leaving it)

Sent the PM.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: sig-hlemyzd.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Great Falls Grizzlies | Player Page | Update Page

[Image: 8E70VfU.png]
[Image: image.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2019, 04:04 AM by Muerto.)

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

So when the finals first started and TBB went up 3 games, I was cheering for them to get the sweep. But then, when Calgary won, all of a sudden I wanted them to come back and force a game 7 - why? Because I was assigned the game 7 PBP! So I definitely was happy that the game 7 did arrive so I could get some extra TPE. Before I checked the link, I wasn't sure who I'd rather win, I was just hoping it would be a good one. Which it was, Calgary got the big lead then TBB tried to come back but ultimately fell short. So, thanks to the Dragons for getting me some extra TPE!

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Are there any changes to the playoff format you'd like to see implemented? More wild cards? Move to a single-elimination to bring about even more chaos? 999-game series to minimize chaos? Be creative!

This one is not really a super creative idea but I would certainly enjoy seeing the possibility of a wild-card crossover. For example, If the 6th place team in the Western Conference had a better record than the 5th place team from the Eastern Conference, then the West team would 'cross over' and take that last playoff spot. The idea here is that if one Conference is superior to the other, then it would be more fair for the team with the better record to get the chance to compete in the Post Season. Looking back through indexes, it would happen rarely, but often enough that it would come into play now and then. It would be fun to see a team keep battling and not tank if they knew there was still a chance. And it would be SUPER fun if say a team crossed over and then made it to the final round, you could potentially see two teams from the same conference battling for the Challenge Cup! The only other place I have seen this system is in the Canadian Football League but so far no team has ever made it to the finals as a cross over team. I guess the NHL sort of does that with their wildcards, like it could be 2 teams from the same division, but it's not cross-conference.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Alternate Reality: Physicists and other smarties believe that this reality is just one of infinite realities existing alongside this one in parallel. Take us over to one of those realities in which everything is the same but these S50 playoffs have unfolded differently. What happened in this reality's playoffs and who's in the Challenge Cup over there?

In this alternate reality, instead of being knocked out in the first round, it is actually the Pride and the Rage who end up in the finals to compete for the Challenge Cup. The Pride sweep out Calgary, then take down new Orleans to emerge from the West. In the East, the Rage don't blow the wildcard round, and instead handily defeat Toronto before eking out tough series wins over Tampa Bay and Hamilton. This series is notable because the Rage have two players in Thomason and Muerto who were both drafted by San Francisco in Season 43. Despite that, now these players are both on Manhattan and looking to raise the Cup in the Big Apple for the first time since S38. The Pride don't appreciate their treachery and spend a lot of time taking unnecessary runs and cheap shots at these guys. The two teams battle very hard, but in the end, Goku Muerto scores the OT winner in game 7 assisted by Luke Thomason, the Pride defeated by two players they drafted in the top 5, oh what delicious irony!

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Due to some controversial calls during the playoffs, the league is looking at updating the current rules(icing, offside, etc) What new rule or change to a room would you implement to better the game?

I would change the Overtime format to being a three stage system. The first overtime would be played as normal, 5 on 5, but only for 10 minutes. If there was no goal, the next overtime period would be played at 4 on 4, also for 10 minutes. If still no goal, the teams would then play a 3 on 3 overtime but with infinite time, like it can never end unless a goal is scored. No breaks, no intermissions. Eventually someone would have to score and it would be super intense and exciting if that were the case, players would be so tired haha! Also just for STHS I would adjust the sliders so fatigue played a more realistic role and it would mean putting points into Endurance would really pay off in a situation like that! Suddenly a 4th line player with decent endurance rating is put on the ice on 3 on 3 sudden death and because he is not tired, he's actually better than the opponents and scores the Cup-winning goal! That would be amazing to see!

8. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
Which player from Calgary or Tampa Bay would you bet on to win a regular season individual award in a future season? What player and what award? What makes you think they'll live up to their potential and take home the hardware?

Tampa Bay's star Rookie, Austin Roenick, has a really strong chance to one day win the Jay McDonald award for most goals. As a rookie, he led his team with 22 goals on the season, which is a fantastic total for a first-season performance. If he can continue to improve, and catch lightning with his linemates, it would not be surprising too see this youngster some day get close to 40 goals in a single season, which would not only win an award but set the modern era record!

Casual Member Special: PM Sent

[Image: draft-aa.png?ex=6623d02e&is=66115b2e&hm=...6f7f7fe7e&]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

(This post was last modified: 11-09-2019, 05:29 PM by KillaScrilla. Edit Reason: Seen I wasn’t allowed to do it as a undrafted rookie. )


1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all
expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in
Tampa or Games 3 and 4 in Calgary? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab??
(This is the same prompt as last year but we've got different cities! be creative! Don't re-use what was written last season)

Oh this is a tricky one. First and foremost the main question is which city I hate less, and that all boils down to location, so im going to games 1 and 2 in Tampa, swimming is fun, and Calgary weather is finnicky. Now since this is all on Eggy's dime, the first thing I did was look up which hotel was the most expensive in Tampa and thats for some ungodly reason is the seminole Hard Rock hotel and casino at over 400 bucks a night. Now obviously I will be using some of that sweet sweet egg money to get gambling credits, gotta avoid an evander kane situation. Obviously at the game im rocking a brand new Gunnar Soderber @sköldpaddor jersey, gotta represent the friends. After that, well, im just going to get the most expensive of everything like I do every year, treat some buddies.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of
togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core.
Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?

Honestly both of these teams are awful and many of us are rooting for team "Natural Disaster" but I have a few reasons as to why I would choose Tampa over Calgary. First and foremost I have friends on Tampa. Secondly Tony Ford of the Los Angeles Panthers has a longstanding bet with several Tampa players where, if Tampa wins the cup first, Ford has to do graphics and lose money. Honestly I would pay to see Ford suffer, so thats good enough for me.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo!
Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Suprise move! Im going to do this before the playoffs even start, fight me technical sandwich boy (love you @hotdog) My MVP is Gunnar Soderberg. The Nicest player on Tampa, and a friend of mine. Gunnar's been quiet lately (for reasons some of us know) and has been super busy, but despite that theyre keeping up with training and pushing to be the best they can be. If thats not MVP worthy I dont know what is. Otherwise, in my opinion, no one else deserves it, especially not Calgary players. Given all of the hoopla surrounding the team and such. Honestly these playoffs just remind me of the Superbowl, yea its big and awesome and totally boring and no one cares. 

15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
A. As defined by draft class, who is the oldest player in this series?
B. What is the name of the Calgary Dragons' Arena?
C. Name 3 previous names of the Tampa Bay Barracuda franchise
D. From these two teams, which player had the most PIMs in the S50 regular season? (Look, I'll even give you a link to the index right below this code box. When I posted the link directly, it auto-corrected the colon + slash into a partial frown face; it looks funny and the link still works so i'm leaving it)

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S50 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.


9. Graphics, 3 TPE
Your team is looking to put a new mural outside the locker room. Design what the mural will look like and be sure to
represent your team and city!

I dont EVER do graphics, so this looks awful, but i can explain, this is an actual mural in Hamilton, so this, plus steel gerters (which is what ive depicted here) would be fitting

[Image: mk4YYDc.jpg]

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
Who's the best player that you have witnessed in the SHL never to make it to the Challenge Cup finals?
Or what player that hasn't made it to the finals is most deserving and why? Were they close? Was theirs a story of hearbreak?
Is there still hope in the future? (150+ words)

This one is super easy. Ive uptalked my friends alot but one player who is deserving of getting to, and winning a Challenge Cup is Corey Kennedy (@SDCore). He constantly works his ass off to better himself, his team, and this league, and if there is one player that for sure will make it, its him. Whether its with his current team or not hes going to do all he can to add the challenge cup to his collection of trophies. His story isnt one so much of heartbreak as it is, his coaching staff could pull their heads out of their asses, but otherwise i dont really know what to say. This whole one hundred and fifty word thing really fucks me sometimes when I get my point across to the best of my abilities but havent quite hit the required amount, I mean half of this is me rambling to fill space, I promise ill have more to say next season when Hamilton is in the finals.


[Image: xVW1vec.png]

 [Image: OgNASDg.png] |  | [Image: JvdaXOj.png]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Tampa or Games 3 and 4 in Calgary? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (This is the same prompt as last year but we've got different cities! be creative! Don't re-use what was written last season)
With the VIP status last year, LeBlanc went to see a game not too far from his home, in Edmonton, having not a lot of time since he was in the SMJHL Finals himself. But this year, LeBlanc has no restrictions like that. So, he decided to go see game 1 and planned a nice trip to Tampa Bay, to relax a little bit before WJC. Simon wants to go to Tampa mainly because he knows a couple player there, like old Kelowna teammate Gunnar Soderberg, and he wants to hang out with them after the game (which they will probably win). Tampa is also hotter than Kelowna, so LeBlanc is going to spend a lot of time on the beach getting a nice tan. LeBlanc doesn't need a super expensive hotel, as he will not stay there for long. Just a nice comfy hotel room with a bed is good enough.
152 words
2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min)
After a slow start to the regular season, the Dragons have surged of late and have rallied around the #CalgaWe notion of togetherness. On the other side, the Barracuda battled through a difficult East and are led by a very strong young core. Which team are you personally rooting for to take home the Challenge Cup and why?
I think it's time for Tampa's redemption. They haven't won the Challenge cup since season 18, and they seem to have everything they need to win it. Benjamin Blue is an absolute beast in net. He was one of, if not the best goalie in the regular season. He is better than his opponent, Kata Vilde, in all the possible ways. Tampa also has arguably the best defenseman in the SHL this season, Kristaps Ball. He was leading not only his team, but also all defensemen from the league in points this season, especially showing his offensive ability in the powerplay. He is another key player for the Barracuda's success.
110 words
7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min)
As competition ramps up for the playoffs, players (both those still in and those eliminated) work extra hard to improve areas of their game that are lacking. What one area of your game do you really needs to focus on improving and how will this benefit the team?
LeBlanc has a long offseason in front of him to prepare himself to be called up, since Kelowna was knocked out early in the playoffs. LeBlanc wants to improve overall, but his looking to perfect one of his biggest strength, his defensive capabilities. This season, the LA Panthers have suffered a lot from getting scored on, one of the victim of this is Theo Morgan, ending the season with a plus minus of -14, while being bounced around on the first three lines during the season. LeBlanc wants to help him out by contributing to the team a lot defensively, so blocking shots, checking, even fighting if it's really necessary. So, Simon will be working mainly on those, but he also has a couple more things to improve, like his discipline. LeBlanc will start doing yoga sessions to calm down and learn to stay calm in frustrating situations, so that he will avoid unnecessary penalties and hurt his team.
159 words
13. Written, up to 5 TPE Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.
A. Each team enters these finals with a red hot superstar - longtime league legend Mike Izzy for Calgary and surprise breakout star Gunnar Soderberg for Tampa Bay. Which of these players will have a more dominant finals?

B. Kata Vilde and Benjamin Blue are two of the best goaltenders in the league - which team has the advantage in net?

C. Do you expect this to be a high-scoring series or a low-scoring series? A mix? Do you think it'll be competitive or will one team run away with it?

D. What's your favorite player NAME on either team? why? (note: not who's your favorite player. which player name)

E. If you could choose any one of the following four options, which would you pick? 1. A chicken parm sandwich from Esa 2. A tray of cookies from c00kies 3. A custom feet pic from JSS 4. An hour long stick and puck session with Jepox

A. I'm a little biased on this, but I'm a big fan of Soderberg, him being one of my old teammates back in Kelowna. Statistically, Izzy had a better season, but Soderberg is still a better player in my opinion. Having played with him, his energy and natural leadership is insane. Just knowing that this guy is on your team makes you better.
62 words
B. I have said my opinion on this before and I still stand by it. Benjamin Blue is by far the better goalie in this final. He is just superior in every way possible. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the MVP award, he is just that good. He's one of the key players for the Barracudas, and he could very well make them win the cup.
67 words
C. I think it's going to be a low-scoring and close series, and I like it that way. I think both teams have pretty equal chances to win it, they are two good teams. I think play-by-plays are going to be quite interesting and fun to read, because games are going to be close and they won't be complete blow-outs.
59 words
D. Though one here, many good names in both of these teams. I quite like Brock Nuck, it's nice to say. It rhymes and flows well, which I like. It's two short and easy name to say, and they go well together. Saying it over and over again is actually pretty fun to do.
53 words
E. I would without a doubt go for cookies. I'm not that big on chicken parm so I'd have to turn it down. Feet pics are really not my kind of thing, so I would unfortunately have to turn that offer down. The puck and stick session is not too bad, but cookies are just overall better. Hopefully they are good cookies though.
62 words
15. Casual Member Special, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR" (tagged below)
A. As defined by draft class, who is the oldest player in this series?
B. What is the name of the Calgary Dragons' Arena?
C. Name 3 previous names of the Tampa Bay Barracuda franchise
D. From these two teams, which player had the most PIMs in the S50 regular season? (Look, I'll even give you a link to the index right below this code box. When I posted the link directly, it auto-corrected the colon + slash into a partial frown face; it looks funny and the link still works so i'm leaving it)

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S50 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.
PM sent

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