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S55 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 09:55 AM by RomanesEuntDomus.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My player did... Okay, I guess? Overall it was a very disappointing season for our team, we knew we would be worse than the previous year after some trades we made that sent out good players for future assets, but I thought we would still be a little more competitive than we ended up being. After a decent start we quickly fell off once the schedule got tougher and even though I led the team in scoring and broke 50 points again, it was a significant step down for both me and the team. Given that our roster had gotten a bit thinner, a drop in individual points for me was kinda expected so I'm not too disappointed with my personal performance, but it also wasn't enough to elevate the team after losing some people and that obviously wasn't great. I am certainly looking forward to the off-season now where I hope that we will be able to add some players and go on the offensive again!

Quote:3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?

I'm European so naturally that is an interesting question for me but honestly and maybe a bit surprisingly, my answer would be "No", we don't need European teams. I wouldn't be completely against it if the SHL decided to go that way, but I for one am kind of a sucker for realism in sim leagues so I like it that the SHL is purely NA-based like the NHL is in real life. Other leagues like the VHL have had European teams and whole Conferences for a long time and that is totally fine, let them do their thing and fill that niche while we stick to ours and keep this the NA-style sports league that it is modeled after.

Quote:4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

That "honor" has to go to Edmonton I think. They had a phenomenal regular season, tying the Juggernaut that is the Buffalo Stampede in points but then in the playoffs, they werent quite able to perform. Still, throughout most of the year they got strong performances from their veteran players while also having some new standouts that broke through for them this year. This includes Theo Morgan who they acquired in a trade prior to this season and who showed right away why the Blizzard paid multiple first rounders for him. Another new starpower player for them was Bo Kane who had a breakout season and should be one of the favorites for the Richan Trophy this year. Their team definitely is a bit on the older side however so their window might start to close soon, it's gonna be interesting to see if they try to stay in contention then by bringing in some new players or go the dreaded rebuild route.

Quote:7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

There are a lot of incredibly charities out there that do a lot of good that athletes tend to engage in when they go fundraising. Be it caring for sick children, fighting chronic diseases or mental health issues, providing help for people with disabilities or helping people who were born in less fortunate parts of the world, to fighting racism and discrimination, there are a lot of organisations out there that all deserve your support. I however have decided to go a slightly different route however and decided that the cause these two franchises should team up for is a bigger one that, arguably, makes all these other things possible in the first place. I am talking about fighting for and protecting Democracy itself. Our political system has been under attack from adversaries both internally and abroad, by authoritarians, partisan political actors and disinformation agents who threaten to destabilize Democracies throughout the Western world. It is time to stand up for our way of living and fight these efforts though non-partisan NGOs and non-profits that could use both the awareness and the funds that we as professional athletes can raise!

Quote:13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

a. I have to go with Buffalo here, their Defense is just the best one you will find around the league not just today, but ever. Buffalo's Top-3 of Cassius Darrow, Alexander Selich and Poopity Scoop is just unbeatable, their D-corps is so strong that it might become unaffordable for them as early as next season, so better expect them to give it their all to win in their potential last hoorah this season.
b. -
c. I don't thjink so. In my opinion toughness isn't as important as smart defensive play and good physical attributes and smooth skating so I wouldn't expect them to get much of an, if any, advantage from their physicality especially since Buffalo has proven that they can throw around the body as well. However, New Orleans did manage to beat the favorited Blizzary team so who knows, maybe there is actually more to their toughness than I am giving them credit for...
d. -
e. Oh boy that's a tough one... I think I would go with Otter not just because it is an animal that is both cute and tenacious, but also because we aren't talking about any regular otter here. We are talking about a noble otter after all, a "von Otter" to be exact, which is something that now other animal in this series can say of themselves!

CW Verification: Liege
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 09:39 AM by KC15.)

PBE Affiliate PT +3 TPE

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

To be honest, S55 was a huge disappointment for Abel Skinner. In spite of working hard every year (updating every week and getting all the activity checks and trainings in plus a vast majority of the other PTs completed), Skinner’s performance is very comparable to his S53 season (2 years ago) let alone his S54 season.

In fact, Skinner regressed in S55 from S54 in every single stat I looked at:

Goals: 4 down to 3
Assists: 15 down to 7
Hits: 27 down to 10
Shots Blocked: 32 down to 21
Offensive Game Rating: 55 down to 54
Defensive Game Rating: 64 down to 62

The only place where Skinner did better in S55 from S54 is +/-, shots blocked, and offensive game rating.

Well, as I wrote this, I was about to conclude that putting in the work doesn’t pay off – that maybe the sim stinks and it’s all just a roll of the dice as I could not think of any attribute I could improve to do better in S56.

Then it dawned on me to look at ice time. Yep! A significant decrease in ice time in S55 over both S54 and S53. Skinner only clocked 12:49 TOI in S55 vs. 15:01 in S54 and a high of 15:57 in S53.

So, how can I improve these stats? Play more.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

The two teams will come together to benefit the cause Black Lives Matter.  The reason is fairly evident.  It has become painfully obvious – even to people who wish to stay asleep or make excuses – that we have very serious issues surrounding racial bias.  I admire good cops and am grateful for the protection they provide, but the constant parade of shootings of unarmed black men has shown that it isn’t just a matter of a few bad apples.  We have a system and culture that punishes people for being black that goes way beyond just the police force, but certainly affects that institution.

If there were not concerns over the spread of Covid-19, I would see the two teams getting together for a big community feed in each city or a series of smaller ones all around each city.  In Buffalo they would have polish sausage and kraut.  In New Orleans they’d served crayfish étoufée, shrimp gumbo and red beans and rice.  Since we have the coronavirus complications, the players can auction off jerseys worn in the finals.

Not sure the two teams will or would mesh before the Series.  Maybe a short press conference to hype the jersey auction, but then it’s down to the action on the ice.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?

b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?

This is a bit of a cheat since the series is now tied at 3-3 and we already know that the home team has won 4 games and the away team only 2.  However, I confess that I would have answered differently without the results in front of me.  I would not expect the FHM sim engine to factor in any home ice advantage, but I could be wrong.  It just seems like it would be hard to model correct overall player performance and home ice advantage at the same time.  Maybe they managed that modeling – or maybe these results are just a fluke of a small sample size.

c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?

Again, a bit of a cheat since we already know that the series is even in spite of these advantages in bravery, aggression and fighting.  I suppose they could still have an impact in terms of penalty minutes etc, but in terms of these advantages winning the day, which I assume is the point of the PT, it appears not.  And I would expect them not to all on their own.

d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?

There are some really great puns or play on words (e.g., Hippo Passamus), but I still like Thor Odinson best.  My rationale is pretty dumb, I guess.  As a kid I always loved two things among the many things that interested me: mythology and comics.  I was a huge Avengers guy and part of the reason was that they had a Norse God on their team – Thor, Son of Odin.  This backup goalie takes me back to my childhood love of the Avengers and so he gets the nod.

e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

Since there are no dogs in the list – best animal ever – I am going to have to go with the noble sloth.  I like the way they are unapologetically slow and methodical and no one can make them go faster which seems to be the theme in our modern world – faster is better. And that cool, black eye-mask thing they’ve got going is just another big plus.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max
Verification Word:  Kenny
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2020, 05:33 PM by JURT.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
Like most players, my season had its up and its downs. I knew I'd be starting out on the first line as the most experienced center on the team, so I worked a lot on my offensive skills between the seasons. Sadly, that didn't really work out; I love Sven [Svenson] and Gud[mundur Kristjansson], but we couldn't find our vibe as a line. I was switched to the second line, where things were better and I had a good season offensively. I had only two goals, but tied my own record for assists with 15 for a very decent total of 17 points - all while still being seen as mostly a shutdown center. Playing with two players with a similar playing type, Carlos [Brown] and [Juni] Panda obviously helped. Despite a rough end to the season, we came back strong in the playoffs and were probably the best line on the ice for the whole series against KEL.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America - become a reality in the SHL?
The SHL should definitely expand its reach to other continents, mainly Europe. Not only are there a lot of players born on the other side of the Atlantic ocean in the league, there are also a lot of hockey fans over there. It's hard for them to have to delocate their hopes and dream to North America. If the SHL was limited by realities such as travel distances and times, I would obviously argue against it, the downsides of transcontinental travel would overcome the upsides of playing close to home the European people. Some good places to have a team would be Oslo, Moscow or Berlin, to name only a few.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?
In all humility, I truly believe I would be the most successful player on TikTok, based on the fact that I am one of the best to follow on Twitter according to my peers. I've established my presence with a lot of dank memes and this can translate to TikTok. I'll be able to join in on all the recent trends, with Star Wars Prequel Memes and The Office videos to pander to an audience that can relate to me. Obviously, I'd add a special hockey touch to each one of my videos, to keep a little side different to other people.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?
It is no secret that some people in the SHL are completely illiterate, but that problem extends far beyond our rinks. According to the National Institute for Literacy, over 30 millions Americans are illiterate. The two finalist teams put their difference aside to tackle this issue with the Read the ice project. This project will encourage young athletes across the U.S.A. and Canada to read one book every week by giving out money to teams who will include a "book club" time to their training schedule. Young hockey players will be able to help each other out picking up books and the strong sense of belonging that a team brings will help the kids to persevere in their reading. To raise funds for the project, the teams will organize great booksales before the first home game of either team during the finals. Editors from across the country are invited to these events and give a cut from the book sales to the project.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
c. This is playoff hockey, you need to play hard to win. Aggression, Bravery and Fighting will play a part in the series and in NOLA's tactics. It will be interesting to see how BUF responds to this physical play; they know they cannot match NOLA in tough play, so they'll have to play smart.

d. There are indeed a lot of great and creative names in this series, but my final choice has to go with Michael Scarn. The reference to The Office's Michael Scott's alter ego in his movie Threat Level Midnight gets a chuckle out of me every time. I'm always picturing Scarn doing the Scarn each time he scores.

e. Hippos are the coolest. They're big and slick and dangerous. When people think about dangerous animals from Africa, they always think about great felines or sneaky snakes, but never of the absolute units that are these tanky hippos. Plus it's the animal with the best kids game to its name: Hungry Hungry Hippos is way better than that dumb Monkey Chain game.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: lespoils.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 05:30 PM by Cobbenstein.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Patrick Shepherd had an interesting season on the Timber. He was asked to step up and into a role on the first line after the departure of Alexander Roach in the expansion draft. Primarily throughout his career he has been a 2nd and 3rd line center that was meant to shut down opposing players with his defensive capabilities and be an anchor on the PK while trying to chip in a few points here and there. This year he was playing on an offensive focused first line. He did pretty well finishing the season 13th in the league in assists with 26 and scoring 10 goals both of which were career highs. The new more aggressive offensive style of play did have drawbacks on his defensive game though. First time in his career he had more giveaways than takeaways and despite having 36 points he only finished +6 on the year. Overall it was a good year for Shepherd and getting a chance to work on his offensive game can only make him a better player in the future.

Quote:3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?

Having international teams in the SHL is an interesting idea, but one that would have some in game flaws. In reality having a team overseas would be a nightmare logistically and on players and staff due to time zone changes and long flights. In the world of the SHL though, those two issues are both eliminated. So it could certainly be something we see in the future, but to try and keep the world of SHL grounded in the real world I would have to think that you need to keep the league contained to one continent. What could be an interesting addition to the league though could be to add a team in Mexico to really make it a full North American league.

Quote:4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I think without a doubt that the Carolina Kraken are the best team to not make the finals this year. They are the defending champions and that roster is still largely intact. Led by their captain Jimmy Wagner on his swan song season and explosive winger Dwight Knight they looked poised to go back to back. Unfortunately due to how the playoffs are structured they met a team they knew well from the finals last year in the conference finals. Newfoundland and Carolina battled it out in a hotly contested 7 game series before Newfoundland ultimately prevailed and moved onto the finals. The Kraken were a very very good team and deserve recognition for the season they achieved. 

Quote:13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

B. I don’t really expect that home ice will be that much of an advantage in this series. Both teams are stacked rosters and their games should be competitive no matter where they play. The games will really come down to individual performances and tactics rather than the building they play in. 

C. I doubt that higher toughness will have any effect on this series. Bravery may be useful in players making plays that others wouldn’t, but aggression leads to more penalties and fighting skill requires players on the other team to be willing to fight. Being tough doesn’t score goals or let your goaltender block more shots. 

D. My favorite player name in this series is Eko Van Otter. I appreciate its mix of both a semi-joke sounding name, but still a very believable sounding name. It’s like the best of both worlds as far as naming goes throughout the league. It allows for both realistic player images and images of an otter in a hockey uniform. 

E. Kirby is the coolest animal in this series. Not only is he adorable, but he could realistically be any other animal you wanted him to be. He could just absorb the aspects of the other animals and then you have literally all of them. It makes him very versatile and basically the best animal.

Quote:14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

With the Buffalo Stampede winning the Challenge Cup I feel that there is one very special player that deserves the MVP nods. That player is Alexander Roach. He has been on the roster for exactly one game and in that one game Buffalo won the Challenge Cup. So clearly after game 6, they didn’t have the Challenge Cup, but in walks Roach and within one game they have it. It’s the most obvious high impact a player has ever had and I don’t understand how no one else seems to have noticed. If I could add one player to a roster and after one game we won the Challenge Cup, I would make that move everytime. Roach has more Challenge Cups than games played in the SHL.

Quote:16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif][Image: cobb.png?ex=663d5bb2&is=663c0a32&hm=7637...ae0e53216&][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif]
Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)

Hello, Luffy Richard here, gonna answer some of these PT and get that sweet sweet 16 pte max, so let us go for a ride shall we?

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My third season in the league was an exciting one. Not only did the Whalers turn our season around, but I also surpassed my season points total, and led the forwards on my team in several defensive categories. I did not surpass my highest goal total, which is the nine I scored my rookie season, scoring seven goals. My plus/minus was also improved from last season, but it was the worst on the team as I often got the job of shutting down the other team’s top lines. I think my plus/minus wouldn’t look so bad if we didn’t go on a six-game losing streak, but next season I’m sure I can be a plus player. The Whalers made it to the playoffs for the first time since I’ve joined the team, and though we got bounced in the second round, it took a lot of hard work to get that far from where we started. The League better take notice, but next season I believe we will be a dominant team, and I know I can contribute both defensively and offensively.  (184 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -become a reality in the SHL?

I think expansion in other countries is a great idea for the league, and I’m sure there are a lot of European options that would make a lot of sense, but there is one country the league should try and make a part of this wonderful hockey community: Mexico. It is a huge country with a diverse population that devour North American sports. Baseball and Football have played games in Mexico already, and the speed and skill of the SHL would make a great contrast to those two games. Would it be an easy sell with a lack of hockey culture ingrained into the people of Mexico? Yes, but anything that is worth doing is rarely an easy task. I know Mexico is a part of North America, but it provides a unique opportunity for the league to diversify the player pull beyond that of Europeans, Canadians, and Yankees. (149 words)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

Charity is always great. Nothing is better than giving back to the communities that support you. New Orleans is a city known for its food, and one of the best ways to help communities is to feed those who have trouble feeding themselves. Both teams could cook their favorite foods for homeless shelters, and make breakfast for at-risk children before they go to school. This could all culminate in a cooking contest, bake-off, or something else to that effect where there is a player winner, a non-player winner, and then an overall winner. I think both teams will mesh well off the ice. We, as players, may hate each other’s guts on the ice, but off the ice, we are people who just want to make a difference. Food is also a great way to get a party going, ramping up excitement in both cities for the series. As for the specific cause that these events would benefit, Feeding American would be a great charity, as well as the associated Canadian organization. It could also benefit a specific school(s) with season ticket holders given the option to sponsor kids in exchange for a goodie bag with signed jerseys, pucks, etc. (201 words).

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)

Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Well, that was a hell of a final, wasn’t it? Octuple overtime? Wow, those guys’ legs will be dead for weeks. Anyways, I, as a Luffy, the greatest Luffy to ever be drafted by the Whalers/North Stars, may be a little biased in saying that the Other Luffy should get the MVP award. The guy plays is heart out and is always dominant. When he plays, it is like looking in a mirror that shows you an older version of yourself. I mean, he doesn’t have my flair for the dramatic, but he does get results. Also, when I become the greatest Luffy in the league, I want it to be against a Luffy that isn’t a scrub. (119 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Moreorless right.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

Luffy Richard is the obvious answer to the best ticker of toks. For I, Luffy Richard, have a lovely singing voice, can dance, and I make a killer grilled cheese and melts. Now, I don’t actually know what tiktok is, but if its anything like other social media, who would not love a charming bottom tier hockey player singing and dancing while cooking. I might even burn myself on accident, so there is a tantalizing threat of danger that always gets people excited. Schadenfreude is a powerful drug for a lot of people, so I think that will motivate people to tune in. Also, I have a lot of interesting moth facts I could share. (115 words)

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The best team to not make the finals in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League was obviously the Vancouver Whalers. No bias here. This is an objective opinion backed by science. I don’t know where I left the Science, but the science is there. They were the hottest team going into the playoffs, going on a hot streak so hot they defeated the top teams in the league before sweeping their first-round series. Seriously, Kelowna, Carolina, Anchorage, New Foundland all got the Vancouver beatdown of their life. It is a travesty they, the scrappy underdogs, got bounced so early. Sure, there might be some other teams that mathematically had a better chance to make it to the finals but also fell short, but none of them had the pure tenacity of the Whalers. Next season will be theirs. (138 words)

That is 17 pte worth of points just in case I screwed up the trivia part. Thanks forplaying.

[Image: WzzhGnr.png][Image: image0.jpg]

[Image: image0.png][Image: UMRTITC.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2020, 06:46 PM by boom.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Overall, it was a pretty positive season for Hartmann. In his final season in the SMJHL, he set career highs with 19 goals, 22 assists and 41 points while skating on one of the more underrated top lines in the SMJHL with Daniil Nikiforov between Hartmann and Bryce McMahon. When all stats were taken into account as well as the role he played, the SMJHL's "Game Rating" system that evaluates players statistically based on the role they play, Hartmann had the second-best number in the entire SMJHL with a Game Rating of 72/100, behind only Quebec City Citadelles centre Alexander Roach. The playoffs were rather disappointing though, as the Whalers' top line was largely neutralized in the first-round series against the St. Louis Scarecrows with only 2 points and 6 shots in the four-game sweep. While the depth carried the team through to the second round, Hartmann faced a different obstacle against Carolina: puck luck. Hartmann had 18 shots in the four-game series, including 8 in Game 1 and 6 in Game 3, but could only score a single goal on Carolina Kraken goalie Blunt Man, which came on a breakaway late in Game 4 on his 18th shot. The two huge missed opportunities to score in this series came on a scrambling chance in Game 3 where Man fully extended to rob Hartmann on the doorstep, and another breakaway earlier in Game 4 which was stopped. Both of those games ended in a one-goal margin, so there was a huge missed opportunity to tie the games on those chances. In the offseason with a call-up to the Edmonton Blizzard looming, Hartmann has been training harder than ever to improve on his skills in all areas of his game.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

Since I don't know how Tig or Hotdog will approach this draft in terms of what players they'll pursue, so I'm going to try to go team by team to see who they'll lose. Starting alphabetically with the Baltimore Platoon, it's not a great start as there's really nothing on the roster that anyone would actually want to take as they're all inactive, but Kristoffer Svensson can at least provide some immediate depth to a team as an inactive player with decent TPE who isn't too far into regression yet. Moving on to Buffalo, things get really interesting as there is some real quality on the roster, but with Eko van Otter the Stampede only need to lose one player and it'll likely be Cassius Darrow, who seemingly asked to be exposed. Moving over to the Western Conference, Calgary has mostly aging options for the picking, but Oliver Klozoff and Chico Smeb are decent TPE options on defense who are just hitting regression, as Alexei Rykov is inactive and Otis B. Driftwood and Anders Christiansen are too old to be much use even at their high TPE. Chicago, back in the East, is another team without much to choose from with Cameron Carter II getting further into regression, but Patric Twist is a young prospect who couldn't be protected by the Syndicate and Nolan Sawchuk has a decent amount of TPE for a player who started regression last offseason. With the Edmonton Blizzard, they were rather in a pickle because of their deep roster and pending free agents, but someone like Bo Kane or Theo Morgan would be a huge acquisition if they can be convinced to sign with an expansion team. My guess is the other pick will be Carlos Brown, a young S53 who was a late create in his draft class but has been earning very nicely. 

The Hamilton Steelhawks, the only other team who is only losing one player, don't have a ton to pick from, but someone like Akashi Sixnine on defense has a pretty decent amount of TPE, is active, and only regresses this offseason. Next up are the Los Angeles Panthers, of which the only big exposed prize is Oliver Cleary, who wanted to hit free agency. Like Kane or Morgan, if he can be convinced to sign he'll be a huge acquisition. The other name worth mentioning is Nolan McMahon, who is somewhat inactive but is one of the few decent goalies left exposed. Everyone else on the Panthers' exposed list is either inactive or retiring at the end of the season. Moving on to Manhattan, the name that pops out is Samat Beibitzhanov, who is one of the only active goalies being dangled in this expansion draft and could be on the move. This won't hurt Manhattan too much, as Name Redacted is a faster-earning prospect who will come up to the Rage next season, but the other name will likely be either a decent forward in Luca Veccelli with a few seasons until regression, or a veteran defenseman in Geoff Moore or Reginald MacIntyre. Minnesota is next up, and apart from a moderately earning goalie in Separa Borro and a recently returned inactive in C.T. Carragher there's really nothing on the exposed list that teams will be jumping to draft. New England is another team that has exposed mostly old guys or inactives, but the names that pop out are Maximilian Egger, an aging but still-decent defenseman, and Andrei Kostitsyn is a young but enigmatic prospect with some value. The New Orleans Specters have the chance to be a part of a historic (see what I did there?) moment, as Aleister Cain was exposed with New Orleans opting to go with the young option in Olli Saarinen Jr. If Cain is picked up, which he easily could be due to the dearth of goalie options on the market, he'll be the first player to be selected in two expansion drafts. For the other pick, I'm going with Boris Poroshenko, a 1500 TPE centre who hasn't hit regression yet. 

With the San Francisco Pride, there's not much on the list as they begin their hard rebuild under the gun of a $12 million cap penalty, but there are still some names. Kriss Darzins is looking to hit free agency but his negotiation rights could be picked up in expansion, and Steven Moyer is an aging but talented centre. Other than that, it's basically all inactive players. Tampa Bay also doesn't really have anyone who is a major expansion target, with the recently returned Fred Wanesly being a possibility. Moving on to Texas, the Renegades were unfortunately unable to keep everyone, but have two huge talents exposed in Kaarlo Kekkonen and Alexander Wachter. Toronto has Keith Lee exposed but only inactives beyond that, and to finish out the list of teams Winnipeg has only inactives to take.

Task 3, 2 TPE (100 words min)

Travel doesn't really exist in FHM, so a major issue is out of the way there, so the big question for introducing a cross-oceanic SHL team comes down to market interest. A common candidate in the NFL is London, and a ISFL team already exists there, but Britain isn't as much of a hockey hotbed, so I think the main destinations in Europe where a SHL team could succeed would be Stockholm or Helsinki, places where hockey is already a huge winter sport. Sweden has a rich history of hockey players and would be a great addition. The main issue would be finding divisions that make sense. Let's say Stockholm gets a team, and for the sake of balance let's also go with Frith's Mexico City idea. The Pacific Division in the Western Conference would be Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Calgary and Edmonton, and now we're stuck. There's no easy way to break up the Great Lakes division to have just five teams in it, as ideally Minnesota or Winnipeg stay together. This would have been so much easier if Hotdog put his team in Columbus or somewhere near the Great Lakes instead of Atlanta.

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I'll say it right out: the Carolina Kraken were the best SMJHL team to not make the Four Star Cup finals, and it's not even really their fault. The top line of Jimmy Wagner, Linus Grimstad and Vitek Vitecek was absolutely lethal and a big part of the sweep of the Vancouver Whalers in the second round. They had depth up and down the lineup on forward and defense with players like Dwight Knight, Panda Panico and Kwame Dakari on the second line chipping in, along with a deep defense led by Ambacas Cuddles. In net, the Kraken had Blunt Man, who was massive in the playoffs. It's possible that the first-round series goes very differently if Man didn't make two huge saves on William Hartmann in Games 3 and 4. And due to a wonky playoff format with no reseeding after the second round, Carolina's reward for looking great in a series sweep was getting to play the first-seeded Newfoundland Berserkers in the semifinals, where they lost to a more talented team. Honourable mention goes to Anchorage, who had a very deep defense and a historic season by Scoochie Stratton wasted by blowing a 3-1 lead with home-ice advantage and losing in seven games to Maine.

Task 13 (1 TPE, 50 words min).

e) It should be obvious from my avatar that the otter is the coolest animal in this series with names. Sea otters are incredibly cute and also very smart, being one of the few animal species that uses tools, since they use rocks to break open food. Also, mother sea otters carry their pups around on their chests like little life rafts to keep them out of the cold water, and will wrap them up in kelp when looking for food to stop them floating away. 

Task 14 (written, 100 words min, 2 TPE):

For the series MVP, I'm going with Elizabeth Doyle. I know I tend to be somewhat biased towards goalies, but Doyle clearly deserved it here. In 17 games, she only allowed 32 goals, with 17 of those coming in the finals. In particular at home, Doyle was locked down in the clutch, winning three one-goal games in the finals, including two in overtime, capped off by a dramatic overtime victory in Game 7 featuring an overtime breakaway save on Nicholas Williams that would have won the Cup for the Specters. You need great goaltending to go far in the playoffs, and a 1.86 GAA and .927 save percentage is certainly the way to go there.

Task 16:

Trivia word: snuffulufagus

TPE: 14 + trivia/16

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1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
This season went much better than previous ones. My play on the ice was elevated and the coaching staff noticed this during training camp. Based on how I was doing in training camp, they gave me a larger role this season, and it did not disappoint as I was nearly a point-per-game player. So my personal performance was up this season, but the team performance was down as we missed the playoffs. It’s a bit of a sweet and sour season when you do well but not well enough to tilt the team. Still, it was the best season I’ve had, my breakout season of sorts. Hopefully this performance will be expanded upon in the upcoming seasons. I was able to find my linemates better this season to give them the puck, I want to work harder on some passing drills this off-season so that my play continues to be well-rounded and I can either create plays or score from anywhere.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.
I think this expansion draft can be best described as slim pickings for the expansion teams. The existing SHL teams are blessed with many protection slots for current players and a few years worth of prospects. It will be interesting to see how the two teams differ in their approaches, or whether they will adopt similar strategies. Seattle has already started making moves, trading draft picks. Will either team try to compete now? It will be interesting to see whether either of the team’s management is aggressive out the gate or if they take a safe and slow approach towards building their franchises. Seattle is acquiring picks so it looks like they might be taking the approach of drafting as many young prospects and building the team slowly. However, with the draft capital they are acquiring, there is potential for them to snag some rental players that can push them toward competitors. Still, with the way the expansion draft is set up, these teams are going to have to get the best value for the future rather than right now.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America become a reality in the SHL?
This is not really an issue I have thought about before. I have seen other hockey leagues that are spread out over the world and it works fine. For some reason, the travel does not seem to ever really catch up with the players. These leagues must have very comfortable flying accommodations. Having continent based divisions would be interesting. Continent championships en route to the Challenge Cup would provide some extra entertainment to the playoffs. It might create some better rivalries as some increased nationalism might spike fans’ pride in their teams. It would also be great to grow the game in places that are not traditional hockey markets.

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
The Los Angeles Panthers were the best team in SHL to not make the playoffs. This is not based on standings or the end of the season power rankings but rather how the team’s spirits were down the stretch. This team felt like something special was building all season long. The struggles in the regular season were demoralizing to a certain point, but eventually, the team was so focused on being the best they could be, that minor mistakes or simply getting outplayed, did not seem to bother as much. This team had the best chemistry going through the season, and that puts them at the top of my list of the best of the worst.

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?
For a long time, I have been saying that it is Team Switzerland’s time. That is true this season, too. The team did well last season and has only improved without taking many hits to regression or retirement. The team was young and did not have much experience when they miraculously pushed toward a silver medal. The team is still young but has several players pushing toward their peak potential. There might be a few surprises along the way with some of the young gems the nation has amassed. Do not be surprised if Team Switzerland comes out the gates strong and puts up some dominating performances. There are players on the team that did not get a shot at playoffs, so they will come out and be as hungry as ever. I think it is harder to predict who is going to be bad in the tournament. I will not name specific nations but expect a surprise out of western Europe. The tournament’s landscape is due for a change.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
Both teams have invested heavily into their defenses. Both teams can grind a game to a halt. However, Buffalo’s Goals Allowed was only 98 (the only sub-100 GA team), whereas New Orlean’s was at 120. 22 goals over 50 games isn’t a huge difference, but it shows that either defense, goaltending or luck is in Buffalo.

b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
Based on this small sample, which is terrible to draw inferences from, it absolutely does reflect a home ice advantage. The team that can snag a game on the road may have a much easier path toward the challenge cup. Expect a bunch of home victories, that is where I would put my money if I was betting on these games.

c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
In a best of seven series, grit will have an effect. How this affects the other team is dependent on whether they can match the same intensity. As one team gets aggressive, look for the other team to respond similarly. There will be no de-escalation in this series, expect some bruised-up players for both teams.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 08:26 PM by Evok.)

1. Elizabeth Doyle did pretty well once again this season. After raffling the John McBride Trophy, the Mike Honcho Trophy as well as the Ryan Jesster Trophy last season, all the eyes were on her. She finished the season posting a goal against average of 2.01, which is good enough to lock up another Mike Honcho Trophy for her. It’s her second in two seasons. Her save percentage was averaging 0.916 all season long. She played 44 games, well over 2600 minutes on the ice. She won 34 of her starts, losing 10 of them. Theses statistic should be good enough to allow her to be in nomination for the John McBride Trophy this season again. She had 962 saves and kept the goals against her under 100, with only 88. She shut the door of the other team 5 times this season. She didn’t lose at any point this season in overtime.

10. [Image: 9ePuSaT.png]

a. I honestly think the buffalo Stampede has the upper hand here. I mean of course the Specters have a brutal defense and a better goaltender, but the Stampede is just a note over. They have super strong defenseman and while Elizabeth Doyle has less TPE than Cain, she just finished a really strong season once again.
b. So far, as I am writing this, the buffalo stampede won both of their home team. At this point, it’s their series to lose. I think nola will win at least one of their home games, but I don’t think they will win all three of them. I think we could also see a steal from nola in buffalo at one point.
c. Absolutely not. The importance in a game is to score the more goal, not the be more aggressive or fight. I think their bravery might help, but the aggression and fighting will be detrimental, ultimately not helping them in a game. If they spend all their time in the box, they won’t win.
e. No doubt in my mind that Sloth is the best, closely followed by Otter. I honestly have nothing against Hippo, Monkey or Fox, but let’s be realist, they are nowhere near as cute as Sloths or Otters. On another note, however, Kirby is not an animal and shouldn’t even be in this category.

Thanks for CW


[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season, Markus played about as well as he could have hoped. He was playing in front of a rebuilding squad, and it showed - the amount of shots per game he received was almost comical. He knew that Haley Knight and Mikas Bieksa were struggling in their development, and that Ti-Guy Émond was slowly declining, but that was a heck of a drop from them still! They simply couldn't keep up with the explosive offenses of the Western Conference. Markus did well to steal a game here and there, and keep them in the game against most teams in the league, but it was still another season with a negative record to his name, even with a 0.925 Sv%, good for second among starters in the SHL. However, he has heard some good things about a few defensive prospects in the pipeline for the Chiefs, and he dearly hopes that they will be able to fulfill their promises in a few seasons. He wouldn't be opposed to seeing outside help on Matthias Seger's left side, though...

(180 words)

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

I, personally, am thrilled to see an expansion arrive at the SHL level, after seeing how successful the expansion in the SMJHL went last season. But the methodology behind the drafts changes a bit, even if the rules are similar. When you're drafting for an expansion side in the SHL, you're looking to build a somewhat competitive team right off the bat, with the TPE levels that implies. You may decide to bolster a club on the short term, and try to ride that wave until your draftees are ready to come in to help - or you can commit to the fabled "five-season plan", which relies on recovering as many players that have potential for growth in the expansion draft, and proceed with a solid draft to round up a team that will be competitive around S60. I have a hunch on which team will execute which plan, and it'll be fun to watch where their instincts lead them. There are a few choice picks here and there, but they have to be wary of how many players are already picked from each team!

(189 words)

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?

I'm starting to have a hunch that players around the league are kind of downplaying Switzerland's chances at qualification for the quarter-finals yet again this season, and even beyond. We are in a tough group, no doubt, but I think we have a real shot at causing some commotion for teams like Sweden and Japan. The growth of our young forward players has been phenomenal, and we still have what I'd like to consider the best goalie duo in the IIHF tournament, in myself and Tibuk Soonika. Tib won Goalie of the Tournament more times than I can remember, and I'm not too shabby myself, as was demonstrated last season. The only thing we'll have to be wary of is if our defense can hold their own - Seger and Zimmermann will have their hands loaded trying to contend with the oppositions' first lines, so it'll be up to our depth to show us all what they're made of.

(166 words)

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

a. While New Orleans' defensive corps is more evenly spread out on all three defensive pairings, I do feel like Buffalo's top 3 of Darrow, Selich and Scoop is insanely hard to compete against, and I would have to give them the edge over the course of the Final. The depth at 3rd pairing is comparable between both teams, but there's too much of an appreciable gap between their top elements to point to the Specters as the better defensive team. (82 words)

b. The teams are too well matched, I feel, for home ice advantage to really play a factor in it. It'll simply come down to quality chances generation, and that can be done as well home as away. I don't think line match-ups will be that important, as the two teams have a very similar build-up throughout their line-ups, which means any line should have a chance against any other line. (75 words)

d. The name "Hippo Passamus" always seems to give me a small giggle fit whenever I see it. There's something about picturing a hippopotamus playing center in a hockey that's so uncanny that it becomes hilarious. There are some other animals, as is the subject of the next question, but it feels to me like the hippo would be the most out of place on an ice rink. (69 words)

e. The otter is my spirit animal. It's cute, playful and dangerously mean-spirited if you come into its territory. I've said many times, in real life, that there are days where I just want to give up on my IT Technician career, and just become an otter. I want to live in a river and eat fishes and have a favorite rock, too, without society judging me - is that too much to ask!? (75 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word : FollyAndTheHunter

[Image: KlusteR.gif]

Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

[Image: EePsAwN.png]    [Image: e0LuHwa.png]    [Image: eaex9S1.png]

Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2020, 07:41 PM by StadiumGambler.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My minimum goal this season was 50 points, and I had 49. I am mildly disappointed, but I did get 28 goals which was Top 10 in the league so I guess that's something. Nick did have his usual high quality respected defensive game and quiet contributions on-ice, usually being responsible for shutting down the other team's dangerous top forwards such as Andres Kvalheim and Tony Pepperoni. I can attribute this mostly to having a decent focus on the defensive side of things and better positioning.

Next season all I can hope for is that the Winnipeg team around me improves enough to give great support on offense, and perhaps a few more tactical adjustments as we get used to the new way of doing things. That and we'll be getting two expansion teams that we'll hopefully get the better of when we face them. I have high hopes of getting Nick Brain to become a 50-55 point scorer next year.


Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

This one's gonna be weird, because I'm hearing rumblings that Seattle is going to try to contend, instead of sacrificing Tig for a draft pick and starting out near the bottom of the barrel. That and they have the first pick in the expansion draft I'm guessing, so they can get Darrow who should be the top pick in the draft.

I think expansion could play out favouring tig in the very short term. Even though Eko van Otter is the better player of the two GMs, Seattle can probably march out Tig and Darrow as D-Pair 1 which is great. Tig might also be leveraging a ton of old Detroit connections over the course of the draft, and he has quite a few pieces to work with.

However, Atlanta has the important factor of basically being a playoff team no matter what because of the top-heavy structure of the East, while Seattle is competing likely with Winnipeg and LA for the 5th and 6th playoff spots in the East (assuming 12 playoff teams, 6 from each conference.) Atlanta would need to roll snake-eyes in the expansion draft to fall behind Baltimore, TBay, or Toronto (although the latter two are improving).


Quote:4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Edmonton. They had a share of the President's Trophy and a team with 1000 TPE players everywhere except the backup goaltending, and even their backup Eddy Ask Jr. was above the median for that position. Edmonton got some monster years from players such as Bo Kane and Theo Morgan as well, plus a top-tier offensive season from powerplay quarterback Karlstrabe Scholz.

Unfortunately, a game New Orleans was ready for them and beat them in a tough series, with multiple close wins, showing the Specters increased mettle in big games recently. Tough on Edmonton, cause they had as good a chance of beating Buffalo as any other team in the league.


Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?

I think in IIHF the favourites in terms of overall TPE are Canada, the United States, Great United Kingdom of Britain, and the Czech Republic. There are tertiary contenders like Japan and Sweden, but those 4 seems to be the favourites.

Obviously Canada and USA have the advantage of depth and a sim setup that allows them to actually use said depth to the fullest. Czechs have the advantage of stars like Luke Thomason and Michael Scarn and some old grizzled helpd with Brady Mac and Piotr Czerawski. To me though, the Brits have a series shot at it. Nick Brain, Jimmy Slothface, Oliver Cloutier leads the forward core, and theres such a surplus of talented defenders like Rex Kirkby, Guy Zheng, Dom Montgomery, Tony Ford, and Perry Morgan among others that the Brits have to convert them to forward to fit them all in. Lucky Luca Del Vecchio can steal games when hes in the mood, and goldenglutes gives the team the tactical nous it needs to claw to the top. We've medaled in the first two IIHF events, and I'm confident we can medal in the 3rd.


Quote:6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

Michael Fitted of the Tampa Bay Barracuda and it's not even close. His media empire is controversial, but occasionally entertaining, and I think his dudebro antics would have great appeal to the current generation that would be into these TikTok videos or whatever. Plus as a bonus we'd probably see Barracuda hidden footage involving stuff like Tom Fiddler getting sodomized in the locker room, or whatever the hell Beans Hockey Network says happens there.

A close second (although he's slowing down with age) would be the self-professed King of the Dar Award: Cameron Carter of Chicago. The guy's got a mouth, hes unafraid to use it, and I think he would be a good fit for a vine-style platform based around short-ish trash talk or whatever the Chinese peddle with this stupid app.


Quote:16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: SummerOf55

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked
below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get
credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Panda
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 08:15 PM by Fitted2106.)

1. This season for fitted was a big stepping stone the team won some games and we grew as a unit. Confidence defintaly is high rolling into next season and camp will be fun this upcoming season with everyone breathing hope into what we had trouble doing before. As more wins come it's only going to get better here and boy do we have some strong prospects coming down the pike. Gonna be some good times here soon and the league will be on notice. Fiddler I believe will be named captain next season and maybe we get closer to .500 but no matter what the sky is the limit for this bunch and those on the way the light at the end of tunnel is finnaly visible and boy oh boy am I ready for some winning seasons. Keep pushing that's all we have to do and we are gonna win some titles.
156 words

5. I think its finnaly finlands time in the iihf as we are not only long overdue but we are massively heading in the right direction. Young hunger and only getting better we need to deliever some good runs before jax attilo is to old to win with us that guy deserves it. I know between some of us s49-51 guys our team is certainly looking up and just speaking from our perspective we plan on having a good tourney. I think some other clubs may regress some ya know the rich can only stay rich so long so I believe soon will be a nice passing of the torch to us and rightfully so its finlands birthright to raise the gold. Lately we owe it to the boy max to get him that gold finland hasnt been very competitive for a long time and now is the time I believe to change that for this man and get him that elusive gold medal.
165 words

7. The teams will be sponsoring and donating money to the Pittsburgh relief fund that funds all youth hockey in the burgh. With shl taking over the nhl pittsburgh has become a dark barren wasteland and the shl must rescue them from the depths of despair. It's only proper that they do this as mario lemieux no longer exists and they need these resources the rebuild the devastated city. Michael fox actually spearheaded the whole thing real swell guy I tell ya, and james slothface took it upon himself to meet with city officials. At this time even lil manius said we have to do so much to rectify the damage we have caused.outrage sparked in philadelphia as the cross state rivals did not recive any relief and were very loud and vigilant about what they see as a pittsburgh scam. Rightfully so pittsburgehrs are known for treasonous acts and you cant always take them at there word

160 words

4. To me it has to be Manhattan they in theroy have a very strong roster with Thomson and wagstrom and it's a shame they fell short as these 2 are regressing pretty hard now. Maybe they have one more run in them but honestly it's going to be tough. If they can integrate some youth into the roster that's close to peaking in theory they then have a shot. It's going to be a hard road though for these 2 stars to lift there team to a cup without proper help they are no longer the studs they were but they still demand alot of respect and will need to be watched.

117 wo rd ds

3. South America needs a team no questions asked this rich abundant land is missing one thing hockey. Now I know what your gonna say it's way to hot there to have hockey, but is it really? I mean its 2020 and its s56 we can do whatever the hell we want let's put them there it's about time the locals got a taste of the greatest game on earth ya dummys. Fine I know you think it wont work but hear me out think of all the new potential great players we could get from a market that's never seen hockey we can do this.

110 words

16. Confirmation fitted

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

#1. 3 TPE
157 words
Tom Fiddler's season was an improvement in terms of points sort of. Last season was 0-50 and that was pretty terrible. Being a two way player I only netted 11 points which is pretty terrible. This time I got 20, same as my rookie season wherein our team was way better. part of this is playing 1st line minutes with <1200 TPE. Part of this is being deployed rather defensively. This season I only had 1 goal, same as last season. I took a fair number of shots compared to the team (about half of our goal scorers' shots), but only scored once. This is a tremendous failure. I'm getting the opportunity to make a shot on goal, but not generating anything. I'm increasing my shooting accuracy to improve my odds at getting goals from where ever I'm shooting, as well as my shooting range and getting open. Getting open will help me make good passes too.

#3. 2 TPE
138 words
I would love to see an expansion team in another continent, but obviously logistically this represents a challenge. But since everything is virtual, who cares? I would love to see a team in the UK, Sweden, or Germany. These countries have a relatively strong hockey presence (less so for the UK), but also with recognizable cities to attribute a name to. Germany of course is full of working class cities like Munich. The UK has, obviously London which is a popular destination for esports and other virtual teams. But I also really like the UK cities in the north, in the country where good old hockey boys would, in theory, be made. I do not know any of these cities, however. In sweden is also many popular cities in hockey like Helsinki and that town where Midsommar happened.

4. 2 TPE
119 words
The tampa bay barracuda are the best team to not make the finals. it was a big shock for fans and player alike, as things seemed to be doing so well for the team. This season we had infinity times more wins. It seems a real shame we didnt make it to the finals. I think we could give buffalo a run for their money. There was this one time we played buffalo and shots were like 80 to 7 and we only lost by like 8 goals. We didn't actually even make the playoffs come to think of it. Tales will be spun of the "what if"s of tampa's S55 season, but alas the league is against us.

5. 3 TPE
165 words
I think the united kingdom will make another run for the gold this year. last year the united states hilariously started the wrong goalie and got blown the fuck out. This year won't be similar, as the united states is sure to win a medal as they have a stacked team. But we were talking about the united kingdom. There are no departures from the united kingdom yet, and we have added big dick stud James Ronlain of tampa bay fame who will help our 3rd line scoring, especially for yours truly who is down there fucking around and not scoring. The united kingdom has gotten one of each medal in the past 3 seasons which is really cool. I got to collect the whole set on my shelf. This year I am predicting a United states united kingdom finals playing for the gold. The united kingdom will walk away with the dub and the united states can take the silver. Russia will win bronze.

13. 3 TPE
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
Bravery I think is a fairly important stat but i'm not sure to what end. people say it helps you get into tough situations like board battles which are undeniably important. But should it be any higher than, say, 12? Aggression i dont think is all that important, since injuries are off. And obviously fighting does nothing. I think the edge in aggressive behavior wont work well for FHM and is more there for flavor.

d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
I actually really like Hippo Passamus, because its like hippopotamus but instead of potamus, its passimus, which is what he does with the puck when he has it. it is an extremely clever name and I've always been fond of it ever since I saw it in the standings. I dont know which user it is, he's probably not as cool as his name.

e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
A kirby is by far the best animal out of all of these. Kirby has displayed qualities of indestructibility, great intelligence, and an insatiable hunger for souls. Kirby is the most powerful animal in not only the world, but also the entire Nintendo canon. He would consume a sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, or fox in an instant.

16. 3 tpe

16 tpe

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Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2020, 02:38 AM by GeckoeyGecko.)

1: my player, simon takshak, left winger for the Kelowna Knights in the SMJHL was reported to have played 'alright' this season, per one Gabriel Johnson. Doing better by three points than last season, he showed slight improvement in scoring and his advanced stats seemed to be very good. Other players from around the league remarked that Simon Takshak was an excellent possession player for the Kelowna Knights meaning that he held on to the puck for his team. He brought a physical edge once again to the kelowna knights squad, having over one hundred hits for the smjhl team. all in all my player simon takshak had an improved season from the last season with a marginally better game rating, however there is room for improvement next season, his last with the kelowna knights, and last in the SMJHL. I hope that after my final season in juniors i start my SHL career really well

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16: e

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1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My season was one which shows up two faced. My early season was really quite slow. The Vancouver Whalers really struggled as a one line team. Nikiforov, Hartmann, and McMahon really had problems putting goals into the net when they were easily targeted by other teams. As the season went we noticed a lot of our rookies growing and putting in more goals. Nothing helps a top line better than depth scoring. After our losing streak we became the hottest team in the SMJHL in the second half of the season. Nikiforov started potting one in every five shots. He went on a run to move into top 15 in scoring the SMJHL and being with mostly 425 tpe 3rd and 4th year players. Not bad for a sophomore season. Next season Nikiforov will be joining the big boys in the league with a 425 build and will on a Vancouver team with much more depth and talent. Next season I think aiming for 45-50 points and continue my defensive prowess as a center is important. 

[176 Words]

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

Expansions in the SHL are a strange beast. Unlike other leagues the talent drop off seems to be a lot harsher. I think we’ll see Seattle take the first pick with Cassius Darrow and then from there we’ll be left with not much that is top top tier talent. I think we’ll see a lot of good youth, that is active and available, be taken. These will be the depth players on the team. Only a few really good young prospects are available, including Clean Andrei, but we’re not going to see a lot of movers and shakers taken. A lot of what will be done will be trying to establish bottom pairings for the future and players that will try to contribute when the team actually becomes competitive. I think the expansions have a lot of work to do since FHM is not super forgiving and top teams are already cemented. We could be waiting 10+ seasons to see Seattle and Atlanta truly competing. But on top of that there will be very little expected of them in the first 10 seasons. So more time for our GMs to build up a good team. Good drafting outside of the expansion draft will be more important than anything they do in the ExDraft. 

[213 Words]

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?

Well, why not? The biggest hurdle for the NHL is that it would tack long hours of travel onto already arduous schedules for players. The SHL doesn’t have to deal with travel time and it’s affect on players. So why not expand to Europe, Mexico, Asia, or Africa? The more fun brandings and storylines we can create is of paramount priority. I had a team that I used in one of my side leagues called the Alexandria Underworld. Absolutely sick branding with an amazing logo. The team was based in Africa and it was a cool story to write about. Trying to get Egyptians interested in Hockey and coming up with cool designs for stadiums and all that jazz. Why not have fun with it in a fictional hockey league? 

[130 Words]

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I will admit that I haven’t been watching the SHL too much but I would say that it’s easily the Hamilton Steelhawks. Team seems extremely deep. Good scorers, great defense, and the depth is fantastic. I think that Buffalo is just too good at this point. But if I were to wager I would say that the Hamilton Steelhawks/Buffalo Stampede series was the Challenge Cup of this season. I don’t think the Specters will do that well against Buffalo and we’ll be left another fucking win for the Stampede. I am sure we’ll see the Steelhawks deep in the playoffs again next season unless they lose a lot of big pieces quickly. Which sucks because their logo is ass. 

[119 Words]

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?

I am think that UCORCAL in the WJC will really surprise. They added some great youngsters in the S55 SMJHL draft, retained a lot of their depth from the season before, and will see some of their S54 SMJHL youngsters jumping into much bigger roles. Players like Flitterwind and Nikiforov should be moving into top positions. While big guns like Marner, Kostitsyn, Kalashnikov, and van Dijk will continue to put up massive numbers. I don’t think another team in the WJC will have a chance with this rosters top to bottom strength. I think that UCORCAL is going to eviscerate teams on their way to an easy WJC tournament win. They went 10-2 in the 12 game play-ins in S54 and I think there is a chance they go 12-0 in the next tournament. Just too good for the rest of the teams. I think we’ll see some good improvement in a few teams, namely British Isles and Sweden moving forward. But UCORCAL is king. 

[165 Words]

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

The diversity on both the Specters and Stampede makes it easy for them to have fundraising goals that further social justice and help those being maimed and killed unjustly throughout the country. Given their passion for the issues they have not only started taking donations from fans of the teams, but all players have promised to band together and match all donations coming in. On top of that the teams will hold a joint “Baking with the Players” series where the players will participate in a live televised bake-off against each other with the top donators to their cause. Each team will be comprised of a player from each team and a top donator. They will be given tasks to bake strange and interesting concoctions and see who does it the best. They will be judge on taste, presentation, and smell. I don’t know who will win the competition but this may be more exciting than the actual games. 

[159 Words]

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