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JayTee's top 100 Members

This list will exclude the Chiefs because all the Chiefs are #2

100. BBH

BBH is a very funny person. He joined this site when he was like 12 or some shit. His first world problems were amazing like having all these girls talk to him and him being awkward around them. BBH was also a part of the trade that brought me to Tez so that automatically gets a top100 spot. He also has the greatest SHL moment ever where he choked on his on fluids.

99. Carlznerd

Carl once retired from the SHL because Brandon Sutter was gonna be better than Jordan Staal or some shit. That wasn't true so Carl was correct in his assessment. He also had normal and mercenary sex and all that fun stuff. Carl brings the fun and comedy to the SHL so he makes top 100.

98. Inactive Wade

Active Wade would be higher on this list but he isn't active. However, Inactive Wade is better than over 1400 members on this site, including some active ones. Inactive Wade doesn't bring a lot to the table but he is a curly headed fuck and for that he is #98

97. Narconis

I don't really like you, nor do I dislike you. You bring good comedic value and some decent insight. Also your beef with balrog was hilarious.

96. WheelSnipeParty

WSP is one of the reasons I am basically the greatest champion in SHL history. He backstopped 2 of my 6 cups and that is with 2 different players that I had. He made more players than Bill has made multis. Also makes real good sigs.

95. Rehn

Rehn was like a Pens fan or something so he makes #95. Annoying as fuck though.

94. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler the wrestler is amazing. He sells better than everyone I have ever seen and basically has 3.5 to 4.5 star matches all the time. Unfortunately you don't sell at all and haven't had a 4.5 star match. You do make great bowls though, that is for sure.

93. Bomani Jones

Not only is Bomani Jones the best reporter on ESPN's Around The Horn, he is also the top rumor guy in shl. I mean sure he hasn't broken a rumor in like a year but he is still the best.

92. All Latvians that didn't make this list individually

I know some of the Latvians and they are all cool. So I mean if you are latvian and I don't know you, you are probably still cool so you make the list.

91. Leonidas

Don't really know you so that is why you are this high. You like Boy Meets World and was apart of the S1 Jets. So you are okay in my books.

90. Inactive JayMac

The other half of the greatest Duo in SHL history. We just ripped shit up and won 3 cups in 4 seasons. Your ex who was on this site tried hitting on me once.... it was an experience.

89. Ron Mexico

You are the second best player in SHL history. So congrats!

88. Inactive Theo

I really don't remember much about you but I liked you quite a bit as a member. I feel like you have done a lot of good for this league, none of which I remember, but you still did something. So good on ya.

87. Inactive Krever

Easily the best regular season GM and the worst post season GM in SHL history. The fact that the SHL had to find a new way to bring you in the HoF is kind of a joke but whatever that is the SHL. I am happy that I got to say you were my GM for a certain point in time.

86. Inactive Daco

The first person of the Icewolves to make this list. Guy I knew before the SHL existed and glad I got to know ya. You had imo the best pure defenseman in SHL history in Scott Stevens and it would be nice if more people realized this. You aren't around the league anymore but what you have brought to the league as a player was great and I am gladI was the GM that helped you win your last Stevens award.

85. Chris McZehrl

Hey! You made the list! Congrats! I think we can agree you were the worst West Kendall Platoon of all time who complained because you weren't getting top line minutes as a rookie. You also were pretty meh as a GM in LA and consequently got fired. BUT BUT BUT. You are arguably the best Seattle Riot of all time

84. Inactive Skovy

You were, as tez calls it "The Mercenary" of the PMS line. We won 3 cups together and had fun doing it. Weirdly I never really got to know you as a member but we played well together.

83. Inactive Munk

Best person named Navied that I know. That is a fact. You posted funny cat pictures and that became the shl for awhile. You were also really good at nhl.

82. Inactive Idot

Funniest person in SHL history. Your jokes were great and your play in NHL was also very good. I miss you.

81. Turd Ferguson

I don't know you at all but you have been in the league as long as I have. Your first player was a goon but I mean you got an award named after you for your goon abilities. I think you are still around.

80. Inactive Bolt

My favorite inactive.

79. Whik

Do you know I have you on PSN before I knew who you were. I don't know how that happened but whatever. I really don't know you at all except that you had a good avi until you changed it.

78. Gaia

I like your name.

77. Deener

Put the beef behind us which is cool. We don't really mesh personality wise but its whatever. You built the best one off team in shl history in terms of people and talent so I will give you that. You also have pretty good hair.

76. Hallsy

You can be probably the most annoying fuck ever when you want to be. But you get people mad by doing it and it makes me laugh when it doesn't involve me. You snitched on harry though which is bad. Overall a good guy when you want to. I just wish you wanted to more. :lol:

75. Steelhead

Another person I do not know. I am pretty sure you are the guy who didn't have faith in me on team finland and basically snubbed me until people told you to put me on the team. I paid you back with goals so you are welcome. You have done a good job with Finland and Detroit.

74. 91Caleb

I don't know you at all but you are like a lite version of me in the sense that you win a lot. You also seem like one of the most down to earth members of the Renes and don't have that huge of an ego.

73. Fever

Real good knack at making good players. I respect that.

72. Velevra

I can't say your name correctly. I don't respect that.

71. Tut

You are like a leafs fan in a lot of ways. You ramble on about things incoherently and grammatically frustrating. You also make random statements that make no sense (i.e. Secord being a biased Leafs fan). You bring some comedy to the SHL.

70. Underoath

I don't think you like me. I get this vibe as though you don't. But I like you so ya.

69. Mook

You would probably be higher if you didn't say you wouldn't play for the Chiefs and if you didn't make such terrible Writing PTs. But here you are at the lucrative #69.

68. Kylrad

You never respond when I ask you questions on steam and you defected from Crew to join anti-crew. I also thought you would legitimately leave the Stars but then you didn't. Way to make FA boring.

67. Green

Never really talked to you. You seem nice. Ivo Willems is a tremendous player and MLP is a decent show.

66. Coolstar

Again, somone I never really talk to. You were very close to being taken 2nd overall in the draft but ultimately we passed. You like wrestling which is cool and Ben Wong is one of the last great shl players from the glory days.

65. Brandon

Weirdly enough, another person I rarely talked to even though you and Emily were on the Platoon when I was GM :lol: You make arguably the best sigs and banners in the SHL and you have made two fine SHL players. Good guy.

64. Bottas

The trend continues. I have talked to you for a long period of time just once and it was still like 15 minutes. You still seem like a good guy.

63. LV

As a person I really like you. You seem down to earth and friendly. As a GM you can be tough to work with as you are late to respond to pms sometimes and try to take everything you can out of a trade (which I respect). Also you still haven't done your budget which irks me.

62. Prik

Not very vocal in the Jets LR but has one of the best goalies ever. You were the reason we won a cup with the Jets. Again not someone I really know but you seem great.

61. Bojo

As of three weeks ago you probably wouldn't have made the list but now here you are. You are funny and pretty smart. Your regression of Jason Michaels was terrible. Also you made a game which is pretty cool!

60. Patches

Hey bro. That is all.

59. Greebsie

Greebsie is like green but a girl and likes MLP so ya.

58. HFFO

So many players. You had like one or two real good players and then 23 shit players. I also lol'd at you getting pissed off at a draft taking place on November 11th. Your twitter is hit or miss but when it hits, it is good.

57. JNH

Pretty good commish at the junior level. You don't respond to PMs very often which is annoying as a GM. You were my best SMJHL GM.

56. Dion

You are my favorite graphics guy and my favorite Leaf fan. Your turbulent relationship with the team is great as you have shown both the ups and the downs of being a leaf fan. It is great.

55. GoB

You are super hard to trade with but you respond to PMs very quickly which I appreciate. You have made a good team in Seattle. You also have the third best podcast on SHL. So feel good about that!

54. Jorec

You post really good things. They can be thought provoking or they can be hilarious. You are a good guy!

53. Ragner

Not much sweg even though it is in your name. You seem like a chill guy and what you have done with the LAP alongside Wasty has been pretty damn good. Good guy and funny guy as well.

52. Schultzy

Best BoD hire that we have had. You are a real nice dude who PMd me just to see how I was doing. I really respect that. Awesome guy and very easy to work with.

51. Spidey

We had a good exchange with PM titles back and forth. I honestly don't know you that well but you are such a great guy who has done great work for the league. Mad respect to you.

50. 44

Look 44 you are on the list! <3 I didn't like you at the beginning because you were an immature person who said dumb as fuck things. But you were a young immature guy. Now you are a cool guy and one of the best goalies ever.

49. 701[b]

Some times you can be really great. Some times you can be a major shit disturber and all times you can be annoying to one member of another. But you seem pretty nice outside of the SHL persona so that lands you at 49.

[b]48. Deedz

Another guy I wish would have at least tested the FA market this season to at least make it interesting. You have the greatest goalie of all time imo in Brandon Sawyer and it was an honor beating you in your first challenge cup finals :->

47. Balrog

Karpo Group is the better agency and always will be. We know player positions. Sometimes you can be really funny and do a great job and the SHL jobs you have. But your fake tough guy persona is really fucking annoying especially after you snitched to the higher ups about Narconis.

46. Frank

Sometimes you are cool. Sometimes you are a douche. You like Full House and That's So Raven so you are cool with me. You shouldn't try making joke or conflict threads because they flop hard.

45. Lunaro

A lot of the time you are pretty chill and cool. But your OCD about update threads is super annoying and your ebola music is weird as shit. Overall you are a good guy though.

44. DA

DA is the best Penguins fan on this site. I wish he was more active around here because he is a good contributor when he does. He was also apart of my best trade ever as a gm.

43. Ocho

Pretty decent taste in music and a pretty funny guy. I don't know you super well but I know enough to say I don't have anything really bad to say about you which makes this write up short.

42. BigTittySmitty

Pretty cool guy. The way you type with all those added periods makes me think you talk like William Shatner. You will probably go top 3 in the draft which means you have a good chance of becoming a Minnesota Chief next season.

41. Birks

One of my favorite Latvians. The constant dick riding of the Renes has to stop because it is a bad look for both of you because neither of your insults back and forth are good. I like you though and you have the best English for a guy that is learning the language as he goes.

40. Nike

You do a great job with the Rage and I like when you get mad about Boston sports.

39. Syckez

Easily the best player I have ever drafted as a GM. You have become a mainstay in the league and are now a great GM. I love that you took a stand against relocation because those fucks are wrong. Your love for Randy Orton sucks and therefore fuck you.

38. Kitras

You were much higher on this list for a long time. I think you are pretty funny and cool to talk to. But you have taken to this platform of complaining and self indulgence. You complain about podcasts when you do like one or two every three months. Then you made a case for yourself as breakout player and hardest worker. I am all for self indulgence but only when you earn it.

37. Kez

The second best old man on the SHL. You should stick to being smart and wise and not making jokes like the relocation joke because it was just dumb.

36. Tanner

Super riser on the list. In the matter of like two weeks you have gotten here. Mainly because of your love of Daughter. Anyone that loves Daughter automatically gets a high spot.

35. JME

JME is a cool chick sometimes. We fight a lot but we also like eachother. I have mad respect for you.

34. BBP

BBP is love. BBP is life. I like when you are drunk.

33. Dooley

Most successful SHLer I actually believe to be successful. You grow pretty awesome moustaches and you are great at puns. Very punny.

32. Jedi

Another high riser on the list. When I first met you you had a huge fight with JWhy. It was awesome. You are pretty funny except when talking about you bandwagon sports teams :->

31. Otrebor

One day you will be apart of a team I am apart of. It is my goal. You are a really awesome guy and I want to be on a team with you.

30. Duey

Spider-man, Spider-man, does what ever a spider can. Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flys. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOK OUT, HERE COMES A SPIDER MAN.

29. Alex

We bump heads too much for me to put you any higher on this list. You are also a Pats fan so like.... Honestly we think the same a lot of the time but also argue at the same level which can make for some heated as fuck conversations. But if they didn't happen here on the SHL, it would be boring for me.

28. Jogurrta

Someone I don't know well but I know has a love for Daughter so you are 28.

27. Merica

My first real and extensive rival and probably the best rivalry the SHL has ever seen (Sorry Birks and Gorlab vs. Renes) When you get all political and preachy about things I can't stand it and it is annoying but it is your right as a Murican citizen. You are abrasive and brash and I like it.

26. Nate

A year ago you probably would have been top 10 but we haven't talked since crew shut down. Always a funny and cool dude to talk to... even if you came up a little short in the height department. One of the only people I miss from the great crew days.

25. Caillian[b]

Your avi rotator was better before but is still pretty cool. I feel like you get a little too passionate about little shl things but it also brings me enjoyment to see arguments on the SHL site. You are the highest ranked female on the list. Congrats!

[b]24. Jala

This is gonna start a war in the Jala-Caillian household. Jala gets the honour due to longevity of awesomeness. He also gave me the most motivational speech ever. "When life gets you down just remember that your mom didn't suck your friends dick." Those really are words to live by.

23. Haan (Panda)

Haan was my first true great D partner when I was in Edmonton and part of the reason we were so successful and won that cup. He is a great guy to talk to and really nice all around. I have nothing bad to say about the guy.

22. Jesster

Another one of my favorites. The man from buffalo is really down to earth and really friendly. He would of been higher had he bought CoD on ps4 and not fucking steam :D .

21. Jack

I kinda wish you would have posted in the LR more while I was in Winnipeg. Regardless of that you have a very soothing voice that makes watching live sims bearable. You also are just a good dude who does a lot for the league while getting very little of the respect you are due.

20. DPark

DPark is the weirdest person on the site. He asks weird questions on steam, practically lives at Tim Hortons and worked at a quarry. He is also the most swole person in the league and Gorlab envies him for sure. DP makes me laugh especially his videos with Aidan.

19. Byrde

Byrde is easliy my favorite non-crew Renegade on this list. He is hilarious and partook in the first ever drunk rumble. I don't know which one of us lost that but we were both fucked and it was a good bonding experience. Great guy.

18. Buster

Buster is like Alex in that we argue a lot and we get mad at each other. We also can have a good time and stuff and he is a nice guy when he isn't blowing a gasket or being a douche on SHL. Good guy.

17. Lem

A year ago Lem wouldn't have made the list because I was sure he disliked me. But he is a funny guy who is actually pretty nice when he isn't on SHL or in a chatzy. He has the 2nd best pack luck that I know.

16. Maxy

Maxy and I go probably the furthest back of anyone on this site. We played CoD together, played NHL together and found out that Shawn wasn't the father. His end all be all opinions kind of piss me off sometimes but its all good because that is his personality. I also take 8% credit for making an SHL wedding.

15. Kevin Spangle

Spangs is a rich kid and I didn't know this until two weeks ago. Spangs was some weird ginge virgin with no tastes. Now he has tastes. I take full credit for exposing him to the world of Hip Hop and it is nice to see him go out on his own and discover the rap music. This kid is going to go far.

14. Gibby

If DP is the weirdest one on this site, Gibby is number 2. 95% of the time I have no idea what he is saying but that adds to the charm of Gib. He randomly PMs me about awards and songs and Michael Buble and it is nice.

13. Grim

The highest inactive on this list. Grim is a great guy with a weird way of saying hello. I credit Grim with expanding my musical tastes and showing me artists I would not have known otherwise (Laura Marling and Beach House for example). Great guy to talk music with.

12. Wasty

Wasty is equal parts fun and equal parts easy to work with. 50% of the reason he is on this list is because he is a level headed, chill, fun dude to talk to. The other 50% is because he is the same with negotiations. Trade talks are very easy with him and is part of the reason I have made two legit roster trades with him. Cool guy.

11. Leafs

The best GM in the SHL without a shadow of a doubt. He is the Enigma for a reason. He is an old man who was fun to talk with on the TIBFJ podcast. Everyone already knows this guy is great.

10. Harry

A year ago Harry wouldn’t have even been on the list. We legitimately hated each other. We were always at each other’s throats and it wasn’t like fun banter it was truly terrible. But we have both grown up and now instead of being dicks to each other we are dicks to other. Harry is the Gif god but the worst at posting vids because his shit is creep as fuck.

9. Ofer

Ofie is such a cutie. He was a part of two of my favorite crew moments. Number one is when he made spangs believe he was a girl and the other when he admitted he was a girl to me while watching a commercial for one of those late night chat phone things (he accidently forgot to say man but still.) We don’t talk much anymore and he ignores me on steam but still a great person.

8. JP

JP is the Christian version of JT even though he denies it. JP has amazing musical tastes and is pretty fun to talk to. He is a drama faggo but we let it slide. He is up at a cabin right now or some shit cuz family day and is prolly banging away at his Asian girlfriend. He is a dick 40% of the time which is fine by me.

7. Bun

Bun is the first person on the site I considered a pal. He is fucking hilarious and is amazing when drunk. Watching him play PT was great because I was too pussy to do it. He tells funny stories and stories about banging women but when he tells them they don’t sound like bragging. He is also a rich cali kid even though he denies it. Great guy.

6. Keenan

KeeKee was a quick riser for me as well. Probably the nicest person on this site and never really gets into arguments with anyone. He is the best trophy getter on ps4 I know and is a guy I can talk video games with whenever he is around. He also has the most underrated player of all time and an instant hall of famer. Keenan is such a great person to get to know.

5. JWhy

Jwhy is the greatest bust I have ever drafted! He had so much promise and then disappeared. I liked his attitude and his will to win for the time he was here. He now has one of the best goalies of all-time and is a fun guy to talk to. He is very open to when I suggest music for him to listen to. JWhy is basically an open book. What you see is what get. JWhy is super fun and pretty funny when he wants to be. He also knows Moondog so yea….

4. Toast

Toast is my buddy for sure. We are like polar opposites in a lot of things but we seem to get a long very well. We started a wrestling podcast ft the table guy and I had fun with that. Toast and I share a love for Stardust and Spheal. One day we will be on a team together and we will enjoy the fuck out of it.

3. Tezzy

Tez is the legit #1 after the two cop out answers. Without Tez in the league I probably wouldn’t be in the league. We have fun times together and I don’t think we have ever legitimately argued. I do wish he could make decisions for himself from time to time though. He has good musical tastes and a growing vinyl collection. We pretty much like the exact same things. The best guy on the site.

2. Chiefs

Chiefs come in at number 2. I love these guys. Pedro is a great co-gm and should make for a great GM some day. He is very knowledgable and very active. Ty is my bae. ADV is great with lines and a great captain. Secord would have made top 10 alone if he wasn’t on chiefs. Trill’s sock game is on fleek and has the 2nd best Js in the league. Boom can be cool. Banjo is my favorite Chief. Garb is an amazing rookie. Banana is funny. Wilson is a steal. Hauke has been a great pick-up. I love this team.

1. JayTee

I am obviously number 1. If you don’t love yourself you can’t love others. I have arguably one of the top 3 players and one of the top 7-10 defenseman ever made. That is saying something. I also have a pretty eclectic music catalog and am pretty well versed in most sports (Unless you ask Alex). All and all I am obviously #1.

Thanks and fuck you

[Image: i9GZU7qsFDRO1.gif]

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

you can't tell me what to do. I'm gonna grade this now

[Image: 35513_s.gif]
Sigs by Kit, Maxy, Mook, LazyEye, Wasty, Ragnar, Bushito, Frank, 701, Pandar

Player Page | Update Thread
[Image: 263vaqs.png][Image: 8x07c6.png][Image: 2ut59pt.png][Image: s6rdXyK.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Lunaro@Feb 2 2015, 12:49 AM
you can't tell me what to do. I'm gonna grade this now
No I wanna see what he says about me and he said I was like, top 25 or something I don't remember

:lol: Did you even complete the last two? :facepalm:

[Image: 0QGickG.png]

Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

i know who is number ONE :ph34r:

[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

Quote:Originally posted by Schultzy@Feb 2 2015, 01:33 AM
:lol: Did you even complete the last two? :facepalm:

Have I done this before?

Also the facepalm confirms you off the list :D

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Chris-McZehrl@Feb 2 2015, 01:34 AM
i know who is number ONE :ph34r:

Tez will not be number 1 :o

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Feb 2 2015, 10:36 AM

Tez will not be number 1 :o

no. it will be JAYTEE :ph34r:

[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

where i

SHL Head Commissioner S12ish-S27ish
GM Dragons S8 & S9 (Won cups both years)
2x GM Of The Year
5 Time Cup Winner
League MVP

Past Players
[Image: HOF2.png] D - Aidan Richan - [Image: HOF2.png] (S5 11th Overall) Dragons
[Image: HOF2.png] C - Chico Salmon - [Image: HOF2.png] (S17 1st overall)  Renegades

Current Player
D - Chico Smeb (S46)

SMJHL - Drafted 65th Overall by Raptors
SHL - Drafted 23rd Overall by Dragons

Quote:Originally posted by xDParK@Feb 2 2015, 01:38 AM
where i

somewhere between 8 and 94.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Feb 2 2015, 04:36 AM

Have I done this before?

Also the facepalm confirms you off the list :D
I use Shadows NoNav. I'm automatically on the list. o:-)

[Image: 0QGickG.png]

Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

i know i am the number #1531 :ph34r:

[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

Quote:Originally posted by Schultzy@Feb 2 2015, 01:45 AM

I use Shadows NoNav. I'm automatically on the list.&nbsp; o:-)


[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Chris-McZehrl@Feb 2 2015, 01:46 AM
i know i am the number #1531 :ph34r:

There is a 43% chance you make top 100 :o

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Feb 2 2015, 10:48 AM

There is a 43% chance you make top 100 :o

how i can be the #63? Blink

[Image: McZehrl.png]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

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