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PT 1 - Insider Knowledge

One thing about the LR in Vancouver is that it is super positive about the upcoming season. You get the vibe that everyone on this team truly believes that this is their year, which is awesome. When that sort of vibe is around, it makes people more intrigued and more likely to stay active which results in a better team.
When I was drafted the first team member I met was my old friend and current Whalers GM Adam. It's is super exciting that I will be able to be on the same team as him again.
Another thing I noticed is the amount of people involved in conversation in the LR. Current players and alumni alike are all active and always talking. I think this shows how much people love the team and the atmosphere.
All in all, the first 24 hours since being drafted has been a blast. I feel lucky to be able to go to the team that was number one on my list.

168 Words

It was an honor to be drafted by the Colorado Raptors and just want to thank them for using a pick on me, means alot for them to put their trust and patience into my abilities. When i first walked into the locker room a heavy rookie presence is what i sensed and became bus with a few guys on the team. Having some friends in the locker room only makes the season easier and more fun. Later i met some of the veteran presence which will help me mature as a player and hopefully add to my success in this league. The locker room looked awesome and throwing on my colors of the Raptors was an awesome feeling. Nothing too crazy yet as far as crazy rituals or things of that nature, just enjoying my first days in the league and learning everyday. I'm sure ill develop my own side in the locker room and hopefully become a really important member to the team. (165 words)

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Usa Raptors[Image: Rq2Dtaw.png][Image: PPpK5xb.png] Raptors Usa

So I was not able to make it to the draft due to a flight delay, so I really had no idea what was happening. I did receive a text from 'STL GM' welcoming me to the team, so I had at least that sense of relief that I had been drafted and to a good team!

However, I had no knowledge of anything else that had gone on, so when my plane finally got in, and then I had to catch a late connection to St. Louis, and hopped a cab directly from the airport to the rink where everyone was gathering. Since I was late, a lot of people were already there, and pretty far into the booze. I was accosted immediately by some drunk guy who I had no idea what he was saying as he was slurring a lot but he seemed happy. I found out later it was coach Blues, so I hope he doesn't remember me shoving him away when he started getting a bit handsy.

Anyway, I manage to escape him and look over and there is Lil Manius standing there! Holy shiitake mushrooms! My first thought was that the Scarecrows must have made a trade for another 1st round pick, so I went to congratulate him, as I know he is a great guy and will be a great player. He seemed a bit pissed off tho, and then I found out he had fallen to 4th round! Wow! I could see why he was choked but at the same time, great for us!

Then I got caught up on all the shenanigans that had gone on, found out we got Nicky Pedes also, and Adam Taylor! All guys I thought would be high picks! Then I got to meet some of the other rookies, guys I might not have had a chance to learn about or meet before the draft, and some of the alumni who were hanging around, some guys who were coming back for a second or even third season

ALl in all, it was fun, we ended up hanging out until quite late, but then GM JK came in and yelled at us that training camp would start at 8 AM so we better get some sleep!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Going into the draft I knew that the Colorado Raptors were interested in me, they had sent me messages saying they were. I also knew that they took pride in having one of the best locker room experiences. Even after one day in the locker room and being part of this organization I can tell that this is one of the best locker rooms in the league, don’t @ me. In all seriousness upon joining I was welcomed with open arms. Every question I have had has been not only been answered, but they have been described in detail about how it works. For example, I didn't know that I could do activity checks to get free TP that has been a huge help. They have also helped me with my build and becoming the best player that I can be. It truly has been an honor to be apart of the Colorado Raptors and I am looking forward to my first season, and potential championships.
(165 Words)

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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)


Getting drafted by the Falcons is an experience. The second I left the draft floor, I felt myself get grabbed and an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I jerked my head to the side to the grinning image of Wolfhard Richter, directing me to the (temporary) locker room and speaking so fast I could barely tell he was breathing. “I told them we should take you,” he said chuckling to himself, “but they already had you on their mind.” Walking into the locker room, everybody immediately greeted me as a team, whooping and hollering. So much different from my experience in U-16 hockey, the room buzzed with a vibrant, nervous energy. But nothing brought the room together quite like pick 62, when Colorado tried to claim me.


“He’s ours!”

The whole team was up in arms, and there’s no better feeling. Coming in and having a group ready to defend you at a moment’s notice—that’s how I knew I was going to the right place.


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(This post was last modified: 07-10-2018, 12:11 AM by HoldenKenne.)

The one thing that is apparent when walking into the locker room of the Halifax Raiders is the winning mentality. Ever since I was drafted, there has been non-stop talk about how this franchise is going to be the next dynasty. GMs told us they were shocked that the draft class fell so far so that they were able to draft us. I'm confident that this team can become a contender soon

Another thing about the Raiders is the history. One of the most coveted locker room trophies is the Jock Strap of Champions. Basically, if a Raider is the first star of the game, he wears the jock strap until it is passed on to someone else in the same manner. The strap must be worn at all times (except in the shower, lest the history be washed out). It has not been washed since the team's inception. On an unrelated note, what are some cheap STD clinics in Halifax?

Lastly, I learned that I am the team's only Finn, so international play will be a bit daunting, knowing nobody on the team.

184 words
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2018, 02:51 AM by NateAndStuff.)

When St. Louis selected me with the 39th pick in the SJMHL Draft, I was ecstatic. All of my hard work was paying off. I would have been happy playing for any team, but I really wanted to be a Scarecrow. A pre-draft interview I had with the front office helped me realize that St. Louis would make the perfect launch pad for my professional career.

That opinion was only reinforced upon entering the locker room for the first time. Most of the team had already made themselves at home by the time I arrived. Everyone was extremely welcoming. We all talked about our goals and management began going over their plans for us. Here, everybody is on the same page. That page is winning. Obviously that’s always the goal for a competitive team, but this is different than anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s very professional and seems to flow like a well-oiled machine.

Something that seems to help facilitate this type of culture is the alumni. They’ve been incredibly helpful, especially to us rookies. These guys haven’t played here in years, but they still bleed straw. The pride and dedication they show for their time here is contagious. It really makes you feel like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.

On a lighter note, something I’m learning is that taking a little time to unwind helps keep you fresh. I overheard Goku Muerto and Nicholas Williams talking about Xbox the other day and SHL 18 came up. Now I don’t like to brag, but I might be better at schell than real hockey. We’ve been playing a lot after practice. In case you’re wondering, Muerto might be slightly better than Williams, but that’s only because he always plays as the highest-rated teams. Both of them should stick to real hockey though, but don’t tell them I said that.


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Montreal has been a great experience so far as I expected but the locker room got a little weird once the high of the draft wore off.

Pavel Pivonka and Mason Hudson do everything together which I find a little weird. They even shower together. Look, it’s 2018. I don’t judge. But sometimes you just need a little time to yourself. I guess they don’t though.

Coach has an unhealthy obsession with Blake Lively. Like, there are posters of her up in the locker room and all along the boards. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong. She’s a lovely girl. I don’t want to spread rumors but I believe he is campaigning for a rebrand so we will be known as the Montreal Livelys. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

The overall confidence in the locker room is high. We really think we have a shot this season. Obviously we need to control our expectations and not get our hopes up but with the chemistry we currently have, the sky is the limit.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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Walking into the arena for the first time was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Day one of training camp and fans are already lining up, cheering us on as they greet us. People say that Montreal is a hockey city and that the pressure's immense, but I wasn't expecting it to begin this quickly. I try to pay attention to what everyone is saying, but it's clear that apart from upping my game, I'm gonna need some French lessons. Tabarnak.

We have a good mix of vets and rookies in the locker room. I'm glad to be able to help out where I can, but the breadth of knowledge these guys has is going to be a huge help for my development. I've realized quickly that if I want to fit in, I have to rock a ton of Militia gear all the time. Not that I'm complaining, they gave us a bunch of stuff right off the hop and I'm proud to show what team I'm a part of.

There's a mix of guys from across the world meaning that there's usually someone around to talk to. Some of those Europeans still haven't seem to gotten used to the time change of Montreal, so if you can't sleep, guaranteed there's someone with you.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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I've never been the type to make a grand entrance. My stomach wanted all contents out of it, but I wasn't sure which end they were going to come out of. I took one more deep breath before getting to the doors, and stepped into the unknown as one of the "new guys" of the Militia locker room.

The first thing I'm greeted with is the front office staff welcoming me the second I step foot inside. They took my bag, set it up in front of my locker stall (!) and essentially walked me through everything I needed to know. It was so much information. It's still so much information! The crash course ends and they go on their way, leaving me awkwardly sitting in the room with strangers.

I casually look around, trying not to show the fear that's boiling inside of me when I notice something strange.

Everybody seems to have a nickname on their lockers involving the word "bae."

Was this some sort of initiation process I was late too? Perhaps an inside joke between vets? I look up at my nameplate: "Wormster"

Well at least that's something familiar I can cling on to.

As I settle in and start loading in my final personal items I catch a glimpse of a pretty blonde girl on a locker stall. And then I notice her on the wall. And the ceiling. that Blake Lively? She's everywhere. Come to think of it, the GM was wearing a shirt with her face on it! Is she our mascot? Does her son play for us? Does she even have a son?

I sit down and try to collect my thoughts and wonder what I got myself into. "I'm here to play hockey.", I mumble to myself. "I can worry about being Blakes "bae" later..."

First off I'd like to thank the management of the Scarecrows for drafting me. It's an honor to play for such a great organization and a wonderful leadership group. Coming off a 20+ season Hall of Fame Career, I had high expectations for Nicky Jr.'s stock heading into the draft. After falling to 31st it is evident that nothing is a given in this league, you have to go out and Earn it. Which is ironic since it is the theme of what the Crows have plastered all over the Locker Room - EARNED NOT GIVEN. It was a humble reminder, and motivation for making each and every GM regret that they passed on me in the draft. After seeing the LR for the first time, I ran into Lil Manious, who ran into a similar situation as I did, falling way down the draft board, with aspirations of being drafted in the 1st round. We talked about how it's great to be in ST. Louis, and how we will both be out to prove everyone wrong, but were a bit sad to find out that Otis Driftwood was being called up to Calgary this season. It's a damn shame because we heard some crazy stories in Training camp about Otis, it would have been nice to see if these stories were true or just complete bullshit. Time to go Earn the cup.

232 Words

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I start to get nervous as I approach the players entrance. What are the other rookies going to be like? Will I fit in? I'm stoked to have been drafted and to be lucky enough to be picked up by Anchorage in their inaugural season after the relocation is the just the icing on the cake. It doesn't calm the nerves though.

Robert Lokitonov greets me as I come through the door. "Welcome! Welcome! Did you get much sleep after all the excitement yesterday? I guess not." I don't even get to answer before he's striding down the hallway towards the locker room. Pictures of former alumni line the corridor. A fair few have plaques stating teams they went on to become general managers of. 

The boss is impatient with my gawking and hurrys me along. "Quick you are late. To be strong we must bond and we will be strong this year!" He stops abruptly and I can hear the faint pulse of music. "Go and enjoy yourself with the other draftees. Oh I almost forgot, here is your glock." He pulls a pistol from the waistband of his suit and pushes it into my hand before turning heel and stalking off down the hall. I hastily stuff the gun into my trouser pocket before anyone sees it.

The locker room doors burst open and a cacophony of noise follows. Jax Aittokallio tumbles through the door "fuuuck that dude, no way, no fucking belly buttons." He isn't speaking to me and heads back the way I came. I push open the door and witness chaos reigning supreme. Chumbawumbas 'the good ship lifestyle' is blasting out of a boom box on the floor. Jonatan Bäck is whirling an enormous Swedish flag jockstrap above his head, yelling incoherently and waving his gun around with his free hand. I think I catch sight of Tucker Baloo smelling the wall but have to make a hasty retreat toward the head as Bäck sweeps the gun in my direction.

I round the corner into he bathroom and swear I can hear someone singing in the shower when Eero Niemi emerges from he toilet. He's wearing a biscuit costume. I think I'm going crazy "what the hell is going on?" Eero ponders the question then replies "the say smooth seas don't make a good sailor" which quite frankly doesn't make any sense at all. He pulls what looks like a long piece of jerky from an unknown pocket "dried monkey penis?" "nah mate, I'm fine thanks".

I excuse myself and make a beeline toward the ice passing Ryan Mason who is butt naked in the shower ducking and weaving while belting out "one fist of iron, the other of steel if the right one don't get you then the left one will". I pass the stick rack and drop down on the bench to collect my thoughts. What an absolutely mental introduction to the team. Some has carved WHAT WE STAND FOR: GUNS, PATROL AND STOPPING PIRATES into the bench and I can't help but crack a smile. Rhyme and reason has well and truly sailed on these shores but I wouldn't have it any other way.

532 words....  Undecided

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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(This post was last modified: 07-11-2018, 02:08 PM by bamba1jl.)

My experience so far in the Anchorage locker room has been great. There isn’t a better place for players to launch there careers into the SHL right now. Between the players and alumni, they have more SHL GMs in the locker room than any other team. The wealth of knowledge in the locker room really shows up when there is talk over how to develop the younger players. The collaborative effort to come up with the perfect way to develop is like watching a well oiled machine.

Another subject that comes up a lot obviously is the rebrand from the St. George Firebirds. While there was a little push back, from what I’ve seen it sure seems like the majority are completely on board and excited to kick the season off in Anchorage. It doesn’t hurt that we now have the best jerseys in the SMJHL in my humble, unbiased opinion.

151 words

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