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SMJHL PT 6 - Bonus

Part 1: Come up with the parameters for a brand new PT. Must be hockey related, include a written and a graphic's option, and require enough effort to be worth 4 TPE. 

The SHL is looking to expand its operations overseas. The Commissioner has called for proposals for a new team. 

Written: In a minimum 150 words, write a proposal for a new SHL team (outside of North America). Include a location, team name, mascot, and arena name. Mention how the 'flavour' of the city you've chosen will add to the success of the team. 

Graphic: Create a logo for your proposed team. OPTIONAL: Add the logo to a jersey. 

Part 2: Complete either the written or graphics component of someone else's PT idea. 

In a minimum of 100 words describe the highlight moment of your season, a play/goal/fight/ect. @CanadianDuck

The highlight moment of my season has to be the last few days of the sim. Everyone was excited to be so close to the playoffs after a disheartening start to the season. We had finally strung a few wins together and momentum was building. Not only that, but our locker room was buzzing - everyone was glued to the index, refreshing by the second. The second last day gave us some hope, as we pulled within a couple points of squeaking into the playoffs. The last day was nerve-wracking as everything depended on those last two games. Although we ended up missing the playoffs by tie-breaker, it was amazing to see the team come together at the end. Winning games is important, but I'll never forget the sense of community I felt in that last week. The roller-coaster of emotions was exhilarating, and I can't wait for what the next season has in store for our young team.

[Image: ThatIrishFellow.gif]
[Image: SMJHL-Scarecrows.png]
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(This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 06:41 PM by DannyMethane.)

Part 1:

Written: Junior Hockey is all about road trips and the friends you make along the way. In at least 200 words, share your favorite road trip story from this past season. This could include favorite dive bar you ate at, monuments you stopped at, or embarrassing another team in front of their home crowd.

Graphic: Create a graphic of your teams tour bus. Must include team logo and a motto of some sort.

Part 2: @ThatIrishFellow

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(This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 11:48 AM by JURT.)

Part 1
Dreams of Hollywood

The life of a hockey player is full of twists and turns, and those combined with your flourishing imagination gave you the perfect idea for a movie/TV show.
Written option: In 200 words or more, make a brief summary of the movie of serie you wrote. You can also describe an over-arching plot over many movies or seasons of your show. Be sure to tell us what event inspired it!
Graphics option: Create a poster for your movie or show. You have to mention that it was inspired by a real story!

Part 2
Player Fusion

LeShaun @King and Pierre Laroche-Durocher, of the Halifax Raiders, are very like-minded men of the ice; they have the same interests, the same attitude, the same values. On the ice, however, there could hardly be two players with more differences between them. Since it's going a long and slow off-season, let's take this time to dwelve into a fantasy world where both men are fused into a single player, and see what we get.

First, let's see what King brings to the table. The first pick of this last SMJHL draft and projected first pick of the upcoming SHL draft is straight up gold. He isn't the strongest, sure, but has every other quality: he can skate, pass, dangle and most of all possesses a devastating shot, while still being a very defensively responsible center.

PLD is quite the opposite. Also projected to go high in the SHL draft, he's the titanium. He's strong and resilient, a rock-solid defenseman who will crush is opponents whenever he gets the occasion, and yet he can manage to put up a decent amount of points.

What would we get if the two of them were fused as one? Gold-titanium alloys have many different uses, and mostly take the place of either of the components when it is not strong enough. Just so, King and PLD would fuse into a super-player, who could basically do everything from any position: he'd block a shot, hit the man taking the rebound, skate the puck to the other end, deke everyone and score effortlessly. It is not surprising then that the most famous use of a titanium-gold alloy is nothing less than Iron-Man's suit.

[Image: lespoils.gif]

Part 1

Written: Create a Rookies vs. Send-downs Super Series team, similar to the Siper Series that (kind of) happened in S19. In 150 words, explain why you chose the players that you did choose for one of the teams.

Graphic: Create a Super Series poster, including info on one top player for each team (Rookies vs. Send-downs).

Part 2
Write about your living situation during the season

Being from the great country/region of Czezhoslovakia, I had to move down to Montreal to be able to play hockey in the SMJHL this season. I was excited at first, as I believed that this meant that I would get to stay in a hotel in the city for the whole year, but apparently that was a little bit too expensive for my family’s tastes. I was sent to live with a billet family in Montreal and it was a little bit difficult, as I knew approximately zero French and they knew, surprisingly, very little Czech. We met in the middle a little bit, as everyone involved knew at least a little bit of English. Aside from the language barrier, I can’t complain too much as the food was good; the location was great (for both proximity to the rink, as well as to the downtown area). Overall, living with my billet family in Montreal was a very fun and interesting time!

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[Image: ffBCCRQ.png]


Part 1: Bake Sale

Written Option: Your team is hosting a bake sale at the community center to raise money for local schools. In 150 words or more, describe what kind of treats you might have made, or what your teammates would be bringing to the table.

Graphics Option: Design the menu for the bake sale, include prices, names for the food items and which teammate is responsible for putting it up for sale.

Part 2: A day as a team owner. You have just taken over a team in the SMJJ(Junior Junior)HL and your first task is to relocate and rebrand them. Pick the city, team name and colours. Explain why that city and why that logo, any connections to the city? (By King)

First of all, I'd be trying to take over Anchorage Armada and get them out of Alaska. Why they are in Alaska I don't know??? But I would get them outta there and move them to Atlanta. Their name would be the Atlanta Justice, and it would feature a tiger face on the logo that's in blood red primary color and the secondary color would be black. Their name would be the Atlanta Justice to represent the badass, hardcore lifestyle that is prevalent in Atlanta and the logo would be a red and black tiger because it gives the team a sense of ferocity and passion, and the blood red and black colors would accentuate the mean, savage look of the logo. The tiger, colors, and name would heavily contribute into the culture that I would try to be developing as owner of the Atlanta Justice, and I would be trying to build the team in the direction that represents the fierceness and ruthlessness that the city embodies in their culture.

171 words

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

Part 1:
Written Option: Mascots are a fun part of the crowd at games. Design a mascot for your team and describe what they look like, how they act, their name, etc. (150 words)

Graphics Option: Create a graphic of your team either unveiling the mascot to the world or what the mascot looks like.

Part 2:
Written: In a minimum 150 words, write a proposal for a new SHL team (outside of North America). Include a location, team name, mascot, and arena name. Mention how the 'flavour' of the city you've chosen will add to the success of the team. 

If you're going to be expanding the SHL outside of North America why not start at one of the furthest places you can get: Moscow, Russia. Sure Russia already has it's own hockey league but that also means they've already got the infrastructure and fans that love hockey. Go big or go home is what I say. Anyway, we got to give this team some life, I'd probably give them a really simple name like the Moscow Reds and their arena would be affectionately called "The Mausoleum". Not the kind of place a visiting team, especially one that has to travel almost all the way around the world, wants to be heading into. The mascot would probably be something like the Cincinnati Reds mascot, except it would be a hockey player with a puck for a head and a big-ass twirly mustache but hopefully with a less creepy expression on his face. All signs point to a team that opponents would be dreading to see on their road schedule.


Part 1: Escape Room

You and 4 teammates are trapped in a room and must solve puzzles and find clues in order to escape in 1 hour. What would each teammate (including yourself) take on as a task in order to ensure you get out on time? Describe each person's role in the escape and how you managed to get out (if you did!). The more descriptive the better! (150 words or more)
Graphics option: Create an image showing a moment in the escape, showing yourself and 4 teammate's renders either solving clues, getting out, or just generally working together while trapped.

Part 2: Highlight of the season (CanadianDuck)

Until the very end of the season, it was looking like the highlight of the season was going to be the time I spilled nachos on myself in the press box and it was shown on the jumbotron, but in a desperate move to try and make the playoffs, I started the last two games of the season. Unfortunately we missed but my highlight came in my first ever start in the SMJHL, against the Detroit Falcons. Late in the first, the Falcons make a final rush up ice. Breaking into the zone on the left side, Passamus shoots high but it misses the net wide. I thought I was safe but it takes an insane bounce off the stanchion and lands right on the tape of Aleksandrovia on the opposite side of the net! I was completely caught off guard but in a desperation move i stacked my pads and slid right, making the save with the blade of my skate. The crowd roared and continued cheering until the period ended, and I was met at the bench with many high fives and pats on the back. Looking forward to many more nights like that, and a great highlight of my first season!

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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Part #1:
Written Option: Write in 150 words or more about your most exciting experience during your rookie season. This can be made up or a real experience you had in the sim/locker room/media/etc...

Graphics Option: Put together a graphic showing your most exciting experience during your rookie season. This can also be a real or made up experience.

Part #2
Describe your living situation during the season. Are you living with a billet family, teammates, your own family? How is this affecting your preparation for games? (150 words)

Thankfully I had family in Anchorage which definitely helped me decide to sign here. I was able to move in with my cousin in his 3 bedroom house in the Campbell Park area. It has been a pretty chill arrangement so far. It is just my Cousin and I living in the house with our 2 pit bulls. I would say that it helps in preparation for games because i know that at the end of the day if we are staying in Anchorage i am going to be with Family and people I know whereas others on the team don't have that luxury. Juniors can be rough on guys if they end up in a spot far from home, so I am happy to have Family close by to help me get through being so far from home. Also I would say my nutrition has probably been effected the most. A billet family likely wouldn't allow the late night runs to Taco Bell breaking curfew for some nacho fries haha

[Image: mTgAyCs.png]

Part 1

Written Part: The Playoffs have started and All-Stars line is going to take place. Make your own All-Star line and explain why you picked who ever you picked! (150 Word)

Graphics Part (Optional): Make a Line with all the players pictures!

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

Part 2 
Task: Doing Their Job For Them
The league has asked the team if they could have their rookies go around town and do the jobs of the locals to help familiarize the city with the new rookies, while also building up the brand of the team and league.
In at least 150 words, write about at least three jobs that you and your teammates did while helping out the locals of the city. Examples include helping out at a restaurant, delivering newspapers around town, ect.

Answer: Helping Town is important, and that is why we in Detroit decided to go around city to find jobs to help the city! We also decided to split into 3 groups so we can do it more effienctly!

1st group went the local mall and asked if we could do some jobs there and they did gave us jobs!
We had to clean the mall from trash and dirt, We restocked some of the stores supplies and We also did some Cashier work!

The 2nd group went around asking jobs from restaurants. After bit of a search they got some little things from local company! In there they cleaned floors and served food! The customers were really happy to see their favorite rookies helping the town!

The last group went to the City Hall! They gave them some equipment and told to clean around the city from bigger trash so it wont be so bad! After they finished the hard work the City hall gave them real feast! The boys must have loved it!

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

Part 1: 

The off season is fast approaching for all and already here for some. After a hectic and demanding year in the J players will be looking forward to their summer break. 

Written task (150 words):

Describe something you got up to on your break, could be your favourite meal that only your mum can cook right, your home gym workout or somewhere you went on holiday.

Graphical task: 

Lets see a picture of your player enjoying their time off, could be fighting bears in the back garden for conditioning, sitting around the table with your family or relaxing at beach with cocktail in hand. The choice is yours.

Part 2:

Written: In a minimum 150 words, write a proposal for a new SHL team (outside of North America). Include a location, team name, mascot, and arena name. Mention how the 'flavour' of the city you've chosen will add to the success of the team. 

This is an easy one for me. The new team would be based in London, United Kingdom and be named the London Royals. American football already has a sizeable following in the United Kingdom and I don't see why hockey couldn't emulate that. On top of that the local league is absolute rubbish so the competition for fans would be next to none. For the Arena we'd demolish the houses of parliament and build our new stadium with Big Ben as the centrepiece giving the the arena its name 'Massive Clock Dome'. Westminster station is right next door so public transport access is already available and the west end is only ten minutes walk away allowing fans to enjoy restaurants and bars after the game. Our mascot would be a huge fifty pound note to symbolise what a colossal waste of money the monarchy is and our renowned ability to take the piss and stiff upper lips would allow us to weather the inevitable poor early seasons to set us up for future dominance.

(174 words)

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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[Image: wMGKypg.png]

Part 1: Come up with the parameters for a brand new PT. Must be hockey related, include a written and a graphic's option, and require enough effort to be worth 4 TPE.

Regular Season Retrospective
All seasons are filled with highs and lows, but it's important to remember how those good memories make one feel:
- In 150 words or more, reflect on the moment where you felt the most elated during this passed regular season.
- In a series of (4) gifs (or other graphics) create a story board which illustrates that euphoric feeling that only playing hockey at a high level can provide.

Part 2: Complete either the written or graphics component of someone else's PT idea.

158 words

In 150 words or more, describe a typical post-game ritual you and your team go through after winning a game:
Well this one really comes down to a number of different factors: are we home or on the road? What does our schedule look like? i.e. are we on the first night of a b2b? All of these questions determine how "in one" we get. Also...single guys and the married men celebrate on two different levels, if you know what I mean. That being said, after the last game of the season, every one cut a little too loose, given we won the league and earned a one-week bye. AKA recovery time. After getting home, the boys went out in a big way. We tore up Vancouver--running in to fans where ever we went. And we went a lot of places: steaks (and drinks) at Gothams; we tore of the d-floor (and the bar) at The Roxy; and we had a couple night caps down at the No. 5 Orange, where we met a couple very nice ladies.

Part 1:
Writtings - Write 150 or more words about Your team traditions - before and after games, how You celebrate teammates birthday, describe team building events on Your team or how You spend free time with teammate.

Graphics - create picture, how would You decorate a cake for Your team's coach birthday.

Part 2:
Writting Option: You have to imagine that it is off-season and your player has ended money for living. You have to write atleast 100 words where your player is going to earn money.

Helmuts Akmenlauks regular season has ended, because of that his bank account is not very satisfied. So he needed to do what big boys do after training – go to the normal people job. He didn’t have many opportunities, because he has regular trainings. Only available positions were sale assistant in a grocery store or happy employee in the tastiest restaurant for busy people and students – McDonald’s. Helmuts is not afraid to work hard, so he decided to be McDonald’s employee. To be honest, he chose that, because the salary is better than at the grocery store. Now in his free time Helmuts is selling French fries, Big Macs, diabetes and aterosklerosis. But not for long –regular season will start soon and Helmuts hopes that he would not be a rookie anymore.
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2018, 09:13 PM by RomanesEuntDomus.)

Part 1

Isn't it great to have a locker room with people you get along with, a Discord channel where you can hang out and have fun with likeminded people, or ask some questions to the more experienced members whenever you want to learn more about the mechanics of the league and it's history? Well screw all that, today is about meeting new people! Pick three people from a different team that you haven't interacted with so far. Next, click on this link: Not happy with the result? Alright, you get two re-rolls, but then you gotta go with it. You have a random topic, you have three people you don't know (yet), now give me 150 words or a beautiful graphic about what happens next and how the four of you are dealing with whatever Wikipedia has thrown at you!

Part 2

Player Fusion! A mad scientist has created a machine that will fuse you with one other player. Pick one player and fuse your strengths and weaknesses together. Describe the resulting player, his name, and his build/style of play. Graphics, draw your fused player. (Credit to @King for the idea)

'Oh ha ha ha, please... You call yourself a mad scientist? Fusing a mere two players together, a puny endeavour drawn up by the mind of a simpleton with no vision, no... creativity. No sir, no... We are going for something much bigger. What if I were to tell you that this machine you created could do so much more, if only operated by an enlightened mind with the right ambition and none of these... inhibitions that hold you back at every opportunity. Oh alright then, don't look at me like that, I will tell you. I'm not going to fuse two players into one, no, I'm gonna take an entire line of players and make them one. Even more raw power, even more potential, even more versatility... And I already know the perfect ingredients for this little project.

Philipp Winter - We are starting with this young specimen, a skill player as they say, a sniping winger. I for one am not so impressed but I do have to admire his perserverance. Mr. Winter has been a guest in my catacombs for months now and unlike so many before him, he hasn't decided to... check out yet. This kind of tenacity, this willingless to hold on to pure life no matter how big the pain - this is exactly the kind of vessel I need, a mere husk to fill with the essence of more impressive volunteers. One of these will be Sulak O'Hritea who doesn't just add pure physical strength and more goalscoring ability from the wing, but also his unique ranting skills that are unmatched in this league. Next up we have Cedric Robinson. Yes, our Franken-line will also have a goaltender mixed in and Robinson is the perfect choice. He is good at stopping pucks but maybe even more skilled at telepathy - as showcased at the draft were he telepethically convinced the Colorado Raptors GM to select him even though he had already been picked rounds before. Next up we will need two defensemen and here, I have decided to go with a duo from the same team: Craig Finley and Pierre Laroche-Durocher. The fact that they are playing for the same team means that their bodies and minds are already synchronized, which will make this transition into one much easier. Also, I like hats and from what I have heard, Finley can provide those. Well, my friend? What do you think of this fine selection of players that I intend to strip of their physical limitations and merge into one gigantic specimen?'

'What I think?' The man who had been listening quietly for the last few minutes while standing next to his invention tried his best to sound unimpressed. 'I think that you have lost your mind and also the ability to count. This isn't a line. you are still missing a player, and maybe the most integral one at that. You are missing a Center.'

'Yes and no my friend, yes and no. You are correct but at the same time, you couldn't be more wrong.' For a split second the man next to the machine thought that he heard a whiffing sound. followed by the ever so slightest stinging sensation in his left upper arm. 'But my Center is already here. In fact, you know him better than anyone else.'

It was little more than a tingling that he felt in his legs. Then Leshaun King's world went black.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2018, 09:21 PM by HoltzFan10.)

Accidental post

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!

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