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Jon Forty-One Interview

[Hello. This is roughly 5640 words long and is about quite a few things but mainly the upcoming draft in the SHL so x2 media. I hope you all enjoy]

Just a starting disclaimer before this begins. Jon Forty-One's opinions are not always mine and I play up things for media sake. So please do not get offended if you take anything to heart because that is not me out of character. Any compliments I give are 100% fake and false :^). But in seriousness Jon is just being Jon. So you have been warned. I hope you all enjoy this long piece of media. Decided to post it as one big one rather than break it up too.

So for this interview we are in an unknown location but the set up of the interview stage is basically what it always looks like. A green screen in the background with a small coffee table in the middle of two pitch black and ultimately comfy looking leather chairs. Usually at this point I would have the interviewer who is in the left hand sided leather black chair say how the interview was starting and bring out Jon Forty-One but this is a bit of a unique set of circumstances because Jon Forty-One is already in his chair but has a distance stare to him. Borderline Vietnam post traumatic stress disorder style. He is eager to get this interview for media over and done with but he does not have the focus at the moment. The interviewer decides to begin though after a few moments.

The Interviewer: Well, hello there and welcome to another off-season interview with err...I will just say your Simulation Hockey League team to make sure I do not get on your bad side...The Minnesota Chief right forward player, Jon Forty-One. This interview will cover the upcoming drafts in both parts of the interview. The major and the minors draft with Jon's honest thoughts and quite possibly even touch the results of play-offs and world championships. Buuut I think we need to get rid of the elephant in the room and discuss the drama of the trade that found you from moving from the Vancouver Whalers to the Halifax Raiders, one of your rivals. So please, talk to me about anything and everything to do with it.

Jon Forty-One: … He literally stays silent and does not even make eye contact. It is unclear if he even was listening to a word his interviewer was saying to him just now.

The Interviewer: Umm...Jon? Earth to major Jon? Are you with us right no--

Jon Forty-One: Why? Just...I have so much to say it is borderline draining at this point and all I can really say now is...Why?

The Interviewer: Why what exactly?

Jon Forty-One: I...Why does everything bad happen to me? I need to explain to everyone some fucking things and I just do not care how long it actually takes...I am Jon Forty-One! Mr. Forty-One of my cult. A chosen member to don a number. Chosen to represent our family in whatever gifted talents I have been given and that for me was Ice Hockey. I cannot stress to you people how hard I worked in a shitty place in Scotland to make sure I got to the Simulation Hockey League in the first place. We have multiple sports players. To name a few others of note, we have a chef, a successful musician, a wrestler, a poker player, it just fucking goes on and on. Ones you people may know well are Laszlo Forty-Two, the scary Wide Receiver dude in the National Simulation Football League and in Pro Baseball Experience we have Jose Forty-Three.

Not that any of you would care but we all have high hopes of doing well. Did you know I started before them? Yet I was not the first one of us to be captain. I entered the Simulation Hockey League with insane optimism and an upbeat respectful attitude. A fucking positive attitude. I am sure no-one wants to hear me go on about my draft again but I was lied to a lot by the vast majority of fucking General Managers in the major leagues. They were all interested in picking me up...Fucking horse shit they were. They did not believe in me and why because they were too fucking lazy to do the scouting job?! They picked dead players walking over me!? Maybe they are all just deaf or fucking stupid...

That...Broke me. Watching every team mate I had on the Vancouver Whalers be happy they made 1st round when that is all I wanted. I was not even Minnesota's fucking first selection...Of course that made me angry and for most of you that is what you know about me. I then made a revenge list I plan on doing to every other team in the Simulation Hockey League past the New England Wolfpack and Manhattan Rage.

But last play-offs I finally proved it. I was good. I was useful for the Vancouver Whalers. I could have made myself a legend with them. Screw doing that in the major leagues, I could make a difference to my team in minors...

The Interviewer: Forgive me for interrupting you right now but...You know I am supposed to be interviewing you right now and I cannot help but notice you are just venting right no--

Jon Forty-One: You shut your mouth or I will beat you to an inch of your life! I waited enough fucking weeks to get this out and you will bloody listen! When I am done you can speak!

The Interviewer: O-oh! Okay t-then! Sorry!

Jon Forty-One: Now, where was I? Well, I do not remember but I will skip a head to...That day. I had been made captain of my beloved Vancouver Whalers...I cannot stress to you how happy I was. I did not show any of them but inside I was the happiest I had ever been in this league. Probably more than when we won the previous season cause I was in charge of this championship winning team. I did not care that we were not exactly playing well. I knew losing all the players we lost would hurt us but I did not care. I was so close to making myself one of the legends on that team...

The Interviewer: And then rumour has it you woke up to see you were being traded?

Jon Forty-One: Basically. I did not really object and I do not know why. I just...Wanted to be useful for them. Truth being told I did not think anyone that was not desperate would pick me up. I do not exactly hate any minors teams. I struggle to remember a couple of them exist even when playing them they are that bad. Hard to take them seriously at that point you know?

The Interviewer: So tell us what happened next?

Jon Forty-One: Basically I just heard about it on the news and then got the call from my new team, the bloody Halifax Raiders. I have nothing against them. It just hurt it was them, a lot of the old team mates I had seemed to hate them and for me to now be on that team. I had zero idea who was picking me up nor even interested. I knew then and there that my close dream of becoming a Vancouver Whalers legend was dead. I was basically just another person who played on one of the winning teams they had...

You would think that I would be angry or bust down the General Managers doors down to fuck them up and fight but...I just did not in the end. I was just too sad to fight it. Betrayed. Hell not even for a 1st round pick either like the other player they traded...

The Interviewer: I am sure that is not what they feel happened though.

Jon Forty-One: Does not really matter. That is the past. I am no longer a Whaler. That is the end result. Us inside the cult are focused on loyalty and devotion...Not only am I the only player to ever fail to be drafted highly. When Laszlo Forty-Two went 5th and 3rd overall in his two drafts and Jose Forty-Three went 2nd overall in his draft that meant I was the only failure...And now I am the only person who failed to stay at my home. We are keeping the mansion I lived in but I will never return to that home. I am not even buying a place in Halifax either.

The Interviewer: I did actually want to talk to you about moving to Halifax, playing for them, scoring against Vancouver as the opening goal in a 5-1 win in what will be your last ever regular season minors game ever and the overall play-offs.

Jon Forty-One: I do not really want to talk about that much but go a head.

The Interviewer: Well, what is the area of Halifax like? Do you like your new team mates?

Jon Forty-One: It would be unfair of me to really say this place looks like a shithole or even the total opposite of one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived cause quite honestly I have not explored it nor will I most likely.

I literally am staying in the closest 5 star hotel to the training facilities and stadium we play in cause I do not plan on buying a place in this location. As for my new team mates? They are alright. I do not have any issue with any of them whatsoever. They have been pretty nice to me if I had to say any other comments. I do believe they are better than this seasons Vancouver Whalers but that is purely cause the Halifax Raiders finished above them in the regular season and we beat them 5-1 to cement that.

The Interviewer: So about the play-offs of the minors then, you w--

Jon Forty-One: I do not want to talk about this any more.

The Interviewer: Wait, why not? You love to just let this sort of stuff off your chest to my understanding.

Jon Forty-One: I mean, even I would agree with that but truth being told I just do not care. I went from wanting to go down with the ship and giving literally everything I had to just drowning alone. I guess I got revived since I am still playing but the damage has been done, I just did not care about this season. If I would have known I would have just gone up and retired minors on a high than the most depressing low possible so I honestly just do not care.

We could have gone 0-4 and just be instantly done or won the whole play-offs in 12 straight wins and I would have felt the same thing. Hell probably even if it was a long play-off run like last seasons 19 games were but you could probably tell from the Montreal Militia series that my heart was not in it. Just apathy or in different completely. It is a wasted season. So I do not really have any specific to say or talk about when it is so cut and dry.

The Interviewer: Well what about the Lions beating the Vancouver Whalers basically in the first series they played in. They had been on a good streak just after you had left. Do you not want to comment on your thoughts about that at the time?

Jon Forty-One: Nope. I get what you are trying to go for. Am I happy the Lions beat my old team or just sad that I should have gone down with that team with the rookies. Maybe even the possibility that I have placed a creeeepy curse on the Vancouver Whalers so from now on the Vancouver Whalers shall never win a best of seven series (Excluding the play-in round for the bottom 4 teams) ever again!

Well the real answer is I just did not care. I mean what I said previously. The season died after the trade for me. I still feel sad over ir cause I planned to stick around and hype up the future rookies but now I will have to think of something else and just overall feelings are apathy with it.

The Interviewer: I see, I see. Well, I cannot force you to talk about it so I guess I will just move on then to another topic. I do have a small few questions about your overall experience in the Simulation Minor Junior Hockey League though if you would not mind answering them before we get onto the main part of the interview.

Jon Forty-One: Depends on what the question is but treat yourself.

The Interviewer: Well, who would you say you enjoyed being team mates the most during your minors career?

Jon Forty-One: Hmm. Probably my original General Manager, Luke. Aaron Wilson definitely deserves another shout-out from a player point of view...I could probably point to a lot of players I did enjoy or eventually get on the same page with but I also do not want to mention them either.

The Interviewer: Wow, rude! Now it is finally time for the topic you have wanted to hit about for a long time now and that is your overall draft class.

Jon Forty-One: Aye, basically. I am going to prove to everyone finally that I was right about going roughly just a bit outside the top ten area and not in the middle of the god damn 2nd round later on. That it was not just that I was already a top 10 Total Points Earned average maker but now I have more proof a few seasons onward and that is who is left standing, This will prove how every Simulation Hockey League General Manager fucked up!

The Interviewer: Okay then! Well, you seem confident this will happen so show everyone your proof if you please!

Jon Forty-One: With. God. Damn. Pleasure! So what you are about to see is the list of everyone, well...The top 10 but it is the list of the best from this draft, in the Season 48 draft. They are ranked by Total Points Earned and are the people who you will be seeing in the Simulation Hockey League thrive in future seasons! Now this data is a couple of weeks old now but it is still one hundred percent valid!

1st place is the Montreal Militia's Kaspars Claude with 612 Total Points Earned.
2nd place is the Los Angeles Panthers' Oliver Cleary with 600 Total Points Earned.
3rd place is the St. Louis Scarecrows' Lyla Odelein III with 595 Total Points Earned.
4th place is the St. Louis Scarecrows' Mika Kandinsky with 593 Total Points Earned.
5th place is the Anaheim Outlaws' Nick Connolly with 590 Total Points Earned.
6th place is the Anchorage Armada's Gabriel Johnson with 574 Total Points Earned.
7th place is the Halifax Raiders' Atlas Rush with 543 Total Points Earned.
8th place is the Kelowna Knight's Piotr Horvat with 525 Total Points Earned.
9th place is the really god damn cool Jon Forty-One with an insanely impressive 520 Total Points Earned.
10th place is St. Louis Scarecrows' Barrett Blackwood with 519 Total Points Earned.

I am going to stop right there purely because ten is a good number to stop at and the other more defining factor of these 10 players are the only ones to make it over 500 Total Points Earned at the date of the 7th September when I got the data to analyse!

Now you mean to bloody tell me out of all these people I am the 23rd most valuable? I do not see any of these kids being a Most Valuable Player in the fucking play-offs! Do you?!

The Interviewer: Well, I am technically Aaron Wilson won that awa--

Jon Forty-One: Shut up! You are just like the rest of the league! Deluded! Only 25 of the whole draft class got over 350 Total Points Earned and you mean to tell me I am that far down?! I am the 18th highest rated played in the whole of the minors league and every single player above me just entered the league before me. Imagine if I had joined the league at the best time. I would be easily the best god damn player in the draft.

The fact that I was the only fucking Vancouver Whaler to not go 1st round and now I am the 2nd best rated and the only one in the class that can say I was the reason they have 1 of the 10 titles they now own is stupid! Hell, I am above the dude the Minnesota fucking Chiefs drafted over me! I am better than the players the players they drafted the previous god damn season I am that damn good!

The Interviewer: I think you do have a case for proving yourself as a steal. The Minnesota Chief's are probably really happy they got you now considering the drama they had beforehand and losing the 3rd overall pick.

Jon Forty-One: I know I do. I cannot say I am happy with the fact I was technically the 3rd draft pick for them rather than the second. I may have been a lot happier or loyal to them if they picked me up 18th overall but so far they have treated me right and gifted me a healthy contract so I will be happy to play for them in the upcoming season and when I get revenge on teams. Something that I have been waiting to do for seasons now.

The Interviewer: I tend to believe that considering you are going to extreme lengths to get revenge on General Managers just making a mistake.

Jon Forty-One: It was more than a mistake. I will hurt them. Every last one of them even if it takes me a long time. Every. Last. Team. Only the Chiefs by default, the New England Wolfpack by not being involved and the Manhattan Rage through being forgiven are not applicable to the hell I will unleash on them all.

The Interviewer: Okay then! Now is the time to move onto the next upcoming draft. This one is a special draft just considering the sheer amount of numbers compared to say your draft, season 48. We will now be getting into the major discussion of what you think to specific rookies and what you think about where they should go. Perhaps we will even touch on what the Minnesota Chiefs could use to improve in future seasons.

Jon Forty-One: Well me for basic starters. I will say the Minnesota Chiefs have been good to me but probably because I am zero fear in talking back. They get close to play-offs it seems so hopefully I will be able to get them into the play-offs next season.

The Interviewer: I see, I see. Okay well let us look at certain Simulation Hockey League rookies shall we? So we will be skipping a lot of the people with the highest Total Points Earned because other people will most likely talk about them. Jon wants to focus on the mid and average Total Points Earned players and a couple of lower end ones, right?

Jon Forty-One: Right. Most General Managers in the Simulation Hockey League just panic grab after a while. I do not want anyone to experience what I did with these sub-human people and if I can use my name to help promote a few of them then by god I will do just that for them. I usually would just do Vancouver Whalers and let everyone know what our rookies have been like but I will now just include Halifax Raiders, albeit I do not know a lot about them to the same extent of the Whalers rookies. I can say they have a good core to them.

The Interviewer: The first person in the Halifax Raiders defensive man, Adam Barron. Who currently finds himself at roughly 265-ish Total Points Earned as of this interview. What can you say about him Jon?

Jon Forty-One: Apparently he is 7th overall in Total Points Earned with his draft class. Considering how large that draft class is that shows you how special he is. I would heavily argue he needs to be taken top 5 overall instead. I think he will do very well in the major leagues honestly. He is one of the better defenders in this class. He welcomed me into the locker room when I thought I was going to be fed to the wolves. Showed me nothing but respect which I appreciate. Active in the locker room from what I can remember. He will be a good pick up.

The Interviewer: Alright! Well good start to us learning about the rookies in the upcoming draft! The next person is Bjorn Leppanen of the Vancouver Whalers. He is currently 13th overall in terms of Total Points Earned in this draft class. Anything spring to mind when I mention this player, Jon?

Jon Forty-One: I have a story actually. Bit long but shut the fuck up and listen. This is my interview and you will like it! Anyway, one of my success steps in trying to become a Vancouver Whalers legend was get captain. Now I knew becoming the next captain for the Vancouver Whalers WAS doomed. Purely because you were following Aaron Wilson. Like, you could had a few decent ones but the level of standard Aaron had for literally every player was second to none. My plan was to make sure the rookies felt welcomed as possible. It helps the chances of them staying motivated and Whalers get the rewards. Aaron did it with me, why not them. Bjorn Leppanen comes in and shows his podcast he did for media. (Go check them out!)

I do not like podcasts. At all. But I decided to check it out and listened to the majority of it. He was nervous. Even though of the surface he probably looked calm and ready. Knees weak, arms look heavy.

The Interviewer: Err...Jon the line is 'His pams are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti.

Jon Forty-One: What? Does it look like I am singing?! I do not care for your mother's cooking. Shut up and let me finish!

The Interviewer: S-sorry!

Jon Forty-One: Anyway. He was understandably nervous. But he did it anyway, cause he wanted to give his dreams of being an Ice Hockey player a proper go. I heavily respect that. So I think this guy is special and will go far and win a lot in his career when he hits his prime. If this guy falls like I did I will be fucking angry and he should be too. He was just a great guy and whatever team gets him will have a true gem from this draft class. Oh also, it has to be said. He is my favourite person I have ever met with 'Lep' in his name. No-one comes close. Not even a little.

The Interviewer: Well that is nice to know! Okay, moving a long we have just below Bjorn the 14th player with the most Total Points Earned from the Vancouver Whalers, Marcus Ohlsson.

Jon Forty-One: I really like Marcus. He was active in the Whalers Locker Room and he was fun to have around. If truth being told I do not remember his stats but I remember thinking that he would be really good the following season once he has more experience and Total Points Earned to his name. I legit think Norway are incredibly lucky to have him playing for them in future seasons.

The Interviewer: Wait, is he not Swedish?

Jon Forty-One: Sure, why not. Whatever country he plays for is lucky to have him. Could stick him in Venezuela and I would believe he could thrive.

The Interviewer: Oh god...Next up is Kalev-...Kalevolar-...Kalevolaripaavo Kaspertommevisnapuu. Oh god what a name. He is a part of the Kelowna Knights. Oh god so many K's... He is 25th overall in terms of Total Points Earned. I am a little confused as to why you included him in the list of rookies you wanted to talk about since you were only doing Halifax and Vancouver rookies.

Jon Forty-One: Oh it is simple. First off, I wanted to watch you suffer saying it and secondly, I just like his name. Do not know jack shit about him. Could be inactive now for all I know. I just like the name so I hope he gets drafted high. The only regret I will have with him is watching that cunt who used to do the draft streams who talked shit about me fails to pronounce it. I hope he does well overall.

The Interviewer: Wow...Just wow, Jon. Alright moving a long to the next proper prospect is Krash Krashwagen of the Halifax Raiders. The Right Winger is 34th overall in terms of Total Points Earned in the draft.

Jon Forty-One: What a player. So active in the Halifax locker room. I enjoyed talking to him. Just like earlier he was fairly respectful to me which I appreciated and honestly I think he is a good player. Could easily be one of the steals in the draft purely cause I can see him dropping low. I get that this draft is huge and insanely stacked but no fucking way 33 people are better than this player. It just will not happen in hindsight probably a year from now. General Managers will already be kicking themselves about me and if they continue to learn nothing he will be the same. Hell, a lot of these guys will be. I give General Managers free advice and they still do not learn. Unreal.

The Interviewer: This really is a huge draft, this list is probably the biggest you have done actually. Marcus Weiser of the Vancouver Whalers is next up. Number 36 overall in the Total Points Earned category. Yours thought on this player, Mr. Forty-One?

Jon Forty-One: Loved him. Was a great team mate. Very active. Do not have a bad word for him past why how many bloody Markus or Marcus' this draft has. I do not really want to repeat myself but He could also very easily become a great steal in this draft. A lot of players will qualify as steals I think but that will come down to poor choices in the 1st and 2nd rounds respectively. So the people whoo sadly drop will outshine them. I know this Marcus will be one of them given a decent amount of time to shine.

The Interviewer: You next wanted to do just a special mention for Francois Breton from the Vancouver Whalers? He is currently 42nd overall in Total Points Earned by the way.

Jon Forty-One: Yeah. Would be rude to not include him I think. I liked watching him player for the Whalers. I do not have much to say but I hope he goes to a good place. Doubtful though considering how many bad teams exist in the Simulation Hockey League. But we will see I guess.

The Interviewer: We are reaching the end of the list as I hit the pen-ultimate name on the list of rookie prospect in this huge ass draft. Surprisingly, this one I do not know if you know is not in this draft but season 49's draft so I am a little confused as to why you want me to mention Halifax Raiders' Jon Snow.

Jon Forty-One: It is simple. That was my birth name before I joined my cult and he is now inactive. So he fizzled out like Game of Thrones did with that fucking terrible last season. Thus making me the true superior Jon. Okay now you can continue.

The Interviewer: I...That was a weird flex, but alright then. Well, we have reached the final name in the list of rookies we are going to discuss and we are finishing with neither a Halifax Raider or Vancouver Whaler shockingly. Who is it?

Jon Forty-One: So, yeah. I am not really bound by team any more so I feel like saving the best for last was important. I know for a fact this guy will not be high on anyone's radar too.

The Interviewer: Who is it then?

Jon Forty-One: Lethbridge Lion's defending player from the Czech Republic, Jakob Hamr.

The Interviewer: I am shocked a player from the United Kingdom would hype up a Czech Republic player. Especially a player a lot of people are calling very arrogant considering he is only in his rookie season in the Simulation Hockey League.

Jon Forty-One: He rang me up after they knocked the Vancouver Whalers out of the play-offs and just said “You're welcome!” and then we got to talking. I really like him. I also know that he most likely will not be going high and I can see him having the same fire to get revenge against the teams who do not believe in him. Also, he is not arrogant. He is realistic. He knows how good he will be and I do too. This is bigger than petty nationality. I am very indifferent on the Lethbridge Lions. Do not hate them. Do not love them. But I am a fan of this guy and he will be great to watch. I would love him as a team mate. He will be something truly special when he hits his prime. The Simulation Hockey League is anything but ready for it and whoever gets him will be extremely lucky. I'll damn near say they win the draft even if they pick up trash with every other draft pick.

The Interviewer: You have to admit though that with roughly 90 prospects this will be a deep draft that is not just won early but who you pick up later on, surely?

Jon Forty-One: Yes and no. That will be the case for a lot of teams but a lot of garbage players exist in it as well. It is about finding the diamonds in this draft and watching and interacting with Jakob Hamr is one of them. I think he was a mixed martial artist fight in the defunct World Fight League as well.

The Interviewer: I know you do not like this question but who d--

Jon Forty-One: This better not be the fucking choose your starter gen one pokemon I am constantly asked I swear to the heavens!

The Interviewer: N-No! I was actually going to ask you who you thought was going to go overall in your opinion.

Jon Forty-One: Oh. Oh, well that is a fine question. But not one I care about it either. So just random number generator and that will be my pick. I honestly just do not care. I know 23rd will most likely be a Vancouver Whaler again. But otherwise it does not matter to me.

The Interviewer: Come on Jon! Are you not even a little interested in who the Vancouver Whalers will pick up from the 2nd round pick they got for you?

Jon Forty-One: Nope. Not even a tiny bit. Not sure I will even acknowledge them next season. I know for a fucking fact they will not be as die hard as I was for them. Just no point.

The Interviewer: Well that is unfortunate I guess. Are ya sure you will skip out of the pokemon question?  Hmm, okay by that facial expression I will take that as a hard no then. This has been a very long interview but I imagine it was good to get some of that off your chest again Jon. I do not have anything other questions for you so to end this interview I will let you have the final word on whatever you would like to say.

Jon Forty-One: Okay well. I do not really have much to actually say. The minors truly had a lot of high highs and incredibly low lows for me. I failed to make myself a Vancouver Whalers legend and  I am probably not going to be winning many awards nor even be in with a shout of hall of fame. The league overall just hates me. It will be very unlikely I even get a nomination for any award even when I should qualify for one so all that is left for me is my list. The list I plan on getting revenge on. I want every Simulation Hockey League team to take note that I am coming for fucking blood. I will get my revenge on all of you. Maybe not next season, maybe not the season after that either but it will happen and I cannot wait to get on it. A part from that I guess look out for me making my debut in the major leagues and thank you for following a long if you somehow managed to survive.

The Interviewer: Okay! And with that it is time to say good bye so from Jon Forty-One and myself. It is goodbye for now! See you next time!

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

im gonna read this in bursts, but you get that media John. You get that media

[Image: nokazoa.gif]


[Image: sN8N4xa.png]         [Image: xd5tvj8.png]


[Image: ktJ2jTl.png]

09-20-2019, 02:12 PMNokazoa Wrote: im gonna read this in bursts, but you get that media John. You get that media

That is fair. Breaking it up was just a bigger hassle for me and by the end of it I just wanted it out but ty lol

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

I always enjoy your reads

[Image: giphy.gif]


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