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Minnesota Head GM Presser
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2020, 04:50 AM by SpartanGibbles.)

(Ready for Grading)

I wanted to take some time to address my plans for the franchise going forward and following that I wanted to give an open floor for people to ask any questions they want for me. I have seen this morning that some are not happy with my hiring, but I have also see a massive outpouring of support from many different people around the league. I am not here to say whether or not I am more deserving than any other candidate, I let my application that I sent to HO serve as my qualifications. I cannot speak on the quality of applications from others since I haven't seen them, but I spent a good deal of time on mine showcasing why I believe I am the right person for this job.

To start out I would like to talk about my time in Minnesota leading up to this. I'm not going to suger-coat it, I know many in the league who have joined since I have view Minnesota as a bad franchise, but I believe we have the potential to become something great.

I joined this team as part of the S46 draft class as a team that was hoping to turn a corner and become a contender. We shortly saw misfortune strike the team when a newly appointed Co-GM was found guilty of tampering and the original sentence involved the loss of 3 first round picks. While this member of management immediately disappeared, we in the franchise were left to pick up the pieces. We had a few members leave the team in the following off-season as well as some personality clashes that left the LR in a less than desirable state. We had lost a few of our high quality prospects for nothing but still we pushed on. The decision was appealed and the penalty was reduced to just 1 1st round pick, a cap fine, and penalties to the offending player who tampered.

Then came the infamous McZ trade. This came as a shock to many of us in the locker room at the time as we still viewed ourselves as a team in the middle of a rebuild. Trading 3 1st round picks and 1 2nd round pick for a player soon to enter regression as well as become a FA was a trade panned across the league and the reputation of Minny was sinking even further. We did in fact not make the playoffs with the addition to our roster and the future was looking dire for the franchise. It was directly after this trade that I began to be involved with the management group in Minnesota. I wanted to ensure that if my player was going to continue on with the team, that there would be a solid direction it was going. I did not take a major role as we still had 2 GM's who were working to make the team better. As current J GM at the time, I also felt it was not my place to make drastic decisions for a team I did not lead. I had my own team to worry about GMing and it was not my place to overstep.

For the next 2 seasons things were starting to look up for the team. We made great acquisitions in the form of Badwolf and Fever's players to help solidify a core group of players that would be the building blocks along with the draft picks in the classes proceeding my own. But we were still a bubble team by all definitions of the term, we continued to barely miss the playoffs before the current season. We saw BW leave in FA and a shift in management. It became apparent to many within the franchise that change would need to happen soon. It was prior to this season that I began contemplating applying for the position if opened up. I had been doing small jobs for the franchise behind the scenes as I felt that was more appropriate given my job as Anaheim Head GM.

I could see that my management group and Co-GM in Anaheim were more than capable of running the team when I came down with a nearly month long case of flu and bronchitis. This made me realize I was approaching time to move on to other challenges. I had been elected by the team as Team Captain 2 seasons prior and began to prepare for if the current management decided to step down. No long after the end of the regular season it became apparent that Shmurph would be stepping down. I had begun thinking of if I was truly ready to take the next step when I had multiple people from different corners of my SHL communities reach out and not so subtly ask if I was considering of running for the position. It was at this point after seeing people ask me about it of their own volition, that I decided to officially apply for the position. So I began working on my application(Which if anyone truly cares to see, I am more than willing to disclose it as an attachment in this post. I will not post the letters of recommendation until the people that made them approve of such an action.) as well as secure recommendations from a few members of the SHL community. Despite many people telling me I was a great candidate, I did not wish to make my application a public affair until I had received the job. I know at least a few other people would likely be applying and did not wish to make enemies without even getting the job. If I was not hired I was also not planning to step down as Anaheim GM.

As for my plans for the future in Minnesota

1. I am re-assessing the management group as a whole and will work to find the right people for the right positions. I want to have a group I can depend on to work independently of myself on tasks and help drive the franchise forward. I want to build a group that is full of people who want to advance this franchise forward.

2. Work on rebuilding a good player/GM relationship. This is something I believe is missing from the current team and my goal is to promote more communication between management and the players. This is something that builds trust and the players can have confidence in the franchise they play for.

3. Start building a competitive roster. This will not be immediate, but Minnesota has not been to the playoffs since S46, the first season after I was drafted. Building a team that can win a championship takes time, but I believe that with our current core we can start the process towards making this a successful franchise again.

4. Change the league opinion of Minnesota. I am not blind and I know that most of the league does not view the Chiefs in a  favorable light after everything that has happened in the past few seasons. But I think we are ready to turn a new leaf and start the next era. My goal is to make the Chiefs a team any player would be proud to play for.

These are my main concerns at this present moment. I have many other plans for the franchise but I have my work cut out for me before I can focus on any of those.

I will now open the floor to any questions

Quote:Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander?
While I do appreciate all three of the kanto starters, I have to give it up to my man Bulbasaur for a few reasons. 1. I am overly fond of poison types and he is the only starter that checks this box in any generation. 2. Bulbasaur is the correct choice for building a team to make you a pokemon master in Gen 1. He is has the type advantage against the first 4 gym leaders with his duel Grass/Poison typing, as well as the 8th Gym leader and being a draw for Koga. His only Gym Weaknesses are Sabrina and Blaine who you should have counters for in your party by the time you reach their gyms. He is a solid defensive tank and can really hit hard with status conditions that debilitate the enemy. Toxic and Leech Seed combo is amazing and will knock down even the tankiest of foes.

By contrast Charmander while eventually becoming the fan favorite Charizard, has a weakness to the first 2 gyms making it a rough start to your adventure. After that it only has a strength against Erica and possibly Giovanni depending on what moves you teach it.

Squirtle does have 3 advantages against gym leaders including the first, but loses it's advantage early and doesn't fill the role of tank as well as the bulbasaur line, or the attacking role of the charmander line. If it had a second typing it would possibly be a much stronger contender but it sadly comes up short as well.

Quote:Torchic, Mudkip, Treecko?
This one is a bit more complicated due to my belief that all 3 are on pretty equal ground as a starter choice in Gen 3. I personally have used all 3 in different playthroughs but if I had to narrow it down to just 1, I would likely go with Mudkip. Mudkip gains a secondary typing in it's second evolution to become a water/ground type. This takes away it's electricity weakness completely and gives it a good physical pool of moves to augment it's playstyle. It is sufficiently tanky while also being a good mixed striker. Mudkip also has a good type combination to take on a a majority of the gyms at either an advantage or equal ground.
Quote:What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
While I do appreciate the reference, there is actually some fascinating science behind the question I found here. If we assume based the evidence provided in this article, the European variant would have an airspeed velocity of 10-11 meters per second. But more importantly, could said swallow carry a coconut?

Quote:Timestamp on this bad boy? (Where/when did you send it to?)
I honestly don't know at this point if you are just a troll or not, but I sent my application along with recommendations on 01-04-2020 at 04:36 PM EST To: SDCore. I have seen that he posted a timestamp and you somehow feel it might not have been genuine. I don't know what to say, that you think there is some conspiracy to just hand me the job based on friendships with HO. I will admit that I am good friends with Corey, but that had nothing to do with my selection. I spent nearly 3 weeks tweaking my application and planning it out. This along with statements about me not being the right person for the job honestly feel insulting. I put a lot of planning into how I would work to better my SHL team if given the opportunity. I didn't supplant some rightful heir to the job. If you truly can't see that I am a qualified candidate for this job, then I don't think I can even discuss the matter further.

Quote:Three 1sts and a 2nd for who? Let me know
I have a slightly regressed McZehrl if you truly want to give me some picks. Heck, I'll even let you keep the second rounder as a show of good faith.

Quote:What kind of moves can we expect to solidify the current roster, and to replenish the prospect pool? Will you continue the trend of the previous management?

Also, will the haters ever stop hating?... That was rhetorical. Of course not.

I plan to invest heavily in the next 2-3 SHL drafts to bring in a new group of prospects that can not only become great members of the Minnesota LR, but also grow together as players. A key component to building a competitive team is having a solid foundation of active players who are going to be able to reach their prime together. I have already started, but plan to continue to talk with all of my players about my plans moving forward 1 on 1 so that I can make sure my players know what I want to do. I have a few trade's that I will be looking to make and will be scouting upcoming FA's to see if any are a good fit for our team.

I do not plan on following the previous management's trend. I have seen many bright sparks on this team and it is my job as a GM to stoke the flames that come from my players to help them reach their highest potential.

Quote:Question to gibbles: with a division that has the powerhouses like EDM and CGY, how do you plan on getting Minny to the point.
I plan on doing this the same way many successful teams in this league have become great. I want to make a franchise that players want to play for. If you have a common goal that the team believes in, it will be much easier to make a team that can compete with the best teams in the league. It is also important to keep the team in a place that it can continuously grow and adapt as the league faces changes going forward. If I have to turn our division into Thunderdome of excellent teams all vying for the top spot, I welcome the competition.

Quote:So around all the drama, actual question for SpartanGibbles

What sort of philosophy do you bring to the team? Do you plan to make moves to shape the team in that image?

My philosophy is to start with the people in the LR. When those people are happy to be a part of the franchise, they are more likely to be active. This makes my job as a GM even easier as I can then focus on building a team that can win championships. I want to have a common goal and motivate my players to do the best they can. I have a few moves I am looking to make; to move the team in the direction I want to see it go.

Quote:1. After this shit storm today does this change the way you look at the roster you took on? (feel free not to answer this one not trying to stir the pot)

2. How do you think you can most quickly rejuvenate with some on the outside think is a dead LR?

3. Do you see yourself taking on a co-gm and would you release some of that information to the public

4. Same as 3 but coach

5. Does the team keep the name amidst the scrutiny faced by other franchises with similar branding and logos?

1. I feel comfortable in saying that I knew my hiring would not please everyone on the team. I have taken the time to reach out to these individuals and any that do not feel like staying on the team I am working to find a new home if possible. Some have been very civil while others have acted petty but I am not here to fix everyone's personal life.

2. I will start by saying that Minny is not a dead LR. It might not be the most active LR in the SHL, but by working on team communication I hope to bring more players in to give a variety of outlooks and opinions on the SHL. Not every person want's to post 10 hours a day but I plan to provide a place that people can feel like a part of team and community.

3. I have been debating if I will officially have a Co-GM or not. I plan to open applications this coming weekend, but if my gut feeling is that I should stay solo for a while, I am more than comfortable doing that. I think getting my overall management group sorted out is a higher priority.

4. As some may have seen, I immediately ended the previous coaches position on the team. I do not feel that I currently need a coach in Minnesota based on my knowledge of the current Sim Engine as well as how the league operates. I may revise this stance when we get closer to a switch to FHM6 as I am still learning the engine.

5. This is something that is asked in a later question but I feel I should address it with this question as one answer. I will be honest in saying that while I personally like the Chiefs brand, I may consider rebranding/relocating the team as we move forward. It is no surprise to those that have joined the league over the past year that the team identity is in need of some repair. Whether this comes with the current branding or not, I want to change the opinion the average user has on my franchise. I am also aware that while not as insensitive as a team named the Redskins, the Chiefs branding fits into a cliche native stereotype that many are not a fan of.

Quote:[Image: interview.gif] How long until you trade for Selman and make him Co GM?
I don't have any current plans along this train of thought. While Selman is a fantastic player and his user is one of my best friends in the league, I left Anaheim in his more than capable hands and I am sure he wants to leave his mark as Head GM of Anaheim.

Quote:this is a very important question regarding the LR

your philosophy of re-unifying the locker room is a great one, but what if the edgy users keep being edgy? do you plan on possibly trading, releasing, or kicking said players from the LR?
I plan to make my LR a place where all members can feel safe and a member of the team. If I feel that someone is detriment to this goal, I will first talk to them like an adult to try and come to a middle ground. If the problems continue or they do not feel they wish to be a part of my franchise, I am more than willing to find them a new home and remove them from my LR. We all are a part of this league of our own free will and hopefully are here to have some fun along with the competitive aspects. I also will not let 1 person ruin that experience for the rest of my players.

Quote:While this is not directly a question regarding your plans for the team, with all the negativity that's been going around as of late I feel like it's important to ask. Feel free to not answer if you don't want to.

Do you feel at all like the events of the past few days have soured your outlook on the SHL and it's userbase? Did you expect this much pushback? And do you feel like this sort of thing should be handled more more seriously by the league, ie that personal attacks and shit stirring in general should lead to fines or other types of punishment?While this is not directly a question regarding your plans for the team, with all the negativity that's been going around as of late I feel like it's important to ask. Feel free to not answer if you don't want to.

Thanks bud, wish you all the best in your new role.
I don't think the events of the last few days have soured me on the SHL. I understand with any big hiring some people will have opinions but seeing a lot of people come out of the woodworks in support of me did feel good personally. I didn't expect such a big event around my hiring, but I figured there would be some shock since I did not make my application public knowledge. I don't think we need as much oversight in these events as long as we do not have targeted personal attacks. We already have a conduct policy that should be followed. I've said it many times, but we are all here to have fun and that is something we should all foster as members. As a GM in Anaheim my biggest concern was always about making the Outlaws a place where people have fun and want to be. Not every player will be a max TPE earner and that is okay. The worst thing we can do is actively try and drive people away from this site who want to be a part of it. I will also add since it is slightly related and topical, that not every user is cut out for every job in the SHL. I would be terrible at grading media or graphics among a few other jobs. I don't expect to get a shot at something I am not as good as other at, but I think one thing that could be improved in hirings would be to have more feedback on why someone did not get the position.

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
[Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  [Image: PlcJv9V.png]

Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander?

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

Torchic, Mudkip, Treecko?

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

I don't have any burning questions as I already know you well.

[Image: x9gTXZa.gif]

S48 Four Star Cup Champion (Vancouver Whalers)

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

 [Image: mutedfaith.gif]
Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

01-08-2020, 10:39 AMMutedfaith Wrote: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Ooooh!  I know this one!  I know this one!

Raises hand from his desk

Pick me pick me

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

Timestamp on this bad boy? (Where/when did you send it to?)

Three 1sts and a 2nd for who? Let me know

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]


01-08-2020, 10:47 AMjRuutu Wrote: Timestamp on this bad boy? (Where/when did you send it to?)

Why are you asking for this? Is this some desperate attempt to make him seem ineligible? ffs

[Image: sdcore.gif]

Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

[Image: sgu3vVP.png]
[Image: 9vq7IEu.png]

01-08-2020, 10:52 AMSDCore Wrote:
01-08-2020, 10:47 AMjRuutu Wrote: Timestamp on this bad boy? (Where/when did you send it to?)

Why are you asking for this? Is this some desperate attempt to make him seem ineligible? ffs
Just want to see you guys got application in the first place. Or I would imagine it´s pretty hard to compare members if one does not even send an application

01-08-2020, 10:53 AMjRuutu Wrote:
01-08-2020, 10:52 AMSDCore Wrote: Why are you asking for this? Is this some desperate attempt to make him seem ineligible? ffs
Just want to see you guys got application in the first place. Or I would imagine it´s pretty hard to compare members if one does not even send an application

Do you think, he just wrote that now?

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
[Image: Segi.gif] 
Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

01-08-2020, 10:54 AMSegi Wrote:
01-08-2020, 10:53 AMjRuutu Wrote: Just want to see you guys got application in the first place. Or I would imagine it´s pretty hard to compare members if one does not even send an application

Do you think, he just wrote that now?

01-08-2020, 10:55 AMjRuutu Wrote:
01-08-2020, 10:54 AMSegi Wrote: Do you think, he just wrote that now?

You are a clown honestly... [Image: really..JPG]

[Image: sdcore.gif]

Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

[Image: sgu3vVP.png]
[Image: 9vq7IEu.png]

What kind of moves can we expect to solidify the current roster, and to replenish the prospect pool? Will you continue the trend of the previous management?

Also, will the haters ever stop hating?... That was rhetorical. Of course not.

[Image: KlusteR.gif]

Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

[Image: EePsAwN.png]    [Image: e0LuHwa.png]    [Image: eaex9S1.png]

Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!

01-08-2020, 10:57 AMSDCore Wrote:
01-08-2020, 10:55 AMjRuutu Wrote: Maybe

You are a clown honestly... [Image: really..JPG]
[Image: n5KIbnn.png?1]

[Image: 2YX4D4D.png?1]

Looks weird

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