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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT

I, like @notoriousTRON have only been here since November, but already the memories are abundant.  Being a first gen creation, getting drafted late by Anaheim was an excellent start.  I learned pretty quickly that, at least in my draft class, goaltenders weren't a highly sought product so I was just pleased to get picked.  From there, to a top 10 selection in the Jets, and making friends in several locker rooms...this whole experience so far has kept me hungry for more.  If I had to pick one solitary moment that really stuck out, it was winning the 4-star cup last season.  Being able to be a contributing member of that fantastic group with @notoriousTRON, @UrsinZ, @thiefofcheese, @traphag, @Segi, @SpartanGibbles, @Donini13 and @nykonax it was almost like winning that for real.  I also want to shout out to guys like @TheHockeyist for helping keep aspects of this place wholesome...and especially to my fellow captaincy members of the class of '52:  @Mutedfaith, @RedCapeDiver and @Capt_Blitzkrieg for being both equally punishing on the ice...and light-hearted jokers in our class room.  Everything just feels right and like the opening sequence from Cars 3 where the race winners get ribbed by their close competition.  

Happy anniversary SHL!  Here's to 10 more years!

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(This post was last modified: 05-09-2020, 08:37 PM by overdoo.)

While I have not been here for very long at all, it has been a pleasant surprise compared to what I was expecting. I’ve already been helped a lot, and by several people. The discord servers are quite welcoming, and it seems like for the most part, everyone gets along quite well, with many friendships that have been formed among the older players. I am very excited to take the next step with my player, and see where it leads me. It seems like the community is very engaged, and something that will be easy for me to be a part of and contribute to in my own way later on. Mostly though, I think just the general mystery of creating a new player in a new league has me eager to continue. It is something I can work hard on doing and will throw new challenges and opportunities my way at the same time. Most of all though, I really can’t wait to (hopefully) have the experience of winning either the SHL championship or the SMJHL championship. Even just watching the streamed simulations for the SMJHL championship that are being done, it is somewhat entertaining to follow along with, and especially to see the reactions of those who are also watching.

The best time i've had on the site was very early on and its been all downhill from there. Starting my career in the promotional (or the fake tournament) that arg used to put on was basically what made me interested in this site. I thought my player would be a bum the entire time but I flourished in the biggest tournament to date and it was addicting. Ever since Luffy has been chasing the dragon for production and after what seems like 20 years has finally found himself at a point per game player in the SHL. Now thats not where he wants to start because when his numbers are high luffy is having fun in the SHL. Sure team success is bar none but if you aren't winning the cups then you gotta look somewhere else to find the satisfaction of being good. Years of blood sweat and tears have been put into the effort of being in the SHL and becoming a HOF player doesn't happen overnight. Another fond memory is always the drama that comes week to week and following who done what this week is always a blast and luffy loves watching the drama unfold.

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I'm a S47 draftee. I know my way around the league - and the forum - by now, but compared to some of the 'dinosaurs' here I'm still relatively fresh. This is also my first sim league that I joined. To pick a favorite memory is difficult. I yet have to do something special with my player, no awards or cups yet, perhaps a year from now I can look back and hopefully have something more positive to report.

So I'll go a slightly different route. Sometime last summer I randomly made sigs for some new users without asking them, because I needed money. That's how you do that. Some liked them and some even 'ordered' sigs from my sig shop later which was pretty cool. One of those rookies seemed to be quite active in the media section, writing and doing podcasts, both pretty well btw. If you know me, you know I'm somewhat obsessed with goalies. Guess what, so was that one rookie, talking about that topic a lot in his podcast, but what particularly caught my attention was that this person really wanted to be drafted by Toronto and be that team's future goalie with his player. "Not so fast!", I thought to myself and immediately sent a message educating him about who was Toronto's new starter. What happened next was that we did indeed draft that one goalie, only to trade him away the next day. In the end I think we both got what we wanted.
What happened after that? We're now rivals, but if I had to pick just one memory it would be the weird coincidence how I originally met @Tate here on the league Smile I don't think I've talked to anyone else more outside the forum because we have so much in common.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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As everyone who knows me already knows, the Platoon have been my team since I joined five years ago. I was drafted by syckez, hoisted onto the GM spot around s23, and built a solid family of players in our locker room for the next 20 seasons before handing it off to @JR95 to actually win us some championships. We all loved WKP so much, and I gave a crazy amount of time and effort keeping our team as good it could be. I think most of the squad also thought this, and decided to give me my favorite moment on this site.

The day before I got married, my soon-to-be wife told me to open this package. Inside was a handwritten letter from @enigmatic on behalf of all the team as well as this kick ass jersey with the platoon logo and Biscuit written in bold colors with my longtime number 21 on it. It was such a beautiful moment that made feel so appreciated for what I did. I felt like I didn't deserve it, but that's just how special our gang was.

My goal for the team was to build with people first, and then the wins would come after. That was almost true, as we lost two close finals under my reign, but made many playoffs. Many people entered our LR, and my only hope is that they had the best time possible while they were there.

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My favorite memory is likely the same as many of who won the 4 star cup in carolina in season 50. It was november 10th of last year, game 6 of a series between the Raptors and the Kraken. It was one of those moments that can only be owed to Simon and his bullshit, but for us it was good. The Kraken were fairly lacking depth, being pushed along by then-super stars Tedisko, Sarantez, Claude, and Morris IV. We had a strong core of sophmores in Ricky Bobby, Alexei Rykov, Joseph Weston, Phineas Gold, Bobby Lane, Zbigniew Pokrywka, Hans Schweinsteiger, Tom Fiddler, and Michael Fitted. The Raptors, by comparison, were a little more loaded, little more fit for the current meta. The Raptors had 14 players at or above 80 defense, the primary positioning stat and overall number one strategy for all teams, except those exploiting (if there were any at the time). The Kraken had half that, a regular underdog by most reckoning.

So, November 10th, game 6. It would initially be remembered for all the penalties taken. In the first period, Carolina had 4 penalties, Colorado had 1, yet the score was only 0-1 Raptors. We tied it up mid way through the 2nd, and then Michael Fitted uttered the famous words

Fuck the penaltys terry bradshaws ghost will lead us to da promised land

That was our new montra, and we channelled all of our energy into Lord Terry.

Fitted scored shortly after, giving us the 2-1 lead, and the discord erupted. Zbigniew Pokrywka saw his 3rd penalty of the game, then Rykov his 1st later, giving the Raptors the tie. But Rykov struck back with the go ahead goal shortly before the 3rd.

At this point, we had all experienced a crazy cup run. As rookies in S49, we were blessed to have been dealt the favor of Simon's bullshit and won the cup. We were so hungry for that back to back, especially with a new name.

The game would eventually end 5-3, giving Carolina it's first cup in history, in its first season. We all jumped into the discord voice and sang SWEEEEEETTT TERRY GUUUYYY over and over. It was a very exciting night and probably cemented my interest in the SHL, this league being the first of its kind I had ever done, and I think the same was true for many of us from the Reddit draft. Something so stupid as channeling Terry Bradshaw's ghost to win the cup and singing his praises physically with our seems so childish, but it was truly a moment filled to bursting with joy. Ill never forget it.

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
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(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 04:01 PM by Rindiee.)

Since joining the site, contrary to popular belief I have many fond memories of the league. On my first player Quick Mafs, although I wasn't very active in any regards of the site, I was still very involved with my team locker rooms, for that I have to give a shoutout to the Detroit Falcons Falcons and Buffalo Stampede Stampede . I'm unsure if I ever even capped during my time in the SMJHL, however thanks to @Waters & @Wozy I was given the chance to be a part of a Four Star cup winning team which was a pretty special experience even though I wasn't super active. I'd be lying if I said I remember really anyone else from that team... but again I honestly wasn't all that active, even in the discord (I know a surprise for me, not even being sarcastic for those who don't know me). This all changed when I was drafted to Buffalo. Although I still wasn't super active on the site I was very involved in the discord and the locker room and have made some great friends along the way. I'd like to thank @WannabeFinn for giving me the chance. Although Mafs was by no means a star player, I really enjoyed my time in the locker room and made what was really my first core group of friends within the league, for that I thank you WBF! Some Buffabros I'd like to give a shoutout too are @Zombiewolf @ThatDamnWalrus @kit @FourFour @karey @Tomen @JSS @Mayuu @teztify and although I'm now only in the alumni channel(s) some of the newer] Buffabros have also been great friends to me, such as @ByrdeMan @Baelor Swift @jfisherr @grok and many more. I'm a buffabro forever.

Now we go to my current player SLATT Potts, where I've been... well a lot more active to say the least and have loved every moment with Potts. From initially intending to sign with Lethbridge as a trade deadline signee, but the deadline had passed so @JNH promised to draft me, and then lived up to the promise by drafting me way to high at 5th overall (luckily it's paying off?) and on top of that, making what is again probably my best core group of friends I've made on the site since my Buffabros. To then having the honor of being named captain this season, all of it has been amazing. With that being said, first and foremost I'd like to thank @JNH and @SDCore as you guys have not only been great GM's but also great friends. Too all my zerkerbros @Smalinowski7 @NeonLime @Nhamlet @Clean Andrei Kostitsyn @Patty @thevoicelesscreator @Justice @RedArrow12c @Snussu @Tylar @leafsftw1967 @Steve @Toast @bbp @SpontaneousCombustion @Wally and the alumni who are still great locker room presences @KlusteR and @Carpy48 and everyone else who ever pops in, you guys are amazing and I love you all Berserkers

To my SHL team the Texas Renegades, Renegades you guys have also been amazing as you've also allowed for me to create some friendships that wouldn't have existed had I not been traded. Starting with my boy @dankoa you took a chance on me without us ever really talking before some brief scouting, I appreciate you big time brother. @RedCapeDiver @Jearim @Aephino @leviadan @JumpierPegasus (ffs you would change your name JP) @puolivalmiste @ProjectSaint @BrewskyBoy @thiefofcheese @Leoben and all the other Renes players and prospects, I can't speak for all of us (prospects) but I personally can't wait to come up and ball out with you boys and help bring us to the promise land. To the best prospect pool in the league Renegades Renegades

I'm gonna stop it there as it's already been to long, but to anyone who I missed I love you all <3

(650 words)

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Although I only just recently joined the SHL, it is safe to say that I am already lucky enough to have made some really cool memories. Starting off, with this being my first sim league I wasn't too sure on how this whole thing works. Apparently, I created only a couple days before the draft and I didn't even know that we should have been gaining some money through media and graphics. And so, heading into the draft I didn't expect much. That is why when the Vancouver Whalers decided to pick me up in the second round I was ecstatic. Honestly was a great memory to be welcomed into the Whalers locker room and to meet a bunch of great guys that I'm glad to call my teammates. Every interaction I've had with them has been great and I can't think of a dull moment in the locker room. There's honestly too many people to acknowledge here but if I ever had the opportunity to interact with you in the locker room or elsewhere, I really appreciate you guys and I hope we continue to make memories going forward!

Another great memory for me was when I reached out to @Gwdjohnson after seeing the first SMJHL Primetime post. He mentioned his lack of graphics skills and I had created a Primetime image for my own use. I shot him a message and sent him my graphics and thanks to him I found myself doing the graphics for the rest of the season! Before this moment I never planned on being a graphics guy. I barely knew how to work Photoshop and had given up most artistic works long ago but now I find myself doing graphics tournaments and jersey swaps. To be honest, I owe a lot of my graphics work to Gabe and the SHN/SJHN as without them allowing me to push myself to do graphics, I wouldn't have thought of opening back up Photoshop and practicing creating something more creative than I'm used to. And so, big shoutout to them!

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

There are some good moments to chose from, but I guess the best would be the warm welcome I got as a first timer on this site when I got drafted by the Kelowna Knights. The organisation Zoone had made was very welcoming to a lot of new players that season (season 45), the biggest draft class this site has ever seen. My first season in the SMJHL was one with ups and downs, but I've learned so much that year that it got me hooked and now almost a year and a half later I am General Manager of that same organisation. Trying to continue the legacy Zoone and NJBadApple left behind.

Also being part of the Calgary Dragons family is a huge honor. From talks pior to the draft they were my number one choice to go to and I was fortunate enough they picked me. Since joining we've been to two Challenge Cup finals and we've won in Season 50. I think we've only missed the playoffs once so we've been able to be very competitive and at the same time have a great atmosphere in our locker room where we make fun, share the good, the bad and the ugly with eachother and we talk about food. Lots and lots of food.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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My favourite SHL memories would be two things. First would be getting drafted in Season 6 to he Edmonton Comets. This Comets team would include some of my best friends on the site including Harry, JP, Wadey, Tez, Toast, Hallsy, Jaywhy, Lem and some others I am missing. This time in the SHL was extremely fun as it was super active and we had a bumping chatzy going. This group of people set me up for many years of enjoyment on the forum and still to this day I am friends with many of them. I do not want to imagine my SHL experience without these people.

My second favourite memory would be the Crew. I was involved with a group of people on the forum that called themselves the crew. Many of the same people as I mentioned before were in the Crew. We had a bumping chatzy as well and we hung out as a group in it. We talked, played games and enjoyed each others company. The Crew was kind of like a fun cult of people. Most of my SHL memories involve people from the Comets or the Crew in some capacity. Over my almost 10 years on SHL, I find the social aspect of SHL to be amazing whether it was the locker room, to chatzy and now to discord. SHL has evolved and changed and I am looking forward to a new experience with Slate coming up!

240 Words

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM

Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club


My favorite memories so far have obviously been with the Carolina Kraken, but the memories span a wide range. From first meeting @ACapitalChicago in my first few days on the site, to getting drafted 6th overall to a locker room full of high character and fun guys like @Fitted2106, @RaginCajun, and @PremierBromanov for their run at last years cup, and getting entrusted by @FuzzSHL and @"cpetrella" with part of the organization from a scouting role and leadership role. Getting to involve my friends in the league too has been great. Making Hockey Talk Tonight and getting to shoot the shit about the league while getting paid is really cool, and it's been fun to form a friendly rivalry with Maine since two of them ended up there, and getting to pick up another one of the group for this years Carolina class. Watching the streams of games in voice chat with the other Kraken guys has been a really fun new element to the league and has really brought the team together and helped keep our rookies engaged even though it was a hard season. I'm excited to see what this new core of Kraken can do now that we've made great rookie gains.

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My best memories of the site are from the first few days I signed up. I was always a huge NHL and fantasy sports fan. My problem was finding people who took fantasy hockey as seriously as I did! When I found this community I was so happy. It was like fantasy hockey taken to the extreme. The idea of building my own player and becoming as star one day was so exciting. The community feel was great and just seeing some of the superstar players around the forums was always cool to me. As a first gen back then during a reddit draft the site was very active and the forums were so active. I hate that everyone does most things on Discord now and miss the forums being active. I remember hoping that I could make a unique star with a unique build and that was fun to believe for a while. Once I got to understand the actual sim better and found out that everyone successful just did cookie cutter builds a lot of my passion for this place died. The hype that builds leading up to your first ever SMJHL draft is so much fun and I remember just writing a lot of fun and creative pieces of media to get noticed. The SHL really ignited my passion for writing and I have been writing poems because of it.

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First SHL goal on first SHL shot in first SHL game.


My experience in the SHL is limited to this most recent season and due to the current circumstances I wasn't able to get the full immersive experience that I was expecting. However, this league has a lot to offer and it still amazes me how many people volunteer their time to see the continued success of the league. This league hasn't survived the last 10 years on its own, its the people that make the SHL so great. I am a little too introverted to really get the experience that the SHL offers, but I look forward to participating for as long as I can.

To pick a favourite memory, for me it has to be the final few games and the playoff push. Things didnt go the way we hoped in Maine, we had a playoff spot and all we had to do was win some games. That didn't happen and Carolina got swept by Detroit instead of us. It was still pretty enjoyable to watch the simulations and cheer the team on with the rest of the players on Discord. This off-season Maine is losing a couple key players and it will be interesting to see if the team can improve and make a strong playoff run.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Citadelles Citadelles Stars Blizzard Canada 
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I have to say that this last season in Vancouver has been my favorite so far. Not that any previous seasons have been less than great, but the surge of active and fun rookies has made every day a fun one. And the move to FHM where we can watch each game as it is being played just made it even better. We got pumped up before each game. Cheered when good things happened. Flipped tables when bad things happened. And even though we are currently in our re-build step, and a 1st pick would be the best case scenario this season, no one gave up or said that we should tank for the pick. Until the very last game day where we confirmed the loss of our playoff spot, we were all all-in.

At the same time, in the country south of Canada, I have also had a great time with the New England Wolfpack. Seeing them charging to the stop of the standings and then staying put for an entire season makes me really excited for when I finally move up to the big league. I'm working hard to make sure I meet their high standards and I have been feeling right at home. Between hockey games and video games, it is a really fun group to be part of.

I'm glad I took the leap to create a player, no matter how daunting the forum looked at the time Smile

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Past Players


One of my favorite memories of this site was when I first created Mika and then was drafted to the St. Louis Scarecrows.  I remember being mostly confused about the site and I really wasn't sure how anything worked at all.  I was pretty sure that I was going to just not see it through and abandon the site after a few days.  Then I was drafted and everything changed.  When I got to St. Louis, the reception was incredible.  There were a ton of people really happy that I was there and so willing to help with everything I could possibly need in regards to getting going with my player.  I remember watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs and talking to @FuzzSHL for a few hours as he helped me plan out a build and teach me about SimonT and all sorts of other things that went on with the SHL.  I felt so relieved and happy that I was drafted to a team that was full of such good people who were excited and wanted to win.  This all made me want to be the best player in the SHL that I could be, and over a year later, I'm still working on that, and have not abandoned the site!  I'd say this is definitely one of my favorite memories on this site.  Followed closely by my record breaking Jesster season for Toronto playing alongside @ml002

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.