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Axel Foley: Championship & Draft Presser
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2020, 01:21 PM by Mazatt.)

2x Draft media ready to be graded
2300 words in responses

Axel Foley approaches the podium, ready to answer some questions on the draft, and recent four star cup victory
Images are hard, I am posting a straight up link instead.

07-17-2020, 05:53 PMJames Truong Wrote:
Firstly congrats on winning the Four Star Cup! 

I would like to know what you will be bringing to the Edmonton  Blizzard when you eventually make it to the big club.

Thank you very much. With coming to Edmonton I feel that I'll be carrying a steady presence on the blue line, I want to help out the goalies they have right now, I want to mesh well with the guys they have up there. The prospect of going from growing with my man Hutts on the right side, to getting to hopefully spend my first seasons up in the bigs with Big Terry is exciting. That kind of stability going forward is going to huge in feeling comfortable on the ice for years to come in Edmonton.

The Blizzard just made some big moves as I'm here, and I feel that with them going all in, as soon as I can help the big club I'll be up. When that is? I'm not sure at this point. I know they have some guys like Scholz who are going to be hitting their pick and some legends in their in Tuck. I'd figure in in two or so seasons I might be looking at a call up, but as we go forward my main commitment is going to be towards helping the Kraken, and then the Blizzard as soon as they need me. I want to be that team player.

@James Truong

07-17-2020, 05:56 PMAce Wrote: How much of a surprise was it to hear the Blizzard call your name?

Thoughts on Carolina's chances at a repeat?

Ha... it was a bit of a surprise. I spoke to my agent ahead of the draft and he was confident in me going to New Orleans, then it was New England, and then after the 8th pick happened I was a bit... lost? I know taking what's said around the league as gospel is a bad idea but I was definitely taken aback to make it past that 8 spot, and I was still in shock by the time Edmonton called my name. It was definitely a surprise, I was shocked, but at the end of the day I don't think it could've one any better. Getting to return to my home province and play in front of my freinds and family in the near future is exciting.

I like Carolina's chances. I might be biased in saying this, but our d-core is a threat, our forwards on our top end, and Blunt Man is sturdy back there. Losing Eller and our deadline adds is going to hurt. He bailed us out a lot back there, but with Hutts and I getting better, Frieds and Ben growing, and the chance at Cuddles being back for another season--I really like the squad we have together. Plus, we've proven we can beat the top teams in the east. We got clutch players. I feel good about next season.


07-17-2020, 05:59 PMslothfacekilla Wrote: How are the draft and championship celebrations going?

Any goals before you jump to the SHL?

Ah fuck, I'm living it up. I was already back home in Red Deer for the draft and made the drive up to Edmonton to celebrate. I'm not going to say what I did in Carolina--some things I definitely can't say--but in Edmonton the legal drinking age is 18. In Carolina it's a bit higher. So legally... Edmonton has a lot of good bars, some great guys in the room I've got to meet so far, and my fellow draftees have been great. Getting to know these guys I've been competing with this past year is weird to say the least. As for championship cellies, Carolina is always able to throw a party. Eller had his going away party mixed in with the celebrations, Wags knows how to throw em, Yxskaft and Hanson had a final run with us. It's been a rough couple of mornings this week but it's well worth it.

Most people probably don't expect someone who won the big prize to have big aspirations, but I want to be considered the best d-man in the J before going up to the SHL. I want to be in everyone's minds as a d-man who can lead, and can play at both ends. And most of all, I'm not satisfied with one ship. I want more. Every year I'm in Carolina, the start of the season is going to start with me thinking about lifting the feeling of lifting the Four Star and striving to do it again.


07-17-2020, 06:00 PMoverdoo Wrote: What are your thoughts about Edmonton so far? 

How have you and your teammates been celebrating the Four Star Cup victory?

What are you looking forward most to in your following junior years?
Edmonton is everything I expected it to be. Going into a locker room full of guys who've been competing in the playoffs for 11 seasons straight is intimidating, but they've made it an easy room to get into. The drive they have to win, the confidence the squad has to compete, it excites me.

I know I touched upon it earlier, but the Four Star Cup has been an adventure to win. From saying goodbye to our teammates, to looking forward to next season, for even just revelling in our own victory just for the sake of it--there has been a lot of reason to celebrate and we've made use of every opportunity. Especially with Hutts and I being a province a part, we've made that drive pretty often to talk about next season, and recently, our futures on the league.

In the juniors I'm just looking to make every moment last. My entire career all I've known is Carolina, but I also understand that that is three seasons in a hopefully long career, and there will be points where I look back and ponder for the old days in the Kraken room. What I want to do now is make those memories. Whether it be a cup in the future, a great individual season, or just some laughs with Hutts on the blue line, I want to make memories over the next two seasons.


07-17-2020, 06:05 PMACapitalChicago Wrote: How'd it feel winning it all?

What are your thoughts on where your fellow Kraken ended up?

Plans on future celebrations with the Cup?

Flip flops or sandals?

Xbox, PlayStation, PC, or Nintendo?

Best memory from the season?

What's your pregame ritual?
After fifty games to fight to make the playoffs, after two series going to seven, after the Outlaws threatened to win a third game in a row, to have the elation of winning the cup after all of that effort put into honing my craft, and seeing everyone around me work hard, it was fucking awesome. No other words. It's fucking awesome to win it all after putting your heart and soul out onto the ice for 70 games.

I'm really happy where everyone ended up if I have to be honest. Zelma's gonna be a couple provinces away, Wolfe is also in Canada, and Blunt Man is right close by in Buffalo. If I have to be honest, I'm most excited for Hutton and him going to a perenially great franchise out in New Orleans. They've competed every season they were in the league, and hopefully we'll have a couple run in's in the playoffs. A teammate like him going to an org like that, it's very deserved.

Once I get my day with the cup I'm driving out west. Gonna go see Banff, take her up the mountains, maybe have a dinner date with the cup. Maybe go for a dip in the radium hot springs. There's a lot of shit to do with it, and I'm not sure I can fit it all in, but at the end of the day I know me and the cup are sleeping in the same bed.

Neither are my first choice? Crocs are better in every sense. Sandals are weird texture wise, just wrong to me. Are they leather with fur or something? They confuse me, their purpose confuses me, you need socks on to enjoy them but socks and sandals are frowned upon so they're useless. Flip flops are easier to manage. They're a poor mans crocs. Not the all around coverage you get with crocs, nor do you have an all terrain mode like with crocs, but at least you know what you're getting. They play into being rubber and making a shit ton of noise with their name, they are a lot of fun to wear, kinda sounds like little suction cups on your feet. They're easily second to crocs. I love crocs.

I'm an Xbox or Nintendo guy myself. When it comes to gaming alone, nothing comes close to sitting down and playing some Paper Mario on the Gamecube, some Pikmin--in terms of solo gameplay and IP's, they're unparalelled. As for Xbox, it's just what I play. Gotta be honest, my boys back home played it and I've been loyal ever since. Not too much difference between that and the play stations anyways.

Best memory from the season is getting in on game night with the boys. We we're on a roadie and Eller hits some of the guys up to play some games. We get there and it's Jackbox in the hotel, cool. We play some joke ship, and... well I don't want to be mean to Wags, I love the guy, but he was terrible on the breakaway to that point, and for an entire round very joke was just roasting him. I felt a bit bad after, but at the start of that night just every card talking about Wags missing the net or shooting it at the goalies crest when all alone is something I'll never forget.

My biggest pre-game routine is the ol' tape toss. Take the stick or sock tape and toss it up perfectly parallel. Gives me a feel for the puck and how it should be with spin and saucing it to guys, and gets my hand eye going. That, or a mean bowl of spaghetti. Nothing gets me better than a good bowl of 'ghetti.


07-17-2020, 06:09 PMNokazoa Wrote: What are some things that CAR's LR is doing right?

What are your thoughts about coming to EDM?

What do YOU think our mascot is?

Why is Julio such a Beefcake?
One of the things I love about Carolina is how there's always something happening, and all the guys are welcoming. Everyone has been scouted and knows we're there for a reason, and everyone meshes well together. Beyond that, we know our goals. We want to compete and we want to win. We have that shared killer mentality going forward, we want to and strive to win, and we push each other to do that.

My first thought around coming to Edmonton is excitement. Location wise just going north for a few hours has me at the arena. The team itself has a history of success that I want in on as well. A 11 year playoff streak, won back to back finals in years 3 and 4 of the league--they're a team that knows how to win and that excites me.

Uhh... looking at it it seems like a polar bear with some extra flair. Maybe got some weird blue snow on it that keeps it warm, and polar bears are a big thing in Canada. It makes sense like that. Polar bear with artisitc liberties.

I have no clue how he's as much of a beefcake as he is. I feel like his biceps are meant for flipping patties on the grill, both in the flipping, or actually flipping his bi's on the grill. I ain't kidding when I see a burger made out of Tokolosh would seem natural. Fuck it, I'd eat it.

07-17-2020, 06:45 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: I'd say it was a strange first round in the draft. Were there any picks in the first round that surprised you?
Through the first few picks nothing was too surprising. From 9, and then 1-7 everyone had a good idea of who was going where. 8 surprised me purely because I thought I would go there, and then 10 surprised me because I didn't have Edmonton on my radar as far as expectations go. I was too cocky and thought I'd be gone before I went there. I set myself up for disappointment. From there, Dubolk going 14 threw me for a loop. Most people figured he'd end up in Tampa just not a pick earlier. Rieley jumping into the top 16 might've surprised people but I spent a few games with him and know he's a great talent. Other than that everything was in the realm of what I expected.


07-17-2020, 07:20 PMKeygan Wrote: Many had you touted as a top 5 pick, how did it feel as names kept getting called before yours?

You've played for both Montreal and Carolina now, which branding did you prefer and why?

What advice would you give to any new players in the league?

What should every teammate know about you?

I have to be honest, it was demoralizing. Knowing my talent I felt confident in going early, but I kept hearing names called--I kept expecting to hear mine called and nothing came. I thought of just walking out of the draft room at one point, feeling like my agent had been giving me wrong information or teams were. But now it just lights a fire under me, I want to prove to the teams that skipped on me thinking I would fall that they made a mistake, that they'll regret thinking teams wouldn't recognize my talent.

So far I've preferred the Carolina branding. It's a lot more colourful, and I like the logo better. The last one confused me in all honesty, the way two different things we're supposed to mesh but didn't. Plus, I've had a lot more personal success on the Kraken thus far. Also, Kraken are a much more intimidating foe than a Militia. I don't fear a bunch of angry farmers uprising against me.

The biggest piece of advice to the new set of draftees is to stick with it even when it feels impossible. Even if you have to take a break, that's ok, but there's a lot to fall in love with in this league, and leaving before you have a chance to see that is something you'll regret.

Every teammate should know I'm about winning, and having a good time. If you're okay wallowing in mediocracy, or make other peoples time in the locker room unenjoyable, you can miss me with that shit. Accepting people and pushing each other to your respective limits is what sports is all about!


07-17-2020, 09:48 PMZaitsev Wrote: Experiencing what you did in Carolina, do you think having such a tight knit group and winning with them will have you holding your hopes too high moving forward or do you think having that taste of ultimate success will help you strive for more?
Having a group like we did in Carolina is going to push me to do even more to grow as a player. I love this team after just one season, I love all the players we have. But I also want to be a big part of our victories moving forward. I don't want to play eleven minutes a night and be okay with that, I want to play half a game and like it. I want to get off the ice dead tired after working my ass off and still want more. I want to compete for Carolina.


[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2020, 05:53 PM by JamesT.)

Firstly congrats on winning the Four Star Cup! 

I would like to know what you will be bringing to the Edmonton  Blizzard when you eventually make it to the big club.

 [Image: Jammin.gif]
[Image: wiqZK8C.png]
[Image: zS2lCMp.png] [Image: ixmZA3M.png] [Image: pxjucze.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png]

Thank you @High Stick King @OrbitingDeath @Ragnar @Tesla @MattyIce for the player signatures! 

How much of a surprise was it to hear the Blizzard call your name?

Thoughts on Carolina's chances at a repeat?

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

How are the draft and championship celebrations going?

Any goals before you jump to the SHL?

[Image: 66818_s.gif]

What are your thoughts about Edmonton so far? 

How have you and your teammates been celebrating the Four Star Cup victory?

What are you looking forward most to in your following junior years?


How'd it feel winning it all?

What are your thoughts on where your fellow Kraken ended up?

Plans on future celebrations with the Cup?

Flip flops or sandals?

Xbox, PlayStation, PC, or Nintendo?

Best memory from the season?

What's your pregame ritual?

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

What are some things that CAR's LR is doing right?

What are your thoughts about coming to EDM?

What do YOU think our mascot is?

Why is Julio such a Beefcake?

[Image: nokazoa.gif]


[Image: sN8N4xa.png]         [Image: xd5tvj8.png]


[Image: ktJ2jTl.png]

What are your hopes for your player next season?

Long-term, what do you hope to accomplish in your career?

What was the first thing you thought when you heard you were going to Edmonton?

What's your favourite thing about Carolina?

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

I'd say it was a strange first round in the draft. Were there any picks in the first round that surprised you?

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

Many had you touted as a top 5 pick, how did it feel as names kept getting called before yours?

You've played for both Montreal and Carolina now, which branding did you prefer and why?

What advice would you give to any new players in the league?

What should every teammate know about you?

[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]

Experiencing what you did in Carolina, do you think having such a tight knit group and winning with them will have you holding your hopes too high moving forward or do you think having that taste of ultimate success will help you strive for more?

[Image: DIsmdUx.png]

Updates up to this point.

[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]

Quote:The biggest piece of advice to the new set of draftees is to stick with it even when it feels impossible. Even if you have to take a break, that's ok, but there's a lot to fall in love with in this league, and leaving before you have a chance to see that is something you'll regret.

I love this answer (if only because it was my exact thought process when creating my second player). Don't put too much pressure on yourself and if you need to take a step back, don't feel like you need to leave forever. Going into my second player with that mindset took the pressure off and helped me so much.

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

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