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A quick overview of the top 30 prospects (and 2 bonus ones) x2 Media Please

This is an overview of the TPE leaders of the class of S58. If you want to see if you're included I recommend ctrl F... There is a lot of waffle in this pile of shit. Hopefully you can find some golden nuggets of amusement as well. 

We are getting well through the S58 season and getting towards the post season games. With post season comes draft scouting and eventually the SHL draft - the goal of the majority of players will be to be drafted as high as possible to a team they vibe with. To some going first round is a goal, to others going to their favoured team is the be all and end all. To me personally, I'm like a leaf, happy to go with the flow wherever the wind takes me. (though if I'm drafted with a friendly face or two that'd be the icing on the cake).
The point of this media piece is to get me some cash as well as to look at the TPE leaders in the class, judging people on how active they are and maybe guessing what round they'll go in. We'll see where the wind takes me as my media pieces tend to ramble on with no end goal in sight. You'll notice that some people get more written about them than others. This will likely be due to knowing them in another league or spending time with them in St Louis. It may also be down to what time of day I'm completing their write up or whether I'm writing it whilst taking a dump or looking after my daughter - all of these things will have an impact. Its worth noting though, all of this has been written up on my phone as I am indeed a fucking idiot.
So without further ado let's get into the TPE leaders.
(I got to 30, it took 4 days. I'm going to just list out a couple of highlights from the rest and be done with it. If you got missed out its nothing personal. Just my thumbs are completely dead from typing this out on my phone).

1. Jonny Tsunami - Jonny Tsunami - 281 TPE
Taking it by a bawhair Tsunami is leading the by a massive 1 TPE more than anybody else, clearly doing very well in the 3on3s and primetimes Tsunami has managed to not miss a single activity and has turned in two deep dives for that extra 10 TPE. In a very competitive class Tsunami can take pride in his top position. Likely to be a first round talent, the only thing possibly holding Tsunami back is his pedigree - this is his first player so his reliability could be called into question. Personally I don't think this will weigh too heavily on any prospective teams minds, any team in need of a new LW will get a great player here in Tsunami.

Fun Fact: Tsunami has read the full collection of Grimm Fairytale on 15 separate occasions.

2. Finn Von Murphenstein - r0tzbua - 280 TPE
Von Murphenstein is neck and neck with his fellow Kraken team mate Olson and is in friendly competition to see who will stick on top of the TPE leader boards. Much like Tsunami above, Von Murphenstein has managed to hit every single TPE task and has gotten lucky with a number of the 3on3 and Primetime tasks putting him a couple of points above the majority of the pack. I've shared a LR with user r0tzbua for around 4 months now in another league and I can tell you, if he is half as active as he is in ISFL you will be getting a steal drafting him 1 overall. This is a talented man, a talkative man. You need someone to liven up your locker room look no further than this Austrian. You'll get dog pictures galore and be treated to the culinary arts of a keen amateur chef.

Fun Fact: Finn Von Murphenstein has 7 fingers on his left hand. He has used this to invent a new guitar chord he calls ü.

2. Ole Olson - Amidships - 280 TPE
Ole Olson and Finn Von Murphenstein both drafted to the Kraken, both play defence and both recruited by Kyamprac (never heard of her). This pair are like brothers squabbling over the last scraps of food at Christmas Dinner. Both are looking at coming out ahead of the other but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Both these players will make up a cracking Kraken (see what I did there) defence for years to come. Both should be close to capped come the start of next season meaning they'll be making a nuisance of themselves for opposing forwards for a very long time. Amidships is another fantastic user - I've also spent a long time in the same locker room in the DSFL and you'll not find a better conversationalist. The fact that him and r0tz both got drafted to the same team is a crime. The Kraken have robbed the rest of the league blind of two high character, high earning players.
Something tells me if Amidships is still on the board when Winnipeg are on the clock he won't fall any further than that. Another surefire first rounder.

Fun Fact: Ole Olsons favourite pizza topping is Surströmming. He is no longer welcome in his local pizzaria after opening a can in the foyer.

2. Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Asked Madden - 280 TPE (I miscounted. Actually 281 TPE)
Ohhh it's yersel! To round out the 280 TPE trio it's nine other than yours truly. Friedensreich Hundertwasser has been a bit of a bum on the ice this season with fairly shoddy stats. But off the ice I've been doing everything I can to ensure I'm close to if not top of the class at the time of the draft. Keeping up with r0tz and Amid is a definite goal, and keeping ahead of Zayn is a must for me. Can't let that guy get too big for his boots! Having done every task set forth and written two (pretty poor) deep dives I'm right at the business end where I'd want to be. Anyway I'll not toss myself off for too long here, just know that picking me is a good idea, I have no idea about ice hockey - never watched a single game in my life. I love a sim league though so I'll be here for the long haul.
Also know that this name was the worst decision in my very short career. Again blame resident Austrian - r0tzbua. I'm sticking with it but I have no idea how to say it, and I hate typing it out. Enjoy saying it on draft day though guys!

Fun Fact: Friedensreich Hundertwasser can smell colours. Black smells like cinnamon.

5. Bjørn Jakobsen - Siddhus - 279 TPE
Siddhus is another hyper competitive ISFL player (though not a Birddog like the previous 3 players) and like the rest of the class above him he has managed to do absolutely every action asked of him to gain TPE. Siddhus is also our first recreate of the draft class (though recreating under controversial circumstances leaving anehaim in the shit leaving them short a centre for playoffs and making a sharper exit than expected).
Now that he's got his bearings in the league Siddhus will be looking to be a lot more competitive this time around. Will an SHL team take the risk and use a high draft pick on him? It's a dilemma, will he recreate if he falls behind again? That would be a huge waste of a first round pick.
However whoever picks siddhus will be getting a fantastic user! He comes with the Asked Madden seal of approval for whatever that's worth.

Fun Fact: Bjørn Jakobsens favourite starter pokemon is mudkip.

6. Gregory Goode - Keenan - 278 TPE
This names is the first since Tsunami that I am not too aware of. And that is probably down to me not being much of a social butterfly in any of the gen chat servers.
Keenan appears to be a bit of a power user on the site and I remember his way too early mock draft having me at the right pick to the wrong team for smjhl so he at least knows his stuff.
Keenans been around since S11 which for all I know could be decades ago for all I know (I checked, it was 2012).he appears to have taken a couple of years as a hiatus but is back now 2 years later with Gregory Goode and is flying through the TPE tasks.
He may be one of my favourite recreates in the draft as he appears to be big into pokemon (or was big into pokemon) which I was as well. I can see Goode being highly sought after and another 1st rounder (unless their are some demons in his past I'm unaware of).

Fun Fact: Gregory Goode has three different people who claim to be his mother in a reverse mamma mia scenario. They are making a musocal about his life: Dadda Dia

6. #A-Rye Izzy - Mike Izzy - 278 TPE
Im sorry did I call Goode a power user, I was wrong. I threw that term out too early. Mike Izzy is a power user and also our first guaranteed pick as one of the GMs of the Calgary Dragons (definitely one of the cooler brandings in the league) he should be picked up in the second automatically, unless my knowledge is absolutely heinous.
Its a shame Izzy isn't going into the draft proper as he would no doubt have been a first round pick, it's fair to say the Dragons will be getting an absolute steal with him coming to them in the second, meaning they could realistically take a chance on one of the unproven Rookies named above as they know they have a proven commodity coming in the second.
I just want to mention, although I respect the user, I don't like the name. I'm still of the age where # is the pound sign. So to me his name is Pound A-Rye Izzy. Which sounds like something you'd shout at a person called Izzy who you wanted to eat Rye bread.

Fun Fact: #A-rye Izzy is unable to type his name in most websites. He's so unable to get any credit ad the # isnt recognised as a relevant character.

8. Basil Sivart - Sivart - 277 TPE
Sivart is up there with one of my favourite profile photos - Basil Fawlty from Fawlty Towers aka John Cleese - no doubt the inspiration behind the player name. Sivart was putting out some seriously entertaining media pre draft and is no doubt doing the same as most people who have just hit their rookie Payout - resting on their laurels with their feet up happy with the cash they've brought in. This was how I have been up until the double media post so I know the feeling well. Go back to putting out some more media Sivart and please continue to say nice things about Friedensreich Hundertwasser - I really enjoyed reading them!

Fun Fact: Basil Sivart heard the phrase an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Not liking doctors he decided to eat a months worth of apples in one day to keep the doctor away for a month. He was taken into hospital with a cute cyanide poisoning.

8. Billy Brooks - Supertardis101 - 277 TPE
In joint 8th here is another man I currently share a locker room with in ISFL. Supertardis101 and I have just come off the back of an Ultimus win with the San Jose Sabercats in the ISFL.
I'm hoping we'll both be able to accomplish the Same sort of success in the SHL but we'll see how it goes.
This is actually Supertardis' second create. He made a player 2 seasons ago who retired before being drafted to the SHL after realising PBE and ISFL was enough for him. We'll see soon enough if he feels he'll be able to make a go of it this time, he's certainly keeping on top of all of the various tasks so far this season and looks like he'll be another strong pick.

Fun Fact: Made a new form of maths called Billy Boy mathematronics. It isn't very useful.

8. Mew Two - Zeagle1 - 277 TPE
Zeagle1 is yet another new create from the ISFL. Its like theyre gremlins thrown in a pool repopulating the whole of the SMJHL. Zeagle1 has been a great addition to the league mainly for bringing a full blown god as a render. (because lets be fair Mewtwo is the original god pokemon) with my aforementioned love of pokemon Zeagle has managed to make me fall in love fairly quickly.
He has been very active so far making a bunch of decent graphics and sigs and has pumped out his deep dives rapid. Zeagle had also just made use of the double media week posting a chunky bit of writing for some fat pay. I know a lot of the guys I've joined with have a lot of good things to day about Zeagle but I haven't had a huge amount of interaction. Something which hopefully changes as the seasons go on.

Fun Fact: Mew Two has a large fan base made up of middle age women. They like is "large tail".

11. Dogwood Maple - Dogwoodmaple - 275 TPE
What can we say about dogwood maple... This man pumps out the media in 3 different leagues faster than Philip rivers pumps out kids. I have 0 doubt Maple will be a top pick maybe even top 3. You'll never have to worry about his bank account. He'll have fat stacks for years to come. Maple was late to the show but is still close to the top earners of the class and will no doubt pick off a few stragglers before the start of the SHL draft.
Dogwood will no doubt make whatever team takes him very happy with their investment and I'm positive hell return any faith back 10 fold.

Fun Fact: Dogwood Maple created a new sugary treat he called "Maple Syrup" he was astounded to find out he wasn't able to trademark the name.

11. Nikolaj Boyle - Zaynzk 275 TPE
I've got nothing but good things to say about Zayn these days. He is loved by everyone in the locker rooms he's in but seems to be treated like marmite for anyone not in the same LR. This is mostly due to some top tier Twitter shit housery which has also painted a large target on the back of the Dallas Birddogs as the most controversial team in the DSFL.
Zayn is competitive, funny l and always on discord. If you want a good locker room presence look no further than this guy. If he isn't gone in the first round there is something seriously wrong with this league.
On to his player, Nikolaj Boyle gets major props for having a Brooklyn 99 name although his render is Charles Boyle which could confuse some GMs.

Fun Fact: Has a 150 year old mother dough. He has sections of it in 3 different lockboxes in case one gets stolen.

13. Zayne Rotzbua - Inverted - 273 TPE
Inverted is probably the main reason I grew to love sim leagues, after he was a key component to getting me drafted into the Dallas Birddogs for the development American Football sim league, the DSFL.
Inverted is a sarcastic bastard but a agreat laugh and is an excellent locker room presence. Like me Inverted has 0 clue about hockey so you may need to educate him and draw him into the sport. If you can get his buy in you'll no doubt love having him in your team!
Inverted is also the first player on our list to have not written his second deep dive, that's another easy 5 TPE to add on and would push him into the top 10.
Rotzbua alongside Hundertwasser, von Murphenstein and Izzy will be making up a core 4 of the Austrian national team for years to come.

Fun Fact: Zayne Rotzbua was bullied in high school. He was under the impression you only needed to wipe once...

14. Danny C - DannyC - 270 TPE
Danny C is absolutely nailing the TPE grind this season. Hitting 270 without doing a single Deep Dive. Assuming he gets them both out the way before the end of the season it'll bump him straight up to top 5 in the class.
Aside from the TPE grind there isn't much to say about DannyC, he's not made any graphics or put out any media, but has made a good start on the rookie tasks with only 2 left to do (as far as I can tell).
This LW will likely be on the cusp of first or second round, even higher up the board if those deep dives get done.

Fun Fact: Noone knows what the C stands for. His real surname could be Clarence or Clarissa. In reality, C is his last name!

15. Gerry Atrick - MrRuihu - 266 TPE
Here we have another player recreating after a very short career with their last player making it to 416 TPE. Hopefully this go around Ruihu will last a bit longer and make it into the big leagues to make his mark.
I spent a bit of time with this player as a free agent in St Louis at the tail end of last season and he seems to get very involved in the locker room. No doubt someone from KEL will be able to tell you if that is still the case.
TPE wise, Atrick is yet to do a deep dive, he's got it in him as can be seen from previous media articles so hopefully he gets those done before the draft. He definitely appears to engage in a lot of content and has a few entertaining posts in the thunder and wonder dome.
This is another difficult one to place as its hard to judge whether his previous short career will be a black mark on his draft position this go around.

Fun Fact: Gerry Atrick and Young Logo brought out a dis-track against the Detroit falcons whilst Atrick spent time in STL.

16. Roboute Guilliman - Hazack - 265 TPE
Hazack is another recreate whos previous player didn't do much in the league (topping out at 194 TPE with most of it banked). He's already blown out his previous TPE high of the water and is well on his way to a top 2 round draft pick coming in at the 16th highest TPE of this class.
Much like his team mate above, Guilliman still has 2 full deep dives to go so has a large chunk of TPE ready at his beck and call if he chooses to submit them.
Hazack is clearly fairly active on the forums having submitted a couple of graphics alongside a couple of media pieces. This should work in his favour come draft time and boost him up the board a bit.

Fun Fact: Although he dresses as an ultramarine, he has his partner dress up as the sisters of battle much to her chagrin.

17. Noel Blanchett - JT3 - 264 TPE
So I haven't spoken to JT3 much, if at all as far as I'm aware. But judging from his profile it looks like he may well be SHL royalty. His previous player Jon Toner retired as the 5th oldest player in the league just last season, leading to JT3 creating new player Blanchett.
This makes me assume JT3 will be a highly sought after prospect, he has already proven that he is trustworthy and is unlikely to ghost the team after a few months of updating. It looks like he has spent 19 seasons as Jon Toner, if he lasts the same amount of time as Blanchett whichever team picks him up will be happy as Larry.
He has already completed his 2 deep dives so there are no easy TPE bumps available to him but I can't see that dropping him down draft boards. (I had a quick scan of the forums and couldn't see him as a GM so I assume he'll be in the draft proper).

Fun Fact: Blanchett has webbed fingers on his left hand, meaning he can only wear mittens, not gloves.

17. Jean-Locke Zidane - Nictox - 264 TPE
Here we have the number one over all pick in the smjhl draft. And I can guarantee, I'll even put my house on the fact that this feat won't be repeated in the shl draft. In fact I'm willing to bet he won't be a first rounder at all. This of course has nothing to do with Nictox or player Zidane but purely down to the fact he is a GM of the Specters. Meaning he'll be an auto pick for them in the second round. And oh what a pick it'll be.
Zidane has been plying his trade in St Louis for the Scarecrows alongside my player Hundertwasser and his fellow GM JKortesi. Zidane has been a class act in defence and has been setting up his teammates for goals if and when he can. At time of writing I have just watched him score his first 2 goals of the season, both coming in one game against the Knights. Very impressive stuff.
Nictox seems like a great presence in the LR and appears to be very helpful to the likes of me (aka noobs). The specters have a great GM in this guy.

Fun Fact: Jean-Locke Zidane has an actual specter living in his basement. It plays casper the friendly ghost on repeat Monday to Friday.

19. Luc Blouin - Drunken Teddy - 262 TPE
Drunken Teddy has been around since season 34 with player Robert Phelps and appears to be a big man on campus with the title of "owner" in his profile page. He was also the person who announced our latest commissioner so I'd assume he's at least somewhat important in the grand scheme of things (does It actually just mean he owns the site or does it just mean I'm an idiot? Who knows).
Blouin is another who has already claimed both deep dives so doesnt have that quick TPE injection available to him. Assuming I've not fucked up and he isn't a GM already I can see Blouin going in the first as another "sure thing" someone who's done it all before and has that track record of riding out a king career without getting itchy feet and recreating early.

Fun Fact: Luc Blouin was actually born with 2 left feet. He went through a particularly painful procedure to move his right big toe to the inside of his foot and to move the arch to the correct side.

20. Bean Beanman - Seymour Snatches - 260 TPE
Player name - Great. User name - Great. What more can you want in a draft pick? TPE? Yeah that's great too.
I don't see how bean beanman doesn't go number one overall with those sort of intangibles...
Anyway to get more serious, this is snatches first create in SHL and I believe he created Beanman in isfl at roughly the same time which may be a cause for concern - biting off more than he can chew all at once. However it doesn't look to have deterred him so far, Snatches has done some great GFX work  and got both his Deep Dives dusted off and claimed to be sitting in the top 20 of TPE earned for the S58 class. No doubt a few more sigs and some more media and I could very easily see beanman go in the first couple of rounds.

Fun Fact: Beanman is actually allergic to beans. All beans. From garbanzo to pinto, kidney to butter. You name it, Beanman is deadly allergic to it.

20. Leon Schweingruber - DApolloS - 260 TPE
Rounding out our top 20 in TPE is Leon Schweingruber who manages to sneak in at joint 20th just 21 behind the TPE leaders. Schweingruber should easily jump ahead of Beanman having only submitted 1 Deep Dive so far, he still has a second to do to earnvhkm that extra 5 TPE.
DApolloS is also a recent create in isfl having joined in S26 so i may even have had the pleasure to scout him (though I don't believe I did).
DApolloS appears to be another great user (seriously this class is full of them) and he will no doubt be a surefire second rounder I'd someone doesn't take that leap in the first.

Fun Fact: Schweingruber owns a chain of Burrito cafés in Scotland called the Bonnie Burrito. He won it in a game of cards in Edinburgh.

22. Greg Davies - bjkman - 259 TPE
If you haven't seen Taskmaster the (now channel 4) game show on British television, open up a tab and search for it. Look for any illegal/legal streaming you can find. That's some good shit right there I tell you.
The reason I mention this is bjkman  has THE Taskmaster as his render. And I am happy to say this is my favourite render in a class filled with strong renders (sorry Mew Two) mainly because Greg Davies is an absolute tower of a man measuring in at around 6ft 8 and not a thin man. Not someone you'd want to match up against on the ice whatsoever.
Anyway, Davies hasn't quite been a top earner but is still putting in the time, having submitted and received TPE for both of his Deep Dives it's plain to see he is in this for the long haul. Whoever drafts me, if you can draft Davies as well I would be most grateful, purely so I can make up some form of shitty draft sig with Davies towering over the ridiculous Austrian artist render I've chosen for myself.
All we need now is for someone t on create as "Little Alex Hooorne" and it would make my day.

Fun Fact: Greg Davies body was carved by a four year old out of a budget block of ham.

23. Richard LaFleur - Kierkan - 257 TPE
Cram it in your cram hole LaFleur! I'm hoping this is a nephew or son of dodgeball great Peter LaFleur but that may just be my head cannon. This is Kierkans first create and he seems to be toddling along quite nicely. He's battered out both deep dives and appears to be helping the Knights quite handily on defence. With how many teams there are in this league LaFleur will no doubt be a great second rounder for a team here.

Fun Fact: Thinks squidward is the most relatable TV character.

23. Hunter Sharpe - ImYolo - 257 TPE
Heres another of my St. Louis brethren, and another great locker room presence. Not only has he been Sharpe on the ice (see what I did there) he's also been reving up the locker room and really keeping the chat going throughout the season.
Yolo the user has made use of his 2x first media bonus but still needs to put out a couple of deep dives. Doing so could really skyrocket him into the top 20 and maybe even into a first round berth depending on team needs. That would be excellent to see as Yolo definitely deserves it. He's still got a few rookie tasks available as well so it shouldn't be long before he's rolling in mulah.
His player doesn't appear to be actively harming the team like a couple of his teammates (ahem Friedensreich Hundertwasser) with only -5 across the whole year. Which when on a team bottom of the league, is really quite the stat! Draft this guy and you'll likely be getting top tier talent in the second round.

Fun Fact: He says "Sonic is his favourite Nintendo character."

25. Kermit Murphy - notorioustig - 252
Coming in at 25 we have the fearless GM of the Seattle argonauts, so another player who's draft position isn't in doubt and therefore won't be feeling the need to impress any scouts. Taken by Detroit as one of their 3 top 4 picks I'm sure Detroit would have hoped for a top tier earner here, though I'm sure They'll still be happy that he's going to be as reliable as they come.
Tig is another person I've not had much interaction with but I'm sure he's at least a semi decent person as he has a full franchise handed over to him. I look forward to getting to know notorioustig over the seasons to come whether that is in the same locker room or just in a competitive nature remains to be seen.
I should also mention Kermit is a very solid render choice, especially after seeing his skating prowess in Muppets Christmas Carol over the holidays (Best Christmas movie by the way). Still, not quite on Davies level.

Fun Fact: Kermit Murphy's favourite breakfast food is bacon. You might not want to let his wife know though.

25. Ric Charlesworth - Simo - 252
And here we have our first casualty on the list. I love Simo - He's great craic and extremely talkative in every channel/League he's in. Unfortunately SHL was one league too many and simo has put out conformation that he will get to the cap and then allow the Berserkers to use his soulless husk of. A player as they see fit.
Charlesworth should be a last round player if not passed by all teams. What a shame! I'll pour one out for Simo!

Fun Fact: Ric Charlesworth has retired to a community where blackjack and hookers run wild.

27. Kit Kirkstone - Grapehead - 250 TPE
Here we have St Louis backup goal tender. You'd think given the position the scarecrows find themselves in that it must mean Kirkstone is playing poorly... You couldn't be any more wrong. Kirkstone is a certified badass, often posting 96% and up on saves. He has single handedly won us a large portion of our games with some of the clutchest saves and biggest performances of the season.
The user Grapehead has been a longtime goalie with previous player Jeff Kirkstone so should know what it takes to make it in the big leagues  at this slightly less sought after position.
For the time being however, Kirkstone will fill the large pads of Nicolae Antonescu who is likely to move on from the Scarecrows after this season.
Having no idea how teams rank need, user and TPE when it comes to the draft I find it difficult placing grapehead. Clearly a great user and if any team is desperate for a goalie they'd be stupid to pass him up.

Draft fact: The only Tekken player Kit Kirkstone plays as is Marshal Law. He spams the sumersault kick shouting "Gottem" every time it lands.

28. Nike Kickz Jr - Nike - 246 TPE
I can't believe we're almost halfway down the draft class and we're still finding quality players, but here we are. The original Nike Kickz is old blood, joining the league in season 12 as a LW and has had a few other players in Goody Goody Jr and Goody III all with varying degrees of success in the league.
Kickz Jr missed out on he trade deadline creation so is a bit behind some of the other players but you can bet he is putting in the time and effort to really show off to prospective teams. He has completed both deep dives and is off on the TPE races.
Other than that I've not had any interaction with him however I see him putting up the good fight against long signatures on the forums which puts him as a first rounder in mh uneducated opinion.

Fun Fact: Nike Kickz Jr turned down a lucrative advertising deal with Reebok quoting "its not really my brand man" before yeeting a puck at the Interviewer.

29. Pavel Jeziak - Leppish - 245 TPE
I'm glad Leppish is in the top 30 repping my favourite seige defender as his forum & discord PFP. You want an ace, pick this guy. With his excellent utility and killer shot you'll be wiping the five attackers ontgt he other team in no time. Anyway, enough about Maestro and onto Leppish. He's great craic in the S58 discord channel and is another recreate from the early 30s seasons. Between Travis Jeziak and Geoff Moore, Leppish has made a name for himself around the league and will be looking to continue do so here with the younger Jeziak.

Fun Fact: his favourite operator's are actually Ash and Ela.

And last but not least to round out our top 30...

29. Narboza Manyarms - Nyumbayangu - 245 TPE
I'm glad Manyarms has come up on the list in the top 30 as this player has the best fuckin background story in this full list of players. This guy is a full blown alien. Not the illegal immigrant kind. The come from outerspace to probe your butthole and liquidise your cows kind of alien.
Manyarms crash landed to earth and is now investigating life on earth starting with the smjhl of all places. Seriously if you haven't already go and read Nyumbayangus media. They're some of the most out there pieces on the site and have great titles (on the subject of teeth and testicles).
Manyarms still has both Deep Dives available to bag a sweet 10 TPE. I'm personally hoping to see some form of comparison between teams from an alien point of view. Who's got the fleshiest players. Which teams aura tastes better... That kind of thing. Come on Manyarms don't let me down!

Fun Fact: Narboza Manyarms is only allowed to play in some leagues if he straps his extra arms behind his back so as to not give him an advantage over those of us with only 2 arms.

Originally I'd planned on getting all 66 players done but that would be a lot of me saying "and here's another person I haven't spoken to but I'm sure they're lovely" so instead I'm going to pick out 2 or 3 favourites from the second half of the draft and give a few words on why they should go higher than their TPE suggests. Again, sorry if I dont get to you. Its nothing personal, just I have real life duties I should be taking care of as opposed to writing this monstrosity only a grader is going to read!

34. David S Pumpkins - Rev - 240 TPE
If your team can get this man to stay active hooooo boy are you in for a treat. He is quite possibly the nicest person in the ISFL. I've never seen a single person say a bad thing about rev and with him being on the "Most toxic team in the DSFL" that is no mean feat.
Do you want someone to light up your locker room with excellent chat, maybe some lovely piano music - look no further than Rev. If you snatch this man in the 3rd you have won the draft and I want you to make sure you take me as well.
Rev is looking unlikely that he'll be a max earner in this league but you should hopefully still find a place for him to fill a role. If he gets those deep dives done hell shoot up and above the midway mark, it may just take a bit of coaxing to get him there.
I'll not say much more at this point in case he reads it. Rev - don't get too big headed but you're a great dude, and thanks for being awesome.

Fun Fact: David S Pumpkins has evolved past the need for cutlery whilst eating spaghetti. He just burys his face in the bowl and slurps up the noodles.

46. Daryl Urquhart - Urq660 - 215 TPE
The final person I wanted to bring up was the scarecrows free agent pickup Daryl Urquhart. My fellow Scotsman in St Louis, this guy has been an absolute stud pickup. Creating too late to get drafted to the j league Urq is looking forward to getting drafted to the big leagues. He's already taken over a large portion of his class mates and is finding himself with a huge amount of time on ice for a rookie, let alone a free agent signing.
He has been a constant in the LR since joining, watching every single stream and getting the lads geared up and into the games. My guess is Urq will far outweigh his draft capital and will make a senior team extremely happy with him.
This is another person who, if you draft me - target him as he seems to be a great guy. Plus... Who wouldn't want to Scottish people in the same locker room.

Fun Fact: Daryl Urquhart caused a stampede at primary school when he scattered his pokemon card collection in the playground claiming their was a shiny Charizard and a Misprint blastoise. Little did the school know it was all energy cards (and not even any psychic ones).

And there we have it guys. I've missed out some big names such as Z-Whiz and Dewalt, there is still gold lying in he back half of this deep class.
I wish you all well for the upcoming draft. And to my future team... I can't wait to see where you draft me!
Madden out.

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
[Image: E8Qr7c5.gif]
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

love it, very accurate for me (especially the apples part.. it didn't work) - but working on something new :eyes:

[Image: regsivart.gif]
[Image: SyiOY8U.png] [Image: rwqM7d3.png]

Aw shit. You saying that pointed me to the embarrassing "bone apple tea" of "a cute" cyanide poisoning. I could blame autocorrect but who would believe me!

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
[Image: E8Qr7c5.gif]
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

12-30-2020, 06:50 AMAsked Madden Wrote: Fun Fact: Bjørn Jakobsens favourite starter pokemon is mudkip.




[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Awesome read!!!

[Image: Wally.png]


I love that you put the control F disclaimer on top. I’d do the same thing. Great read for what I did readb

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

Quote:both recruited by Kyamprac (never heard of her).

Smh. Also, you're welcome hockey peeps. Draft these men.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

12-30-2020, 04:49 PMKyamprac Wrote:
Quote:both recruited by Kyamprac (never heard of her).

Smh. Also, you're welcome hockey peeps. Draft these men.

[Image: zayn.png?ex=65e9b101&is=65d73c01&hm=c0f0...y=lossless]
Kyle Sux Lmap
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2020, 02:27 AM by JT3.)

Great write up! It's been fun being in such a competitive draft class. A lot of you folks got a bit of a headstart on me though, so I've got my work cut out for me  Wink Cheers

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

this draft is going to be a really fun one to watch, good stuff Madden Scarecrows

[Image: rum_ham.gif] [Image: ox6aAot.png]
[Image: 62428_s.gif]
[Image: ddIlIkT.png]Colin Lambert ll Left Defence ll Barracuda[Image: NA3IV5m.png]

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