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New Awards Head & FA & Everything Else Presser
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2022, 10:05 AM by RomanesEuntDomus.)

[Ready for Grading]

Hey everyone,

A couple of things have been going on for me in the SHL lately, the two most important ones being that I've been appointed as the new Head of the Awards Committee and the fact that after eighteen seasons with the LA Panthers, I will be leaving the team this off-season as they weren't able to extend my contract due to their cap situation. So I figured this might be a good time for a Presser, feel free to ask me anything about either of these two topics or just anything else that comes to mind and hopefully I can get a nice write-up going. Thank you!


12-29-2021, 09:10 AMAccka Wrote: What would be your toppings for a pizza with 4 toppings?

I would say I'm a pretty classic and oldschool guy when it comes to Pizza toppings. So if we count Cheese and Tomato Sauce as just being there and not actual toppings as it should be, then I would go with Salami (regular and Pepperoni both fine), mushrooms, peppers and then either ham or onions as my last topping. I also love Rucola on Pizza, not sure what that's called in the US, but that barely qualifies as Pizza anymore in my book. Oh and one thing where I'm a bit outside of the norm in regards to pizza maybe is the sauce-to-cheese ratio, I actually prefer a lot of tomato sauce and not that much cheese on it while I have the feeling that it's kinda the opposite for most people I know. And that is despite the fact that I actually love cheese, but in my experience too man pizza places just drown their pizzas in too much super low quality "cheese", killing all nuance of flavor and turning it into a fatty mess.

Quote:What are your thoughts on mayo on pizza?

Ufff well I love mayo but at the same time I can't really imagine that tasting very good, just the thought of warm mayo alone isn't too enticing. I actually have a friend who used to work in a Pizza place in Finland so she already told me a bit about your guys weird tastes but as I said above, I'm not super adventurous when it comes to Pizza so while I'll try to keep an open mind and give it a try, I don't see myself liking it to be honest.

Quote:Coffee or tea? If coffee, black, with sugar, with milk, creamer?

Not a lot of both to be completely honest. I drink coffee in social situations or sometimes when I need an energy boost in the morning but not ritually over the day out of habit or because I love the taste. If I do drink it then I'm pretty flexible in regards to what I put into it, sometimes it's just milk, sometimes milk and sugar, sometimes even black or black with sugar, but the latter too are less common. So I would say milk I almost always have in it and sugar is optional. I don't drink a lot of tea either, I used to have it more a few years ago but that hasn't really stuck but when I did I loved to put honey in it. But yeah in general I prefer cold drinks, even in Winter. Might have something to do with the fact that our Winters are pretty mild so you don't really need anything to warm up even after an extended stay outside...

12-29-2021, 10:29 AMbrickwall35 Wrote: What awards will you be giving to me?

If I give you an Award, will you actuall come an accept it or will you pull a Tim Thomas on me?

12-29-2021, 11:29 AMVaxlare Wrote: What are you looking for in your next team?

It's kinda tough to say to be honest because I didn't expect to need a new team until a few days ago. Funnily enough, I had considered the option of having to leave LA in pretty much all of the past few off-seasons expect this one, so when it actually happened I was a little bit blindsided by it. So I didn't have the chance to think to much about this question yet but I guess it comes down to two main factors, a good group of people that I enjoy being around and the chance to be competitive in the sim. The second factor will be kinda hard though since not a lot of actual contenders will have room on their roster or in their cap for a player like myself.

At the same time, I'm not even sure whether I even want to continue at all. The thought of just retiring right now and finishing my career as a one-team player is quite enticing as well. My original plan was to go to 20 seasons and 1000+ games, breaking 900 points and maybe even trying for 1000 so cutting that short by two season would kinda suck. But at the same time it would be a clean cut and give me the chance to start anew instead of having to deal with 30% regression every season and a player that is not really an asset anymore for most teams. I haven't completely decided yet but I think as of right now I'm leaning that way, if we can get a nice draft class going starting Monday that it'll actually be fun to be a part of.

Quote:What ideas do you have as the new awards head?

There are three main ideas I have presented when starting the job, none of them are super private so I think I can just post them here as well:

1. Start a conversation about possibly implementing a new Award or two. This would obviously require a lot of feedback from various different people but I for example would like to implement a Power Forward Award which would also help clarify the requirements for and allow a clearer distinction to the Two-Way Forward Award that we have already. But maybe there are other cool ideas that I haven't even thought yet, hence the need for lots of feedback.

2. Change the way on how we vote on a few of the Awards that we already have and transfer away some of the voting power from the Awards Committee to people that are more knowledgeable on the matter. In my experience, the Awards that the Committee has struggled with the most in recent years are the non-stat based ones: GM and Coach of the Year as well as the Littleton. It's really really hard to accuractely judge these Awards and recognize peoples contributions if you aren't part of the GM circle or League Management Groups where you can see how much work is actually done by various people.

My solution for this would be two-fold: I would like to optimize our feedback process for the Littleton so there are more ways for people, both in a league management position and regular members, to suggest people that they think have been going way and beyond in their dedication to this league and in making it a better place for everyone. In regards to the GM and Coach of the Year Awards however I would like to even go a step further: I think it might be beneficial to explore a system where the Committee doesn't vote on these Awards at all anymore, but where this is done by the GMs themselves. Of course I would still be willing to organize the process, count the votes etc, but the voting itself would be done by the GMs. They are in a far better position to judge who actually does a good job than we are, they know who does their tasks in time and who doesn't, they know who is a good negotiator, they know who is a positive influence behind the scenes, who puts in more time and work than others etc. Also, I think this Award would actually mean more for the people who are nominated for or win it if it comes from their peers.

3. The last one is relatively simple. We have had pre-Awards Show write-ups in some recent seasons (but not nearly all of them), where we announced the nominees in the days leading up to the Awards Show and talked about their accomplishments in short articles. I would like to make this a staple of the Awards process that is done every season. Ideally the Committee members would be able to write those articles themselves, if not we could also outsource some of that to regular members. In either case, people would be paid for those articles as they would be posted as regular media pieces, so the extra work would be rewarded.

If you have feedback, questions or additional ideas on any of these, feel free to post them here Smile

12-29-2021, 11:30 AMInf1d3l Wrote: Who is your favorite SHL user and why is it Inf1d3l?


12-29-2021, 12:39 PMCarpy48 Wrote: Do you think it's possible to compare awards given out in earlier seasons compared to more recent seasons with all those changes like sim engine change, number of games played per season etc.?

Of course there were some significant changes but i think for most of them the comparison is still possible, yes, at least when you look at the last 20-30 seasons. Things get muddier for the years before that because the Committee wasn't as professional and objective back in the early years of the league, but for the S30s and beyond I think we have had pretty good consistency. The metrics for some Awards change over the years even without a new engine just because we make progress in our own internal processes, by talking over different methodologies and re-evaluating the value of different metrics which might lead to some of them more or less important that they previously were. But I don't think that's a sign of inconsistency but a natural part of the process and actually a good thing. The number of games per season is basically a non-issue for Awards I would say, it will definitely become an issue for HOF-discussions a few seasons down the line and I expect some growing pains there, but for us who look at things only on a seasonal basis the effects are minimal. The only real problem I see is that todays scoring numbers might look more impressive than they actually are because it's tempting to just look at point totals instead of points-per-game, but so far I haven't seen too many problems there.

Quote:If you could remove one award that's currently being given out and add a completely new one, what would those be?

I don't think I would remove any Award really. I usually struggle the most with the non-stat based Awards like GM and Coach of the Year or the Littleton, just because it is so much tougher to gather unbiased information for those. But that doesn't mean that I want to get rid of them, I'd rather improve the processes there through some of the measures mentioned in one of my previous answers. There I have also already talked about an example for a new Award that I would like to give out: a Power Forward Award. I would love to add a new Award or two in general so if you have any ideas in that regard, feel free to post them here or let me know about them via PM!

Quote:Best player that never won any awards during their career?

Uff that's a tough one that would require a lot of research, I'm not sure I can give you a definitive answer here. It connects a little bit to your first question though, there was another thing I wanted to mention there but that I saved for this one: While I love my job on the Awards Committee and the work that everyone on there does, I think that we shouldn't overestimate the value of Awards in things like HOF-discussions. There are looooots of great players and league legends even that never win an Award, it's a lot more than most people realize I would argue. It's very possible to be an awesome player with great consistency over his career as well as some nice peak seasons but never winning an Award. It was an issue in both engines, in the old one because a lot of it was just random, and in the new one because only people on a select few teams even seem to have a shot at most of the Awards. So sadly for a lot of players their Award chances aren't determined by their own quality and determination, but whether they find themselves in a situation where the even have a realistic shot at an Award. Many players found themselves without ever really getting that shot over the course of their careers but that doesn't make them any less of a great player.

12-29-2021, 01:06 PMslothfacekilla Wrote: Do you have a favorite LAP memory?

Hmm that's a tough one and it might be a bit early for that since everything is still so fresh. It's also tough to just pick one moment out of the literal years I spent with the team, it was just a great time overall and time seemed to absolutely fly because of it, it honestly doesn't feel like 25+ seasons or however long I've been on the team now with my last two players. One of my most recent highlights has definitely been the emergence of Carl (and Hank of course) though, it's just so lovely to be greated by this little bugger almost every day and it just make every day better to see the joy that such a little person can bring to other peoples lives!

Quote:If you could make up one nonsense award what would it be?

Damn you are really hitting me with the difficult ones here... I would probably enjoy some sort of Razzie-style "Award" that is given to people that do things that are detrimental to the league in order to call them out, the ones who look for abuses in the sim or our ruleset, the ones who put selfish motives over the good of the majority of the league. But that's not really a fun nonsense Award, I acknowledge that...

12-31-2021, 09:21 AMSalming Wrote: Who wins four hills tournament?

Haha thanks to you I now know the English name for this tournament, so far I only knew the German version :D . I haven't really been following along too much in recent years even though I loved it when I was younger and I have some very warm and fuzzy memories spending the time between Christmas and New Years watching it. So I just had to google the current Standing and was surprised to actually see so many German guys near the top, I certainly didn't expect that as we semed to have struggled over the last decade or so. Where did all the Finnish guys go though? You guys were almost great at this sport and now there is no Finn in the Top-30 and only like one competing at all? What the hell happened?

Quote:When Germany takes medal in IIHF tournament?

This tournament was a rough one especially if you compare it to our pretty successful past. Honestly I could see the team needing a few more seasons were we re-tool a bit before we can challenge for a Medal again but the future is bright thanks to some of the young guys we have!

12-31-2021, 11:50 AMHabsFanFromOntario Wrote: Who are you in your soul?

I'm probably too afraid to find out. But I'm one of those people who believe that there isn't really much of a "free will", so whatever there is in our souls we aren't directly responsible or to blame for a lot of that either.

Quote:What's your raison d'etre?

To be the best possible version of myself that I can be.

Quote:Do you like tart or sweet desserts more?

I'm not quite sure what the difference is, aren't tartes sweet as well? But I would say desserts, tartes aren't that big of a thing where I am from whereas desserts are!

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

What ever team gets you is lucky to have you, good luck out there bud! Smile

What would be your toppings for a pizza with 4 toppings?

What are your thoughts on mayo on pizza?

Coffee or tea? If coffee, black, with sugar, with milk, creamer?

[Image: 64377_v.gif]
Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Two time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska

What awards will you be giving to me?

[Image: 65151_s.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png] [Image: YZjkK9Q.png]

What are you looking for in your next team?

What ideas do you have as the new awards head?

[Image: dangle.png]
     Sig Credit: Ragnar
[Image: vaxlare.png]
Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
[Image: vokU6Ra.png]     [Image: 0ioPVRj.png]

Who is your favorite SHL user and why is it Inf1d3l?


Do you think it's possible to compare awards given out in earlier seasons compared to more recent seasons with all those changes like sim engine change, number of games played per season etc.?
If you could remove one award that's currently being given out and add a completely new one, what would those be?
Best player that never won any awards during their career?

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

Do you have a favorite LAP memory?

If you could make up one nonsense award what would it be?

I really enjoyed being your teammate these last few seasons ReD, honestly you're one of the best teammates! Good luck!

[Image: 66818_s.gif]

12-29-2021, 09:10 AMAccka Wrote: What would be your toppings for a pizza with 4 toppings?

I would say I'm a pretty classic and oldschool guy when it comes to Pizza toppings. So if we count Cheese and Tomato Sauce as just being there and not actual toppings as it should be, then I would go with Salami (regular and Pepperoni both fine), mushrooms, peppers and then either ham or onions as my last topping. I also love Rucola on Pizza, not sure what that's called in the US, but that barely qualifies as Pizza anymore in my book. Oh and one thing where I'm a bit outside of the norm in regards to pizza maybe is the sauce-to-cheese ratio, I actually prefer a lot of tomato sauce and not that much cheese on it while I have the feeling that it's kinda the opposite for most people I know. And that is despite the fact that I actually love cheese, but in my experience too man pizza places just drown their pizzas in too much super low quality "cheese", killing all nuance of flavor and turning it into a fatty mess.

Quote:What are your thoughts on mayo on pizza?

Ufff well I love mayo but at the same time I can't really imagine that tasting very good, just the thought of warm mayo alone isn't too enticing. I actually have a friend who used to work in a Pizza place in Finland so she already told me a bit about your guys weird tastes but as I said above, I'm not super adventurous when it comes to Pizza so while I'll try to keep an open mind and give it a try, I don't see myself liking it to be honest.

Quote:Coffee or tea? If coffee, black, with sugar, with milk, creamer?

Not a lot of both to be completely honest. I drink coffee in social situations or sometimes when I need an energy boost in the morning but not ritually over the day out of habit or because I love the taste. If I do drink it then I'm pretty flexible in regards to what I put into it, sometimes it's just milk, sometimes milk and sugar, sometimes even black or black with sugar, but the latter too are less common. So I would say milk I almost always have in it and sugar is optional. I don't drink a lot of tea either, I used to have it more a few years ago but that hasn't really stuck but when I did I loved to put honey in it. But yeah in general I prefer cold drinks, even in Winter. Might have something to do with the fact that our Winters are pretty mild so you don't really need anything to warm up even after an extended stay outside...

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

12-29-2021, 10:29 AMbrickwall35 Wrote: What awards will you be giving to me?

If I give you an Award, will you actuall come an accept it or will you pull a Tim Thomas on me?

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

12-29-2021, 11:29 AMVaxlare Wrote: What are you looking for in your next team?

It's kinda tough to say to be honest because I didn't expect to need a new team until a few days ago. Funnily enough, I had considered the option of having to leave LA in pretty much all of the past few off-seasons expect this one, so when it actually happened I was a little bit blindsided by it. So I didn't have the chance to think to much about this question yet but I guess it comes down to two main factors, a good group of people that I enjoy being around and the chance to be competitive in the sim. The second factor will be kinda hard though since not a lot of actual contenders will have room on their roster or in their cap for a player like myself.

At the same time, I'm not even sure whether I even want to continue at all. The thought of just retiring right now and finishing my career as a one-team player is quite enticing as well. My original plan was to go to 20 seasons and 1000+ games, breaking 900 points and maybe even trying for 1000 so cutting that short by two season would kinda suck. But at the same time it would be a clean cut and give me the chance to start anew instead of having to deal with 30% regression every season and a player that is not really an asset anymore for most teams. I haven't completely decided yet but I think as of right now I'm leaning that way, if we can get a nice draft class going starting Monday that it'll actually be fun to be a part of.

Quote:What ideas do you have as the new awards head?

There are three main ideas I have presented when starting the job, none of them are super private so I think I can just post them here as well:

1. Start a conversation about possibly implementing a new Award or two. This would obviously require a lot of feedback from various different people but I for example would like to implement a Power Forward Award which would also help clarify the requirements for and allow a clearer distinction to the Two-Way Forward Award that we have already. But maybe there are other cool ideas that I haven't even thought yet, hence the need for lots of feedback.

2. Change the way on how we vote on a few of the Awards that we already have and transfer away some of the voting power from the Awards Committee to people that are more knowledgeable on the matter. In my experience, the Awards that the Committee has struggled with the most in recent years are the non-stat based ones: GM and Coach of the Year as well as the Littleton. It's really really hard to accuractely judge these Awards and recognize peoples contributions if you aren't part of the GM circle or League Management Groups where you can see how much work is actually done by various people.

My solution for this would be two-fold: I would like to optimize our feedback process for the Littleton so there are more ways for people, both in a league management position and regular members, to suggest people that they think have been going way and beyond in their dedication to this league and in making it a better place for everyone. In regards to the GM and Coach of the Year Awards however I would like to even go a step further: I think it might be beneficial to explore a system where the Committee doesn't vote on these Awards at all anymore, but where this is done by the GMs themselves. Of course I would still be willing to organize the process, count the votes etc, but the voting itself would be done by the GMs. They are in a far better position to judge who actually does a good job than we are, they know who does their tasks in time and who doesn't, they know who is a good negotiator, they know who is a positive influence behind the scenes, who puts in more time and work than others etc. Also, I think this Award would actually mean more for the people who are nominated for or win it if it comes from their peers.

3. The last one is relatively simple. We have had pre-Awards Show write-ups in some recent seasons (but not nearly all of them), where we announced the nominees in the days leading up to the Awards Show and talked about their accomplishments in short articles. I would like to make this a staple of the Awards process that is done every season. Ideally the Committee members would be able to write those articles themselves, if not we could also outsource some of that to regular members. In either case, people would be paid for those articles as they would be posted as regular media pieces, so the extra work would be rewarded.

If you have feedback, questions or additional ideas on any of these, feel free to post them here Smile

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

12-29-2021, 11:30 AMInf1d3l Wrote: Who is your favorite SHL user and why is it Inf1d3l?


Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

12-29-2021, 12:39 PMCarpy48 Wrote: Do you think it's possible to compare awards given out in earlier seasons compared to more recent seasons with all those changes like sim engine change, number of games played per season etc.?

Of course there were some significant changes but i think for most of them the comparison is still possible, yes, at least when you look at the last 20-30 seasons. Things get muddier for the years before that because the Committee wasn't as professional and objective back in the early years of the league, but for the S30s and beyond I think we have had pretty good consistency. The metrics for some Awards change over the years even without a new engine just because we make progress in our own internal processes, by talking over different methodologies and re-evaluating the value of different metrics which might lead to some of them more or less important that they previously were. But I don't think that's a sign of inconsistency but a natural part of the process and actually a good thing. The number of games per season is basically a non-issue for Awards I would say, it will definitely become an issue for HOF-discussions a few seasons down the line and I expect some growing pains there, but for us who look at things only on a seasonal basis the effects are minimal. The only real problem I see is that todays scoring numbers might look more impressive than they actually are because it's tempting to just look at point totals instead of points-per-game, but so far I haven't seen too many problems there.

Quote:If you could remove one award that's currently being given out and add a completely new one, what would those be?

I don't think I would remove any Award really. I usually struggle the most with the non-stat based Awards like GM and Coach of the Year or the Littleton, just because it is so much tougher to gather unbiased information for those. But that doesn't mean that I want to get rid of them, I'd rather improve the processes there through some of the measures mentioned in one of my previous answers. There I have also already talked about an example for a new Award that I would like to give out: a Power Forward Award. I would love to add a new Award or two in general so if you have any ideas in that regard, feel free to post them here or let me know about them via PM!

Quote:Best player that never won any awards during their career?

Uff that's a tough one that would require a lot of research, I'm not sure I can give you a definitive answer here. It connects a little bit to your first question though, there was another thing I wanted to mention there but that I saved for this one: While I love my job on the Awards Committee and the work that everyone on there does, I think that we shouldn't overestimate the value of Awards in things like HOF-discussions. There are looooots of great players and league legends even that never win an Award, it's a lot more than most people realize I would argue. It's very possible to be an awesome player with great consistency over his career as well as some nice peak seasons but never winning an Award. It was an issue in both engines, in the old one because a lot of it was just random, and in the new one because only people on a select few teams even seem to have a shot at most of the Awards. So sadly for a lot of players their Award chances aren't determined by their own quality and determination, but whether they find themselves in a situation where the even have a realistic shot at an Award. Many players found themselves without ever really getting that shot over the course of their careers but that doesn't make them any less of a great player.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

12-29-2021, 01:06 PMslothfacekilla Wrote: Do you have a favorite LAP memory?

Hmm that's a tough one and it might be a bit early for that since everything is still so fresh. It's also tough to just pick one moment out of the literal years I spent with the team, it was just a great time overall and time seemed to absolutely fly because of it, it honestly doesn't feel like 25+ seasons or however long I've been on the team now with my last two players. One of my most recent highlights has definitely been the emergence of Carl (and Hank of course) though, it's just so lovely to be greated by this little bugger almost every day and it just make every day better to see the joy that such a little person can bring to other peoples lives!

Quote:If you could make up one nonsense award what would it be?

Damn you are really hitting me with the difficult ones here... I would probably enjoy some sort of Razzie-style "Award" that is given to people that do things that are detrimental to the league in order to call them out, the ones who look for abuses in the sim or our ruleset, the ones who put selfish motives over the good of the majority of the league. But that's not really a fun nonsense Award, I acknowledge that...

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

Everything answered up until this point, looking forward to some more questions Smile

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2021, 09:22 AM by Salming.)

Who wins four hills tournament?
When Germany takes medal in IIHF tournament?

[Image: salming.png]

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