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S63 Championship Week

1. (3 TPE)


2. (3 TPE)

EVO: Ok, I may not be an old man myself, not compared to old man Darrow himself at the very least, but I have been around for some time, and trust me, things were certainly a different breed. First off, nutrition wasn't really much of a key aspect to growth, development and wellbeing as it is today. So many players were able to punch way beyond their wait just be having good habits within their diets. Another thing was that the league used to have a cologomerate called "The Simon T Corporation" that used to be the majority shareholder of the league, and man were they a bunch that revelled in chaos. Not everyone were fond of their penchant player and team interferance, and they were not always in the best of standings with the unions, but they did bring the fans parity and entertaining games, and there has never been too much of a blowout with them and the player unions. However, when they deemed it time to leave, it was truely an era missed, and I do have a sad pit in my heart over their departure.
[189 words]

4. (3 TPE)

RESO: This has been a major storry within the Colorado Raptors LR when I was around. Maybe it was real, maybe it was just Ruggsy being drunk and mad, but the Dino League rumor goes like this.
Way before humanity was even a concept to the deities above, the Dinos conviened where the continent of Antarctica was lodged in at the time. There, whilst it was far from the white ice desert that we know it as right now, Antarctica was still a very cold place during the winter, complete with fresh snow and ice several metres thick. Perfect for Dino Ice Hockey. There, the play was very medieval, so to say. Lots of checks, plenty of bruises, and there was rarely a game where there wasn't a fight. However, through all of this, there was one dino that kept wracking up goals, making others awe at him and bringing fear towards his oppenents. The Raptors LR awed, and I remember asking Ruggsy who that dino might be. All he did was give a longing look at the logo, and I think that's all the answer we needed.
[188 words]

12. (1 TPE)


14. (3 TPE)

PS: Ok, so in my honest view, a successful rebuild is one that manages to transform the franchise from one constituting plenty of aging players that aren now going to improve in the future to one that is filled with a youth and/or players that can check in and deliver major improvements to what was there before over the long term. That new core of players then need to either win the cup or become a long standing powerhouse that can constantly make cup runs in order to make this a successful rebuild. In my opinion, no other team has performed such a successful rebuild quite like Texas, who has turned a good but ageing core of Kvalheim, Kubinec, Gotze and Danger into a lethal current core of Sulfurgold, Watcher, Kondos, Williams, Hudson, Pihl, M.A.S, Lepannen and Scianna (With the Kvalheim cameo as well). The Renegades are indeed the gold standard when it comes to rebuilds, and any GM worth their salt should take lessons from just how good of a job Puoli has done.
[176 words]

+3 PBE Affiliate

Total TPE gained: 16.......I hope

[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

PBE affiliate

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 Milestone

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!
In season one I imagine that that there were only four teams and that all sweaters that skaters wore were made from wool. Skates were basically knives attached to the bottom of roller blades with the wheels taken off, and everyone put pillows under their jerseys since there were no hockey pads back then. Everyone just played each other over and over and there were no rookies. Players were brought up immediately and there was one arch. You could build your player exactly how you wanted and there was a ton of different builds. A different team won the championship every single year and the simulation module was amazing. You could see all players on the ice and the players were not little dots that just skated around everywhere. What a time to be alive it was. But in all honesty, it is crazy that the Simulation Hockey League have been around for all of these years. -157 words

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
I am always going to be all for team Sweden and I really think this is the year we go for Gold. Ever year I pick us to win it all and every year I'm left in disappointment or fall just shy of where we want to get to. Sweden went twelve and zero in the round robin portion of the International Ice Hockey Federation tournament and we have to be the favorite to win it all finally. I have missed getting money from these international tournaments so I'm really hoping I can get some cash here. Plus who knows how many more season I will be able to play for Sweden.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
a. I think that you can definitely ride their top line guys for that much ice time. It is the finals in the Simulation Hockey League. You cannot hold anything back at this point in the season. I think that if you are that worried about fatigue you could always give them a couple shifts off if you are way ahead or way behind.
c. I think the best way for a team to beat a full out attack would be to try to force turnovers and get out on the break as soon as possible. If their whole team is in the offensive zone you could probably try to get some passes out in front of the defense and try to beat them on the counter attack.

[Image: 15Ng51w.png][Image: draNOgf.png]

(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 01:29 AM by DrB1gMack.)

Task 1 - Back to Back (possibly 3 TPE)

Task 2 - The SHL 63 seasons ago would be a total waste land, no rules just chaos as every new sport and league arises every kink is being worked out. There will be no helmets, wooden sticks maybe a rock as a puck no goalie gear or masks. Injuries up the wazoo, unable to lift the puck. Everything would be just so different. Which is why in these later seasons the games do get better as rules get defined and equipment gets better. But in that first season who knows what would happen, what legends of the game would be born, what records they set so many things could happen in that first season. Which sets the history of the game the beginning hall of famers all defined by that first season. All hell would be breaking lose but it would also set the foundation of our league and what we know today - 3 TPE

Task 6 - 4 TPE
a: If I were La’s coach I would not implement the same strategy as your star players would get tired and every championship team has a great depth chart that they can utilize, therefore my method would be rolling all four lines to utilize that depth and tire out the other team and win.
b; It may sound bad but I would body them and make them hurt. Get them out of the picture then the offense will open up. Get in the head of them make them second guess going for a block if they know they are going to get bullied by our big guys.
c: To prepare for a 5-player offense you need to be aggressive and intercept their passes if you can catch one of their defensemen pinching at the wrong time you turn it the other way and take advantage of an odd man rush. You have to take advantage of the mistakes that they will make.
d: How I would get inside the goalies head would be to play some mind games, splash them with snow or get a little too close in their crease be a big presence nudge them a little but not too much so you do not get a penalty but enough to get in their head.

Task 12 - Milestones 3 TPE

Task 14 - I think my team the inferno have/ are completing a successful rebuild by drafting all start and winning talent (such as myself) bringing in a back to back 4 star champion, a WJC gold medal bringing in highly touted prospects through drafting and trading. All of these moves will show what a successful franchise we can become because of the moves that have been made. With my talent and talent from trades and other draft picks coming in in a couple more seasons we will be the top of the league. We will show our success by winning championships, having your name on the cup that is what matters most. Having personal awards are nice but nothing beats lifting that cup above your head and the inferno are coming so the SHL should watch its back as we build our team up. We are already seeing some fruits of our labour and once I and our other prospects get called up even more greatness can happen. - 3 TPE

16 TPE

Berserkers Patriotes Finland
[Image: EX8JdSr.png][Image: yGcdOWc.png][Image: Bphj82E.png] [Image: BxfKXyg.png] Credit to Redderder15 for the sig
[Image: UDU9SiD.gif]

0. Sim League Affiliate,  3 TPE

PBE Affiliate

12. Milestones, 2 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Two Milestones

18. Written, 3 TPE, zzSnoop Lionzz 150 words min
Well it happened. A general strike by the goalie union led to a mass retirement of goalies and now ALL of them have either quit the site (based) or recreated as a skater. HO has implemented a bot goalie system, but decided goalies were too underpowered and gave the goalies 20 in every stat, even the mental ones we can't upgrade. How does the season play out now that goalies are gods (godbots?) among men. Does anything really change?

If all goalies were the same, Hamilton would still have the best goalie in the league. They probably have specific slider settings that work with every particular combination of TPE that you can think of to maximize their win chances. It is kind of silly, really, the effort put in to keep themselves at the top of the league for so long. Like, it has been over a real life year since I have joined and I do not think Hamilton has gotten any worse in that time period. There have been several opportunities, and yet it has not happened. Knowing that that is the case, I have to assume that they would still remain one of the best teams despite any changes. Especially with help from league ownership to keep them up on their pedestal. Whether that would happen or not, I still probably would do the same thing I do now; come on the do PTs and earn TPE so that Hamilton has someone to beat up on every season.

19. Written, 3 TPE, Bodysnatchers 150 words min
You've uncovered a devious plot employed by the Texas Renegades of the SHL. In order to create the illusion of parity, sometime after game 1 they swapped bodies with all of the Los Angeles team! The Panthers ARE the Renegades! I fucking knew it! How do you expose this to the SHL masses, and get them to believe you? Or do you let their evil plan work, and have the SHL believe we are leaving the era of the big 4 forever?

Honestly, I genuinely do not have the energy to try to make any meaningful change in this league in its current state. I have so little faith in league management that the only reason I stick around anymore is to not disappoint friends I have made in other leagues. It just is not any fun. You know exactly who is going to win at the end of every season which makes it completely boring. We have heard how good some of these other teams are getting every year and then we somehow still get the same team in the finals. Congrats to LAP for actually doing something this year, but I think we all assumed how it would turn out and the fact that it did doesn't make me feel any better. Instead, it just makes me realize how futile it really is. I guess maybe some things will change eventually, but honestly I doubt it. I will keep earning and trying to help change the status quo, but at the end of the day Texas is just always going to be good.

20. Written, 3 TPE, Free Advertising 150 words min
If you're in another sim league and are using 4 of those CW tasks here, you can do this task to advertise that league in your CW. What league is it? Is it fun? How does it work? What are the pros/cons of that league, especially in comparison to the SHL?

My first sim league experience was in the National Simulation Football League, now known as the International Simulation Football League. I joined right at the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020. I saw their Reddit recruitment post for season twenty-two, the largest recruitment class of all time. I didn't join, though. I saved the thread in Reddit and went back a few months later. I created an account about a week before trade deadline and decided to wait until season twenty-three to create. It is quite similar to the SHL in terms of earning. Money is a bit easier to come by, the sim is a bit more fun to watch, the forums and communities tend to be more fun in my experience. I also feel that, while it is not a perfect place, it is in a position to change for the better. I believe in it so much that I have joined Head Office with the goal to see that change in action. It is definitely worth a look as your career is a bit shorter and doesn't feel like the same teams win every season.

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 2 100 words min
Leviadan has made the grave mistake of becoming PT director. I'm already sapping his life source and joyful innocence (yum). How could you, as a user, also make his job unnecessarily difficult? Make media about his shit PT prompts? Write your submissions in Spanish?

If I wanted to make Leviadan's life harder, I would simply talk about how good slash's prompts have been these past few seasons. I would demand that they go further, offering us four options each week for the main PT. I would also demand that we get alternatives to training. Having to open the bank and click a button is too much, and I want a different option. Let me drag a slider instead. It is more fun and could even have an animation. We could get really crazy and set up something like the new captchas are implementing where you have to put a puzzle piece into a puzzle. That would be entertaining for banking at least. I also would demand that we replace activity checks with anti-activity checks. Only the people that are not active should complete them and everyone with an account is assumed to be active unless you check in weekly to state that you are not in fact active.

[Image: MittschiffsSHL.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification word: go leafs

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!
I cannot believe that the SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of sixty three years now. When I first joined the SHL back in season six I would have never thought that the league would develop into what it Is today. Back in my in day when I started off there was no such thing as the SMJHL instead it was called the NJWHL and there were a lot less teams. Also there was this European league spin off league people could create a second player in which is quite the wild concept now a days with that being considered a illegal move as creating a multi comes with a pretty strict penalty. In addition, the SHL use to run on a much more random sim engine that was a lot easier to use in terms of tactics for general managers and it was not as predictable with the Hamilton Steelhawks winning over seventy five percent of the time.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?
The last time the Chicago Syndicate won the cup was in season fifty seven during Mats Marner’s rookie year. Looking back at this time these were the days where Martijn Westbroek and Corey Kennedy were dominating the league as superstars. This was a time where there were ablso the Smeb brothers who were able to win together with Daniel Smeb, Kit Smeb, and Parker Smeb. There was also a rookie goalie in Mat Smith who came up and had a huge impact. The team had an incredible year in season fifty seven with a fifty one win regular season and then went on a sixteen win, six losses and two overtime losses run to win the Challenge Cup. Looking back this was a team I had wished to be a part and thought I would be a part before the Calgary Dragons traded up in the season fifty four draft to snipe Mats Marner one pick before he was anticipated to be selected by Chicago.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Honestly the SHL Challenge Cup finals are getting so stale it is pretty much Hamilton who wins the cup every other season at this point. Even with the harsher regression scale and their team getting a lot older they still find a way to game the system and have better tactics then everyone. My hat goes off to their coaching staff and management for completely dominating the league tactics wise, but I do hope to see other teams begin to build a dynasty. It was nice seeing the Los Angles Panthers in the finals though with a fresh face representing the western conference.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
3 TPE:

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
Season sixty two was another disappointing tournament for team Latvia. While there is still a little more growing left for this pretty young team, this will be the first time many season that there is an actual chance for this nation to be competitive and maybe make it out of the round robin. There is also new management taking over team Latvia that I am confident in so hopefully things will go well. An exciting thing for this tournament too will be Mats Marner wearing the captaincy for team Latvia so I hope that I will be able to lead the team to some success.

[Image: apSD6uj.gif]
[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Task 1)
Sixty two years ago you were allowed take your skate off and attack the ref without getting a 10 minute major. The reasoning was because back then the SHL only employed former felons who were convicted of white collar crimes and were removed from their assets. Another fun qwirk is that back then every arena was required by the league to have an adequate amount of spitting buckets for all the players. While you couldn’t spit into the bucket from the ice, you could spit on it from the bench. Another fun thing was that back then there was virtually no nutrition coaches in the league so it was a common tradition for players to eat a pound of hotdogs and down it with a pint of beer before you get out there. That was players would be incentivized to be balanced on the ice so they wouldn’t puke. Of course players who knew they’d be in frequent corner battles tended to avoid this.

Task 6)
a. That depends on how deep the roster is. In the case of such a top heavy team I think such an approach makes sense. Hamilton doesn’t need to have any one batch of stars out there because at any given time a team might have to deal with Aaron Wilson or MVH. When you have that depth you play your stars less.
b. I don’t know. I’m not an FHM expert and I wouldn’t pretend to have the slightest fucking clue. But I guess if I could do whatever I wanted, I throw it back to the old New Orleans Spectre strat and just make a whole line up of enforcers and then I’d send them out there to go get into a fight with them and take them off the ice.
c. Again, I know fuck all about Franchise Hockey Manager so I really have no fucking idea. I guess what I do is I look for the best two way center I have and get them to play more defensively and then get one of my wingers to cherry pick while the opposing sided defender plays as an anchor.
d. Well I would hypnotize them. I don’t think that anyone can deny that hypnotists live inside the minds of their victims rent free. I will get one of those monacle glasses and find them before the game and tell them that they are to stop attempting to block shots when I yell the word “spamooni.” I will yell “spamooni” and defeat them.

Task 11a)
No it was not a surprising final. The only surprise anymore is that a western conference team that isn’t Texas or Chicago is actually playing for a cup. But no, I’m pretty sure an ocotopus could correctly predict the challenge cup winner 50 percent of the time if it’s only two options were Hamilton and Texas/Chicago. I guess Rotticus Scott did better than expected but did he really? I mean who fucking cares anymore? We’re living in groundhog day where we’re forced to endure Hamilton championship after Hamilton championship? I prefer FHM over Simon T any day of the week but I’m tired of all the complaining about FHM. At the end of the day the league needs to do more to address parity and increasing regression costs aint it.

Task 13)
Well as I hinted at above my answer is no. Hamilton hasn’t had the TPE edge for years. The thing they have is a knowledge edge. Until the league is ready to dramatically start looking at major changes to what a team can do strategically, I don’t think we’re going to truly solve parity. I think if Hamilton is back again next season, after so many of their players have regressed hard, it’s time for the league to stop putting band aids on a bullet wound. Time to start looking at having four lines instead of just three. Time to re-evaluate maybe ever the salary cap structures and contracts. Just because LAP made the finals does not mean we’ve solved parity. I just think Hamilton has neglected their farm for years and so eventually major regression has to hit. When it does, if they are still in the cup final, please fix this. I’m so sick of the apathy across the league.

Task 15) I think that Ireland will probably surprise some people and finish in the top half of teams. I think the reign of Ireland being shit is finally coming to a conclusion. In addition to that I think that Sweeden wins the gold and USA settles for silver. I also think that Latvia finishes bottom of the whole tournament and their fans cry again. Aaron Wilson will lead the tournament in assists with Canada. It will piss everyone off probably but just continue to solidify Wilson as perhaps the greatest Center ever. Oh and I guess Canada will finish in the bottom half of the tournament.

Trivia) Floogle horn.

Should be 16 points there.

[Image: RrqOgzL.png]
[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]
[Image: yuWLBZB.png]

PBE affiliate for 3 TPE

1. Yuh

+4 6.a) Tough to rely on you top guys as much as LA has, but thats what they get paid the big bucks for. Obviously you would hope to spread the skill through the lineup and not have your top guys dead after 40 minutes, but its playoffs baby and all you gotta do is win and move on to the next one.

b) It's always tough to play against hard nosed defenders like O’shea and Giannopoulos. LA needs to really put their players to work on puck movement in the offensive zone and make sure their defense is picking shots they know will hit the net. You choose wrong and Hamilton will make you pay.

c) Challenging LA’s offensive attack is no easy feat. With Hamitons shot blocking dynamo’s they should try to pick their moments to attack on counters and try to keep possession in LA’s zone as much as possible. You may catch them out of position once or twice but these defenders have the speed to recover from those and it won't be a gimme each time.

d) I always think the easiest way to get in a goalkeeper's head is to get in their face. No dont Sean Avrey the situation, but make their job living hell all 60 minutes. Get in their face, block their view, give them a jab every now and then to remind them you're there. These things are small when solo, but when added up repetitively over 60 minutes it starts to wear them down, and all it takes is one mistake for you to make it 1 - 0.

+2 11. a) Well Hamilton wins and congratulations to them. Predictable? Probably, doesn't mean it wasn't deserved as they fought all season to get here and fought off an LA team that was hard to play against all season. Was a little surprised with Rock Strongo in LA. 14 points in 22 games in the playoffs ain't nothing to sniff at but after a season where he was one point below a point per game, I was expecting a little more through these playoffs. LA put up a fight but it seems no one can solve the freight train that is the Hamilton Steelhawks right now and we will have to see if someone can figure them out in S64.

+3 12. milestones

15 total (depending on trivia results)

Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

[Image: Thunder39.gif]
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 01:35 AM by Snuffalupagus.)

1. Trivia, +3 TPE

2. Written, +3 TPE
Back before the dinosaurs roamed the SHL - and by that I mean the Drumheller Dinosaurs, circa S-006 - the rules, playstyle, and culture of the league was vastly different. For example, Ol' Willie "The Chainsaw" Stiehl, of the original team, the Granville Island Sore Ankles, used to tape razor blades to the toe of his stick, making his trips and high sticks especially deadly. It wasn't until the final days of S61 that this was actually outlawed (the rulebook [i]is[/i] hard to read afterall). Another stark difference between the days of yore and the days of yours is that the players' jerseys were actually made from a highly flammable fabric, known to be more flammable than a gasoline powered matchbox-napalm bomb. The decision to use such decripit material was frugal one. Further, some players actually caught flame and appeared from out of a video game.

Also, everyone had to play with a cat in their pads. Mostly for anxiety help.

4. Writing, +3
Earlier in my Championship Week post I wrote coincidentally wrote about the Drumheller Dinosaurs. That team's naming was actually, factually based on the ancient DHL - the Dino Hockey League! A little known fact.

This actually reminds me of a joke.

There was a mystical lamp in the prehistoric era that a tyrannosaurus rex found. The t-rex struggled to reach it, nearly teetering over. It succeeded, however, and snatched the golden lamp. It rubbed it gently and out came a gold and purple genie.

"I will grant you 3 wishes." it said in a hollow voice.

The tyrannosaurus ponder on this for a moment. Then its stomach grumbled loudly.

In a thick dinosaur accent, the behemoth asked "I think I woould lyke a sheep tu eat." and greedily chomped its teeth.

At once, a scrawny sheep appeared in front of the two. The t-rex studied the creature in front of him. One could barely call it a sheep! More like a shp.

"Tooo tiny. It needs... Moore meeeat," it said, its scaly tongue lolling out of its massive mouth.

"Of course," the genie said. The sheep was then enveloped in a gold and purple cloud. When it dispersed. There was a well and fat sheep. One would get meat to feed from this animal for a long time.

The dinosaur was too greedy! He snapped his mouth closed and suddenly yelled with all his might.

"Meeeaaaatier!" It roared.

And then they all blew up.
6. Writing, +4 TPE
a) If I am the coach of the Los Angeles Panthers and I am blessed with the wealth of top-tier offensive talent that they have in their lineup, I would definitely try to play my best players as much as possible. I feel the team would have the best chance possible when the heroes are on the virtual ice.
    b) Defensemen - the last line (before the goalie) of defense against the merciless onslaught of shots from other teams. How in the simulation hockey world does one get a shot past them? The easiest answer is to move your body past these defenders. If a player has points in shot blocking and strength, you may be able to get around them with agility and acceleration. Or maybe threaten to take their pension.
    c) The Los Angeles Panthers have some hot hands and offensive minds, even in their defensemen. It's a scary prospect: seeing five players bearing down on your goalie. I find that the best defense against that type of offensive is banana peels on the ice. It's weird how often that strategy works. It's also weird how the sim doesn't consider it illegal.
    d) A good goalie can stop the other teams' best [i]at[/i] their best. A great goalie can stop a bullet from getting past them. A bad goalie can't stop anything - not even his wife from leaving him... even though he tried desparately hard to make her proud by writing fake hockey articles and gaining fake hockery points. So how do you beat them? Easy. You join them. That's right. Put on goalie equipment and try and take their net away.

12. Milestones, +3 TPE

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

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