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S68 PT #5: Auld Lang Syne

binko of the koivu family of the atlanta inferno of the sim hockey league also known as the shl is very much looking forward to his holiday and he will really really be enjoying his time spent both alone and with family and also possibly with friends. he is going on a big big vacation out to somewhere very far away so he can get away from it all and just try to relax and recharge and get his mind away from hockey for a bit and just chill out. he's going to be both bing and big chilling on the beach, and he will also be making a trip to somewhere much colder than atlanta (like montreal shoutout @Briedaqueduc and @Gwdjohnson and honorary montrealer @micool132) so that he can be bing chilling instead but chilling as in cold. he can then also eat lots of good food like boustan he really does enjoy boustan, it is considered a comfort food for the koivu family yum ! wow it's so good!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

My player is taking a little break from the grind of the season to catch up with family and friends. It is rough being on the road all the time and not having the ability to sit down and catch up with those special people. It will be a very cherished occurrence to sit down with these people and celebrate the holidays. It won’t be anything to grand or any big spectacle, but rather a nice little kickback to reflect on how the year has been quite good and how the next year has all the potential to be great too. There is a lot to be grateful for over the past year. There have been some down moments too. That is sort of expected and natural, but the great moments have really been special and makes for a good time. The friends and family will love to hear about how my sophomore season built upon my rookie season and was even better.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Player Prompt:

Honestly, Bobby McGinnis is improving on his defense and his endurance. While he is an offensive dynamo, he has trouble keeping his energy on the ice and being trapped in his own defensive end. Lots of skating drills and bag skates for Bobby. He also will be watching the tape and trying to improve the teams 5v5 numbers and how the line changes work. The Grizzlies underperformed their expected win total,  and as the newly promoted captain of the team, Bobby is going to have to try and turn this ship around in his final year of juniors eligibility. With a brand new pair of goalies coming this draft class, Bobby and his coaches have to devise a game plan to keep it simple on the goalies, and allow way less high danger chances for the rookie in net. Keep up the scoring and fix all the issues, Bobby is going to have a busy offseason.

[Image: HjWsKHU.png]
Signature by @enigmatic

[Image: ohmEd0h.png] [Image: apAE8qn.png]

USER PROMPT- Look, it's the last PT of the season, the last PT of the year, I get it. I want to give you a softball here.  

Written Task:  Write about your year! Yes, you! You personally! Tell me some things that gave you joy this year, maybe some things you're proud of, or some things that you're excited about. Focus on the positives. What are you hopeful for? Do you have big plans for next year? (150+ words)

My year? I had some major changes this year. I left a job and an industry that I have been in for the last twelve years. My family and I (two kids) moved from California to Colorado. Been a ton of changes, but at this point they have all been for the better. My wife and I met at the University of Denver and have wanted to move back to Colorado ever since we left. We absolutely love it here and feel like this is actually home. Our kids are thriving and we love Colorado. Safe to say that my life has changed massively this year. I am looking at the positives though. Sometimes I miss my old job and sometimes (rarely) I miss California. I can say for sure I miss all the friends I made over the years, but this is where we belong, and this is where we are going to stay!


155 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4
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Player Prompt

Dave Heinrich: So you are telling me I get an actual break for the end of the year? You are actually letting me off for the holidays?

Agent Tesla: I am a most benevolent dictator Mr. Heinrich and with the amount of work you have put in over these past few seasons I feel it only fair to give you an appropriate reward.

Dave Heinrich: Um, does this mean I can go back to my home universe and spend it with my real family for a change?

Agent Tesla: If that is how you would like to spend your time off then I will see to it that you get to go there without a single risk of harm coming to you. I will not be able to accompany you on this adventure though given part of acquiring your contract involved a promise that I would not personally distort their reality again, however I am certain one of your teammates would be willing to accompany you if you need more company than just a shadow of mine to watch over you.

Dave Heinrich: Wait so I get the time truly off then? No hand holding or management meetings? I just get to go spend time with my family for a change?

Agent Tesla: So long as you do not continue to show such inappropriate levels of shock at my most generous gesture.

Dave Heinrich: Deal!

Word Count: 235

User prompt:

More than everything else, 2022 was a very busy year for me personally. What started as a team of just me was expanded with a junior colleague in December 2021, but despite the increase in manpower we at times struggled to keep up with the workload and influx of new clients. This opened up a lot of possibilities for me to grow professionally though, as I got to show my management and acquisition skills a lot more than before. Finding a third person for the team proved to be very hard in the 2022 job market, but we finally managed to find someone who'll start on January 2nd 2023. Hopefully that'll push me and the team on to even greater heights as we keep up with the current workload and I get more time to spend on developing feeder channels and travelling to visit and meet with potential partners abroad. And hopefully I'll also have some more time for a social life and my family.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

User prompt

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Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!

There isn't really anything crazy that my player likes to do towards the end of the year. If there is time he tries to fit in a short holiday but where that holiday takes him can vary widely depending on the year - from some cozy classic Christmas time in a snowy hut with friends and family to a trip to the Southern Hemisphere and straight into the Summer Sun to charge up on Vitamin D and fight off the inevitable Winter depression. Ultimately, where you spend the winter vacation isn't what's important, it's the people you are with so what matters the most is to gather friends and family around you and just spend time with the people you care about. But don't forget to get some quality alone time in there as well, take a few days for yourself, cozy up and just chill with no responsibilities towards anyone but yourself for a little while, before you go back into a life full of responsibility.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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I think most of the progression I have made has been happening at the later part of the year. I made a decision to start learning a new skill (web development) that I have been thinking about for a long time and slowly but surely began the process. My hope is that it will be useful for both my professional career as well as my sim league career both in here and in the Simulation Soccer League . I want to be able to spend more time developing tools and help for the leagues that combine my love of statistics and analytical knowledge with the sport world. There has been a lot of fires that have had to be put out that has taken up a lot of my time and prevented me from focusing on updating the SHL Analytics App or the other tools in the SSL, but hopefully with a more stable level of work I can put some more time into that.

WC: 164

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Thanks to @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @Carpy48 and @High Stick King, for the signatures

[Image: jZtKPwK.png] | [Image: RyzkmSj.png] | [Image: HKi05IH.png]

[Image: EzY5jpl.png]


Happy Holidays to all in the grading team, thank you for all that you do!

2022 wasn't a year filled with too many positives for me personally, so frankly I cannot wait for it to be over. That being said I do have a lot to look forward to it 2023, and although the change in year is nothing more than just a flip of the calendar, 2023 is going to be a much different year.

Starting with a big family trip to Disney in Florida with that'll include my wife and two children, and my wifes sister's family. I cannot wait to see the joy on my daughters face when she gets to meet the Disney princesses. It'll be the first big family trip that we have taken together so im just overall really excited.

I've also set a goal for myself to run a half marathon by the end of the summer. I'm currently at a 10k level so I'm really looking forward to getting winter over with so I can get to training (I'm not a winter person so there won't be any running outside lol).

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Canada Blizzard Stars Citadelles Citadelles Stars Blizzard Canada 
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User Prompt
My year has been pretty good! It's been my first year in a new place, so I've experienced lots of new things. In the past month and a half, I've started going to the gym & that change has been really good for me on many levels - I still need to fix my diet but the exercise is a strong start. I started my first "big boy" job last December, moving halfway across the country, and I have absolutely no regrets. I've learned so much about myself, I think I've grown as a person, and I'm certainly not who I was a year ago. I've found myself going out more, my politics have changed, I've made all kinds of friends, and I've generally just been living a happier life since I moved. So that's my year, my 2022. I'm excited to set up my record player & to begin listening to the vinyls I've already purchased. I've honestly had the record player here for like 2wks but I've just slacked on setting everything up.. Woops.

User Prompt:

It was a pretty wild year at the Downer household. Last January we made the decision to move back across the country (or at least several states) to be near family again, but that would only be possible if I had gotten the new job I was interviewing for at the time. Fast forward about 6 weeks (long interview process), I was able to land the job which put the move in motion. We had an above asking price offer on our house in less than 48 hours, and despite some big bumps along the way because of the buyer, we were able to perfectly time the closing and the move, along with me transitioning into my new job and getting the kid registered for school in our new district. It was a wild and crazy month or so of moving, back and forth car trips, etc, but it all worked out in the end! This was the first Christmas Eve in 6 years we were able to be with family, so it was all worth it!

[Image: downer.gif]

[Image: SyiOY8U.png]

The end of the year break is always a challenging one for Matsmith. This season especially, because going into the break his team, the Chicago Syndicate, eliminated his Dad's team, the Winnipeg Aurora. So tensions might be a little awkward at the dinner table, but Gunnar is always there to manage the two. He isn't sure where he is going to end up, but probably out to Seattle, because that is close to his next round games and where the Soderbergs call home. He will bring his dog with him, cause Gunnar loves the puppy and it will make it feel more like home. Leaving his Chicago family and teammates will be weird but that's this time of year. Looking back on the season, Mats had a good season, but would have liked to contribute a bit more to his team. Though Chicago as a whole jelled really well. We really came together in the playoffs and just took down Winnipeg, who was one of the cup favorites, again probably a source of contention during this break.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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Player prompt

It is that special time of the year, where we have some days off and can do whatever we want to. This is what freedom feels like. Normally I travel home to Austria to visit my family and friends from back in the days. There is no Christmal like the Christmas you knew when you grew up. Believe me, I like the tradition in the US where you have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day where you wake up to all the presents under the tree. In Austria it is a little different. The Christkind arrives in the evening and brings all the presents. We don't have an old santa riding on reindeers and coming down the chimney. It's a little angel delivering all the presents. With the presents, we also get the Christmas dinner, where there are several differnt menus, different from family to family. I really like having some raclette barbequeue. On Christmas Day we have the first day of family reunions, which is often times followed by the 26th with another day spent with the family. That's what I am doing every year.

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Slip McScruff doesn’t spend the holidays with his family. He spends the holidays with everyone else’s families. Ever since he has fallen to league minimum contracts, he has needed to supplement his income. During the holidays, he gigs as a Santa and hops between parties to give out gifts to kids. He is actually the fifth rated Santa in the metro area and is in relatively high demand, booked solid for the entire Christmas week.

The secret to being the fifth rated Santa is laying off the egg nog and talking to the kids at their level. He loves trains and he loves the muppets, so he connects with the children and the parents love it. However, the Santas 1-4 are especially popular with the parents because they bring around nips of fireball to warm their stockings. Santa 6 also warms the stockings, but a few too many mommies were caught kissing Santa and a few too many daddies have left negative reviews.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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