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Best to worse SHL and SMJHL brandings [UPDATED AND READY TO GET GRADED]
(This post was last modified: 06-04-2023, 11:40 AM by st4rface. Edited 3 times in total.)

I decided to make my own personal top of all SHL and SMJHL brandings. It's not just a logo which I will rate. It will be a design, logo, jerseys, branding, history and everything else combined. It's my personal opinion which is made just because I need some SHL money, but I think it will be pretty objective since I'm here from S26, had three different players and played for eigth different SHL teams. Oh, I'm getting old, right? Reminding that it's my personal favourite and I wouldn't just play for a team which has an S tier branding. I think it's much more than branding which makes you play for a team. However, this is my top.

1. Winnipeg ''Aurora'' - Aurora 
This team had one of the worst brandings back when they were ''Jets'' in my opinion. I think it was an amazing upgrade becoming an ''Aurora''. Logo with a bear has an amazing color scheme and jerseys are just looking tasty. It's not aggressive - it's very simple and has a great meaning. Whoever made it all happen did a great job. It's my personal favourite and I definitely rate it as a leader in this top. Plus, they are having a great start of new season - 10 wins in 11 games. Maybe they get a first Challenge Cup since S44 too with this new look?
Funny fact: doing my research found out that my last player who hit 2K TPE club played his last season for ''Aurora'' back in S65 too. Pretty cool
Rating: 9.9/10 (because no one can beat Portland ''Admirals'' and their branding)

2. Toronto ''North Stars'' - Stars 
I promise that this team isn't that high just because they drafted me. Or maybe is... Well, I need to be sure that I get a solid ice time once they call me up, right? However, I just like that this team hasn't really changed who they are. Their new logo is just more modern and more professional. Incredible branding. I'm just happy to be here and will be proud to wear these colors. Toronto ''Maple Leafs'' feelings and I love it. By the way, st4rface being a star and playing for ''North Stars''. That's sick!
Rating: 9.7/10

3. Calgary ''Dragons'' - Dragons 
This team doesn't ask for many questions. Franchise with a lot of history. Interesting that both of my previous players somehow ended up in Calgary (first player even twice). I was there when they had old branding and new branding too. I think we can all agree that this team had the best possible re-branding. Many people were scared they will ruin their franchise, because of the history, but it was the opposite. Bringing back many memories and this is definitely a jersey which each player would love to rep.
Rating: 9.6/10

4. Edmonton ''Blizzard'' - Blizzard 
I was playing for this team when they had old logo. And oh, my... The new one looking just delicious. One of the most successful re-brandings too. The fresh and cold look, color scheme. It all just fits so well and I like it. Couldn't move it higher or lower in my top. Just the right position. Well done to the Edmonton squad.
Rating: 9.5/10

5. Chicago ''Syndicate'' - syndicate 
Back with my first player, I wanted to go to Chicago. They had and incredbile branding which they have changed, but just a bit. And it still looks gorgeous. Black and yellow colors fits so well. Alternative jerseys looks a bit like jerseys for a soccer team, but in general - it's awesome. Well deserved fifth place in my top. They look like goons in those jerseys and they are probably hyped to wear them each game. Their emoji on the forum is pretty sick though.
Rating: 9.3/10

6. Buffalo ''Stampede'' - Stampede 
This team is so old, that if someone would try to rebrand them, they would get cancelled. My previous player was drafted there, spent five seasons in Buffalo and won a Challenge Cup. It's more than a team for sure. Human who made this desgin is just a genius. Just two colors in a logo and it's looks amazing. Great jerseys too, plus they have so big history here. Priceless! They are like Buffalo ''Sabres'', but they can actually make ''play-offs''.
Rating: 9.2/10

7. Minnesota ''Monarchs'' - Monarchs 
We get closer to the teams where I don't have so warm feeling anymore about their logos and everything else. However, ''Monarchs'' aren't one of them. I didn't like this team brand wise back when they spent 50 seasons as ''Chiefs''. I thought it was pretty basic and didn't see nothing special. ''Monarchs'' are much better in my opinion. It's disscutable if it fits well for hockey, but I think that it does. It's very original and I would love to see this team in real life on the ice too. Very original! Home jersey is just 10/10, away jersey is solid too. I just don't like alternative jersey that much. However, successfull rebrand and I love how it all looks.
Rating: 9/10

8. New England ''Wolfpack'' - Wolfpack 
We've seen sharks biting hockey sticks, but a wolf? Yeah, may be a small rip off, but I like a logo of this team. Simple, but very cool and easy to remember. Nothing much to say about jerseys or everything else. I just think that it fits very well in this league and it deserves a high spot. Giving a bit of feeling of San Jose ''Sharks'' though, since there are some animal biting a stick though. Not an issue for me though.
Rating: 8.8/10

9. Baltimore ''Platoon'' - Platoon 
I've moved on from the fact that they went from West Kendall to Baltimore. Their old logo was great and I'm just an old head. It wasn't that professional and they had to change it a bit, since it loked like some army logo. Moving from West Kendall to Baltimore was an issue for me, I think. However, it still looks good. Logo is great, jerseys are cool as well. They are giving a feeling of a brutal team logo wise. It's still solid though.
Rating: 8.6/10

10. Manhattan ''Rage'' - Rage 
My first player spent three seasons in Manhattan back when they had that old logo. It was definitely much worse than they have now. Very simple logo and it's giving a bit of feeling of Chicago ''Bulls'', but it looks great. Just three colors, but everything fits so well. Jerseys are good too. I can't really move them higher, but I definitely think that they can't be lower than this either. Just a decent branding and I can shake my hand to whoever made it happen. Very original team name, by the way.
Rating: 8.5/10

11. Tampa Bay ''Barracuda'' - Barracuda 
I loved the branding of this team back when they had the old ''blue-ish'' logo. It would've made my top five for sure. However, I understand the situation. It gave a lot of San Jose ''Sharks'' vibes, since there was a fish biting a hockey stick. It's still a very cool branding, I just personally don't like that pink fish and big ass jaw. I like that it's more original now and that it was very important to them. Jerseys are beautiful though and I can respect and well put together brand. Decent. Definitely might be much higher in other eyes. I liked Seattle ''Riot'' though.
Rating: 8.3/10

Their old logo
[Image: TampaBayBarracuda5.png]

12. Texas ''Renegades'' - Renegades 
Texas was kinda interested in to drafting my new player and I respect it. Back in S30's I was hoping to play for them, but never had that chance, since they were so damn stacked. Old logo is just authentic, but new one is solid too. Simple, not anything crazy, but you would love to root for them if they're on the ice versus team which you don't play for.
Rating: 8/10

13. Los Angeles ''Panthers'' - Panthers 
We move on to teams which doesn't bring me so warm feeling with their brandings. Don't get me wrong - ''Panthers'' has a cool logo, but since I'm a Latvian, I rememver pretty well that in Latvian simulation hockey league we had a team Bauskas ''Pumas'', which was very close to this team logo wise. If I remember right, they even made a logo together (maybe). So it gives me a mixed feelings. I like the small details in the logo and rink looks good, but it's not made for me. This team has incredible signatures though. They should be proud of themselves!
Rating: 7.9/10

Bauskas ''Pumas'' in LSHL
[Image: 2i8hzyb.jpg]

14. Montreal ''Patriotes'' - Patriotes 
It's hard to make a new team when almost all ideas has been used by other people. Montreal came and tried their best. Can't say it was successful or unsuccessful. If I were they, I wouldn't care about such an opinion anyway. They're doing just fine - contenders almost each season and now the league leaders. Logo just gives me Sherlock Holmes vibes and I ain't a big fan of this brand. However, there might be people who thinks it's original and something special. I can respect it for sure.
Rating: 7.8/10

15. Philadelphia ''Forge'' - Forge 
Similar situation as Montreal had. We have a full zoopark in SHL already, so they had to think about something different. I like their alternate logo better than their primary. I think they had them opposite back when they came in the SHL. It's not for me, but I very like their color scheme. Alternative jerseys gives a feeling that team is located in Germany though.
Rating: 7.7/10

16. Hamilton ''Steelhawks'' - Steelhawks 
Historical team. Scared to say something bad, because I might get crusified online. Of course, new logo is much better than the four previous ones, but it still doesn't bring me the feeling that it's a logo of a hockey team. Maybe I would think a bit different if they would've drafted me, but I don't know. I respect it, but it's not for me.
Rating: 7.5/10

17. New Orleans ''Specters'' - Specters 
Black and bright colors - it's just not a fit for me. This team has amazing signatures all around the league, but I don't like the concept. However, away jersey is lovely and definitely deserves some recognition. Ain't my personal favourite as you see, but I think there's a potential that it might grow on me with some time. Good luck further on! Their emoji on the forum looks like some creepy ass dude. Just understood.
Rating: 7.2/10

18. Atlanta ''Inferno'' - Inferno 
Alternate pathces are just candies and all three jerseys are just incredible. I'm just curious about the logo itself. It brings me a feeling that it might be a logo for some e-sports team which plays CS:GO and I don't know why. And no - not because the team is called ''Inferno''. It's the logo itself. However, can't forget that they are pretty new team and it's just their 15th season in SHL. They was in the situation that they have to think of something that no one has seen here. That mission was successful, but it's not my favourite. I will remind that jerseys are amazing though. Might even take two or three places up while writing this, but don't wanna mess up my first thoghts.
Rating: 7.1/10

19. Seattle ''Argonauts'' - Argonauts 
New team and they had to think of something new too, so I understand the frustration. I just personally don't like logos of boats. This remind me of a Titanic, to be honest. Plus, it gives me a lot of Anchorage ''Armada'' vibes. Can't say nothing much.
Rating: 6.8/10

20. San Francisco ''Pride'' - pride 
I love San Francisco so damn much. That might be a dream city to live in real life for me. However, I can't take this logo serious. Okay, previously they were Portland ''Admirals'' and stake was pretty high, but this was definitely one of the biggest downgrades. Their logo reminds me of a Latvian junior hockey team, but a bit more unfprofessional. I respect the work, but it's a no for me.
Rating: 6.2/10

The logo I'm talking about
[Image: HS_R%C4%ABga_logo.png]

1. Quebec City ''Citadelles'' - Citadelles 
Pretty new team which arrived in a style. Very beatufiul color scheme and brilliant logo in general. I like that their secondary logo is included in main logo as well. Very smart idea and I love it. Great branding and I think that all of ''Citadelles'' players are happy to rep such a logo, brand and jerseys. Well done. Emoji on the forum looks kinda cute and very good too. Incredible!
Rating: 9.9/10

2. Regina ''Elk'' - Elk 
''Elk'' is a new franchise too and I think that they found their style too. Logo is gorgeous and maybe not meant for a hockey team, but I love it. They have done a great job by building their team and I think it's the only logo who might fight with a Quebec City for the first place. Just ate a canned elk, by the way. Bussin!
Rating: 9.8/10

3. Carolina ''Kraken'' - Kraken 
I'm pretty happy that Carolina decided to sign me, because I love to be one of the ''Kraken'' squad. It all starts with their brand. Logo is very effective and original. Not many logos in hockey like this one. Old logos for Montreal ''Militia'' were kinda bad, so the re-brand was successful. Proud to fight under the logo of ''Kraken''.
Rating: 9.6/10

4. Detroit ''Falcons'' - Falcons 
''Falcons'' are the most legendary SMJHL franchise, in my opinion. I have never played for them, but they are like Calgary ''Dragons'' of SMJHL. Their previous logo was unprofessional, but legendary back then. However, it's obvious that I like the new one better. This has been one of the most successful re-brandings in SHL and SMJHL history. There was a chance that I would play for them before I got signed by Carolina, so I respect them. Who knows how our ways will will go. Maybe I'll try those Detroit colors one day as well.
Rating: 9.4/10

5. Nevada ''Battleborn'' - Battleborn 
I'm happily shocked that so many new teams arrived in the league with authentic and very catchy logos. Nevada is one of those teams. Both of their logos has been insanely good. Well done to the GFX team. It isn't even worse than the logos I ranked above. I just like them a bit more and that's it. I think it's very good!
Rating: 9.3/10

6. Vancouver ''Whalers'' - Whalers 
TOP 5 has ended and now it's time for not so great logos. However, I think that Vancouver have made a heavy improvement. Their upgraded logo has much more details and is much better. The previous logo would been like in the last positions, but this one is good. To whoever made it - you did a great job!
Rating: 9.1/10

7. Yukon ''Malamutes'' - Malamutes 
Yukon is having just seventh season. It's one of the newest franchises in SMJHL. Their primary logo is pretty basic, but catchy. However, their secondary logo is a paw with a forest full of snow in the background. That's cute. In general logos are cool, but jerseys remind me of some small hockey league based in Lithuania. I like that they didn't name their team as ''Huskies'' or ''Coyotes'' though. ''Malamutes'' are more original and authentic. Props for that for sure.
Rating: 9.0/10

8. Kelowna ''Knights'' - Knights 
Similar situation to ''Falcons''. I just that think that Detroit has a more memoriable team. Their own logo was legendary, but unprofessional. Then they improved their logo and the upgrade is pretty decent. However, I just think that it's pretty basic in sports to have a team named ''Knights'' or something similar. Legendary franchise in general, but a bit too basic for me, so it's in the middle.
Rating: 8.7/10

9. Colorado ''Raptors'' - Raptors 
I had that opportunity to play for ''Raptors'' back when they had the previous logo. It was okay, but pretty basic and not so professional. The new one definitely is an upgrade. However, I still think that their best image was when they were Colorado ''Mammoths''. The new logo isn't very good and isn't very bad either. It's okay in my honest opinion, but I respect this franchise and I think they are professional. They have spent a lot of time to make their brand good and they've done it pretty well.
Rating: 8.5/10

10. St. Louis ''Scarecrows'' - Scarecrows 
Pretty much here starts the phase where I don't like logos or brands at all. They've had pretty interesting brandings, but I don't think that this fits so well with hockey. But that's only my opinion. I can feel that other people might like it and even rank it in the TOP 3. However, not for me.
Rating: 8.3/10

11. Newfoundland ''Berserkers'' - Berserkers 
Team name which is based on history. Interesting, angry and a bit aggresive logo. Secondary logo reminds me a bit of New Jersey ''Devils'' from NHL. However, I think it's okay, but just doesn't fit well for hockey. If I would be they, I wouldn't care though. They just won a championship and this team continues to dominate, so who cares... They could play without the logo and it would still be okay if they are just winning, in my opinion.
Rating: 8.0/10

12. Maine ''Timber'' - Timber 
I understand the idea, but I don't like it. Logo looks so unprofessional and it doesn't feel like it's meant to be for a hockey team. Halifax ''Raiders'' had two great logos, so I don't understand the reason of re-branding and moving to other place. Well, it is what it is. Don't like it, but that's only subjective opinion from an old head, who used to play for ''Raiders'' like in S26.
Rating: 7.5/10

13. Anchorage ''Armada'' - Armada 
I don't know if ''Argonauts'' logo from SHL looks similar to ''Armada'' logo or the opposite. However, I remember last time when I critized this team. They crucified me on the internet. I know that they have many SHL Hall of Famers, but I don't care about that too much. This logo reminds me a lot of Titanic once again and I don't like it. It doesn't bring the vibe of hockey, logo looks not so professional and I don't understand the concept. Nothing personal - just don't understand the hype.
Rating: 6.9/10

14. Great Falls ''Grizzlies'' - Grizzlies 
Using a team name ''Grizzlies'' always comes with a responsibility. It's hard to have a good logo since the ''Grizzlies'' have a big history in sports in general. For example, old logo of NBA team Memphis ''Grizzlies'' is just legendary. Meanwhile this one reminds me of a random bear. Simple and basic logo. Secondary logo is even better than the primary one, in my opinion. Jerseys are looking good though. I like those small details. That doesn't change the fact of how simple the logo is though. It's simple and easy to remember, but if you would have to name the best logos, would you even think about this one?
Rating: 6.8/10

If you made it this far - thank you. By the way, bring back Portland ''Admirals''. Those were some crazy good times and my favourite branding ever. However, remember that this is my subjective opinion, so don't get mad. I don't even know how to open photoshop and computer. Every designer has done a good job making these teams and forum look good. Some brandings just speaks more on me and some less. Thanks. Respect to everyone and I wish y'all a great season and that everything in real life goes good for y'all. Remember that this is just my subjective opinion. 

Around 3300 words

Stars Stars Stars


It is illegal to make fun of the Pride logo during Pride month smh.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2023, 11:02 PM by Bonk.)

1. Winnipeg ''Aurora'',  Please

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

(This post was last modified: 06-03-2023, 02:21 AM by Wasty.)

06-01-2023, 09:29 AMst4rface Wrote:
13. Los Angeles ''Panthers'' - Panthers 
We move on to teams which doesn't bring me so warm feeling with their brandings. Don't get me wrong - ''Panthers'' has a cool logo, but since I'm a Latvian, I rememver pretty well that in Latvian simulation hockey league we had a team Bauskas ''Pumas'', which was very close to this team logo wise. If I remember right, they even made a logo together (maybe). So it gives me a mixed feelings. I like the small details in the logo and rink looks good, but it's not made for me. This team has incredible signatures though. They should be proud of themselves!
Rating: 7.9/10

Bauskas ''Pumas'' in LSHL
[Image: 2i8hzyb.jpg]
I never heard of this team before and certainly never made a logo together with them. That logo looks nothing like the Panthers logos besides they use the same colors.

06-01-2023, 09:29 AMst4rface Wrote: By the way, bring back Portland ''Admirals''. Those were some crazy good times and my favourite branding ever. However, remember that this is my subjective opinion, so don't get mad. I don't even know how to open photoshop and computer. Every designer has done a good job making these teams and forum look good. Some brandings just speaks more on me and some less. Thanks. Respect to everyone and I wish y'all a great season and that everything in real life goes good for y'all. 
Portland Admirals logos will never come back because they were professional hockey team logos just re-colored. The league moved to original logos since the creation of the merch store and so the Admirals logos you want will never return. Only the name and colors could return but they would need all new logos.

[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
[Image: vlPUU9v.png][Image: ammBPLt.png][Image: rnZeas5.png][Image: V9MXpXR.png]


06-03-2023, 02:20 AMWasty Wrote: I never heard of this team before and certainly never made a logo together with them. That logo looks nothing like the Panthers logos besides they use the same colors.

Portland Admirals logos will never come back because they were professional hockey team logos just re-colored. The league moved to original logos since the creation of the merch store and so the Admirals logos you want will never return. Only the name and colors could return but they would need all new logos.
As I said, it isn't anything confirmed. It was many years ago and I was like 15 yeras old back then. I don't even remember what happened yesterday. :D But I remember there was many conversations about how weird it is, because we don't have pumas in Latvia and that it's just random. So there was talks that it was somehow linked with Panthers of SHL. And I understand Portland's situation too. Nostalgia takes an upperhand.

Stars Stars Stars


San Francisco is such a great place. Just remember to bring your poop map with you.

Montreal's logo is based off the flag used by Quebec Nationalists, and that is based off of Le Vieux de '37

[Image: 512px-Drapeau_des_Patriotes_%28avec_Patriote%29.svg.png]

[Image: 65151_s.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png] [Image: YZjkK9Q.png]

Since it hasn't been graded yet, just edited and added a top of SMJHL logos too. Ready to get graded now. Smile

Stars Stars Stars


It's really cool to see the different taste everyone has.

I found mine more closely aligned with your SHL then SMJHL in general. Maybe because there are fewer teams.

Great read as a whole.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

06-04-2023, 12:00 PMspidey Wrote: It's really cool to see the different taste everyone has.

I found mine more closely aligned with your SHL then SMJHL in general.  Maybe because there are fewer teams.

Great read as a whole.
thank you for kind words. Smile

Stars Stars Stars


You forgot to mention that if you play the Aurora logo backwards it plays "Never Gonna Give You Up"

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, and tweedledunn for sigs


That was a great article, thanks!

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon

[Image: ekaterina-valieva-spotlight.png]
Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!

Incredibly based elk placement

[Image: kezia-elk4-smol.png]
sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

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