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[x2 media] Jon41, his cult and the drafts

[Hello. This media includes IC Jon41 talking about the drafts so x2 media. It is ready to be graded and is roughly 3600 words long. Enjoy]

We find Jon Forty-One just chilling in his really sweet mansion somewhere Minnesota. It is getting pretty cold but Jon is used to it now. Insert a 'It is not as cold as his black dead heart' joke here if you want. But overall Jon has finally made it to the major leagues of the Simulation Hockey League.

This off-season he has mainly just relaxed to refocus himself on his revenge list that he has planned. He is pretty happy he already was able to knock off the Winnipeg Jets and if they were on the list he could have claimed the New England Wolf Pack too. But to make progress already was great.

All of a sudden though he gets a knock at his door. The comfy as fuck lad sadly gives up that luxury to open the door.

The Interviewer:
Jon! Finally, we found you again! Okay Mr. Forty-One we have some questions for you. Did you watch either of the drafts for this season in Tampa Bay, Florida?

Jon Forty-One: No. I god damn did not! Now get off my property before I call the police!

The Interviewer: Are you not the least bit interested in it?!

Jon Forty-One: Could not give a fuck. Hopefully the Minnesota Chiefs do not fuck this up when picking. Now, good bye!

Jon slams the door shut but after walking away for a couple of seconds another knock happens.

Jon Forty-One:

The Interviewer: What about your favourite pokemon generation one starter? Is it Fire-Type Charmander, Water-Tye Squirtle or Grass-Type Bulbasaur?

Jon Forty-One: I am not fucking answering that bloody question! It has been like 5 seasons now! Stop asking me that dumb as fuck question! Now fuck off!

He slams the door shut. It might be apparent that Mr. Forty-One is kind of like Scrooge McDuck but just 24/7 rather than a dick at Christmas. Actually never mind he was a dick 24/7 too. Jon Forty-One is Scrooge.

He sits back down looking pissed off. Oh, wait no. He sits back down looking normal and relaxed before someone rings his door bell. He looks like he is going to murder someone. But Jon Forty-One would not do that folks do not worry about i—Jon! Put the baseball bat down! No! Please, I do not want to go back to minor leagues! Noooo!

Jon Forty-One opens the door with his bat and looks like he is going to smash someone's face in with it as he screams “What the fuck do you want!” but then he seems to slowly calm down as it hits him this person is not with the media. It is some kid to young adult looking punk that looks like he should be working at hot topic. Most noticeable feature being his long black hair that covers a good part of his face. His body language looks like he really works at Hot Topic too cause he looks like it is a drag to be where he is.

The guy speaks. “What the fuck do I want? I want Minnesota to stop being 1 of the hottest places on the earth.” which just confuses Jon Forty-One. It was borderline freezing temperatures and it would not be long before it would snow.

The confused ice hockey player just looks at him and replies “Right. Okay then. Look, can you go away please I do not want visitors.” but whilst saying this he is lifting up one of his trouser legs to reveal a tattoo. This tattoo is exactly like the tattoo Jon has on his right shoulder. It is his cult insignia and then Jon grows wide eyed.

“So basically. I totally am not another cult member who has the job of assessing all the other members in how they are doing with whatever purpose they have. Oh, and that was also sarcasm. Can I come in now cause I can clearly still feel my fingers.”

Jon could not believe this. The cult now had added another chosen member? What the hell happened recently? Usually they were told about them. This has to be legit because the design is only possible with official chosen members of the cult. Plus he handed him a letter of confirmation from another cultist he did know. Mr. Twenty-Seven but ignore that part. I aint writing for him. He does eventually let him in though and the weird goth kid just goes over to the heating.

Jon Forty-One:
So...What number are you?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Seventy-Nine.

Jon Forty-One: Seventy-Nine?!

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Yeah. I am Mr. Seventy-Nine. Could not believe it came before Eighty too. I was totally going to have a first name like some of you special snowflakes have but apparently XxX Kill Switch 420 XxX 79 was not allowed. Oh, and I know I am sarcastic but I will not be when we get started.

Jon Forty-One: How the hell did the lord pick you? Why did he pick you? You do not exactly give me a cultist vibe.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Who in our cult belongs and is normal. You're not one to take the high ground. I was chosen by the lord to make sure cultists who have a purpose. Like you in your Ice Hockey career are refocused and make sure you know Mr. Zero is watching. In turn I know what he knows and can give you a gentle reminder or push.

Jon Forty-One: ...Right.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Wow, and people say I look like the happiest guy in the cult...So want to get started? You sports stars are probably the weirdest people I have to talk too.

Jon Forty-One:
Well...What am I supposed to do?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: I ask you questions that will not be boring at all and you answer them. I would seriously recommend not lying though.

Jon Forty-One: I am known for being blunt, kid. I do not exactly cover stuff up. You can ask literally anyone who has ever been in a locker room with me.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: That is a lovely starting point if I do say so myself.

Jon Forty-One: What is?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: The start...Jesus Mr. Forty-One...Keep up.

Jon Forty-One:
Well, it all started just a little after the Season 48 minor league draft and I entered the Simulation Hockey League for the first time. I had d--

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
What are you doing?

Jon Forty-One:
Telling you about my experiences?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Oh good lord. As interesting as that sounds and I am sure if you did that in a piece of your interviews and media it would get you quite a bit more money. I do not want to know about that sort of stuff. I already know everything that really happened anyway. Think of it as my gift and purpose for the cult.

Jon Forty-One: Well then what is it you actually want from me?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: A house as big as this. But I do not think that will be happening. Plus the weather sucks. But whatever. No, I want you to just listen. Properly listen too. This is not some texts from former Vancouver Whalers players asking for you to return. It is not Igor or another Minnesota Chiefs player talking to you. I mean legitimately listen.

Jon Forty-One:
Okay! Fine! I am not on auto-pilot.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: I know. So basically I will be comparing you to all Hall of Famers within the Simulation Hockey League.

Jon Forty-One: How is that fair?!

Mr. Seventy-Nine: It is not fair. That is why I am not doing it. No. You will actually just be compared to your other sports stars within the cult. Laszlo Forty-Two and Jose Forty-Three. No, not Clive Forty-Five. He would shit all over you three so no point including him. The other 2 will be fine.

Jon Forty-One:
I think I am the best out of those 3 so I do not have much to worry about.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Yes and no. Let us start with the no. You do get a pass being a free agent entering minors but your draft number heavily lets you down.

Jon Forty-One: I-I...Fuck you that was something out of my hands.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
Perhaps. You did try your best I will say that. But the cult wanted you to go in the 1st round. So that is a huge point against you. Sorry. The fact that Laszlo went 5th overall in his minors and then heavily improved to 3rd overall just makes your 23rd overall place pretty pitiful honestly. Hell, even your own team did not pick you with the first available option so it is not like they really seemed to want you either.

Jon Forty-One: Do you not fucking think I do not know this bullshit! I am doing my revenge for it! I already have names to make up for my fucking failures. I am one of the best right wing forwards in my draft class now! I am 10th overall in Total Points Earned and average more than the majority in Total Points Earned. I am fucking getting better.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
But you know you were the last Vancouver Whaler to be taken in the draft right?

Jon Forty-One: And I was the only person to fucking bring them a title! I was the only one to become a fucking captain! I am the best and the best Vancouver Whaler player they have in that fucking draft class! Fuck you!

Mr. Seventy-Nine: There we go. Good. We are making progress. Now that Mr. Forty-One is properly here I can continue. Though I am sad to say to you this does count against you. You even know it does. Probably why you are just a big ball of sunshine.

Jon Forty-One: Yeah...I do. I did so much to get picked and everyone was so happy. It disgusts me.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: I see, I see. Well, before I go onto the good we do have something pretty big to discuss. You other major fault. I am confident though that this will go very well and that no angry excuses or sadness will be shown whatsoever!

Jon Forty-One: You're being sarcastic and dry as fuck again aren't you?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Nooo. No. I am never those thing. But yeah. One Hundred Percent. So I have just a little question for you. Did you know the Simulation Hockey League had its draft recently?

Jon Forty-One:
Yeah, apparently it did.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Oh good! You did not lie. I thought you were going too. Good job! Well, do you know any of the results? Who went where, why teams may have chosen them? Anything like that?

Jon Forty-One:
I know Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr. went to the Winnipeg Jets. I think he is or was on the Vancouver Whalers maybe? That is not me making excuses, I really do not know.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Oh, I know. I was just wondering. So you do not know who went first overall for the Buffalo Stampede?

Jon Forty-One: I know it was Nicholas Owens. But that is because the league always makes a big deal about who goes first in the draft. I also do not really know anything about him but I assume he is one of the better players in the draft. But literally anyone could say that sort of analysis considering they had first dibs. Can we just get this analysis of me over and done with.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Nope. I want you to tell me about your new team mates.

Jon Forty-One:
Is this really needed.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: It is. I need to see your mind set on team mates. So start telling me about this draft.

Jon Forty-One: Well. The Minnesota Chiefs lost our third in some trade.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Minnesota and losing 3rd overall picks. What else is new?

Jon Forty-One:
We picked up a guy called Thicc Cheezy 18th overall. He played for the Halifax Raiders

Mr. Seventy-Nine: What a weird name and that is coming from a cultist. Did you play with him?

Jon Forty-One: Well he is Canadian so not in the international tournaments but I dunno maybe. If I am being honest I do not remember a single player I played with on the Halifax Raiders. They were nice and respectful but I just did not want to be there. So maybe? I feel like a big cheese based dude would have stuck in my memory though. Probably a good pick up for us. Has a decent amount of Total Points Earned. I will just have to see what he is like in the locker room in a few weeks.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:  Okay so then who did you get next in the Simulation Hockey League draft?

Jon Forty-One:
Someone called Ebenezer Virtanen at 34th overall. He played for the Kelowna Knights as a Centre player. A guy who is updating since he did post an update yesterday so hopefully he can become the steal of the draft by getting some cash in his bank and really fuck this league up for going so low.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: I see, I see. And that was it right?

Jon Forty-One: Well no...Apparently we had back-to-back picks at 49th and 50th and drafted Lando Norris and John Forfeit with those picks. I think they are inactive but hopefully they are not and can help us in the future. I do not really know anything about either of them past that John Forfeit was on the Anaheim Outlaws team and Lando Norris was on the Anchorage Armada team.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Oh man! Could you imagine for a single second if you went that low?! Haha! You totally would not have been killed for that level of failure! Dodged a bullet there at least.

Jon Forty-One: Yeah...

Mr. Seventy-Nine: I guess you do not really know much about this specific draft class then do you past what the Chiefs drafted.

Jon Forty-One: Look. I did not play with anyone in this draft class whatsoever so I cannot stand here and say “I think Zlatan Ibrahimovic jr. will be the best pick up in the draft class! He put up great numbers and will be an elite star when he gets a bit more Total Points Earned in him.” cause I just do not know anything about them.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Well, that is not totally true. You did play with one person you could talk about.

Jon Forty-One:
Fucking who? Not one person got drafted I played with in the minor junior league of this pla--

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Elizabeth Doyle. The Irish goalie.

Jon Forty-One: Oh...Well...Yeah okay maybe one a couple of times.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Mr. Forty-One...You in your minor World Junior Championships career got a Bronze when you were new, nothing the following season and then this lady, Elizabeth Doyle, literally carried your team to a silver medal.

Jon Forty-One:
Okay well I will admit when I think back to that tournament her having that game in which she faced like three thousand shots and made us progress to the next round but that is it.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: No you did have a lot of conversations with her too during the tournament.

Jon Forty-One:
I do not wanna talk about it.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
Well then I will remind you. You walked up to her in the locker room afterwards and you said “That was an insane performance! You will be a very special goalie when you play in the major leagues of Simulation Hockey League in a few years time.” A very rare time you were happy but probably because you were in the medal rounds.

She replies with “Thanks! Hey, aren't you the guy who helped the Vancouver Whalers beat the Anaheim Outlaws last season in the finals” Which even made you slightly blush. The great and moody dick Jon Forty-One be happy.

Jon Forty-One: Please stop...

Mr. Seventy-Nine: You replied with “Yeah, that is me.” and she then asked you “Where were you this play-offs then? I do not remember seeing you play for them.” Hahahaa! Cause she did not know you were traded!

Jon Forty-One: ...Fuck you. I hope she does well with Buffalo. But I do not care otherwise...I had forgotten about that anyway...How do you even know that happened?

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Really? You're in a bullshit big cult, filled with people with stupid or illogical powers and in a league in which the very same team that drafted you has a cheese monster called Thicc Cheesy and the one limit of disbelief you have is me knowing what the lord saw is the thing you cannot believe? Really?! You are not even denying it. You barely said anything for the rest of the tournament and just did not show up in the finals! You failed to get Gold.

Jon Forty-One: I was still upset from the trade.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
Thaaat is what I needed you to admit! You were traded! Not abandoned. Traded. When you entered this league you were a respectful, nice guy who was all about the team a--

Jon Forty-One: I was always about the fucking Vancouver Whalers. Aaron god damn Wilson made me keep that part of me! It is the sole fucking reason we beat the Montreal Crack Heads in an earlier round and it is the sole fucking reason I helped us beat the Anaheim Outlaws in the finals!

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Not is a positive way. The revenge list will help you get redemption from the lord but you have failed in minors purely cause you did not stay down.

Jon Forty-One: How could I stay down...I did not even want to be traded in the first place.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: True. I know you did not want to be traded. Trust me I think most people know that. But you were supposed to become a legend for a minors team and you and all of you failed. Some miserably actually. Including you. What you should have done is stay down another season. Demand to be traded off the Halifax Raiders team and helped someone else. Instead you shut down completely, stopped talking to even us to be alone and auto-piloted every game minus the Vancouver Whalers game.

Jon Forty-One: Well, I guess but the Minnesota Chiefs wanted me to go up and I said I was going up at the end of that season.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Forty-One...You do not owe the Chiefs anything...Look at the team you are on. You are not the star. You will be filler. Just impressive depth for when they finally sort everything out. When people look back at Hall of Famers. Do you think they look at the person who helped them get to that stage? Do you think anyone will care about you whilst your captain for life gets into the Hall of Fame if he makes it? Do you think any Minnesota Chief's fans will list you off in a mount rushmore all time greats even if you play for them for your whole career. I would have expected you to learn from the Vancouver Whalers situation...

Jon Forty-One:
So I fucked up...

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Mhm. Exactly that. Your minors experience now fully rests on the Minors draft tonight.

Jon Forty-One: I am not watching that.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: Eh, close. You are not watching that alone. I will watch it with you so order me some pizzas or something.

Jon Forty-One: What the fuck?! No. I am on a diet anyway.

Mr. Seventy-Nine: That is fine I will eat yours too. We will discover who replace you in the Vancouver Whalers locker room. If they are active, I fear you're washed up. Do not get me wrong Mr. Forty-One...You did amazing. You have a bronze and two silver medals and a minors league championship. The cult loves those medals and it places you first overall but you need to channel your anger properly.

Jon Forty-One: Oh god damn not this anger channeling shit again. Igor does it enough to me.

Mr. Seventy-Nine
: No he wants you to get rid of your anger. I want you to get properly angry. I mean channel it. Take no more shit. You matter Jon. You need to continue to be our best and make the Minnesota Chiefs and the whole Simulation Hockey League your bitch. You do not have time for friends. Every player just abandons you anyway.

Jon Forty-One:
...Right...Do we really have to watch the draft.

Mr. Seventy-Nine:
Yes! Pizza too. Lord mentioned he really wanted me to have pizza.

(So ends part 1 of my media. I will be doing part 2 when the minors draft happens.)

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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