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Jon meets Jose

Hello again! The following piece of media is to spread out the thoughts and opinions of my players. From Pro Baseball Experience we have my newest character, Jose Forty-Three Senior...Which I guess is Jose Forty-Three's dad? But he is younger than him? Ignore that, clearly makes sense. But also joining him for this will be from Sim Hockey League: The Baltimore Platoon's Jon Forty One!

Do you hear that? Yeah, that sounds like a god damn crossover episode!

I have no idea how an ass hole like Jon agreed to this with someone like Jose but we will say how this ends up going. This will have multiple types of questions, based off the sports they play, what they are like out of the game, what opinions they have on certain things and maybe a silly and fun question or two to boot! So I hope you enjoy this because I know Jon will hate every god damn second of this! Enjoy!

Both men who are a part of a cult no-one really knows much about both sit down at what could be seen as a press conference. You know what I mean, long ass table, water, microphones, a weird potted plant for some reason and just a lot of people from the media taking photos and ready to ask questions to both of them. Jose Forty-Three sr looks thrilled to be doing this as it is a great chance for him to get more publicity which he thrives on and Jon looks like the miserable bastard he always is and wants nothing to do with this.

An Interviewer: Okay! I guess I will start with 1 of the easiest questions of the day to start us all off. Gentlemen, how are you doing today?

Jose Forty-Three Sr: I am doing absolutely fantastic! Thank you for asking! Thrilled to be getting more questions, more screen time and just more every thing. I love being here!

Jon Forty-One: I...

Mr. Forty-One then proceeds to throw the potted plant at the person who just asked the question and hits him perfectly in the forehead. Was a sick shot honestly and it knocks him out.

Jon Forty-One: That should answer any dumb fucking questions like that going forward. That is how I am feeling...

Jose Forty-Three sr: Damn, you are actually in a good mood for once!

Jon Forty-One, first if his name, breaker of positivity, the anger incarnate, hater of interviewers: It won't last very long at this rate I assure you.

Another interviewer: What are your plans for this upcoming season?

Jose Forty-Three Sr: Well the nicest answer would be to continue to focus on my minors career but with the draft fast approaching I cannot help but look to even further beyond. So becoming a better batter I think is my most honest answer that I can give.

Jon Forty-One: Same as every season for me. Focus on winning, getting as many points as I can for Hall of Fame and hopefully have Baltimore Platoon become a champion in the next few season. Hopefully no god damn interviews or anything for money will be in the future too.

Another interviewer: Do you have any pets?

Jose Forty-Three Sr: I once had a goldfish when I was young called Pablo but he ran away.

Jon Forty-One: Your fish...Ran away...

Jose Forty-Three sr: Yeah, apparently he wanted to go on a world tour or something. I still hope he is doing well. I miss him a lot.

Jon Forty-One: ….You have to be 1 of the dumbest people I know...Seriously how does anyone put up with you...As to answer this dumb question. I have set up a charity that helps injured animals and works with the RSPCA in the UK to help them. Mainly cats and dogs but any type of animal is helped. So whilst I do not have any domestic animals in my Baltimore mansion I still love to help them.

Jose Forty-Three sr: You helping animals?! I cannot see that being a thing.

Jon Forty-One: I despise people, animals on the other hand are lovely creatures. Humans need to fuck off, whilst animals need the help from the damage of what people do daily.

Another Interviewer: I feel like we are just starting to get to know both of you a lot more, so how about this question: What are your plans for the long run?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Genuinely help whoever drafts me and to prove that I am in this for the long haul. I am here to show how committed I am and how badly I want this. To aim for as much as I physically can. Gold Glove, Silver slugger, MVP, Rookie of the Year, All star games, as much as possible! All with the team that drafts me super high to prove I am the guy for the future. That really is the ultimate goal. Become that teams legend.

Jon Forty-One: Well...I am a lot older and in regression. Personally its been a long journy with the Vancouver Whalers fucking me over, Minny situation, the amazing time I had at Edmonton and the final chapter of Baltimore. So personally speaking my goal is to make the Hall of Fame and maybe win 1 championship if possible for the team that respects me and maybe see if I can do a lot for them. I think if I can do that I have done enough before my son takes over.

Jose Forty-Three sr: YOU HAVE A KID?!

Jon Forty-One: Yeah, my the laws of you being senior, you have a kid as well you dumb fuck.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh right...Yeah that makes sense. God this is confusing!

Jon Forty-One: I believe you are just a massive idiot personally but that is just my 2 cents.

Another Interviewer: Do you look up to any players in particular?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Jose Forty-Three Jr. What a career he had. I have seen people call him just a shit Troy Pressing and whilst very true I respect how handsome, sexy, diamond in the rough type person he really is! Other people would include other pineapples players like Paul Di Steph, Juice Bruce and a handful of others that do not get a mention!

Jon Forty-One: I never had 1 when I was younger in the Sim Hockey League. Every single last person sucked or I was just better than them. Remember when someone tried to put a Bash Brother thing onto me. Disgusting. Nah, the closest one I could get to that is Tony Pepperoni from the Edmonton Blizzard. Seemed like a nice guy overall. Very good center and player for the Edmonton Blizzard.

Another Interviewer:
What team has the funniest design in terms of branding?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I love the Cancun Toros design the most probably. Very unique location and just overall a theme that I can get behind and I love to see the logo whenever I possibly do! Also helps it is the closest team to my home temple.

I will say a very close joint second place and deserved shout out goes to the Death Valley Scorpions and the Seattle Sea Serpants! Just as creative and lovely to see them!

Jon Forty-One: Buffalo Stampede has absolutely no business being as it actually is. I am kind of tired of saying how nice it is in championship weeks truth being told. I do genuinely believe that all of my former teams have the next best designs. I did not play on the Monarch version of Minny but it was a must and greatly improves the look of them. Edmonton Blizzard have always been 1 of the best branding and now the Platoon join that for me. Lovely place honestly.

Another Interviewer: What is your favourite starter pokemon?

Jon Forty-One: Oh for ...God damn you people leave me alone with this question! I already answered it. Just leave me alone!

Jose Forty-Three sr: You sound like a Bulbasaur.

Jon Forty-One: It was to my limited understanding that the pokemon could only say what they were called.

Jose Forty-Three sr: No. Well, yeah they do but your Bulb ass sounds saaaur! Gotem! Ha ha haaaa!

Jon Forty-One: I do not get it...

Jose Forty-Three sr: I...Please do not make me explain it. Anyway, my pokemon starter is either Eevee or Squirtle. Just the cutest pokemon to me so I guess that would be my preference. I guess Mr. Forty One is a Bulbasaur.

Jon Forty-One: No. Fuck you, make me the fire lizard.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Charmander?

Jon Forty-One: Sure. That sounds right. If its an insult though I will be smashing your teeth down your throat...

Another interviewer sr: What is your biggest fear that you have in your career or worst case scenario for what could happen?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I do not go 1st overall would be disappointing. I guess me not being very helpful for the team that does draft me and no spotlight on me? But I know that will not happen! I will be the best in this draft class! I have big plans so I do expect not to hit every goal but to not hit even 1?! No, that just will not do!

Jon Forty-One: I do not fear anything. I guess I would be annoyed to be fucked over out of the Hall of Fame when I will have more than enough points to qualify for it and have beat he best from my draft class. Just about it really. I guess you could also say Baltimore not winning it all but play offs are a bit of a crap shoot. We will see.

Another Interviewer jr: If you could have an award named after you, what would the award be?
Jose Forty-Three sr: I assume people would assume the Relief Pitcher of the Year award!

Jon Forty-One: Why? You are a bloody batter, you have never pitched a ball in your life probably and I doubt you would be any good.

Jose Forty-Three sr: We will very clearly never know the answer to that! But I think maybe a custom award for most media posted maybe? Or best media? Perhaps something like most walks gained cause very clearly pitchers will fear me!

Jon Forty-One: The Jon Forty One award? Probably for getting most assists or being the biggest ass hole to every single person. Maybe the 2 way forward award I once won? That would be nice but I can't see that happening.

Another interviewer: Where is your favourite place on earth to go on holiday?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh that is an easy answer! The Carribean! The ocean breeze, the lovely weather, the great hospitality of the locals, the best cricket and baseball players in the world. No it just does not get any better! I would 100% recommend everyone going to the Carribean at 1 point or another within their respective life!

Oh but make sure to avoid the Bahamas. Not the actual island of the Bahamas, that is amazing but the tourist riddled place called Nassau, Bahamas. The locals on that place are vultures and sea gulls and just fucking suck. Not a nice place at all. Besides that little place I could point to anywhere! Aruba, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Saint Martin, Barbados, the list just goes on and on!

Jon Forty-One: I do not take holidays. I suppose I could say Wales but it just sucks as much as Gareth Bale does at getting playing time at Real Madrid and not golfing. But nah, I am just too busy with cultist based stuff and if not that I get to do hockey based stuff. Usually I am just too focused on training, especially in the off season. I do not not think will change any time soon until I retire. Then maybe I do look at the Carribean or some nice warm place like that. I have never even played for anywhere warm or hot before so it would make a nice change of pace by then.

Another interviewer: If you where to play any other position, what would it be?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Weeeeell, if I could pick any where I guess it would be something like a starting pitcher or just a relief pitcher I guess. The other side of the sport and all that jazz. But honestly I think playing as a catch could be insanely fun to do. I do not think I will ever play as a catcher but the glory they seem to get seems rather amazing. I would like that.

Jon Forty-One: Only 1 other place for me personally. The goalie. I think being a goalie could be a lot of fun if I actually have a good defence. Defence could be fun as well I guess but I personally prefer enabling my team mates to not be useless piles of crap and get points so I think that is probably a good way to enable them. By never conceding.

Another Interviewer: Hey guys! Big fan of you Jon Forty One! The way you just play without caring what people think

Jon Forty-One:
Just get the hell on with your question you god damn simp...

Another Interviewer: O-oh okay! Well I guess my question is, if you could play any other sport professionally, what would it be?

Jon Forty-One: Well not a stuttering idiot of a journalist I can tell you that much.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Are you like this with all your fans?

Jon Forty-One: Yes. They were not around when times were hard, why in the hell would I let me in when I am good?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Damn, that is harsh. To properly answer your question though. I would probably say a cricketer. In bermuda and the other Western Indies way we love the sport thanks to the british influence. Baseball and cricket are not that far off being similar except they don't need to comically large baseball glove so I would probably be 1 of them. Like a bowler or a batter for that I think.

Jon Forty-One: I think I will copy his answer and do the sport that is 1 of the more closest to Ice Hockey and that is field hockey. A decently big sport in the United Kingdom and fun to hurt people in. Although you technically are not allowed to do that...Anyway yeah that as a goalkeeper or whatever they call that position officially or a striker would be fun to play.

I think we chose these cause we love the sports we are in. We were made and chosen specifically for these to represent our cult and lord above so yeah. I do not think we would change what we are the best in for anything.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Wow. That was actually well put, Mr. Forty One!

Jon Forty-One: Please stop talking to me. It is bad enough I have to hear you answers yet alone interact with you...

Another Interviewer: Here is a fun little question some kids would just love to know! Pick a random number between 1-100!

Jose Forty-Three sr: Forty-Three?

Jon Forty-One: ...Forty One? Why would kids want us to pick a bloody number? Screw you kids, abandon your dreams! Santa is a lie and your parents despise having you

Jose Forty-Three 2.0: What the hell Jon?! Unwritten rules in interviewing! Do not listen to him kids I am sure 1 of your parents can tolerate you. Happy hearts all round!

Jon Forty-One: Yeah, nice save idiot. My points still stand. Do not ask dumb questions again like that or I will throw more plants at you ugly, ugly people.

Another Interviewer: What is your favourite meme regarding the leagues that both of you are in!

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh this is easy. I have 2 that I absolutely love! “It is in the Gee Gee Gee Gap!” is something I love hearing and the other meme i--

Jon Forty-One: First off, its the G-G-G-Gap. You do not say the god damn gee parts like that you idiot. Secondly, I do not like any Sim Hockey League memes. Maybe the All Star Game selections? Yeah, let's go with that.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Why are you the way that you are?

Another Interviewer...(Jesus christ how many are at this thing?!): How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Probably 1 of the first to die I am afraid, but I will make sure I go in a blaze of glory rather than a little nibble and then the infection converts me! Hopefully nothing like that ends up happening though.

Jon Forty-One: Throughout the entirety of it. Hockey stick will royally mess them up and I would destroy zombie and survivor a like. I just need somewhere with decent supplies and I will get by just fine.

The same Interviewer (Yeah I an getting adventurous now): - What is your favourite or most memorable memory of the league so far?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Honestly? I am just a huge fan boy for any and all Tahini Classics. Probably the best match was when the minor league teams once beat the Apex and the Seattle Sea Serpants! I love a good upset!

Jon Forty-One: I would say it is a tie between scoring 5 assists in 1 game during the play offs with the Edmonton Blizzard or winning forward of the tournament in the IIHF event when we went onto win silver that year. Meant a lot to win that award honestly and be the best player at the tournament. If allowed shout outs I would probably say the game 7 win over the Anaheim Outlaws to win it all would also be up there but mainly these 2 accomplishments really.

A previous interviewer but with another question: Who is your favourite cartoon character?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I guess I would have to pick Woody from Toy Story. I cannot get through Toy Story 3 without crying my eyes out! What a loyal friend!

Jon Forty-One: What in the hell is this question...Okay I guess I have 2 answers? What in the god damn is that donkey called from Winning the Pooh?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Eeyore! His name is Eeyore! 1 of my fans gave me a hot water bottle with his design and in exchange I politely smiled for an annoying selfie! The things we do for looove!

Jon Forty-One: Yeah...That thing probably. I can relate to him. That or the monkey from the Power Puff Girls. Mo Jo Jo Jo. One of them will do for this dumb question.

Another Interviewer: Do you have any hobbies outside of playing professional sports?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I love to play cricket or go to the gym. I just try to stay as active as I possibly can and live life to the fullest. I also just discovered a simulation league where you can create your very own sports start by doing tasks to make them better and pop the earn points into stats to make them shine however you want. Sounds like fun!

Jon Forty-One: Sounds dumb as hell. Why would anyone do that? God, I hate people. I personally do not have any hobbies past watching certain shows on record or online. My main focus is training to be as good as I possibly can for my team and only when I can relax will I just chill and watch a few things otherwise it is hockey, hockey, hockey for me.

A man pretending to be an interviewer to secretly blend it, hitman style: Have you ever met a celebrity?

Jose Forty-Three sr:
I once met Baseballer and American Gridiron Football player Taylor Swift! Oh and I think she sings or something. I do not really listen to music but I think she sang “Bad guy” or “Should have put a ring on it” and stuff! Very good!

Jon Forty-One: Okay I am not touching that 1. Taylor Swift fans can just cancel you instead Jose cause you deserve it.

Jose Forty-Three sr: I mean, I did not say she was bad. I think she is playing rather well in Portland for the Portland Pythons. Said something about an Instant Gram or something.

Jon Forty-One: Hmm, I am going to go with you mean to say Instagram and just have not discovered it yet...You are an idiot, Jose. Anyway, never met anyone famous past Kit Harrington. The bloke who plays Jon Snow in that destroyed show Game of Thrones. Was a lovely person. Shame that show turned into a pile a crap. If it was a team it would have gone -8 win yet alone 0.

Jose Forty-Three sr: But that makes no sense, the lowest you can go is 0 with wi—Ooooh you are taking the piss out of Game of Thrones making no sense. I get it!

Jon Forty-One:
Genuinely shocked that you did to be honest.

Another Interviewer: Name a player that you are a huge fan of!

Jon Forty-One: Only person I will say is Tony Pepperoni but I do not know if he retired or not since we are on different teams now.

Jose Forty Three Sr: Austin mother flipping Bentley! The man ooses confidence, the guy just has the “wow” factor. He has the highest WAR rating in history of the Pro Baseball Experience

Jon Forty-One: What the hell? Even I know that aint true...How does he has the highest Win Above Replacement score?

Jose Forty Three Sr: What? I do not know what that is or means but I mean he has Wow Above Relievers! Not a single Relief pitcher gets more “Wow!”s than Austin Bentley from the streamers than Austin Bentley!

Jon Forty-One: I hate you so much.

Another interviewer: Oh no! You just got traded to another team without any knowledge of this coming, what do you do?!

Jose Forty-Three Sr: What the hell is this? Big Head Base Ball League? Probably cry and eat ice cream until I am 3 times the size and the new team ultimately releases me because I am too fat to get through the locker room doors. It will be a lot of work and dedication but I love ice cream so.

Jon Forty-One: What the hell is this? The Vancouver Whalers? Probably not cry and beat the crap out of any close by fans, staff or players until the new team ultimately releases me because I am too violent . It won't be a lot of work cause I am happy enough to do it whenever but I love fighting so.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh boy! We are 2 sides of the same coin!

Jon Forty-One: We are absolutely nothing a like...

Another Interviewer: What is your favourite show on Netflix?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh gosh! I have so many. I sometimes watch Netflix at home whilst training. I would probably have to pick Riverdale or any Amy Shue mer comedy special! She is just the funniest person ever!

Jon Forty-One:
Oh for god sake Jose...Can you not try to get us beaten up what the hell is wrong with you?

Jose Forty-Three sr:
Do you even have Netflix? You wouldn't know comedy like Amy Shue Mer does cause you never laugh!

Jon Forty-One: I mean, I rarely watch it but I did watch season 1 of Stranger Things and the 2 seasons of American Vandals. They were quite good. Oh I watched the Truman Show as well for the first time on Netflix as well but that is not exclusive to that platform, just where I watched it. Was surprisingly a good movie but that is about it for me.

Another Interviewer: Yeah I have a 2 part special question for both of you! When was the last time you experienced de ja vu?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Last week whilst pooping.

Jon Forty-One: I do not experience it often enough nor do I remember the moments. Got more important stuff to do.

Same Interviewer: And the second question is: When was the last time yu experience de ja vu?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Ah! What a funny joke! I appreciate that jo--

Jon Forty-One: Shut the fuck up! Get your god damn jokes out of here. Kick him out of here before I kick his ass!

Jose Forty-Three sr: Oh right you hate funny jokes.

Jon Forty-One: No, I just hate people.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Hey Mr. Forty-One...Do you think people read all of these?

Jon Forty-One: Honestly I very much doubt it. We should do something like 'If you read this just reply to this media saying what their fav prime number is' or something a long those lines to see if people notice it.

The Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?

Jose Forty-Three sr: Letting my fans down if anything. I am not easy to annoy but just having poor games can be disappointing if I really must pick something.

Jon Forty-One: Being god damn interviewed and asked dumb questions...

Jose Forty-Three sr: But that is 2 things, Jon.

Jon Forty-One: Then I am adding a third thing...Jose god damn Forty Three

Jose Forty-Three sr: Senior. It is Jose Forty-Three Sr now for legal purposes.

Another Interviewer: What is your stance on regression?

Jon Forty-One: Ban everything relating to regression. It sucks and should be removed completely.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Ban everything relating to regression. It sucks and should be removed completely.

Another Interviewer: What is your favourite holiday?

Jon Forty-One:
Halloween. The rest are too cheerful or giving. I cannot stress how annoying it is to have to pretend to like team mates' gifts.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Cinco De Mayo! The rest are not cheerful or giving enough!

Another Interviewer: What’s one sentence you’d like to hear from your coach or General Manager?

Jon Forty-One: Oh I actually like this question. “Yeah good job, you can focus on individual training now.” but that rarely happens.

Jose Forty-Three sr: “Oh Jose, you are soooo dreamy! Have you been working out? It shows! Man, you are killing it!”

Jon Forty-One: My god you really are egotistical aren't you? Does the Pro Baseball Experience have any stadiums big enough for your ego?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I do not really eat that many eggs, no. But they do have some lovely stadiums in this league I do know that!

Another Interviewer: How has your experience been in the league so far?

Jon Forty-One: I think this is going to sound very meme like but I am just hear for the money. I hope that answers your questions.

Jose Forty-Three sr: I am here for the fans! For the attention! For everything Mr. Forty One does not want! So I think so far it has gone quite well really!

Another Interviewer: If you could lead the league in one stat, which would it be?

Jon Forty-One: Career ending injuries. But I know I would not get very far with it since injuries are off and Jovan The 126 ended up ending a fuck ton in his career. Did he ever create the 96ers yet?

Jose Forty-Three sr: No, but I heard he is getting around to it. Such a humble guy yet destructive.

Another Interviewer: If you could lead the league in one stat, which would it be?

Jon Forty-One:
The dude before you literally just asked that...Are you guys even listening?!

Another Interviewer: Oh, sorry. Well, then how about what is the best part of the league?

Jon Forty-One: Hmm, I mean I guess I like the money and getting the stats. It feels pretty nice to help the team get assists I guess.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Kind of ironic that you are so hard on assists considering you hate a lot of people. For me it is the people in the community. The people who make this place a fun laugh. Also the money. I love interviews and having fans but money from media is yummy!

Another Interviewer: How do you address the allegations that you lick bread and then put it back into the package?

Jon Forty-One: What in the god damn...What turnip does that in this day and age?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I actually buy the bread I lick.

Jon Forty-One: I...Jose please. You actually hurt me with that 1. Just stop licking your bread.

Jose Forty-Three sr: And allow the bread gnomes claim my bread? Never!

Another Interviewer: So what are your thoughts on the allegations that you eat cereal without milk?

Jon Forty-One:
I do not cereal breakfast due to travel days. I ate afterwards. I just can't eat on normal game days and for days off or off season I have an english breakfast. Never cereal.

Jose Forty-Three sr: I do not have a team because I have very clearly never played as a pitcher or even played as a batter yet so obviously I am going to have all the cereal the way I like it. But I down play these silly alliterations!

Jon Forty-One:

Jose Forty-Three sr:
Yes! Alphabeticals! They just are not missing the milk is all. I do love my milk!

Another Interviewer: Is it true that you are just 500 cats in a human’s suit?

Jon Forty-One: ...You have no idea the rage I feel burning through my veins when you people ask these type of questions.

Jose Forty-Three sr: I think I would be a lot taller if I was 500 cats. Maybe 500 kittens but they can get pretty big. I would prefer to be 500 puppies if anything though

Jon Forty-One: Why did you answer that seriously?!

Another Interviewer: What was the best restaurant from where you grew up?

Jon Forty-One: We will not tell you the places where we grew up. Sorry we wont give that type of intel to outsiders or enemies. I guess I could say that I am in Baltimore now and I have only been out for time eat but I really loved the Thames Street Oyster House which is cheap and nice.

Jose Forty-Three sr: I just love Wendy's and now that I mentioned them I am hoping that they sponsor me going forwards cause honestly I need ever single dollar I can get my hands on!

Another Interviewer: What team has the best branding overall?

Jon Forty-One: The Edmonton Blizzard. I like the light blue with the fox theme we had going on. I think it is one of the best places that anyone could play in. Buffalo do have a nice branding as well but they win too much for me to give them the title of best branding. So my old team takes it for Sim Hockey League.

For the Pro Baseball Experience? I like the Brew City Bears. Mainly cause I like the Bears and I do not mind drinking beer when I can relax. I am welsh after all.

Jose Forty-Three sr: The single greatest branding in all of leagues every where ever is the Montreal Patriots! Such classy and sexy branding! You will NEVER find a better logo than that 1 in all of sports!

Jon Forty-One: Okay first off they are actually called the Montreal Patriotes and secondly and most importantly the only reason you are saying that is because the logo is literally you holding a flag! I have no idea why they picked you to be on the logo but you only like it cause of your ego and you have to like our other Montreal team instead may I remind you...

Jose Forty-Three sr: Well, listen here! Not my fault you are jealous and they recognise I am great for branding.

Another Interviewer: Any expectations for your spot in the draft?

Jon Forty-One: I do not wanna talk about my draft...I have talked about it so much that if I probably say about it any more I would get flagged from using old words or something. It sucked but I am the best in my draft class now so that is all that matters.

Jose Forty-Three sr: Well, I could see myself going 2nd overall to the Providence Crabs I will say. A reality like that would be cool for sure! But my goal is simple. I am going to prove I am the best in this class and worthy of the 1 thing I want. 1st overall! I will make sure whoever has 1st overall wants me and I will be committing to them for the entire career regardless of how good or bad they will be at any point.

It is the goal for me as I know I will be the best of my draft class like I know I could be in previous draft classes too.

Another Interviewer: How is or was the scouting experience for you for the majors draft or when do you expect the scouting experience to start and end up going?

Jon Forty-One:
Bloody awful outside of the New England Wolf pack. I had good talk with them and usually always have. A few teams have since said sorry to me but way too late for that now since I am getting points on all of them. Not my problem.

Jose Forty-Three sr: It has not started but I am personally open to discussions with a lot of people or teams. I want to be seen as a must get for every team and willing to play in any position! So I think flexibility may help my chances!

Another Interviewer: We apparently only have time for 1 final question in this interview so I WILL make sure to make this count for everything it is worth! How do you both feel about pineapple on pizza?

Jose Forty-Three sr: I personally do not like it but the beauty of pizza is you are allowed to like what you love and have whatever you want on your pizza and that is fine. Every single person likes different combinations and that freedom is perfectly fine! Treat yourself to what you love so even if I do not like it, if you do then have it!

Jon Forty-One: I am god damn done with this...Fuck your pizza and pineapple questions...

It is at this moment Jon throws the microphone that is on the table in front that he has been answering questions to at the last interviewing as hard as he can which causes a bit of chaos but he just walks out in normal fashion as he is genuinely done with these questions even if it was not the last question. Jose on the other hand is sad. Not because someone probably got hurt with a huge mic being thrown but because Jon got all the spotlight towards the end which neither would actually want.

So with the end of that scene ends this media pretty much and this ends yet another interview! This crossover episode is long but decently fun questions to do as. I may do another 1 of these in the future if people liked it and I hope you ultimately enjoyed it or had a few laughs. Until the next interview I wish you all a very nice good bye!

[6425 words according to the counter]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

Honda: I'm telling you Ren, Jon would make for a great fastball pitcher. Wheelers would love him. want to know how many bodies he buried?

EVO: Honda, some things.....are best kept alone.

(Real talk, loved it. The crossover we didn't deserve but certainly enjoyed.)

[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle


[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.