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PT 3 - Jam Session

At this point, the season is underway, and you're starting to get into the groove with your teammates. But it's not all about the chemistry when you're on the ice - it's the tunes you listen to in the locker room before you get out there that really help you bond.


Make a list of 5 songs that are on your team's pre-game playlist.


2 TPE for doing the thing & 2 additional TPE if you make a graphic of your choices or elaborate on them (explain who picks the song, how the team reacts, etc.) for a possible total of 4 TPE.

Only S42 SMJHL Rookies (S43 SHL rookies) are eligible for this PT.

You cannot claim TPE for this PT until a post is made in the global claim thread.

July 28, 11:59 PM Eastern

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Player | Updates
(This post was last modified: 07-22-2018, 01:57 PM by King.)

(Will go the route of 2 TPE for list + 2 TPE for explanation)

Five songs on teams playlist
- Cringe by Matt Maeson: Leshaun goes through weird phases with different songs. During his latest cold streak Cringe by Matt Maeson has been a staple. Before every game the song is pounding away right before the teams leaves the locker room. Other team mates have been known to get very uncomfortable knowing the other team can hear them listening to a pop-folk kind of song before they step onto the ice.
- Tearin Up My Heart by N'SYNC: Every now and then GM Sterling Archer ventures into the dressing room before the game. To get the boys pumped he plays a song from his youthhood, some classic boy bands. Fortunately the team is full of closet boy band fans, so not only do they boys know every word, they also have learned all the dance moves, and can perform a choreographed routine before each game.
- In My Feelings by Drake: This one comes courtesy of the teams rap/hiphop icon, Vince Rieper. The American born player loves his Canada born rappers. This is definitely a fun song to listen to after the team wins a game. The boys have a ritual of a different player singing each time drake says "____ do you love me?" and replacing it with a different player on the team. Then that player does it to the next.
- River Flows Through you by Yiruma: Goalies are weird, that goes with out saying. Geezus Kyrst takes it one inch further. Between the second and third period Geezus needs a mental reset, so the locker room listens to the famous piano piece by Yiruma. A meditative second intermission refocuses the whole team for the third.
- Trouble by Talor Swift: When the Kovac brothers moved to America they discovered many new american phenomen, their current favourite. T Swizzle. The brothers can't get enough of her and the locker room knows it. The current favourite? Trouble. The upbeat pop song by miss T gets the boys fired up, fired up to go confront their ex-girl friend and write a sad poem about her, but pumped up none the less.

Go Raiders.

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(This post was last modified: 07-24-2018, 05:52 AM by Mayuu.)

Hippo Passamus 
Bloodhound Gang - Bad Touch

This instat classic rolls as the team rolls into the locker room. The song was first played as a joke but grew to be something everyone could stand behind. After all we are all nothing but mammals! 

Dank Boija 
Bomfunk MC - Freestyler

Dank really wanted to bring the best of Finland to the locker room, having tried multiple Raptori tracks and even Loordi's Hard rock Hallelujah. The great Freestyler was the one that really hit the mark. Hard to not get excited by this beat. 

Marc Palicka 
Reel Big Fish - Beer

There's no escaping everything beer when comes to Marc! He's always taking about what beers to Czech out. Telling everyone that the stuff they server his is mostly just piss with alcohol in it.
Good thing about beer is there's enough types for everyone to enjoy. 

Cedric Robinson 
The Tragically Hip - The Lonely End of The Rink

Falcons goalie is a special one, as most goalies are. He likes to not be bothered before games, sticking to what seems to be rituals of sorts. He's always "eating the puck" which I think might be literal. He shoves a teaspoon of something black, chewing as he hums to the tunes of the tragically hip. 

Flacko Lagerfield 
AC/DC - Thunderstruck

When it's go time there's only one option, time for the rookies to take a step back and let the veterans take the lead, as Flacko runs around shouting thunder and glaring at everyone with vicious eyes. 
Everyone knows, it's game time!


(This post was last modified: 07-22-2018, 02:56 PM by Mordaciious.)

"Party In the USA - (chosen by me)
Barbie Girl - (also chosen by me)
99 Red Balloons (chosen by wolfhard richter)
Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows (chosen by david fantobens)
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver (chosen by tig murphy)

In the locker room, I like to snatch the aux cord as much as I can. Every week I ask the guys a few songs they like, and add them to the ultimate playlist I’ve been compiling since day one in the locker room. I always start off with Party in the USA. It was just a meme at first, ironically listening and such, but it became too much of a tradition to stop it. Wolfie loves 99 red balloons, and always goes the hardest when it comes on. I’m not sure if he actually likes the song, but he’s a weird ass german so I wouldn’t be surprised. Fanto’s most recent addition is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. I think it’s definitely a bop, however some of the guys that listen to only metal like to shake their heads in the corner when it plays. Tig seems to be….obsessed with Primus. He’ll take any chance he can get to play them, even if it’s sneakily stealing the aux and plugging his phone in. Lastly, I try to close out with barbie girl before getting on the ice. Aqua is one of my favorite bands, but of course that’s the jam that everyone knows so it’s gotta be on there to just pump everyone up."

Falcons Falcons Power forward from Luleå, Sweden  Falcons Falcons
[Image: mordaciious.gif]
The Gay

Locker Room 5-Song Playlist

Stigmata by Ministry - Chosen by Goku as a pre-game warm up song. The song gets the blood boiling, no wonder Goku is starting fights with everyone on the ice.

Decoration Day by Drive-By Truckers - Williams likes to be another odd ball when it comes to music choices. He chooses the Alt-Country anthem. A song about two families feuding always gets him going before a game. You'll hear him repeating the last lines of the song over and over before hitting the ice, "I'd fight till the last Lawsons last living day."

Africa by Toto: Aleister picked this one. Not only do we listen to it before the game, usually he'll put this one on when we are about to hit the showers after too. He yells "I bless the rains down in Africa" every time he turns the showers on. He is one weird goalie.

Ocean Man by Ween: Yup, we have some weird picks going on. This one brought to you by Nikolaj Boyle. Him an Aleister can be found in the corner jumping around singing this song before every game. They get so hyped up from this while the rest of us stare at them trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with them. We even all chipped in to send them to the doctors to get checked up. Doc says everything is normal, but we are still waiting for more test to come in..

Loser by Beck: No one knows who put this on the playlist. Some think it was Kiko, others Adam Taylor. It's almost like an alumni is sneaking in and putting this on to troll us. Regardless, we can all be heard singing the chorus when it hits.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

5 songs that are sure to be played before every Halifax Raiders games are as follows followed by a brief explanation as to why the songs were chosen.

first on the list is Invincible by Adelitas Way. I choose to play this song because if you listen to it it has everything in it to pump you up. Just listen to the lyrics. Your literally invincible and theirs nothing anyone can do to change that.

Cringe by Matt Maeson is chosen by LeShaun King and you don't really hear that one to much because king only plays it when he hasn't been producing at the level that he knows he can play at and listening to Cringe usually breaks his funk and gets him back to the level we need him to be at.

Joyride by Chevelle is chosen by Thomas Speardane. Just listening to it get gets you in the mood to just go and play and not worry about consequences. And with the young group we have we need to go out and play our game.

Before we leave for the tunnel before the game we always play Crowd Chant by Joe Satriani. It wont take long to figure out that nothing will get everyone going as much as a song that everyone can chant and gel one last time before hitting the ice and that's exactly what this song does.

Every locker room has to have that one song that no matter what genre of music you listen to you know the song as soon as it comes out of the speakers. And that song is Enter Sandman by Metallica chosen by Vince Rieper and Enter Sandman gets everyone's adrenaline pumping and ready for the fight at task.

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Rage Usa raiders

Alright so these are my contributions to the teams pre-game playlist. I tried to go for a mix of different styles which all serve to hype people up in different ways!

Sabaton - Metal Crüe

I just need the first few seconds of this song and I'm ready to go out there and kick some ass. Nothing fancy or elaborate, just some powerful metal and screaming to get the blood flowing.

Naughty By Nature - O.P.P.

And now for something completely different, a more chill song but with a beat and a rhythm that can even get my white ass dancing and arguably the only song from my playlist that doesn't have at least a few of the guys roll their eyes. I have yet to find a person who is immune to this one.

... And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Caterwaul

Alright back to Rock and to a song that might not be that obvious of a choice, but which is just one of my all-time favorites so I had to include it. In my experience this one works best not right as the team is about to hit the ice, but early on one game day when people start pouring into the locker room for the first time.

Pol1z1stensohn - Recht kommt

It would've been a crime to rob the guys of the experience to hear me rap in German so BOOM, here it is. An awesome song with a great message as well that sadly is lost on most of the listerners and I'm not quite sure if it's because of the language barrier or my abysmal rap skills...

Haddaway - What Is Love
Crap, the site only allows four videos per post. Guess you gotta have to look that one up yourself, but I'm sure you'll know which version to look for...

I mean, it's obvious, isn't it? Nothing better than some good Eurotrash to get people going while also staying loose and relaxed and not taking things too serious.

We have a pretty long playlist of songs in the Falcons locker room and we like to mix it up a lot of the time. That said, a few of the guys have managed to work their favourites into the mix pretty consistently, plus a few emerging team traditions.

1: It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls

This one is all Tobias Viklund. I figured since he's a Swede that he'd be more into ABBA or something but as it turns out, this song gets him more fired up than is probably healthy. Seriously, check out this behind-the-scenes footage. It usually gets a few laughs whenever it comes on, but nobody ever complains because deep down, we all love it.

2: Everybody (Backstreet's Back)  - Backstreet Boys

This one started after we ended up watching This is the End on the bus traveling to an away game and the song has been stuck in everyone's heads ever since. That's ok though because it's a catchy song and keeps everyone feeling light. 

3: Despacito - Luis Fonzi, Daddy Yankee

Full disclosure: pretty much everyone on the team despises this song. That's what makes it funny when we sneak it into playlists just to screw with everyone else. It's pretty much the team's version of a Rickroll at this point. The only downside is that it's SO. DAMN. CATCHY. Pretty sure we saw the GMs dancing to it when they thought nobody could see.

4. September - Earth, Wind & Fire

This one is my contribution to the teams' music. It's just an upbeat classic that helps keep things light in the room, especially after a loss where we need to rebound a bit. None of the Scandinavian guys had heard it before and now they love it which is pretty fun to see.

5. Joker and the Thief - Wolfmother

We did a vote for which song we should blast at full volume before heading out to the ice and this was the unanimous winner. Wolfhard Richter came up with the idea as apparently was a thing his teams did growing up. It's pretty crazy because it basically puts him into this scary trance thing before games, which might explain why he's absolutely torching the opposition offensively as a rookie defenseman.

@Mordaciious @Plastic Bowl

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St. Louis Scarecrows' Sizzling Setlist 

1. We Are The Champions - Queen
Does this really need an explanation? Take a look at our record - we're killing it. This one is a staple in the pre-game jam session.

2. Sad! - XXXTentacion 
Someone keeps throwing this song on the playlist without us noticing. We think it's an alum member who is loved by the league. 
Either way, it gets the locker room going. Debates and arguments over this artist get our adrenaline pumping. 

3. Lips of an Angel - Hinder
I'm pretty sure this one is Aleister Cain. I knew goalies were weird, but this seems a bit much. 
Either way, this song plays on repeat a couple times whenever he gets the start. 

4. What Is Love - Haddaway
Lots of Europeans on our team, means lots of Euro trash beats. Turns out fist pumping is a good way to stretch your arms out before a big game. 
Seriously, give it a shot. 

5. Dingle Dangle Scarecrow -  Actions Songs for Toddlers
I mean seriously. Most of the guys on our team just grew out of this song. We're a young team, so this one seems fitting. 
Nothing scarier then a bunch of grown men jamming out to toddler tunes.

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(This post was last modified: 07-22-2018, 11:19 PM by Justice.)

Detroit Falcons Dressing Room Mashup

JSS - "For Trappers Only" By Portion - Every time we hit the dressing room whether it's for practices or right before a big game JSS has to throw on some Portion. Portion represents the up and comer, a true underdog, emerging talent just begging for his shot. This in many ways represents the Detroit Falcons as a team, as some early season struggles may be disheartening but an unmatched pool of young guns will ensure imminent success for Detroit in the future.

Fantobens - "Your Best Friend Is You" By Anal Cunt - Fantobens is in many ways the firey, gritty passion of the Falcons. Coming into the team late in the draft with a chip on his shoulder and a desire to prove himself to the masses before the SHL Draft rolls around Fantobens is the athletic embodiment of Anal Cunt - and he makes sure to let his teammates know that before every game.

McGriddleLover - "Down Under" By Men At Work - Coming off of the brash Anal Cunt song, McGriddleLover let's us know what he likes more than the iconic McDonald's breakfast sandwich - the smooth, flute melodies of Men At Work with the timeless summertime anthem of "Down Under". The perfect mellow mood to get the Falcons loosened up for whatever challenge comes their way, the Falcons' locker room set list wouldn't be complete without this Australian treasure.

Snussu - "Sandstorm" By Darude - Fourth entry in the Detroit playlist, comes favorite of the Finnish flash, Snussu, Darude - Sandstorm. Exploding into the club scene in the late 90's/early 2000's, and finding a resurgence in MLG pro montages a decade later, Sandstorm will always be renowned as a staple of Finnish culture and a masterpiece of Euro electronic dance music. Sandstorm is truly Snussu bringing a taste of his home country into the locker room.

Grok - "Copstabber Anthem" By Copstabber - Finishing up the Falcons locker room dance party, Grok throws in just a pinch of his punk attitude with Copstabber. We all know how weird goalies are, what more can I say about that. Either way, the setlist wouldn't be complete without Grok's unique and enticing taste in music. It adds balance, and turns the playlist into a carefully crafted symphony of music.

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

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The following songs were chosen by members of the St.Louis Scarecrows. Their identities shall remain anonymous.

1. The Game - Motorhead (One of the more known songs one would expect to hear in any locker room.)

2. We Will Rock You - Queen (Another common pump up song, but it works which is why it is played.)

3. Dream On - Aerosmith (The Scarecrows preferred song when dealing with incredible odds against them.)

4. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (Arguably the greatest pump up song ever, hearing this song could get anyone motivated.)

5. If I only had a brain from The Wizard of Oz (The weirdest song on this list. Once played as a joke during a victory celebration, it has become a pregame singalong staple the game after a Scarecrows win. The culprit has never been caught, and likely never will.)

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Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke feat Lil Jon - "Turbulence" (Favourite song for Katsuo Yamaguchi, Tye Maximino, Sulak O'Hritea, Troy McClure III, Scottey Crawfling)
Armand van Helden - "The Bronx UFO" (Favourite song for Alex Winters, Jake Reid, Ignatius Blunt, Nico Wallner, Baron O'Beefdip)
Bali Bandits - "Kaboom" (Favourite song for Derek Deffner, Tony Pepperoni, Zakhar Turakov, Sachimo Zoidberg Jr.)
Don Diablo - "Switch" (Favourite song for Brando Sando, Nate Forsberg, Gvidas Kazlauskas, Mason Brown)
Laidback Luke & Kura - "Mad Man" (Favourite song for Andrew Martin, Philipp Winter, Vladimir Vaskov, Maui)

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Aegukka - Democratic People's Republic of Korea Anthem - Chosen by Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un

This song is required by all peoples of North Korea, to be the only song in mind when asked to produce or suggest such. Supreme Leader should always be on a true patriots mind, therefore so should his or her countries most glorious anthem.

Whoomp (There it is) - Tag Team - Chosen by Me

Upon arriving in the United States, I first learned about the great sport of hockey and the glory of Coach Bombay from historical movie, The Mighty Ducks 2. This song was played during street hockey session, very inspiring.

Party Up (Up in Here) - DMX - Chosen by Me

Very great song, much inspiration and upbeat tempo makes for great pregame listening

Baby - Justin Bieber - Chosen by Me

Much listened to and very popular song, means it must be much good to listen to. Young boy with voice of angel, but not as angelic as our glorious leader, Kim Jong-Un.

My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion - Chosen by Me

This song very much how Badum feels, with heart remaining in land of glorious leader, Kim Jong-Un, my heart must go on and come with me to land of America, where opportunity to show North Korea excellenence in sports is paramount to the status of our country and it's leadership under the Surpreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un

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