Simulation Hockey League
S63 Championship Week - Printable Version

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RE: S63 Championship Week - Buster - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: Buster

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Back in the day, the SHL wasn't much different than it is today. As an original member from almost 10 years ago, being first drafted in S9, I can tell you that people were just as angry and just about didn't like each other as much as we see today. Fights would break out all over the place, over the dumbest things you can imagine. The only thing is that the original days were in a very different time so the language wasn't as one might say as clean. It wouldn't exactly be uncommon to see a message board fight turn into something that would be a very big no go at this time. Oh wait you aren't talking about the community? You're talking about the sim? Oh, Hamilton was bad and everyone was happy. There were more than 2 teams who could win titles because randomness existed. We love the old SHL.

153 words

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

Being on a team around for less than 10 seasons, it isn't a surprise that the Seattle Argonauts haven't won a Challenge Cup yet. Tig has chosen to build the team up from within, allowing his prospects like Dee Centerman, Kermit Murphy and Vaseline Podcolzine to develop and become key contributors before bringing in great stars like Liam Slate to help the core along. To me, Seattle feels a lot like the Texas Renegades of S19 and S20. Though Texas had more of a head start in terms of bringing in some veterans from FA, the build is very similar. Texas started to draft high quality prospects and allowed them to grow then brought in players like Chris Partlow to compliment that core they built up. Once the team started to get going, they became a steamroller and won two straight titles. To me, this feels like how Seattle will progress.

151 words

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Goals: 9 or more
Assists: 24 or more
+/-: 17 or higher
PIM: 13 or fewer
Fights: 1 or more (1)
Hits: 98 or more
Special Points: 4 or more
Blocked Shots: 126 or more
GWG: 2 or more (check the link above)
Give Aways (GvA): 28 or fewer
Take Aways (TkA): 32 or more


13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

I think I'm going to give a different perspective than most on this topic but I think parity has been solved to a point. I think the East is still an absolute mess and will continue to be dominated by Buffalo and Hamilton for seasons to come. This is increasingly evident by the fact teams are still giving these two teams a softball, using the recent Montreal and Buffalo trade as an example. In the West though, I think things have opened up a bit more. Obviously Texas and Chicago are still the top dogs in the West but teams like LA and Seattle are starting to make a bit more noise. I still won't be shocked to see Chicago and Hamilton in the finals next season but I don't think its as set in stone as it has been. The league still has a long way to go though to start fixing parity and making the league more fun.

160 words

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

I think what constitutes a successful rebuild in the current SHL is just being able to compete in a sense. It will be hard for any team to break into the top 4 dominant teams but I think if you can hang, maybe win some series in the playoffs and make some noise, I consider that a success while the team figures out league parity. In terms of successful rebuilds in the SHL recently, I would have to go with Baltimore's rebuild. They truly started from the bottom after a string of success. They built a core of strong players, had full team buy in from their locker room and just trusted the process. Once they saw an opening, they started to add players outside the organization without giving up much. Now they are a dominant regular season team and aren't too far away from making it to the finals. They just need to get over the Hamilton bump.

159 words


RE: S63 Championship Week - Mr. Finland - 03-06-2022

trivia nashy

milestones here

RE: S63 Championship Week - Huck24 - 03-06-2022


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Verification word - Sunday

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

It was a while back, but the New Orleans Specters used to be one of the top teams in the league.  Shortly after the switch to FHM, the New Orleans raised the Challenge Cup in season 54 the Specters were lead by players like Lil' Manius, Nicholas Williams, Joe K, DeMaricus Smyth and Aleister Cain.  This team was a tight knit group and played every game for each other.  They met the Hamilton Steelhawks in the finals and were considered major underdogs, but the Specters had other plans and took the series to the Steelhawks winning the first four games and sweeping the juggernauts that the Hamilton Steelhawks were.  Every step of the way we knew we could do it, and we didn't listen to what everyone was saying about us, we knew that if we played for each other, as a team, we could beat anyone.  And we did. And it was glorious.


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?

I have always been a believer in a balanced attack, but the playoffs are a different beast.  Sure, you need everyone firing on all cylinders and you can't have some players playing way too many minutes, but relying a little more on your top line isn't out of the question when you are playing for the top prize.

b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?

When it comes to blocking shots, my player, Lyle Odelein III is a pretty good person to talk to.  Lyle has made a career in getting in front of shots and he always tells his teammates the best way to avoid getting their shots blocked is to take shots as close to the net as possible.  Shots from the point have a much higher chance of being blocked, so, don't take shots from the point.  Easy peasey.

c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?

Speed.  Speed is the best way to counter a full on attack.  A solid poke check at the point can initiate a full on rush and leave the team that was attacking in the dust.  No matter who quick those attacking defenders may be, it will take them time to turn around and transition into defense and by that time, the speedy defending team should already be well on their way to an odd man attack the other way.

d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

I wouldn't go as far as some players like Steve Avery did, but getting under a goalie's skin is a very good way to get them off their game.  In the playoffs, you have multiple games to try and continue getting the goalies off their game.  A constant net presence is another way to be able to get the better of a hot goalie.  If they can't see the puck, they are going to have a tricky time making that save.  There is no doubt that a goalie can steal a game or a series for that matter so being able to get them off their game is a great way to help your team win.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Did anything surprise you about the outcome? What players performed above or below what was expected of them?

Stop me if you've heard this before.  The Hamilton Steelhawks have won the Challenge Cup.  Another season in the books and another win for the team from the Steeltown of Hamilton.  The Los Angels Panthers were their opponents this time around, which was a very refreshing change, but alas, the Steelhawks took it all again.  It is no surprise to anyone that this was the final outcome, the team from Hamilton has been a top contender for way too many seasons to count and at this point the question isn't who will win the Cup it is will anyone other than Hamilton win the Cup.  Hopefully next season the answer will be yes.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

2 from milestones


15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

This prediction isn't all that bold, it would have been a given a few seasons back but as of late, this team hasn't been as dominate as they used to be.  My player, Lyle Odelein III was born and raised in Montreal Quebec, making him a Team Canada player, since the start of his career.  Lyle is coming to the end of his run, this is his 14th consecutive IIHF tournament and who knows how many he might have to go after this.  I am predicting a Team Canada gold medal this time.  Lyle is hungry for another medal and his teammates are too.  Especially his S48 draft mate, Gabriel Johnson who is wearing the C for the Canadians now.  This will be one to remember for the Canadians, and maybe the last kick at the can for a few of these veterans.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Lukstins88 - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

62 years ago I was not born yet so for me it is just what I hear from older people around team, older fans or even my parents. I remember my dad said that when he was a kid his dad took him to the game and back then it was pretty brutal. Nowadays there are strict penalty calls but back then game was easier and more tougher. Players did not wear helmets and there were much more fights around the league. Even some goalies did not wear their helmets, they were pretty tough. My dad said it was much more fun to watch games back then because crowd waited for fights, for some action. Back then it was all around players skill to score but now it is skill, luck, gameplan etc. combained. Nowadays game is more tactical and not so violent. But I do not know if I would prefer more violent game, I think nowadays hockey suits me better and I enjoy it a lot. (168 words)

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
I would let them play. If they feel ready to play more then sure. It is the end of the season so players need to give all they have and leaders need to step up and play more. Then again it all depends on how opponents respond to this kind tactic. At the end of the day it will be who has better tactic. (64 words)

b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
Those two guys get coaches think harder how to get positive result. There are some tactics to get those guys out of their comfort zone. High pace game would be one of those tactics, need to move puck faster around perimeter. Need to play one on one with them, it may help to free hands on other players. One player takes on one of them and two other have one guy to deal with. (74 words)

c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
Against five player attack need to play closer together. Need to play higher and set defence around blue line to get puck away from forwards then just get on attack while opposite defenders are deep in attacking territory. And if they get in zone just need to play closer to them so they mostly move puck around the board. (59 words)

d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

Need to stay in front of the net all the time, to get them out of their comfort zone, to block the sight. And with defender on my shoulders it will be even tougher for goalie to see what is happening. Few times get in his territory, it will get the offence away but it will be uncomfortable for goalie. (60 words)

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

It is normal that at some time there will be a surprises or there will be teams that just got better for that season. Overall I think the pattern will not change and next season we will see usual teams in finals again. It would be great if there would be more teams that could challenge for title but for now it is how it is. Of course today many hope that Hamilton will loose in finals and that would be great, maybe that would shake things up in Hamilton and in league overall. I have no real illusions about some massive changes in championship contender list, but this season shows that it can be done. Now just need other teams to wake up and get better and challenge Hamilton, Texas and other top teams. If next season it is Texas vs Hamilton? It is possible, but I hope that this season will be start for something fresh. (158 words)

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 2 100 words min
Leviadan has made the grave mistake of becoming PT director. I'm already sapping his life source and joyful innocence (yum). How could you, as a user, also make his job unnecessarily difficult? Make media about his shit PT prompts? Write your submissions in Spanish?

My question is, why need to be disrespectful at all? We need to love and forgive. If guy made a mistake there is no point to laugh about it. We need to encourage him to learn from his mistakes. But if I would do something disrespectful I would write some media or some PT in my own language. If I make media to point out his mistakes I will try to not be disrespectful, but help to understand that it is ok to make mistakes and help him learn, help him grow. He will get better we just need to give him time for that. (105 words)

+16 TPE

RE: S63 Championship Week - Redderder15 - 03-06-2022

1. Trivia (3 TPE)
verification word: yessir

6. Grab Bag (4 TPE)
a) I buy into this strategy 100%. Your best players are the ones that play the most even in balanced attacks for a reason, so if you can by any means get them on the ice more without extreme fatigue, then its worth it. Make your bottom players fight tooth and nail to take ice time away from the best of the best. (62 words)

b) Passing. You need to spread the Hamilton defence as much as possible, and shooting won't do it. Unless you can fire off low rebound shots to generate high danger scoring opportunities, you need to cycle the puck and get your snipers in the right positions. No offence without strong passing and positioning. (52 words)

c) Stay away from hyper defensive players and roles, and run your 2-way game. You will get scored on slightly more, but you need a strong counter attack to build momentum and keep the opponents at bay and their confidence low. If I'm Hamilton, I'm putting out the counterattacking forwards and the up and down wingers to keep the offence going while having a team defence that you can't take for granted. (71 words)

d) No easy saves. Stop firing low % perimeter shots and bad shots at the chest and keep their save counts low. Stop them from getting dialed in, stop them from staying confident. If you only take shots that you think have a solid chance of going in, or great rebound shots to generate offence, you can keep the sv% down and less shots will disengage them and lower confidence. (69 words)

13. Parody (3 TPE)
The solution to parity is not here yet, because we haven't employed a solution yet. Thinking parity will go away on its own is foolish and leads to HAM winning yet another challenge cup. The FHM knowledge gap remains and despite new regression HAM is still a powerhouse, and this does nothing to stop the SMJHL's lack of parity with NL that is going nowhere. I believe that AI coaches would be a great solution and would make GMing more realistic and allow for more focus to be put on the team's LR and asset management, as well as assisting the team with updates/regression or anything they need help with. AI coaches would definitely bring parity, but how they would be implemented would be pivotal to first impressions, or anything like that. Only problem is minutes could be an issue, but I'm sure a solution could be found otherwise alternative solutions would be necessary. (155 words)

18. zzSnoop Lionzz (3 TPE)
Nothing changes, goalie teeps don't matter Smile. But actually, the offensive defenceman meta would be unleashed. 5 man attacks would be the only way to score consistently, so all teams with offensive defenders would instantly excel. Middling forward TPE would matter less and only superstar levels of TPE would matter, and it would be pretty much all tactics and brute force to score. Cycling the puck would be a necessity, and as long as your defensive positioning and defensive read stats were decent you could easily defend. Parity would be achieved as HAM's builds begin to crumble as the offensive D man meta begins, but as soon as the rebuilding teams build their offensive defencemen up from the beginning, they would dominate for a while until other teams can draft offensive D and turn them into stars. Forwards would be the same, only needing offensive stats like passing and getting open to score. (152 words)

12. Milestones (3 TPE)

Total TPE: 16/16

RE: S63 Championship Week - Leatherneckmike - 03-06-2022

PBE PT affil

RE: S63 Championship Week - 5ympathies - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Back in my day we all used Simon Tremblays Hockey Simulator instead of FHM which was so very much different. To start, seasons only lasted 50 games, not this stat padding 66 that we all in this hockey league are blessed with now. Everyone had the same attributes, and weaknesses and after a certain amount of earning, the more TPE you had only really helped fend off regression longer, it didn't actually do anything for your player. I had gotten to a point where I was putting TPE into shootouts I think just because I was 99 on my three strengths and everything else was capped at 80 or 90. Updating was way easier in my opinion, but maybe that is just because I had more free time at that point. 6 decades ago, I can only imagine having been in the league from that point. I suppose in sim years, my player now has been playing in the SHL since S47, 16 going on 17 years, and I am trying as hard as I can to last for 20. If it means playing in New England next year so be it. I am going to make this happen. 

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

Atlanta unfortunately has never won a challenge cup in the history of the simulation hockey league and that is alright since this team is an expansion team that is only roughly 5 seasons young. Before I left to play for the Atlanta Inferno, I played on the Hamilton Steelhawks a very elite team that has been dominating the FHM era and won 3 or 4 cups in the last 10 seasons. In order to recreate the magic they use to win every season we need either Aaron Wilson himself or a clone of him to help us with his wizardry and hacks. This dude is so good I don't know how he does it. Should I have stayed on Hamilton? Perhaps, but I needed to go to Atlanta otherwise I would've retired seasons ago. Basically what I am saying is that we need awils to succeed and any team that does not have him on their team will fail. This dude is straight up magic, he is like a ghost. Nobody knows about him, just lurks in the shadows and blesses Hamilton with finals appearances every season, giving them a 50 - 90% chance of winning the cup every season. Love that guy. Super happy he is now GM of team canada for the IIHF. I am out here trying to get my 5th gold medal in what is likely my last season playing on team canada as I am now super old as fuck and likely am going to get passed in TPE soon.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

A. Clearly in hindsight, I guess you should have followed the Hamilton route as they were the ones who won. I suppose I don't understand the engine enough to tell you how fatigue and minutes work and it must have worked well for them as they made it to the finals, which is a feat in itself. In order to succeed in this league, you just need to follow what Hamilton does and repeat their moves as closely as possible.

B. Block machines are cool and all, but the only way to get around that is to either injure them or shoot more and since injuries are not turned on in FHM, shooting more is the only answer. The only way to get around people like those is to go straight through them, shoot so much that they can't possible block all of them.

C. The counter of a five player offensive attack is just having an elite goaltender by the name of Jobin. Dude is crazy good somehow further proving that goalie TPE is so redundant and should honestly be re-worked but then that will fuck up the cap even more so I guess you can't really do anything unless goalies don't count for the cap. It all worked out for hamilton though so good on them.

D. Pull a Sean Avery and full on harass these players on the ice until they get rattled. Bully them so much that they don't shake your hand at the end of the series. Psychological warfare is the best tactic you can use if you aren't as good as your opponent and honestly when you are playing for the Challenge Cup, anything goes. Nobody cares about the fines and punishments as long as they still get the win and that is what it will take.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


RE: S63 Championship Week - r1c3bowl22 - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!
Back in my day, there were much fewer teams. This is in the SHL and SMJHL. I believe there were only 6 SMJHL teams, the Force, Scarecrows, Whalers, Falcons, Impact, and someone else. It was also crazy to think we didn't use discord. Everything was forum based, which is interesting. The site was a lot more active and the proportion of toxicity to actual posts was much lower. Simply because math. We also had a lot of activity in team locker rooms. Oh ya, teams had locker rooms back in the day. I think the St Louis locker room ended up getting nearly 400 pages in the S19 thread, It was a very active time and I enjoyed SHL a lot. tbh most days I don't even know why I like coming here anymore. The community kinda sucks and HO has failed imo. It's been terrible for years. Alas, I don't play hockey anymore so this is kinda cool to see stats and stuff.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Extinction Event (150 words min.)
Rumour has it that millions of years before the SHL began, there was a pre-historic “Dino Hockey League” that dominated the global sports market before a meteor wiped out most life on the planet. Describe that ancient league. Maybe name a couple of teams or players, tell me about how the Dino league’s rules differed from our current ones? This one is pretty loose, just have fun with it!
So a million years ago, there weren't any humans so I don't know who would've been playing hockey. Oh wait, there were cavemen. So it was probably the neanderthals that currently roam the streets of Hamilton. Rumour has it, they attacked and pillaged each others camps. It was a pretty terrible sight to see. Apparently they were actually pretty terrible at hockey. Now, they're much better at hockey but just terrible people. Kinda giving the people on Edmonton a run for their money in that regard. Fast forward to today, and wow. Ya both teams are good. Must be from all of the years spent training playing against dinosaurs. I wonder if they ever get PTSD when they hear about how Colorado's doing these days. That can't be easy for them. Anyway, I've yet to face off against these time- and battle-tested individuals. I'm sure it'll be interesting. Hopefully I can gain some of their experience.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?
a. I definitely buy into this strategy. As a GM, I learned very early on that if you want to win games in a sim league, you need to play your best players as much as you can. I was GM for like 4 seasons and won a best GM or coach award in 3 of them. No cups tho. So maybe it doesn't work too much.
c. I'm a strong believer that strong defensive games will win games. You can have very strong output, but if the other team is just matching it, then you're kinda in for a long game. You need to play as defensive as possible and hope for those clutch goals in a tight game.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Did anything surprise you about the outcome? What players performed above or below what was expected of them?
So apparently Hamilton won again? That's not a surprise. It seems like they've been winning a lot lately. It's kinda tiring and I remember HO cutting them some slack for management issues not too long ago. Maybe if HO would stop favouring them, there may be more exciting hockey happening around here. I'm sure they've built up a good roster tho. It appears to me that Rotticus Scott had a good playoffs. Same with Hammarberg, the two of them had 23 points in 25 games. A third forward had 22 points, so clearly they've got a lot of options. It's hard to contend against that.

12. Milestones

RE: S63 Championship Week - LordBirdman - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

Back 63 years ago, things were indeed very different in the SHL. Simulation hockey had just become a professional sport after years of accelerating interest at the amateur level. Because the sport was relatively new, the talent levels and amount of training that went into the game were far lower than they are today. In the early days, players were able to become great players in the league with only a fraction of the TPE seen in today’s highly competitive SHL. Many of the league average players in those early days would barely make it out of the juniors in the current SHL. Even off the ice, players back then were much more carefree about their diet, training, and overall dedication to their craft. Players in the old days were known for their partying and excessive drinking. Rumors at the time also suggested that Ron Mexico frequently dropped acid before games because it “helped his creativity on the ice”.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

a. The strategy depends on the team in most cases, if the top line is much stronger than the rest of the depth on the team than I agree to rely heavily on them for the best chance at victory. If the team has better depth, it makes more sense to play to that strength.

b. The answer to defenseman that block a lot of shots is to cycle hard, keep the puck low, and force it to the net. Perimeter shots from the blueline are likely to get blocked by these puck eaters, so keeping them moving between the corners and in front of the net is the best way to put one past these guys.

c. With offensive defenseman, it is critical to make sure to limit neutral zone turnovers because these guys can quickly take advantage to jump into the play to create an odd man rush. Getting pucks in deep through the neutral zone and putting those defenders on the back foot is a good counter.

d. The best way to get in these guys heads is to get a lot of traffic in front and don’t be afraid to accidentally bump into these guys. With good defenseman in front of them, they are used to have a clear line of sight to shots coming in. Getting traffic in front and a lot of rebounds is the best way to knock these guys off their game.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

The San Francisco Pride have completed the rebuild. Back when HLO and AgentSmith took over, the team had recently been gutted for less than fair value in a fire sale. In S56, the team went 4-42-4, good for 10 points in 50 games and dead last in the league. Fast forward 7 seasons later and a long arduous process of first building talent through the draft, then capitalizing on a window through shrewd trades to bring in talent, the team finished 40-21-5, 85 points in 66 games and second in the division. Despite a disappointing exit in the first round of the playoffs, the team is clearly a competitive threat to win the division and make some noise (which is kind of a joke in itself with FHM) in the playoffs. By these standards, the rebuild is successful because the team is in a position to make the playoffs and maybe even win a couple of series.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Briedaqueduc - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

The Simulation Hockey League was very much different 62 years ago. It was in the early days of hockey as a sport, so all the rules were not quite figured out just yet. Offsides and icing were not a thing. Some lazy players would just wait by the net to get the puck and score. Goalies were also not a thing. They just had some defenseman try to block the net while people were shooting pucks. Well actually there was no pucks. It was a ball. A rubber ball. It wasn't really easy to use so they switched to a puck. The nets were also slightly smaller, because of the lack of goalies. Finally, penalties were basically non-existent. Referees would give timeouts for players that did stuff they deemed too unsportsmanlike, but it was really relative on the refs so they decided to make penalties and give them definitions to be overall more fair to all teams across all games.

160 words

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?

I think I would be more balanced. I think it's better to spread the ice time across more players, because it leaves more energy for the top players to do their magic. They need some breaks also mentally to think about what they can do and breathe a little bit, so that they are at 100% when they go back on the ice.
63 words

b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?

It is pretty difficult to get around these two, as they are pretty good defensemen. I guess you have to try and make plays that don't directly shoot on the net while they are on the ice, and try to do more passes to confuse the defence and get behind them. Then all you need is beat A Jobin, which is quite easy.
63 words.

c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?

If I was Hamilton i would try to play more of a possession type of game. The goal is to play more slowly and try to keep the puck as long as you can, so that the other team doesn't get it as often, so you don't have to defend against a 5 player offense as often.
57 words

d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

I think shooting as many pucks to the net as possible is a good start. Eventually they are going to let one in, and that's when they start doubting their ability to stop pucks. After two goals, it usually gets easier, to the point where they'll miss easy shots and be mad of having missed that save.
57 words.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
>3 milestones = 3 TPE

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

I think parity is getting better even if it might not seem like it. We saw it in this playoff when the Los Angeles Panthers won over the Chicago Syndicate, an outcome not many predicted. The Panthers even managed to take away two games from the Hamilton Steelhawks. The Steelhawks did not really have it easy either, in round one it seemed that the Philadelphia Forge was going to win against them. So, we are seeing teams at least giving a fight. Some teams are also about to finish their rebuild or just finish building entirely. Manhattan pretty much has all the rookies they need, just need a little time for them to get to high enough TPE. Atlanta is starting to be one of the top teams in the league, same thing with Philadelphia. Regression being harsher lead to top teams to go down faster, leaving space for rebuilding teams to have their competition window. Baltimore is also at the peak of their performance, and could take it this season. I don't think we are at that bad of a point, just a couple changes would probably make the league more diverse in results.
195 words.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Kierkan - 03-06-2022

1. Pineapples


RE: S63 Championship Week - Leppish - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


RE: S63 Championship Week - bk1689 - 03-06-2022



1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



2. Written, 3 TPE, Back In My Day (150 words min.)
The SHL has been around for the sim-time equivalent of 63 years now! That’s a lot of time for things to change. What was the league like 62 years ago in season one? Did nobody wear helmets? Were players allowed to smoke on the ice? Plenty would have changed in over six decades!

63 years ago? Things were much different. Smoking was not only around,, but encouraged. Helmets? What were those? The things that people would wear if they were worried about falling? Pfft, these guys were professional hockey players, who cares about falling. The league was also much more bland then, white or black jerseys were all you saw, everyone also talked with that old timey voice, you know the one. Players had actual jobs outside of the league back then, and boy were the men ever men. No glass made for an intimate experience with the fans, and there would be the odd 5 minute major doled out to a fan who got a bit more then they bargained for while chirping an opposing player. Needless to say, the league was much more entertaining then and a little bit wilder for sure. When people say the good old days, this is exactly what they mean.


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
d. The starting goalies for these teams, Olof Karsikko and A Jobin have been nearly unbeatable up to this point with a 0.937 and a 0.927 SV% respectively. If you’re a player on the other team, how would you get inside their heads so that you can put the puck in the net?

A. 100% use the players to their full potential and play them as much as possible. I'm assuming they've done it in every game leading up to this, so why fix what isnt broken? If they are able to perform at peak levels, then by all means, play them every chance you can.

B. How do I get around these 2? I don't, I get players to take them out. Then how many shots they can block is irrelevant. They will be sitting in the press box for the whole series after I'd get done with them. Can't block shots if you aren't playing.

C. How do I prepare for a deadly offense? The exact same way I'd prepare with a solid defense. Send someone out to injure them. Get them out of the game and series and then they dont need to be worried about. Pretty simple plan, in my own opinion. Brash, but it works.

D. How would I get in their head? The theme from the other answers carries over here. I charge the net as much as possible, I stand my ground whenever I am near the net and let them know that I am not scared. And who knows, maybe I injure the starter and get them out of the way.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 TPE - Milestones

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP PARITY ALERT PARITY ALERT- Well, a new team in the finals since the mid s50s, it only took ten seasons. Is parity solved? Will new teams make it in as the old guard becomes a forgotten waste of brain space? Don't forget, Hamilton is here AGAIN. Yes we have new teams... but what if it's TEX HAM again next season? Is that even likely?

Is parity solved? Haha, take a look at the reguar season standings and that should show you all you need to know. No parity has not been reached and I don't think it ever will with the sim in it's current form unfortunately. Teams have realized what it takes to win and if you aren't willing to follow those builds/tactics, then you don't stand a chance of winning, which is sad. STHS had it's issues for sure, but atleast the randomness was nice. It get's tiring seeing the same teams battle for the cup over and over every season, and it looks like it will stay that way. If someone new joins the league, and you have a perennial contender message you and someone near the bottom, of course you're gonna go with the contender and that just leads to the dynastys that we see now within the league.

RE: S63 Championship Week - Lime - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?

My team last won in S60 which was a really long time ago I know. The key player was Steve Harrington because he scored a hat trick in the finals game 7 to win the series and the cup because he is elite. The intangibles are that buffalo is an elite team that hadn't won since s55, and kept getting railroaded by hamilton. once we finally beat hamilton we could win a finals. unless it was against texas. so we had to wait for chicago. also pretty good that playoffs was aron hernadivic who was our top scorer with 13 goals and 14 assists. monkey d. luffy put out a great effort as an aging player to come in 2nd with 23 points. miraculously, chimkin wing came up big tied in points with luffy. he has not since been able to replicate this success. and then to top it off was mat kholin, who deleted himself and never existed again.

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, The Peoples’ Favorite
Yes, this task can stay. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:

[Image: unknown.png]

Most important winner this season

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

claim 3

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blew it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is has performed a successful rebuild and built a legacy around starting from the bottom? What constitutes a successful rebuild? Cups? Playoff appearances? Is this team still poised to do great things in the future?

I think the obvious example is Texas. Texas went from a bottom feeding team in the early 50s to 2 cups since. They started with fantastic drafting in my class picking up Sulfurgold, Williams, etc. and kept going. Then they installed a great coach and the pieces hit at the right time. Lots of tpe and good coaching have turned them into a top 3 team in the league for the past 5 or so seasons. Obviously 2 cups speaks for itself when only 3 teams have done so since the switch to fhm. But they have been contenders every step of the way. I think they should still be a top team in the future but I think things are getting a little closer so they may not be making the finals like they have been. Still a team to beat though and a roadblock for anyone trying to come out of the west.

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 2 100 words min
Leviadan has made the grave mistake of becoming PT director. I'm already sapping his life source and joyful innocence (yum). How could you, as a user, also make his job unnecessarily difficult? Make media about his shit PT prompts? Write your submissions in Spanish?

I would just recruit all of newfoundland to write their prompts like (Clean) andrei or (clean) sergei whichever is likelier to be found. it wood be very hard for leviathan make good read if word hard to read. I could also write all my shit in a dark font so if he uses dark mode he has to copy and paste that shit into notepad which would be funny. i could secretly include texas slander in everything because they suck for beating us in s59 that was totally uncalled for imo. texas bad. or i could just be nice to the pt director since its not slash anymore.

Total teep: 16

RE: S63 Championship Week - raymond3000 - 03-06-2022

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Those That Came Before (150 words min.)
When did your franchise last win a Challenge Cup? Write about that team, some of the key players, and what intangibles they had going for them to be able to win it all. If your franchise hasn’t yet won a cup, choose any cup winning team and talk about why you’d like your current team to emulate them. Did they have an all time great roster? Were they scrappy under dogs?
The Texas Renegades last won the Challenge Cup all the way back in Season 62, where they defeated the Hamilton Steelhawks. During this season, their forward group were by a trio of superstars with the offensive dynamos Burlok Sulforfold and Alexander Wachter as well as the two-way stalwart Edward Williams. On the back end, season 62 was a breakout season for former first overall pick Mikkel Asmus Sondergard as he firmly established himself as the teams number one defenseman. In net, it was all-star Cillian Kavanagh who as always, was one of the top goaltenders in the league, especially during the post season. The good news for the current edition of the Renegades is that their roster is still very similar to the one that won the cup just a few seasons ago. They might be a bit older, but the pieces are still in place to have another go at the cup in the upcoming seasons.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Los Angeles has been riding their top players for almost a full minute more of ice time than Hamilton has theirs. If you were a coach, do you buy into this strategy? Do you let your top guys leave it all out there every night or aim for the most balanced attack possible?
b. Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos have been absolute block machines for Hamilton in the playoffs with 109 between them. If you’re looking for offense in this series, how do you get around these two defensemen?
c. Los Angeles’ defense, on the other hand, has not been afraid to join the play and put up points. How do you prepare for a five player offensive attack? How do you counter?
a. I think in an ideal world, a coach would like to have a balanced lineup where they can trust all their players to go onto the ice and play well. However, Los Angeles might not have had the roster to do that during this playoffs, as they had a larger gap between the top and bottom ends of their roster compared to other top teams.
b. To get around Hamilton's two stalwart defensive defenseman in Guy O'Shea and Evangelos Giannopoulos, the Panthers would need to move the transition the puck quickly up the ice and not let the Steelhawks get into their usual defensive shape. The Panthers are a faster team than the Steelhawks, and they need to leverage that to have success.
c. To counter an all-out offense, Hamilton just has to play their usual disciplined and physical game to force the Panther to turn the puck over. Hamilton has made that their trademark, and no one plays that style of game better than the Steelhawks. It showed in the finals, as they easily dispatched the panthers.

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, The Peoples’ Favorite
Yes, this task can stay. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:
[Image: Jrmv1VY.png]

11b. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Congratulations, graphic loving procrastinator! Much like the written word loving procrastinator, you too have a special task just for you! Create a series recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.
[Image: PAoW3fn.png]

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.