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S56 PT #1 - Crossover - Printable Version

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RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - gordieboom - 09-28-2020

Adrian Ayers has played multiple sports when he was a young kid. Next to hockey he played soccer, tennis, table tennis, squash, badminton, field hockey, baseball, cricket and basketball. Wow that is a mouth full. Unfortunately time prohibited him to play more, but if he could he definately would do it. Anyway, if he had to choose a new sport, he would probably pursue a career as a cyclist. Cycling is an underrated sport. Apart from just riding fast, it is a team sport and sometimes it can be very tactical/strategical. How would Adrian do as a cyclist? Well Adrian is quick on the ice, but i doubt he would be a good sprinter. I think he also needs to drop some weights to become a good climber, so if he would become a cyclist, i think he definately would become a helper at best. That is not a shame, it suits him well, team first.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - golden_apricot - 09-28-2020



RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - SlashACM - 09-28-2020

Aleister Cain has had a bit of time off this season, so he's been signing up for a lot of celebrity sports events for charity. Most of the other athletes there are retired and many probably think the same of Cain! So far he's done softball, paintball, minecraft hunger games, softball again, and water polo. Celebrities love their charity softball games. Flacko Lagerfield was actually at one of the softball games, but he didn't participate, he just stopped to use the porta potty before going to some more important event. Cain is pretty horrible at all sports he participated, except for minecraft hunger games, in which he got 3rd place, only losing because his partner in the duel had fucking ender pearls that bastard. Softball he mostly hit fly balls that were caught fairly easily and didn't get involved much in the play on defense. Water polo went ok, he was mostly looking at the hot chicks in bikinis Cool

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - esilverm - 09-28-2020

Nicolaj doesnt know how other sports work. In this episode of MTV Player Swap we will watch as he swaps with professional competitive eating champion Bob Shoudt. In his first competition as a competitive eater, Nicolaj was faced with a plate of 80 hot dogs. Unknown to him, there are many techniques that eaters use to eat faster. Nicolaj tried his best but ended up with 10 hot dogs. A good amount but not good enough to place. He then had to meet with another professional to learn competitive eating techniques. In his next competition he felt better about his luck. He tried his luck by dipping the hot dogs in water and ended up getting 50 hot dogs in and placing 5th. Who knew Nicolaj could eat so much. When the time came to switch back Nico had gained 70 lbs and was deemed unfit to play until he actually got back into shape. Fans were fine with this since Nicolaj is not a good contributor to the team.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - leviadan - 09-28-2020

After one too many seasons of taking capital punishment deep in the corners, Burlok decides to retire and transition to his secondary passion-- volleyball.

He gets on the first available flight to Japan and uses his immense wealth to buy citizenship. Since his German education will not be recognized here, he's able to re-enroll in high school, thus opening the door to join the Karasuno High School volleyball team. Burlok has always been a mixture of teamwork and power, so I think he'd be comfortable slotting in somewhere on the block. Definitely a guy that could contribute with a few strong hits when needed, but his defensive read is too good to ignore. If Ushijima is trying to slam one down on you, you're going to want Burlok in that front row predicting the trajectory. He will for sure get a hand on it.

With Burlok's help, the misfit Karasuno squad makes Nationals. Who knows what comes next for Burlok and the boys, but at the end of the day, does it really matter? He's already learned dedication, the power of hard work, and what it means to have friends that always look out for you. When it's all over, these things last longer than any victory.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - Rankle - 09-28-2020

Well, over in the PBE I'm a player known as Richie Bonanza. He is a shortstop power hitter. He accels at hitting the ball as hard as he can and also is no slouch defensively. In the SHL he would likely be a defenseman I would think. Probably a Shea Weber type. He would have an absolute clapper of a slapshot, one that even the opposing defenders would be reluctant to step in front of. Those pucks flying from the blue line would be a true force to be reckoned with. Additionally, he would certainly be defensively sound in his own end, putting a lot of priority on making the job of his goalie very easy and making up for some of the errors they may make. Plus, Bonanza is from Canada, so he should likely be a decent skater and know his way around an ice rink relatively easily. He wouldn't be as high-flying as Ronlain, but he would be a force in his own right.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - KaleSalad - 09-28-2020

Growing up in Canada, like most small town kids you always played every sport you could to stay active. Nathan was no different. Like most hockey players looking for something to do all summer he picked up a baseball glove and bat and played ball all offseason. He was actually pretty good at it. Never an all-star but was a pretty good second baseman. Playing AAA u18 ball before coming specifically focused on hockey. He has the size and speed to cover a lot of ground on the diamond. Playing ball all year did wonders for his hand eye coordination as well. Have a solid .320 batting average in his final year of playing with 14 home runs. It is believed that playing ball helped with his focus and discipline to as it is such a fine tuned sport. It also helped his acceleration whether it was the quick feet to get moving to a hit ball, rushing to the bag to turn a double play, or trying to turn the single into a double running the bases. It is safe to say that ball was a second sport that Nathan loved to play and helped balance out his skills. But his heart has always stayed with hockey and it has been his goal to make the SHL.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - leafsftw1967 - 09-28-2020

Growing up in Ukraine surprisingly Mats Marner did not start playing hockey until high school. Growing up his go to sport was actually American football that he started playing at twelve years old. Marner played some wide receive and defensive back for Ukraine’s under eighteen national team and lead his high school to several championships throughout his four years in high school.

Ever since graduating and making the move over to North America after being signed by the Newfoundland Berserkers Marner was forced to make a decision between pursing his passions for American football and ice hockey. However this offseason Marner was offered a tryout with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League (CFL). Having been drafted by the Calgary Dragons in the SHL it made sense to move to Calgary in the summer and be close to his future teammates and management. Esa and Izzy gave Marner the go ahead to play in the CFL and Marner actually made the team in a back up role at defensive back and had some action on special teams. It was a great way to stay in peak shape and had a chance to continue pursing another passion of Marner’s.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - Matteo - 09-28-2020

This offseason, goaltender Mat Smith decided to try his hand at the game of golf. He claims that he was pretty good for his first time, having shot a 110. When asked why he had never played before, Mat Smith said "well my only friends growing up in a small town in the UK were an elderly blind man and his now departed and even older wife, so golf wasn't really high on the list of priorities for us." After some practicing though, Smith claims to see what all the hype is about, as he says it's a great way to relax and pass the time, and maybe drink a couple beers with some buddies. Although there is one peculiar thing that Smith does when he gets to the green. When asked about it, here's what he said: "Everything was going really smooth until we got to the green on the first hole. My buddy putt the ball, and it was like my goalie instincts kicked in. I made a diving save in front of the hole, completely ruining the green, and you better believe I stopped that ball. This kept happening every time, and so eventually they tried making me look the other way. This didn't work either as I could still hear the sound of their putter hitting the ball. Hole after hole this went on, and it made for a pretty long game. My friends are now all mad at me, so I don't know when the next time we're going will be."

262 words.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - MegaSkuci - 09-28-2020

Vítek Víteček was always good at playing video games. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to be specific. When he was young he had a choice whether he would pursue a professional esports career or a hockey career. He decided to go for the second option. He still plays the game from time to time, when he is not on the ice and he could most likely still beat some of the professional players of the game. He is a master of the AWP with his quick hands and precise mouse movement. It probably also translates to his shot in hockey. He was never really a good teammate, finding it hard to work in team environment and cooperate with others. In CS he is horrible, that was the biggest weakness in his game. In hockey, he got used to it, and when he meshes well with someone he definitely shines. Vítek even appeared in some esport exhibition matches and he always loves to attend those.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - Skeleton Party - 09-28-2020

If there’s anything other than a hockey player that [Name Redacted] has always wanted to be, it is an F1 driver. F1 to [Name Redacted] is the epitome of sport, where mechanical, political, and team superiority all intermingle into a carefully orchestrated dance. Outrageous, fast-paced driving on storied tracks throughout the world in tiny little death machines.
Unfortunately F1 has a habit of putting together rather boring races, as passing doesn’t occur a whole lot once a race gets going unless there are penalties assessed or accidents occur. That last one is where [Name Redacted] comes in. His dream would be to have a team willing to force contact in every corner, where he could guarantee that his team is involved in at least 2 accidents a race. To win, a driver doesn’t just have to outrace the other drivers, they’d have to avoid the dangerously slaloming [Name Redacted] throughout the course.
[Name Redacted] would most likely have his license revoked during his first qualifier.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - Tate - 09-28-2020

If there was a sport in which Knox Booth would also excel at, and could be involved in a cross-over it would have to be baseball. First of all, Knox grew up playing the game and knows it quite well, and also he could use his fantastic skills at catching to become a serviceable catcher for the major leagues. Knox is proficient at getting in the right position as well as he is used to having to be in a kneeling position as well. He could use his excellent hand-eye skills to catch the ball as well as throw the ball should an opposing player attempt to steal a base. The only issue I would foresee would be hitting the ball, as Knox could certainly follow a ball well enough to hit it, but would he have the power to send it like some of the big leaguers? So while he may not be a home run hitter, he'd still be good enough to make it and find success. Perhaps Knox will seek this option out one day? You know, at the good ol' P to the B to the E!

194 words

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - littleb - 09-28-2020

Daedalus played many sports while growing up for entertainment but now that he has joined the ranks of professional hockey in his off time he found lacrosse was the best sport to keep up with. He plays in the center midfield position mainly sometimes playing on the wings when needed. Being a defensive minded Center on a great junior team, he finds that the midfield position suits him best as his keen defensive awareness helps break up attacks while his agility and speed helps him counter and avoid checks. There is nothing more physically demanding than a midfield as well as it challenges his stamina to great lengths. While on the pitch the team doesn't average many more goals gaining .15 more goals per game, but goals against average has improved dramatically. The team is allowing 1.83 less goals a game on average and are in the middle of a playoff race now. Seeing the benefit of two way play, this is where Daedalus will work next in both sports. Improving speed and offensive drive to try and aid more going forward.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - FuzzSHL - 09-28-2020

Michael Fox has never been one to open up about his life outside of hockey, but those close to him know that his fiance is the Team USA women's lacrosse coach. Fox had an opportunity the other week to pop in to a scrimmage between the national women's team and men's team. For those who know that there's a difference in rules between women's lacrosse and men's lacrosse, the two came to a compromise on scrimmage rules. But that's not why we're here today. Fox hopped in for the women's team, as did his fiance, and the two were the dynamic duo that would rival that of any other dynamic duo in history. The most that Fox had ever played was just in playing in the backyard, but the stick skills translated far more easily from hockey to lacrosse than Fox had originally thought.

RE: S56 PT #1 - Crossover - BasedMinkus - 09-28-2020

When Jed Mosley Jr is on the ice, he always tries to make it a showcase about him and his individual talents. When choosing to play a sport to crossover to, individuality plays a big factor and the main reason why Mosley chose golf. Mosley grew up learning the game from his dad and had the luxury of playing all the time when he wasn't training and thus has gotten to a +4.5 handicap. Mosley had the opportunity to play the Pebble Beach Pro AM which mixes pros and amateurs in a team format. Mosley was paired with Brooks Koepka, 2 time major winner and while Mosley struggled on the greens the first two days, he was still in contention. Saturday of the tournament, known as "Moving Day", saw Mosley shoot a blistering 6 under 64 to put him at third place. However on Sunday he shot a 2 over and finished a tie for 6th. It is clear that when Mosley Jrs days are done, there may be a spot for him in the PGA.