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S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Printable Version

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S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - hotdog - 12-15-2019

[Image: Presents.jpg]
(i'm on a quest to make the images on PTs more and more generic as we go on) 

For many, this time of year is a holiday season, a time associated with the giving and receiving of gifts! What are you (meaning you the user or your player) hoping to get as a present during this holiday season? Or perhaps you're more of a giver - what are you giving another SHLer as a present?

Written task: Write about what you (or your player) would like to receive as a holiday gift! Or write about what you (or your player) would give to another SHL user (or player) as a holiday gift for them. (minimum 150 words).

Graphic task: Show us your player opening a present that they're excited (or disappointed) to be receiving. To get in the holiday spirit, make sure they're wearing some nice SHL-branded or team-branded pajamas.


You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This PT will close Sunday, December 22nd at 10pm.

Welfare claims from either PBE or NSFL are accepted! (if you’re claiming welfare and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.)

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - hhh81 - 12-15-2019

Cassius Darrow desires few material possessions. He would probably appreciate a home cooked, authentic German meal, but those are hard to come by in Buffalo, NY. However, prior to the lockout, it had been a significant number of years since Darrow had seen his mother and sister. During the lengthy CBA negotiations, Darrow returned to his hometown to train and spend some time with his family. Since coming back, it's clear he's missing his mother and sister a great deal. His head isn't fully in the game.

It's really simple otherwise. For the Buffalo Stampede I'd get the team lucky rabbits' feet and glasses. The glasses are to help them hit open nets and the rabbits' feet are there to cancel out the awful puck luck the team's had. How tf can a team with this many great players continually not score goals? It's honestly baffling. My dear friend Viktor Marius is the most in need of some damn good bounces. This has been unacceptable.

Or maybe get a few players (namely Alexis Metzler and Monkey D. Luffy) voodoo dolls of our main rival teams' best players. Metzler hasn't stuck around this long without some deep seated bitterness, and Harry Carpet, Tig Murphy, and Mika Kandinsky should watch out. The voodoo gonna get you.

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - 5ympathies - 12-16-2019

All I want for christmas is to be given TPE so that I can finally become better than CCII. After I pass him in the standings I'm changing my name to CCIV so that people will finally be able to see who the real GOAT is. I don't want to see myself compared to him anymore, I don't even want others to compare him to me. I just want to be on top of the world, on top of Cameron Carter II, and on top of the league. If everyone in the league gifts me one or two TPE, I'll be able to beat the max TPE record, no stress. StamkosFan will be very upset, however, because they are trying hard to beat that legit. For christmas, my gift to my friends and teammates, will be money so that they can afford training and equipment. I don't want anybody slacking during the holidays, it's time to turn our season around!

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - DeletedAtUserRequest - 12-16-2019

[Image: otDAJee.png]

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - JamesT - 12-16-2019

Written task: Write about what you (or your player) would like to receive as a holiday gift! Or write about what you (or your player) would give to another SHL user (or player) as a holiday gift for them. (minimum 150 words).
Tis the most wonderful time of the year when it is Christmas and I have never been the kind of person who wanted gifts, but now that I am playing in the SHL and can afford more things in my life why not! 

Music has always been a major factor in my life whether it be when I am feeling down, want to get pumped up before a game or what not a day does not go by without me listening to my favourite tunes. For these holidays I would like to receive a pair of wireless earbuds! Our generation is slowly moving away from wired to wireless technology and earbuds are following this trend. There has been many times when I am fumbling around with the wires on my headphones and there have been a few incidents when it got stuck on a teammates bag!

But if I were to receive a pair of wireless earbuds these holidays that would be the thing i wanted the most for my holiday wish list. 

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - tweedledunn - 12-16-2019

[Image: v9Logj0.png]

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Rankle - 12-16-2019

What Ronlain would really like for Christmas is some equipment. Despite the large sums of money he's being paid by his SHL GM (thanks JSS), coming by the money to buy new equipment in the season is actually quite difficult when you factor in also paying for training every week. I mean, when you get right down to it, you need to have an income of over $10M per season if you want to be getting new equipment as well as training every week. It's a rough life out there for those of us without jobs or lacking in the skills or confidence to write worthwhile media or making graphics. But you know, as they say, thats just how it be sometimes. On the plus side, Ronlain has decided to gift all his Scarecrow buds one of the greatest gifts a hockey player can give to their teammates, goals! Despite not having equipment or training every week, Ronlain has still been able to be near the top of the SMJHL for goal scoring.

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - BigTittySmitty - 12-16-2019

PBE Affliation

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Carpy48 - 12-16-2019

Harry received a wonderful coffee mug from his teammates (and couldn't wait to use it right after unpacking it):
[Image: F72qMiX.png]

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Kalakar - 12-16-2019

simmer claim

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - FinnRhys - 12-16-2019


RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Nictox - 12-16-2019

Christmas time is here again, time for cheer and beers again. Holiday parties in full swing and good people doing good things. Specters have a part planned out for everyone in the organization, and I mean everyone. It is not just the players and their families meeting up with coaches and head office with their families. In New Orleans, we are all a big family. They invite the janitors, concession stand workers, valets, and greeters. Anyone who works at the arena is welcome to come. They set up a nice party area at center ice and have little gifts they hand out to everyone. When it comes to gifts, we do a secret Santa type of thing. The GM tells you who you are gifting and it is your job to come up with the gift for the party. This season I pulled none other the Aleister "American Cheese" Cain. My good buddy and favorite goalie. Cain is a huge Beatles fan, so I naturally found it easy to find him a great gift. I found a not opened, original pressed, Revolver LP. That is a gold mine of a find and I know Cain is going to be thrilled to get it.


RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - bluesfan55 - 12-16-2019

Mitchell van der Heijden loves the holidays. “Being raised in the Netherlands where Christmas is a huge holiday, I’ve always loved when Sinterklaas (Santa Claus in Dutch) visits your house and gives you gifts. It’s my favorite holiday and I just love celebrating it with friends and family.” So he decided to give some presents to his Anchorage teammates. “I love these guys. They welcomed me in with open arms as a rookie and I want to repay the favor.”

Daniel Bischoff - Roomba because “He is a robot. We all know it.”
Berry Blue - berries because “the name says it all, really.”
Jake Primeau - a mini sticks net so “he can practice sniping, cause he’s been great for us this year”
Augustus Wang - a Wang Chung album because “the name says it all, really”
Andrei Petrikov - vodka because “He’s Russian and a stallion.”
Ulrik Bergstrom, Ryan Cvitkovich, and Shelby Schmackers all get the tab for our next team meal “because they’re rookies. I had to do it so they do too.”
Stan Hanson - a lifetime supply of cheese curds because “he’s a Wisconsinite and a dairy lover. It just works.”

I’m sorry if I forgot any of my teammates, I’ll make up for it. It was nice to give them some presents.

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - karlssens - 12-16-2019

For @Muford I give him the gift of friendship and some much needed time off. Dude has been crushing hours at work as of late.
For @caltroit_red_flames I give him the gift of funny hats for his cats. May 2020 have a variety of avatars instead of just a Santa hat. Also the obligatory friendship.
For @ErM I give him a Ravens jersey. May he finally give up on the giants and move on. Sauce in some friendship.
For @cpetrella I give him my mix-tape "Karl's 2019 summertime jamz". This shit has bars. Also friendship.
For @Leafs4ever I give him a Senators jersey. May he wear it with pride, or just use it as firestarter.
For @TommySalami I also give him a Senators jersey. He too may do with it as he wishes. Toilet paper perhaps?
For @James Truong I give you an e-calendar to help manage all the PT opportunities. Thanks for keeping us informed.
For @PeanutButter I give you an assortment of jams and jellies. They pair nicely with peanut butter.
For @Julio Tokolosh I give you a delicious cooked goose. This man don't want no beef.
For @MrStennett I give you the gift of voice. Come hop in the chat sometime, I hear good shit about you.
For @FinnRhys I give you a sports package so you may watch all the games you want.
For @Keygan I give you a new dog named Red to add to your collection. Have some friendship too.
For @sarmo I give you the gift of a deep playoff run. I hopefully didn't just jinx it.
For @ckroyal92 I give you the gift of the eternal flame. May you use it to keep Knouse comfortable in his retirement

Merry Christmas Blizzard. I'll hit you rookies next season. Blizzard

RE: S51 PT #4 - Holiday Wish List - Slowpoke - 12-16-2019

@thiefofcheese is the only person I would give a gift to and you could probably guess what it is. I really want Thief to give up his life of crime, he is a good boy and watching him risk his future for some floppy yellow squares really makes me sad. I am going to invest some good cheddar into buying him enough cheese so that he can stop stealing it. If that doesn’t work, I’m just going to buy a lot of cocaine and give him a much healthier addiction. A hockey player needs to eat healthy, and a diet of cheese is not the best. Now that I think of it, maybe just getting him addicted to coke would be the better choice. It will let him keep the weight off so that he can stay quick enough, and it probably won’t end up with him breaking into someone’s house to get it.