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S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Printable Version

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S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Gwdjohnson - 05-25-2020

Congratulations on being drafted! The hard work starts now - but first you're going to need to get to know your teammates.

Written option: Write about a team-building exercise your team did and describe how some players acted and reacted during and after the event. Must include 150 words.

Graphic option: Make an image depicting a couple of members of your team participating in a team-building exercise or hanging out together in the locker room. Must include the team logo somewhere.

4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the things, not both.)

Only S54 SMJHL Rookies (S55 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT.

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline: Sunday, May 31st @ 11:59pm ET

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Southie - 05-25-2020

Sven's first training session with the Anchorage Armada didn't go particularly well due to the cultural difference between the SMJHL and Swedish Hockey. Apparently teams in the SMJHL don't drink warm reindeer blood while praying to the Norse trickster god Loki in old Norse before every training session which confused Sven greatly. His teammates were mostly terrified of Sven's extreme training regiment. The league seems to frown upon sacrificing living animals to Pagan gods as a tribute for success in the hockey world. There's a lot of difference between Hockey culture in the Nordic countries and  North America so  Sven's having a bit of a hard time adjusting at the moment.

Once the blood magic pagan ritual part of his training regiment ended, he did show incredible promise in the stickhandling department and he seems to be improving defensively as well. After training was done, he drank four PBR tallboys and passed out in the locker room for eight hours while listening to Lamb Of God on his iPhone.


RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - CaptainCrazy - 05-25-2020

It was hard for Asclepius to communicate with his teammates because he only speaks Grecian and Latvian. His English is not that terrible but it is not good either so team management decided to pay for English lessons to him and 2 other draftees - Icelander Guðmundur Kristjánsson and fellow Latvian Juris Berzina. This trio quickly became friends and their English skills progressed quite fast.
Last Saturday, team management organized hiking event. It was a really fun day. They visited Grand Lake which is largest and deepest natural lake in Colorado.
The first activity was fishing. Maybe sounds boring but it wasn't. The biggest fish was caught by Mack it was 2 and a half kilograms (5.5 lbs) heavy pike. After fishing, they all went kayaking. Team management decided to organize kayaking race. Asclepius was in the same team with Hiroshi, Sven, Noah and Jed. We were leading all the way until we were overtaken by Terrence, Ryan, Mack, Anrijs and Guðmundur. It was a really fun day which I hope will be also organized also next year with new draftees.

(181 words)

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Zema - 05-25-2020

Following the conclusion of the WJC, both me and Bjerg @AgentSmith630 stepped on the bus to return to our team roots over in Maine. We heard rumors that there was a party planned by Captain Kalashnikov @suavemente and the rest of the captain staff. Following the draft I was getting treated to a 1-on-1 training session with the captain, and I can't say I really remember much from it. Those empty bottles had to come from somewhere, right?

We met up at the bar and immediately got treated by the captain himself. "Very impressed by you guys, silver is good no?" I don't actually know if this is what he said, because when he truly gets his drunk on it's kind of impossible to hear what he has to say.

Ass. Captain Roach @Faelax was talking to the assistant GM @CementHands , talking about the sustainability of trees. What have I gotten myself into?

At last, someone that I can understand! Ass captain MAS @Rabidsponge21 approaches both me and Bjerg in... Danish? We just look at each other and slowly back away.

We found ourselves sitting down at the table, a beer in each hand with some of the other rookies. Jax @Im_A_Boonana , Walton @sulovilen , Jesse @crutch  and Hennesey @the_paytonium greets us with a simple nod, having that depressed and confused look on their faces like a mirror to ourselves. In the corner, Leo @BloomeyGB is chatting away with Japanese rookie goalie Keisuke @rieksts. He is going into great detail how to sneak in Guinness into the water bottle without the coaches realizing it. Keisuke nods eagerly, asking about the possibility of sneaking it into the opposing goalies bottle instead. These two will get along well.

So as the night concluded, Kalashnikov decides that he should hold a speech. In 30 minutes I think he talked about wood, drinking, how to make a fire, how to kill a bear with your own bear hands (he laughed at this pun for a full 5 minutes) and a personal ranking of all the bars around Maine. I don't think he mentioned anything about hockey however.

We are heading into a new season, the 2nd one as the Maine Timber. There are a ton of new faces around, but the culture hasn't changed at all.

391 words

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Jogurtaa - 05-25-2020

With the new season just around the corner, the team is working not only to boost their player physical and mental skils, but as well working on the way the rookies get to feel between more seasoned players and between other rookies. Carolina was one of the teams with a pretty small draft class so it is no wonder that they want to keep the team as close as possible. The new rookies were soon invited to team training and went trough a "rookie celebration" where other team members and the management and crew got a chance to let the new guys know - who is in charge here. This was the usual - lets all stand in two lines while the rookies slide trough and we just whoooooop them with sticks. Pretty common, pretty usual. The training passed but the "rookie celebration" was in full swing.

After practice, ZZ and other Kraken rookies - A.Foley, C.Hutton and Blunt Man, went off to a super secret location or in other words, the basement of Velveteen Dream. And in the best fraternity house traditions they went trough one of the most horrific, yet funniest and the kindest experiances of their lives. The rookies together with the rest of the squad went trough weird bunch of exercises that challenged their trust on every turn. After this Zuntnere was pretty sure that she has landed in the best possible junior team out there in the SMJHL. There is no doubt that this squad is as close knit as possible and the season will show how well they can perform under pressure, because this season they will have to prove, that they can be higher in the standings than last season.

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Tylar - 05-25-2020

The Newfoundland Berserkers had a game night as as team building activity. The night included a tournament of NHL20: Hockey Ultimate Team and Cards Against Humanity. The event took place at the arena with the entire team taking part. They played HUT in the film room and Cards Against Humanity in the recreation room. The night was filled was swears, personal attacks, and ultimately competition. One of the most competitive players was Cale Admundsen who was yelling and name calling the entire time. He was also a bit drunk. That later could be said for a lot of the Berserkers including Jack Klompus, Jukka Timonen, Steve Harrington, Ryuuji Minamino and Patric Twist. During the event these players did a lot of drinking was some were even belligerent during the cards against humanity game which provided a lot of entertainment for the other players. The drunk players got into a few battles amongst each-other and had to be broken up a few times. During the HUT tournament, veteran Slatt Potts won the tournament over general manager JNH. After the event Potts went back to streaming Minecraft. After the event the intoxicated Berserkers slept in the locker room. They woke up the next morning feeling hungover, but a few of them felt fine.

211 Words

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Loganjj21 - 05-25-2020

After being drafted the St. Louis scare crows decided for team training instead of working on physical abilities the team would work on team bonding and building chemistry. The first thing the crows focused on was giving the other players on your team a nice hug but we’re sure to teach the boys not to do a quick one and how to not do it for a too long which happens from time to time. Another thing the crows focused on was kiss ups it’s like sit ups but the person holding your feet you kiss every time you go up to show your homies you love em. The crows also worked on the useless drills like skating , shooting and passing which obviously has never helped anyone get better at the sport of hockey such as giving the homies hugs and kisses. The crows after these workouts and draft are the best team in the league by far and the cup is easily ours SKRT

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - mee - 05-25-2020

Less than 5 minutes after being drafed by the Whalers, Shuffleboard had his first team building exercise- playing on a defensive pair with Sato at the WJC for Team World. After they all returned to Canada, all the guys pilled into to William Hartmann's house to scream at him for making stupid draft picks which seems to be a Vancouver tradition which was followed by an extremely long ping-pong tournament. Name Redacted had the best reflexes and there was no slamming the ball past him, but his rebound control wasn't as good as on the ice and he fell in the quarterfinals to Sven Yxskaft , and Redacted was not happy, but thankfully not too many things broke. Kyle Izzy couldn't figure out how to hold the ping-pong racket and just seemed generally happy to be there. Shuffleboard knocked of Yxshaft and Sato knocked off the favorite and host William Hartmann in the semis and the two Team World teammates met in the final. Sato would take the championship by default as rookies are not allowed to win. As everyone leaves Redacted is still raging about his quarterfinal loss to Yxskaft and nobody has managed to calm him down. Goalies.

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - teztify - 05-25-2020

With training camp beginning, the Newfoundland Berserkers management team thought it would be a good idea to have a bonding exercise to bring the team together in order to be ready to fight for each other throughout the season. Unfortunately, the Berserkers' management and captain are a bit clueless, and their idea of team bonding was to have a 24-hour stream marathon with mandatory attendance for the entire team. The day began with General Manager JNH streaming his HUT Champions games on NHL 20, which actually did bring the team together - but not in the way JNH would have hoped, as the team collectively lost a lot of respect for their GM after seeing his woeful NHL skills after losing 14 of his 20 games despite a stacked (read: paid-for-with-real-money) lineup. Afterwards it was the captain's turn, as Potts went live streaming some MLB. This was fun for the team and the guys got behind it, but as Potts switched over to Minecraft a few of the players were ready to doze off, just a few hours into the 24-hour ordeal. Few made it through the 24 hours, although credit must be given to Liam Slate, who was awake and aware and active in chat throughout the entire event.

Words: 216

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Mack - 05-25-2020

In Colorado we have been working a lot on our mental focus and reading on the importance of working together as one. Our team planned a trip out to the Rocky Mountains where we met with a tribe of Native Americans to live with them for a weekend. During this trip with all engaged in a group peyote session with guidance from our tribe leaders. It was the most magical thing as we all sat in a field under the stars in a big circle. There was about 25 of us total and we were all engaged in a very deep conversation. The amazing part was nobody's mouth was moving. We were all communicated through our minds! It was an amazing experience...even the next day we all could recall what we spoke to each other that night through our minds. It allowed us to experience this level of oneness that we have never experienced...the idea that we are all connected in some deeper way runs through our locker room now.

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Ohtaay - 05-25-2020

With all the Armada rookies finally being together for the first time since the draft, it was time to make sure they had a basic bonding understanding with each other before heading into the season.
A hike and camping trip was organized for the rookies to adventure on for 3 days. They could only bring what they could fit in their bad, that included clothing, sleeping material and obviously food. Well one prospect spoke up quickly, and loudly. It was TURG TURG, as he screamed I BRING DA MEAT FOR EVERYONE WE NEED DA MEAT. Well Turg Turg did just that, he brought the meat.. However that was the only thing he brought, no sleeping equipment and no clothes other than what was on his back. Luckily Victor, Gunnar, Muller, and Gervais all came properly prepared with a little bit of each. Before we had to start hiking the mountain we stopped at connivence store and bought Turg Turg a couple of extra shirt that he could use while camping.

The fact I am writing this means we all made it back, in functional condition.

185 words.

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - rum_ham - 05-25-2020

One night while hitting the town with the team, Mega Tron tripped and totally destroyed the St. Louis Gateway Arch. The city was appalled. To make amends with the city, the whole team promised to pay for and re-build the arch themselves. Young Logo had hit it big in St. Louis making heaps of money from his beats and songwriting. He was due to leave the city next week to quit hockey and pursue his dreams as a music producer, but instead donated the money to fund the construction of the arch. Looks like he'll be here for a while now.

Due to the leadership of player/GM's Eric Hudson and Danny Marston, the team was able to swiftly re-build the arch in only 1 week.

When there were funding issues, Grapefruit Lizard came in with a large sum of money to continue the build. Nobody knows how he had all that money, but he kept assuring the team that it definitley wasn't because he is secretly Mark Zuckerberg.

Ewulf Jericson and Axel Meszaros did most of the heavy lifting, and gained 100 lbs of muscle that week. Did they use steroids? Yeah, they probably did. That's a lot of muscle to gain in one week.

The rookies were in charge of fixing the elevator and got stuck for 2 days. After about five hours, Cody Spinka seriously contemplated cannibalism, and particularly liked the look of Nicolae Antonescu.

After the arch was re-built, the team was closer than ever. Spinka still kind of wants to eat Nicolae though.

267 Words

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Puljujarvi98 - 05-25-2020

After Big Terry exited the Bus that he was on from southern California all the way to Colorado he quickly found himself in the management. With the guidance of the new management in Colorado, Terry was able to find a place and was told to meet at the arena early in the next morning. Unknowingly, Terry showed up in jeans. This got a chuckle from all of his veteran teammates who knew exactly what was going on. After a short bus ride, and with some new borrowed work out sorts, Big Terry and the Colorado Raptors arrived in the rocky mountains. Immidiately atfer departing the bus, several of the experienced veterans bolted up the hill. Confused Terry hesitantly joined in. By the end of running up and down the mountains several times, Terry felt like a new human being and has never felt so in shape in his life. He is noted saying, " I didn't know how serious being in shape is in this league, and this is a rough awakening but I know it bonded our team better."

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - Mazatt - 05-25-2020

After spending a quarter of the season with the team last year, Axel Foley was already comfortable stepping into the Kraken locker room once again. Training camp was a new spectacle for him, seeing the sheer amount of work put into off-ice training by his teammates was inspiring. After hitting the showers the rookies were called into the locker room by their captain, Jimmy Wagner. They all knew something was up; it's the first day of training camp there's no way a rookie prank wasn't going to happen. But Wags is the captain so there's no turning down an order to show up for the assumed prank. Upon their arrival they saw the entire team standing behind Wags, with 4 bright orange squid looking costumes. There weren't any words necessary for the rookies to know what they had to do, and they slithered into their costumes soon after. There was a pang of guilt visible with some of the sophomores who experienced the costumes the year prior; though Foley and his teammates weren't sure if it was something scarring that happened after the costumes were on, or if there were enough suits last year. The thought of sharing the already stuffy squid suit was not appealing. After sliding into the suits there was a photo op where Blunt Man, Zuntnere, Foley, and Hutton posed for the cameras. While he would never tell anyone, Foley oddly enjoyed it. Once that ordeal was finished, the team ventured out to an older players home and down into the basement--the rookies of course still wearing their squid-fits--and had a team-exclusive party. From there, it has been agreed upon that no one outside the Kraken should know what happened that night, mostly for the sakes of those who don't know how to handle their liquor, but for those that remember the night they certainly won't forget it.

RE: S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days - ThisSeemsFishy - 05-25-2020

With all the Armada rookies spending quite some time with one another, they each offered suggestions for team bonding exercises. Some chose camping, some chose group gaming sessions. But TURG’s choice was a little unorthodox. TURG decided for his team to reenact the climax to Snow Dogs starring Cuba Gooding Jr. with TURG playing the aforementioned lead role. At first, it was a disaster with the majority of the rookies thinking it was stupid. But with some meat bribes, the whole crew was mushing together. Later, back in the hotel they all stayed in, TURG cooked a mighty meal of all kinds of meat. It turns out TURG is quite the chef. TURG then proceeded to individually thank each of his new teammates for being his friend with a personal ballad he had written for them. He sang it all off key. The Armada rookies ended off their night telling stories but were interrupted when Acsolap told them it was four in the morning and they had to go to bed.

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