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S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Printable Version

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S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Zerg - 06-12-2023

Please pick ONE prompt to write about. Do not mix and match prompts. Identify the prompt you are using in your submission - Copying and pasting the prompt will deduct from your word count so if you do this make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

Please note that the "Story Mode" tag does NOT mean that you must make some overarching plot or tie your tasks together to receive TPE. You are also NOT committed to one prompt chain - feel free to hop between them from week to week!

CREATIVE PROMPT / STORY MODE - Can't live with em...

Written Task: Uh oh, your team's stadium plans have hit two snags: a belligerent city councilperson you're pretty confident is making shit up whole-cloth about zoning restrictions, and your owner has hired the worst construction firm in the city because they gave the lowest quote. As such, your team may have to play the next season in the local college stadium that only seats about 5k fans. Its amenities are also, shall we say, unspectacular. How does your player respond to this, especially after all the hard work they put in last week? Are you willing to play in the college stadium and do more with less? Do you request a trade? Do you egg the councilperson's house? (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show me your player's reaction to a substandard collegiate weight-room!

PLAYER PROMPT - Can't live without em.

Written Task:  It's the night of a huge win over your arch-rivals. Your fans are going nuts, and you know there's gonna be an absolute rager going down at the local club your team's owner also owns. What does your player do? Do you show up at the party and bask in the adulation? What else goes down? If not, do you play the disciplined professional and be in bed by 9:30? If so, why? What goes through your head knowing at least some of your teammates are not doing the same? (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show me your player partying it up, or declining to do so!

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.


Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Zerg - 06-12-2023

PT pass

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Salming - 06-12-2023

Player task:

If owner would ask William Salming to visit at the local club to greet some fans after a huge win over rivals, then Salming would do it. Of course, it would be his responsibility as one of the veteran players and leaders of the group. But without that Salming would probably go to just home and be bed in early like a true professional. His character is pretty calm and he doesn't enjoy to party at this spare time. He also drinks only if there is a good reason for it like a championship party. So visiting night clubs or bars is not common for William but if asked, then he would show up and talk to some loyal members of the fan base. If some other players would go to visit the club, it would be also fine for Salming. Like famous Finnish hockey coach Jukka Jalonen has said: when time is. When it is time to relax, you can do anything. But when it is time to play, you need to be well prepared. So you can visit a club if it doesn't affect your performance on the ice.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - SewingWithNancy - 06-12-2023

When Sean was a younger player, he would show up as soon as the party started and rage with all the other youths till 3AM knowing full well that practice in the morning was going to be absolute hell. However as Sean has aged, he has toned it down quite a bit. However he does know that the younger players still want him to show up and celebrate, he has now transitioned into the "parent" of the team. He shows up to crack a beer with his teammates, then he makes a speech telling all the kids to have a great time and to not get too crazy. He then shuffles off to his dinner reservation, and is in bed by 830 to make sure that practice isn't a complete shit show for his old bones. He smiles as he watches all the young players show up for an 8am bag skate looking like they didnt get a wink of sleep, knowing that in 10 years, they will be in his shoes.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Moe7171 - 06-12-2023

PLAYER PROMPT - Can't live without em.

Any night that Shnopple's team wins against their biggest rival there are big parties throughout the city. Shnopple would love to show up at this party, but he has to take some time to think about what's best for him. Shnopple would decide on not going out to the party and to preserve energy for his next game. Shnopple would post something on a social media wishing everyone some fun at the party even though he won't be there. Shnopple would have a nice healthy dinner and get to bed on time. Shnopple prefers to get to bed on time because he likes to be in the best shape and as rested as possible for the next game. Shopple tends to think about his teammates that will be at the party and wished them to have fun and Shnopple hopes all well for them too.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Eggcracker - 06-12-2023


It was a wild week for the Malamutes, playing and winning BOTH games against their regional rivals, Anchorage. As there isn’t much to do up north you know the celebrations will be raging and wild. At the players’ favourite spot, The Igloo, the players and fans usually come together and have the best parties. While being the team’s captain, it is my job to lead by example but also show that the locker room is a fun and united in good times and in bad. I am the first one to the party and make sure that all the favourite amenities, food, and beverages of the team are stocked and available for when they arrive. As team captain, I put my credit card down for the tab and let the players and fans enjoy themselves as they please. However, they can choose to tip or donate anything they wish towards the club staff or towards “Firing Tanner into the Sun”, the team’s official charity. Once everyone has arrived and the party is bumping, I make sure to make my rounds to have a drink with everyone, sign a few autographs, and remind the players to not go too crazy. After that, I head back to my hotel room before midnight to get some rest and recover for the optional skate and video session the next day. A captain’s work is never done.

232 words

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - ValorX77 - 06-12-2023

PBE Affiliate

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Carpy48 - 06-12-2023

Player prompt

While Shaggy typically isn't the craziest party person, he doesn't usually say no to a free party. Especially after such a big win you need to celebrate that with your team, at least a little bit. The general attitude among his team-mates seems to be that they're all still young and need to enjoy their time together since they can sleep enough when they're old. There are some people on the team that always overdo it of course, but they're the ones who have to live with the hangover the next day (usually the rookies, they don't know any better yet) and Shaggy likes to think that he's responsible enough to not do that. He also doesn't want to lose his position as starter now that he's earned it. At least in that regard he is professional enough. Besides if you're part of the team's leadership you have to be a role model for the younger players.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - spidey - 06-12-2023

WHAT THE HELL! Our lovely city mayor a lifelong Los Angeles Panthers fan (archrivals of the Pride) has decreed our new cannot be built where we would like it. In a news conference today he has come out saying it is a zoning restriction and he cannot make an exception as he had his own personal lawyers check into this. But to show the good people of the San Francisco he is trying, he found the perfect venue for the new location. He also let everyone know it is much cheaper land and will lower the cost significantly. Next thing you know he is showing a picture of the new stadium right beside the city dump!

Well no one and I mean no one takes away something this important from the good citizens of San Francisco. Once again it is time for the kak crusader, Night Soil to strike. At night I dawn my crimefighting outfit a brown cape and mask over my hockey jersey, the perfect disguise and rush by roof top to city hall. From there I open a skylight and using my utility belt and bungy cords I sling my way down into the mayor’s office. Sure enough my suspensions are right. Right there on his desk in a file labeled “EVIL PLANS SCREW THE PRIDE” is evidence showing the zoning was correct all along. Including extra money put aside to move to the dastardly Los Angeles Panthers to help fund their new Stadium. And the whole scheme of creating an uncomfortable home ice for the Pride to ensure we have the worst training and experience for the fans.

I take the plans, allow a bowel movement to pass on his desk (it is a little explosive had too much chilly at lunch) and covers the wall, chair and computer monitor like an Andy Warhol painting and make my cunning escape.

The next day an anonymous tipster has left for the news all the details about the mayor and his plans and everything is back on schedule. Once again the city is safe thanks to Night Soil!

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - adamantium - 06-12-2023

Story Mode: 342 Words


"Alright, so--Petey, can I fuckin' rant for a minute here? There's some shit on my mind lately that's been bugging the shit out of me so I feel like it's only appropriate to keep the folks listening updated--you--yeah, you know what I'm talking about. We talked about this. So, you all fuckin' remember how the folks up in management wanted me to talk about the new stadium petition and then the whole fuckin' naming thing on last week's episode of the podcast. Well, fuckin' listen to this--some jackass on the city council has been making shit up wholesale left and right about zoning laws and what we can and can't do near the Needle--shit that we all looked up before we even started this process, shit that we knew we were clear on when we set out on this fuckin' thing. And what they're telling us now, between city council trying to fuck us around and our contractor team acting like a bunch of fuckin' first-year apprentices, is that we're playing next season in UDub's arena. Seats five thousand. And when they fuckin' told us we were playing next year at UDub, I was initially a little pissed off about it and hesitant. I mean, we go from thirty-thousand plus to five grand max and that would make anyone mad. But you know what, Petey? I fuckin' thought about it. So listen up, Seattle.

Next season, I want to blow the fuckin' roof off that place. I want Argos fans to get into that arena and make it so loud the entire fuckin' city can hear us. I want that shithead on city council to hear you guys cheering so loud that he can't fuckin' sleep at night. If we're playing at UDub, we're giving them a fuckin' show. Get your asses out there, Seattle, let's fuckin' burn the place down.

Anyway, sorry Petey, didn't mean to totally take everything off the rails there--so you've been getting into SF6, yeah, tell me about that. You gettin' into the lab a lot or?"

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - JamesT - 06-12-2023

PBE Affiliate

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Otrebor13 - 06-12-2023

After all the work I put in to try and get this arena built, I would not stand silently while this stuff happened. I would not be shy to go see the owner personally and express my concerns with his decision to use the cheapest offer and have the worst possible construction company out there. This would directly impact how the arena will turn out for both the players and the fans.

When it comes to the councilperson I would definitely want to see what sort of documentation/laws can back up what they’re saying, because the work that was done was surely looked into to know that an arena would be suitable in the given location. Not to mention, if it breaks zoning rules, this would have had to be brought up when the plans were presented to the city, therefore it’s almost certain this person is doing it out of spite.

Personally, I wouldn’t really want to play in a small stadium, but I would have to express my opinion. Honestly, if they don’t like it and want to trade me, that’s fine. I’m sure there are a bunch of teams around the league who wouldn’t mind having me on their roster.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - echlyrica - 06-12-2023

PLAYER PROMPT - Can't live without em.

Crystal would definitely be going out to celebrate after the win over Vancouver. She probably wouldn't hit the nightclub though, as that's not really her scene. Instead she'd throw on her jersey over her street clothes (a nicely tailored women's dress shirt and pants) and her Pride (K)Night hat, and walk over to the Knights fan bar she lives near, The Round Table Inn. She would spend her night there basking in the love she has for the city and team, and the love the fans have for her.

Over the course of the night, she'd keep drinking, being sure not to get too drunk, and do photo ops and signings for fans free of charge. In exchange for her drumming up business, the owner of the Round Table (Jane) gives Crystal free drinks. At the end of the night she'd hang out with Jane while she cleans up, constantly asking to help and constantly being told she doesn't have to, before heading back to her apartment to prepare for the next day.

RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - esilverm - 06-12-2023


RE: S71 PT#3: Hangups and Hangovers - Aneeqs - 06-12-2023

PBE Affiliate