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PT # 3 - Settling In - Printable Version

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- ej27 - 09-27-2016

PT 3 - Settling In

The Situation

Being a rookie can be tough--learning to fit in on a new team, finding your way around a new city, not to mention adjusting to the standards and expectations of a new league. Having the support and encouragement of your new teammates can make all the difference.

Time for some team bonding!

Your Task

Reach out to a veteran in your LR (either a senddown or an alum) and get to know them a little better. To get full credit, you must ask at least 3 questions (of them, or of their player). There is no word count for this task, but questions should require more than just a yes/no answer.

Your Reward

3 capped TPE for doing the thing.
Remember, the PT cap for the season is 30.

Only S31 SMJHL Rookies are eligible for this PT.

You cannot claim TPE for this PT until a post is made in the global claim thread.

11:59pm EST Wednesday 10/5/2016

- iOBESE - 09-27-2016

<div align="justify">Hey everyone! My name is Herbert Cukurs and I will play for Prince Goerge Firebirds this season! Today we got together with Pepsi to ask some rookie questions to the team vets!

The poor target for my rookie questions is no one else than Prince George Firebirds Left Winger - Eduard Selich!

Let's get the questions rolling...

1. Does the team have any pre-game traditions that I should know about? If not, then how about we introduce one? Like taking a fired up shot after winning games?
As far as I know we do not have a pre-game tradition sadly. But we have a tradition before the season starts ,the good old Ice-cream social which I really like. I think that we can definitely introduce a pre or post game tradition like taking a fired up shot. Gladly we are in Canada so we can drink unlike the poor Individuals in St. Louis, Colorado or Detroit.

2. I've had some conversations before and after the draft with some of the players, you including, and staff members. But as someone who have played a season already with these guys, who would you describe as "the one to not fuck with", "the one that does not give a fuck"?
"The one that does not give a fuck" is pretty easy to answer. It is Karl Hertzberg a really good successful player who just simply not cares. Literally never said something in the locker room in the last season , but at least he is one of the main contributors on the ice.
"The one to not fuck with" Would have been Tyrone Savage the guy who fights the most on our team and someone you just truly shouldn't fuck with. Sadly he retired so I have no clue who will be the guy that you should not fuck with this upcoming season.

3. You were drafted and was a rookie in PGF last season. What was the best advice you got, that you would like to pass on to other rookies in PGF like me?
That this whole thing is a marathon and not a sprint. Don't worry about your statisticss in the SMJHL because in most cases SHL GM's won't look at them. Be active around the team don't only stick to your Locker room because fans love to see you invested inside and outside. Try to get friends because this is a team sport and it is easier and better to play with friend. Also some training advice that I will leave to explain another time.

4. Is Ben Waters as annoying in locker room as he is portrayed in media and public?
Once you get to know Ben he really grows on you he is a guy with a lot of passion for the game and for the team and he is also someone who likes to lighten up the mood if it gets rough sometimes or really tense. I really like Ben and I think he makes the locker room a better place with his presence. But yes he can be annoying but it usually is a good annoying if you know what I mean.

Here you go friends! I wish to say thank you to Pepsi for this journey, Eduard Selich for being such cool guy and of course the whole PGF Organisation for putting their trust in me and drafting me.</div>

- cltnsnw - 09-27-2016

How has your time as a part of the Colorado Mammoths been so far?
It's been absolutely great. I love everybody in the locker room. All great people. Kat, Eichelele, Svensson, Hagan, Renninger, and some returning/older players like McGraw, Buckner, and Andrews till pop in from time to time. Then of course there's my buddy rice who does a great job as well.

How did your time in Colorado impact your draft position and future experiences?
I think my time in Colorado really set me up for a bright future in this league. I has a great mentor who really helped me out when I was here last season and hopefully he'll continue to help me and everybody else in the future.

What is the biggest tip you can give a top upcoming prospect about how he should develop?
I'd say that while, yes, you want to build your player how you want to build it, but still take advice from the people who have been here longer than you. They know what works and what doesn't. They know what affects the sim a lot and what doesn't. They have more experience so their advice was something I really listened too last season and will continue to listen to until I'm at the point where I can help other people with their questions.

- O4L - 09-28-2016

Thank ADwyer for letting me ask him some questions!

1. What kind of rookie hazing do I have to look forward to?

Well, you ain't gotta worry about me. I hate all you fucks equally. Always partying and playing loud music, which totally interferes with my partying and loud music! Sigh....

Anyway, I won't give it all away, but there's a few things to look out for. Reed, he's that "icy hot in the jockstrap" guy. So make sure you check for that shit! Pel, you gotta watch her in the locker room. She's taken to my pre game ritual, but she can't hold her liquor like I do, so she's bound to do something stupid. If Toivo offers you a drink from his water bottle, DONT FUCKING TAKE IT! No one knows what he has in there, but he puts something in it to mess with the noobs. Last year Komarov skated around all practice singing Russian music butt naked, and Volkova almost died! And Banning will likely give you a long motivational speech. It's not hazing, but it's still torture

2. What has been the highlight of your Raiders career so far?

Best part was definitely winning the cup. But it was more about HOW I won. I came to the game wasted as shit, I smashed a whole case by myself (ok maybe Pel had some). Most of the time it looked like there were 2 pucks out there. But I won the game, and that's what matters.

3. How do you think we'll do this season?

We gonna win it all! And if any of those Detroit fucks get in my crease, I'm gonna two hand em right in the motherfucking ankles

- SabresFan - 09-29-2016

I’ve actually been working with three players from around the SHL in planning for my future career. Chief among them has been my fellow rookie with the Vancouver Whalers, Seppo Repo. Repo may be a fellow SMJHL rookie, but he has been mentored by a team of coaches and trainers with a world of SHL experience. Actually, I had the opportunity to sit down with Jakob Tanner, Lord Pretty Flacko, and Seppo Repo both separately and together. I’m going to add comments from all three as I share our discussion with you.

Q: My family genes just don’t allow me to put on much muscle mass for the effort I put in. How much of a handicap will my relative lack of strength be in my SHL career? What advice do you have for me in order to cope with that weakness?

Tanner: If you're going for a smaller, possession-minded skater and keeping checking as a secondary goal, that's perfect. Strength affects how well and often you throw hits and how likely you are to lose the puck when you're hit by someone else. It also helps with faceoffs, but if you're planning on playing the wing, that difference won't matter much. .. I would put checking low on the priorities list as, without strength, it's not gonna be hugely important. Putting the difference in skating and puck handling will help make up for low ST when you're getting hit so that you don't become a defensive liability every time someone looks at you mean.

Repo: Strength is a lot more important than checking. Checking determines your frequency of going for the hit and your rate of successfulness of hitting. Strength is more about puck protection. It’s your ability to muscle and power through hits without losing the puck. It’s a very important attribute.

Tsujimoto: I guess I won’t worry too much about my strength or physical play early in my career. Later on, if I maintain or even increase my bank account, maybe I’ll pay the $8 million for all the personal trainers I’m going to need to overcome my strength issue. In the SMJHL, I’ll be a relatively high skilled, very well positioned player.

Q: What score does a player need to have on the SHL’s patented Total Player Evaluation (TPE) scouting system to have a reasonable chance of success as a third line player in the SHL?

Tanner: I know you said not to say "it varies," but..

Bure had 60 points with ~1150 TPE. Lundberg had 29 points with ~1200.

Razin had 57 points with ~1000. Black had 29 points with ~1000.

It depends largely on what your metrics of success are, what team you're on, what kind of chemistry you find with your linemates, etc.

Physical centers are going to take a fuckton of TPE, while a pure sniper winger would take a bit less (not having to worry about checking or faceoffs). The sniper might end up putting up way more points than that grinder center and thus seem "better", but I'd argue that both accomplish what they're made to do in the sim, and that both are valuable players.

And obviously, you're going to get a bigger role on a weaker team. For a while in Hamilton, our top pairing were both around 600-700 TPE, while, well.. Minnesota.

Also worth noting that, in S26 when HAM won the cup, there was a 690 TPE winger on the first line.

It really does vary.

Repo: 300 TPE can play in the SHL if you're active. 500 to not suck. 850 for the 2nd line. 1000 for the top line and 1200 to be elite. That's about where the league is. You'll see some inactive 155 healthy scratches in the SHL to meet the roster limit.

Flacko: It turns out that Flacko is not only an SHL player and GM, he is a part time statistician on the side. So Flacko turned me to his statistical analysis on the subject located HERE

Sarcastically, I’m thinking that the overachieving Flacko maintains volunteer work with the Peace Corp in some small African country while doing all these other activities. Flacko concluded that somewhere north of 600 on the TPE scale was sufficient for a solid SHL contributor.

Tsujimoto: So, I’m concluding that scoring 450 to 500 on the TPE scale should be good enough to begin a career in the SHL. The performance of a player at that level might suffer depending on the factors that Tanner indicated.

Q: How long should a player stay in the SMJHL to prepare for an SHL career?

Repo: I'm actually against active rookies going back to the SMJHL as send downs. I think the quicker you escape the disaster that is the SMJHL and the quicker you enter the real league, the better your career will be.

Tsujimoto: Given the answers to the other questions and your opinion with access to experienced members of the SHL, I conclude that I should play no more than one year as a send down if I intend on making the jump to the SHL at all.
Thanks to all three of you for your kind contributions.

- MWHazard - 09-29-2016

Max: Thanks for doing this, Kyle!

Max: First off, what does it mean to you to be a St. Louis Scarecrow?

Kyle: It means absolutely the world to me. After making it thru my rookie year and then get named a Co-GM, it's been pretty awesome. I could have very well called myself up, but it means more to me to win that Cup in St. Louis first!

Max: We're gonna get that Cup, man. I want it bad too. Any good traditions I should know about?

Kyle: Outside of your typical blow and Foster's pre-game search for some St. Lou trailer trash... Usually just some pre game beers, post game beers, and breakfast beers.

Max: That sounds about right, and as I told Crutch, every day should be National Drink A Beer Day. What's your favorite memory with the team so far?

Kyle: Being drafted... Hands down my favorite moment. The messages I got from Crutch and Ryan were out of this world.

Max: Yeah, I was really hoping the Crows would take me too. I got pretty hype when I went no. 3 to them. Anyone on the team I need to watch out for? I was told there's a mandatory surprise blood test and that sounds, uh, scarring.

Kyle: Well that may be in part to me popping positive on a piss test for roids and alcohol. No one fully explained the TPE rules to me and I thought a beer in my water bottle was acceptable.

Max: ...You're the reason Visser tried to stab me with a needle (god knows where he got it) the first time I was in the locker room? Wait...what are you reaching for- OH SHIT

- DonutDefender - 09-29-2016

Thanks to Crutchfield for answering the question! Smile

1. What should a rookie know regarding the franchise's history?

We've won the challenge up 3 times, once in S16, S20 and S29. We've been close countless other times, but never quite got the job done.
2. Is there anything a rookie should be on the lookout for? I.e troublemakers in the locker room, rookie pranks, how to stay out of the doghouse, etc.

You need to look out for Jason Visser. If he asks you to go to his house, don't go!!! He lives on a riverbank in Ferguson.

3. What should my expectations be for a rookie's personal success. and the team's success this season?

I think your expectations should be around 25-35 points for yourself. As for the team, the Four Star Cup is everybody's goal and we are going to do our best to win it this seaosn!

- Merica - 09-30-2016

Interview with <a href='index.php?showuser=2271' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Avakael</a>.

#1: Have you, or have you ever seen, what is known as a manbearpig? and what was your reaction to this sighting? Fear? Curiosity? Please go into detail as this will really help me learn more about you.
I've heard of manbearpigs before. My understanding is that it's an old native american indian tale about a hockey team that signed local talent to ridiculous contracts and could never get it done (kill me). I always thought they were just bears, though. There was algae in a lake near us once that a bear went swimming in, and it came up covered in green and pink crap, and in my mind that was a manbearpig.

#2: Since this is my first sim league, what would be your advice to me? How can the new kid on the block make it? I don't suck dick though, so that isn't an option.
The best advice I can give you is not to burn any bridges. You never know who's going to give you your best contract offer, and you never know who's going to be cool from one day to the next, because drama does happen here. Keep an open mind about everything that happens and don't let yourself get too involved in any specific issue that doesn't directly involve yourself.

#3: What is your opinion the recent "Deplorables" signing in Detroit? How did you react to this news? Is Merica really as big an asshole as the softpawk makes him out to be? Which side of the line do you stand on?
I didn't really care about where the contracts came from- sourcing players is my GM's job and I'm not going to tell them how to do it. It's my job to be the best player I can be and to work with whoever they line up on the ice with me.

- easymoneysniper - 09-30-2016

Interview with <a href='index.php?showuser=2321' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>cikgnar</a>
1. What are your expectations from the team this season?

I expect Detroit to be a top 4 team this year, ideally a top 2 team. We steamrolled through the league last year and laid a big egg in the playoffs, and we're a better team than that. Last year left a bad taste in our mouths, and this year our expectations of ourselves is that we represent this team proudly and make the 4 Star Cup Finals - ideally winning the cup itself.

2. How do you think you'll be able to perform if you play for Detroit?

2. I think I'll do well in Detroit - having 1 season under my belt, I'm making good progress. I benefitted a lot last year playing under guys like Nucky Toohoots and Hans Moleman, and they taught me a lot about what it takes to be a top liner. With another preseason to work, I think I'm ready to take the next step.

3. Did you like the whole "DEPLORABLES" thing?

Ehh, that's a complicated question. On one hand, there's nothing technically wrong with what the Deplorables did - no different than Bosh and James signing with the Heat to join Wade, just how sports are. On the other hand, it does undermine the draft process, and I don't like how much attention it has generated (not that that's really the Deplorables fault). As a whole, I think it sets a bad precedent for future recreates. But with that all being said, having had a chance to chat with some of the Deplorables in Detroit's LR, they're all stand up guys and have been great teammates so far, so while I don't particularly like the way the situation unfolded, I'm happy to have 5 new teammates who are good both on and off the ice.

- Leo Senpai - 09-30-2016

Interview with cikgnar

1. What is something you think rookies should have in order to make it to the next level?

Determination and drive. I believe that in any sport if you have these two attributes you can succeed in that sport. A lot of players are gifted with talent but aren't as determined and thus it allows those less gifted who are more determined to surpass them. If you work hard every day and you're constantly pushing yourself to get better you will. Keep fighting don't give up until you reach your goals.

2. How different is this team with the new five rookies being added to it?

Completely different and it starts from the locker room to the ice. The team has much more needed life in it and all 5 of those guys are vocal which is good. Everyone is open with each other and it has helped us build chemistry. I think this team could go a long way this year if things keep going the way they are. I may be a veteran this year but I'm still learning a thin or two from these younger guys. We have a lot of options with lines this year as well so we can play with our game plans here and there. I'm honestly very excited to get the season underway.

3. When you leave Detroit what so you want to leave behind?

That's a really great question. I definitely want to leave behind something positive and something that everyone else after me can look up to. For the sake of answering the question I hope to leave behind strength as a team player. Everyone wants to outshine one others but that isn't how you win games and silverware. You need to play as a team and that's something I've always done and hope that players after me can remember me as such.

- Kylrad - 09-30-2016

Interview with Daniel

What are your expectations for the season?

My main expectation is to start slow but by the time playoffs come and our guys get more experienced we could be real contenders. We've got a very young team but there's good coverage across all positions which leaves us in a good position.

What was your initial reaction to getting to sign the deplorables?

It was something I thought that would massively help the team. I knew it would cause some controversy but at the end of the day that's par for the course, it was an opportunity that advanced our chances as a team greatly.

What's your favorite part of gming?

My favorite part of GMing would honestly be getting to meet the newer faces of the league and the veterans who are returning to the grind with a new player. It's also obviously fun to be able to work on things such as the draft and making trades happen.

- Jedi - 09-30-2016

Eibhear Sorenson: It's nice to see you again, Uncle Jack.

Jackson Rogers-Tanaka
: Ha, yeah. It's been a while hasn't it? Saw you play with the youth squad, and now you're in my old stomping grounds. Quite a big step, isn't it?

Eibhear: Yeah it sure is. I had a few questions, do you mind answer them for me?

Jackson: Sure, no problem.

Eibhear: I declared as a defenseman because I admire your play style. Is there anything about being a good two-way defenseman that I should know?

Jackson: Be strong on the puck. You've got to play well in both zones, so you're going to be your teams possession driver. The focal point. You'll collect the puck and drive it from the back to the front, so you gotta know what to to with your stick and your body, and when to do it.

Eibhear: Is there anything you do to maintain your composure on streaks and in big games?

: Yeah, meditate. Just calm yourself, center yourself. Get some perspective on the situation and you'll be fine.

Eibhear: What's the secret to success?

Jackson: Not an easy question to answer, but the best I can come up with is to have good teammates, haha. Not something you necessarily have control over, but having people you play off of, the synergy, it helps a lot. You can do your thing if you're not worried about any of the other guys out there.

- iRockstar - 09-30-2016

Interview with bk1689

1. With your time in Montreal, what kind of experiences occurred and what did you get from being on the team?

I'd say my biggest experience was at a point early on last season. We started out alright, but then we came to an abrupt halt and ended up going on a 9 game losing streak. No one likes losing, especially that many in a row. But with all the losses everyone in the locker room stayed positive and didnt get down, sure enough we urned it around and ended up having a solid run at the end of the season.

2. Did you have a favorite moment being on the team, or maybe even a certain person/player that made your experience better?

A favourite moment, I can't really pick one. So many, from being drafted to my first point and my first goal, to our playoff run. As for a favourite teammate, that's another tough one. Everyone on the team is great, but I was closest with Jeziak, Kirkstone, Hallfredsson and Vas.

3. What advice would you give to a returning member that hasn't been around for a while? Anything that I personally should know about being in the SMJHL?

I really don't think there's much. I'm sure you know more about the league then I do as I'm only in my second season. But as I was told. Don't worry about your stats in the SMJHL, the type of person you are and what you can bring to the table in the future has far more value theb your stats in your rookie season.

- Maxy - 10-01-2016

Thanks Merica for answering my questions

1: Since we've signed in Detroit, what has been the biggest adjustment locker room wise?

Answer: The locker room is a lot like the locker room I shared with you (Maxy) and Nike in Manhattan, we have a lot of like minded people and we have all ended up on the same team. That team ended up with a cup so we'll have to see how this one ends up.

2: What is your biggest goal this season?

Answer: More than anything I just want to have some fun with my boys, the Detroit locker room is going to be awesome, if we could manage to piss the rest of the league off even more by winning a cup that wouldn't hurt either.

3: What do you anticipate is going to be the hardest part of this season?

Answer: Well the hardest part I think is going to be when the SHL draft rolls around and the Deplorables inevitably go our separate ways. Until then the hardest part will be having to swim through all the salty tears of the other players we leave in our wake in the SMJHL.

- sarmo - 10-02-2016

Qs and As with Jace Smith aka Nike..

1. What do you think the Falcons' biggest weakness is in the upcoming season?

Smith - It really looks to me like goaltending is going to be a spot of contention for us. You just never know what you are going to get out of young goaltending.

2. Seeing that you are a playmaker, what kind of linemates do you think will be best for you to thrive in the juniors? What kind of style of play do you expect out of your line and team?

Smith - Really looking to play with guys that want to put pucks in the net. I'm hoping to play with guys that want to hold possession, get a cycle going and beat the defense by wearing them down.

3. How about Terrance Nova, the right wing sniper who signed with you this offseason? Would you be willing to pair up with him seeing that he will need a good playmaker to feed him all game with sexy passes?

Smith - I don't expect to see a lot of time with Nova because we both line up on the right side. However, coach may find a slot for us together on the powerplay because we're such a solid combination offensively. Nova can really put the puck in the net and I think I'm just the kind of player to feed him in front.

4. One last question, what is your take on the deplorables? A lot of controversy came out of those signings, would have done something different to avoid the negative attention or would you do it again to show people that you are about that life?

Smith - I don't feel bad about everything in hindsight. Of course, there were some issues brought up by rookies that made me feel sort of negative about the whole thing, but I've watched the flood of free agents roll in and sign with tons of other teams over the last few days and it just shows that this is a reality of the current juniors system and we did nothing wrong in the process. Other teams have gotten 2-3-4 fantastic players over the last 3 days in free agency. They'll be just fine.