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Costas Couch - Maurice Amin Interview

*Theme Music Begins*

Announcer Voice: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Costas Couch! Here is your Host!! JOHN COSTAS!!!
*Live crowd begins cheering*
*John runs in and bows to the crowd*
*Music begins to fade out*
John: Thank you! Thank you!..... Thanks!...
*crowd begins to quite down*
John: Great to have you! And to those of you watching at home thanks….for…. Not sure what to thank you for really.
*Crowd laughs*
John: As you all know this is the show where we talk about everything sports! From Chris York’s great season to your Grandmother’s lucky sock she wore when she played squash.

*Crowd Laughs*

 Ah yes we’ve got it all here. Of course we also try to bring a little cheer to your hearts with our corny jokes and awkward host and co-host. Speaking of awkward co-host lets give a nice round of applause to the beautiful Rory!
*Crowd Cheers*
*Rory Give a very unimpressed look*
Rory: Beautiful? You’re all liars!! Im clearly cute
*Tries to give a cute face to camera, camera zooms in on it*
John: Oh God! Please stop hahaha My God Man!
*Crowd Continues Laughing*

*Rory starts to slowly duck behind the podium he stands behind, all while keeping eye contact with camera*
John: Be Gone Monster! Hahaha! Alright! Back to what matters! Sports! Specifically, Hockey!
*Camera pans to Rory’s podium where he seems to be missing*
*Rory Slowly stands up from behind the podium*
*Giggling in the Crowd*
John:…. Can we move on Rory?... Hahaha
*Rory give a thumbs up*
John: Ahaha alright. We got a great Show for you tonight! Maurice Amin will be here!... Oh no one knows who he is??... Well you will after this!! Please Welcome out Maurice!!!
*Crowd Cheers*
*Maurice Walks out
More Cheering*
John: Please have a seat.. Good to see you how are you doin?
Maurice: Im Great thanks. Beautiful place you got here John
*Maurice takes a seat on couch next to John*
John: Thank you! Its great to see you
Maurice: Great to see you as well... And you too Rory
*Rory Gives a thumbs up*
John: So Maurice How does it feel being a part of the next draft class
Maurice: Oh it feels great. Extremely Nerve racking. Hoping I make it to a great team with a great roster.
John: Any Preferences Maurice? Is that how you say your name??
Maurice: Ahah my Friends call Me Ma so you can just call me that
John: Ma..? Kids these days are too lazy to say their full names. My god
Ma: Hahaha yeah
John: So what about those team preferences?
Ma: Well.. haha i don’t want to say, in case i get picked by a team that i didn’t choose. That would make for an awkward locker room.
*Everyone laughs*
Ma: But i will say that a good friend of mine plays on Halifax so i would like to be able to play with him of course.
John: Makes sense
Ma: Ofcourse id be happy to play for any team and gain enough experience to be a part of the SHL
John: Great Answer my friend. Im sure that gave you a few brownie points with a few of the GMs out there
Ma: Haha yeah I hope so
John: Good man. Since nobody has really heard of you yet give us a good background about yourself
Ma: Uhh where should I start?
*Crowd laughs*
John: Well start with your birth and head from there
Ma: Oh boy alright…. My mother and father met in The UK. I believe at the time my mother was traveling around the world trying to find herself, or something weird like that. She was originally from brazil. My father was also traveling, he was from Canada. They met in London and decided to travel together.
John: Wow that was fast
Ma: Haha yeah they don’t mess around.
John: You mean they DO mess around!
*everyone laughs
Ma: Well After that they ended up getting married and moving to Canada. That’s actually where I was born. We then moved to the UK when I was 4.
John: And how did you get in to hockey?
Ma: Well my dad was Canadian so he loved hockey. He was from Toronto so he was obviously a North Stars fan. I grew up watching a lot of their games and fell in love with the game that way. I started playing at around the age of 4. I wasn’t any good back then though. It was just for fun. It wasn’t until I was about 9 that i really started to take the game seriously.
John: Who was your favourite player?
Ma: Its gotta be Jeff Dar. Id study highlights of his and try the same moves on my own.
John: When did you start playing competitively?
Ma: At around 10. I joined a rep league. Mind you I was on the bench in my first 2 years, but then I hit puberty and things started going my way.
John: Hmm that’s when things went south for me..
Ma: haha yeah I guess I was a special case. I actually started playing first line on my city’s top class rep team as well as my high school team.
John: What do you consider your playing style to be?
Ma: A Playmaker. For sure. I love creating space, either by using my puck handling skills or by my passing. Im pretty good at scoring but im actually more interested in setting up my team mates. I want to be the kind of player that makes his team mates better. Brings the best out of them you know. Scoring is great sure, But i think the true beauty of the game is in the lead up to the goal, How the puck gets up the ice, Where the players position themselves, how the puck gets to the player who ends up scoring. Whats that saying? The destination is only as good as the journey? Is that a quote?
John: Uh i don’t think so..
*Crowd Laughs
John: I guess that means you’re the author of that one!
Ma: Haha sweet. Im Multi talented I guess haha
John: How very humble of you
John: Were you in to any other sports or was it only hockey?
Ma: Well my mom is Brazilian so needless to say i was always in to soccer. I was also in to basketball, but i must admit i wasn’t very good at it. I was just fast haha
John: And soccer? Any good at that?
Ma: Oh Yeah. Between hockey and soccer its hard for me to say which one i was better at. Obviously now I’m better at because I’ve chosen that as my path and decided to train harder in it, but there was a time where I could have chosen soccer instead and gone that way. In fact, when I was younger I was arguably better at soccer.
John: When did that fork in the road come, the moment when you felt you had to choose between the two
Ma: I’d say 13 or 14. I told my parents that I wanted to be an athlete but I was struggling choosing which sport to go for. Obviously I couldn’t be an outstanding athlete in both sports. They are both just too demanding. My parents were very supportive and would back any choice I made. Ultimately I chose hockey. I had a love for the game. I also loved soccer but just not as much as hockey.
John: Do you still play though?
Ma: Of course. I play with my mates when ever I get the chance. It’s still a big part of my life, its just not something I take seriously anymore. In a way that makes it even more special. It’s something I’m able to enjoy without any pressure. I think that’s how soccer was always meant to be played for me.
John: So you think you could have made it in soccer as well?
Ma: I think so. I was naturally pretty good. With training I think I could have made it.
John: You also grew up with two other players yes? One already in the SMJHL and another in the same draft class as yourself?
Ma: Ah yes. Leshaun King and Xena
John: Xena… What is with this first name only trend that’s going on?
Ma: I have no idea, she was always quite a character haha.
John: Tell me about how it was growing up with them.
Ma: I didn’t meet Leshaun until grade 7. We went to the same private school. I’d been going to that same private school for a while and so had Brummy… Oh! Sorry I mean Xena, she changed her name to Xena later. I Know Leshaun had a pretty crazy life before that so needless to say he was a little bit reserved at the time. I tried talking to him a few times but he just seemed so uninterested that I just gave up after a few attempts. My Parents were good friends with the General, Leshauns adoptive father, so I’d go over to his house once in a while, usually to watch a hockey game. I could see that he was pretty interested in the game so I tried to talk to him about it. It took a while but he slowly started opening up to me. He started trying to play hockey as well. He was awful!
Ma: But it didn’t take long for him pick it up. In fact, it was nuts, the guy was definitely athletically gifted, given his past. I remember he used to go to the skate rink with his older sister to learn to skate. I’d always ask my parents to take me. At the time I wasn’t really interested in Leshaun. I was really going just so I could watch his sister haha, I had a huge crush on her growing up. When high school came around Leshaun turned in to a pretty decent player. We played together on the rep team and the high school team. And that leads us to our friendship today haha.
John: And what of Xena?
Ma: Well Xena is a very different story. She was actually my next door neighbour growing up. My parents and the Shleemskiis were good friends.
John: Woh woh woh woh! Hold on a sec. Xena’s real name is Brummy Shleemskii? What!?
*Crowd begins to laugh
John: Its no wonder she changed her name!
Ma: Ahaha i guess it makes sense when you think of it
John: Did the two of you hang out much?
Ma: Well our parents were very close so we got together very often, but really only when our parents would get together. We had a strange relationship. We were like really close family members who didn’t always get along. Our personalities don’t really match. She can be very obnoxious and I was always put off by that. But regardless Brummy is like a cousin to me. She really started hangin out with me more when Leshaun and I started hanging out. It was pretty obvious that she liked him. Like may be an understatement.
John: Did she also play with you guys on the hockey team?
Ma: Yeah she did. Brummy was pretty good actually. Was on the second line for most of highschool and on the last year played first line with me and Leshaun.
John: I’ve heard a much different origin story about her actually
Ma: Yeah Brummy has always been a very imaginative person. Maybe to an extreme. I think she sort of got obsessed with Leshaun and his past that she wanted to have a similar story as him so she kind of makes them up and tells people. Which is fine I guess, if that makes her happy.
John: Well with a name like Brummy Shleemskii its no surprise she’s tring to change her past
*Crowd Laughs
John: If you were both the same age as Leshaun why were you not drafted the same year.
Ma: I was considering entering the draft at the same time but ultimately decided to take a year to do what my parents did. Travel… I know I know, its cliché. But it was worth it. I learned a lot and matured a lot. I think I needed that to become a better player and a better person.
John: And what about women. I’m sure a young stud such as yourself has a beautiful lass. Or are you still courting Leshauns Sister?
Ma: Haha no, that was just a phase. I’m just focussed on hockey at the moment. Im not really looking. If it happens naturally then so be it.
John: You hear that ladies? He’s a single man!
*Crowd OOO’s
*Maurice blushes
Ma: hahaha
John: Well that’s about all the time we have for tonight. Is there any thing you’d like to say before you leave?
Ma: Well… I’m going to be the best playmaker this league has ever seen.
John: Oh wow.. Well! Thank you for being here! We all appreciate it
Ma: Thank you it was a pleasure
*John and Maurice get up and shake hand and talk amongst each other as the outro music plays.

First Article: Words 2,443 x 2


Welcome to Amin’s world.

Great first article man.

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5th OA. Im calling it

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


Awesome first article. UK and North Stars, very good taste.

[Image: 53994_s.gif]

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