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S54 WFT #3 - Make the Case: SHL Player Poll Edition

I have an idea for a category that could be included in a future player poll: Best Twitter Account

Twitter has become quite a big part of the league. When searching for the hashtag on Twitter the average amount of #SHLhockey tweets per day is almost 25. That is a great amount for a digital hockey league.

A lot of users create Twitter accounts just as a way to earn some extra cash. But there are also a good amount of users that use Twitter to role play, talk shit, etc. Really using it as an extension of their player, making it more fun and more real in my opinion. One of these accounts is harrycarpet48 owned by Toronto's goalkeeper Harry Carpet. He is one of the more active users on Twitter with 75 followers and himself following 66 other users.

Another account I want to highlight as a potential winner of this new category is The_Strom_21 which is run by Strom Chamberlain who currently plays for the Anaheim Outlaws. He has even more impressive numbers than Harry and Strom quite often posts more than 3 times per week which shows that he is not just in it for the money.

I think adding such a category to the player poll would give some more attention to the SHL hockey twitter-verse. And maybe even make people post on Twitter more often just to get a chance at winning this category. Even though it does not reward anything except pride and honor, I'm sure some users would like to stand out.

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Past Players

Best at graphics: Wasty

Wasty is undoubtedly a graphics god, but I think Karey just edges him out as the SHL's best graphics maker. Wasty has a certain style that he has mastered, but I think Karey has a similar level quality but also has greater variety and breadth in his work.

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Best-managed SHL team: Buffalo Stampede:

As a Hamilton player, I feel obligated to agree with this as both Hallsy and Gabe smell bad. Buffalo consistently both adds talent and high picks to their roster with a frequency that's a little bit unfair to be honest. Don't know why anyone still trades with WBF at this point

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Quote:Best produced media: Smalinowski7

I am slightly biased in terms of this award, given that Juke is my teammate in Newfoundland, but there is no one around these parts that deserves this award more than he does in my opinion. In a time where so much is changing about the SHL - with the switch to a new sim and such - having analysis with detail as vast as Juke's stuff is imperative to the growth of knowledge of the sim by everyone in our league. Of course, his work on tracking team TPE and playoff chances is great from a viewers perspective too, but helping everyone learn more about the sim helps everyone in the long run, and benefits the league overall.

[Image: 1PU6YuX.png]
         [Image: JiycRrd.png]

Best at graphics: Wasty

It's not even close, Wasty has been and will always be the graphics GOAT on this site. Karey's quite good as well but Wasty's sigs have always been the sigs that everyone else emulates. He does things and the SHL notices. I don't think you can find someone else who has had as big of an impact on the graphics section.

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2020, 12:09 AM by Nhamlet.)

Best produced media: Smalinowski7

So just because this guy puts up some pretty pictures, we’re going to paint him as the best media producer in the SHL?

Yeah I’m 100% down with that.

I have the privilege of not only being part of the same draft class but also the same team as @smalinowski7 so I get to see his work on a regular basis even when it’s not being put out as content for the rest of the SHL Media to appreciate. If it were possible to clone this man so that every team could have one or make a smalinowski computer advisory department that provides decisions based on advanced stats to each team in the SHL, we would all be the better for it. Unfortunately there’s only one and I hope to keep him to ourselves for as long as possible.

From providing enjoyable, informative content, Smalinowski and his media has created a demand for more statistical based media, as well as becoming an integral part in others writing and production of media.

His first piece Analysis of SMJHl preseason team rankings, player upgrades, and scoring stats was not only interesting for the same reason that many of his pieces are, providing variety of graphs and the like that put into concrete details the same information that may have already been passed through verbally before. As a new user to the league, it’s one thing to be told that scoring, puck handling, skating are good and stats like checking being useless but another to see that information reinforced in an easily digestible manner.

There were a couple other pieces such as the Statistical Analyses of the SMJHL Season, and Preview of the Upcoming Week and Breaking down how every SMJHL team has done analytically this season that in their selves were not specifically impactful but I believe it to be crucial to some of the current data that smalinowski provides to SHN on a regular basis for the writers to regularly use as part of power rankings, 3 Stars of the Week and even Award Predictions. As well, smalinowski is not only contributing data to SHN but also SJHN which I believe to be a foundational support to both of their work.

One series that has comeback in multiple season’s has been Percent Chance of Winning (Playoffs) and while interesting to see especially as a preview to series when looking at the data, I think it could provide some serious benefits to something like the casino if they were looking to increase the amount of engagement prior to playoffs. I imagine something like individuals betting on teams to win their series (I know that PTs are already a part of this) or players as part of a team putting into a pot towards a team bet/against another team in a friendly rival bet.

Some of the most impactful media that smalinowski has created would be his most recent work in attempting to analyze the Game Rating stat in FHM as well as attempting to find correlation between stats and success in various metrics with FHM. As a new sim engine for just about everybody, suddenly all users benefit in being able to see the handiwork of this member diving in and trying to parse out some of the ethereal calculations that aren’t immediately obvious. While causation isn’t guaranteed with any of these pieces, it still sheds light on what users and teams should potentially value, as well as potential directions to look into for their own research.

Sitting at a hefty 66million bank account, it’s clear that he isn’t in this for the money which is great as data pieces are naturally penalized by the lack of word count with graphs providing the bulk of information. It sounds like Smalinowski’s constant production of statistical pieces, media has become more friendly in regards to grading data based pieces more favorably beyond word count. It should still continue to reinforce more pieces like this so that future users with a similar passion and skill set set can continue to be encouraged to share their work in the same vein. I don’t have a particular suggestion to give on how graded media should approach statistical pieces and how they should be rewarded. It’s clear that it should be more, as creating an objective measure to determine the worth of one person’s graph compared to another is always going to be left to the subjective grading. At the very least, I am glad that he is getting the proper recognition for his work thus far.

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(This post was last modified: 06-14-2020, 01:30 AM by Tate.)

Best at graphics: Wasty

Without a doubt this is an absolute FOR. Wasty is an incredible artist who does amazing work and quite frankly the SHL is lucky to have him. Every single piece of art he creates I marvel at and would love to spend time with him just watching him do his thing. Great job Wasty!

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[Image: p82ugau.png]

Favorite SHL user: Mike Izzy
I don’t know Mike Izzy personally nor have I talked to him yet, but from what I’ve seen and heard from other people he seems like a great guy. Of course, your favourite SHL user is subjective based on everyone’s experiences and I think it is also really dependent on when one joins the SHL. Regardless, if I had to choose whether I am for or against Mike Izzy being the favourite SHL user I’d probably go with for as he has been on the site for quite some time and obviously has gotten to make quite an impression on many people on the site. He is great to have in the SHL and I do hope to talk to him someday so I can see why people like him so much!

Most dedicated SHL user: luketd
I’m glad to have met Luke early in my SHL career and in my opinion he is the most dedicated player I have seen on the site. From what I know, Luke is the GM of the Manhattan Rage, the head historian on the site (organizing one of my favourite sections on the site), helps with player development and PTs if I’m not mistaken, and helped organize the SHN/SJHN! The list just goes on as he can also be found in Vancouver management and in the Rich and Luke podcast. And so, from my point of view Luke is one of, if not the most, dedicated player on the site.
However, this also brings forth an opportunity to acknowledge the other dedicated SHL users that help keep the site, and the league running. If I’m not mistaken, it is DrunkenTeddy who keeps the site running. There’s also people like SDCore, nour, both Head Offices, and of course the simmers JR and Kalakar who put in the time and dedication to the site to make sure that the SHL is what it is today.

Which user would you most like to drink with: Acsolap
Another one where I haven’t really met the nominee. I’ve only talked to Acsolap once and it was simply to update him on a SMJHL transaction. And so, I don’t have much to go off of but I won’t turn down a drink with someone! Especially someone that people seem to recommend. I hope he is a really great storyteller and can tell a great tale as we share a drink. There’s honestly no one I’d truly like to drink with… yet, which is why I’d be down to drink with Acsolap. Others that I could possibly share a drink with include anyone in Toronto. Maybe a Toronto team drink is in order.

Best-managed SHL team: Buffalo Stampede
Okay I know for sure I am biased here but since I only know the Toronto North Stars I feel like they are the best-managed SHL team. Ml has done a great job at drafting players and I feel like the locker room is a great place to be! I love talking to each and every single one of them in the locker room and it seems like I’ll always find someone to talk any time of the day. I think the euro squad helps this out as Ursin and Carpy join when it’s night at my time so it’s a perfect time to talk. As for managing a team on the ice, Toronto has done a great job in drafting players that would stick around for the North Stars and we all look forward to succeeding together. Look out everybody as Toronto will soon be a powerhouse and we will prove that Toronto is the best-managed SHL team!

Best trash talker: WannabeFinn
Hmm I don’t have a single person that comes to mind when it comes to best trash talker. WannaBeFinn seems to have a reputation for being a good trash talker and I heard that he does it extremely well without being offensive. Well if what i heard is true then I’d agree that WannaBeFinn is the best trash talker. I really appreciate a trash talker that doesn’t take low blows at others and make actual great trash talk that even the opposition can sort of agree or acknowledge his skill.

Funniest SHL user: .bojo/GeckoeyGecko
I would have to be against either bojo or geck being the funniest SHL user. I haven’t talked to bojo personally and haven’t noticed any funny comments. As for geck, he can be funny from here and there but when I think the funniest SHL user one person comes to mind. The person who comes to mind it efiug and although I haven’t talked to him personally I find his posts and comments hilarious. One that comes to mind immediately was the one questioning what kraft dinner should be called, mac n’cheese, pasta, etc. That post may not have been written intentionally to be funny but the whole thread sparked a heated debate in which I found it very interesting and funny to read. That’s only a single example and I can think of other times as well in which I associate efiug’s name with funniest SHL user.

Best produced media: Smalinowski7
I feel like there are many people that produce excellent media such as Luke, Nhamlet, boom, and Renomitsu. Those are only a couple names that come to mind and there’s a whole other section of media pieces that I enjoy such as the ones from skeleton party. However, I can say that the media produced by Smalinowski have been some of the best and most consistent that I’ve seen. It’s no wonder why he is a part of the SHN/SJHN helping out in both with his graphs and always willing to write in addition to his own media pieces. Smalinowski produces great media and I look forward to the graphs and content that he produces. It’s honestly great to have him on the SHN and SJHN.

Best SHL Podcast: Rich & Luke
Without a doubt I find the Rich and Luke podcast the best SHL podcast. It is the only podcast that I tune into regularly and I enjoy putting it in the background as I do other things. I find the topics that they speak about very interesting and the hour or so podcast seems to fly by quickly when I’m listening to it. I’m honestly a big podcast guy so maybe I’ll give other podcasts a try. I’ve tried listening to the Hockey Talks Tonight podcast and I heard Simmin’ Chiclets was good but hasn’t come back yet. Plus there are also newer podcasts like 6 to 69 and MegaGucci that have popped up recently that I could try as well. Regardless, as for right now Rich and Luke have the best podcast on the site in my opinion.

Best at graphics: Wasty
I have yet to meet someone with a graphics reputation like Wasty. It seems like almost everyone has a sig from Wasty and he has been doing it for quite some time, 8 years from what I’ve heard. And so, I cannot contest that Wasty is the best at graphics. However, there are certainly other members on the site that should have their graphics skills acknowledged as well! From the Toronto locker room alone I really enjoy the work the Carpy does as well as all the jersey work that dubz does. There’s also DELIVIRM who made my sig and Nokazoa who make great gif sigs. Then, there’s geck who makes amazing pixel sigs. There’s graphics skills all over the site and I enjoy looking at everyone’s work. Hopefully I will be able to learn more as I continue my own graphics work as well.

Potential Player Polls
There are 2 player polls that come to mind for the future. The larger, more debatable one is the “best friendship in the league” which makes people vote on who they think have the best friendship on the site. This is taken from the NHLPA Player Poll where they have the “best bromance in the league.” I think this would be interesting to see and I currently don’t even have an idea on who the front runners could be.
Another idea that I have is simpler and it is “best name in the league” so this is voting for which player name is the best name which could be interpreted in many different ways such as funniest name, coolest name, most interesting name, etc. This would also be interesting to see especially with all the different player names on the site.

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[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

I am arguing against WannabeFinn as best trash talker, I have heard him talk trash and do not think he is any good at it.

[Image: Thor-Hockey_2.gif]

Best trash talker: wannabefinn

This is funny because most times he’s not talking trash, he’s talking shit which are two very different things. If the category was shit talker it would make more sense.

[Image: Fantobens.gif]

Favorite SHL user: Mike Izzy

I'm going to have to disagree here, simply put. I'm sorry Mr. Izzy if you do happen to read this response but I don't know who you are and as a result of that, you aren't my favorite user. Maybe we'll cross paths down the road and things will change and I look forward to that happening if it does, but for now you are not my favorite user, sorry.

As for who is my favorite user? I (sadly) might have to give that award to one of my boys Nour or Gabriel Johnson. Both of them are amazing people (Gabe not so much) and have done a lot for me. Hell, there's no guarantee I'm still here if it wasn't for either of them. Nour was one of the first people I met when I joined the league and was invited to a Meet The GMs server. We immediately hit it off, being from the same city and having similar tastes in music, food, fashion and all that, he's definitely one of the few people I'd consider meeting up with from this league. As for Gabe, I don't know if there's a better punching bag in the league. The guy takes hit after hit and he keeps going. He's a constant beacon for joy for me and he's someone I can always trust to help me in times of need and when I need a little boost. I really hope he doesn't read it so that his head doesn't get any bigger but in the case that you are Gabe, I appreciate you for who you are and I hope you stay that way for a long time because you're awesome Smile

Most dedicated SHL user: luketd

First of all, Luke is awesome. He has done so much for the site and you've helped make everyone's experience here that much better. You're involved in the dev server behind the scenes constantly, you literally made the Simulation Hockey Network which has allowed people to fall in love with media once again. All the Power Rankings, the 3 Stars, Awards Races have all made the SHL Media stuff that much better. If you guys thought that was all, wait! There's more! Luke has completely revitalized the historian position and has done an INCREDIBLE job as it's head. Simply put, he's done a lot for the league and he is definitely someone I consider worthy of the title of Most Dedicated User.

However, I don't really know if I can say someone was more dedicated than Kalakar last season. The dude had his fingerprints all over the league last season after simming every game in the SMJHL season, IIHF and WJC tournaments. Despite the fact that his SMJHL streams were already incredible, he continues to improve it on an everyday basis. In the offseason he made changes to the goal horns, made a graphics pack for the SMJHl and even went on to add a music bot to the stream which has really helped bring the community together this season. Now please take this with a grain of salt, I may be biased as Kalakar is one of my closest friends on the site, but I don't think anyone can deny the fact that he has done a lot to enhance everyones experiences with the league's sims. Hell, if it wasn't for him we would not have had a WJC tournament, and it would have lost me a lot of SHL monies in the process, so thank you Kal, we love you <3

Which user would you most like to drink with: Acsolap

I don't know who Acsolap is, although I've heard many good things about him, it's just unfortunate, really and I do apologize.

Someone I would like to drink with however is Simon LeBlanc. Simon is a lovable goofball in the Team Canada LR and he's someone who's always had my back since Day 1. Hell he should have been in my favorite SHL User comment but I needed names for other responses. I'm pretty sure Simon isn't legal yet in Ontario so I'd have to go over to Quebec for a beer with him but I feel like hanging out with him in Montreal would be super fun. He is french tho, so big WeirdChamp but other than that he checks off all the boxes of someone I'd hang out with a lot IRL. He's a great friend, he's super fun and someone I definitely would vibe with.

Best-managed SHL team: Buffalo Stampede

I for one, disagree. I think Finn sucks and believe that nobody likes him (If you're reading this Finn pls ily). But the Buffalo Stampede have too many questionable personalities, such as AUGUSTUS WANG, MATT KHOLIN, LUFFY, HIPPO PASSAMUS, POOPITY SCOOP (Seriously who the fuck names themselves that, ily baelor if you're reading this) and whatever the fuck fisherr's players name is. Buffalo big sux and...yeah.

But on a more serious note, I do think Buffalo is seriously well managed and Tomen and Finn are some fuck buckets who somehow manage to finesse every team whenever they make a trade. Not to mention the fact that they also have a strong team that is well set for the future and hell, even right now.

Best trash talker: WannabeFinn

I don't think I can argue against this. Fuck you Finn. Kanoff > Kolja. Boom.

Funniest SHL user: .bojo/GeckoeyGecko

Okay, now THIS is absurd. How the fuck is Gecko here. I've played GTA with him multiple times and he's anything BUT funny. Fuck Gecko, his shitty driving skills are not funny and nobody likes him or him aggressive ass driving. I can't wait till we play again so I can make his life as miserable as possible once again. @GeckoeyGecko nobody likes u sorry u had to find out this way.

I don't really know bojo but I like his profile pic on discord and bojo is a pretty cool name so I'll let it slide.

Best produced media: Smalinowski7

Can I even argue against this? I'd just be wasting my time, right? Right.

Best SHL Podcast: Rich & Luke

Check response to the question above. Great stuff.

Best at graphics: Wasty

I'm literally not even gonna argue against this. Dude's a god and I hope to get a North Stars sig from him someday.

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2020, 08:48 AM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

Best trash talker: WannabeFinn

FOR: NGL @WannabeFinn has impressed me the last couple of months in with his trash talking skill, despite being a big stupid tampering idiot. Would not like to be on the other side of his comments as they would make me cry :(

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Best at graphics: Wasty

After looking at several top tier graphic producers, I would say that Wasty is indeed, all around, the best at graphics. Some things are hard to teach and while most everyone can add a layer or blend something, Wasty has the eye of an artist, something you can't teach. You can learn it but at this time, it is apparent that Wasty is above the rest.

Best at Graphics: Wasty

While there are 2 or 3 very strong graphics people, none can compete with the consistency and frequency that Wasty puts out fire sigs. Many have tried, but in competitions, Wasty is always top 2

[Image: creller_dragons.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2020, 09:52 AM by GeckoeyGecko.)

06-14-2020, 09:34 AMMook Wrote: Best at Graphics: Wasty

While there are 2 or 3 very strong graphics people, none can compete with the consistency and frequency that Wasty puts out fire sigs. Many have tried, but in competitions, Wasty is always top 2
was 3rd or 4th last tourney o.o

[Image: sig-e-e-geck-atl.png]


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