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S56 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 09:40 PM by TnlAstatine.)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

The clear answer for this is clearly New Zealand. Now not only is it an island and nearly impossible to access from outsiders, but new zealanders have adapted really well to the circumstances so I can completely trust the population and government to keep the SHL bubble full well and impenetrable not only from covid but from people that would like to jeopardize the integrity of it. Not only would the bubble be one hundred percent run on natural resources just like most of New Zealand, but there would be plenty of activities there also, ranging from natural hot springs and they'll even have a mountain in the bubble for snowboarding or skiing. The bubble will be so well set up that the SHL users will be able to stay there after if they pay a fee just like a hotel. Safe from covid for the foreseeable future and able to bring their loved ones with them (with the obvious self isolation and mandatory tests all the time).

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Alright so this one might be a stretch but i'm definitely going to have to say Toronto for this one. So I know they aren't the best team around since sliced bread but they are in the hardest division in the entirety of sports, the great lakes division here in the SHL. The mountain that toronto has to scale to actually make the playoffs is massive. Not only do they have the most games against the most elites teams in the SHL but they need a better record than one of them. I believe if toronto was in a different division they would easily make the playoffs just on the back of legendary goalie Carpy anyways.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Now luffy is at the peak of the mountain and its his final season to get shit done. Along with all the smebs that Japan has to offer and fellow peak mountain man west bro Japan is going to come to IIHF and dominate. This year is their year. Two season ago it was loss in the bronze medal game, then a loss in the finals making them bring home the silver. Luffy lead the entire scoring throughout the play in rounds but lost out on the last day to ola. This will not happen again this year and luffy will not only take home the most points he will bring his great nation of Japan honor in bringing their first ever gold medal in the history of the sport of hockey. It's going to be another tough go but luffy promises that Canada will be destroyed this time. Luffy ride or die for japan and gold will be his.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)
a) It is clear that ham has the best roster on paper. Buffalo lost out one 3 players in the prime of their career and added 3 rookies to replace them. Easy win here for hammy. Now it doesnt always matter on paper and buffalo can easily make up for the lack of tpe with tactics.

b) Now we know gabe and GA are one of the heaviest testers in all of the FHM era so you know any micro adjustment that they find to give them even the slimmest margins are going to be followed. I expect every single game to have at least a little change up here and there.

c) Well we already know the great lakes division is by far the greatest division here in the SHL. Now if you go straight by name obviously lake SUPERIOR is the greatest lake, who can contest that? Realistically the other lakes can't even compete with that so lake superior is going to win or otherwise known as buffalo lake. Because they the best.

d) Now it is really hard for me to pick one person i would want to hang out on either squad. For one ham has my old and almost lifelong linemate scarn and buffalo has been the SHL family that i never had. Luffy can't pick one person in the bunch so i'll pick the entire buffalo locker room to have a huge party when everything in the world is safe.

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

The best player in this series is hands down monkey d luffy not even close. I understand that he isn't part of the winning team but he did everything he could possible to make his team come out with the back to back cup. Hockey is a team sport and losing 3 of their best players and replacing them with rookies already makes it outstanding that buffalo made it this far and even tho luffy outperformed everyone this entire playoffs he fell short and didnt help buffalo cross the finish line. scarn would be a close second and maybe even theo if he was on the same level he was during the regular season

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]


My player had an alright season as a member of the Seattle Argonauts in this past season. Season 56 was definitely an alright one for Jack Kanoff and although things could have certainly got better for the young defenceman, he definitely took a step in the right direction following his disappointing rookie season as a member of the Toronto North Stars. The offensive defenceman put up 3 goals and 12 assists for 15 points this season despite many professionals and hockey "experts" instantly putting him down for 20+ points at the conclusion of the season. He had 2 power play assists as well, showcasing a little bit of ability on the special teams side of things despite averaging a meagre 1 minute in terms of power play time on ice. The defenceman also had another 64 Shots Blocked and 37 hits throughout the season and a -8 turnover margin, showing how he could improve on the defensive side of the ice, but there is still plenty of room for him for improvement following his second season in the league.

+ 3


[Image: 65db7dce3ff37c51e81426e78c81e6e7.png]

+ 3


Gabe Johnson's ugly
And nobody likes him lol
Also hes really bad

He's now a GM
The GM of Anchorage
Apricot is missed

He was Vancouvers
He got kicked out in 3 days
Hes just that bad huh

Gabe Johnson is bad
Simon had more goals than him
2 seasons ago

If you think he will be good
You must be really crazy

+ 2


[Image: 7b785d4f6378737e84d2a082db0ba49c.png]

+ 3


[Image: a4d1180c4e0c13c93ec0c262fcb5b90c.jpg]

+ 3



+ 3

Total 17 (15)

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

1. I started this season with really high hopes for Rex Kirkby. I had just come off a season where I tied my best ever points in a season and New Orleans seemed like the perfect fit for me to push on and finally get my hands on the covetted Stevens Trophy. What happened instead was a fairly mediocre season that started promisingly and ultimately petered out well before the season was even close to being over. Kirkby struggled to get the puck past the netminder despite leading in shots on goal by defensemen for a large part of the season and when NOLA essentially gave up on being competitive and traded away the majority of their good forwards he was moved to the second pairing and his production more or less fell off a cliff. Finishing with a miserable 33 points on the season won't be enough to even challenge for a 3rd all star spot so I've decided to hit free agency and try my luck elsewhere next season.

[170] 3/16

2. I think the best series in the finals of the Challenge Cup over the last ten seasons would hands down have to be last seasons series between the Buffalo Stampade and the New Orleans Specters. In terms of pure entertainment and drama it is surely hard to beat. For a start the series was between two free wheeling teams that scored a lot during the regular season except where Buffalo stepped it up a gear come finals time NOLA really struggled offensively and were reapeatedly bailed out by Aleister Cain. The series went to seven games which is usually a pretty good indicator for excitement and not only that the last game of the finals went to over time. During that overtime the Buffalo goal tender Elizabeth Doyle stopped a breakaway to deny New Orleans the game winning goal and then her team managed to move the puck down the ice and score to win the series and hoist the cup.

[161] 6/16

7. With the switch over to franchise hockey manager the results of seasons and tournaments have become a bit more predictable. The better teams pretty much always win which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you choose to look at it. Therefore I think its a pretty safe bet to assume that the three teams likely to be challenging for the international ice hockey federation gold medal wll be the United States of America, Canada and Great Britain. While the two North American teams are undoubtedly good they haven't been able to hold a candle to their pan Atlantic neighbours in terms of recent success and I don't see any reason for that to change. Led by their talismanic forward but also defenseman Rex Kirkby with help from big time stars Guy Zheng, Jimmy Slothface, Nick Brain and Luca Del Zecchio I think they will easily prove to be too much to handle for all the other teams in the tournament.

[165] 9/16


a. While you cannot take away from Buffalo's success and how good Tomen and WBF have been over the last ten or so seasons I think that the ball is firmly in Hamilton's court in this series. They have decent coaching as well but more importantly they have the vastly superior roster.


b. I know Apricot well as he is my co GM over in Anchorage and if he is anything like there then he probably has not changed Hamiltons strats since the beginning of the season. Tomen on the other hand likes to tinker around a bit and I can see Buffalo trying to throw a few curve balls at Hamilton in order to steal the series.


c. Easy question really. How could anyone realistically choose anything other than Lake Superior? For a start its called superior and it is the largest of any of the great lakes already putting it in pole position. On top of this it is the largest fresh water lake by surface area in the entire world as well as being the third largest by volume. Incredible.


d. I mean this is a completely honest answer. Once COVID fucks off and I have a bit of spare cash im heading to BC to hang out with my boy @Ferda. Not only do I know that he will get a pint with me unlike certain rat fucks hes also a straight up great dude. On top of this ill get to see Vancouver and Whistler again for the first time in ten years and I have missed it dearly.



16. verification word: boats


[Image: 66624_s.gif]
[Image: 56096_s.gif]
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

Player page | Player updates
[Image: wMGKypg.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I was quite happy with my player’s performance this season. It’s sort of what I thought would happen last season, but didn’t really get going until I was traded to Toronto. A full season on the top pair saw me put up respectable offensive numbers, while still exceeding on the defensive side of things. Should probably be more of a depth guy, so to perform well in a top pairing, high minutes role is something that I was very happy with. My defensive rating was very high, relative to the league, and my offensive was decent as well, which I wasn’t sure if I could expect. Hopefully I can carry this over for another season or two, as this upcoming one is my last one before regression. I’m going to try to put my player in a similar spot, build wise, with a few improvements that I hope won’t drastically change him. Adam Barron should help the team’s blue line next season so I just have to make sure I can keep up the play in a reduced role.

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

If the SHL needed to set up a bubble, then the best options would be Tamba Bay in the east, and Los Angeles in the west. Nice weather, (limited) fun stuff to do. Most of the cities in the SHL are… lackluster to say the least. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in one of them during the hockey season. There are a couple nice cities with things going on, but finding one that has that AND decent weather? We’re sort of limited in the choices. I think TB and LA would be the top two choices for any player in the league. Except the lunatic European dudes, maybe. Not the normal Euro guys, like English and whatever, I’m talking the real salt of the earth/dirt dudes. The ones Russia won’t even touch. Anyway, ignoring their vote, as we tend to do, I think those two cities are the obvious choice.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Not that their loss was unjust, or any “run it back it shouldn’t count!” nonsense, but the Calgary Dragons had a fantastic season, and it sort of stinks to see them knocked out before they could get a crack at the soon to be champions. Not saying they would have fared any better, but it does seem to be a squandered season after finishing 1st in their conference. Any team finishing at the top is probably an early favorite to make the finals, and it just didn’t work out for these guys. They’re the only one that really stands out to me in terms of a contending level regular season.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

As per usual, I’m going with the home country. O’ Canada. The group has a good mix of stars and studs. Those are the big two that you want to see in your team building. It can be tricky getting the lines and chemistry right in a short tournament, so you have to get the right ratio of stars to studs. You’ve got the league’s leading scorer, Theo Morgan, who would be enough on his own, most likely. But he’s with his homies, Aaron Wilson and the ALWAYS reliable Dick Clapper. What a name. God bless this hero. This is poised to be a monstrous line, as it dominated the SHL offensively. No need for chemistry to develop there, because this is a known commodity. This line is going to be pure sex, as they take their drunken cup celebration onto international ice as they show those loser countries who’s boss. But I don’t know, anyone could win. I just hope everyone has fun.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?

A: Hamilton is absolutely dirt nasty. I wouldn’t want to tangle with any line that they roll out. Theo Morgan on his own is probably the most dangerous player in the game, but he’s got depth. Monkey D. Luffy is the only guy who makes me wanna crap my pants in fear on this Buffalo team, so they’re out.

B: I would wager Buffalo makes some major strategy adjustments after failing to contain that top line. They have depth and talent, but it just doesn’t stack up. We’ll probably see 3 entirely different lines by game 4, in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. Hamilton is just gonna roll with what they’ve got. If it ain’t broke, yada yada.

C: Lake Superior is the greatest of all great lakes. It’s called Superior for a reason folks. I’m a good Ontario boy like many others, so the pride would make me want to pick Lake Ontario, but it isn’t superior to Superior. Nothing is superior to Superior. That’s what makes the GOAT lake (in the world btw, not just the Great Lakes) so good. It’s just built different.

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Man I waited until the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE, eh? As per usual I’m at the dying seconds of being able to do this, so I’m gonna go with my man. Points per game star (didn’t quite lead) Theo Morgan. Scary regular season that turned into playoff excellence. Good for him. I wonder how many times we’ve seen someone lead the league in scoring and then follow it up with a lackluster post season? Well, no need to wonder with this guy, because he absolutely came to play. Balled (pucked?) out the whole 5 games leading the way. It’s a team effort and all that, but this dude is packing heat and came in swinging.


[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 10:28 PM by Jorec.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season was both an improvement and a disappointment. Adrik scored his highest point totals yet, with four goals and twenty six assists for a total of thirty points, far surpassing his previous two seasons which both had 21 points each. Of those thirty points, five of them were on the power play. Combined with a team leading 66 game rating and a plus 1 for the season, one might assume that this means that this season was a distinct improvement on the lower scoring, defensively suspect seasons previous. Unfortunately, Adrik was not nearly as lucky as he could have been and the aformentioned disapointment stems from just how many points he didn’t get because he couldn’t get the puck past the goalie and into the net. With a whooping 144 shots on goal (second only to Kyle Sutton), he scored a mere 2.78% of the time. Much lower then his usual 5 to 6 percent. What might have been for his point totals if he had simply been able to score as he usually did. Next season, his last in juniors, he will have to fix that and maybe stop shooting the puck directly at the crest on the goalies chest.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

A dumber way of doing the play-offs would be one that would ensure that one team would have an easy time to win the finals. To that end, I’d say that setting it up with the absolute best team of the regular season being given the worst team of the regular season to make the play-offs to play against in each round, letting them have whomever was the worst in each round as their opponent. The second best team? They get the third best team and so on, ensuring that they have the hardest path to the finals. That way you hopefully eliminate all of the better teams that might be able to challenge the top team, ending with them having, at best, a middling opponent in the finals.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The Maine Timber were clearly the best team to not make the Junior finals this year. Last season, they had an intense run that brought them to the finals and seemed prime to repeat that this season. With most of the same players returning and Leo Bloomfield in net, it looked like a sure thing for them until it actually came down to winning. Their scoring dried up and for whatever reason, even when they completely out shot and outplayed their opponents, they simply could not put the puck in the net. An unfortunate thing for the wanna be champions and even more unfortunately, they will see a large numbers of graduations next season, including their star goal tender, Leo Bloomfield.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

For my completely uninformed and very biased opinion. I would expect for Russia to do well. Sure, we might not have the fire power or skill or established players that Canada or USA might be overflowing with, but do you know what we do have? Heart...and vodka and a combination of the two will allow us to go far in the tournament. Other teams might become unhappy or despondant when faced with lousy odds. They might just give up completely when the going gets tough but not us. We’ll just down another shot of vodka, eat a pickle and get back out there. For other teams, eh, I guess I’d expect the Canada to do well, USA as well and lets say…Japan, they seem pretty plucky. They do have Monkey D. Luffy and the Smebs. Normally I’d have counted them out but with solid players like that, they could make some noise.

11. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.

[Image: steelhawk2.jpg]
image upload gif

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship hat for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup championship hat for the SMJHL is ok as well.)

[Image: steelhawk-1.jpg]
image upload gif

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

As a Four Star Cup champion, it is very difficult for me to say that I fared poorly on the ice.  The team reached the pinnacle of achievement for junior hockey while I backstopped almost all but one game.  In counting the Whale Haul, while I fell behind in the regular season, I ended up scooping the top spot in the playoffs.

That said, my actual play may have been more of a hindrance in a lot of cases than a boon for our squad.  My GAA was OK because of the defense in front of me, but I still found myself frequently letting in the first shot, and my save percentage was less than ideal.  I (along with the rest of the junior goalies) was outrageously outplayed by rookie phenom Jon St. Ark in the regular season, and while I’m supportive and glad he has found success, it kind of stung to be “the bad goalie” in my final season in juniors.

Next season is a whole new world in the SHL, so I’ll be training hard and unbanking my points and seeing where I end up!

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

I mean first off, no one actually wants good hockey for the final, we want to see the eventual victor take a victory lap and absolutely annihilate the loser in the finals to see how high they can run out the score.  That’s why I propose a losers bracket, where the loser of each round gets tossed in, and the loser of each of those games moves on.  At the end, there will be one ultimate winner who made it entirely through the winners bracket, and one ultimate loser who lost every single one of their series.  The final will be a faceoff between these two teams.  If the losers bracket team wins, they will all be given free PT passes for the next year and the team from the winners bracket is instantly given the death penalty.

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

I believe that the ongoing continuation of SHL hockey amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is the world’s top economic priority.  The league provides economic benefit on the order of literally tens of dollars a year.  That’s why no precaution is too far in order to keep players safe from the Rona, and no expense should be spared to allow a successful completion of the SHL playoffs.  It is for these reasons that I believe an Antarctic bubble would be the best, most economic option for the SHL.

There are only a few people in Antarctica at any given time, and they are scientists, so they don’t like sports and they’ve already drank the Fauci Kool-Aid and are just going to be snowflakes in their little basement science lab.  Since there will be no possible human interaction outside of the bubble, controls can be rather lax as long as no one airlifts off of the continent.

The players can relax by watching the ice shelves melt away and surfing on penguins.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Honestly I have to pour one out for the Carolina Kraken, who lost to Vancouver in 7 in the Western Finals.  That was a super hard fought series with some suppressive defense and a very opportunistic offense.  While Vancouver was able to put up a ton of shots, many were low quality, and those good ones that the Whalers managed to squeak through the defense, the always stellar Blunt Man was up to the task.  That was a very close series and I fully believe that if Carolina would have won game 7 they would have won the Four Star Cup.  It really doesn’t get any closer than that, so that’s why I’d say that the Kraken were the best team not in the SMJHL Four Star Cup Finals.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship hat for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup championship hat for the SMJHL is ok as well.)

[Image: KQA4Msf.png]

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: x7WZYBT.gif]
[Image: hTAHbeC.png][Image: OaCJVMI.png] | [Image: pMYriGC.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 11:55 PM by JumpierPegasus.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Yngve Simonsson had a much better sophomore campaign, and kept up his skill through the entire season, rather than fizzling out like the prior year. Under new managers Nour Harrak and Cal Labooaksfaoirgbarig, Simonsson was placed on line 1 with Blaze and Dapirov. Great season from Simonsson putting up 33 points, good for second on the team. Unfortunately, the Falcons did not fare as nicely. The team barely could muster up a win if their life depended on it. The team was run by their top line, with the supporting cast not putting up as much production. In fact, the whole team didn't put up much production, as even the top line was much worse than other teams top lines. Overall, the team just couldn't keep up, even with Odinson playing phenomenally behind the team. While Simonsson was disappointed in the teams performance, he was absolutely happy with his own ability on the season, and only knows that he can improve from his 33 point campaign. He's excited for what the future holds

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

It would absolutely make the most sense to use a place that has low Covid numbers and is keeping the virus under control. The league would be safest in that regard, but rigerous testing would need be to done prior to entering the bubble. That's why the league should create a bubble in New Zealand or Australia! Now listen, this might sound crazy. JP, you might say, it's so hot there. Or JP, you might say, do they know what a hockey is. And my answer to thsoe questions is yes and no. If the league heads there it is two-fold on the benefits. One, the players would not even have to bubble. The countries are doing phenomenally and aren't shut down! Second, it will grow the game. Allow fans in, and let them party and enjoy the sport. You will grow the sport tenfold, bring money in the Australian economy and the league. It's a win/win/win/win. Other than Covid possibly making it's way into Australia/New Zealand. That could be a loss for them. But hey, one mans loss is anoyher mans treasure or whatever

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?

Probably Hamilton. Theo Morgan alone is enough to put them over the edge, as he had a fantastic season, one not seen in FHM yet. Dominated the league all around and is just the best player on the ice. Both teams are strong and that tips the scales. Also Hamilton won tho

b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?

No because WBF couldn't make a strategic adjustment to save his life. Obviously I'm joking, but tactic changing is obviously a viable strategy when you begin to lose 2 in a row. Can't hurt to do what you can do to try and tip the tides, and both of these GM's are great at what they do and their coaches are great too, that's how they get here.

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?

Superior because it's in the name. Lake Superior is confident, it knows who it is and why it's the best. I like initiative. I like gumption. I like drive. I like a lake that can tell me they are the best and don't give a gibbly fuck what anyone else has to say. Superior has it going on

d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

Uh I'm gonna go with no one. Is it a cop out? No. Because I truly don't care for anyone on either of these teams. They are all bad people who will cheat to get where they are. They don't care about anyone else but themselves and it is selfish. I've never seen a group of sader members in my life. Anyway, probably Tomen

Code: bigmilkers

8. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min. if written)

I would absolutely help the Hamilton Steelhawks concession develop the Gooney bar. It's a revolutionary new product, developed, marketed, and sold in concessions all around the Hamilton arena, by Gooney himself. It's made with 100% pure Gooney Farms cum. Harvested by legendary SHLer turned bad boy Playboy Model Cum Harvester, the Gooney Bar is a delicious silky white goodness gracious it's so bodacious bar of deliciousness that everyone can't wait to get their mouths on. Gooney Farms harvests the cum with special extractors that help retain 100% of the oxygen within the cum allowing it to not dry out. After this process, it is sent, vacuum sealed, along a conveyer belt where it is formed into bars and wrapped and shipped out to the local Steelhawks arena. Our advertising campaign would have a beeming Gooney, leaning against a wall with a bar held up in his hands. The tagline would read "been drinking so much cum my pineapple juice tastes great" (this is a real Gooney quote)

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]

CW again
Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I was honestly not incredibly disappointed with my play this season. I was hoping it might be a little better since this was my last season before regression, but I think I did well and I think I held my own on a team that is just chock full of super talented players who are very active and very good at earning TPE. This coming season, my focus is going to be on battling regression and trying to stay super active so I can get back those TPE that the cruel passage of time will so ruthlessly steal from me. I will say, I was a lot happier with my performance in the playoffs this year (I had 34 points in 50 games in the regular season, as opposed to 16 points in 16 games in the playoffs, so I think I stepped it up there at the end). Given that, my focus is going to be on really staying active and squeezing out all the TPE I possibly can so I can stay good at the game as long as possible.

Quote:4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)
If we were going to set up a playoff bubble I think you have to pick two cities or else the airplane flights get really crazy. You need one in the east and one in the west. In the east, I think a good host city would be Manhattan. I know that sounds crazy because Manhattan seems like a place with a crazy amount of people, which it is, but due to that fact, there are plenty of places where you can house a large number of people and provide them with resources like food and entertainment without them ever having to leave their building. In the west, I think a good hub would be Edmonton, due to the fact that it is cold and miserable and even viruses don't want to be there. I feel like people in Edmonton also have to be very good at figuring out how to do things and enjoy themselves without ever going outdoors since it is like the frozen arctic tundra over there, so they would probably be good at making a nice self-contained bubble.

Quote:PBE affiliate (+3) (username the same but without the fancy ö)

Quote:6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I think my answer to this question was always pretty obvious - it's the Chicago Syndicate. This one hurt a lot because I really felt like this was our year, and it was my last season before regression so I really wanted to get it done. We had such a great team last year - I know I say that every year, but this was the first year where it really felt like we weren't underdogs (which, you know, FHM is not a big fan of a good underdog story in general), and my hopes were up pretty high especially when we went up 3-0 in the series. Alas, it was not to be, but I'm probably going to file some dumb lawsuits about it and waste everybody's time because I don't how to lose gracefully and...wait, no that's not me, that's someone else.

Quote:7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I always love this question and I know my answer always goes in the same direction, but that's just because I have so enjoyed watching Sweden's squad develop over the past ten seasons. I think we'll have a really strong tournament this time, and as always I'm really looking forward to seeing how I do out there with the guys from other SHL teams. Gunnar always tends to perform a little better in international play for whatever reason, and this was theoretically his peak season, so I am hoping to see him play pretty well. Other people I expect will have a good tournament are the big earners from the S47 class - Julio Tokolosh, Corey Kennedy, Martijn Westbroek, Lallo Selman, Harry Carpet, Eko Van Otter, and a lot of others (please don't be offended if I didn't name you I am just tired and bad with names so really you should be impressed I remembered all of those). We have a lot of people who are really high earners hitting their final form here before this tournament so it should be interesting to see how they play.

Quote:16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 10:56 PM by Jericson.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season has been a strange one for Elwulf Jericson. In his final season of his SMJHL career, he went from having a personal best season with St. Louis to having to then face his former teammates in the first round of the SMJHL playoffs. At the trade deadline, he was traded from St. Louis to Maine Timber, his hometown team. While he enjoyed his time there greatly it was a bittersweet reunion with his former teammates.

As the season came to an end, he then began looking towards the next season in the SHL. It will be his rookie season with the Tampa Bay Barracuda and he is planning on doing everything in his power to make the opening night roster. His hope is to help shore up the bottom pairing and help continue Tampa’s rebuild.

He benefited greatly this season from his pairing with Colin Lambert, also a Tampa Bay Barracuda. Together, they were able to put up an impressive season, ending with a personal best season for Jericson. I am greatly looking forward to the next few seasons, especially when Colin makes his way up to the SHL and the two of them to pair back up and take the SHL by storm. (206 words)

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

I would have to say that the most important finals series in the past 10 seasons would be Season 53. The reasoning behind this is due to it being the first season that the SHL switched to Franchise Hockey Manager as our simulation engine. There were a lot of changes that happened with changing the simulation engine and that came to a head in the S53 finals between HAM and EDM.

With the change to Franchise Hockey Manager every team had to reexamine how they set up their rosters. There was a lot of changing around throughout the entire season as everyone learned what new strategies and makeups would work. In the end, Hamilton ended up beating Edmonton 4-2 to clinch the first title under the new simulation engine. Hamilton ended up outsourcing Edmonton 12-8 while having 2 shutouts. Both teams, by these metrics, played very well for being the first time in a new engine. Other series may have more memorable moments, or more lopsided victories, but I feel none will come close to the importance as this series due to the change. (184 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

As weird as it is to have the #1 and the #2 seeds on the same side of the play-in round, I bet I can make a playoff format that is a million times even worse. Best of 3 12-Team Round Robin.

So, with a 12 Team Round Robin, there would be 11 rounds of matches in order to allow for each team to play against each other team in a best of 3 matchup (best of 3 instead of single to differentiate from regular season). This would put each team, at minimum, playing 22 games and at most 33 games in the postseason. This would make the playoffs take approximately the same amount of time as the current format (best of 7 with 4 rounds for a minimum of 16 games and a maximum of 28 games) but the logistics and scoring would be much more complicated.

For scoring, first you would have to go with overall matchup victories. Next, would be the team with the minimum number of games played. Then on to goal differential per game. (179 words)

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

Tampa Bay would make a great location for a playoff team to have to bubble. In the sunny Tampa Bay area, players, coaches, and fans would be able to enjoy watching games from outside of the arena in order to encourage social distancing guidelines. In addition, anyone can just dive into the Bay to kill anything that may affect them.

During their downtime, player’s can socially distance themselves by renting (or buying their own) jet skis and just going around the bay. Not only can they work on their non-winter tans, but they can enjoy the fresh air and still interact with everyone around them while staying apart. Also, who can say no to cruising around the bay at 50MPH.

This is of course assuming that everyone wishes to bubble in the first place. Florida has the specific distinction of being isolated from worldwide issues and insulating themselves with the magic of Florida Man. Nothing can stop the overpowering Florida from killing any sickness that enters the bubble area. (169 words)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Last year, Team Japan was a surprise for most of the tournament. They managed to come in second in their Round Robin Group last season to team USA. This year they have a slightly harder Grouping with Great Britain and Germany but I still expect them to come in second at worst behind Great Britain.

This is also considering their roster. Last year, they had capped players that would typically be playing in WJC and other lower TPE players. With another season under their belts, I fully expect them to be more competitive with their roster. Yes, other rosters improved as well but I feel like teams will sleep on Japan yet again.

Monkey D Luffy put on a clinic this season with 30 goals and 33 assists. I fully expect he will continue to carry this through the IIHF tournament to carry them into the semi-finals at worst, if not into the finals. (154 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: jericson112.gif]
[Image: 5p7vOwY.png][Image: NA3IV5m.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

In his first season as captain of the Newfoundland Berserkers, Lassi Suhonen was pretty happy with his individual performance. Despite spending most of the season in the same bottom six role he has been used in since his rookie year, Suhonen managed to greatly improve on his point totals, putting up 7 goals and 30 points – the seventh most points on the team. When you factor in his points per 60 minutes played at even strength, Suhonen was one of my most effective and efficient point producers on the team – something that gives Berserkers fans hope as he is likely to jump up to the first line next season with the departures of Mats Marner and Matthew Forrester. Suhonen was also a reliable defensive leader for the Berserkers, playing the most shorthanded minutes of any player on the team. Ultimately, there’s a lot for Lassi to be proud of despite his team coming up short in the finals, and for next season he’ll hope to stay the course and boost those raw numbers with a little more ice time to work with.

5. Written, 2 TPE
Write an SHL themed Haiku Sonnet (see link below) which I just learned is a real thing. The format is: Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Couplet
The Berserkers are
The reigning, defending champs
Of the junior league

Led by Mats Marner
Flanked by the great Liam Slate
With their goalie Cale

Ham and Juke do tests
JNH is the GM
Corey drinks a lot

Beeg Yosh always vibes
Rindie gives Tinder updates
Corey drinks some more

These are my Newfoundland boys
Patty, Fest, Toast, and Hair too

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.

[Image: Wooly.gif]

 a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.

11-06-2020, 09:51 PMhotdog Wrote:
Here are this season's tasks for CW. The maximum, as always, is 16 TPE. Mix and match whatever tasks you desire, but the maximum TPE to be earned from this is 16. 
The deadline is Sunday, November 15th at 11:59PM ET.

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My player did just slightly better than my previous season, although I couldn't expect much as the Carolina Kraken had less overall firepower on both sides of the ice. I also couldn't improve individually as a player since I was already capped out at 425. I still have never set any true number goals for my player. I just want to have my player perform to a level with which I feel like I made an impact. However, hopefully as my player continues to progress and add TPE, and move up in the world of the SHL. I start to see bigger and bigger numbers with greater impact as a whole. Next season I "should" be in the SHL with the Tampa Bay Barracuda. While the team itself wont have much TPE as a whole, I'll still be lower on the totem pole. However, I can hope that I'll make a nice divot in opposing teams strategies by being very helpful on both sides of the ice. I strongly hope I can really outscore and out defend what most rookies do, with lower than the top TPE.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

S53 is hands down going to be the most memorable and important of these ten sets of series. WHY? Well shit buddy, it was the first season we had FHM. That is a huge step for the league as a whole. It allowed so much diversity for the teams and made the seasons much more enjoyable for those involved. The highs are really really high... and the lows are really really low. But no team can stay high or low forever. I think it made it much more realistic, and therefore, the playoffs and the championship series that much more fun to watch entirely. Now the finals as a whole had some real firepower on the teams in it. Both Hamilton and Edmonton had some players who are going to be in the Hall of Fame extremely quickly after they retire. These teams where LOADED with skill and it was a true defensive and goalie showcase between these teams. 

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

Welcome to Anchorage! Home of the Armada, every single SHL and SMJHL team in the playoffs gets to stay in the 5 of the closest hotels to the arena. Why Anchorage you may ask? Well, with a lack of population, there is so much more players can do while in the bubble. We can expand the bubble and have more amenities for everyone who needs to be within in. There will be multiple gyms for players and staff to workout at, we have extra ice with the nearby high school arenas that will be closed for the use of the SHL and SMJHL. There will also be some very nice places for some R&R for the players with hot tubs and places to get massages before and after games. There is a massive cafeteria with 16 different restaraunts that will be apart of the bubble giving players endless amounts of choice for meals too!

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I may be biased on this, but I will say that the Carolina Kraken were the best team in the SMJHL to not make the finals. Why? Because we ended up on the same side of the bracket as the champions. Vancouver was absolutely stacked as a team, a vast majority of them were 425 players. If NLB and Carolina played a series, I genuinely think it would have been a full 7 game series with Carolina narrowly squeaking out a victory to send NLB home. Mostly due to strategy implemented on a team basis, as both of us were quite close in terms of TPE and player depth.
13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?

Buffalo seems to have a more well rounded roster, they have some true stars of players, but not as many very high tpe players as Hamilton. However, hammys highs, are REALLY high. These players have their TPE allocated in a manner that really lets them dominate in a specific area of the game. 

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?

Pfft, Lake Superior is clearly the greatest great lake of them all. It has SUPERIOR in the name. It is obviously not only the best, but a truly wonderful and beautiful area of the nation. It has everything someone could ask for, beauty, things to due, places to see, places to hangout and relax. It is a wonderful place. 

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Should add up to 16, Much love <3

[Image: panico.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I think my player Jaska Seppala had a fairly good rookie season with the Buffalo Stampede. I was in the top 10 in points among rookies while playing a significant portion of time less than the,. With 13 goals and 31 points in 50 games I think that is pretty good. I also only had ten penalty minutes so I did a good job staying out of the box. I was disappointed with my giveaways with 48 which seems like a lot. Hopefully I work on that next season. I hope to increase my goal and point production next season. I had a decent shooting percentage with 12 percent. So as long as I keep shooting I should be in good shape. Once I increase my defensive stats I should be looking at an increase in ice time which will increase my point production. All in all I think I had a decent first season and I cannot wait for next season!

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

Due to my own biases I will have to say the S55 Buffalo Stampede over the New Orleans Specters is the most memorable series and also the series that will be remembered in history as the most important series. It went to game seven overtime with Buffalo Stampede’s goalie Elizabeth Doyle making a breakaway save only for the Buffalo Stampede to turn around and score the game winner with Luffy putting the dagger into the Specters. It was an incredible series with both teams playing their hard outs. It kept going back and forth with Buffalo having the edge then the Specters had the edge. Ultimately the Stampede had what it takes to win it. Doyle making a breakaway save in overtime is an incredibly memorable event that I think should go down in the history books as one of the most important saves for Buffalo. For someone who was not on Buffalo I am sure it was exciting but for me it was nerve racking.

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

In the hopes to help prevent the spread of the Corona Virus, the Simulation Hockey League has decided to have this season's playoffs in a bubble. We have decided to have the hub city be located in Calgary. We would hope that during this time in the bubble they do not leave the bubble and roam around the city as this would defeat the whole purpose of the bubble. However, in the bubble we would keep the teams separated as much as possible and hook up their team’s area with entertainment systems, and ways to help keep them relaxed. I know it is tough for some players to be away from their families for an extended period of time so we think it is important to let them enjoy themselves. The players are free to interact with other teams as long as they stay in the bubble. We would test them for the virus on a regular basis.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?

On paper it has to be the Hamilton Steelhawks who have the better roster. The Stampede for sure have a strong team but they lost a lot of players last offseason while Hamilton gained. Hamilton has four players above 2000 TPE and with a couple players close to 2000, they are just built way too strong.

b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?

Well the series is over while I am writing this and both teams did make changes throughout the series but if I would have written this before the series started my answer would have been yes both teams will make adjustments as they have been doing that through the whole playoffs. I think after two games and things are not working teams just are making adjustments.

c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
I know nothing about the lakes other than their names but if I had to pick a Lake I would go with Lake Erie based on the name. According to its Wikipedia page the Lake is the fourth largest out of them which is super cool and it is the most southern which is something.

d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

I would hang out with Monkey D. Luffy because he seems like a super awesome dude to hang with. I think we would be best friends and do everything together. First we would walk through a park skipping hand in hand and then we would go to a super classy restaurant under candle light. After dinner we would go to some overlook and watch the sunset.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
[Image: Pw202QP.jpeg]

Player Page || Update page
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2020, 11:15 PM by Grum.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My player, Nicholas Owens, actually had a really good season. Or at the very least, one that I was very surprised to see with 29 points (8 goals, 21 assist), 25 +/-, 58 hits, and 53 shots blocked. Going into this season I fully expected myself to get around the same productivity as I did last season (hovering around 20-22 points) with relatively the same in everywhere else. As for what contributed to this jump in productivity, I think has to go to how good my team is and the increase of minutes. I went from the bottom line, averaging around 15 minutes on the ice per game to the 1st/2nd line playing 20 minutes a night. I also got a tiny but more special teams play but it doesn't look like that matters  much lol. As mentioned, my team I feel plays a huge part of why my productivity went up. As much of my points numbers comes from assist, how good my team is/line mates are plays a big role in me actually getting those assist. 
WC: 178
+ 3 TPE
Total TPE: 3
2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

I want to preface this by saying I've only been here since like S50 so I really can only talk about half of these finals but out of all of the (and I'm kind of biased) I would say the most memorable series was S55 between the Buffalo Stampede and the New Orleans Specters. I believe this to be the most memorable series as this was a game between two absolute stacked teams full of big names like Monkey D. Luffy, Poopity Scoop, Cassius Darrow, Bobby Sharp, Jimmy Slothface, Rex Kirxby, Aleister Cain, Elizabeth Doyle, Michael Scarn, Nicholas Williams, and many more. As well as an absolutely incredible series that saw the Buffalo Stampede rally back from a 3-1 (I believe) deficit to force a game 7 that even went into overtime. For me that series was just such a rollercoaster that you really never knew who would pull threw at any time.
WC: 153
+ 3 TPE
Total TPE: 6

[code]3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creati
ve! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.[/code]

Honestly I didn't really mind the playoff bracket that we have now but I can definitely see why people wouldn't like it. That being said I am going to make one that is even worse than what we have now. So for this playoff bracket I think everyone should make the playoffs to keep it fair for everyone and so that the regular season has no meaning at all. As for the formatting of the bracket, the bottom 9 teams (regardless of divisions or conference) will be on one side while the top 9 will be on the other. Assuming all teams try their best, this will make it so that all top teams will take each other out in the first few rounds and the challenge cup finals will be near clean sweeps every single season.

WC: 137
+ 2
Total TPE: 8

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I think the for sure answer here is the Chicago Syndicate. The Chicago Syndicate in the regular season went 37-9-4 which was the 3rd best record in the entire league and most likely would have been 2nd or even 1st if Chicago wasn't in the hellish great lake division or eastern conference. It isn't any surprise either with a roster that fielded Corey Kennedy, Lallo Selman, Martin Westbroek, and many more other big names. They also came extremely close to making it but fell short after a reverse sweep by the hands of the Buffalo Stampede. They were just an extremely stacked roster that got unlucky with the sim I feel.

WC: 111
+ 2
Total TPE: 10

13. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have an impressive set of skaters - without factoring in any coaching or tactical strategies, which team do you think has the better roster of skaters on paper?
b. Do you foresee the teams making any strategic adjustments during the course of the series? Should the teams be quick to switch tactics or stick with what they've been using?
c. These two teams hail from the Great Lakes Division. Which of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) do you think is the Greatest and why?
d. If, once it is safe to do so, you had to go hang out in person with one of the users on Buffalo/Hamilton, who would you hang out with and what would you do? (if you pick gabe you get -1 tpe)

A. It's really close and I could see the argument either way but I think just based on pure talent (pretty much just raw tpe values lol) I would say that the Buffalo Stampede just barely edge out the Hamilton Steelhawks for the better roster of skaters on paper. I think the Buffalo Stampede just has so much more depth to their skating lines compared to Hamilton while Hamilton is more top heavy.
C. I would definitely say the best Great Lake is Lake Michigan. As someone who has lived in Michigan for college and has visited 3 of the 4 (only one I haven't is Superior because it's not as accessible to me) I have to say that Michigan was my favorite one to visit. I couldn't really say why but I think the look of Michigan was just better than the other 2 that I visited 
D. Well fuck I was going to pick Gabe : (. Well if I had to choose outside of Gabe I would say @TnlAstatine because he is my bestfriend on SHL. He was the guy that got me into the SHL and the one I talk to the most in the SHL. Again however, if Gabe was an option I would pick him over fucking Luffy.

+ 3
Total TPE: 13

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: Grumpus
+ 3
Total TPE: 16

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Slip McScruff did in fact exceed my individual goals because I am relaxing those goals over time.  I never set offensive goals but I rattled off 13 assists to be near the middle of the team in terms of points.  I always look mainly at defensive performance where I did well.  I lead the team in Takeaways and Shot Blocks by a mile and generally didn't tank in terms of plus minus.  What's best is the chance to play in the post season again which was more of the same performance.

I can attribute this to the management of the Jets who have helped me age my player into a useful role.  The next season will be tougher for me as my blue line stud partner has been traded for a new life in Toronto.  I can hope that my next round of regression and claw back will fit into another useful role with the new roster pieces on the team.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Of the 10 most recent finals series, which do you think is the most memorable and why? Which will be remembered in history as the best/most important/most memorable series or victory? S46: BUF over NOLA, S47: WKP over CGY, S48: BUF over WPG, S49: EDM over NEW, S50: CGY over TBB, S51: HAM over EDM, S52: MAN over SFP, S53: HAM over EDM, S54: NOLA over HAM, S55: BUF over NOLA.

For me, it's season 48 because it's the only time I have been in the finals and that championship week experience made me feel like a celebrity.  For the league as a whole, it may be notable because Winnipeg has won a challenge cup in ever decade but we have not been to the finals since that season.  If we miss the S50s, that will be notable as the most recent time the team has almost crossed the threshold.

Without being focused on my own team, I'd have to take the HAM wins in season 51 and season 53 for the controversy of it all.  I don't remember the exact timing of it all, but in the general trend of history, HAM gets blamed for killing the STHS era with an exploit on the passing and shooting stats.  Season 51 was one of the last STHS seasons and HAM dominated with only 2 playoff losses.  Then, in season 53, HAM had a rematch against EDM in the first FHM era playoffs and won in an almost as dominant fashion with no exploit.  EDM took an extra game resulting in 3 losses that time around.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
FHM's 12-team playoff bracket setup has received a fair bit of scrutiny. It re-seeds after the play-in round and for some reason puts the #1 seed and #2 seed on the same side of the bracket. I challenge you to come up with a different playoff format - can you come up with a format that's dumber/worse than this? be creative! Come up with the worst possible format for a 12-team playoff.

The worst possible playoff structure is a Royal Rumble style event where a new team is introduced in every round.  The sensible way to make this work is to have the lowest seeds enter first and add the next lowest seed join in every time someone is eliminated.  Maybe even have two parallel tracks so a team plays half as many games and both teams in the finals are exhausted.

However, we are trying to go full sicko mode, so there is one track and the number one seed enters first.  Then they have to play each progressively lower seed, so it actually rewards the bottom seed team.  They are totally fresh by the time they play a tired team that has played in.

4. Written/Graphic, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If the SHL needed to set up a playoff bubble (like the NHL did in Edmonton/Toronto or the NBA in Orlando), which city would be the best candidate to host as the hub city? What would the players do during their time in a playoff bubble? (For graphic option, make an advertisement [like a pamphlet/brochure] in support of a specific city as the hub city and highlighting the reasons why.)

I will nominate the cities of Seattle and Atlanta.  You may expect a Canadian city because Canada has a better track record with COVID.  However, as the federation head for simulation USA, I declared that simulation USA is handling simulation COVID better than simulation Canada.

In simulation USA, we want to reward the efforts of the expansion teams by bringing the business of the bubble to their cities.  Not only is this an economic reward, but it solidifies the SHL fanbase in those areas.  Besides this being a good idea, I don't actually know anything about Atlanta to make the case, but I can speak to the city of simulation Seattle.

In simulation Seattle, the SHL will rent out the entirety of the city center which will piss off non fans but give the players plenty of space to spread out and be outside.  They will take turns... uh... going to the Space Needle and eating hotdogs with cream cheese.  I rest my case.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

The USA is going to win because my management team is dedicated and I bring forward a talented roster for them to play with every season.  We're always contenders so I can go in hopeful every season.  It's a bit tricky to have Canada and the USA in the same group this time around.  We'll either knock out a decently qualified team by having two powerhouses together or there will be an upset when the USA knocks Canada out before the medal round.  There are no other possibilities there.

With some more churn in our D core, the USA will have Michael Fox playing out of position on the blue line.  Based on overall strengths, it seems to be working out that Slip McScruff and Michael Fox will play as a pair.  After being long time managements partners with Fuzz, I'm excited to see that play out and hope we click on the ice as well as we do in the office.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2020, 12:08 AM by Wally.)

4. [Image: S56-CW4.jpg]

8. [Image: S56-CW8.jpg]

9. [Image: S56-CW9.jpg]

13. @tweedledunn - Drink beer... I think it would be a fun chat... Not like we wouldn't have much to talk about. I've always thought Tweeds was a pretty damn swell dude. Always fun guy to chat with in a locker room and really would enjoy to have a chat about the past. Good, bad and in between, I'm sure there would be plenty of laughs.

15. [Image: S56-CW15.jpg]

16. HairyButtMunch

[Image: Wally.png]

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