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S42 PT #5 - Superheroes


Scenario: With all the fame, money, and power that accompanies being a pro athlete, it can be easy to feel a bit like a superhero sometimes as a professional hockey player. What if you took it one step further, though? What would it be like to be a real-life superhero?

Written task: If your player was a superhero, what powers would they have / want to have, and why? What would they do with these powers? Talk about what the superhero version of your player would be like. Must be at least 150 words.

Graphic task: Design a new superhero-inspired jersey or goalie mask for your team. Must have some sort of reference to the original team (team name, logo, colors, etc).

[Note: Typically, this would have been a playoff PT, but seeing as last season, the playoffs themselves outpaced the course of the playoff PT... Figured we could just do something simple for the last weekly instead. Thanks to @Troy_McClure03 for the suggestion!]

You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This PT will close on Tuesday, August 21st, at 7 pm.

Any questions/concerns, please feel free to PM me.

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sig credits
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Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


I have to say I like this PT! I'm a superhero enthusiast I am a Deadpool fan among several others so this is a PT that as Thanos would say 'Brings a smile on my face'.

I think if I was going to be a Superhero I would be something similar to Casey Jones in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
But I would push this further! I would first be a simple vigilante wearing a mask, a pair of rollerblades and yielding a hockey stick as a weapon but then something would've happened to me. As I was making my way home from a game something fell out of the sky and fell on me. Instead of killing me, we merged! That's right! I got a Symbiote and I synched with it with my passion for hockey and as when I fight pieces of hockey equipment grows on my body. Say I am attacked then a blocker would grow on my arm. If I need to strike then a sharp edged stick would grow around my hand for me to slay my enemies!

I know this is silly, but this is what I got in mind when writing this piece. :D

Shl - = - Falcons - = - Patriotes - = - Canada - = - Shl
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I think the important part of having powers is to keep them well hidden. So if you can control things telepathically, and do it right, no one will ever really know that you can do it, right? However, I think it would be obvious, espically if abused. So i'd want the ability to melt and refreeze ice to whatever state I see fit. Think about it, if you see the opposing team on a breakaway; melt the ice to slow the puck down. Or the opposing players skates. On faceoffs you could melt and refreeze the other teams skates just slightly into the ice surface, tripping them up. Give the opposing goalie headaches by changing the ice from slushie to rock hard to slushie when trying to push off. Opposing teams will be confused and ever so curious, but if you keep the changes subtle, no one will ever know.

That and the ability to fly.

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

(This post was last modified: 08-20-2018, 05:15 PM by adamantium.)

This isn't exactly the most outrageous, totally awesome super power in the book, but it's certainly one that could come in handy for Kruger, considering what he likes to do in the offseason. I'm talking, of course, about the ability to understand any language as it's being spoken to you and respond in that same tongue flawlessly. With his fabulous amounts of wealth, one of Kruger's favorite pastimes is to set off to a foreign country and get engrossed in the day-to-day culture of the land, wholly inspired by his favorite superhero, Anthony Bourdain. As such, it's a bit difficult if the language isn't shared, and communication can get difficult on a daily basis. Being able to be instantly fluent would mean a much easier experience from country to country, allowing him to be fully immersed in whatever culture he's chosen to humbly become a part of. Beyond that, the lack of a language barrier would make it miles easier to be more gracious and respectful of his foreign hosts as well as making international travel for hockey much easier.

But really, it's about the foreign travelling.

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sigs by me bitch


If Joseph Lombardi had a superpower (or more), it would probably be super speed. Lombardi already fits the bill for a speedster, as he is very short (standing at a cool 5 feet 3 inches) and kinda lean (weighing in at 145 pounds). If the SHL now stood for Superhero Hockey League, then Lombardi would use his super speed to zoom by opposing defenders and get shots on net. If he had to stop crime, he'd use that speed to catch criminals. So basically, he's the athlete version of The Flash.
A power Lombardi would want to have isn't the cliche being able to fly. It's something much different. He'd want to read minds. That way he could easily intercept passes and know there the goalies would be positioned. If he had to be an actual superhero, Lombardi would use his telepathic powers to catch bad guys before they've even done anything. He knows what they're thinking.
164 words

[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

When I think of Richard Physt, I think also of One Punch Man. A man not afraid to get things done a power to knock out literally EVERYONE? Fights against Physt would be boring to watch but such a HUGE moral boost. Word gets around the league and now nobody wants to fight him. Would keep the game honest too as no player would want to high stick a star knowing they'll miss the rest of the game. Though Richard Physt probably wouldn't have to use it often just the knowledge that he can would make things fun for him and the Toronto North Stars.

[Image: CptSquall.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2018, 12:07 PM by DrunkenTeddy.)

If Phelps was a super hero, the only power he would have is to give and take away powers from other people. He would give people amazing abilities, but if they crossed him, he would take them away. This would allow him to form a group of heros that he controls to help rid the planet of crime. Also he'd probably turn the Hamilton Steelhawks long time backup goalie, Jimmy Wagner, into an actual brick wall. That would solve the concerns of the team not having a starting goalie for next season real quick. Phelps would eventually be betrayed by a trusted companion of course. Having the ability to give out endless power but not actually having super abilities himself would eventually be his downfall, but that's how most of these super hero movies go anyways. He wouldn't look any different, just an average dude with the ability to give out abilities.

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[Image: CsnVET2.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

If Sophia Bennett was a super hero she would have the invisible super power and she would also want to be able to fly. She can go anywhere she wants without anyone seeing her and she can get places a lot faster. Bennett hates traffic and sitting in her car waiting so it would be amazing to be able to skip all of that and just fly to where you want to go. If she had the power to become invisible she would be unstoppable on the ice, she could take the puck and no one would know where she was on the ice. I think it would help the panthers out quite a bit if she had this ability. If she had to pick a super hero who she would like to be like it would be spider man, he’s pretty sneaky and is basically able to fly from building to building and get places really fast. She wouldn’t really want his outfit but would if she had too.
170 Words

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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If Vladimir Vaskov has superpowers, he would have the ability to control the puck while it is in the air. Imagine being able to control the puck like a guided missile around defenders and around a well positioned goalie for an easy snipe? Vladimir would definitely lead the league in scoring by a damn near country mile. Another useful power would be mind-reading, knowing what the defenders will do before they do it. This would also allow him to read the minds of his teammates to set up easy tic-tac-toe plays and be in position for well-timed rushes into the offensive zone. These two powers would make Vladimir Vaskov the best player in the entire world with no defender being able to out think or out play him. He would be a nightmare to play against and also would help his off-ice game with the women a ton.

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As a defender, it is always a struggle to get inside the head of your opponents. A good defender must know what his opposition plans to do before they do it. One day, in an effort to better his ability to predict the future, Liam O'Callaghan had a terrible accident befall him. Liam was undergoing some simple testing at Kamille-Buckman Laboratories LTD. to identify areas of weakness that he could improve on. However, on this fateful day, a tour of small children was in the facility and one of them got separated from his group and got lost. Liam, being a nice guy, decided to help the young lad back to his group. One the way back, Liam slipped on a recently polished floor and didn't brace himself in time and his head cracked hard onto the floor. When Liam awoke, he realized that he had changed; Liam had powers and at first, he was scared but then he knew that this was meant to be. Liam had developed... perfect 20/20 hindsight and he would use those powers to always know what he should have done in the first place!

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Super McLovin's powers would definitely be invisibility. This way he could spy on opposing teams meetings and game plans and bring them back to Anchorage to share with the squad. It would provide an ultimate advantage and would help the team on both offense and defense. The Armada might even win out because we would be able to create a game plan for each and every game. Sure, invisibility would come in handy in non hockey related stuff, but first of all, get your mind out of the gutter, and second of all, McLovin only wants to win hockey games. It is pretty clear cut. He might use it to prank teammates also because that would be a lot of fun. He could also sneak into a concert he wanted. Invisibility actually can help out in so many ways. Definitely invisibility for McLovin. He probably wouldn't fight crime unless he REALLY needed to, he would just rig hockey games.

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If Oisin Fletcher had a super power, it would most likely be disappearing. Truth to be told, he would probably have no control over it at all. Since the beginning of his career, junior and IIHF included, Oisin Fletcher has the ability to just DISSAPEAR when it is important. It is not because he does not want to perform, but as soon as he is on the ice and the game is important, the temporary memory lost coming with his super power take effect and he seems to forget how to play hockey. Playoffs are the time where his super power seems to be present, but he does not control them at all. He would definitively likes to control his power and be able to be somewhat important in a playoff game, but it is never the case. There was one season, his first playoff season, where he was somewhat present, going a point per game, but since he reached the SHL level, he is totally unable to do anything.

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The old Spiderman movies with Toby Maguire are some of my favorite superhero movies, and I'd like to think that Brady would be a superhero similar to Spiderman, not in his power, but in the way he acts. Where Spiderman is at his best he's saving people and only fighting the villain because he has to. It's not for fun or thrills, it's because he's been gifted with power and responsibility to defend the public. I'd hope that Brady would have the conscience to do that same thing.

When it comes to powers I'd want Brady to have something interesting. Not invisibility or flying. Frozone from The Incredibles has an awesome power, but I think instead of only shooting ice out of his hands he'd be able to shoot it out of any part of his body. It'd end up being mostly his hands and feet (the feet so he could use them to move around like Frozone does but without occupying his hands to do it), but I'm sure being able to have the ice come out of his chest or something could probably save him from taking a kick to the chest.

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[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
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Quote:With all the fame, money, and power that accompanies being a pro athlete, it can be easy to feel a bit like a superhero sometimes as a professional hockey player. What if you took it one step further, though? What would it be like to be a real-life superhero?

DMS would be like Bruce Wayne, except instead of Gotham/Chicago, i'm in Seattle/Emerald City. There might be a handful of comparable things but i'd definitely be more of a second rate poor man's batman since I'm not a billionaire, oh and I play hockey to supplement my income. DMS probably wont be plastered all over the sides of buildings either, but maybe on the side of the shady lookin' motel down the street. Instead of the Batmobile, I drive the Ratmobile. Its the same car, just fundamentally different. I would probably have some ninja stars to skillfully and precisely, I just don't have the money to make my own DMS branded one like the ones batman has. Really what this boils down to is DMS is a poor man's rich man Batman, He can be a hero, but just not a very good one. He probably shouldn't quit his day job.

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
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09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
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Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3

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