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S48 PT #3 - Internal Affairs

After being given the task of choosing 3 new members for the SHLPA, I have decided that it would be best to choose players from different stages in their careers. A young player, a player on the verge of hitting his/her potential, and one on the downside and has been around for awhile. First we'll start with the young Edmonton rookie James Truong. @James Truong  His opinions would be a breath of fresh air and provide a much needed voice for the future of the league. My second choice was my most difficult due to all the amazing talent out there, but I finally decided on Barret McCarthy. @Inf1d3l His future is bright, and I feel his opinions will have an amazing impact in the future meeting for the players. My third and final choice is one of the oldest players left in the SHL Cleo Green. @Creature Survive This is someone who has seen it all and knows what it takes to make things happen.

Quote:Task Choice: 1 - A campaign for an SHL players association is in the works as some in the league believe that the needs of the collective players are not being met. Choose '3' users from the site (not GM's or HO members) who would be good ambassadors for the new players association and explain why you chose them? (*tag them*)

@Rublic Would be a great ambassador for the players in the creation of a players association.  He loves the game, and is friendly with every player that he interacts with.  He also has a lot of experience around the league which would be very valuable in interfacing the players with the league head office.  Well respected, well liked, and experienced.  There is no way this would be a bad pick for representation.

@esilverm All around good guy and captain of the St. Louis Scarecrows, he's very active on the team and always willing to help out.  He's the type of person players would want on their side speaking for them.  He's got a love for the game and builds everyone around him up.  He's the type of person you would want representing you anywhere, let alone in the SHL.

@Pris Pris is one of the most welcoming members in the league and already has tons of experiencing being the head of the Russian Federation squad.  Pris knows how to absorb blows and attention and take it in stride.  A great lightning rod to represent the players.  Pris can get things done and be good natured while doing it.  She would be great at pushing for what the players need while taking all the criticism and blow back from the league.  An absolutely easy choice for someone to represent the players at large.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

[Image: mika_kandinsky.gif]


A campaign for an SHL players association is in the works as some in the league believe that the needs of the collective players are not being met. Choose '3' users from the site (not GM's or HO members) who would be good ambassadors for the new players association and explain why you chose them?

No one. This might be one of the dumbest things from a continually dumb (at times) community.

Creating a new group of people to lobby for/represent the "players" rather than just making a real discussion about it and forcing HO to talk about it by shaming them until they do is the way to do it. Plus, just because we start a "PA" doesn't mean anything more will ever get done. It just means that there will be another group of people to yell at when nothing happens or a bad change goes into effect. HO is already secretive enough and I doubt the "PA" would be anymore open then they are. The fact that we would even need a "PA" instead of just discussing things in a thread and doing a vote is just a shame on this community. We did it before, we can do it again.

Let's get our shit together and actually talk because one good idea and a site vote changes things not a "PA".

Task Choice: 2:  A players union would be helpful as the SHL is in a period of tough negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The goal is to sign a new deal before it starts affecting league events and games.  If you are asked to sit in at the negotiating table, what would you ask for the players to receive, and or what would you ask for our members on the site? (your choice)... Describe why your demands are essential to the goodwill between players and owners and or site members and HO/Site admins.. and the League's need for continued growth.


The clear issue at hand that needs to be dealt with in the upcoming CBA is treatment of inactive players. Some teams subject their inactives to absolutely appalling treatment that needs to be punished and made illegal, such as......

-Paying them grossly substandard wages, with some getting a mere $500000 a season.
-Forcing them to sit on the bench all the time and wait for an injury to happen before getting a chance to play, and of course injuries never happen.
-In the case of New Orleans, theres a shocking story I broke in a Championship Week a couple seasons ago where New Orleans used their inactive players as slave labour manufacturing Challenge Cup merchandise under horrible conditions. And then to top it all off some merchandise couldn't even be sold cause New Orleans lost the series! So it all went to starving kids in some other country that probably get treated better than these poor, poor inactives.
-Sometimes inactives are used to fill out the on-ice roster so a team can tank, blame its failures on them, then bring in some overhyped terrible rookies to replace them and prevent the GM from being fired for incompetence. For example, the Winnipeg Jets did this recently.
-An inactive once scored a goal for West Kendall in the Challenge Cup and then was subsequently deported back to Siberia or something because no one has heard form him since. The Platoon management were probably worried that such a feat would take the shine off of "stars" such as Ludwig Koch Schroder.

All of this is horrible and needs to be stopped. I think whoever hypothetically takes over the SHLPA should be focusing on this topic in CBA negotiations.

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

A players union would be helpful as the SHL is in a period of tough negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The goal is to sign a new deal before it starts affecting league events and games. If you are asked to sit in at the negotiating table, what would you ask for the players to receive, and or what would you ask for our members on the site? (your choice)... Describe why your demands are essential to the goodwill between players and owners and or site members and HO/Site admins.. and the League's need for continued growth.

As a General Manager (of the great Winnipeg Jets, no less) I would be remiss if I didn’t throw my hat in the ring to assist the league in gentle and difficult manner.
I’d ask the players to understand that we are currently in a state of panic, that we aren’t making nearly enough money at our jobs to even maintain our teams. For example, I only made 2 million dollars last year, while trying to manage every aspect of the team (along with some shlub @FlappyGiraffe ). I make more at my part time job grading articles! How does that make sense? We need to do profit sharing; the more a general manager spends on active and healthy players, the more money they get. If they produce a product that does well, they get bonuses. If they don’t, they get bonuses for trying. I don’t see how anyone can disagree.
Where does this money come from? Well the players will have a large escrow to pay for it. While that might not seem fair… I think I can live with it.

- Gary Bettman

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Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


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[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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I think that overall the site is run well and, at least speaking for myself, players are well taken care of. But there are some things that could be changed that would benefit us in a new CBA. As others have said the price of training and equipment is a bit too expensive when compared how much the players are paid. Obviously these things need to be priced so that it doesn't break the sim but I do think that especially for people that have just joined the site and can feel like a huge wall that they hit and never get over. To help with money woes I think it would be a good idea to have more bonus pay media weeks. I'm not in the market to make or even listen to podcasts (no offense) but right now the media section is dominated by them. I am interested in the written media, both producing and consuming but it can be tough to get an idea or just find the motivation. Do I want to go through the index for an hour or two trying to find something interesting and not even make enough for my weekly training? Of course not. I have had a few pieces die on the table because I felt like the money I would get wouldn't be worth my real time invested. We already have the double media bonus for draft week what if we also did it for the IIHF stuff or trade deadline stuff? I don't think people need to be told exactly what they should write but having some sort of bonus will get more going. Finally, it would be cool if players could get a portion of a team's earnings on the year. I don't know how to work it exactly but all the teams get their bonuses for making the playoffs and such. What if there was something in place to measure how a team would do financially and then give the player's a cut of that money. Do it based on sim performance or by team player activity on the site. Just spit balling.

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[Image: uDjThoa.png]


If I were representing the players in negotiations for a new CBA for between the SHL and the SHLPA I would absolutely demand that the league institute a more inclined salary floor per TPE level than the current one. Right now we see too many top end players with contracts at 3 million dollars due to hometown discounts and players between 1000 TPE and 2000 TPE all having the same salary. Just doesn't make sense to me that the best player in the league gets paid like an average player.

Along with that I think we need to expand and create more of a role for the average player. Not everyone can be an all star and the 3rd line needs to matter more than it does right now along with the 3rd pairing of each team. 1000 TPE players shouldn't be on the 3rd pair or line of any team when some teams have their best player at 1000 TPE. Just not enough parity in my opinion and it's hurting individual player salaries.

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[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 10:54 AM by Nerio.)


The biggest thing I would want to do is create a shift away from media being the primary focus of funding for most players and move that towards jobs. The jobs here are what keeps the site going, and for whatever reason it seems like we're extremely stingy with them, both in terms of head count and salaries. This has created two undesireable situations - players that are over worked for the extra things they do for the league, and a drop in media quality where the only thing that matters is quantity. Media is very important part of the site and it should remain as one, but that doesn't mean jobs have to be a worse use of time for most players. Get more players involved in helping out around the league and pay them well for it to encourage them to continue partipating. This league is built on and run by the players who pick up extra jobs, it's time for the league to give back to them and get more people involved.

[Image: On57CfR.gif]
  Knights Usa Stampede Patriotes Inferno Argonauts Aurora Renegades Stampede   

I have been a proponent of player’s unions since my early entry into professional simulation sports. I think the biggest factors that I would target if I were going to be a member of the player’s union that got a seat at the table and was negotiating on behalf of the players and their users would be an increased salary cap, a removal of restricted free agents, and a disciplinary committee made up of players from a diverse set of teams.

First the salary cap is a no-brainer. If the teams had more money to give out it would do a variety of things. If we increased the salary cap it would allow players to be called up sooner and fewer brainless articles would be published because people would get some more income from their salaries. The restricted free agents hurt young player who are not happy with their teams, I would be more in favor of some sort of 2 or 3-year set contracts for rookies.

Finally, for users I think a disciplinary committee that was responsible for fair punishments for similar violations made up of the peers of those breaking rules would be a big bonus to player users in the league.

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[Image: sAx3Llh.jpg]

Task Choice: 1 - A campaign for an SHL players association is in the works as some in the league believe that the needs of the collective players are not being met. Choose '3' users from the site (not GM's or HO members) who would be good ambassadors for the new players association and explain why you chose them? (*tag them*)

I think top players in this league are not being paid like top players, instead many are encouraged to sign home town discounts and minimum deals because they have money coming in from other sources. A player's association could help fix that issue if it was led by level headed, smart players. The first player I would have as part of the ambassadors group would be @notorioustig, Tig is a great guy who always goes to bat for others in the league and I think he stands to be the voice of reason in many debates. The next would be @nour, Nour is outspoken and has been around enough parts of the league to understand how things work. Finally the 3rd member I would make an ambassador is @"JumpierPancakes", JP has been a commissioner, a GM, and many many other roles in this league, he definitely knows the ins and outs of the league itself and relationships with players and would therefor make a great ambassador. This group would definitely speak for the players from a few different prospectives.

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[Image: CsnVET2.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

Aaron Wilson @aaronwilson is my selection for a member role in the SHLPA. Honestly, I'd be happy with him representing either the league or the players. His data-driven analysis is always spot on, and he has created access for himself to view even more statistics. Everything he has published or shared has been interesting and helpful for both the players and the league, so i want his fingers all over this project.

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Task 2

If I had the choice, I would try to make everyone happy. Easier said than done... While that's never really possible (unfortunately), we should try to find a solution that make most people happy. Let me just pick one problem as an example here: the SMJHL TPE cap. I know some people see a reason for its existence and it's been discussed a lot already, but for most SMJHL players, usually after their second season, there is little incentive to stay active if all you do is bank TPE, week after week. What's the point of only being able to unbank once you're in the SHL? I don't see a reason why we can't have 500+ TPE players in the SMJHL and have a little more competition. Wouldn't a 4th year player be obviously better than a 1st year player in real life too? Otherwise those capped players are somewhat stuck between two leagues. You can't really advance in the SMJHL and you can't play in the SHL yet either. Obviously it's a good thing to have the SMJHL for new(er) players, but either we change something about the cap or we limit SMJHL to maybe two seasons and if that means that we have too many players and not enough open positions on SHL teams, why don't we add more teams?

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 05:34 PM by karlssens.)

Off the hop I just want to say I don't support the idea of a players union. A contract should never fully cover all training, and by extension equipment. This league survives on activity and without the incentive to churn out media such as articles, graphics, etc, or contributing to the site via jobs, to boost your TPE totals I feel like we're taking a step back. That being said there are a few things I'd like to see change salary wise. The first would be to remove the "home town discount". I personally never liked this discount because it's typically just the GM taking a hit or a rotating door of long staying veterans with fat bank accounts. While it's nice in that it gives management some flexibility and ability to offer new players a bit more cash, I feel like all players should be rewarded for the work they put in to acquiring all that TPE. The second would be to revisit inactive contracts. If left unsigned for a season (or 2 or whatever) there should be a reset on their cap hit based on their TPE. This would be an easy one that would free up cash to give to more rewarding players, like anyone that is actually active on your roster.

Thanks for the sig ragnar!
[Image: scholz.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride


This is a no brainer. The the players representatives that would be the best for representing players that want to be players represented by other players would be, @"MantoRune" @Pingy Pingu and myself.

I would be there so Manto doesnt murder pingy and to make sure pingy doesnt do anything to make Man to want to murder him. 

Manto is a guy who likes his ideas, like change, just likes things the way he likes them. Also when it comes to sim leagues he is very focused and serious. Pingy is well, not those things. He is perhaps the exact opposite of all of those things. 

Manto: so if we do x y and z the production of the site would go up and plsyers would be more ingaged with whatever or whatnot.

Pingy: Noot.

Manto: that's all you have to add?

Pingy: tHaTs AlL yo Ou HaVe To AdD?

Manto: .......

Pingy: Banto

Manto murders Pingy.


See and id step in right before the murder.
Thank you for your time. I hope I passed the audition.

[Image: Fantobens.gif]

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