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S54 WFT #2 - Family Rivalry
(This post was last modified: 06-04-2020, 02:05 PM by hotdog.)

Two options for this one:

Player Backstory: Does your player have siblings? If so, what's their relationship with those siblings? Do they play hockey? Were there sibling competitions? If not, did you want siblings? What was it like as an only child?

League History: What SHL family is the best in league history? Some stats of the frontrunner families are provided below, courtesy of @"luketd" and the History Department. Make the case for one of these families - or any other family not included - as the best in league history. (Here's Luke's table of award noms and wins for reference.

Aittokallio Family
6 Challenge Cups
2 1st All Stars
1 2nd all Stars
2 3rd All Stars
1 Ron Mexico Win
2 Razov Wins
1 Razov Nom
1 Mc Bride Win
5 McBride Nominations
1 Honcho Win


McZerhl Family
6 Challenge Cups
7 1st all stars
3 2nd all stars
2 3rd all stars
4 Pre S18 all stars
2 Mexico Wins
5 Mexico Noms
1 Stevens Nom
2 Dar Wins
2 Richan Wins
1 Razov Wins
1 Biscuit Win
4 Karpostovs
5 McDonalds

Wong Family
6 Challenge Cup
2 1st All Stars
2 2nd all stars
2 3rd all stars
1 Rookie all star
1 Mexico Nom
2 Jesster Noms 
1 Razov Win
1 McBride Win 
2 McBride Noms
1 Khan Win
1 McDonald Win

Smeb Family
1 Challenge Cup
1 2nd AS
1 3rd AS
1 Rookie AS


Scherbluk Family
7 1st AS
1 3rd AS
6 before S18 AS
1 Mexico nom
4 Stevens Win
3 Stevens nom
2 Richan Noms
2 Ferguson nom


Tuck Family
4 CC
5 1st AS
1 2nd AS
5 3rd AS
1 Mexico Win
2 Mexico Noms
2 Stevens Wins
1 Richan Nom
2 Razov Nom
3 McBride Wins
1 Mcbride nom
2 Turd Ferguson
4 Honcho

For meeting the 25+ word requirement, you will receive 1 TPE. 8-10 members who go above and beyond on this task will be selected as Participation+ members and will receive an additional bonus 1 TPE.

Deadline: Sunday, June 7th at 11:59 PM ET

This PT is for SHL players and senddowns only; it is not for SMJHL rookies.

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2020, 04:13 PM by 5ympathies.)

the mcz family is clearly the best. the only thing that brings them down, however, is that they have never had a player that hit 2k TPE and unfortunately do not get a cool badge...

[Image: j2h9XpS.png]
Thanks to JSS for the signature

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Robert Phelps doesn't have any siblings, but he always wanted some. His parents were told they couldn't have kids and he was a bit of a surprise, but when they tried for more it never really worked out again. Phelps did end up having a sudo brother in Angelo Odjick who started playing hockey with Phelps as a teenager and the two played together for over 15 years including time on both the Vancouver Whalers and the Hamilton Steelhawks.

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Tig Murphy did not have any siblings after his father was left infertile by a tragic woodcutting incident. This depressed him greatly, so he would stuff burlap sacks full of foam, draw faces on them, and pretend he was playing road hockey with his "siblings." His insistence of keeping these dummies in his home, talking to them constantly, and even bringing them onto the ice to celebrate Challenge Cup victories has generated a lot of buzz among fans and therapists alike, as well as eviscerating any opportunities he had at a regular sex life.

[Image: crtigger.gif]
[Image: murphy.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2020, 02:34 PM by Nhamlet.)

Ryuuji didn't have a large immediate family. Just a younger sister, Sai, for a sibling who didn't share much in the way in interest in sports to begin with. At least not until she got older and started developing some similar interests in fitness and branching out from there. The two of them grow closer just because of the shared experiences of having to deal with the constant pressure to succeeded that was placed upon the both of them by their parents. They grew closer especially after the two of them became young adults and were able to experience some more freedoms of their own identity, sharing new similar experiences like power lifting, kick boxing and the odd run despite Ryuuji constantly despiing the cardio in general. Being a busy guy with hockey, Ryuuji was never really able to stay home much, often moving and traveling but being able to be home was one of the more enjoyable things because of the family dog, Rocks. In reality it ws more of Sai's dog than anybody else's just because she was the one to primarily take care of him, made sure he had his shots, went to the vet if anything was wrong etc. etc. but the rest of the family contributed to taking care of him, from the father, Takumi, making sure he would be (generously) fed all the time and getting lots of cuddles with the mother of the family, Saionji.

Beyond that though, Ryuuji had a large extended family around the various parts of Eastern Asia that he got to know over the years, typically in the summers as part of some family vacations. Majority of them from his m other's side lived in Canada having all immigrated there after his mother, eldest of 8 kids had done so first and being able to sponsor the rest of the family to come over. Saionji had 2 brothers and 6 sisters making for a hectic household back in Japan with everybody contributing to the chores and work necessary to feed so many mouths. Now that all of Saionji's siblings are grown up with their own family and well accustomed to Canada, they're all able to take care of their mother, and Ryuuji's grandmother, Sara. She's an avid gambling though thankfully it's more of a fun hobby now that she gets to enjoy her silver years with the rest of her children supporting her through means such as covering financial costs to return back to Japan for visits or travel elsewhere in the world, transporting her if she wants to go shopping (or the casino) but even now she's still more than capable of taking care of her self. In fact, Ryuuji remembers in his younger teenage years getting on the bus on a date with an early puppy crush and seeing somebody awfully familiar there sitting in the front senior seats. It was definitely Sara his grandmother. The sly old fox had a grin and definitely blabbed about it to the rest of the aunts and uncles where Ryuuji had to put up with that for a while.

Actually there was another time as part where after Japanese school (in order to make sure that he didn't forget his native language and could at least be more than embarrassingly conversational, Ryuuji had a girlfirend who also went to the same weekend schooling program and the two would often sneak to meet each other during breaks and after school. Of course many of Ryuuji's cousins also attended the school with his aunts taking turns to pick them all up. One apparently saw him sneaking a kiss but being much more tight lipped, did not tell a soul until years later after Ryuuji was past his 18th birthday that she revealed that she was aware of his secret at the time. Seemed like Ryuuji really needed to pick better spots to meet girls.

Anyways, moving away from the love stories of Ryuuji's life, his many cousins from the multitude of his aunts and uncles on his mother's side are all relatively young. Their ages range from 17 to 10 that Ryuuji can still connect with them on some level but also struggles with the Gen-Z language that his sister, being 3 years younger, is able to connect with. Unfortunately despite moving to Canada with the rest of the family members, none of them have really taken to hockey the same way that Ryuuji had, making him a bit of a black sheep in the family. Pretty much every male cousin took up basketball with a few doing football when it came to sports in junior high and high school. Even when family get together happen, a regular occurrence due to the sheer number of people and how often it'll be somebody's birthday or something one week or another, they would often go to the local community park and play some shirts v skins games. You'd think as an athlete and one of the eldest in the family in that generation, he'd be a popular choice but for whatever reason, his hockey skills definitely didn't translate over to handling the ball so more often than not he enjoys a bit of the old man in him and just watches his cousins play.

At the very least, while they might not share in the same sports, the family support is definitely there with majority if not all of the cousins making it out to Ryuuji's debut game in the minors, having a small cheering section of their own for him. It was definitely a memory he won't forget as he was getting ribbed by teammates about bringing a cheering squad as a rookie.

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(This post was last modified: 06-04-2020, 03:50 PM by _Blitz_.)

Danny is the oldest of 3 siblings. There's Danny, Nicole, and Joey. 

As a whole the Marston family is pretty athletically oriented. Their Mom, Julie, swam for UF and almost made the US Olympic team. When she retired, she turned her sports medicine background into a Biology degree. For most of the Marston kids' lives, she's been a high school science teacher who also coaches the swim team. Dad, Greg, is a former football player (DB, UF) who's spent the last twenty years working up to his current job as Offensive Coordinator for a local D-III university. Outside of the immediate family, there's a few other minor league professionals and coaches, but none that have hit the major league. Danny will be the first next season, when he moves up to Toronto.

Nicole has just finished high school, and is starting college at Syracuse as a Journalism major with a minor in Fashion Design in the Fall. Her dream job is working for some fancy fashion magazine and running spreads on the different fashion shows in New York. As she is not athletically inclined beyond basic physical fitness, she's the closest thing to a black sheep that the Marstons have. She and Danny have a dynamic built more around listening and trust. When she and Danny talk, Nicole does most of the talking, using her big brother as a sounding board for different ideas. A lot of times when she needs comfort, she'll call Danny to talk things out or seek him out when he's home. He does the same thing with Nicole when he has to work something through, but it's less often. Danny and Nicole have mutually adopted the motto "I don't understand, but I fully support you" when it comes to career plans and interests. She still compares a puck to a giant Oreo and spends most of her time on her phone at games when her brother isn't on the ice. Similarly, Danny has a hard time grasping why it is so vital to his sister that he not be recorded on television wearing brown shoes with a black belt at awards shows, or how the models in fashion shows walk in those long, tight skirts.While a lot of their dynamic is more serious, they're still the best at making each other laugh. They have the same sense of humor and comedic timing, with an inclination toward goofy facial expressions, double-meaning jokes, and puns.

Joey was looking forward to his first season of varsity baseball before the pandemic closed schools. He's a rising Junior and his first season of varsity football was a major success last Fall, seeing him make waves for the high school team at Tight End. He was hoping to have the same level of success at Short Stop for the baseball team. Joey and Danny have a mutual understanding of each other as athletes and brothers. They don't talk as regularly as Danny talks to his Mom and Nicole, but they still try to chat at least once every couple of weeks. When they talk, Danny usually has advice for Joey based on what's going on. As he's come into his own as a professional athlete and now manager, Danny has started to takeover the advising role from their Dad.  They don't talk as much about daily life, it's mostly about sports and training. Joey's a good kid, but hyper-focused on sports and being an athlete, often to the detriment of his academics and social life. As Joey looks up to his brother, Danny challenges his brother to learn and grow, fostering more of a friendly sense of competition to see who will be more successful. When Danny goes home, everything is a competition. There's a lot of catch and 1v1 games across a wide range of sports; football, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and field hockey. When they can't play outside, they play video games on the consoles in Joey's room. They still get along and can work together, but the competitive nature has kept them from forming a stronger bond.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


The McZerhl family has an absurd history numbers wise, and these don't even consider IIHF results of which GOD McZerhl has played a key role in Germany's medal finishes in the last 10 seasons at least. Not sure about previous family members but that's already enough for me to crown them as the premier SHL family.

[Image: gotze_team_siggy.png]
[Image: lKRNHAn.png]

The Scotts are a large, athletically-gifted family. I have older 2 brothers, and both of them are professional athletes just like me. My older brother, Rotticus Scott Jr., plays for the Humungous Melonheads in Major League Numberball. He's one of the better players in that league, and plays catcher! My other older brother plays in the National Simulation Football League for the Colorado Yeti. He's a cornerback, but has played a ton of different positions on defense throughout his career. He actually just won the Ultimus for the Yeti, so if I somehow pulled off that game 6 win against Detroit last season we could've had trophies in the same season! Oh well. Finally, our dad is a center fielder for the Miami Marlins in Major League Redditball! He instilled the love of sports and great work ethic we have, and has been a big help in getting us to the big leagues.

[Image: rotti.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-04-2020, 01:26 PM by .bojo.)

this was fun to lookup

S20 - D - Bojo Biscuit
S35 - G - Beajeaux Biscuit

- Wins
2x Lance Uppercut: S25, S26
2x Damian Littleton: S27, S31
2x Turd Ferguson: S22, S26
2x Anton Razov: S43, S47
1x Zach Miller: S19
1x Vidrik Onoprienko Award
1x 1st Team All-Star
2x 2nd Team All-Star
1x 3rd Team All-Star

- Noms
1x Scott Stevens: S25
1x Ryan Jesster: S20
2x McBride: S41, S42

3x Challenge Cups: S41, S43, S47
7x Mathias Chouinard: S25, S26, S41, S43, S44, S45, S47
2x Presidents' Trophy: S26, S47

Defensive Award named after Bojo Biscuit

My career in a nutshell: Being really good at everything except stats.

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

Frans Eller has a little brother named Oscar Eller. He's only six right now, so there's no determination if he will become a SHL player in the future or not. With such a large age gap, it's been difficult for Frans to really connect but he's always sure to take the time to hang out with the little guy and create that brotherly bond.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2020, 11:01 PM by bluesfan55.)

Mitchell van der Heijden has a younger brother named Bitchell van der Heijden (Mitchell is older by 3 years). Bitchell was named Bitchell because of an unfortunate typo on his birth certificate (he was supposed to be named Hitchell). Mitchell forced Bitchell to play hockey when they were young kids, and would constantly beat up his brother to toughen him up. When asked about why he went all tough on Bitchell, he said "Bitchell's a bitch(ell). That is all. I kind of really enjoy beating up on him because he is weak and puny. Needs some toughening up.” Bitchell plays in the United States for some dip-shit prep team currently and was told by his coach that he would "never make the SHL". However, Bitchell has committed to the University of Massachusetts, somehow (I think he might’ve either bribed the coach or held them hostage, because he is a very slow, very bad defenseman), and has a possibly bright career if he stops being a dipshit.

[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

The Tuck boys in Edmonton are #1 in talent and results with multiple challenge cups, presidents trophies, and individual accolades. But those aren't a good metric for greatness. For that reason, I nominate the Smeb family. Not for their on-ice play, or community leadership, but for their youngest "least accomplished" sibling, Khan. A parallel could be drawn to the SHL's sister league, the NHL. In that league, the funny and talented Keith Yandle is a top defenseman for the Florida Panthers [it feels so weird to type a real hockey team's name now that we're 2 months into the longest all-star break of all time]. Keith has many impressive on-ice abilities, but everyone knows that the most important ability is availability, and in that, Keith lacks. His brother, Ross, though, is a monthly staple on the popular podast, Spittin Chiclets (named after JNH's podcast Simmin Chiclets). Here, Ross grows the game through humorous discussions of the culture surrounding the game. Like Ross Yandle, Khan Smeb is able to grow and improve the Smeb lore in creative new ways that appeal to new fans and guests of the game. His dark sense of humor reaches the fans better than the reserved and politically correct contract players.

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Hugh Jazz's had 2 uncles that played in the SHL in Ben Dover and Taylor McDavid. Both of them are HoF players. Jazz hopes to be in the HoF again. He has a RoTY and 2 challenge cups as of right now and he has been building a solid resume.

Jimmy has one sister, Sara. She's never played hockey, but she still has the family speed and currently attends and sprints for USC out in Los Angeles. It's even rumored that she chose USC because Jimmy had just been drafted by the Los Angeles Panthers. The Austrian speedsters are very close, meeting up when Carolina plays out in Anaheim and spending time with their friends on the Outlaws, Emilia Bergman and Strom Chamberlain. Sara and Emilia have even spent time working out together, bonding over their experiences as European athletes living in southern California. The two siblings were also hellishly competitive while growing up. Everything was a race for them growing up; eating dinner, chores, homework, it was all about who could get done first. While they've gone down their own paths since coming to America, they are still in contact every day, and travel home to visit their father every summer. Jimmy wanted to bring him out to America, but he was reluctant to leave his homeland after spending almost 50 years there.

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Slap McShotty: I was one of three triplets. One I absorbed in-utero, the other I absorbed at age 5. Now, I have the strength of 1 man, 1 child, and 1 baby. This is one reason for my SHL success, as I always have the strength advantage over the other players with the strength of 1 man each.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

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