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S55 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2020, 01:25 PM by _Blitz_.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) Wrote:Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
In general, I didn’t perform as well this season as I did in my rookie season in the SMJHL. Part of that can be attributed to SimonT, I think, but part of it is also the beatings that Toronto took in the regular season. I think we’re starting to be a good team, but you’d never know it with Buffalo and Hamilton using us for stat padding. Overall, though, I think I did pretty well for a third-lining rookie with no PowerPlay time. I’m 2nd in rookie scoring and have a decent case for the Jesster. I ended up with 25 total points, a decent amount of hits and shot blocks. My giveaway-to-takeaway ratio could be better, and I’m not happy with my +/-, but given the way the season went, it could have been a lot worse. I’m going to keep plugging away at growing my player and getting better. Next season will be better.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) Wrote:It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?
I get that there’s a lot of people who have concepts for non-North American teams. A fair few of them are pretty cool. That said, I think from a makes-sense-IRL perspective, adding non-NA teams doesn’t really work. It was already a stretch trying to imagine travel schedules in the STHS days. I can’t really picture any team wanting to travel from Seattle to Tampa to Hamilton to Berlin to London to Seattle in five days. The other argument against it is that our cohesive branding as a North America-based hockey league separates us from the VHL and other similar leagues.
It could be interesting to do a European expansion at some point, if the league ever got big enough to make it work, with the “ESHL” be European teams with SHL staying NA, and players crossover for IIHF and WJC. That would require a lot of planning and people and might eventually lead to some kind of fragmentation. I don’t think we’re ready for anything like that.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) Wrote:The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?
I’m not sure who would have the biggest TikTok following. I imagine it would be one of Augustus Wang, Michael Fitted, or (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn. Maybe a few seasons ago, Cameron Carter II would’ve been top channel for sure, but I think the other three have caught up. Wang mostly posts weed and weed humor. I guess he’s funny if kush is the only thing good in your life. Nobody is sure what exactly Fitted’s channel is about, but if it had to be described, it would be “a video version of his FHN articles”. My personal favorite was singing “Blinded by the Lights” with Ybor Jesus and the roosters. Andrei has a lot of different videos. Some are cooking, some are cleaning, some are new theories about where Sergei might be. They all end with the same call: “Where is Sergei? Have you seen my brother?”

8. Graphic, 3 TPE. Wrote:Think you can do better? Design a new logo for the Buffalo Stampede or the New Orleans Specters or either of the teams in the SMJHL finals.
[Image: DABx65d.png]

10. Graphic, 3 TPE. Wrote:Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.
[Image: imRwqwK.png]

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. Wrote:This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


PBE Welfare (3 TPE):

Trivia (3 TPE): streetsbehind

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
Mitchell van der Heijden's sophomore season couldn't have gone better. The young Swiss center, fresh off winning a cup with the New Orleans Specters, was traded to the New England Wolfpack and quickly blossomed into a solid top 6 center, something he likely would not have done on a stacked Specters roster. The change of scenery was big for his good season. His goal for the season was just to break 20 points. It was his goal last season, which he missed by two points (when you're a third liner, you have low expectations). This season he absolutely smashed his goal, scoring 34 points to finish third on the Wolfpack in scoring, signalling a potential break out year next season as he'll be playing first line minutes due to Eko van Otter leaving via trade. His other goal was to improve his defensive/physical game, and with 70 hits, 22 takeaways, and 48 blocked shots, van der Heijden did just that. It was a season of much improvement for van der Heijden and he should break out next season as long as he continues to improve both offensively and defensively.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.
I'll be taking the role of the New England Wolfpack for expansion, seeing as I'm on the team (and I applied for GM as well). Looking at our protected and exposed list, we aren't really leaving any big names exposed. Except for three: (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn, Igor Volkov, and Mike Hroch. (Clean) is a great LR presence who is universally beloved, and we love him in New England. Since he is active and a young player (S53), I sadly expect him to go. He's had experience with both expansion GMs (He's in the NEW lr where hotdog still is, and Tig was a potential teammate in HAM before he was traded) so I expect one of them to take him. The other has a choice between the controversial defenseman Igor Volkov or active backup goalie Mike Hroch. That's a pretty easy one considering Volkov's recent controversy and attachment to New England, so whoever doesn't take (Clean) takes Mike Hroch to fill the backup goalie seeing as Volkov has tanked any chance of him leaving New England (whether it's for better or for worse is yet to be seen). The Wolfpack are losing 2 players with 500+ TPE, so you'd think they would be small losses, but losing an active, young forward and your active backup goalie is pretty sucky if you ask me.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
I think Buffalo's more offensively inclined defense takes the cake for me. Both teams have all of their defensemen above 1k TPE, but Buffalo's deeper, younger blueline featuring both grizzled veterans like Poopity Scoop and young guns like Augustus Wang and Nicholas Owens is the better defensive corps in my opinion.
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
I do not think so. Home ice advantage won't happen because New Orleans didn't need home ice to win the Cup last season, defeating Hamilton twice in Hamilton to take the cup via a sweep. I don't think home ice will matter in this series as well since both teams are good enough to play well both home and away.
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
I honestly don't see that happening either. Sure, NOLA has tough guys like Darnell Johnson, Lil Manius, and Boris Poroshenko. But Hamilton was the tougher team last season and that had no real impact on the series as the Specters swept them on the way to the cup. It's always good to have tough players but I really don't think it will matter much.
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
I think we all know that sloths are too slow, hippos are too smelly, and kirbys are just video game characters. To me it's down to the monkey, otter, and fox. I have to go with the otter on this one. The otter for me is just the epitome of chill (even chiller than sloths, sorry @slothfacekilla) as it glides down a river, sea, or ocean. Plus otters are cute as fuck so that has to do something with it too. I honestly love otters.

[Image: bluesfan55.gif]
Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2020, 08:23 PM by Steve.)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.Boomer is validation word.

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Guy LeGrande has had a fairly average season. In a supporting role, he has played the part just fine. At this level, there are always things you can improve on but as a whole, he has played well. I am very happy with the overall team play of LeGrande. He isn't a standout but eats minutes and pops in a goal on occasion. I would say he has met my seasons expectations and then some. He has shown that when given more minutes, he can be a viable player. I think the line mates are a big part of success or failure in this league and Guy seems to work well with others. With his solid build, he can be slotted in just about anywhere and perform. With a team as good as Newfoundland, there are only so many spots open. Playtime often reflects on his performance. Going forward, I think he needs to work on a few skills like face offs. He also needs to work on skills related to physical play. Overall, he is doing fine at this level.
Word count: 181

8. Graphic, 3 TPE. Think you can do better? Design a new logo for the Buffalo Stampede or the New Orleans Specters or either of the teams in the SMJHL finals.
[Image: BPtFTR6.png]

10. Graphic, 3 TPE
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.
[Image: QoT7sAa.png]

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship ring for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup championship ring for the SMJHL is ok as well.)
[Image: tz33nb5.png]

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?

Home ice indeed plays a big part in most sports but I think in hockey it is even more important. Home team has the nice locker room while the visitors get the shit hole/ maintenance room to dress in. The home town crowd can turn the tide as well. I have been to over one hundred games and it is always a loud crowd for the home team.

16 TPE if Trivia is correct......
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 03:53 PM by Rabidsponge21.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

- A lot better than the last season that is for sure. As far as my personal goals, they weren’t very high to begin with honestly considering how I had played the last 2 seasons on the rebuilding Timber. This final season in the Juniors was just about making some progress and a statement to the growth of my player overall. I think I might have fallen a bit short of any award nominations for the defensive position, but at least seem to be in the category of second looks. With the ability to keep my A this season and represent the leadership once again for the team, I wanted to make some impact as a player and be a reliable force on the ice. I know the grade’s you receive aren’t always the best metric to measure ones success, but overall when looking at that and the advanced stats, I did perform well, which makes me happy overall.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

- Having been apart of several expansions across multiple leagues, the formula for them always seems to go the same path.

Team 1 – Goes for a bit of a win/ compete now mentality with them drafting more SHL ready players to make the team at least competitive out of the gate while trying to rely on their base drafting to build behind it (generally doesn’t pan out long term). In some cases this team also has a bunch of hefty Free agent signings all at once (Tampering much?) which can also prop them up higher than expansion normally would

Team 2 – Goes full rebuild mode. Sell any and all assets they can from the expansion draft to bubble teams looking for a step up, or back to the cup contenders making them even better than before the draft (essentially killing the intention of expansion). This team struggles for 4+ seasons as the core tries to grow and earn TPE, and either goes all in with buying cause of impatience, or hits a wall with so much unsuccessful play, they have to re re build.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

- Easily the current captain of the Timber - Valentín Kalashnikov (aka suavemente). He would churn out some high quality – Laugh inducing content which would have other teams fans subscribing to him full time. I know in sports it can be seen as ‘against the rules’ to have a 2nd favourite team but after a week or two of his content? Yeah Maine would be a secret 2nd favourite of many fans. The majority of it would be working in some of the most current and even classic memes with the Maine Timber results applied to maximum effect, like the SHN always under estimating us with the Ghana coffin meme playing shortly after.

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?

- Czechia will win it’s first gold medal ever? In a long time? Either or, book this happening within the next 3 seasons. The team has a super solid core that has the ability to make some real noise, and if you haven’t been paying attention lately, has been stealing almost any and all top prospects to add to the ever growing ranks of the team. There is a lot to like about this team on and off the ice. The Czechs are building a beautiful rotation of skill to allow them to replace any aging bodies almost immediately with IIHF ready talent that can contribute without any hesitation. As far as the WJC tournament goes, I’d say UCORCAL could surprise as well, but it depends if they actually remember that Mikkel Asmus Sondergard is eligible to play for them, if not then expect Team WORLD to make that noise as he joins them once again and leading them to the land of the glorious victors.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
- If they were allowed to keep all their agitator and enforcers in the line up like earlier in the season, 100% this would help them, but unfortunately, playing the system to try and win above league integrity was thwarted by the evil Head office once again in an attempt to create “Fairness” so now NOLA is left with some wasted TPE and dreams of “What if” in the land of punching faces and unfair advantages. C’est La Vie.
There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
- Honestly, if I had to pick between a few of these amazing animals it would have to be the Otter, specifically the sea otter. They are by far the cutest non domesticated animal in the world. With their super fluffy fur and adorable babies, it's hard to not love the Otters. Next thing that's amazing about them is they keep a favourite rock in their little pouches that they keep to play with whenever they are bored.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - Arya

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2020, 02:54 PM by puolivalmiste.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Since moving to FHM Björn has had steady improvement on his game at least if we are taking look at the stats. This was first season on his career that he finished with positive plus minus and while point and goal records are from STHS era I believe they will soon be broken as whole team is improving around Björn leading to overal improvement of stats that are not just based on invidual performance. This season was way more physical for Björn as his hits and blocked shots saw pretty noticeable increase. For next season I hope that with bit of luck I can finally break the 20 points and while doing that set new personal high for points, maybe even hit the career high 5 goals that has yet to happen. I also expect that physical game will stay on high level for seasons to come while playing on top roles at least on penalty kill.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

As someone living in Europe and even though I have written media about European teams before, in the end I feel like they would be very hard to fit into SHL. I would think we'd need like at least a division all at once joining, so currently could be looking for 6 new teams to join at once or some old to relocate there. Though I would think that maybe SMJHL could be branded as European league as whole which would leave some interesting cities for SHL to locate into while creating some interesting dynamic between leagues, in theory at least, this would never happen but I would still like it.

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

This is like mPT again as at the time I picked New England being best team to miss playoffs and I don't think anything has changed since, expect they lost hotdog at trade deadline so if they had played whole season with their current roster they most likely wouldn't have done as well. So I could see an argument for Winnipeg here but I feel like they were still bit too far behind compared to New England on points yet I think that will change next season as we see Winnipeg likely improving while New England sees full effect of their retooling and losing Hotdog.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

As a Finn it is part of me to root for Finnish national team, specially hockey teams, real and obes here as well. As such Im exited that we were able to get our first medal since I joined (WJC Bronze) last season, while I was not playing there anymore it makes future for Finland look good, this season I expect another good one for Finnish WJC team and hopefully we make it into playoffs on IIHF, though we have had few retirements and Im not sure if we had many players called up yet, largest draft classes are still to come meaning that serious push to IIHF medals is still ahead of us. For other IIHF predictions it doesn't take much to say I expect to USA and Canada to stay dominant because they have the depth to do so. Great Britain and Czechckia clearly should be good too while for somewhat hot take I feel based on almost nothing that Austria might be on their way out of playoffs.

8. Graphic, 3 TPE
[Image: BSsmall.png]

16. Trivia, 3 TPE

Verification: Credit

Total: 16/16

[Image: puolivalmiste2.gif]
Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season had high expectations for the Edmonton  Blizzard as we brought in a bunch of new faces to help us compete for the Challenge Cup. For myself I set a career best with 18 goals and producing 46 points in the regular season (my previous high was 43 points in S53) We had offensive powerhouse in Bo Kane and Theo Morgan who provided much needed scoring depth to our roster. Each of our three forward lines had an offensive threat and made it a nightmare for opposing teams to try to defend against. We finished the regular season tied with Buffalo for 80 points and both getting the President's trophy.

However, the biggest disappointment was when we lost to the NOL  Specters in game 7 of the Western finals after having a 3-2 series lead and playing on home ice. With the expansion coming we are going to lose at least two players from our team so the  Blizzard will have new faces for S56. Also next season will be my first year of regression, but I am excited to re-allocate my TPE after getting a few seasons familiarized with FHM. 

(192 words)

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

With the expansion draft coming for S56 there will be two new teams joining the SHL, but that means every team will be losing two of its players. I will be giving my thoughts on the Edmonton  Blizzard perspective as we are likely to lose Theo Morgan and Bo Kane as they played exceptionally well for us this season and the expansion teams are going to need some firing power with those two. There was a mock expansion draft posted and it saw Bo Kane and being taken in the first 10 rounds and rightfully so. 

But, with players leaving there will be new opportunities for other players to rise to the occasion and fill the void that Bo and Theo provided for us. We also have plenty of high talented prospects in our system and I am sure in the next few seasons will get called up and make an immediate impact for us. For myself I am entering my first year of regression, but I can re-distribute my TPE and am definitely excited to do so now that our team has a better understanding on what attributes are the best to focus on. The Edmonton  Blizzard will continue to be a dominant force to be reckon with in the SHL for many years to come. 

(217 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?
In my opinion there should NOT be SHL franchises in other continents outside of North America. Similar to the NHL, we should stick to having teams in NA. However we could have exhibition or have some teams go to Europe to play some regular season games over there only if the club wishes to. 

My biggest issue would be that the travel in the SHL can already be hard on a lot of teams and if you add in going to Europe that would increase the mileage that would wear on the players bodies. Also the fact they would be farther away from family and loved ones if all teams had to go to Europe to face off against European teams. 

(121 words)

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The SHL team that should've made the finals this season was the Edmonton  Blizzard because we tied with the Buffalo  Stampede for 80 points in the regular season. We brought in two offensive weapons in Theo Morgan and Bo Kane who each put up +65 points in the regular season. We also swept Texas in the first round of the playoffs and had a 3-2 series lead against the  Specters but we ultimately fell short in game 7. I know many people had a  Blizzard vs  Stampede finals as fans would've loved to see the teams who both won the President's trophy to battle to see who is truly the best team in the league.

(115 words)

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

A. The team that has the better defensive advantage would have to go with the New Orleans  Specters Many believe that Rex Kirby is one of the top defensemen this season as he produced 44 points in the regular season and has an impressive 12 points in 13 playoff games this season. In my opinion NOLA has better depth on their blue line compared to the  Stampede as they were able to halt the  Blizzard firepower and eliminate them in the western finals. 

(82 words)

B. Having a sample size of two games in the regular season is not enough to determine whether home ice advantage will play a part in this series. Both of these teams have gone through a lot since then and have adjusted their play style throughout these playoffs. Also in the playoffs there is more focus on match ups and line juggling so the lineups aren't necessarily the same as when these two teams faced off in the regular season. 

(79 words)

C. I do not believe that toughness will have an impact in this series because people do not fight during the playoffs (for the most part) and aggression from what I have seen only leads to more penalties. Bravery has been seen as an important attribute but with how skilled the Buffalo roster in offense and defense that could be the ultimate determinant factors for this match up. But that is why we decide the game on the ice, so we will see once this series is finished. 

(86 words)

E. The best animal name in this series for me would have to go to New Orleans  Specters "Rex Kirby" I grew up playing video games and Kirby was this cute pink squishy character and I thought he was very cute. I don't know exactly he is (according to google a pink alien) but he looks like something you just want to hug and squish its cheeks. That is why Rex Kirby is my favourite animal name in this series.

(79 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: Thanos

 [Image: Jammin.gif]
[Image: wiqZK8C.png]
[Image: zS2lCMp.png] [Image: ixmZA3M.png] [Image: pxjucze.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png]

Thank you @High Stick King @OrbitingDeath @Ragnar @Tesla @MattyIce for the player signatures! 
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 07:50 PM by Taxman100.)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

I think the expansion draft will play out with its usual ups and downs, lefts and rights, and the one-star potential player getting released to the draft because the team they came from didn't see their value in the current moment. Overall, while it's rare, the expansion draft isn't exactly too big. Just your game of 1-3 star players with the occasional 4 star. With the pool of players that are out, I personally see that there are a good amount of draftable guys that could possibly make noise in the new places but as per the expansion curse, obviously, it's gonna be a few years before the team can make a full playoff run and maybe get a shot at that title. But who knows with these things? Hell, for all that could be known, we could have a Vegas situation and one of the team will manage to make big money on the first go. But we'll just have to wait and see how that goes once the draft is over and the season begins.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
I think the Specters have the defensive leverage in this battle, they've been doing pretty well on the D side and I'd see to it that they would be able to hold the line in a tight game/series. Buffalo's D is good, but it has the chance of faltering when it comes down to the wire, because it's all about that clutch that matters.

c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness has any impact on this series?
Definitely, the game of hockey is played mentally, physically, and technically. Toughness plays a big part in taking risks and getting major wins. Without it, the aspect of making a comeback stops existing and all games become scripted by fate. So in this case, it would make a medium-sized impact in playoff affairs.

In the two regular-season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
Eh. Both yes and no. Yes because Home ice advantage can be a big thing that creates atmosphere and can cause a team to have a "Rally The Troops" moment in the final seconds. But also no because there could just be a situation where that moment doesn't really happen due to the defense on the other team smashing the offense's determination and ability.

There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
Kirby hands down. Kirby has done all sorts of shit, ranging from being able to crack popstar in half with one chop, take the abilities of anyone he swallows, and even killing fucking ancient gods. Can any of those other animals kill a Dark God? No. I rest my case.

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My season went pretty well this year. I had more of a varied season compared to last year. I definitely had more stats on both sides of the puck and was able to do more defensive things and stuff. I still have a few problems here and there like my amount of giveaways and those games where I came up empty with nothing to show for it. But for the most part, I've actually made good improvements towards my skills and have created a bit of a balance in my skills. So I'd totally say I've met one of my goal for this season. Hopefully, for the next season, I'll grow into a more violent and powerful player compared to this year, because my main objective is to become a defensively useful goon that can fight and pull his own weight. That's my main goal with myself and I plan on doing it with this final year.

5. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What are your predictions for the upcoming IIHF or WJC tournament? What team do you think will win/surprise people/be bad/etc.?

It's gonna be an interesting IIHF/WJC. With all the big guys and the high-level prospects coming into the mix, it's gonna be a big mashup of philosophies, strats, and player matchups that experiment on different grounds. I think that Latvia has a chance at making some sort of big-time seeing how they have a pretty solid defensemen staff. But we don't know how their offense game is, so that front will have to wait. Team USA looks interesting, kinda balanced in some aspects have a few big players, but I wouldn't say they'll make the big time. The other teams seem like they could bring something to the table, but we'll just have to wait and see what they deliver against each other. With things like these, you never know the outcome and what will happen. You can only wait and see how it all lays out. Thus, we come to a close.

16: Poopdick

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2020, 03:42 AM by Gwdjohnson.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Much like with last season, I can't say I am very pleased with how Gabe Johnson performed on the ice this season. In fact, I am way more upset with how he did in S55 than S54. In the inaugural FHM season, Johnson was 4th in voting for the Stevens trophy for best dman, but point production has been on a steady decline since. Johnson had a reduction of 3 points from S53 (47) to S54 (44), but this season I failed to even hit the 40 point mark, only managing 6 goals and 39 points. Part of this might have to do with me building Johnson into a more all-around reliable defenseman, meaning he is sacrificing point production for better defensive performance overall. Although my player has been doing worse the more TPE I add, I hope that more additions to offensive stats will help boost my production for next season, when I'm in the elite TPE bracket, and I can finally get that elusive Stevens nom. (168 words)

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

Despite being not one of the biggest stars on the Hamilton Steelhawks, center Skao Anazibf ( @nour ) has the biggest TikTok following of any SHL player. He just enjoys posting videos of himself doing dances to popular songs, much like your average popular user. His biggest hit was a video of him inventing a dance to use alongside a song by fellow SHLer Aumy Jr., called Your Shadow. Despite the success on this platform, Anazibf has reportedly been cited as being too active on the app, while slacking in the development of his SHL career. However, they can concede that his moves do be kinda fresh doe so the issue has not really been pushed further than a slight warning.

12. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
- Highlights of the S55 season (on or off the ice)
- S55 playoff round-up
- S55 Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup finals Breakdown
- S56 predictions

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

Link to Podcast (14 mins, done with @jeffie43 )

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

a. It has to be Buffalo. Darrow, Scoop and Selich are among the most elite dmen in the league, while for NOLA Kirkby has been their only real top quality presence at the back. Odelein and Claude are great too, but I also think Buffalo's depth of Wang, Owens and Vanderberg outmatches NOLA's depth of Serpe, Smyth and Johnson.
b. Possibly. Buffalo has been fantastic at home in these playoffs, while NOLA has dropped a few here and there at home though. So the home ice advantage might be more of an edge for Buffalo on the series if there really is one present. If NOLA can turn their home arena into a fortress, it would massively boost their chances.
c. I think the ratings will benefit Buffalo more in the series. Buffalo has an effective approach similar to one Hamilton runs, which is taking very few penalties while having players who are very good on the puck. This means they allow few shots and draw penalties while also pressuring opponents a lot on the 5 on 5 play. I think more aggression, bravery and fighting could hurt NOLA with how BUF plays.
d. It's obviously the otter. Well, I guess it depends on what kind because sea otters are apparently assholes, but knowing hotdog his player is definitely a river otter assuming he isn't a human, so yeah it's the otter. Otters are super cute and been a staple of the SHL ever since the cellyotter emote was founded, so although I'm a fan of some of the other animals listed, it's an easy choice for me.

16. Trivia submitted: Verification is Stampede

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]


16. Daddy

[Image: minadsslatt.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season for Axel Foley was, as the kids say, hella good. With an improved role on the team, he was able to score at a much higher pace, setting career highs in goals, assists, points, +/-, PPG/A, PPP, SOG (with a low SH% to boot), hits, and takeaways. The biggest surprise for me, in this whole list of points is that it came with just three more minutes of ice time per game, only one of those extra minutes being even strength compared to last year. This success isn't a product of playing up in the lineup, he's still behind Cuddles, Friedland, Bergstrom, and Van Djik in front of him which means he and Hutton weren't just gifted their extra ice time, they earned it by preforming well behind those aforementioned D to earn a spot. The biggest thing I can attribute this success to is Fuzz's and 7's prowess for testing with FHM, and their committment to making all individuals feel welcome on the team. That's a big reason why Hutton and Foley aren't going to be separated from each other, they want to play together, they were drafted together, and they want to win together. Carolina's management has accomodated that nicely when it would've been easy to elevate Hutton to the second pair with Friedland and have Foley play with PKR prior to acquiring Bergstrom at the daedline, but Carolina opted not to. They care for their players and it makes it easy to succeed there.

Next season I want to work on improving the physical aspects of the game. Agility, speed, stamina, Foley's speed is a concern and if he can improve those areas of a game he'll be a massive threat. That, along with some shooting accuracy would be a big help in both sides of the game for Foley.

300ish words

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?

My first thought on a team in Europe is... eh? Like, no reason to limit the SHL just to North America and from a sim perspective it won't really change anything, but in terms of realism playing in Europe with 16/17 teams in North America doesn't make sense to me. But again it also doesn't really impact anything other than people big on realism. On top of that it doesn't make sense to keep circling back on Portland rather than shifting to the metropolitan areas of the Eastern continents I honestly am unsure on if this is a bad idea or not. I think it only becomes an issue when teams in places like Alabama become a thing.

I wonder if it makes sense to turn the SMJHL into a "overseas" league. That would mean every team has to rebrand and relocate which isn't nice, but this could be an easier method of making every team on the same continent, and opens up places like Carolina and Vancouver to becoming SHL teams, but that's an idea that would require a lot of overhaul and a lot more active users to make it worth it.

200 words

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Edmonton Blizzard tied for the best team in the league this season. They added Theo Morgan and Bo Kane to compliment a strong core featuring Pepperoni, McIntyre, Finn-Rhys, etc. Really, it's surprising they didn't make the finals. They came into yesterday with a 3-2 lead over NOLA and ended up losing off of a breakaway with 3 minutes left which is tough to swallow. They have a strong, albeit top heavy, D-core, three amazing forward lines, and a solid starter in Emiko Spector. It's crazy to me this current core hasn't won more than they have, and that they don't even have a cup this decade of SHL play (S50 onwards). They have a great team and they deserve to be in the finals, in my esteemed opinion.

100 words

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

I'm honestly just going to tell you what I've done because I have a great TikTok presence and I feel Foley would do the same. First off, he gets the app ironically and posts him doing the same dance to a Dua Lipa song three times with different teammates as a joke. Then he creates some comedy videos, maybe one that has Careless Whisper in the background and a girl saying "That sex was bananas", and Foley says "I'll show you bananas" and he comes back wearing a gorilla onesie making gorilla noises and saying "me like banana". After that he just hops on the regular trends, like tossing a banana in there and catching it as the camera transitions to him in the onesie again, pretending to be Willy Wonka, you know, the whole nine yards. Also lip syncing Crazy Frog, Foley is an alt TikTok king.

150 words or something like that

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

If you're looking at a fundraiser to help Buffalo, it should be a fundraiser for them to get good sports teams that aren't just in the SHL, or funding to help move people out of Buffalo. For New Orleans, it's a bit more serious as they were in the path/are in hurricane alley. I don't know the complexities of if NOLA was hit or not, but in a genuine idea they could come together to help fundraise for people who have lost homes due to the recent tropical storms, and to help in the rebuilding process for those areas. Knowing the people in the organizitions it wouldn't surprise me if something along these lines was brought to life similarly to how BLM support was encouraged on site in SHL discussion tabs and related areas. But also, I don't think these teams would get along, since half of both teams are shit disturbers and the other half are just genuine fellas trying to make an SHL living.

173 words

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?


1 word

d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby
First off, Hippo's ain't cool. Otters, or at least sea otters, are rapists and mutilate baby seals trying to fuck them, and dig their teeth into female otters nostrils so they can't escape the bone zone. That just isn't a good start. Second, Kirby isn't an animal, he's just a maniac. He's not cool in the same vein of Jeffrey Dahmer not being cool--they're both hot but they also are serial killers. That leaves Sloth, Monkey, and Fox. I like Sloth's, they move kinda slow and they're in Zootopia, but also they got big nasty claws. Fox's are associated with furry shit, so sorry @"Fuzz" but I can't support that. That leaves monkey's, and I've seen a lot of baby monkeys on Tik Tok and they're like humans, but not? it's crazy how nature do that, and I really like monkeys. I own a gorilla onesie

two hunned word

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


12 from the big tasks, 1 TPE from 50 word task, and potentially 3 from Trivia should add up to the 16 available.

[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2020, 04:46 PM by takethehorizon.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

First season in the big leagues for young Cillian Kavanagh. Kavanagh had a total of 50GP and went 15-32-2 while posting 2 shutouts. It was a difficult season for SFP as we begin our rebuild after an interesting offseason. We can't be too upset with a save percentage of .901% based on that win record. I was disappointed in the GAA of 4.06 but that is to be expected after losing key pieces of our blue line at the beginning of the season. For next season and all seasons moving forward I do expect to post a higher save percentage as we continue to get better during the rebuild. I would also like to see a GAA of closer to 3.00 next season. Overall i'm satisfied with my play in a chaotic rookie season with SFP being under the microscope. In terms of what we plan to work on this offseason, Kavanagh looks to improve his blocker and glove attributes. Capping out both Kavanagh's reflexes & positioning stats in the rookie year was the plan coming into this season. Looking forward to a hell of a sophomore year in the crease for SFP. 
(193 words)

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Hamilton. Hamilton was my pick this year to make it to the finals and I was shocked when this simply didn't happen. I was also pleasantly surprised because I hate dynasties and would like to see other teams have a shot at the cup. With goaltending being their biggest issue, HAM looked great in the regular season with their studs putting up big points. Wilson and Clapper had monster seasons leading the team in points. They also have a fairly strong defense core. Looking at how the regular season played out now I'm less surprised they ended up where they did compared to MAN and BUF. Manhattan is 2nd on my list at most surprising but Buffalo proved to be the real deal this season. (125 words)

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

I can see hotdog's Eko Van Otter to have a pretty large following on TikTok. Van Otter has the whole Otter thing going for him which is one of the cuter animals out there in my opinion. An idea for Eko would be to team up with Sea World and film commercials benefiting both his career and helping to save otters all around the world. With TikTok focusing heavily on new trending dance moves, they might even be able to come up with an 'Otter dance'. Otters often lay on top of the water on their backs with their bellies up so we may have something to work with there. 
(111 words)

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

a. Buffalo's defense has a TPE total of 9,634. NOLA has a total of 8,944. I think it's clear here that Buffalo has the edge on defense with a TPE difference of 690. I would also factor the goalie rating in which NOLA has in Cain over Buffalo's Doyle. Doyle has proved to be strong throughout the year with a great blue line. It's going to be a great defensive series but i'm giving the edge to Buffalo. While Doyle may be much lower in TPE (676ish TPE difference between the two goaltenders) I am confident that with a strong defense, Doyle and Buffalo will be able to get the job done and win themselves a Four Star Cup. (119 words)

d. FuzzSHL's player Michael Fox is my favorite name of the series. Every time I see that player's name I immediately think of the actor Michael J. Fox and movies like the Back to the Future series, Teen Wolf and Stuart Little. I grew up loving all of these movies and still watch them to this day. Coolest name I have to give to Buffalo's Cassius Darrow. I don't know why but every time I see Darrow's name I think of wow, that's a bad ass name. Imagine having a friend named Cassius Darrow? Probably would be a stud with the ladies. Bonus name I'm throwing out there is Matt Kholin because every time I see Jesperi Kotkaniemi I always think his name is Kholin and I laugh to myself. (129 words)

e. Fox would be the coolest animal name in this series in my opinion. Foxes are fast, badass and are excellent hunters. Foxes are also similar to wolves (which are my favorite animal) in looks and characteristics which is why they get the nod for me. Monkey's would be my second choice because they are also a cool, intelligent creature. Sloth's are lazy and slow. Hippo's are fun animals to look at but won't win any awards for the most exciting. Otters are cute and may get the number one choice if you were asking my girlfriend. (96 words)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

Youth hockey in less privileged areas. The sport of hockey is obviously growing more and more in the United States becoming more and more popular. I'm sure we are all aware however that hockey is more of an expensive sport. Between finding ice time at a local rink, finding a local rink, buying the gear, etc. Hockey is not a sport where you can simply find a piece of grass or an open field and invite friends to start playing. To access ice time you'll more than likely have to pay. Generating money in the inner cities of New Orleans and Buffalo would be able to make the sport of hockey more available to those who would otherwise not be able to afford to play. This can be done in terms of raising money for more rinks throughout the city, buying gear for potential young players looking to get involved and overall generating interest for more leagues growing the sport further. (161 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Total: 16 TPE. 

 [Image: takethehorizon.gif]
[Image: IdMkYiH.png]

[Image: NIYtQkE.png] [Image: NjFSX1z.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

All in all this season was pretty much like last season for my player. While I had more TPE and was supposed to be 'better', the overall stats were slightly worse (slightly worse SV%, GAA and only 2 shutouts instead of 4), but I guess that has more to do with the team than with my player. We're still a bad team compared to everyone else, especially in our division, so there wasn't much we could really do. I can't really do much to make my player better anymore. Next season will be the last before regression starts, so technically I'll still add some more TPE, but everything else really depends on the team. As a goalie you can't make much of a difference. What I'll try to do better? Not focus so much on my own player or the outcome of games, but be a good captain and encourage the team. Better times will come for us. (158 words)

+3 TPE

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America -
become a reality in the SHL?

I'd definitely like to see teams in Europe and I know I'm not the only one. Whether that would still be the same league - no idea. We shouldn't talk about what's realistic here or what isn't. We have SMJHL teams in Alaska and in Newfoundland, so that's already quite a travel distance, but this is a sim league, nobody cares whether anything is realistic. If we added teams in Europe (or any other continent) it could be its own division or conference, it shouldn't just be one or two teams. Or we move all the junior teams there. If we do this it needs to be a group of teams that have something in common. You could definitely do a lot with it and given that we have quite a few users from Europe, I don't think everything needs to be in North America. (144 words)

+2 TPE

4. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I didn't follow the SMJHL that closely this season, so I'll stick to SHL teams here. You could argue that the entire Great Lakes division (minus Toronto of course) should've or could've made the finals. Likely Manhattan too, but they played in a much weaker division in comparison and it was easier for them to beat their divisional opponents. If I just had to pick one team from the East I would say Hamilton. From the West I thought Edmonton should've had the chance to make the finals, but it was relatively close between them and NOLA. Why? No particular reason, just looking at their regular season numbers. (108 words)

+2 TPE

8. Graphic, 3 TPE. Think you can do better? Design a new logo for the Buffalo Stampede or the New Orleans Specters or either of the teams in the SMJHL finals.
A new, not-so-serious Buffalo logo.

[Image: Buffalo-Logo.png]

+3 TPE

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
I don't think it's that easy to determine. They're both very balanced. While Buffalo clearly has the best top pairing, NOLA seems very balanced even though their top players don't have as much TPE. You would have to add in the offense or the overall strength of the team to really compare them. I still think Buffalo is the better team though with four players over 2000 TPE. (68 words)
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
This has to be Poopity Scoop. One of the coolest names in the league, especially if you say it out loud. I have no idea why I like it, but I like weird sounding names (you can even turn it around into Scoopity Poop) and most of the others aren't that great in comparison. Overall a very easy choice. (59 words)
e. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
Otter of course. None of the other options are as cute. You could argue that the fox mentioned here might come close to a fire fox (aka red panda, my favorite animal), but if we're just talking about a regular fox, I still prefer the otter. Also the person behind the name, but that wasn't part of the question. (59 words)

+3 TPE

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: coffee

+3 TPE

Total: +16 TPE

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2020, 04:18 PM by esilverm.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

In terms of playing, Nicolaj did that. He was on the ice for a portion of each game and participated to a reasonable extent. In terms of he performance, he did. He did get 10 less points than he did in S53. This could be attributed to the fact that he is a player and things happen. As well as being a third liner. This is a neutral feeling. He is doing ok. Showing up to games and such. Not much more than that. He is a player and he does his job when he is told to by the coach. That way he knows he will get paid properly and do well on the ice. His teammates feel the same as well. They are also players after all. They do the same things that this player does but in a much more efficient fashion. They make this player feel disappointed in his performance. This is so sad.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

I am very excited for the expansion draft. It means we get rid of the shitty people from our locker room by making them feel marginalized and on the block. That is how the world works. It gives these princesses a taste of the real world and lets them realize that they won't be given everything on a silver platter. Haha yeah keith, nobody cares that you suck they just want you gone on the expansion team so you can over perform and make it to the finals like the specters. This happens every time. To be quite honest I belonged on that block. I dont know why the team made the decision to keep me. Stupid decision in my opinion. Im not very good. I underperform and i'm pretty sure the fans hate me. "Fans hate him. Find out this one way that this player manages to get traded after the expansion draft after not being placed on the exposed players list.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity to benefit both cities. What noble cause will the teams decide to benefit? What sort of fundraiser will the teams hold together? How will the two teams mesh before the finals start?

To be quite honest I think that the buffalo stampede would support #LeeOut. This is a very important charity which both gives underpriviledged kids a place to feel welcome and play hockey, it also forcibly removes wannabefinn from his position as gm. I think this is a very good cause and to see the team support it just gives me so much hope for humanity. The children genuinely deserve this kind of existence without wbf as the buffalo gm. This is a very powerful message. As for the specters I believe they would support the coalition for cringe goalies.This group supports children who want to be goalies but have watched Aleister Cain play for the Specters, so they are discouraged. The group revives the hockey will in them and they finally realize that they made a mistake by supporting Cain and watch an actually decent goalie (any other one). This is also a very powerful message. These teams have strong ethical and ground morals. This is very good for our future.

6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

Ambacas Cuddles would be a tiktok sensation,. He is hip with the kids and they look up to him. At a short 4'2" I believe that gorls would mistake him for a fellow teenager and duet his tiktoks. This would be very good for the game. Ambacas then would likely descend into the femboy hooters side of tiktok and spread awareness of femboys and their power in society. This is very good content for the tiktok algorithm. It prefers people who are woke and spread awareness of things. I dont use tiktok btw (I actually do). A runner up for my nomination would be Michael Izzy due to his innate sense of humor.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. What is your favorite name from a player appearing in this series? Why do you like that player's name?
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.

b. No, hockey is stupid anything can happen. For all we know, Edmonton can still win. This could be very big if true, however the statistical likeliness is very low so I think it is out of the picture yet nonzero. But nonzero means that there is still a sliver of possibility that it could happen.


16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification word: bananas

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

[Image: esilverm.gif]
Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2020, 06:01 PM by roastpuff.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Magnus did better than I expected, given the opportunities that he had. He managed to have the rookie defenceman scoring lead, and was just a few points shy of being the rookie points scoring leader overall, which is great! Having the best plus-minus in the group of rookies was also great, even though it is not a stat that many value very much. Considering I was expecting much less to start the season given my poor last season in the Junior league, this is a nice change of pace. What remains to be seen is if I can pull it off again in the next season and continue improving. I think having had the defensive partners that I did during the season, most of which were higher TPE, did help Magnus out as he could get bailed out of sticky situations by the more talented/experienced players. Next season, the goal is to hit 25 points again and this time to reduce the giveaway to takeaway ratio to something near even, or even to a positive number!


2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
This offseason will be extra exciting, as it features the rare expansion draft! Write about how you think the expansion draft will play out, either for one or both of the expansion teams or from an SHL team's perspective.

I think that either team will have to pick a focus in order to guide their draft, and that it will need to be done on the fly. Both teams will not be able to make enough significant picks to compete immediately given the paucity of talent on offer within the lists of exposed players (which Head Office should have made 6-4-1 instead of 7-4-1 the way that they did, in my opinion), but there is enough talent for one team to make it into the playoffs as a bubble team. The other team should look to draft future talent and maybe even trade away some draft capital for prospects so that they can aim at a window 4-5 seasons into the future. Not all the players exposed are even going to be willing to sign with the expansion teams, so this expansion process is a little lackluster in my opinion. Buffalo and New Orleans, two superteams that should have lost more players, aren’t even going to be that diminished come the new season, so the rest of the teams in the league might find it a little bit harder to compete in the near future seasons.


3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It's too late for this go-around of expansion, so hypothetically - should there be SHL franchises in other continents? I saw some interesting European proposals in the PT. Should these - or proposals for any other continent that's not North America - become a reality in the SHL?
It might be really interesting, given that we are not constrained by time zones and actual travel compared to a real NHL or AHL team, and it might draw interest from non-American SHL players and forum members who would love to represent their countries’ or cities’ teams in a more international setting. I remember hearing about trying to do a SHL European league or something similar, but that is different than what I am envisioning, which is actual SHL teams based in Europe (as that is where most of the non-North American members seem to be). This is shades of the KHL Kunlun Red Stars I guess, a nominally Chinese team that plays mostly in Western Russia against the other KHL teams.


6. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) The world's hottest app is TikTok - which SHL or SMJHL player would have the biggest following on TikTok? What do they post there?

If we’re talking TikTok, it’s going to be the craziest personalities in the SHL that would have the biggest following. I think Fitted and the Tampa Bay crew would have the wildest, craziest, most followed TikTok accounts in the SHL, with videos (snaps? Tiks? I don’t know what they’re called) of them doing crazy things involving activities that may or may not be legal, and using substances which may or may not be legal. The SHL would have a field day trying to contain the virality of these posts in its quest to present a family-friendly, sober corporate appearance, and the rest of the world would lap up the videos of these crazy hockey players doing crazy things.


13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Both of these teams have stacked defenses - which team do you think has the defensive advantage in this series?
b. In the two regular season matchups, each team won once at home. Do you expect the results to reflect a home ice advantage in this series?
c. Based on FHM player ratings, New Orleans has higher average ratings in bravery, aggression, and fighting? Will that toughness have any impact on this series?
d. There are several animal names in this series - which of these animals is the coolest? sloth, hippo, otter, monkey, fox, kirby.
a. Buffalo has the more stacked defense, I feel, rather than New Orleans. They have a higher TPE on average than the Specters’ defensemen, and also produced more during the season. This has shown in Doyle facing less shots than Cain throughout the season, and correspondingly giving up less goals against other opponents.
b.These two teams are so good, I don’t think home ice vs away ice advantage will really make a difference. Line matching/last change might give the teams a small edge, but the era of the superteams are here, and there’s only so much advantage to be gained out of the different mismatches.
c.Considering that all goon/agitator lineups were banned, I expect the “nasty” edge that some of the New Orleans players might display to be somewhat dulled. This is a hockey sim, after all, not real life, so intimidating players can only do so much to affect the electrons in the sim program. Therefore any impact will be minimal.
d. Otters are the coolest animals. They're clever, sneaky, cute, cuddly, and yet also terrifying when provoked. Also, have you seen an otter crack open shellfish like a mussel or oyster? They are so determined and also very inventive in how they open these tasty treats. Plus they hold hands while they sleep, how can you say no to that?


16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



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